â- w^^rr '^KlbfW 'g^^SF?^^""""'**'?*?'?!*^^"^^^ «' u 'i^-,' -;/- /â- -â- l '^^-'^?^- ~??7 n 'i-w '" fi ^:.^^Sp5p -^.^ â- »s^,j»g 'r iBtrti, M » ^p â- *- -if-' s^-^ Hf; ^^H^'^-. C. W. Batledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, AUG. 16, 1868 NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Within a few years. Generals Hancock, Logan, Grant, McClelian and Sheridan baye passed awaj, and Gen. Sherman is now the only great .war leader -of the Union cause left alive. Quite a number cf the famous Confederate generals are still alive. Atter the war the Confederate gen- •erals became simple farmers or rail* way men, while the northern leaders had fame to support and remained in the whirl of public bfe. Manitoba. Standard Correspondence, kug 7 Haying is the order of the day on the prairie. It is a good crop this year and costs only the expense of cut- ting. The meadows are around sloughs and the eirass sometimes more than three feet high, This prairie hay resembles wild-grass and is ex- cellent feed. It is the only hay for all, attempts to grow clover and timothy have failed so far. The wheat is about two weeks later than last year, but if safely harvested will be the best crop ever grown in the west. In some places the grain is so heavy that the farmers have had to recall previous orders for twine and secure double the quantity at first ordered. Emigrants have been coming in steadily all spring and summer and yet the country does not seem to be more thickly populated than before. Visitors from the east are often heard to say "you have too much land. It can never be all settled." But we manitobans are not lacking in hope and look ever for close settlements. Faitii in the brilliant future of our pro- vince is the distinguished characteris- tic of the people. It is rarely anyone is heard to complain â€" not even a frog can be found to croak. As may be expected there are difficulties to be faced but those who are not afraid to work are sure to succeed. Many who came to the country a few years ago poor are now in good circumstances. Crop reports from all parts of the pro- vince are most favorable and when we eompare this with the state of affaars in Ontario it is wonderful that we should be contented It is hoped that the R. K. V. road will be built to help carry out the new crop, we also look forwa,rd to getting (in the near future) connection with Liverpoo) by the Hudson Bay route. Moee A.non. Flemerton. Standard Correspondence. Sorry to part.â€" The Eev. A Wilson of the Presbyterian church here after a pastorate of over nine years preach- ed his farewell sermon on Sabbath last to one of the largest con- gregations ever assembled in the I'res- byterian church here. Every pew was packed and evary available foot of standing room was occupied by eager listeners to the rev. speaker's last pul- pit utterances as pastor here. Many were moved to tears. The Presby- terian congregation here regret loos- ing their beloved pastor who has gone in and out amongst them tor so many years. Mr. Wilson's induction into his new charge takes place on Tues- dBy, Aug. 21st, in the chaicb in Charleston. The Flesherton and Priceville base ball teams played a friendly game of ball here on Saturday last. Priceville having a crack team and our boys be- ing only a few days organized the victory was oii the side of the visiting team. A short time's practice will put the team here in better irim for a return match. WiwmoN, Aug. 8.â€" rhe toum^ ment ot the 82nd Battalion Btnd held liere to-day -was a splendid sucoess. The weathet was fine, and over 6000 people were on the grounds. The Dofliinion Organ and Piano Co.'fl Band of Bowmanville took first pruse. $800, with 347 points; Massey Band rf Toronto, second prize, $200, 826 points Berlin Band, third prize, $100, 808 points. The judges were Mr. Hiscott of London and Mr. Carry of Kingston. The second class bands will compete tomorrow. SMfh of u V. P. P. CoLBOBMB, Aug. 8.