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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Aug 1888, p. 3

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 ^m? ""'â-  -â- â€¢â- â€¢â-  'â- "••.•" '^^ â- â€¢â€¢--'•"' -y^. 'â-  â- â- â™¦Â» r â- ~fm^^^-' •mfmimm m^-^^WKM ttm â- bo make an' ""^fc..^ V^.Sood for C J^^S Qdeome residence^-!* Po« I'y d. eased Kentl«r„r '^»»1 l^oy, to conBultTHrilb JL,'"»' '« ^8ofmor,entonr*Jf'-S="i ;oodwoman? NoT""" country " «• t^ "mily .-here wil a letted re^K Ibe place, sir "-han^^" '^? Seaside address 'ut.\^ kraent mu8t be Iclt V" ta! quick, for goodc"^.^?: M you please. ^t-rUiU r *^« gorgeous strangi h^ k-room and seats h^wJ fndsome devonport, whlf' tng materials'S^? Mhe leaves him to trCrth id have seen how effeotiulJ Implement produced frott' fastened the door aCj.^ r he opened, cleared ou' il tter m his legion of poS^ _e swooned away on ttoiS •a note, lets himself out Sb 8 the note and a sbiUJae the dame, exacts a promL- X)st the missive riaht a^ talks away. Mr. Servs, tantletter next day: i " it runs. "I can bat compliJ i« good taste yon have ihow '°*7oof plate. Iw»8»lw»y nddle patterned artiolefc, u ' chased, as yours are, the ;lo«ie. The fish slices suj 'ns are substantial and to mil )ddy ladies are really uniqaej of the spade guinea at th-' )unch bowl, which lastnams preserve in remembrance o rn under your roof. Yonn ie they are), "Got 'Em." adding insult to injury, was enlightemd as to theh»zifdi jOU5GGIBL;8PAL8EBTBP. Ln*"' Gaest. I u.rr despatch sayi -.â€"The urreat l^imebS for the theft of |7^ lii'^rof her parents has developed ""' The girlis Mamie PhimM, IS years of ags* Her table residents of Al- ,Hc«torr. .Jisno' yet i" .,e respec eo V Some time ago James Devu, *-^ Itaviog with Mr. Phillips, missed "' bad Deen tafeen from his trunk. 'n.via" aever suspected any one abouE ;.^ .„i the matter was placed in the i' the police, " "=-- I arrest. the result eint Miss r^l aontbs ago the newspapers chrom- â- ^'t'Tbrave act of a young girl, who. at ;i'of her own life. 8»ved an old ino run down by a horse oar. Being ruu ^^.^^'p^-nj^^ gj^^ «ri«^ was Miss Phillipik. was ' ^*1oDg the Street when she saw an ^^, in deadly peril in front of a rapidly J*" _x_„»«. ^ar The girl sprang for- rT^e street car. 1Q rSsd the old lady. luc u»- J a°d rescued her. '•"flady thanked the girl, asked for her ' and drove off in a carriage. There '-er ended for a week. Then there ,n express package to the young lady's ontaining a lady's gold watch abd There was no message or explana- "of any kind. The gift was attributed \l girl to the mynterious old lady, and ^^.L^ were delighted. The following l""*^here arrived aTiandtome setjof plnslr Jpidera' Webs. statement not long ago,! lers' webs that cover dows on certain morning ' which was not entirely t quite true, in the sense inl ittered. that these apiderBf .bundant on some mornio^ and that they presage fair! the trnth is, that during thel nmer these webs are abontl ne time as at another bntl ore noticeable on some mom-l lers, â€" a heavy dew bringal Fbey are especially conspicn-r ling of fog, such as oftenl alleys for a few hours whesl They then look like little! all over the meadows If mmer in August, when one }ne of theje dew-napkins to I distances. They are little I the fog. Every thread is] umerable. fine drops, likei er an hour of sunshine the] are gone, people, I fiad. think they I g but the moisture; othcrsi kt the spiders take them in .noes. But they are still j ,bove the grass at noon and j idant as they were at sun- 1 n more serviceable to the j esa visible. The flies and id them in the morniag,| By do not detect them so itave any aignifieaaoe sej ig weather, this J»ay be Kicurs under a clear, cool t preceding a day of raw 8 night Much dew, then, r. and a copious dew die- webs. It is the dew that not the webs. owing plnsh- CJ furniture for parlor use. The fam- /aid it must be a mistake, and protested IjTj j.g receipt, but the expressman was l!!