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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1888, p. 1

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 '.y:^- ^^;^^^^.f^^:V5^^^^^-^ -f^ags)^ ^mf^^ -*' --,i*J^:, '?*5|iii-;**-H.7-»»: isS^?;?^S'*^-?;C V^^v*; ' 'â- '** ' ' -â-  ad my Words atHf^X-ma .«. t possible pH^'""*«^, !«' *or Wheat. How lore barlev • "J^ *• Vto* 1 onrworldiae«,4*«»»«o| "^d seasons, havri^^***' P« ««. more !l!.'*«H*»^" gWl fC* ^$» K«.^k.£«a tmaHattag tdCknn A SBLBCT BTOOK OF 8PBXMO GOOD NOW OFBNKD. HEW THE LIKE. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHBBE THEY MAY." 'e beer, and ^^^ p-«SS*««»« EIGHTH YEAR.-I^o. 415. more say fw the ^ye Urn, .T- rl MARKDAIiE, THTmSBAY, AUa. 23, 1888. C. W. RTJTIiEDGE, Proprietor. '•rdly like to h* say. Amen.- wi, aay busings- hJ? •Pe'srespect\L «•»•«.? ad.abrogai I For a high l^ture of Ontari^ cannot |erthanthoBritS^"'«W, sts and are "ovo,^Z. P'^-«ty, Purposesandnott/^""**^ ^«8e moral pu.^po'^^'W pnjsicrr»i realias,,,^. •â- "^urWlaw' I 'No, no; wo a^t^v"' ""^•1 halterab,o:ero?t"-fH \P Legislature cannot tn H Change munio?pT£«"««3 ^1 regnlation." T^eloJ.,*' -«e take precedence, i' I or g.-eat railway tio^j ^fitshnesandbearingsTn!^ Convenience and thTiC • Ihe Imperial law whprT' of the Empire is at 8 Jf" rMaJestrsBubieot^eSg" e Provincial law of conrw T' local regulations can Uoci; to authority and power of i^al authority, then, cannot Act or touch a Provincial Act toi â- e- ^o, no. We beiioâ„¢ i« ..,.. I bARCAINS! BARGAINS! m liBSillS -AT- 'RUSSELL'S (otIeI J EWELE^ StOBC Flesherton, e Koyal We believe m the • the immutability of law. 80 we bigher laws sett; aside, say wer law, of an Imperial la, toiug a Colonial law.andacel e Queen, her Majesty to olomes. ilen ought to see it if and have public license tori "Pi'lity there is higher law m\ re IS philosophy enough fori There is universal law andlocalf )ral law of God is the nnivetsal comprehonda, permeates, jns- s all physical law. Prayer is a he moral government and law, ysical law for moral purposes; nd capiices, not for wishes or I 1 goo^l of man and the glory of â-  ends. Men ignorant of these else they know, may carp at isands of pi-aying mer and wo- 1 ntelligent as they.are daily.yes I the realities of prayer into the) eing and the fabric of their life f as perceptibly as they are, after j ing, working beef into their| I into their bone. What kind ol we have, what kind of people ' all were these ma-nanimonr ies? ge that Jhe Lord Almighty j dv that a«lmits His existence, pable, in His local and tern- 1 nents â€" for what are earth's al laws in the great aniverse ig what any clay the Parlia iure worJd aismiss its Pre an of incapability to do, that ' o secure the interest, the liniou or Proyince, because, aunty or towaship resisted, s.3etl say by a canal or rail IId "R'atclics, Cloclis, Jewelery, Spec- •acies f ud Silverware for tJie month f Jure, beibre moving to new Icieici^-' Fine Amciicai! (feWaltham Watches [.'rem $^.*J0 to S20.e0, regular price of slikli v.tie ircm §11.50 to $24.50. Barpii s. Earrmgs, Brooches, Chains, .^"eckltt^, renuced 25 Pl^R CENT. Ccme nlonc; and secure some of the excellent barpains before the time ex- pires, positively for the Month of June Onlv, and for a perfect job always take your watch repairs, Ac., to fiusselFs Noted Jewellery Store Pf.ESHERTOIV. QUARTERS -FOR Lness Xiocals. :es, reapers, mowers and j H, Carson. LEMENTS, the tailor, for white vests. borrowers, $10,000 pn an, apply to W. J Mc- lie. 412-26 's, the tailor, is tnrning ting suits that suits the Try hiia when yon nobby. od chance few ^^ men to secure paying jngaging with Jas. »• man, Rochest«N. Y., ted nursery stock. He ree and the worK » I ce not required. 409-8! We en- or on rsery stock. ral commisaioo, es,andgn8ra8tee^- ,nt and snceetft^^' prices very ****" lecidedadvwrti*" at once. ^^^ '*» Warn V» i^,goodJi»" _. 