mww^^f^i^^-K-'js^ \fit -~ -X*! 4 ?* '^^t-f^E-* 'y'^mm"' .^^ 1^ »*?â- 1 (\; 's^ J. F. HAUTED, M. D. PHTOZCIAN, BUBGEON, 4c., lEI olland Oeiitx*e- Will be at Berkeley every Taeeday and Friday «ftemooa from one to f oor o'clock. 390-ly. Tr- Sproiile, ^PHYSICIAN Aim SURGEON, office â€" Uanler's Drag Store. cTa. McBRIDE, m. d., L. R. C. p. S. EDINBURGH, Vffiice at Stephen's Drug Store, Xiate of the tiondon Hospital, England. i». i:cCvi.iio«.sii, BABBISTER, SOLICITOR, S;c OFFICEâ€" OVER MiFARLAND'S STORE. MAKKDAIjE. !v4oiiey to E^oa.n. ]TtASSOn MASSON, BAEEISTEBS, SOLICITOES, d. OFricES â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'B Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. ?(F. B.^tevate and Company's funds to invest fironi 6 to 8 per cent BBOWX. DIVISiCN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionei-j in B. K. c. C onveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate ae- curftv. WILLIAM STUART, KlMliEELEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan oil Real Estate at low rates. A few Jjarms for sule. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Weduesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday m each mouth for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MOMY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission cbaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. TOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, J 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O MARKDALE HODSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh. Pn^ ' B W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, AiiCHI- TEOT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. Convaylncer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest nodce Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. TO SOHOOL^TRUSTEES. The uudevsigned is mannfaetnring an ex- cellent assortment of Schiool V'"'ixi:»iiit«.i*e« Consisting of SC TOOL SEATS and DESKS, Tu: ACKERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly rscommended bv School Trustees and Teach- er !, for cheapness. comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Beils kept always on liand. bend for cisnlos^ue to Chatsworth P. O. ISl ANDREW McGHjL. 1 I. BARBER, MARKDALE. As I am now in a position to do Ha Cutting. SLaviiig Shampooing and all work in my line, I ask a share of public patronage. make a spec alty of Ritzor ainl Snissor Tuarpeniug. Ladie»* and Children'shairciit- t-ns; done in firi^t-cUss style. Bbop nearly p|K.8ite the Stakdabb office. MOINE Y to JL.OAIN. Private and Company's fands to iavest in Beal Estate at cnirent rates of intereM. romBAB «o: 1 ^^p'-r;t .K.- I â- t J ^^^K^r" It preiMHrt b 1 ^^K^" ' Mnntrv. J «MBe]M. fe'^-^itriit^^M ^^^K" " " " " AU buainess private and eoafldantia]. Apprai*. er. for Canada Permauent Loan and SaTings Company, Toronto. il»^ JOHH WBXTBT. lMlrial«. ^USTEKB AN» ttWE MASM MABTTDATiB. ?A to take ««Hitra«c« la town nr "^77"ill Stoca-cisixt THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your clothes neat and trim. The latest Fashion Plates always on band to cfaoeefrom. Aemember, over McFarlands Store, 3tu-kdale miBH W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their enstom, in Mc^ Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -: f ORKS. BiaiMp 4A ^^AyeOTa B. McNally, practical manufacturer Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything m the Ime. The best ma- terial used and first-class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Trimmin$; promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. 1^ Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. M'NALLY. SIGHT V. BIjESTDI^ESS. CELEBRATED Englisli Spectjicles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. â€" iLsnâ€" 18 JEWIi. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: U- JLi- Stephen's, CHEMISTDRUGGIST.Maxkdaie Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAKKDALE. No Spectacles in the Market equal them in the EYK PBESEEVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GEE AT EASE and COM- FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them lor many years. They are therefore' the CHEAPEST. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans. Boyaij Basing Powdkb Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ^EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! I liave now on hand a fall and varied stock of all kinds and grades of Fcr.NiTUEE, bought for cssh from the most rfeliable firms iii (Jauada, aud 1 purpose doiup businoss on a strictly cash basis which will put me m a jjosition to sell at a small advance on cost aud tliereby give my custom- ers ihe benefit. I shall esteem it a lavortohaveyou call and look through MY ESTABLSSHWEN.' whether you require auythiDji in ray line or not, aud I feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at the quality and cheapness of my goods. â€" Upholstered gooda a specialty. UnpertakinQ OUR EUGANT PREPARATIONS. â„¢S^fSSl^*T? »?