*itwa3 all right, and showed the plain Ssritten address on the tab attached. Ijkt would come mxt That was answer- U in » few days by the arrival of a hand I* piano, with a card addressed to the HLzprl. The excitement in the family Lthe receipt of this present can be imagin- n gall there was no word from the donor. iiienext gift was in the shape of two silk Ljaesand some other handsome articles of Itbmg. At last, about ten days ago, ngre came a letter with a considerable sum 2 money enclosed. The writer said the Lney was to be used for music leasona for Lesirl, 80 that thj piano would not be a Leless present. The donor said he was the Lof the old lady who had been saved by the girl, and he added that he was in the jMurance business in New York. He did jot wish to have his name known at present, but he said that inquries had be«n made ibout :he girl and she had been found for:iiy of assi-itance. At some future^ time tie writer declared he would make himself ijciwn, and as he had no relatives but his Mther he hoped to give substantial aid to ibe girl and better her condition in life. Aimed with these and additional facts a teciive called at the residence ard was re- teivedbythe mother of the girl. Theladywas aueationcd concerning the recent accessions » her daughter's possessions, and then the itory of how she had managed to account lor the accumulation of goods was brought out. The mother said that her daughter had rendered an important service to a wealthy old lady some time previous, and that the litter had presented her with the articles IB a manifestation of her appreciation. She produced a letter which purported to be fiicen by this person, but of which the girl tag the anthor. The girl was then called into the room, and was formally accused. She denied the charge vehemently for up- ward of a half hour, but as she was confront- ed with one proof after another of her tctions, tiaally broke down and coufeaaed in a flood of tears. There the matter now rests. The gentle- man who lost the money does not want to prosecute if he can secure the return of the hisds, and it is very probable that an ar- rangement will be effected. In the mean- time the parents of the young lady are near- ly heartbroken over their daughter's con- duct. A Laal "Pmra. When Judge Prdioka joiaed «m Metho- dist Church of B^aeradoB, New Jaiaey, it WM wiA the expre« nn4ntaiiding that he wee not to be expected te acttvelv pardo- ipate in any of their festiTab of prayer. He remarked that even in his choeen pro- feaeioB he had rarely, if ever, been oalled upon to do anything in the way of pleading or public declamation â€" his labora being al- most entirely in tbe line of l^al research, preparation of briefs, forma, etc. â€" and that even under spiritual influence he feared he would make an indifierens exhorter. To the credit of his faretliren in the fold be it aaid that his (weference in this regard was courteously deferred to, and during several years of ooniutest membership in the Regen- eration Church Judge Piolicks was never called upon to do anything more than to pjisa the plate and punctuate the intervals of supplication with some warm and tremend- ous " Amcns." One evening, however, a visiting divine was leading the service and had worked the participants to such a degree of ardor that even the judge acted ai if it was about all he could do to " hold in." Deacon Lakwitt took note of the efferves- oeaoe of the juridical member, and availed hiMWlf of the same by exclaiming "'Will Brother Prolioks please lead in prayer " The judge was winged, so to speak, by the auddenneaa of this discharge. He flat- tered to the limit of the " anxious seat," and for a moment seemed to wilt from sight. The fiery fervor had been smothered but for that moment, however, and flaming into life again it assisted tne judge to his