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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1888, p. 4

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 "swp? -^p^ispi^i^p^'^fir^^ifi^^*^""'^*^"'*^ --^ ^SFP^^^^^^^^P^ ^»";tfeJ!j*aR"tl*$*'7-\:^?*'i^*^ T""' V*^^' V3fV;C. i'Vi-n ;:k.;jr m m ^m K(*.V- •• O. W. Butladge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, AUG. 28, 1888 LAW AND OEDEE. When we seoared incorporation in Markdale last spring we reasonably expected a decided and prompt im- provement in the moral tone and gen- eral decorvn of oar commanity. We have not been altogether disappointed in this laudable expectation farther- more, we shoald not look for every- thing to be done in a day, yet we are anxioasto see tke by law respecting pabhc ^DQorals strictly enforced. A Jlace for the oostody of law breakers should be promptly provided, for with- out it we cannot expect to see the law enforced. Why shonld harmless dumb brutes be impounded, while animals in human form, who corrupt the minds and morals of our children by pro- fanity and obscenity, and render mid- night hideous by their unearthly screeches are allowed to run at large f ithere is no valid reason why this is thus, and it becomes our duty to call loudly for the adoption ot prompt and stringent measures which will bring about and perpetuate a better state of law and order for our growing village. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Mr. Henry Taylor was released from gaol at London last Saturday. â€" Senator Ferguson, St. John, N. B died on Tuesday last. â€" The Dominion oatmeal mill at London, was burned on Monday }08s $15,000. â€" The Winnipeg Free Press says financial arrangements haye been com- pleted for the building of the Hudson Bay railway. â€" The motion to ratify the Fishery Treaty was lost in the U. S. Senate on Tuesday last by 30 to 27. â€" Hon. John Haggart, Postinaster- General, was re-elected by acclama- tion in South Lanark last week. â€" l%e Manitoba Government has awarded the contracts tor the Portage la Prairie extension of tlie Bed Eiyer Valley railway. â€" O'Connor and Temer are to have a race on Sept. 26 for the champion- ship of America and §1,000 a side, probably on Chautauqua Lake. â€" The by-law for the consolidation pf Toronto's debentures was carried yestftrday by 639 to 549. The by law for tbe purchase of tbe Zoo^ was de- feated by 949 to 248, â€" The Dominion Post office annual returns are said to be of an eminently TELEQBAPJliytWS NOl|. ports from 1,200 cbrreBpoudflmta in Minnesota and Dakota show thM the damage to tbe agnag wheai erop has at no time been over-estimaAed. A BaoardlB* iM. KiNCAJUnnB, Aug. 18.â€" About 10:80 last night a fire broke oat in the^Boyal hotel stables, completely destroying the building. Loss about $400, covered bj insorance in the Phcenix. Obmbu* Btatioii BiubmO. Ombmkb, Aug. 18.â€" The G. T. E. Janction station hwe was burned this morning at 8 o'clock. The fire is sup- posed to iiavejbeen the work of an m* cendi^ry. Everything is a total loss. Aa XUlQlt stm aalMd. EoTHSAjr, Out., Aug. 17.â€" A. Caven, ooUecior of inland revenue at Strat- tord, and Officer Dingman, of Palmer* ston, seized an iUicit still in the town- ahip of Mmto to-day in full operation; also a quantity of ^am. The owner was arrested and tried before P. M. Lowes and sentenced to be imprisoned for five months and to pay a penalty of $400. XMibrdBoad. Standard Correspondence. A severe thunder storm passed q^^^ this section last Tlmrsda| i the' ^j^ fell u torrents and was aco6nq)|^Qjg^ by hail in large quantities. There JVas a fierce wiiid at the sam^ tj^e which diiconsider»bledajuage to ^jg standing, grain and frait tr^». A garden party was held at the residence of Mr. T. Eells last Friday evening