a.cli Bitters ijation, Soar Stomach aJ f Appetite, Vv'eakuesgetJ very nice to taste easil C'onsiuui)tioD, Bronchia lers, lie. It acts oc tlie Ston ;;atiou an.l Dispepsia, aciui^e. rvla/;es i pini aiileed Fr.tlsfactory, do| Sa:"52SL2!i*'i« equal to Cit] ;rure iviiL:\\u\! dine witi S WFLUMCE He pabUc on 16 iayrW«J mMit, W. T- BABB A Oa* lESTOREB wder ban, but a 9e«-«JJJ Jl hoars, times tj^dP^JJ jhly cures ftU Tliro«« •»* ale 5?;tation „ ... 4.35 p. k'"'"*!Sjrfl.»wj C^^^^3^?^^^^-?!?"^?f^- ;,'??P^^^:'v • ':^^p?^=^l^^p^ ' gnphrasia Coimoil. „,.c=! met pursnaut to ad- ** ,!;"t In Julv 27th, 1888. Mem- '"turtsent. Miuutes of last eea- ft-oiibcil retul and confirmed, '" \v a05 ieid the third time and fj ^*|.^ve, Mr- Boyd and Mr. Ers- " ...'i; autlioiized to take whatever f^^j[i'^.v rij.iy deeui prudent in rela- '^•'.j Jii.! culvri-t on 9th line, at lot ":o85 w f'o away With alleged giie- bP-ii to exist in couuectiuu ilr. StaTt was instructed to get i^ujaje on G and 7 sideline, con- Erskiiie was instructed to get Moa lltli iiue, at lot 26, repaired. Ilje Clerk «as ordered :o give prop- Dotiee of a proposed by-la v to l-tabliilj a deviaiion of 3 and 4 side- con. i- Boyd and Mr. Erskine, who Lj'g'ap.iomted a committee to exam- 8 part of 15 aijd 16 sideroad, laid biore coum-il a report that owing to erou-ii Htate of the ground a large |j^oant"uf money would be required T-upeii tiis rwaii lieru for public travel .r] ffoukr r.ot reV'tinmend such ex- .^n^itur:' a*- present. Tlie Tit anUi-'-r wivs instructed to re- "iitoTiiOs. Plunkett, Esq., Clerk of ^â- risir!! C'lurt, Meaford, §2, payment '-rco[v of jutlgment aud evidence in nijofliork vs. this corporation. Iherepoit of Jas. Paterson, Esq., J reffi"e)iv.'rf to the expenditure of honey en 9th lino, laid before cauucil LBd approved aud the Treasurer order: hltortiuit to t!ie parties uarned there I ::tbe amounts placed opposite to their i.ames total amount §20. Wm. McCoDteJ, Esq., pathmaster, I iajil before coiiucil a report of expeudi- tare of grant made by council, the re tort being approved, the Treasurer was ordered to pay to the i»krtieB eu- utled ti) payment for work the amounts placed (ipposite to their names total â- imonut Sl^. The TreKSurer was ordered to remit ;;J.G. ;Sii]g. P. L. S., $14, survey- EjiWiatiou of 3 and 4 sideline, plan, I k: C. The Trcii surer was instructed to re mit to James Paterson, Mirror office, .MeaforJ, S22. balance' in full of con tract, printing minutes and vot^ra' ;is:s, JUid to Pi, McKuiu;ht, Esq., llegistriir, Jl, si arches rt quired by \atute. The Tiepvf 's orders were issued on tie Trtr..^ lire r to pay as follows, yiz. •lohu Aijercrombie, 323,50, work on 12 ami 1:3 sideline, con. 8 William Stmir' Esq., ^5.25. to pay men era- ployed by iiim on road Wm. Lang, .$2375, work on 4th line, at lot 14 Johu Sowell, 320, balance of contract :u deviation roail John Matliews, !j!2 wurk ;m (! and 7 sideline Peter Hav r.j, S1.50, buildioi^ culvert ou 6 and 7 siJehue, con. 6; Thos. Foster, !i)28.50, ^ork oil 12 and 13 sideline, cons. 2 asd 3 Wm. Dales, ^oO, ualance of cpu'ract ou Kerr's Lill Wm. Daks S6.G8. plaiik turnishcd Piichurd SiifcigrovG, ;f^4. repairing cuhcrt.-!, con li: J(di!i Ale.Kauder, $11.50 ea ciavpxvos. Wbile Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Donald, of SalUvau, were driving borne from O *en Sound during tbe tLnuder- storui last Friday afternoon a bolt of lightning struck the borse tbey w^re driving, killing bina instantaneously. Tbe accident occurred on tbe Gara- fraxa road a short distance north of the Village. Mr. McDonald bad also one of bis legs paralyzed for a wbile by tbe shock, but it has since got all right. Both he and Mrs. McDonald have reason to feel tbaukful, as tbe escape was a very narrow one, Tbe horse killed was a valuable one â€" worth abont $160.â€" Cbatsworth cor. in O. S. "Tiser. valley rosd, ar lot 3 Joseph Spfiriiiig .^•'), o'.H ninj; road to riavel pit James ' Oo(..k, Si.8!l, lumber for culverts John Ciiigst;'n, ^â- .1, cravel furnishod Jas. Lawieuce, SIO, repairing bridge ovc! Btiaver river Geoi ge Hutchinson, §2, repairing bridge Patrick Carson, §10, Siippoit ay indigent. I'ouiicil adjourned until last Friday ii'AuL-ii.-t ly'xt. PiOBEET DiTNLOP, Ciei'k. MoviNo TO Markdale. â€" Mr. Thos.