1P* ice Teas, Tobacco, mOE SUGARS, RilSlNS, CURRANTS umm GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, c. EEADQUAETERS Crockery Glassware. China Tea Setts, Dmner Setts, i'oilei Setts, the finest stock to choose from in Markdale. We will sell you goods in this Une cheaper by 10 per :ent. than any other honse m the tounty. =: ProYlsions, ProYisions. FLOUR FEED every description same prioflssat the mill. hON CLEAB BACON, Choice SUGAE CURED MAMS. Jufct received a ton of Wright's i^atmeal, Owen Sound, (fresh). Our Liquor Store is well stoeked ^ith best brands of Liquors of every ^etciiption. JOBBEES IN CIGARS. ^ive ns a call. i^- H.BENSON a Oe^ Oat. ,gs- Local and Other Items. Notices tn these eotumm intended to benefit any individual or Society tbill he charged ten cent* a line for the first inxertion and five cents a line each Bubiequent insertion. â- NOTICE. â€" Corresprmdence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, dtc„ mxut be in this office by nnon on Tuesday to intvre pid)Ucation that toeek. Thos. Hnx has his fine brick residence almost completed. A REPORT from "Farmers' and People's Institute," Maxwell, is crowded out this week. Wm. Brown, Esq., has his new brick dwelling on Toronto street up and roofed. Repairs and repainting of the front of Benson's brick building is a decided im- provement. Jeffbkx Artley is building one of his "Celebrated "Victor" wind mill's for the Toronto Industrial. Mrs. Welsh, 5th line 01enelg,lost her bam by fire on Thursday night lat it was fired by hghtning. Dr. McBride and Alf. Whitby shot and wounded a wild cat in John Walk- er's bush, west back line, on Saturday last. SoMRTHiNG interesting in Mauley's new adv. in another column this week. Turn to it and see if it don't concern you. The bam of Hector Kennedy, near Eugenia, was struck by lightning on the evening of Thursday last and burned with contents. We have to thank R. C. Bryden, our courteous village clerk, for a copy of the minutes of the June Session of Grey County Council. Do YOU propose getting married If so, take a look through J. W. Sproule's immense stock of furniture. You can't commence to economize too soon. Strayed â€" From Markdale on the 8th August, a black muly cow. Any infor- mation that will lead to her recovery will be thankfully received. Mrs. Hollingshead. Fred Saejeant, our enterprising hutcher, has purchased a house and lot on Elizabeth street and is building a brick front to it thereby making a com- fortable residence. A garden party will be held at the residence of Mr. Thos Cook, con. 6, Glenelg, on Wednesday eveningthe 29th inst. This is about 8 miles firom Mark- dale â€" ^just a nice drive. Admission 15 cents. Youifo Iftdy "And how is Johnnie getting on at the new school Mrs. Poly- glot?" "Oh, beautifully, my dear! He's learning six languages: â€" French, German, Latin, Greek, Algebra, and EucUdl" The efiects of the great rain fall of Thursday last calls loudly for effective drainage for our village. We trust steps will be taken now while the importance of the question forces itself upon the at- tention of all. BsANTFOSD Southern Fair and Indus- trial and Arts Exhibition will be held on the 11th, 12th and 18th September. The Fair will be accompanied by a sum- mary of special attractions. B. M.. Wil- son* secretary. A COCMTBT girl coming from the field, was told by bet cousin that she "looked as resh as a daisy kissed with dew." "Well, it wasnt any feller by that name bat it was Steve Jones that kissed me I told him that every one in town would find it out." Wamtbd to takk a qum.â€" Oooniry- man (in front of Stock Exchange] â€" "What's all that yellin'g an' sbontm' in thore, mister " GitlBea "Bad bread among tiis 'grangers ' Ihey'er being knocked all to pieces." Oountoymwi (wUp]^Hffi 6ff hisr eeat) "Wliobp t I' Till a liiaiMiwr mTtmlf f ' ».«..' ^riitfj^lte W^:.' Mbi AiJk. Mbsceb, jr., retiiimed lst treek front a specula^ve trip to British C^lnlnbia {Uld we ixB pleased to leara that he was sttocessf ul, and also that his health is gretly hnproved. "At pur- poses repeating the trip this season. Fob The SToHACH...-Read, Learn and. inwardly Digest McFarland's new adv., this week it vrill raise your spirits and thus bring about a healthy and yigorous digestion Ponder it every morning be- fore breakfast for three days, and then follow directions closely. JoiKED the Abmy. â€" Mr. Joseph Black- burn, of Flesherton, was married on Wednesday, the 15th, to Miss Ella Ayers, daughter of Rev. W. Ayers, late of Flesh- erton. The Standard extends warmest congratulations to its esteemed friend Mr. B. and his estimable wife. An old farmer said to his sons â€" "Boys don't yon ever speculate, or wait for somethin' to turn up. You might jest as well go and sit down on a stone