â€" R. Clarke, M. P. P. for East Northumberland, died here last night after an illness of a few days. ' Diiaffe (150,000. A big smash-up occurred about 7:80 yesterday morning at Ellerby's Mills, on the Northern .three miles north of Newmarket, and about a mile south of Holland Landing. The accident was caused by two freights colhding on a single track, but the responsibility for the disaster has yet to be fixed. An investigation will be held immediately, at which all the train hands and the despatchers will have to tell what they know to Local Superintendent Wragge. The trains were in charge of Con- ductors Lewis and Haskett respective- ly, and the damage to rolling sto'ik and freight is estimated at $50,000. Both locomotives have been put past further usefulness, fifteen freight cars have been reduced to kindling wood, and about twenty others are more or less damaged. The accident blocked passenger travel until late in the afternoon, when the line was cleared and the debris removed. None of the train hands were injured, the men having time to jump before the two trains met. It is the heaviest loss the Northern has sustained for years. Bi^ Tall Wheat Crop in the West. ' London, Aug. 10. â€" The Advertiser to-day says As far as Western On- tario is concerned, the general harvest is well advanced, and a great deal of the fall wheat crop has already been threshed. In view of the gloomy fore- bodings of the spring the yield appears to be unusually abundant and the quality of the grain excellent. A turn- out of 80 or 85 bushels per acre of good marketable grain, as has been reported, means well-filled graineries and well-lined pockets for the farmers should the price stiffen up. Generally speaking the prospects indicate a lively trade for London and vicinity this fall. Orasshopers In the East. Ottawa, Aug. 12.â€" A genuine grass- hopper plague has struck several parts in tne counties of Russell and Carletoo. They are ravaging the crops to a terrible state. A farmer from Gatin- eau Point says that out of an expect- ed 700 bushels crop of wheat he will have only about 100. Drowned In a Ciatexn. Mt. Forest, Aug 11. â€" This evening Denis, the youngest child of Eugene Murphy, was drowned in a cistern be- longing to P. McCuUoch. It appears that Murphy's people had taken a board off the fence between the two yards in order to obtain water. The -T^-a. USTEN Time is precious Life is short And short is our story It is also interesting Do you "w^ant to be be- nefited Of course you answer yes Tten if yc .r wants Are in the grocery line BUY YOUR TEA, SUGAR. COFFEE, COCOA, MUSTARD, GINGER, PEPPER, CINNAMON, ' CLOVES, ALLSPICE, NUTMEG, SODA. CR. TARTAiJ. STARCH, 4 r CORN STARCH; EEC, ETC., ETC. VFaiyIlei(ii -AT THE- Pickling Spices, Pickling Spices, Tobaccos, Tobaccos, Tobaccos STOP AGAIN TAKE ANOTHER MINUTE, It will do you good Supposing it does shorten your life, You will make it up by nsiDg" A box or two of AT HAMLETS BBUe STOK, MiiHZDAL; MANLBY'S Beef. Iron mn^ A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price oni' MANLEY'S Throat Lung Syr^t] For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price ^Scavi i\l! MANLBY'S liver Pills. For Sick UeadsM^e, Giddiness, aud Liver Troii])k T,ti%- MANLBY'S Good Samaritan Oit For Kheutnatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles ijti « MANLBY'S Safe Worm Killer A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Notliinj; better, Dtlce MANLBY'S Carbolic Ointmen!;, The most healing salve on earth, for cuts, -Scalds, Burus, Soieo auj diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Biood Stomach Bittersi For Bad Blood, and Skin Di'ieases, also for Constipation, Soar Stoiaaci Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLBY'S Sweetened Castor The only positivelvi pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 25 MANLBY'S Compound Syra Hypophosphltes. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for loss of Appetite, Vv'eakuessel price $1.00 per bottle. MANLBY'S Codliver Oil Creaa. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, very nice to taste et digested and highlj useful in wasting diseases^ as onsuuipuor, Broncl Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Vegetable Blood pnrifyer and Tonic. It acts on the Stoi ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Ooustipatiou aii.l Disiiepsia, cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. .Ma,.:cb o pi bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed Ffitlsfactory, dojj forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line, Oiv^-^nsri. 's iD:EE-crCr MARKDALE. HAmLTON, ..^^ ~. o THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOG p S^fSS^£? youngester crept through the opening and fell into the cistern. An XnOiaa Hero. TELE6RA?HICNEW8 NOTES. Heavy loss at Wiagliaai. An incident in the career of Sir. Edward Bradford, the newly appoint- j ed Political Secretary at the Indian OflSce deserves to be recorded as show- ing the character of a man â€" one of the ablest but most modest of soldiers who ever drew sword. As a young efficer, doing duty with a Madras cavahr regiment, Sir Edward was a keen sportsmen. One day when tiger shooting, he "missed his mark," and soon found himself in a tiger's clutches It was an anxious moment, few of his friends being at hand, As a sportsman of experience Su: Edward Imew well that his best course was to lie quietly and sham death. The^tigar surveyed his prey, looked around and thmkiug all was safe, set bteadily to work to make his meal Steplsen's Sal•ST^stt^ifn, S«oj»!»ra'slVf£9ai ^Jrmm; Siepliea's Vcarotatoi J -7orikiPo\wd.»i:, aud usefiSepJiea'a SJixod Bisa Seed Stustheu's lns« :t I'owdcr, !^leiki:n'« Conxiaaou i»;»wt3crs, S iepbaa' M siar« ll-UPly xi^er. LGHOdLBOOKiUoHOuL BOOKS/ Staple Farcyqetcs Is turning out Pliotos all sizes equal to Cit] work. Copying and enlarging- a speciality. Also picture l);;i:;;Lij «"»« ^M neatness and dispatch. Then come awa» both old and yonui?. And diona lose nae time â- In getting pictures for vonr i-rwutis, ' For Hamilton takes them fine. With the take And digest it It will agree with you e br^:,9,t]i IS in HwOwttort Dlic owniot the Age. Price • $3. ORKHTAl CATABRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS WFLUQiCE The only oetarrh xemedy ever offend to the pabUo on i^^^ m wrtttefr snanotee given with each instroment, W. T. Oisa a »» ISSQneea Btreeft ^U^ Toioato. Out. THE filEAT EVE AND LUNfl RESTORER AcHna is iwta mMHcfaw or â- dtgHtfing KiHni rF"'«^^ ^J^i^ thigVapor^ teiinaNo.2. iil»SrBy»414i^Inflained-Bje^ near and far BgMadiwss TsB Aomu. n Boij ramgn cob wannw otim»w« ^j i^iW SWAih BoelOM Btamp for handaomely^w^M SMMOtaOB' ibvnuil. W.a!.BABaf« CO.. MB Queen Btteel Wart. !W»»*^^^ Di^Emm, DONE DAY AND |ilCHT IT 13 WEIL KHOWN THATâ€" FACT McGOLL'S Takiog the youngl-. officer's iaud in his month it wm ' GABEFUXiXi Y, steadily disposed of and the arm eatec ' to the elbow before Sir Edward's eom- WI.VGHAM. Aug. 8.-H;rt^ Garr'8 1 ^.r'""' f""® 1^' •"" realized him. fioariuUUndMr.Ja.k.ou-sreH.d^eJf ""1 "-f f °tion of jhe ^„ ,^ ttjHiuenci feijjiiina death had been the means of saving what has since provod to be a most valuable hfe, for. as Sir Edward says when telling the storf had he war? bnrt to tbe tjiound about 3 o'clock this m- rniug. The fij-e et'irled in the mill, which Ijad not been muning since T'JL'^I ^^^ f /ening. Tuere was about 4,000 bushels of wh-iat m the mUl b« sides a qnautity of flanr estimattiid at ab«)nt inil! and $3,000 There was $8,000 l%e loss is $S5.000 oo (b» on tlie iliraUti^. •11 J *. «^ insurance on^tQ mill and $4,000 oi its oauc^ts The names of the insurance eooMwmes m-, tciested are notknoimi v- ACcXJBATBlj-Xi V S A:TISP ACTOfilL, Y M TIME TABIjS- â€" IVTariidale s^tation' 4.3,9 p. «' GtOTSQ S -uTn. GhUIO N 'KTH. 6.55 a. m. 11.56 p To our customers well as onriii moved, oij ittlered even a «eoal^ the "^^ 'J*« Q«»alil||saUoii8 iwcesuarv tiger woull have pat an «ii|.to ks ex- ^^" ^^i thiat of pftt«5ti«se atid ' wtence before goiu^ on ^tliliis r .jpaet. t«"«^» whioli m^es us Of course Ihu shattered ant had to l^ leinoved %om t^t^kL 1% mnj be imauiiied' iHiat j^^ saflbriiiir vrs â- â- *-3ii- the vicUui eqi^iij^ li^^t i^iiilj;^, mite to do w uRme' ,«^y is thi%.bst known, an^; most relieble^^Q ,3 ^^jj Nervous, M*ceiNi5 Ou. in tJiQi^omiuion Farm- ' "' ' ' «r's, Threbhur's aad.MiU Owner'*, will find itj'decidedly to thwr advantage to msist 9pon Kettiag the "Genuine ael I^ai^dJ^e" when they ask for it, owing to ao much inferior oil being sold un- d'er tbe same uame by miucrnpolous '"«"!2!