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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1888, p. 3

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 .â- "^^fi^!-' one j,j Bation, aod details =«ve all the beneK' ata8longasthi3^«;oft 'e Executive head ,fe r company, and a purely whoa? headquarters shonld at delay to Canada. The ludson's Bay Companyâ€" ement of the «Jes, for in London or elsewhere in ifBce â€" is done in CAoadap r working staff, the raw trade, are all in CiUiada. aounces that the company heir headquarters to the is much to be regretted. managing the company'i idon is â€" to use an expres- " played out." Not only Company, bnt others witis Kogiana, while all the ive work of the companiee :;anada, wiU yet seethe ;as near tLeMfttof thair ssible. Time, economy, », all considerations favor if the governing bodies liese will ultimately com- es And Marriage- t the loss of the sense of Feet on character, moral Whatever may be v» iaf mute, he will remiin, id not easy to be char- different from other people ard to cultivate in them â- ndence or eradicate the y owes them perpetual The education of deal bing of them trades, » itelligent and productive of course, induces marn- Is not this calculated iberof deaf mutes? V' t. The vital statistics uinous marriages are » f -mutism about 16 per d, of the deaf mutr-are agents related by bkwd. re not "J^ays prepetnat- .ydescend in,Pky«*^. ,; in imbecility. D»f descend in oolUt*^ straight line. W"" ble^^relatlonshipprj; ;te that while the tedhad770rd.«on^ niakingatotaiofl^ none deaf mntop««l having been able »h^ ,piIswhohaveIrftfl«»» larried deaf ""Jf These marnag-^ ;he averag^-*n?«^. e deaf mute ^^ iren »!»» ?*«•*« thai :t, clearly. md^JSIf whUe other '^^JL^IJ j^tTormentaofBniU. ,t.U. all countries often poi 'i' Mwer of annoyance grMlfar *«» '*ith their diminutive size. They combine the maximum of effect minimum of effort In a very soien- BrazU is spedally fiywred 'i»hion. â-  'naraaite torments the manor and born erenif thpae become oase ^/fhe traveller from climes where ^•-',7 u less offensive in its attwka, ' r be wholly reconciled to his lot =f^ju,3t generous of Christians har- ;-'reveng{ul spirit against hU blood- bat minute assailants, which are at f^TVbirZkXr example. O! this t ve monster there are three apeafeStOf i^.r jareestia about three -quartei»ofaii i^f Xmeter. We are told that thU insect ^Mffotothe ancients; bnt it is very â- I 'V that they enjoyed its acquaintance. are tbrae varieties: Ixodes rieinm, dumheus, and Ixodes rtticulatus. ',4 name was derived froo^its aappoa- f^jlenblance to the ripe teanrf the V Christi. The Brazilian name u ectr. '"'*. and when examined under a mag- t' glass, it is seen to be furnished with FTnon of offence in the form of a trident ' «ui which are serrated inwards. It '^.o'three pair of legs, and each leg is '^ed with strong hooked clawa. Bnor- ,, laantities of the eggs are laid upon 4nnd;aad the young ones as they I J'-ot climb up the plants and catch at rn^ing animal which brushes past, and Eit. When Mr. H. VV. Bates was ie highlands of Brazil, he had to devote ,onrattheendof his daily rambles to li^off the carrapatos that clung to IrTr.k.:. :nr;BivA fangs. The inniotion |,B dreadful, that horseS and cattle JKme- i0» 5iby their incisive (dreadful, that h( u *u -die from the exhaustion caused by the of these creatures, which settle in {nrnii. jeuaveller soon has the appearance of a |*soii suffering from shingles. Sometimes iejttacks bring on ricinian fever, just as Russia, people may suffer from pnlioions [jver The ramy season kills many of the Lnapatos, and they also fall a prey to the irds; and the ciriema, in particular. Is never jotby the natives, because they know the