feet, where- upon, with much incoherence, aided never- theless by the resourcea bf his calling, he petitioned as followa " This evening we be? mercy and forgive- ness for all people situate, lyii^ and being within this tenement edifice, erection or structure devoted to worship. We are all miserable sinners of, in, duriiig and through the existence, duration and continuance of or A Small Chanoe to Win. Dnmley (who haa eoAaved hie hetee in a raoe)â€" Ton my eool, Feathocly, I think my horeatkiUwiBl Peadieriyâ€" Impoarible Dnmleyâ€" Nonaenee. Why latpoaaible Featlierly â€" ^Beoauae all the ooier honee would have to fall down. Driokui?- )e said anent the consnmp- j iquors in Great Bfitwa. ubtthatwearebecom«l I extraordinary •oale« I 140. 1.22 fOJmiB oimi Uowanceof each dwe" i,;in 1887 the qn*"*^ steadily dedinedlnpBb- e period n»"»*«**K.t:t, 1 f^eewaathetrS of the pop«»l»™*^rij| noefelltoSl.ainatagfl lot easUy acoooBfcadWri red that oo**r"Sr In the dayaof tbe^ dedaaaaortof "P^ er noetmma » "Wj|-^ 1 vertiament » "iL-Bil nationa ^^^ /cJnhas f ilteaaw Head ^^ Therefore i*,"^^. j â- 1 ^tt^ ir^P? An Accomplished Bobin. TflciaM O'Donnell, ef Bondout, N. Y., has a robin which whistles like a mocking- bird. This is probably due to the fact that it was rused in company with a mocker. The robin whistles '•Jonny, Get your Gan, ' " Don't Leave Your Mother, Tom," etc ^rith all the sang froid of a Bowery aotur. Its powers of mimicry are WMider- fal. Oae day recently a man went into a 3aloc- over the door of which the cage containing the robin ia hung. The bird jave a (juiok whistle. A mam on the opposite aide cf the street heard the whistling and seeing a friend entering the saloon and ))elievir!g that he had whistled to him to "oome and take something," crossed the si-ee:. The man who first entered the lilooa denied having whistled, but his friend â- Biigted tbat he had. and succeeded in- gettirg "something." In the early morning, when things are quiet, the whistle of the I'd haj been heard a quarter of a mile. Oriftin of a Glove lad. ^omen who wear different colored j^oves »!.h full drees ooetumea know but little probably of how that fashion was first set. A onarming Fiench Duchess, so goes the s'.ory, had recently promised to be present tthe festivity for some benevolent purpose Mthe Trouville casino. Bting rather be- iind time, the lady put her gloves on while (irivicg, and never noticed till ahe stood in tbe full i,iaze of the caaino drawing room lia^ to her black and white silk costume she pu' on one white and one black glpve. It appears that her maid had laid two pairs ' gloves ready for her mistress to chooae irom, aai that the Duchess in her hurry had taken one of each pair. The mischief, how- P», could not be undone, and the gratify- •og result was that at the next fashionable "sembly all the ladies at Trouville wore a glovd of a different color on each hand â€" a custom which haa become ao general that at present all the ladiea at Trouville have »dopted it. our life or livesâ€" that ia to aay, the life lives of each, any, either or all of us, col- lecdvely, jointly or severallyâ€" we have grievously, persistently, feloniously and with malice aforethought offended against the law in such case made and provided. We have, each and every one of us, at divers and sundry times, ocoaaiona, intervals and places â€" aa will be more particularly and at tongth set forth, proclaiibed, declared, enum- erated and elaborated in the indictment hereunto ancexed â€" committed, performed, perpetrated and caused to be done such acts, deeds, transactions and offensea as have ren- dered us unworthy the leniency of this hon- orable court. But we nevertheless beseech our lawgiver to give, grant, devise, transfer, convey, set over, release and bequeath unto each and every servant, the parties hereto of the second purt, and to their heirs, exe- cutors, administrators assigns, and to the