^tl '.5% â- *-T' sr^TT?" r OR iONER Stock i just 'elebrated TE •m Ceylon. i^Strongei is Teal s. per pounj S) ExPRESg |()FFJj pr STOEE, rf. ?e /o C/^fl^//(?/ lereby given that Ernest St e town of Jifsrkdale, County of Ontario, hardware merchant, le au assignment to me of his e 3r the benefit of his creditore. s having claims against him j nd i n their claims to me, dnlypn ly statute, on or before the 19' ext, afterwhichday tfaeandei to distribute the assets of tbej he parties entitled thereto, ha^ o the claims of which notiM i "en, and will not be liable to i sons of whose claims I shall I d notice. JOHN DONALDSON, Assignee, Donaldson, Milne, Bellsmitb,! SO Front ske Qto, August 23rd, 1888. LBSMB L'iSll. Permanent positions I th SAZJUtT AVB Zn determined man oansncoaw' advantages to b*8i'i'**'Vj i3 udins many fast-selling speeUJ^ I onne. (Name this J IBOWN BB0THEB8, OMB Booaumi' DEATHS n Artemflsia on the *Wi^ w i. dauifhter of Wm. 22 years. onthljr Fain. The second ThnndaT »» Bsday before onuJgenlte. Monday before OwBgi**' j iturday before Ownt"*** rdTne«Uiy in •""***• I Monday beftwe Darh"" eâ€" SatmdaybetowCk*** )nday below J^*** Dday belo«erwl««"' PHIC NEWS MOTESi Off 28.â€" •rh«***'J.i children J****? i well, two boj;^ e woin*o h«* jy ireei *15i?* ^/f:t.l KOICB. .,;, !)uilJ a mansion |;*"",Li-ii it throughout; ' ' n build R palace, "vltv walls ".nd stout; '•'•^.â- iulii-.ild a temple, i'^\-- !i i\\i\ spacious dome; '•â- ,"'« n in the world can build =^^;rec.U thine called Home. faculty Of ;;:;^5Hr and wide ';, a cor-or jialace hiiif-'else beside. â- *,",i^l^iHrs'^5ons and husbands, tired, •v'iiiit-' rootstups come, ' ",in-^t. where 1( h-j'^rfwt kiuf^dom-Home, where love abounds, Qâ€" Christian Intelligencer. Editor Standard Deab Sib, â€" Please permit me space iu your paper to say tiiat Mr. Pickell's remarks regarding me as to what be 8aB I told "a reliable mau" are false. J. I. GsAatM. MarweU to the Front. Glenelg' Conaeil. The Glenelg Conncif met on Augtiat 20th. Members all present the Reeve in the chair. Minates of labt meetiun read and oonfirmed- Commnnications were readâ€" From C. W. Rutledge printing account trom Donald r'-IlIlTK WITH MONTHLY CATTLE â- â- ' SELIINO HAIKS 4TI0N- OF A FARMEBs' AND PEOPLE'S i McDoogald, account for repair of a bridRe j^^^ ^^^ Q^^^^ ^j Artemesia re ob.^traction j at townline, near Priceville from the Reeve, -nirliiJict' with a requisition to Mr. A. report of committee re deviation at lot 101, .^ of -Siayrer. organizer of Institutes con. .S, ^\ T. R.; from the Reeve and Clerk, farmers' Councils and Monthly Selling j a report with agreement re financial matters^ a piii'Iis meeting was held here on j Glenelg and Markdale from Wm. Walker, a .. ,ijr, A;iq. 11th, when a Farmers' and j claim for refund of pui chase money on parts ,le~ Institute fo' the village of Maxwell I of lots 83 and 84, con. 8, W. T. R., being rL^cent country was successfully organ- j lands belonging to the Crown Mr. A.. T- |^l^rlltlle following officers, viz.â€" Thos. j Bigger addressed the council on behalf of liBCT, Presiient W Sproule and J Gamey, IsPnsidents; Dr. Scott, Secretary; W, Tieasuver R. Coutts, Captain H- Lv, Licuttnant. A Finance Committee of Lfnu Executive Committee of twelye, and ItmAuiJitors wfre also elected. The meetinK was well attended and a deep |,;jrest w;is manifested by farmers and ,ygnj :ii (liseussing the necessity of estab- lulling public grain-weighing markets, the W.J.MeFARUIID'S FALL IMPORTATIONS â€" FBOMâ€" EUROPE Arriving Weekly. â- â- ♦ Glenelg Agricultural Scciety from Mr. F. Sarjeant, a claim for damages sustained at Allan's sink hole. McMillanâ€" Sullivanâ€" That the report of committee re road deviation on lot 101, con. 3, S. W. T. « S. R., be adopted and engross- ed on the minutes. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Williamsâ€" That the Reevft be iustructed to confer with the township of Holland relative to the erection of a hand .â- â- nnatiou of monthly selling fairs and other i rail on the bridge across Allan's sink hole, jstteis which would benefit agriculturists I au"!. if satisfactory arrangements can be com- Bii citizens generally. 1 pleted, that he be authorized to proceed with AmoiiK other business transacted, the fol- tbe work.â€" Carried. ,ins resolutions were adopted, viz :- I Boyce-WiUiams-That the repoit of ad. ' That monthly pubUc fairs shall be held in J""*^*? committee, relative to the financial affairs of this township and the village of Best value ever shown in Markdale. McFARLAND'S: ',e Tillage of Maxwell under the au.spices of said Farmers' and People's Institute and that ilie first of said fans will be held on Friday, Oct. 5th, and continue monthly thereafter on I tjje Friilay before Markdale fair for the sale, I purchas-c or exchange of horses, cattle and other live stock, dairy and other agricultural I products. This Institute respectfully recom- mendB farmers and citizens generally to I assist with the fair and to co operate in pe- litioning the Township and County Council and Governments as follows I PETITIONâ€" FOB PRESENTATION. To THE Honorable the Dominion House of Commons, Ottawa. The ijotition of the undersigned humbly bewetb That petitions of Alex. Cnrrie, J. P. and other sgiiculturists, and of Jno. McColinan, master iranger, and others of Nottawasaga, and of vari- oasother municipalities of the Province of On- tario, weve presented by Hon. Sir Eichard J. CartCTiglit, to the House of Commons, and a bill ivas introducf d by the Hon. Mr. Costigan, as to â- Weighiny in Elevators of the Dominion." Whereas, petitioners pray, said Honorable House of Commons, to make more effective pro- visions so as to carry out a uniform method of public weighing markets, by public scales, and licensed weighers at said elevators and, also, as tar as practicable to influence the respective Provincial Governments of Ontario and other Provinces, with all Municipal Councils and Boards of Trade to co-operate in instituting said public weighing for all grain-buying stations, market places and elevators as directly in the general interest of the farmers, and people, of whom many persons know how to successfully establish same, to greatly benefit agriculturists and the people of villages, towns, townships and cities. "That every weigher so licensed shall forthwith take and subscribe before a justice of the peace nn oath of office in the form or to the effect following " "I, A. B., do-Bolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully, truly and impartially, to the beet of my skill and ability, execute and perform the duties of weigher so help me God." That said public scales and weighers along with public erections, at economical costs, for market accommodation, are specially to make public-like competition, with cash payments be- tween farmers and pnrehasers of general pro- duce at all market places. As, also, to promote csttle, horse and sheep selling fairs, with other agrienltnral prodnctions and reqnirements, in- cluding the organizing of creameries, cheese factories or other indnstries throngh farmers and people's institntes or other inatitations. That your Honorable Honae of Commons may also recommend or