««5ctnra and tie the sol* mopriet(»B of the following specialttea, and that tnevcanbehadfromnoetheraonree. THEY ME MTF08 SAUE^BY MUeeirre. Cfuit^d^^ â- tricUv oonfldential. Consultation tmontOl ^hrcgfeaiaeaM Incited. NO CHMME ex^ te medletMs. AU eooda sent eeonie firom obSenf tton. Towato iSaidne Co., ivmimi^ OntT^^ HAIR COLORING 'l^lft?L?«»'»°' Madtam Brown. aStatS |g*tCh«ten*» Gkdd Blonde, Ath oS^^SS gcn^ree. Send sample tTSSSc when oiS^l we gnarantM iem to^ra ££? B^teeg^ 2?«.M**'?^**\?' ' *»•«»« «»d trethSSi nr maidenhood; hM-minâ€" mw^ -annfitho datooSff moves Uver^^ta.«, Ho. U BanoMtllS wormB. tLSS. No. 18 BcntovM rnekkT^iS Tan.«.2!t No. Id fiamofM KdM. •INa S £ra#^tion.$l.a No.l8AnafaHtatomft^i â- peofflo to ttM retention developnMBk or mteS THE BUST Na 19 la a eombined intaRMl aad teeatmentwbkdiapeaday d«TOlap« « â- Blta.Moe«8L Steooto Ifaittete* OOi ^^ „ ^^ womErsifcts ^pRiiioHWMwufcTimi muM Cteidak In this department I have a com- plete stock of «,11 kinds of funeral furnishings aud all orders will have ray prompt and careful attention. A fii'st class hearse in connection. Musical Instmraents I also handle the celdbrated Bell [Organs nnd the famous Wanzer Sewing Machines which may be seen on Jl^xhibition at my warerooms, prices and grades tosait all purchasers. PictTire Framing. I shall keep m stock an assorted line of frames, and vour esteemed orders will be attended to with neat- ness and despatch at rock bottom prices. With many thanki) iux. the present patronage which I have re- ceived and hoping by fair prices and square dealing to merit an increase of the same. I am, your's respeotfuUy, J. W. Sproule, MARKDALE. OWEN SOUND Collegiate Institute WILL open on Mokdat. 27th An|fo«t 1888. Excellent staff of Teachers Inspeetor officially reports it the Beat Equipped School in Ontario Clmnen for Pirpt. Second and Third Class Certideates, Junior an.i Senior Matriculation 'With boncHTs. and Law, and Medical Examin- ations. At the Examinations. 1888. all the Uni- "ijT. **"'°***"*° ^^"^^^es were sno- oosrfuUy, four olitatned honors and one a l^rofiaenoe fcholanhip The Candidates at examinations from this schooi the neent obUined **^Hg|ff?i*g, 91 »«i*h«'« On. F«»â€" Pall Tenos, 934)0 Apply to D. B. DOBK. ««,. B«td of BdnoaSS" 6 PiSBX3ENT. AVALTBIS OT tax SlTCATIOM iN ' BABLKT COUNTIBS.' pBAYER.^-An extended coj^troversy on prayer bus been a leading topic in some uf our daily papers for some weeks past and wr give the following, fiom the Globe of tlie 7th inst,, wuich is a keen and semewhat ironieal analysis of the question, and will dnabtlees be read with interest, Bev. Bishop Carman, being intervi^ed on tbe Prayer controversy, said be thooi^t some tbe contentions of the anti-prayer people might pos- sibly be treated too gravely. Dr. Carman then spoke as follows â€" partly in an ironical and iiart- ly in a serious toneâ€" his remarks constitating, in the Globe's opinion, one of the most eonvincing utterances yet given on the subject under dis- cussion. He said: â€" "The joke for July, if it were not on so serioos business, would be the tu;; on the prayer probleia by atheists, agnostics, infidels, materialists, evo- lutionists and even some Christian miuisters w give up their vocations to watch wolves in wo«l even in editors' sanctums. If all cavillers at prayer and ridiculers of praying people would spend their strength in honest prayer they would find out more about it than in their preseni mind they want to know. "What is prayer anyhow? What would we know about it but for the Bible Why should we set type in a printing office to learn astrono- my, use the microscope to find out tbe taste of sugar or cherries, or read in a grammar or geome- try to ascertain the texture and quality of cloth? If we really desire to know anything of prayer, why not go where we learn everjrthing of it, and without which instruction we know nothing at all about it? For it is one thing to have a desire, an instinct, an aptitude, a predisposition, a capability it is entirely another thing to know how to direct, improve and apply it. "Why don't those lazy preachers bring down rain on parched districts? In default ttxnreof, should not their salaries be stopped or prayers stopped Why don't they keep oS earthquakes, .malaria, potato bugs, smallpox and cholera? Why don't they do something for a living, to be sure? Make some retiurn to the people whose hard earnings they secure by delusion Why don't they beat their tomtoms, multiply and vary their charms and spells, and repeat their incantations,? Why don't they dance, and leap, and sweat and pray Why don't they get rain of the God they worship, and into wiose fear they would like to cajole us all "What, after all, if it be the prayers of these very men, praying better and longer than they think, that produce, bring down upon the land, this very drought? What, after all, if. these splendid midland counties are parched through their prayers Surely their prayers ought to be good for something. Verily they ought to pray to God, if p"ayer is of any use, by some means or other to save the poor drunkard; by some means or other to save the youth of the land frmi grow- ing up in drunkenness. These midland oaunties can beat the world on barley. So far aa I know there is no section all the way from the central sea to the belts of Jupiter or the rings of Saturn that can give the berry such a fulness, richness and color as this fat Valley of the Bay. The Great Ruler of the Universe, if He care for any of these things, might prefer to bum up barley fields and blast beer and whiskey crops rather than burn up living men and expose them to everlasting burnings. If this world be under a moral Government --and even Deists say as much â€" a deprivation or a warning might do us no harm. Bich pastures, waving grain, fuU dairies, abounding flocks and herds of course beget grati- tude to the Giver, and out of their abundance, instead of gratifying themselves, pampering their lusts, increasing their sensual ard carnal pleasure and sin, the people pour of their en- larged store into the treasuries of the Lord, the works of benovelence and the succor of humani- ty. We squander so little of our substance, waste so little of it in war, intemperance and vice, accumulate it with much honesty, preserve it in such integrity and distribute with such care love and liberality that we ought to get rain right off. I do not know but, like the antediluvians, we deserve a downpour for forty days and forty nights, and likely only the covenant keeps it off. Not that I think that the people of the midland counties are sinners above all men that dwell in Ontario, but having lived in this section for many years, I judge we have received at least as much as we have used faithfully for the good of man under the moral government of God. I notice even this dry summer you wouldn't know on circus day there is any drought. "They used to say 'Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Sphraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine.' If the preachers' prayers against drunk- enness and for sobriety, industry, quiet; for healing broken hearts and restoring ruined homes are worth anything, probably they ou^t to bring a drought, and possibly drought in the barley fields may help them. Once a man pray- ed that because of the idolatry of the people and the wickedness of the imlers it might not rain and it rained not. so the Book says, by tbe space of three years and six months. Perhaps one of the best things the Elijahs of this hour could do, yea possibly their solemn duty, is to cry to God that it rain not till men feel their dependence and cease to turn tides of blessing into floods of cursing. But some of them are afraid that those ravens that brooi^t bread and flesh in the morn- ing and bread and flesh in tbe evening are dead long ago. It might bcrt fheir income, especially if any of it came ont of breweries or distilleries, to be beard publicly pleading on the Babbatii that cursed be the barley. Irled up be tbe barley, wlieat and bops that go to dmnkennass and greedy gain; leaving us enoogb in meroy for our farsad and oor salvation. "Wo lean astronomy with ttie telesoope. We learn the flavor of ebenlea by tastiivtbem. We come at primary elements by tiiamieal aualjrsis, and verity by ezpexlmaat. We get geometry and grammar by teaehers and books. Why not give prayer half ttie tdiaaee? Why not go to Its oiganon. flie Holy Ber^ytiOMt (ni, (liat is tak- ing eTOvytfaing as granted «t the start.' U it taking eratyttaiiig as plutet at tbe Stat to nae ttM tobies and «a toloMevear Is tt«Mdiig«Tary- tta^g as grantiBa in pUQosopliy to ue Aiiatotte's aqpaam or Baoon's. vtd tastltabd fto**ltas •rsry seliBlw doto? Xba ttnpii KmIv ii^s, 'yttmimomK tiilaai jnf airfn ?riiM» v«r. 1m- Uafn.ttek^ vBMlTO liMmi Aad f^tttmhim ""â- 'â- * *«*4*i» Www'ol M^niiig F*«rti*tt iM If ,^ irt m: ff;«Mdif w Ho hear us, whatsoever w. ^v '^^ have the petitiong we Il^*'»*,«r abide in me, and my ^J^^ Uia^' |^whatyewinanS'«Hi,^j't 'If ye Shan ask anythin' *•"• ^te, Put tbe rule on the possible prif T,;'^*' more rain. prayer. like the highest mtin. 1- Wewantiuoreb,,, ""•0 hishest nn»=ii,,. "H«!ii». remember war, .ember the happy tia;Tj"^t^' slaughtering it, thon Jl.^ ' B«a dollars a bnshej for wh^t «" S»Ct h^ we want, more barley; aad'^r !