nlEe of its services in thinning the ranks of ie maltitudinous blood- sucking Ixodaes. Anodier insect torment of Brazil is the jijjer, or Pukx irritas, Pulex wbintraru, fi.a minim us Pulex penetrans. These in nes'.isg creatures make their home chit fly ij-jehaman foot, and hence are known to ie Brazilians as hichos do pe (foot-beasts). JlrH. C. ient had five of these unwelcome mesa from January to June, and they took !p-Jieir abode in the follo\iiiig localities it int on the right big toe, second on the lifht heel, third on the left heel, and two tnder the sole of the left foot. He had to cittbemont. Still worse are the veme, which attack iidiSerently cattle and human beings. Viii animals, they appear to raise a large had lamp, so that they probably reside in -Jie ikin after the fashion of the ox-warble Id this country. Sir Richard Burton says iliti eyries are current of negroes losing their lives from the bemo. The grub is jepoeited in the nose and other parts of the body, and if squeezed to death, instead of erjaoted, it festers, and produces serions tomeqnences. Children of three months old may suffer from a visitation of the 6emo. Some of the natives, in the case of adults, ipply a burning stick to the wound, in or* ier 'x) destroy the worm. Mr Dent's dog ns one mass of sores from the bemos and lichoi do pe, and it was pitiable to see him, then running about, turn round almost (very minute and, with a pitiful whine, bite bii wounds until they were raw. Such are Mm; of the pleasures of the insect world of BrsziL wUtas of fifteen eggs. FUvoor to taste, and lake in ^mgti cake tiaa, ubvMered, for 40 mbratM* Whan you tduifeovt of the oven tarn it vpaido down, w tluit HIm ^r can cir- culate freely, and when cold take out of the pan. Yiotimued £ougrant8.~ It was a spectaole withont i^Mcedent in the history of iinmigratim to America that was witnessed in our-harboor on Wed- nesday, when a ship load of Italians, 300 in number, who had come here this summer, went back to their native land disheartened and disappelnted. Their experience among us had been totally different from the anti- cipations In which they indulged when they left Italy. They had been told that they could procure plenty of work at six francs per day, which Is about three times as much as they could earn in Italy, and that they could t!et here an abundance of food they had never enjoyed in their lives but these happy dreams were quickly dispelled by the stem realities of life In the New World. Few of the passengers who made up the re- turning ship load had ever been outside of New York during their brief stay here, and all of America that ever became known to most of them was Mulberry street; but their ezpsrienoea were sufficient for them, and even the hardships which they had al- ways suffered In Italy seemed less than those to which they were here subjected. They had been the victims of false promises made to them by unprincipled speculators in labour if ho abandoned them in a foreign country, after robbing them of their litde alL AJma Ladles' Oollege* ST. THOMAS, OKTABIO. This instltntlon, which had last year the largest enrolment of all the Canadian Col- leges for women, la offering superior advant- ages to young women in Literary Course, Fine Arts, Commercial Science and Music at the very lowest rates. Address Prindpal Austin, B. D. A fishing line and reel of silver is a sea- sonable design on match safes. A Care for DraakeuMss The opium habit, depsomanla, the morphine habit, narrous piostaration caused by the use ot tobbaoo, wakdtahiMB, mental depresdon, softSHtng el the bndn, eto., premature old age, teas el vitaiitjr caused by over exertion of the brain, and lossot natural «trenirt( from aov caoae wnatever. If