survivors or survivor of them, such mercy, sustaining grace, commiseration and relief as the need miy indicate, and to this court may seem meet, just, worthy and commend- ed in the premises. We know that the re- lief sought by US aa petitioners, and by all parties serving under them or either of them, usuch aa paaseth the measure of human un- derstanding, but we know furthermore, and by these presents declare, affirm, insist and maintain that mercy is as boundless as the heavenly dominions. Infinite power ex- tendeth over all those certain lote, pieces and parcels of land and water situate, lying and being in the solar system and bounded and dekcribed aa followa to wit Beginning at a pointâ€" " To what further extravagance hia momen- tum in the professional rut would have borne him can only be con j ectnred. Apprehension led Deacon Check to cut short hisperora- tion, and from that day to this Judge Pro- licks haa never been invited to indulge in public prayer. Love's Confidence. Old Man (to daughter about to be marri- ed) -I think, my darling, that my wedding present will be a check for a thousand dol- Diughterâ€" Oh, papa, that will be so mce and be sure to draw it to my order. An Object of Compassion. ««My dear," said a lady, who was sitting on her front stoop, "do you nouce that poor man coming up the street " " Yes." was the reply. "How I pi 7 "uch people," she went on, gently. " Their life must be hard, indeed. Insufficient food and clothing, no money to buy even the simplest necessaries atâ€" Just then the wretched object of her com passion vociferated " Pay cash clo' " thtt.*' A bill providing for the aMointment of ^ee police matrons in Waahington, D. C, u a sabury of $600 a year each haa p Mae d tl» house and been favorably reperted to tle senate. This action haa ban brought »Wt lar^y through the influeace of the Women In the Diatriot of Celninbiar^nd the *Ppomtment are to be made on the reoom- •nendation of ten women ofgood atttftding in ,^e District Oswego, N. Y., ha»:ll|BO a po- Ijoe matron, Mie. Harriet Beiad, reeintly ap- iwinted by the major. M*a»ota»etta wae «« hrst state to paaa apoUoe malroa MU. «»t act caUed for pdlioe mmamm to "*Mge of aU women artertid in oWee haviMf population of 30,000. OMnpllMoe wilir the law haa been alow in khm dtiea. Kealistic Acting. Prompter (w boy) -Tell Mr. Ham h» cue wUl be given very soon for the death scenej is be ready? Boyâ€" Yea, sir ha a jast got through eat- in* a water melon. His roll Name- Miss Ethel-Do you know Mr. Featherly* what that pleasant Uttle Mr. Sissy a first name is, .ho is playing tennis with Clara FSeriy (who doesn't like Si«y)-I be- lieve he anawera to the nare of Charley. risastioos Sospicion. Charley: I aay, Harry, have you got change for a ten? /-,u i t Hwry auapioioualy) Er-no, Charley, I haven't a cent in my pocket _„. .„ Charley Sorry, old man I wanted to pay the five I owe you. At the Sestattrant. Gneatâ€" " Here, waiter, take tlua away, I ordered Spring chicken and thia u a laying 'widter-"'p«ltain't,boaa. D*t'a Spring cbickMi, alio." • „ Guest-" Not thia Spring. ' WiStaTcioBennoaaly)-" No, aah not dU SM^h^rnsA^ Hit' a litti.,«K« ^bSaa, £o' dia yer'a Spring ohiokena." Btraok With Idghtnisg, -Kr^OwdcKribaa'the poeltloa of a hard or aoft ^!!^%22rPtt2m'al«« Com Extractor J-SSSd. nU ita work "q-|-kSM»d |3^J^c5SSUtot. Sow |v*U dmg- A Yeiy Fnnny AfFcUT. It waa hia firat viait to the city. As he stood on the curbstone shaking his sides with laughter he waa acooated by one of Toronto'a finest. " What's the fun, atranger ?,' "Fun I. Can't you aee it? Just look how ihat thing (pointing to a watering cart) leaks. Why, the blanoed fool won't nave a a drop left when be geto home t" Canada's Great Fair. Since ita inception in 1879, the Toronto In- duatiial Exhibition has proved a continued series of aucceaaea, and ^e one for the pre aent year, to be held from the 10th to the 22ad of