and was well attended. Tiie Flesherton brass band was present and, as usual, their music was well appreciated. The proceeds, which amounted to about $12, was presented to the Eev. Mr. Wilson as a token of respect. During the holidays a new floor has been laid in the school house by Mr. W. Hutchinson. School commenced on Monday- Mr. J Brodie and daughter, Mrs. S. Warling, were down to Brampton on a visit to friendj a ccuple of weeks ago. Mr. James Sparling was here last Tveek fitting up his threshing engine for the present season's campaign. Mr. Yorke Eichardson, of Chats- worth, was here last week sinking a well for Mr, J. Warling. What has become of the Meaford Eoad base ball club Have they died a natutal death Cuum Farrar'B Chrlstiaiilty. THE 'WIDENXSS OF TEE CQUBCB OF CHBIBT. The foUo\ring stirring pasaagee formed part of the discourse delivered recently in Westminster Abbey by Archdeacon Farrar, in anticipation ol the approaching Conference of Bishops. They are well worthy of reproduction. Perish.the hand which wonld circumBcrlbe by one hair's breadth the limits or the definition of the Church of Christ ierish the arms that would exclude from that one flock of the Good Shei^erd the "other sheep which are not of this fold " perish the narrow superstition that the wind of Qod, which "bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not teU whence it cometh or whither it goeth," can only be conveyed by mechanical transmissions. I, for one, at any rate, refuse to flatter the priestly pride which wo0la septarianize tbe Catholicity of the Church of Christy The Articles which I accepted at my ordination tau^t me that the visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men wherein the pure Word of Ood is preached and the sacraments duly administered, and I, for one, even if I were to stand alone, would still repudiate and protest against the gratifying nature, indicating the rapid uncatholic teaching which would pretend to do expansion of the volume of postal traffic. The expenses of the depart- ment however, exceed the receipts by over $700,000, and it is understood no fteps towards reducing the postal rates will be taken until these figures are l)ulled down. â€" Manitoba crops have escaped the recent cold wave and slight frost with- out injury. The yield will be much in excess of any previous year and hai'vesr,iug operations, arenow in pro- what it cannot do by unchurching any who love the liord Jesus Christ in sincerity and in truth. When I speak of the Church in general I do not mean this or that communion, under this or that organization, but I mean in their ten thou- suid times ten thousand and thousand of thoa- sands, tbe whole multitude of the saints of Qod- What t are we not to claim as full and honoured members of the Church of Christ in every ios- sibly true sense of that word because they were Motarians, tboM holy missionaries who planted BueceNfully Sweet SharoB's Boae On icy jAains otlB eteomal snows QrWmiaxbSt.iaifi Apostle of ^olyneaia, and the martyr of Bxnmai^a, beoanae he waa a Dis- Dr. Cuey. and ottieniin India, because ^resssothat danger is well nigh past. Minnesota and Dacota have not esoap- el the damage in both of these States has been great, i'heir altitude is greater than that of Manitoba, hence their hability to early frosts in full and to blizzards in winter. ^. " .V '1 .ft :- ';• â- â- ^: :§ -^ w Toronto Indastrial i ...... Sept. 1 0-28 Provincial Sept. 10-22 Collingwood .^ ,^* jt, ' .-« Jiept, 4)$-8 ^»^ Qrar. wttiii«mmiii .h • .... tivi*. ^rst SiA\nM ........fiept. 34^ Markdale. •..;v;...^...%iv;i;'.