^S^toataVi«w»gJS;^ deal«rs;^ 3^e are the sole n^aniifactur-; ^IJ^^^S*^;^^ "' Trf* Diio In bis Folly â- »*â- l0no»anci|,^ lai fled away bis Vigor o« BCKlyi^ rff» Manhood, "-i^^^ffi^S*^ Backache, Dwa^P**^ to 9o^ or Hemoiy, Baehfulness » g^w^w €X- co:i^teut '•t.-K- -i'KV'f^i^f^^,^-"t«^^'*v • Ji^ii..- ':Ait--.Sv. i:^ eunsciuas, iu the puwin; vQ«a(iiotis Jm^aiiiillfi^^ iaiffliS to Early Decay, 'c?5SJ!??K'»» wlnaanltyj^todj"'^p^ ^^^ by miHcropulous ^^^^^Wfyjfi^JS PImplea apon tbe Face »« • tding to Early De?ay»-Sp»fle'!i:Jj Iths.inost ol 'Boitoatoi^ .^v â- "^y"^^- f^^-^ »«»»»*• CSTULOU. eonnal .met pursnai.t ent6uJ^v27th.l888. I present. Minutes of la 'rf ooweiX r6ad and confirr TlftW 895 read tiie third tu aiit passed. *£eeve. Mr. B°y^*V^^^, were authorized to take wl ' tbev may deem prudent 1 r^io the culvert on 9th .line, CO as to do away with allege 'bce 6a'i *^^'*^ " ^^^ jif Stuart was instructed made on G and 7 sideUi '!!^ 3. "^^Erebine was instructed Jfli 11th line, at lot 26, rep ^jie Clerk was ordered 00 t;i\ notice of a p.'oposed" by lieh a deviation cf 3 and con. 4. lir. Boyd -and Mr. Erskin â- ere appointed a committee ti JIB a part of 15 afid 16 sidero Bdefore council a report rtlmt c foe rough state of the gioimd |»mount of money would be Ito open the road here for publ land would cot recomm;iid s Ipenditure at present. I Tbe Treasurer wiis iustruct Imit to Thos. Plunkett, Esq., iDivision Court, Meaford, §2, liorcopy of judgment and evi Ifiait of Clerk vs. this corporat The report uf Jas. Pateisc |in reference to the expent I money on 9th line, laid btfon land approved and the Treasur led to remit to the parties nam [in the amounts placed ojjposit imnes total amount §20. I Wm. McConce], Esq., pat ' Isf^ before council a report of I tare of grant made by coiiuci port being approved, the 'J vas ordered to pay to the pr titled to payment for work the placed opposite to their nam amount $12. The Treasurer was ordevet [toJ.G. Sing, P. L. S., pU iDg deviation of 3 and 4 sidel I ka.. c. The Treasurer was instrnc mit to James Patel'son, Mn- Meaforl, $22, balance m fai tract, printing minutes tvv liisls, and to R, McKniui iRegistrar, $1, starclies r. statute. The Heeve's orders were the Treasurer to pay as foil' John Abercrombie, $23 50 12 aud 13 sideline, cou. 8 Stuart, Esq., $5.25. to pay ployed by him on road V\ $23.76, work on 4Lh line, John Sewell, $20, balance â- on deviation roatl Johu j\I? work on 6 and 7 siileliiie ris, $4.50, buildint^ culvert 1 sideline, con. 6; Thos. Fofk "york on 12 and 13 Bidelin( and 8 Wm. Dales, §50, contract on Kerr's Lill $6.68, plank turni.-^hcd Suelgrove, $4, repairing cu 6; John Alexander, "ipil.ti valley road, at lot 3 J-.;scn $5, opening road to riavcl Cook, $4,80, lumber for cul Clngston, $5, gravel farui Lawrence, SIO, repairiiig Beaver river Geoi ge liutc repairing bridge Patrick C support ag indigent. Council adjourned until iu August ntxt. Robert D;;nl District Doinss W.J. Mitichp-li has 01 Ids second year at the I Durham Chronicle m goo •Uh bright proepectsâ€" th ooaotry printer. Tbe Ghesl«y Enterprig gKV€, well written and Oftti?* by th^ way, from tl 8oi||:tbampt9n, Tara, AJ Elmore. A FIBE 8WEBT COUNTY. â€" b»8 suffered from the fire v^Sr^ late. J^ildmay has vfiOO fir^j. ^vi|9t before th; *?*Pt pnt of existence. *r to tills disaster Che rWlitti. But a alunt Ithaiuptun was churn ft great cnufiaxiatit •st'-iekei) communis with, means of prot t^e.ay which wror fo»,J, J-. Hi^'bert, ol ^^^j Witii her fath P^«, Jiivuf rd. â€" Mi 1 ^-^i*^ rs^*? i (. Staoida im. the Is T- i^M:Â¥ ' ' ^^^'"M^^^Mk A^fefef..: