Liiw.'fipp.-.' â- .-.'â- v1(:I^,jT5^'i:.^;'^7v^' *-. r- *^:. y-^ ^^ "..-â- T .7-1 ^^ 2"'S â- OR lONERY. tock just ilebrated TEA n Oylon. Strongesj per pound xpressj Offjce] STOEE, rOGAPHER, !S eqnal to Cit^ icture Iraming done witii s, od and ^Jacrgiar ay Una. EC nON V.'iru THii aptitiu P. M. rarn-'Wl- Cai'WiuK. i t'MJt*" -,PtaTi W. Tate IJohertso:! N BELLE, Captain TV J4 iteamers "Pacific" and "Atj iwLatlp.m..Me^ordH ,undat8p.m. and^"""" ,ery Tuesday and S^^*,1 Bay. Spanish Biv«-.S2°; :Ul8, Blind Biver.TliesMi| [ilton, St. Joseph's UanO'l STB MABlgj^J steamer only *»" I and Meidrum Bay- ^Y SOUNP- Sound. Ky^T,Sv»t| ^W:an8^dayau|^'j(^iJ irm with the SaoltSt^*^ _»«. â- â€" rf JohBGib.o^/*^J* „ prove l***^^ I 1 -SCSAITGE CI.rPPIHGS. cf Elora had bis fall ' 1^011 Tuesday of last week. 'it IS tje be-t crop he has bad r^-ptv-five years, yielding fort K the acre.-Mt. Forest Rep barvest and in ..fall wheat and barley •".,.' over iu this section, "'1-63 thresiiiug has commenced. imr average, and the Samuel EcKnigbt, a younj; man of Euphrasia, met with Berious run- away aceideut at Meaford,' on Fnday '"' He reoeiv€d injuries which will to the house for some last. confine him time. On Saturday, the 11th lost., Sidney Sm'th, Esq.. near Mt. Forest, cele- bi :ed the anniversary of their Golden Weddmg, when then: entire tamily^- i *igbt sous and three daughters â€" were 1 present, as also grand children and I'.- are iQ receipt of a copy .r cf ibe Glenelg Agricultural 's tall biiow, to be UeldatMark- P: ijept. 27ili aud 28tb. -it is in ;. et form, aeatly gotten up and ted. a credit to the Stand of tbei"^*°y friemJs. Markdale. â€" Minor. ived a copy of the ;;ui if In-, have received a copy A." Soc'v, Prize List, done "iPat'ramplilet form. The hst „'iutfd at the Standamj oflce and ' 'ot out in a neat aiid con jt itvle. The show will take ^JeatiLrkdale on the 27thaud 28th ^,. likt.- Orey Eevievv. |„ J starrett, editor and proprietor [jje TuiJiuhury news, has secured a j-iou ou a daily paper in Toronto, bill ri-taiu a proprietary in- l„^iii the News, and his home will " .at Thurubury. The business \^^ lu charge ot a competent per- ^-jloafuvd Miiror. U:. James P. Hare was appointed [niiiup Clerk of Holland at the Amateur thieves made a rade nn Mt. Forest last Sunday mght going through E. J. Dale's jewellery store and the Queen's Hotel. Their plund- er was limited to second band jewellery and Sunday refreshments. They are yet at large. W. J. MiFARUND'S FALL IMPORTATIONS â€" FBOMâ€" EUROPE Arriving Weekly. Tessonals. MissHattie and Marter Frank Bnggin, of Seaforth, are now home with their parents in Markdale on a visit. Mrs. Trelford is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons. Miss Sarah Fagan, of Sault Ste Marie, is visiting friends in this district. Mrfa. Marsh returned last week from Simcoe, with "Willie and Annie McLeod. 'Ihos. Lyons and wife were down last week from the "Soo." Mrs. Reynolds is visiting her daughter Best value ever shown in Markdale. McFARLAND'S: of tin-' uf the Council on Tuesday lastj at Bracebridge. .he Vace of Cation Price, Esq., ^^ spending a month ..,r;e;iâ€" salary § 125. There were ^c ^u^ » mwiiuu â- â- '0' 1 lJ two other applicants, Messrs. G. B!yth of this village, and John jaird "of Holland, at somewhat higher Qks than Mt. Hare's. Mr. Hare is â- e =;bool teacher and should make tgooa Clerk, but $125 is too low a [inre lor all the work there is. â€" Chats- iric^tr. iu 0. S. 