-.c8i^ li29 ClaricsVorg. B^rda.,... Wiaak«rton., »•••••• «^4rw/ Oetl.3 Uat 1.4 K.i" I tbsy weareBapCdstBf Or BUaabetfa Fry, beoanae she was a Qoakenas? It there are any who think that He irbodied tac all wianMnd cares mainly or ehiafly for ontwacd orgaaicatfon, ttieir Tiews of Chriat are not aoeh aa I learn from Him who made keeping tbe oommandments the eseeh- tial of entering Into the Kingdom of Heaven. I say with Whitefleld "So they profess repent- ance towards God and faith in our Iiord Jesaa atoist? If ao they are my bcettaren." True and onawwyia^ loyal ix» my; lovs.tor the Chmcb at Bagluid, yst I wonlA atand t«re-headed beCote â- By iKjie sa^ of €0^ «id 1^M Bomanist or In- depepdwit.jpr qoift«ir»r Pi ijfci tarian. so he be a aain« of /CMi, ^gairjfcnRjpn flwoaMid^oId more tttati niay BtfeDift with ffli before the thnme of Christ jraoier than witti ttioae tAio, thov^lhey 'qi^rk»M^|i«a:;^FfpMq'd." or "The Ghiaehjttie X^nzeh." tnmvtrtSilptbt Ifgfii «n^ haire iqpent ttaefe)i!ffMi| t »e ,aj ji i ii |wwiia ot oatmur^oidiB. aneea. may yst. It Onr lives bsfebeoi oak aiidwweMtirJMElhotMnrtiawa(ds,'Wae epaamK-'tm iitiwi;or«e nootete winsi Ost 5tnUybeUii^|ii usm/ Taps A MOMorr, Time is precious Life is short And short is oxir story It is also interesting Do you want to be be- nefited Of course you answer yes Then if your wants Are inlihe grocery line BUY YOUB TEA, â- â- â-  "•;':-; SUGAB, COFFEE,' COCOA, • MUSTARD. GINGER, PBP^R, CINNAMON, :^ CLOVES, â- â- :â- :' -1 ALLSPICE, NUTMEG, tK)DA, CR. TARTAB. STARCH, CORN STARCH, EEC, ETC.. ETC. DRUG FOR SCHOOL BOOKS ,.:. â- .,-.. .^-vv â- "/â- â- â-  -AND -AT THE- poriM m ML Pickling Spices, Pick/ing Spices, TobacipoSf Tobaccos, Tobaccos STOP AGAIN TAKE ANOTHER HmUTE. It will do you good, Supposing it does sfaorten your life. You will make it up by using, A box or two of Stephens Liv«r Pills, Stephen's Sarsaparila, Stephen's Nasal Gream, Bteplieii'i Veff«tall« Wozm Povdar, Stephens Coagh Kln§r. and MM» Biephen's Wlxea Bird Seed Stephen's Insect Powder, Stephen's Condition Powders, 8 :eilisii'8 Wf kill J^ly P»P«r. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, Staple Fancy CoGds With the same breath tafee this in And digest it It will agree wi you V â- --:-- ' DWPENSm, DONE PAY AND NICHT CABBFtTljLY, ACCXJRA.TE1jT, S^auSiPACTOBILT. ' ' "â-  we have tiie ^nlifljntiinio' 'ifca*«fm iy eoap^ witl) Q^ Fi^tiM «a4 «z' New and Complete Stock just V received. Also a Stock of the Celebrated STRONfCH TEA, Imported direct from Cylon. The p y rest, R i c hest, Strongest Tea on earth, 50 and 60 ots. per poundl G. N. W. T HiaMPH3 S Vicitlirs^FxpBns! i|)Ffij MANLEY'S DEUG STOEE, J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOT Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to Ci^ work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture traming done r' neatness and dispatch. «. «.v 'v .Ihea come awa, both old and youDg, -sl^- ;, Anddinna lose nae time "' In getting pictures for your friends, Tot Hamilton takes them fine. rr Id A WELL K;a(fW^ rAcT THATâ€" «• cCOLL'S URDINE" ,7 '^^li^^eiM^-^U^Pt it is the be?t known, and modt reliable MACHINE Oil in the Domiuion Farm- er's, Thresher's and Mill Own«-*8, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist Tipon getting the "Gonoine Lardine" when they ask for it, ofring to Bu inach inleiior oil being sold un- der the same name by ansempoloos dealers. We are the vole mannfaetur- ers of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded. MoUOLL BRO'S, CO. Toronto. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Goilinevfood and ^scrgiii Bay UnB» ' IN CONNECrrON V.'Il'U THjs Grand Trunk Rallwsy. Bro's Hardware Store 885-412 GaUBM PlfilQOJLJk TIME TABIjE. Gnii9: 809m. ' 4.85 p. m 8.66 p. m 'ni-^^^LSf.- -â- *-.#» iw â- â- ,.-:â- â-  • -,â-  t ^r^ mi Str. PACIFIC. Captaiu P. M. Camnhf!!. Str. ATIiANTIC, CantaiQ K. "â-  'f^-„,, 8tr. JJALTIC, C^rtam W. Tate Kf^^soi 8te. NORTHEBN BELLE, Cftptam « I The fine new steamers "^^^J^Si lantie*' wiU ran as foUaw aalui laiuw 1 (weather ptjrmittinK): ivfMford«' Leaving Caili"«wo°d«lPf Jwitfwl 3 p.m.. Owen «»oiind at 8 p.m. ifJL^^l .» 