in the middle of a medder vrith a pail twixt your legs, and wait for a cow to back up to yon to be sulked." EvEBT business man should have printed billheads for making out his ac- counts. Thev are so neat and business like, and then they cost but Uttle over the blank paper. A good stock of prime paper always on hand at the Standard oflBce, printed neatly and cheaply. "How is it, my dear," said a husband to his wife, "that while you and your sister Hattie are so much alike in most respects, you are married and she pre- fers to remain single Surely she has had offers enough." Yes, love, but Hat. was always more difficult to please than I. Rev. D. McLeoo, Priceyille, preached an eloquent sermon in the 'Presbyterian church here last Sunday, and declared the church yacant as is the custom under such circumstances. Seryice vrill bo held as usual in the meantime how- ever, until the call is made and the vacancy filled. "I SEE," said Stubbs, "that Dr. M'ch- ael Foster told the British Association that smoking tobacco produces defective vision. Do you believe it " "Oh, I am sure of it," replied Mrs. S., "for I saw your friend Butts last evening puffing away quite unconscious that there were several ladies in the room." Tradesman (to country customer who has come to complain for the quahty of his lucifer matches) â€" "Not hght Why, I have only to draw them smartly across my cord breCbhes, and they blaze in- stantly." Customer â€" "Yes; but what's that to do with me I can't come a matter o' four miles for your old breeches every time we want a light." Thundeb Storh. â€" Last Thursday'a rain was one of the heayiest on record. The thunder and lightning was some- thing remarkable and many buildings through the coimtry were burned, being fired by hghtning. The rain deceuded in torrents, thoroughly drenching the ground, which had previously been well watered by copious showers. Mabbixd. â€" Miss Katie Price, who yisited her sister at Markdale a year since, and returned to New York some months ago, was married on the 9th July to Mr. Samuel Kenney of that city. The marriage ceremony vras performed by the Rev. Mr. Crosby, Episcopalian The bride was richly attired,, her dress being a handsome white sift. Among the presents was a |400 parlor suit by the groom's two sisters. Thojr have the best wishes of ihe STAimABD.. ' Gabdbn Pabtt.â€" Tnesday eTOsdng was bleak and cold, the wind blowing quite a eale, and threatening rain, yet a good- ly number turned out to the garden party at the residoioe of Mr. Edward Bniledge. The grounds are large: and well suited for sni^ a gat^rii^ ndule the friends of tiie west line, b^Dg a courteous and hospitable people^ gftve the viaitorH -« hearty welooma. The spbrte 88 wcdt am H» wtnwIiiiMnit* fiet^i^, « jjo^ i^^ ft It becomes our pwtfnl duty to record this week the deatii of Minide Hill, an affectionate and promising ^mghter of Mr. S. Hill, tttbrchanti Tnflammatiott of the bowels was the caliSe of the pre- mature demise., kad did hs work in a few hottris. The parents and family ha^e the sympathy of a large circle of friends and' neighbors. House Burned.â€" On Wednesday, the 15th, fife. Fred 'Taylor, Euphrasia, lost his dwelling vrith all its contents by fire. It appears the family were all out in the harvest field when the fire was discovto- ed hence nothing could be saved. The fire is supposed to have originated from the stove pipe or chimney. There was 9300 insurance which will not half cover the loss. Garden Party. â€" On Friday evening last a successful garden puty was given in Mr. Rowe's grove, near his house, aboui a mile and a quarter south of Markdale, nnder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. Several loads- from Markdale drove out, and alro a goodly number from the country to participate in the various games and amusements which were pro- vided for the occasion, and we can safdy say that eyery one present had "just a loyely time." The eveninij was fine hut cool, and a big fire was started so that those f eeUng the chilliness of the evening might get warm. The victuals and re- freshments were good and abundantly provided. The brass band was present and wafted upon the frosty air some ap- propriate strains of music. Proceeds, tlS.29, will go towards paying minister's salary. BumeM soealB. R. C. Bryden has $50,000 to loan at low rates. 415-lS Hobse fob Sace. â€" Good general pur- pose horse. A. Turner. Go TO B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. If you wart conveyancing done neatly and correctly, try Bryden. 415-18 Important to borrowers, $10,000 pri- vate funds to. loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-26 Sevebal nice village properties and some good farms for sale by R. C. Bryden. 415-18 B. B. Clbvents, the tailor, ^turning out handsome fitting suits thair, suits the gents just great. Try him when yon want something nobby. There is a good chance 'ftsf some active and trusty men to secure paying work at onco by engaging with Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Rochester N. Y., to sell his vKarranted nursery stock. He furnishes ontfit free and the work is steady. Experience not required. 409-22 Salesmen Wanted o'L Salesmen Wanted I handle our thoro- ughly rehable nursery stock. We en- gage m^n on hberal commission, 9r on salary and expenses, and guarantee per- manent employment and success Fa- cihties unequalled prices very reason- able outfit free decided advantages to beginners! Write at once. Ellwanoeb Babby,. itochester, N. Y. 409-22 For the New England Nurseries, estabUshed over 80 years. The old reliable nursery. Men with push, energy, good habits, and dean character are ' i^iat we want. Every chance for snccess. We can give you good pay and steady work. Write for terms to Chase Bbothkbs' Company, Nurserymen, Colbome, Out. 409-22 wish here- by announce to the pubUftg^eraUrthat I have opened again in the harness bus- iness, â€" having recently been burned out -r^nd would respectfully solicit a share of pafaKnage. Call and see me in my new premises. opposite PsuikOtt Bros. Good ftook, superior workmanship aaoA fair dmliBg will be m? aim, CSatt whep Nev Harness Sliop.l Notice. â€" Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undendglEMd up to the 5th- September for janitor, for the Methodis^t church, duties to conunence 10th- Sep-- tember Specifications can be seen at- the ST.NnABO office. C! W. Rutledge^ AdUtats and PraMatatloa. U m AND SHARP DELIVERY. taRljiiiiikl;llIilaiii Al-ways use the Co P. R. -ATâ€" W. A. BROWNl '-f'^.t "" ^mr- ^^ V Ji On the evening of Thursday, 16th inst., several of liev. Mr. Wilson's friends took possession of the manse and, after enjoying themselves for some time, presented him with a splendid gold watch and a purse cnn* taining one hundred dollars. The following is the address, read by Dr. Sproule, M. P., to which Mr Wilson replied in very feeling and suitable terms. Hev, A. Wilson Dbab Sm, â€" On behalf of your many Wttsf friends and admirers m this locality ws ayail onrselTea of this f avorabla opportunity, on the eve of your departure from amongst ns, of signalizing our appreciation of your faith- ful and untiring efforts in the discharge of your christian duty whilst laboring in thi» field. We acknowledge with pride and pleas- ai-e your fearless and faithful devotion to duty whether iu the pulpit, on the platform or in private life, and the many useful lessons of instruction given by you we feel assured are now bearing fruit and will continue to' ameUorate and elevate humanity long aftei yoa have ceased to be an active worker in the Master's Vineyard. We also join in acknow- ledgement of the many estimable qualities of your amiable and devoted wife. Mis. Wilson, for whom, with yourself, we shall always eur tertain the highest respect and regard. W« earnestly hope that the new field upon which yon are entering and the christian charge you are assuming may appreciate and enjoy your ministerial and social labors and be benefitted as much thereby as those you are now leaviuR. We sincerely wish you God speed in your many arduous duties as a cbristifcu miiiister, and will always watch with pleasure your future success in the di- vine life. As an additional mark of the esteem in which yon are held, we respectfully ask you to accept these accompanying tokens, in the hope that they may remind you of our feehngs towards you and yonr respected family. Signed on behalf of the donors, Wm. WafOHT, Thob. Eklls, John Bolakd, W.U. McLocoBBY, J. 1. Obaham. â-  t-?iv= m "fev5 'n 1I4 1 â- â- .!. i-i-^" ff t.'-H _. f'iy.T « -Is"' t ^5 â- â- â- ; i vff im ^^^^^'MJidi^MM

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