'Tiser. APiSTOK FOR Boston Chdech. â€" At [aeeting ol the Boston Church con- Kgaiiou held last week a unanimous if was made by the members to Rev. J. H. Milne, a student of Queen's bllege, at- a salary of ^850. The rev. teatltuiau signified his intention of licejpiiiig the call. The induction will place on the 23rd inst. â€" \cton ftee I'ress. We copy the following very com- ilimeutary expression from the "Way- Lsville (Ohio) News, of a recent date IMr. W. li. Doflson, who has been Eire on a visit to bia uncle, Mayor lD.idso-.i, returned this week to bis I:ome at Kocklyn, Ontario. Mr. Dod- I'cnis a superior young gentleman. j;aial, intelligent, well-informed, a |:se conversationalist, and evidently a ian of excellent business capacity. |3e made a friend of every one he met, lisd ail were loath to see him depart. liUwero sorry Wavnesville could not icr saincieut inducement to retain •lailiore." Thanks, very much, for l-'OT good intentions, Mr. News, but |:i'ickku would be no more Rooklyn "ere our own W. H. to take his de- hirture. Mr, Dodson is on his way jDie uow, and may be looked ior any I -iv.â€" Meaford Mirror. with friends in Huckley Mr. and Mrs. Turner left on Tuesday evening for Mackinaw trip per S. S. Cambria. Mr. George Wright, of Sault Ste Marie. Mich., and son Freddie, are down on a visit. Me. R. M. Cummings, is down from Wiarton on a visit. Mr. "W. a. Brown, jeweller, is up the lakes on a business trip. District Doing's. Tiicy litigate in Dundalk over dead Yesterday (Wednesday) was Dun- I^Jlks civic holiday. Orangeville has now connection with I i'oronto by telephone. Cliesley boasts of the best post office l^otthofGuelph •^ tBoneter mushroom is the latest I --'^elty at the Dundalk Herald sanc- frof. -Johnston, the far-famed pbra- ' '•"legist and "Faith Cure" doctor, with 'Jttoune attire, is operating at Thessa- Dnrham brass band, which is now '^^^ Battalion Band, carried off second P-Jze iu the County Band contest at '»lkertou, pother burglary was committed iu l""' Forest, on Monday night when f*f^ Watt's trousers pocket was re- I ""ed of §70. Doc." Symes, a young man of 24 •^«, fell from a loft m Meaford while iJwxicated last week, and died firom ' ""^wjuiiea the following day. ^A lad of 14 years named Feippa:, of '•forest, tell off a load of tanbark 2 iiesday last and the wheel p^sed :fl his head killing him almost '^stantiy. â- â- • • A T y^ing man named Gibson Mc "gblan. ot Eld^he, who was to be ^^^ got bis jaw broken and^^d 'b the cereuiony inde^al^^y led in order to ba?e foU ^iepf jaw. ' .^' Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres Black Cashmeres 80 cents. 80 cents. SO cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 40 cents. 50 cents. 6b cents. 75 cents. McFARLAND'S Jerseys, $1.25. Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, Jerseys, fl.25. $1.25. $2.00. $2.00. $2.00. $2 15. $2.75. $3.00. $8.25 up. McFARLAND'S Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 15 cents. Dress Goods 15 cents. Drebs Goods 22 J cents,- Drdss Goods 22^ cents. Dress Goods all prices. Mclntyre, County Grey, Aug. 13th. EDiToa Standard Sib, â€" A public maetinsj in coiup!iaiu!e with a requisition to Mr. Hector McDonald, President of the Farmers' Council at McIntjTe, Osprey township, was held here on Wednesday evening, Aug. 8th, when a Farmers' and People's Institute was successfully organized, with Mr. Edward Potts, President John McKinnon and Allan Mc- Lean, Vice-Presidents Samuel Scott, Treasurer; Hector D. McDonald, Secretary D, C. Mclntyre, Captain; Duncan Mclntyre, Lieutenant. A Fin- ance Council of five, with an Executive Council of twelve and two Auditors were also elected making 26 olucsrs of this Institute ipr No. 2 6. S. of Osprey. Several speakers took part in duicnsBing as to the propriety of Petitioning County and Munlci. pal Council Boards together with the Dominion and Provincial Oovernments to unitedly work so as to establish a uuiforrt) method of f ublio Weighing at grain market places or vrhere grain is sold and