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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Aug 1888, p. 4

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 i^mm^!^^.^-^. j^V-;tf-; --. 'r-'C^*, *v* m ^iti. y im "M ?T5!a5 O. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, AUG. 80, 1888 NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"Hon. J. H. D. Thompson, Minister of Jostioe, has been made a £. C. M. G. â€" ^Mr. Waldie, Liberal, was elected in Halton last week by a majority of 27. â€" The G. P. B. bridge across the i6redit, near Meadowyale, collapsed on 'Saturday under a freight tram, bat iortnnately no lives were lost. â€" A North Dakota grain dealer says that thoosands of acres of wheat have been left ancat on account of damage done by frost. â€" A freight train on the Manitoba road 'ran into a herd of cattle near Fort Buford, injuring five trainmen and killing a hundred cattle. â€" The Manitoba Government expect â- a majority of 30 in the Legislature in support of the contract with the North- em Pacific. The Legislature meets this week. â€" Mr. James, gram inspector for the state ef Minnesota, and Mr. Shelly inspector at Duluth, report that the greater part of the Minnesota and Dakota wheat crop has been injured by the frost. â€" Mr. E. S. Oox, the broker and bucketshop man, who fled from con- sequences of the Central Bank wreck, committed two very serious blunders. One was having anything to do with bucket shop thieving and bank wreck* -ing the other was patronizing Sun- day excursions. The first error caused him to run away from Toronto. The second caused bis arrest at Niagara, and his return to Toronto this week. Perhaps he may now make restitution, or tell where the money went. â€" Pamell's great libel suit agamst the "London Times" is at present the great subject of interest, not merely to people in Britain, but to the whole civilized world. After Parnell had de- clared that he would not prosecute, his suit is entered, and entered not in the English courts but in the Scotch. The Commission of enquiry will sit all the same, and it is said that Parnell will refuse to appear before it as a witness on the plea that his testimony might aflfect his suit unfavorably. The whole thing is very comlpioated and uncertain. This, however, is certain that if the 'Times' makes good its case Parnell will be entirely dis- credited, and may go out of public life, when ever he likes. If on tiie other band it fails, Parnell will be stronger than ever and a change of ministry ' will be within a measnrable distance. In the meantime it is evident that the white heat at which politics have been for some timepast, as Britain has fair- ly welded into one solid and campaot body, the Conservatives and Liberal Unionists on the otbor side, and the Gladstoniani and PameUites on the other. There are no longer tour par- ties bat two and as aaoh will go to the polls at the next election, onlees, to be sore, tba Tories ahoold in the mean- time offer PameU better terms when the likelihoods woold all be that they woold lie Moepted and Qladstooe be UA onitui the eold, as he baa been be- fore, by the T«7 saiiie.^|Mrt7. StuMdardCorretpondenee. We fear we owe an apology, Mr. Editor, for allowmg so much time to elapse since our last letter, bnt owing to scarcity of time and plenty of work during harvest we have been a Uttle backward. However we will toy to make up for lost time. Miss Queenie Hall is spending her vacation here. Miss Hattie Cole is visiting her numerans friends around here. Miss Kennedy, of the Sauble. is visiting Mrs. Delaney. Mr. Thos. Moor has returned from his vacation and has again resumed his duties as professor of "Webster's Academy." The storm of a week ago did con- siderable damage around here. Many fields of grain are completely threshed out by the hail-stones wbioh were very large and left a mark every time they struck. The