11:45 p.m. every Tuesday a^J**;^^ lor Killamey, Manitowanmg I^" g^t Kagawong. Gore Bay. Spanish a^er. mia, Ato)ma MiUs. Bbnd B«^«' Jf S^ Brace Mtoes, HUton, St. Josephs I^ Garden River and •Mr\VX The Saturday Steamer only " Cookbnmlsland "jd Rleidrum MT- The -Northern BeUe"*^ inlet ^i wood for Parry Sound. ^Tj,ar8d«r»' ftanohBiver every ^^^^{T,,,^^^ •â-  I p.m. connecting at French xb^ ^,„^ "Bemora" for Alpena, Mm»-.»^^ ggtarHf to- Collingwood on ^^dn^? »Stt9^'^* eTeningBOonnectinR withtne »»'»• 1 For information «^^^^^Ortd' fares apply to any agent of we ^^^^^, j Railway, the Pm«er8««»»»"'" ^QRBATNOBTHEBNlBiHS^ Suc.-Treas. STRAYEi' «o«7. Iftiphraaja. eaiU »*^ o»»« *S«r -ben* tjtrce ««^'S^.t»»'°^ ltak»}»9r. v.. )OBS '** "T tJ«t ^^-isi^j^-, it, «-.' w s?*: ogeve of Elora had his ' ^on Toeeday of last I « it 18 the best crop he has ^|o flie a«sre.â€" Mt. Forest wheat and barley ha "^yerinihis section, an ^^ threshing has eonamei J-JSb ft ' average, and J^ excellent.â€" Mirror. ffft are in receipt of A copy oi â- Itftofihe Glenelg Agricul ' .g fall show, to be Held at J '^fsept.2Tth and 28th. It !nhlet form, xieatly gotten up Tpriuted. a credit to the fe Jofeee, Markdale.â€" Minor. IWaiave received a copy of QTAg. Soc'y, Priae List, fJTBeat pamphlet form. Tb UJttnted at the Btandakd offic f^TCotoutin a neat and __, a^Mjffkdale on the 27th au( U next.- Grey Review. In; J; Staxrett, editor and prof I^Tbornbury news, has secu Lu6il on daily paper m To ft will 8l;ll reteiu a proprietai tin the News, and bis horn at Thorubury. The bu lieiuOhargeota competeni -Meaford Miiror. I James P. Hare was app Lwtfiup Clerk of Holland « Ljjgig,o£Ui6 Council on Tuesdi Ito T**5® of Carson Price, ill,â€" aalary $125. There JO other apphcants, Mess r^Blyth of this village, and of Hollaud, at somewhat .„J8 than Mt. Hare's. Mr. E jjil-sjjhool teacher and should geed Clerk, but $125 is too ipue for all the work there is.â€" iprUi cor. in O. S. 'Tiser. i APiSTOB FOB Boston Chcrci i^tmg of the Boston Churc ition held last week a unai ^JiM made by the members i f. J. H. Milne, a student of Q bUege, at a salary of $850. Ti sUeman signified his luten pvcepting the call. The inducti ake place on the 28rd inst.- t'ree frees. ^ecopy the following verj plinueutary expression from the Wnlie (Ohio) News, ofarecen I'Mr. W. H. Dodeon, who ha bore on a visit to his uncle, sn, returned this week horn at ]^klyn, Ontario. M Bonriff a superior young gen1 Bahial, intelligent, well-inforr "as conversationalist, and evi( of excellent business ci le made a frieiid of every one ad all were loath to see him h were sorry Wavnesville coi loSer sufficient inducement to jhimhere." Thanks, very mi jyoiK good intentions, Mr. Ne; JBocklyn would be no more ' |w*etrar own W. H. to take ipt^e. Mr. Dodson is on 1 J10W, and may be looked '-Msaford Mirror. Blstrlet Dolnffa. They litigate m Dundalk I^esteiday (Wednesday) wi I ^tlk's civic holiday. QraageyUle has now conned Toronto by telephone. Che^y boasts of the best pi [•JWrttofGuelph A inonster mushroom is t) Dorelty at the Dundalk Herf ton. ' Johnston, l^e far-fan and "Faith Cure" dot J*"*® attke, is operating a 5ysjsi-J -â- :.â- . ^^mbaa, brass band, whi( "^oMtaUon Band, carried c the County Band c burglary was com â€" ,j,pn Monday niR ^^^ trousers pockc Symes, a young m Irom a loft m Meai laat week, and d the loUowing da^ |4 vears named I itll off a load ol and tiie wb kiJUng hit ttaxtfed Gi J^fiMtt^e, who i^Pi^V brokec :ee#noiiy ir Miei»^.]|Avei ||i.«|s*.fcj â- ?..â- :; â- ]'.. "f • .SMP*.*^ !â- -â- ;.

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