institate another uniform method of selling and pnrehaaiiig grain, with MTtin other produce and natural produots of onr fertile conntry by the eental system of 100 ponnds. That such, if established, eoTipIed with foreeald public weighing markets, to properly develope poblle competition, must prove a public benefit to the farmers and the people of Canada, the 7nited States, Great Britain. Ireland and other eoTintries, whether with or without the adoption of Commercial Union or XTnreatrieted Trade, as tbai would resnit a large saving In scales, money, ^e and labor from a fair use of pnbUe scales to 'annets and general pnrehasiog eonsnmerm. All of which is tespeettnlly «iibmitted and petitioned f«r. (Signed) John Doner, A g ile riku l si Rnimiaato Viown- â- hip, and a ratepayer in Btayner. HaOMo* Baehern, ratapnyar In HoMa^ Btayaer. Mtmnlkir Caapbdt; Campben: Aadnw lfoB«tti: mtok UmSb C. J. BeUwood. Mastar ^nagar; D. Km- Md7: A. XdFlMnoo: XBlatr; Soknoa WUnv: ABaa HeiynMld. uid o41»r AffW mtailsts at HoMawasisti AdmCtaaMir tt, ^.p.; J. w. Armsta^ HVflltaai MoBsttc B. Stmia: W. B. JtmAtk} It-WaMoat â- . KUaek, aadottMno* â- on: X.O.OivaMa; J,C. '"'"" " Tliiniai, 7.B,Mq«»' 0.», «iHk;X bWMT. «# â- iii nyni i MMiPmfj^ Hit '" ;i '»j»^ n Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres 80 cents. 80 cents. 80 cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 60 cents. 60 cents. 75 cents. McFARLAND'S Markdale, be adopted, and that the agree ment be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and have the seal of the corporation attached thereto. â€" Carried McMillan â€" Boyee â€" That the Clerk instruct the County Treasurer to tranpfer all the lands of the township ul Glenelg, now incorporated into the village of Markdale, from the books of the said township and place the same on the book for the village of Markdale, inolud- ing ail taxes charged on the said books against such lands, amonnting to the sum of $53.87, and credit all arrears collected or to be collected from said lands to the said vil- lage of Markdale, pursuant to the agreement with the council of that municipality. â€" Carried. XVillipmsâ€" Boyce â€" That the sum of $10 be granted to Glenelg Agricoltnral Society pio- vidiug the village of Markdale frrant an equi- valent. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Sullivanâ€" That $7 be granted for orosswaying towalino Glenelg and Egre- mont, opposite lot 23, providing Egremont grant an equivalent. â€" Carried, By-laws 2B1 and 262, levying rates and ap. pointing collectors, were passed and ordered to be engrossed on the by-law book. McMillan â€" Boyceâ€" That the clerk be in- structed to procure 200 forms for Treasurer's quarterly statements. â€" Carried. Williamsâ€" McMillan â€" That Mrs. Eliza McComb be exempted from performing statute labor for the current year. â€" Carried. McMillan â€" Sullivanâ€" That the oommnni- cation from the clerk of Artemesia relative to removal of obstruction at river on townUne G. and A. be laid over for further informa- tion. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Sullivanâ€" That Peter Neil be paid $11 for repairing bridge on aideroad, at lot 10, con. 1, N. D. B.â€" Carried. Williamsâ€" hoyceâ€" That the som of $112.28 be refunded to Wm. Walker, being the am't of his claim for the purchase of lots 83 and 81, con. 3, 8. W. T. 8. B., which were told in error for arrears of taxes, bat whioh are the property of the Ontario Ooremment, and conseqaently beyond the eontrol of thia munioipaji^. â€" Carried. Williams â€" Boyce â€" That the sum of $5 be paid to Samuel Whitmore for graTel fw Lambton street. â€" Carried. MeMillanâ€" Sullivan â€" That Donald Me- Dongald be paid |5 for repairing bridge on aietoad 60. 