lall of rain was tremendous, ditches beiug cut in some fields to tne depth of five feet and up- wards. Editor Standard Sib, â€" Mr. Wright would like to make "bort work of this Derby ccntroversy indeed by getting it fixed bis own way. He is actually offering to pay money if I will let him have two men and me one. Although I mentioned expenses, the principal object was to have it decided here where a disinterested third man could be got whose character is well known. I fancied Mr. W, intended a one-sided game, now he blabs it right out himself. I not only accepted Mr. Wade's decision last spring but it was me proposed that special prize would be left for him to decide that was a matter of counting crosses, and thwe are very few here who would like to undertake it this is simply a matter of comparing certificates with entries in S.B's.and any sane man who can read is just as competent as Mr. Wade, and Mr. W. is one of the last men who should have aoy say in this affair he would be act- ing as judge of his own work. Mr. W. pots a very simple question to me when he says where is the change and why The answer is above. Oive me a harder one next time, Mr. Wright. When he pretends to quote what! said in a former letter he is getting down on the same level with his B. M. I said the S. B's published by Mr. Wade were the highest authority. I will venture to say hat if I was to give the same challenge to Mr. H. King or Mr. Wmw Bhepheid- son in reference to their horses. Dandy Boy or Gkdloway Laird, and propose the same way of deciding it they would plank down their certificates at once and say biing on your books right here where our horses are owned is where we want to prove them I dare not do it, they would have my money before I knew where I was. Or why don't they take me up on Just in Time, I leave the offer open to both Mr. W. and his B. M., because they don't deny that one is as much interested in their horee as the other. Come now, Mr. W.. if there is any man about you I will give you a chance, I will not ask you to run the risk of loosing your »60, yon Jift that and put it safe in your pocket, pas in your certificates at once bring Mr. Bennie to Markdale (there is only one vol. of Scotch and one of Canadian needed), Mr. B, has both and I am sure he will not think it any trouble to bring them with him let them choose a third if requir- ed, prove your horse a properly registered USTEN TO US A MOMENT, Time is precious Life is short And short is our story It is also interesting Do yon "want to be be- nefited Of conrse yon answer .--'•-•yes Then if yonr ^wrants Are in the grocery line BUY YOUR TEA, '" SUGAR, COFFEE, COCOA, MUSTABD, GINGER, PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, ALLSMCE, NUTMEG, SODA, CR. TARTAR. STARCH, CORN STARCH, EEC, ETC., ETC. AT THE â€" â€" • ';â- , Clydesdale and I will give you that 9100 that Mr. Toung holds of mine. It is both soward- ly and selfish for yon to want to choose third man. Ton say you haya set year lunae be- fore the public a8.a moperly tegisterea horw. Tea, Garfield was so tin before the public. I say you Derby is not a properly registered Clydesdale hwse prove tids a alandooas statement if yon can. Do not get in a splatt- er about giving my pro of, yon know that pari of the conditions on which this money was deposited was that these men paUah their reasona for their daoisian and if we iUl to agree on how it ihall be deoided there will be time enongh for ma to giv« mjr ntool. Ton need not be afraid of Mr. Gnhaia, be ia no partiaolar friend of mine, bat I respeet falm aa an aprifi^t maa who will aol â- werre one-tenUi of aa ineb from iriwt lu thinka right for either yea or ae and he waa rabonmended to me by one ef yon emt eaatouers who uxpiuaesd himaalf aomeiriial to tbif eOaet. Ifm will need to tend yon B hmas aif notbeeiligMetoffniaiirinaeertein S. B and Tii^ U net be «v iMtt ol hie bnedli«. Mr. Wm. Gteenat Mrofeibyinoa lf«« 1^MBleIeteitiiel, Pickling Spices, Pickling Spices, Tobaccos^ Tobaccos, Tobaccos STOPAGAIP^! TAKE AHOTHEH MIHUTE. It will do you good, Supposing it does shorten your life. You will make it up by using, A box or two of Stephens Liver Pillts Stephen's Sarsaparila, Stephen's Nasal Cream, â- teplMB'a Teffetafele Woraa Vowder. Stephen*H Congh King, •ad mae MepkeK'a Mixed Blsd Seed Stephen's Insect Powder, Stephen's Condia«n P«wders« â- tephaa'a aoM klU ny Vapev. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Staple 4 Fancy Cooda With theseune b]?eath t€ikethisin And digest it Ik will sffrae with yoa DisPEvsmr DONKDAYAIIO NICHT GABBFUIiliT, AOOXTBATBliT. SAXISVACTOBXIiT â- â- â€¢â- "7 â- - • â-  MAlTLSY's DRUG STOR FOE SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY New and Complete Stock just] received. Afso a Stock of the Celebrated STRONACH TEaI Imported direct from Ceylon. The Purest ^1^ JQhest^Stronge^ "â- B:;;"V' AND ;.'-â- â-  Best Black Teal on earth, 50 and 60 cts. per pomil G. N. W. I HieMPH} S yici^ |xPBB^ ()i MANLET'S DKUG STOEB, Wolland Oonnoll. Council met on the 14th, for the transao- tion of basmeas. Beeve in the chair. Mem- bers all present. Minnies of former meeting read and ap- proved. Shnteâ€" Howeyâ€" That the bill from Jas. Dndgeon be not entertained as it rests entire* ly with the eommissioneri WiUiscroftâ€"Oalbraithâ€" That bill of Geo. Blyth, for printing be paid. â€" Carried, Howey â€" Shnte â€" ^Tbat we giant the sum of Thirteen dollars to aid the Holland Agrioultoral Sooiety. â€" Carried. Shnteâ€" Howey â€" That the petition of Wm. Mclnly and 48 others be entertained and that this ooonoil take the proper coarse have the r**y*r *^i" petition carried ont. â€" Carried. Williscroftâ€" Howeyâ€" That Mr. Qalbraith and the Deputy Beeve be appointed as a sjieoial committee for proposed deviatimi on No. fi side road between roncessions 1 %\ that this committee be empowered to negoti- ate with the interested parties also that this committee ezereise its discretion in bar. iuK the deviation looated aidproper7 snrvej- ed. The committee to rqtoit progie ei at next meetiuK of this cooaoiLâ€" Oanied. Howeyâ€" Oaloraithâ€" That we grant the snm of thirteen dollars to aid the Hollaad Centre Agrioohnral Society. Shnteâ€" Oalbraitliâ€" That there be fifty dollars granted to the opening np of sixty s«de road betweea ted and 4th ooa., E. O- B* in answer to the prayer ol the petitioB of Jas Oillen and odisrs. Shaleâ€" Howegrâ€" that ira spoil 115.00 to eat a hin oa fil^ aide toed near Wm, Walker's How«yâ€" Shote-Tua* ttSOO be en if^y side loai balveai the Srd 4th Shaleâ€" Ho«i9u.lhrt Hm Mdwy of tha ClarkbeflMtoe0Mrdlthedalkeo( elstk tmmUmg Ot Mithi. 4sMfas aai â- iiiliilliWMjsiiiiiinihtfn F. Ban be of Donaldson, Milne, f Dated Toronto, Angnst 23rd, 1688. S ALESMB PermaneDt poritirai Rn uanteed with SAZiABT AMU lOj? rAZD. Any determined m*n o»n aico««j lu. Peoaliar advantages to batinne* eomplete, including many f ast^elling Address at onr.e. „ (i.*â„¢" "" ' BROWN BB0THEB4 (I DEATHS BocHAHAX- In Artemens o^ Miss Annie, daugbter of wnu Esq., aged 22 years. the Mill • ealhststatifcai the*fheaafaH9batf ivionthir rmn. Onmgenlle-The second ThniAT i» ' month. _.-rfu. Dnndalkâ€" Tuesday Wore 0^"«Jâ„¢!L fleeherton-Monday before Onii^ I MarkdaJe-Satnrday before 0»J»T^ Darhamâ€" Third Tuesday in "H*^ Cheteworth-Monday bete" w**, Bolkad Cenlre-Satoidsyb«fc»Y^ Prio„ille-Monday bsfowP**||"' BMMfWâ€" Monday before P«»^ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ton ba Mid 11^ lot III pa tktMMtWMBbniA '.^i'^;' :.fis-:i.-- OiMiae. .Poll* '2Sy, j birth to four ohiMwB yjJ2 jj •irit. The«reomwn«»r*La»(» The woaaa l*« " liathnaooDf t-i, â- f--' ^^ build a mansion L«fiSSit throughout; g]g y^wsthing called Home. «-»»r^^e [R^«l£5'ng^lSrbeside. â-  V» ^roto^Bons and husbands. 