September, promises to again surpass in every respect those that have passed. Already applications for apace in all departments are more numerous than ever before. A liberal Prize List and a long programme of first-class and novel speciu attractions ia what the Toronto Fair offera, and ancceeas ia alwaya t'ae result. Special exhibita will be sent from Manitoba, British Columbia and many other sections of the Dominion. The special attractions already contracted for are the beat that money can secure, and there will be plenty to aee, both to inatruct and amuse, every day of the Fair. Programmes containing full details will be issued early in August, and will be sent free to any one desiring them. Prizs Lists can also be aecu'ed by intending exhibitors, on their droppine a post card to Mr. Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto. All entries have to be made before the 18th of August. The people of Ontario seem to have set down the time of the Toronto Fair as the occasion of their annual holiday outing, and the railway companies recognizing this fact have decided on givii^ cheaper fares than ever before for this great exhibition, which is so popular with all. It will be opened on the 11th Sept. by Lord Stanley, the new Govemor- GeneraL Arrogan'M may break ita neck where humility wins a crown. For Sweet Home Sake. Mothers, wives, suters! why that patient, hopless suffering, those pinched, melancholy faces that sadden home and cause anxiety to loved ones, while so potent and harmless a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion can be obtained of your druggist? It is a panacea for all "female complainta," of marvelous efficacy and health giving qual- ities. The debilitated, and sufferers trom those excruciating periodical pains, "drag- ing-down" fellings, back-ache and kindred female disorders, should use this certain remedy at once, and be restored to the bles- sings of health, for home's sake. Of druggiata. Take care of your habita, and your health will take care of itaelf. The Mistakes of Moses and IngersoU, are common topica of conver- aation, but the mistake we wish to comment on here is the great one so many people la- bor under that consumption (which ia really only Scrofula of the Lungs) is an incurable disease, and that there ia no hope for one suffering from it. Thia terrible malady, that yearly fills so many graves, can be sure- ly curad, if not too long n^lected. Be wise in time, if yon are afflicted with it, and arreat the undermining influence that ia aap- ping your life blood, and hurrying yon to an untimely grave, by uaing Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, a remedy that never fails in ita life giving mission, if taken in time. All druggiata. Omiaaion of good ia a ccmniaslon of eviL It ia easier to live down a lie than to talk it down. Psopis who ar enbjeel to bad bfsath, foul seated tOBgne, or any disoider of ttis Stonaoh, oaa a* o cs be relieved by nsliig Dr. Carson's Stomsoh BlMsN tha old sad tnad remsdv. Ask voet DfunM- Economy in our affairs has the same effect uj on our fortunes that good breeding has on our conversation. Alma Ladies' Collej^e, Has five departmenta: â€" LiUrature, Music, Fine Arti, Elocution and Commercial Sciince. The faculty numbers sixteen thoroughly qualified teachers. Rates run from $39 to ^6 per term for bo?rd, tumished rotm, light, laundry and tuition in all literary subjecta including the Classic and Modern Languases. j@'$190 09 paid in advance secures all the above advantages topiether with instruc tions in drawing and piano by the regular teachers for one year. For Announcement address. Principal Austin, B. D. Persistence is the only key that will im lock the door to success. Bub 1 CoooH Cnaa euraa In one minute. A quarrel is, nine times out of ten, merely the fetmentation of a misunderstanding. IS THE BEST ToT*ate Cattlac Ckekeel.â€" flde^Mo and relia- ble ^rteoM taOKht. whereby slyll'h. perfeat- fitting garments are pradnced. CattemhaviDg trou- ble Btaoold scours my mtems and ensure future suo- cess. Entire sal istaction gaaraDteed. Shirt system taught separate. A rare ohaoca for young men to acquire a luoratiye profesdbn. S. CORRIOAN, Prop., 122 Tonge Street. lerois on appUcatieii. Allan Line Royal Mail Stsamsbipi Sailing daring winter from ForUand •vefyThnisaay and Halifax every Saturday te Liverpool, and in snas* m«r trom Qoebee every Siiwrday to Uvaipool, calUag M Londonderry to land mails and passengers t»i Saotland -md Ireland also trom Baltimore, via Hall fax iMf St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly daring summer months. The steamers of the Olae- gow llaes sail during winter to and from Halifaz, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and daring For Youns Inftinta U is fer aothn'siBilk, often aarinc lite; for tite InvalM «r Oyapeptio it is of th* gnatest Tslae. It ia VHE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, .THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. 1*0 Meaie for an Infant for SI .OO. AObMiMt phota of Has. Daxt's TsiFURS-thfae Its auUf nl ehUdranâ€" ant to the mother of any babf bonwithiaaTMr. Alio a raloable pompblst «) tte Omof Infants and loralida. .Wm BcMbrDinssiata. «So., 0o., ti^OOa WELLS, RICHARDSON CO. MONTREAL, P.O. CANADA'S GREAT Industrial Fair TOE,OIsrTO, Sept. 10th to 22nd. $50,000 CREATER THAN EVER IN PRIZES AXD SPFCIiL ATTRACTIOaig New Features and Grand Exhibits. The best attrac- tions that money can secure. For Prize Lists and Programmes addren the Secretary Entries Close August ISIIi. log I mar l«twsen aiasgow and Montreal weeklv Olssgow and Boston weeuy, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightiy. For freight, passege or other Information apply ia A. Sohumaohsr it Ckt- Biltimore 8. Canard A do. Halifax Shea Oo St John's. Nfld.; Wm. Thomp son li Cc.. St. John. N. B.; Allen 4 do., Chicago Love k Aldsn. New York H. Boariler, Toronto Allans, Rae k Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie, Philadsl phia H. A Allen, PorUand. Boston. Montreal. H. WILLIAMS CO. ^aritROOFERS MAinrrAciussKS aho dbalbbs u Roofing Felt, Slaters' Felt, Deafening Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake OcaveL oaee i 4 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS! Don't wait nntil you are burnt oat or robbed Boy a S»fe now and deep easy, and be sun and g t prices, etc., of the NewChunpionSafe. S. S. KIMBALL. 577 Craig St.. P.O. Box 9*5, MONTBEAL,P.Q. WESTERN MACHINERY DEPOT t IMMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from. Send for Lists. H. W. PETRie, Brantford, Ont, J.J. WITHROW, President. H. J. HILL. Secretary, Toronto. WILLIAM BRIQGS, PUBLISHEB, TORONTOâ€" has now a large staff of lalieiandirentlemen engaged in ranvasing for hi* several fast-ielling sub soription books aii Karallel F-unlly Bibles none but honorable persons that do b'jsiness on a square bats are enga^ ti act as agent fo ' h m his objsct is to make mnney for thi agent, aivell as forthe hoofe he represent!, and at the aame time tr«at every suh8crib er. rich or poor, as he would Lke to be treated agents will find that it pays bast to wo- k for a good hou»e if this meets the eye of any pirsons not envsgsi " itii -ms at present, smd for circula and full intoimation. ilBATBS LINE of STEAMSHIPS. '^-SAiLixe WssKLT Berwaseâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets. $40. $50 and $80. Return $80. $00 |U0. Intermediate. $30. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, Oenl. Manager. 