8. D. B.â€" Carried. HeMiUm â€" Boyce â€" That efaeqaes he issued OB the TreMorer for the foUoving an^onnta, â-¼is. :â€" Wm. Kenny, for repairing bridge aft Glenroading, $15 Neil MoT*«hlan. for bnild- ing bridge on aideroad SO, con. S, N. D. B., $139,60; A. McMillan, for removing jam from SaogMD on lot 41, con. S, N. D. B., $80.-^Mcried. gnUrrsBâ€" WriUiamtâ€" Tbsk ebeqae isaos is bmf of C. W. Bofledgefor $S9J6 for lunaft- lag and advertisiiig.â€" -juried. 8alliva»â€" MoMittMiâ€" Thaft dMqsM ino* •â- foUowB, ^M. ^^Tllo•. Sollivaa, letting and impm/dag, S itv, 14.; J. A. MeMiOu. left, ting and in^aetiag, Sdaja,|6; Shapbaid Bojaa. auwmittM wqrfc^l day. M Oniitia WniiMM,«Mudttaa work. 1 day. ft; i. 8. «ack.4ai9a,tS; CStaarlaa Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, $1.25. $1.25. $1.25. $2.00. $2.00. :: $2.00. V $215. $2.75. :â- $3.00. $8.25 up. McFARLAND'S Dress Goods 15 oefits. Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 22^ cents. Drdss Goods 22^ cents. ' Dress Goods all prices. McFAKLAND'S Meltons 11 cents. Meltons 11 cents. Meltons 11 cents. McFABLAND'S Meltons 12|^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. McFARLAND'S Flannels 20 cents. Flauuels 20 cents. Flannels 20 cents. McFABLAND'S Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. McFABLAND'S Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 cents. McFABLAND'S Shirtings 16 cents. Shirtings 12^ cents. Shirtings 17 cents. McFABLAND'S FaU Prints. Fall Prints. V Fall Prints. McFABLAND'S Mantlings. Mantlings. Mantlings. McFABLAND'S Black Grey Brown Blue Soarkt Whits OtttMk Y«ms. Tarns. Yams. Yarns. Yams. Yuns. Yarns. McFABLAND'S PiUow Cotton. WUtsOottott. dnf CottoB. .fm^ .«' MarkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Bash, Door and Plain P tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everyth' bemg new, I am now prepared to torn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Honldings, Hollow Battons, FRMES, UTH, FEME PICKETS. c.. And everythmg needed in the bnilding trade, in a manner second to none Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m eyery dopirta go would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINELUMBERDressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done, Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 808 THOei. IVIcIVEA.. W: H]. i 3 A Large Allraclive M â- -"â- I Uj-mle Sljlisli ail FasUk Cktliiiii to hand, which -we purpose selling FOR OASHi prices which will astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargains. |[]QD[]aC]!]DE]»DDC][a[3I!:QuOaDD[DC€QQGa kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB^ KAY so well and favorably known. Call ea?;ly and secure bargains. WM. BROWN. -^) ;^ HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHQTOGAPHER$ Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a speciAlity. Also pietujce franvQg done with neatness and dispatch. Then come awa„ botii old «nd yonng,, And dinna lose nae time In getting pictures for your friends,, For Hamilton takes them fine. r' ITJiff â- ; I ' A Positive Cure. A Paifilees Cure. ./â- ; r *â- =â- â- i 1VboaMfenkmdnniftamtlM«aaeisofsbMM«in •BdtaVo.SafaaMal .•wsaala vHU iBMykla. niao to aoolatf mat «f aaalHina^ tmUamm l â- o^yaatten.. McFABLAHP'a WIMolNiillii, ii^i.^",;^' ;--j;/C-:»'i;;-?.'«-i^c J*-' 'â- 'â- - 5-»^r'?T^i-'*-' .â- :'^.7 h ^e -r« an ..i-^ii^a^ja-.j ;.-J.J it7tir ^i^tL-\ ^.-txtisc ta la -.-;; frU.'W-i J^j't-V %.;v:;; 1 ;^i.- V- •M." r-iS^ m::^.