1 "BS* ^ing footsteps come, "" !5VpBt. where love abounds, -^""i^f ^dom-Home. feottougaom i„telUg« Wtn« â-  Cut IVofice to Creditom Z, Notice is hereby given that Enuet St.Q Mabee, of the town of JUarkdale, Geuotyoia Province of Ontario, hardware mermutl this day made an assignment to me othiir and effects for the benefit of bis crediton All persons having claims against hill notified tosend in theu: claims to me, dulrir' as required by statnte, on or before tbe r September next, after which day the aula WiU proceed to distribate the asaeti of ttj tate among the parties entitled thereto, M^ regard only to the claims of which notict â-  have been given, and wtU not be U*}"' J?] irson or persons of whose claimi limy VaKirell ta the Tront. «,iTI0N or A FAKMEBS- AND PI TsiiTUXB WITH MONTHLY CATII BBUINO »A1RS. L eompliaw* with a requisition to ., of Stayrer. orgauizer of In Fenners' Councils and Montlily a pablio meeting was held I Aug. 11th, when a Farui( 7 Institute fo' the village of iJ[ajaoent country was successful! with the foUowing officers, viz President; W Sproule and i fwePreMdents; Dr. Scott, Secret Xreasarer; B- Coutta, Capl ,J^Jaentenaai. A Finance Com lie' an Executive Committee of tw .vAuditors were also elected. The meeting was weU attended a ^tsrest was manifested by faru itijens in discussing the necessity „j3g public grain-weighing mhi J^mationof monthly selling fairs fmstters which would benefit agri [lad citizens generally. Among other business transacte lowing resolutions were adopted, v; That monthly public fairs shall the village of Maxwell under tbe a gud Farmers' and People's Institut the first of said fairs will be held Oet5th, and continue montbly th( the Friday before Markdale fair f pnrohaseor exchange of horses, other Uve stock, dairy and other s pnduots. This Institute respectf i mends fanners and citizens g tnist with the fair and to co opi titioning the Township and Com and Governments as follows PETITIONâ€" FOB PBESENTii To THB HONOBABLB THE DOMINIOl CoiqtoNS, Ottawa. The petition of jthe undersign hewetb That petitions of Alex. Currie, J. agricnltariatB, and of Jno. McColi gruger, and others of Nottawasaga oni other municipalities of the Pro {â- rio, were presented by Hon. Si] Cutwright, to the House of Commc WM Introduced by the Hon- Mr. O "Weighing in Elevators of the Dom Whereas, petitioners pray, saii House of Commons, to make more visions BO as to carry out a unifor public weighing marketo, by publ Ueensed weighers at said elevators far u practicable to influence t PiOTincial Governments of Onta Provinces, with all Municipal Boards of Trade to co-operate in public weighing for all grain-bu macket places and elevators as general interest of the farmers, whom many persons know how establish same, to greatly benefit and the people of villages, towns, cities. "That every weigher so licensed take and subscribe before a justi an oath of office in the form foUowlBg:" "1, A. B., do solemnly swear (o will faithfully, truly and imparti of my ikni and abiUty, execute dntiee of weigher so help me 6( Thai said public scales and wiUi pabUfl erections, at econc BNurket accommodation, are sp p«bll»like eompetiUon, with cai farmers and purchasers I at all madcet plaees. As, i tok horse and sheep selling apieeUmal pxodnetions and r â- Jnfflng ttia organising of ere tsalBries or ottier Indostries i aal people's InstHates or other Vhatjnar Hoootable House o ate teeooBmaiid or institute iMIhea or selUng and purebi •â- iBiaefher pmdnee and na MnsMOe eoratrr hytbe een Iha* sadi. tt established, eou Mlflle welgbinit laaxkets, to i MHIe ee m pet i tion, must pro mm» tuetflSB ana flie peop OMIat Blsii. Great Britain, OMMMsa. whettiar wltb or wi1 t OMasersial TTBimi or TTnn 1 lesolt alaige savir IMsfl labor fiiom afalr use tHMes mbA svMBal porehasi 4UI e( wU«k ie xaspeettnl llsi; « \- ..^Sf-.fiA- ... I. ?sw liiiaffcr jg^a.J- â- Â«PVtO

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