weighed at all i-ailway buying stations as that alleged such, with a system of mouthly public fairs, for sale and purchase or exchange of cattle, horses and sheep and an economical method of market-like accommodation to admit of faa-mers receiving cash payments instead of truck-trade for butter, eggs, poultry, fruit, pota- toes,, etc., if public-like established throughout market places where necessary in the several Counties of Ontario and other Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, certain progressive advan- tages must result to immensely prosper agricul- turists and almost all other citizens, as claimed for in a petition presented by Wm. Lynn, Esq., Deputy-Beeve of Sunnidale, to County Simcoe Council, whose committee reports thereon at their next session in November. That it was also contended as very few farmers had votes or a voice in the villages, towns or cities where mark- ets are usually run to the detriment sometimes of farmers and most other citizens, it therefore became the interests of agriculturists with vil- lage afl4 town citizens to unite as co-workers in making Farmers' and People's. Institutes as aux- iliary college-educating institutions in all market towns or school sections as thus through union of action to bring influence to bear upon certain monopoly-buyers and upon Boards of Trade, Municipal and County Council Boards with our respective Governments, not only said public weighing markets, but also many other public benefits must soon be forthcoming by securing legitimate relief from ring monopolists of our produce and other markets. Among other business transacted the Institute in session unanimously passed the following Besolutions :^ That monthly public fairs be held at Mclntyre Comers, and that the first cattle, horse.and sheep selUng fair shaU be held in October next on same day as that on which the township annual show fair is to be held in Mclntyre. That this InstiAtte also recommends the adop- tion of pubUc selling fairs for the sale and pur- chase or exchange of cattle, horses and sheep where and whenaU township faU and spring show fairs are to be held as in this way to be united by Directors publishing said selUng fairs in posters ot forthcoming snow fairs must prove practicaUy beneficial to agricaltoiists. That this Institnte also reepectftUly xeeom- mends the general adoption of Petitions toOoao- ty and Municipal Councils and OoveramentB ao OS to seeuM the endy adoptwn ot said pobUe veiling markets and jmbUe monthly fWis as directly in the ptabUc interests of agrienltnmta and eitiiioiis generally of Caoad* and otim eonntries. That ttie public press may also be pleased 1p • publish tbiB and fntnre reports of aaid Farmery* and p*sple'sIn«*MintB meetings. â€" •i.-*--- paperajgeneraHy may copy ' o»tef«^pr««»iiW*t^*'J«"*»*'»*^*'***' „ •«*^" R»wiaD PdT^^ PresiaeBt, I H â- ,;â- 'â- : :,,^ :;.. f^^l'-: "â- â- â- H"-v McFARLAND'S Meltons 11 cents. Melums 11 cents..:. Meltons 11 cents. " McFARLAND'S Meltons 12^ cents. Meltons 12^ cents. " Meltons 12^ cents. â- " McFARLAND'S Flannels 20 cents. I'lanaeis 20 cents. .;:. Flannels 20 ceuDs. McFARLAND'S Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. Flannels 25 cents. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 10 cents. Shirtings 10 cents.V- Shirtings 10 cents. McFARLAND'S Shirtings 15 cents. Shirtings 12^ cents. Shirtings 17 cents. McFARLAND'S Fall Prints. Fall Prints. Fall Prints. McFARLAND'S Manthngs. Mantiings. Mantliuys. McFARLAND'S Black Grey Brown Blue Scarlet White Garnet Yams. Yarns. Yarns. Yarns. Yarns. Yarns, Yarns. McFARLAND'S Pillow Cotton. White Cotton. iixes Cotton. McFARLAND'S Teas 25 cents. Teas 25 cents. -? " Teas 25 ceuts. ... ' rea8 26 -cents. -^. ;r; Teas 22 eeuts. ,-_â- â- MarkdalE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain 7 tory, coDtaininK all the latest and most approved uaachinery, every^h bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, HolloÂ¥ Battons,, FIUIES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, tc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none Canada, and .baying engaged superior mechanics m every depart n en would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 308* THOS- ]VIcIVJE^^. A Larger Atlractive Slock U;-mile Sljlisk ul FasUle CloUi; to hand, which we purpose selling FQ R CAS Hi prices which will astonish the buy- er. Having detei?inined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get^ ti ng close bargains. CI|H|0|1i|E|I|HWll|DT i :|M|A|D|El |B|0|0]t|s|Md1^|H|0|E^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. WM. BROWN. A Positive Cure* A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MAX7. 3^£- TT. XjTJBOIjT'S SFSOX^'XO 3sro. S, THE GRE^T HEALTH MtEJTEWER, Marvel of Healing, and Knhinopr of Medlcims, tbe i«rrible eonaeqneneea of IndlMcreUoBs ExpoMare and OrcrworiK. 'Z'OITXTO-, TS/rrP33IL.S-.^3-EP .A.2TX OXJD 2w£E£T 'Wlto sre broken down from the effects of abuso wiU find in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. SmPTom FOB WHICH Na 6 Should be Used.â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimneaa o( si^t, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation. desire for aoUtade, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitabiUty ot temper, sper- matorrhoaa, or loss of the seminal fluidâ€" the result of self-almse or marital excessâ€" impo- tenoy, innntrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancholy, distiurbing dreams, etc., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimea Innooently acquired. In short, the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every fonetion wanes in consequence. Scientifid writers and the superinteodents A Insane asylnma unite in uscribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majority of wasted lives which eoine nnder tbeir notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties of bnaineaa. Incapacitated for the enjoymeutB of life. No. 8 offers an escape from tiie effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. 8 will give you full vigor end strength. If yon are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, tbe reaulf of ignoranea and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Iiubon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address aU communications to H. â-¼. I17BOir. 47 WeIlliiBt»n St E., Torontw. A Manarilkmitiviadoai Uvea in a fooPs paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure. and cithenriseadTO^" YV t U JxLG^ QirlBlHCl, MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -: f ORKS. B. McVally, praciieal manafaeturpt Wag- gons, DemociaU, Buggies. SleiKhs, CvLU«f» sod eveijthiug in ifao line. The best ma- tAiial us^ and first claM workmauiship. SAtlsfiwtiou gnacinteed. f HMMug,^ Paliiifiis ud 'i .%-? .•â- i^^i ^i««»»i^' cia t, 9i biisfiii m^M= Brpyaptljr a^teailoA to. â-² qbU zespe^^dly f^Stand ofM^ «hy|aiUaIa Hou ~-a' •f*»t:.'te til: "i h,'.-. XrM' â- d*. iMUH W. M. BUSH, The Korse'S; Ft lend Is folly prepaivd to attepd tbe waists ot all who favor hioi with their onstcno, in Mc- Naliy's e?(iibiishrnaBt, opposite the-Markdale BotiGP, MarkiileiK Pnitjea having horses with contracted or,Ather;fiie,bad feet wihdo weiltoglve m^atxiaL, ,Tl^||,dauof work a^specialty. Adve: 4ard. i .f â- 4*i- .CS'Sf- ' â- - ,â- ' ' '• -.-â- .' '"' " " '^• VfV'"' i: li f .-:.;J,V •;i "-^t. I t 1 1 i^V-i J I \»i.^- m -• â- â- â- ' ' "^r V- u .x T-.^.-tiw ":â- â- r- ve-;. Wi^Mm 'li:^.- s^^ 'Jlft!^fe