eaâ€" young, old or oiM die-aged â€" who are broken down from a^iv ol tht above oausea, or ony aauM not Mentioned dbtme, sand your address and 10 cents In stamps tor Lnbon's trea t i s e, In book form, ol IHsea$e* of Man, Books sent sealed and seoare from obaervaUon. Address M. V. LuBOH, 47 Weill airton atrset Baat. Toronto. Onk. Peas and oats sown together is a crop in- creasing in favor. People who ar aabjact to bad breath, toni ooated tooffue, or any diaoidsi of the Stomach, can at ODoe bs relieved by using Dr. Oarsoa's Stomach BItlais, the old and tnsd remedy. Aak your Onmlat. A bird's nest of oxidized silver in which lie three small pearls is a pretty conceit in Summer scarfpins. Hub t CouoH Ouas cures in one minute. A miniature comoob of Roman gold, from which springs a strong amber mouthpiece is a dainty cigarette huder. That Deadly Bonagt Tabaroolar coanim^ioa is sia^ lug- acrofalaâ€" tho aetiv* and dsBgsiiiiw jjwrsiop- ment of a taint in the bloM. The grand blood-cleansing botanic principles oontained in Dr. Piane^ Golden Medioal Disoovery specially fit it to purify the Uood, and pre- vent tlM formation of nloeni in theiongs and bronohial tubes. Liver complaint, skin diseases, and sores, are also cured by it. All dmgguts. Small silver frames with beaded rims are much admired as artistic photograph holders. The "old reliable"â€" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A copper crab in the act of seizing a small fish is a pleaaidg design on silver matoh-bozes. Dr. FUlbags' Diagnosis- Xo Dr PiUbags. Patrick came With a moat -woeful face Says he. " Dear Docther. phaVs your name. Will you plaze trste my oaas." The doctor looked him in the eye. His tonsus he mads his show Said he, "My man, you're going to die TonVe got tie-douloureux." " My faith," says Pat. " phaf S that yott say I've got 'tlck-doUar.'eh t Tez lyin' thafe. I always pay Xonr bill oetorc I go. Ill have no more to do wld yes, I n docther my own cue " He took a dose of P. P. P. P.'s, And wears a brighter face. Use Pierce's pleasant Purgative Pellets for torpid liver, constipation, and all the de- ran^rements of the stomach and bowels. By druggists. Hat pins tipped with pearls now have numerous bright-hued insects clustered near the head. Cbeap Exenrsion Will leave all points on the C.P.R G.T.R. and K. K. W. Ry. in Ontario, on AUGUST 28TH LANGENBURQ â€"PASSING THROUGHâ€" NORTH-WESTERN MANITOBA, Over m. K. W. Ky. Fare forBoMcl Trip, $28 Trains leave TORONTO at 11 AUG. 28th. 'Gammer's heat debilitates both. BervoB and ^body, and HeacU aehe. Sleeplessness, Ker- -TOQS Prostration» and aa t^all-played-outy sensation provo :|hat Paine'8 CelebtCohtocko 'shoold be tsed dbw. This medi dne restores health toNervASy Sidneys, lilver, and Bow^ tUBt and imparts lifis-and eaergf^ to the heat prostmted systeiii. Vacationsorno vacations, PAnnfa ' CkLEBT CoMFOUSD is the medi-' cine for this season. It is a scien*' itifie combination of the b^t jtmics, and those who use it'beg^ ue hot summer days with clear beads* strong nerves, and I general good health. Paine's ICelebt Comtouns is sold by all druggists, $1 a bottle. Six for $5. WSLi£, BXCHARDSON CO., PkopX Motstreal P^Q, AND Hot Weather liivigorator h(a AMASIAH BraimHS VNWWmmKOW, PablioIibtarrBiiildiag.IOraate. Studantslfoa itish Oolumbla. Oalttanila, Kaaaai^ nUiioia. aad quite a aumbar af tba v Kam mi tm pap vi BOsa now ia attendaaosb TTiUs hii iMiiiiliillis iiliiinliiii VQs: BBiioraMia, chS4: wooks. J. FIRE BURGLAR ?RQOF Patent Non- ConductiuK Doors A SnCtALTT. VAULT DOORS. J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. SPORTING_GOODS. The Cheapeat House in Canada for Guns, rifles. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. OXTTi. SIO- QS'S'ZlXir On receipt of 912.60, we wQl expreae to anv addreaa a DOUBLK-BIKBBI. BRSbOH -LOADING SHOX GUN, with fine Laminated Steel Barrels, oiled stock, a good gun lor oountry use. And (or 98.00 will ship to anyaddreasa S2 cat. RIFLE that willshootacoaraia forieftteet. W. M'DOWALL CO.. 51 KING ST. L TORONTO. Bicycles 1M 8eean4Haia4 Bteydea, SatetlM sad Trleyeles Bend tor Uat ahd Oataiogaa. Agents wanted in ereiy town. JL. X. T.Aira, MOMTREAIb HAMILTON. CANADA. Firt ef Ladies^ Cottegea. Has graduaded orer 880 in fall coarse. Full facultie*inLiteratare,Langaages, Sidence, Mnslo and All Largest OoUaga Bolldiag ia Domicion. Opane Sept. 6th, 1888. Address, Priooipsl, Kev. A. BOKNti, ».»., IiU». The party wOl be accompanied by J. S. CRAWFORD, of BIRTLE, Man. TICKETS issued at all stations and good to return for QO DAYS, dso for to lay over on return at WINNIPEG. Odisauss Han Ravswsa restoias grey and tadsd hair to Its natural color aad prevents falung out charm for the nautically in- gold, and represents a ship's contains spaco for two pic- A locket clined is of block. It tnres. WhanaTar your Stomach or Bowala get out ot or dar, caualiig BiUonsnsta, Dyapapsla, or ladlgaaUoa and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr Oaraon'a Stomach Bittera. Bast family madldae An P r a gg i a ta. 60 cents. The r^ny season In India failed to arrive on time this year, and there has been a drought, and much suffering, while tne crops are believed to be seriously damaged. of For information apply to all Agents C.P.R., G.T.R., or J. 8. CRAWFORD, Canadian PaciSc Railway Ticket Office, TORONTO. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIBST APPLTIKG, WHILE THET LAST- We will send by mail an ap- propriiite gift to each maiden, wife, mother or cook- -one to a family â€" who will try the Breadmaker's Bakinii Powder Cut the red circle from the label and send it iii a letter Et-itin^ honest opinion after faiirtrial. Eitiier a 5, lOor 25 ' cent size will secure the gift. Any procer or storekeeper knows where to getitif aslied for by you. â€" Address â€" CHUBCHUJ, C0..T0IM)HTO CANADA PERMANENT LoaiiSaviii£sGompany IICOKPOBATBS ISM. Head Dice ToroAto St., Toronto Sabseribed Capltal« Paid Up Capital Total Assets .% 4.5M.( ST. THOHAS ORNAMBITAL WROUGHT IRON FENCING WORKS Send for Oeeigns and Piioes. gJ©T5^T 7 SELF-THREADlN(KNEEDLES.*'^re^ Out 1 Instantly threvled withottt passidg thread ti^roogh the eye. Agents calnmoBey selling them. Sample packet by mail 16c., dozen packets $1.00. Whltan Man«ftet«ilwc i^, Taroata. Oat. MERCHANTS, BUTCHERS, and Traders generaUy. Wa want a GOOD MAN in your locality to piek up A. P. 411. ITsefdl Aeoipes. Queer's Cake. â€" Cream a cup of butter I vita :we and a half cups of augur add five beaten eggs one cup of milk, and three KVii cnpg of flour through which have been lifted :wo teaspooufuls of cream-of-tartar Itidy a light teaspoonf ul of soda. Jelly Roll.â€" Beat four eggs, add half a I np of sugar and three-fourths of a cup of Bake in a large pan about 10 or 15 I aiiu'.es, having the pan lined with buttered P»per. Spread witt jelly and roll lightly, I coreriDg with cloth afterwards until cold. Bs-.DKs Cake. â€" Cream together half a '3^ of butter with one and a half cup of 'agar add half a cup of milk three beaten %», and two cups of flower sifted with a •«»spooiif al of cream-of-tartar. A light half ip5onfal of soda dissolved in a very little *^' â- ^ater. A very inappropriate name for w plain a cake. "G£H SxAis.