1 Custom House Square. MONTREAL. CHOI E FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Manitoba Farms, trom 80 acres upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to C. I. HAVLSOlIt Ko- Arthur's Block, Main St., Winnipeg. IntormaUoa tumished free of charge, and settlers assisted io making selection. Mossr ro Loax at current rates o interesL CDtsALSsa Han RsnwsB l eist or ss grey an hair to its natural color and prevents talUng oat Difficulties are aleraya moaataina till we meet them and mole-hiUs when we have pas- sed them. A Care fer DtvakeBBeae The opiam habit, depsomaola, the morphine habit, norvous prostration caused by ths nss of tobbaoo, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of thsbiaiB, eto. premature old Sfe, loss of vitaUty caosed bv over exertion of the brMa,aiid lossot natnialstisiigtii trom aay oaose whatever. Manâ€" yooiiK, eM er add- dle-agadâ€" who are broken down from any el the above oaasea, or any eause NetaMn(ten«l aMW,ssM yoni address and 10 eonts la stamps for L^iqa't hMiHae,iabooktonn.ot iNsMMSS ^f Hmn. Bo^ sent sealed and seeore from observatlosL AddNssM. T. Lnoa. 47 WeDisgton strsel Kssl. Toronto. Gel Father (retomed from bnaineaa)â€" Well, haa Tommy met with any aericna aodfieBt t6-^y Mother â€"No, bat (anxiooaly) it k a fall hoar yet before hia bed tioMk Whenevar your Bseneea or Bowals gat eel af at dsr. oaaslat BlUo n s n sss DytpsBSIa, or bdl| aad tfaeli sftsartsnt avaa take A oaoa a daae Oaiwm's Blanaoh BNtssa. BasI fsasOy AnDracKMs,fO Nicholas Cronoh. the antnor of "Kaydeaa Mavoa a en," ia revid ingProvidenoe, R. L,. where he onoe made his ham*. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELUNGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'GAUSLAND SON, 70 KinK S t. W.. Toronto. SPORTING_GOODS. The Cheapefct Hoasa in Cinada for Gans, il fles. Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Bills Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. OXTH BIG OE'FE!« On r'ceipt of $12.f.O, we will oxpret-s to anv address a DOUBLS-BVttREL BRSfc-CH -LOADING SHOt GUN. *ith fine Laminated Steel Biirela. oiled stock, a good gun tt r rountry n»i A d for S3 OC will ship to any address a 22 caL RIFLE that will shoutaccurate tor ino feec w. a aow/uj. a m.. s\ kihc si: e toromto. Bicycles OTEB IM 8eee«4-Haad BlcTCle*. Satetlet ««d Trleyele* Send tor List anl Catologa*. Agents wanted in every town. A_ T. T.AITEI, MONTREAL. 10000 PRESENTS FIBST APPLTIKG. WHILE THET LASI- We will send by mail an ap- propriate gift to each maideo. wife, mother or cook- -one to .1 family â€" who will try the BlEADMAKEB'S BAKIWI POWBCI Cut the red circle from the label and send it in a letter statingf honest opinion after fairtnal. Eitiier aS. lOorSS cent size will secure the S[itt, Any grocer or storekeeper knows where to eetitifaskoA for by you. â€" AMrest â€" CHUBCHILL CO-TOBOHTO ST. THOMAS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCING WORKS Send for Designs and Prices. i\A/\/ JOStPM LE, I-BOPKISIOR. Nervous Debility. OB. OBArs SpectHo has been assdforthe ssi Bfteen years, with great sacoess. In the treatment eervoos debility, and aO diaeaiSS arising trom oessss. over-worked brain, loss of vitaUty. ringlnr the ears. palpHatloa. etc. For sale by all droggMs. Pitoe. tl per box. or « boxes for 96. or wIU be so It by â- Banoorawlptolprioa. PaDqhlat oe sntUoatloa. THB GRAY MEDICINK CX)., Toroate. V CONTAlSStVERY ELEMENT 0" PERFECT FOOD ITS REGLiAf? USE WILL BUILD UP A STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION ._. _,^«ND PROVE IT TOBE ^}^^GRE^•r strength ^^y^^?. Wlial8yRo7G80o., MS Yokce Strec*. Teremte. The Cheapest Plaoe la Canada tor BAND INSTRUMcNrS New and Seoond na.d Agents tor 'BB880N aad**HIQHAM Bend uid Orohssta MUSIC. B^Mlring of Band la straments a spsoialky. Send for Catalogaa. We abaaa or over work, I lam iiiisiiosa of X. Y. Lahonra Xnaiiss oa the wU ha asat asdad la aay tveSa.. â- â- ' I â- ;1 ^^i* I â- I â-  ' IT' i '1* â-  t; i I' â- 4 iMr4 •* **^-*^v" mannfactiire the Largest Tarlety of FENCES, CRESTING, BUILDER'S IRON WORK, STABLE FITnKGS, OFHCE RAIUNGS, ETC., of any hoaae In the Dvmuiioa. CATALOUGE8 FREE AHD IROH WOBXIk WI1ID80B, OHT. 'â- h *^i

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