^ more beer, and we will w „ .ui ^^ lusuries, and perhape ^^l^^^ mortgages that our worldiarj' "^l especially iu hard seasons hltTb^" Oh, give us more rain, more 2^ cessive flocks and herds, mo^'"" barley for more beer. aLdTo^ 5! r whiskey-we hardly like to^y^o,!' '"' er 8 sake-we just say. Amen • «^„** preachers go at it and prav ub r. f *â- "" "If they have any bu^ h^' Claim to the people. respecTantl"' represent a kingdom, older l2 mightier, grander than the PvitishlS â- guard its interests and are -oven,!, "'â- Their King, the Lord God Aim X?"" ^rldform,ra,p„rposes,a„Sltr beer. 'When those moral pu,Vos;l"J" He canuot enter the pUj-si^i reshTf! tochange,suspend,abroga,.,D3ti ' agirostics say. For a high and ^i:^ pose the Legislature Of Onta^oetr^, tow:-^hip law. -No, no; we are be'ie^^^' constancy, the unalterableness of lw w test: the Ontario Legislature cannot toL whole Province, change municipal i,7* pend some local regulation.' Theloca'h tion must of course take precedence Mda the county road or great railway ftoro. altogether out of its lines and bearings great public inconvenience and the ia. damage of trade. That ia the wav we do t in this country. The Imperial law, whenfi safety or honor of the Empire is at state, or* welfare of all her Majesty's subjects e cannot touch the Provincial law of coursJ^J our Pro\-inoial local regulations can block 6 way of the entire authority and power of i Crown. This Eoyal authority, then, i suspend its own Act or touch a Provincial Actl save the Empire. 'No, no. We believe iid constancy of law, the immutability of la», so J never think of a higher law's setting aside,« temporarily, a lower law, of an Imperial ln| suspending or vetoing a Colonial law.aadsoii never petition the Queen, praying her Majesty j help us in the Colonies, ilen ought to seeit| they are agnostics and have public license 6 ignorance andstupidity there is higher lai u lower law. and there is philosop'ny enongli even a miracle. There is univsraal law audio law. And the moral law of God is flie uniTai law and underlies, comprehends, permeatts, p tifies and energises all physical law. PrajeriiJ moral act under the moral government and Itil and so has all physical law for moral ptiipa«| not for whims and ca^ices, not for wisha a woes, but for the good of man and the glorjij God at its finger ends. Men ignorant oLt things, whatever else they know, may caipi^ prayer but thousands of pi-aying men audi men, at least as intelligent as they, are daUy,f hotprly. working the reilitiesof prayerintoi tissues of their being and the fabric of theiiii as pcwitively and as perceptibly as they hunger and eating, working beef into tbsl muscle and Uiead into their bone. Whatkiidol a country should we have, what kind of i should we be, if all were these mag) cavilers and harpies? "Isn't it strange that thft Lord AlmiglitT| should, by anybody that admits His existence, be thouKht incapable, in His local and tfflh porary arrangements â€" for what are airt^ rain laws but local laws in the great nnivw^ of God ?â€" of doing what any day the Pro ment or Legislature would aismiss its Pi(| mier for profession of incapability todo,tl is, incapability to secare the interest, i good of the Dominiou or Proymce, becaffi forsooth, some county or township resistAI refused to be ciossed say by a canal or nH J road?" .. Business i^ocals. For horse rakes, reapers, mowers a binders go to J. H. Carson. Go TO B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. pnl Important to borrowers, vate funds to loan, apply to W. X Farland, Markdale. B. B. Clements, the tailor, istnro but handsome fitting suits ^^^f^ gents just great. Try him when y want something nobby. There is a good cbance f« active and tmsty men to f^^x work at once by. engaging mtn ^^ I Whitney, nurseryman, ^^^^rl ' to sell his warranted ^rsery '^^j famishes outfit free a^^ tM steady. Experience notreQUirea. Salesmen WaDtei^i uchly reliable nursery 8to*_ gagexnenonhberalcom^;^. salary and expenses, and gn»^j y^J Boanent employment and s ^^, ciUiies unequaUed; P"'J^«»i able outfit free decided « ^,^^ beginners I Write at on^. J^ ^.^g ft Babby, Kochester, N. i- Salesmen Wantd^ New England Nnr8«^^^te„»i««jl orer 80 years. The old ^j^,,^| Menwitopn8b,energy,g^^ «tffc cjeam character »re '^^^^P^ Bwry chance for socoM^^ ^? S^^toC«A«J^ tfi^l tt»| jWatcbes, Clocks, Jewe jcles and Silverware for P Jnte, bfefore movin ^remiEes. Tine American Waltht Irom $8.80 to $20.C0, regt tohicb were from $11.50 t I Uarpins, Earrings, Brooc Seckletp, reduced 25 Pi^R CEl Gome alons and secure lexcellent bargains before pHres, positively for tbe Montli of June for a perfect job alwa watch repairs, Ac \i(usseirs Noted Jewe CHOICE SUGARS. China Tea Setts. ^et Setts, the finest i *om in Markdale. W SDodfi m this line cbet 4nt. than any other 3^!»a CLEAE BAC( ^Choice SUGAR C '*Uit received a tc