- Jennings, of Shelbnrne, baa leased and t-^ken possesHion of the Revere House, Marknale, nnJ moved there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, during their long residence in Shelburne have made many friends who regret their depar- ture and wisJi them well in their new home. â€" Bbei'ourne Free PrePs. Removed to Maekdale. â€" Mr. Thos. Jennings, of iShelburne, has leased the Revere House, ilarkdale, aud removed to that place. Mr. Jennings is an ex- perienced h..tel man, and with Mrs. Jennings to look after the table, rooms, c., tho Revere will soon become the popular.hotel of Markdale. â€" »Shelburne Economist. A FKEAK OF liiGHTNiNs. â€" Duriug the thunderstorm on Friday last the re- s-dence of Mr. Archie McMullen, near' Flesherton, was struck by tbe electric fluid, which came down the stovepipe, spreading it out aud knockius; the stove to pieces. It then ripped up some boards in the floor and disappear- ed, Mr. McMullen bid a very narrow escape himself, as he bad been lying on the carped by the stove but a few minutes befcro. â€" Flesherton Advance. As an evidence of the yalue of judicious advertisements it is only necessary to note that Bio. J. W. JJrady, of the Cdlingwo)d Euterprise, advertised a tew weeks aj^o for a girl, and iii his last issue we find the lol lowing aunouncemect "Born, at Cidiingwood, on iSaturday, July 5J8, to Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Brady, a ..augiiter-"' And yet some people say there is no iise advertisiug. Con- gratulations, friend Brady. â€" Meaford Mirror. Damages by lightning, â€" The thund er storms which pas.^ied over this sec- tion last Friday did a large amount of good, und also a large amount of dam- age. The ram was whnt was reqair- ca, but we could have managed quite uictly to eg along without ao much winu i*iid electricity. Tiicre was no real damage done withiu the liinirs of the viHhco, but fr^m other quarters We l.ear of buildings being demolished, lives lo;^t, etc., for tiie stoiins wei^ generfilly over western Ontario.* A.. WcCauiav's barn, near Kimberley, was uurocfed, and Mr. Moffat, living about six ihilts from Fevers.iam, 111 C Jihng- wood township, had his bain and ore or two horse's burned. â€" Aavance. L-i.-t Thursday afternoon two young Mark da IE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Pla- 1 ' tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, ever/.i being new, I am now prepared to turn out • Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FRAiES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. And everything needed in tbe building trade, in a manner second to none Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department would. now respectfully solicit pubhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders still keeps clinibiiig up and will soon be stand- ing on its tip-toea. Promptly. PI NF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all jsizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. B08 THOS. MclVE^. -AT- McFarland's are climbing down, dow^n, dow^n, and are now flWflYJ P lLOW) fm^ A Large SAUYe Slock Eistriot Doings. JV. J. MitchoU has enterel upon ' is secniid year at the beim of tbe i^urliam Cbroi jcle m good humor and with bright prospects-â€" that is, fir a country printer. The Cliesky Enterprise last week o"ve, well written and. interesting. Mej by the Wciy, from that village t-; Snutliampton, Tara, Alleuford ana. E'simore. A FIRE swE.?T COUNTY. â€" Bmco County iias shfi' red from tlie fire fiend severe- liite. Mildmay has had a $22- '«. Just before tliat PiipUy was 5*'eiit cut of existence. A few weeks P'i^T to thi.^ disaster Ciiesby was laid "iniins. But a short ' time ago I ^outhatupton was cliaired- and gapped j "y a great couflaxration. None of i "lese i^t icken communities were pro- vided With means of protection aira?nst 'te ene uy which wrougUt the des- "tiction. 'rs. S. J. Hjv'bert, of il^dale. is ^=;iiDg vith her father, Mr. John' "•-, Ai, af rd.â€" Mi Tor. l.v oi 000 fiu laos from CcUingwood gi\'ing tueir names as Vvilham Tromley Willifiiii Tiiomnsoa (real bamo sup- poseii to be H ward j arrived here quarteruig at Biaoksfcocj:'s Hotel. VVheu dinner time airived one of the bricklayers, vvorkmg ou Grant's budd- ing discovered that the prckets of his j ^^^ coat which was haiigmg i;i the hotel. J-ea.b had been gone through. Suspicion at onco svas pill ced on the t.vo town duiiee mesiiioned above whose nctions i.eirayed *aht they in'ended skip-jiug out without paying lor tiiek liinners. J. dm buUivan, of Duiitroon, Wis dis- playing a roll of bills wuieii was eager- ly eyed by the young tramps, evident- ly with a'desire ot ,i.ssesMoi' They at last started away through th' fields-' behind tbe hotel, b- 1 beii g obsirved by the masc.nr. and i h rs who joined in a chase and broi g a ih;" wo- tides back, when piu-t t.f â- ttoleu property was found on them and the rest wiiere they h id thrown it u^ ay J. R- Sing j J. P. ioiniediately orn. rid_ tiieir arresi bef re «honi tbey w r j tried aud sent to Owen Sound to awBi t tr.al. A tup to Peueiaug is what they sh -uld re- ceive.â€" Sin {.h iir-pton oorretpoudence lu C.'iiiugwoiid buUi'tin. Cream Seersuckers slaughtered at 7c., old price 10c. One case Ladies fash- ionable Hats just open- ed your choice for 40c old price 75c. to $1.25. Lovely Lawn Mns- lins in spots and spreys lie, sold in city at 15c. 700 yards charming Twilled Sateen Prints, all new, just opened, 11 cents. Another big drive in Ladies' Misses and Children's Hose. A grand line of Pari- sols only 40c. (lace). Opening out this week tealj-naie SljU ul Fasioftliie Clsii; tor hand, which we purpose selling FOR CAS Hi prices w:hichwiU astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the publiq may rely on get- ti ng close bargain s. CI|H|0|l(l|E|I|H|A|N|Dt i :|M|A|D|E l |B|0|0]t|sMi[N^ â- kept in stock and made to order at Shoe. Shop under the management of MR. KAY so w^ell and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. WM. BROWN. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. and I jiew oriental Laces.one case, direct importa- tions. 1 A few more of those Cretones at 10 cents Bargains all through July. See that you make no mistake but go direct to the only Importing house doing business in Markdale. w. J. mwM% IMPORTER. FACTS rOR MSN OF ALI, AGES. IllS'S.SSai OF MAIT. "_^ Marvel of Healing, rxrl K'lhinocr of Medicines, A^w^^j 'v^as^^sa t^c t.«rrrtb9A confieauouccs ofln^iaeretloii* ^Ur.lUi..K. Sggg £xpo.are and Overwork. •^OTJiTca-, 3!i4rr33X3XjS--«ft.a. ETD -^kjtrr^ oi-nD a»CEiT 'Who are brokeu down ironi tUo eilects of ubueo vill find in Ko, 8 a radicH( cure for nervous' debility, ur^anio weakliest), inyoluutary vital lpB8es,-etc. Stvptohs tob which No. 8 SHOCi^n bg Usku, â€" Want of energy, vertigo., want of pnrpose,,, dimness of sight, aversion to eooiety, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessness iinl inability tp fix tlie attention on a particular subject, ' cowardice, depression of spirits, g-ddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, 8per rujitorrboea, or loss of the semin-.i' fluidâ€" rtho result of self-abuse or marital excessâ€" impo- teney, innnti-itiou, em-iciutio-i, bartenness, inlpitation -of tiie heart, hysteric femiiiig: in females, crembliug, iiifclmicholv, dist'irtiing dj-eknis "to., are till syuiptoms of. this terrible habit, oftentimes in:ocenily acquirt^d. In short, tu.. spring v.f vitil force havilH; lost it« tension, every function wanes in consequence. .Scientific writers aud tbe supetintopdenta of insane aaybtins unite in iiscririn8 10 the effects of pelf-abuse the great majority of -wasted lives which couie under tiieir notice. If ypu ar,4 incompetent for the ardnons .duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoymeut-i of life, No. 8 offers an eseaxM from the effects of early vico. If yon are advanced in years. No. 6 will give you full ^vuKir end strength. If you are broken dow?i, vhysicnlly and morally from early indiscretion, tbe rHSult of ignorance and foilv, s«nd your addmss »tidlO ce its in stamps for M. V^IiUBON'a Treatise in Book Form on Diseasaa of Man. Sealed nnd aecnre from obMrvaMon. Address all cummnnications to N. T. I.ITBOH. 47 WelilnvtMi St. K* Torsato. A Man wlhMrt mdoni lives in a (soPs pai«sa. eURK GDMUUITEEO. HEAL THE SICK. Permanent Cure. Pleasant Curcb The Standard from J^ow tin the 1st of Jaai. ^1? 40 cents. -," no -pittoBpBnoaAtpi^eQnep iinds a mK imanol mfwq p« dnists pnas -vnoifm pns enSv qmnp'XadsniM 'saipi iSbkkio •%paaaȣy 'ewestpweirngiMe 'â- uuiiiituin p row M e ' ii(B s aeit «» jwg9s ' » ,,1*? :i 'I I' â- m..- W^' C-l [I 1' H H^ I I ':;.:.!:â- - â- : n' 'nm rii I 3 v;« I :.y^; â- .â- -â- â- ,;-i?P| '^^â- ^â- '