â€" One cup of sugar, one ^i a half cup of molasae;, one cup of but- '« cr aalf butter and hilf lard, half a cup of â- ^W water, a teaspoontnl of ginger and two *sil reaspoonf qIs of soda dissolved in boil- "'g water. Flour enough to roll out. U •lie little ones are home from school they ^1 not keep more than 24 hours in an un- "«ied box, CrsTARD SocFFLE. â€" Beat together two !»e: tablespoonluls of butter and two of "-ar add one cup of boiling mitk, and cook "gi: minutes stir in the yelks of four eggi *(11 b«aten and two tablespoon! uls of sugar, " set away to cool add the whites of the 'ggs to the mixture when cold, and bake 20 ^jJiKes in a moderate oven. Serve at ouce *it!s eauce. ^ScDA SvoxGK Cake.â€" Beat four eggs ^^ one and a half cup of sugar, beat until j^-t add half a cup of milk in whish has "'sn dissolved a very scant teaspoonful of *^ and stir in one and a half cup of flour ^*d with two teaspooufuls of cream-of-tar- •fsadda very little salt, and two table- l^owulg of melted butter. A cheap and '«y good cake. ^-"GEL Cake.â€" Sift together one tumbler ti^v^ i^nd one and a haU tumbler ot sugar ?* » teaspoouful of cream of tartar, four ^»- The last time sift it into the beaten £beiimatio Fains ^nire no detcription, since, with rare ox TPjion, all at some time have ezperienoed ?«r t,rtngeB. Rheumatism is not eaaUy r*?aRed,only the most powarfnilv p««e- ?J«»«'»mediea reaeh to Its vary fonnda **^^ The most successful tesatment ksowa, « u now frequenUy reMHrted to by «ed-f nien. is the appUcatian of that now fam- 1 Jjrtmedy for pata-Polson's Nervillna. It ?*»• to say that nothing yet discovered "forded equal satisfaotioB to the suflEw- J*' A trial can V KHiniMCr^'â€" '^- I Wea gge f w,0«t. MACHINES FARMS VOK 8AI1B or BBNT. Au. Sizes, KunMandPRicB4. Some special bargains. H. S. MITCHELL, DaATTOV. Oirr. MONEY. Agents send for our Illaatrated Caialagae. Addre^, TKIVMrM 8BI.F WBUClNii MOr Co., Toronto, Oat. us. Cash famished on ssUstaotoi} guaranty Address, o. s. F j^.a-s!, Htsb fAMK, Taimeat, U. S. WORK fi^p.L"'""' ""'"«• TOK ,^A. 9M a week and expensi Inable outfit and parttcnlars .TICkKRT. Anri«ta MKlnoi D AfilEXTS WANTKOâ€" " KACI.E-' iSt««Ba"Waaher. Address CEO. O. f EKKU. 87 Charcb 8t.. Toronto AGENTS WANTED for tne Improved Model Washer and Bleacher. Price Addrees C. W. DENNIS, 6 Arcade, Toronto. â-  â-  A tl T%# T*) liO AX on Farms. Lowest Rates lUI 1 1 N ir Y No dsUy. Correspondence solicited If I U 11 L I E. W. O. BinXBB, finanolal Agl Kxtablitked 1860. 72 King St. E.. Toronto. nVItt BOIIfK IMSPECTIOM and iBsmr I anee CoaapaMV at Caaada. Consulting Bngineera and Solicitors of Patents, TOBOXTO. 0. 0. BOBB. Chief Sduiioeer. A. Frasbb. 8ee^-Trea THE CANADIAN MUm AID ASSOCIATION LIFE INSVBANCE AT COST (ASSBSSHBirr stsibb). CHEAP. RELIABLE. POPULAR IiABCB BESEBYE FrXD An--BnTrra -w-A-iTorBJiD. Addrex HEAD OPf ICE, 10 KipgStreetE.,Tefonto. H. WILLIAMS CO. a^'^F^t ROOFERS MAinrPACIUBBBS AHD DBALBB8 » Roofing Felt, Slaters" Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake OraveL OBee t 4 Adelaide St. Eaat. Toff. BBATEB LINE of STEAMSHIPS- â€" SUUItS WSBKLT BSTWSaiâ€" mONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $40, •» and 9B0. Return (80, IM niO- Intermediate, 930. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. UURRAT, Gaol. Maoager. 1 Custom House Square. MONTRBAL. Pbopbibiob. The enlamd capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities it has reeenUy acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet witti promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest ail requirements for loans upon Mtisf actory real estate security. Application ma be made toeitber of ttte Company's loca Appraiics, or to J. HERBERT MASON, Manag'g. Director, Toronto. Allan Line Koyal Hail SteamsMpg ' Sailing during winter from Portland eTeryThurauj and HaUtax ereiy Saturday to LlTerpool, and in sum* mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calUag at Iiondonderry to land mails and passengers toi Scotland Mid Ireland also from Baltimore, via HaU- tax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the CHaa gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax. Portland, Boston and PtiiuUlelphia and during sum. mer lietween Glasgow and Montreal weekj^ Glasgow and Boston weeluy, and Glasgow and FhUadelplila' fortnightly. For 'freight, passage or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore 8. Canard Co. Halifax Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thon^ son k Cc., St. John, N. B.; AUsn ft Co., Chicago Love ft Aldan, New York H. Bourller, Toronto Allans, Rae ft Co.. Quebec Wm. BrooUe, Philadal pUa H. A Allen. Portland. Boston. MontreaL TO THE SICK AND DEBILITATED. JOHNSTON'S LEATHER BELTING. B ESI TALUE IN THE DOMINION F. E. DIXON ft CO., Hakeia, 70 King Street Bast, Toronta 'Sflnd for Priee Li*ts «nrl IHnconnM Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND 76 Kins SL W. SON, Toronto- THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO â€"Manufacturers of the High Grade ofâ€" SILVER-PLATED WARES. FLUni BEEF rOMISTOiB FLUID HEE l8 a great Blessing because it contains ia small bulk Powerful Nutrition. It makas a pleasant drink that is ranked by young and oll. It is'spocially adapted as a Nutritions Food for Infants whea teething. For Dy«ineptics, and in all oases of Debility, Physical Exhaustion and Prostration* it is the Best and SafesclNet- Bamum Wire and Iron Works, WINDSOR. ONT. Made from 3 16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame and Iron Foundations. We are offering the Fence at exceptionally low prices. Iron Fence, Cresting, Stable FittingBe and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE. TRADE MAEIK. Will Be-Open SEPT. 3rd, 1888. Q 2^ BmiSH AMERKM BySIMESS GOILEB nr iHfoidMa. ;is^ra»2Sff ^^, ^.tnal can he made at a small ooit, as bottles of Nerviline caa be had at the ^â- torea for lo amta. *1anM bottlsa 25 for 10 ocptsilluga botUea Young Men FACTORIES AND SALESROOM 420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, J. C COPP, Manager. Sec.-Treaa. CONBOT^ CABBIAGB T»PS. Hare an the lataat improraauali aad are utiequanad lor dniahUitr, atyle aad ooaraBMaea. The leartins Canriago BidMeia aaU tnoa. ASK FOB XHUIaaS BUT NO OIHBB. ou» to ^^'fUr^ ta^,SSiwSSu2J tecaadiaad cfMasL Tbt ' of JUiSllSaa-laarfadtaaiV " •"^^^â- rv .g ki. â- -â- s^fe- bookwiO NeiYOus Debility. rat. OSATS Taaia, Witt gnat aaeeaaa, la tta «ahilttr. sad aOt al ata. IiBraBlahyandnwi^ Meat It par bos, or « booa tat H, ar will bossalk! â-  aaeai aaa^tal SHE GRAY MSDIGIIIX OOi, jCjl' JtHStm ^TDRDNI ONT. nu pttm HASND £^' There are many tiRranoss of "Peerless" MACHINE OIU but none equal it in lubricating properties. Faa M' â- a4, Mtllmbh, eta., find Dooe equal to the aBSOin Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealera everywhere. mamsm â- â€¢â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  **'".- Capital and Fimds now over $3,M0,000. HEAD OFFICE, W TORONTO STKEET, TOBORT*. tet A Home Com pany, EstabJished O ctobor, I87l» To thia dat^ October Slat, 1887, there has been rotuoed Tothaheu of PoUeyholden (death eiatDH)... |6M,SM 00 XotachjIdsisotmUaiodBiidewmantPoUaiea. aOktfSdi TO PoUcy-boldeia on «nne»der of PoUoles ..â- â€¢- ••• •?»•'• "• a-. fSay-hOMars for CaJ Proaia QoolndteK Iteosa aBoottad and balag paid). «SL6U 01 Va holders of Annuity Bonds*. «. ............•..•.'.....•..•.....-•••••*.••••••.........* «0,Bw St LeaaadtePoUoy-holdaraaathaSaenittrel ttiairFolieiaa .....^^MM P*]leieslnForei«TerlO.0M. Amoiintai^ ' PRBSIDBNT-Hojr. 8n W. P. Bowlahd, a K.aM. VIGB-PBBSIDENTSâ€" WiLLiAiiBuJoi^EiQ.1 Edwaid Hoohb, 'i: f •i • i 1 â-  i y I .! *: i I t • f V^ .*-.^.*t •*• ^^=*^: '.y.f .^.J^.Ji

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