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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Aug 1888, p. 1

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 :r~^'Kf^^^" \^ j^^' •â- A. ,â- /} T; " •Sâ„¢T^'?p^r"' *MS*"^J'--' '"ifp'.f- TT^^^'~f^^9 w .S,;. Tocarryji^ 13 ^•o-fifd ^•â- â€¢^ 'I'e cVr •"*â- ' "^l* f elided to ""^o., at6da -»0 ** at Owaa *^P«lJ l€,m S* JtC.^kJbI* TaU«»lto« and CtaaVa m A BKLBCT STOCK OF SFRDK} GOOD NOW OPENED. O, July By 'as. Lc L'lnB ^1 '"(1 S89 'ytractftl. On Ti ^^s, of Ryj,!'"' £,et m to set hie eut, f-%' .to h.s roo^ t-a ins pnvHte bare, iouud asleep i, with the watch audS nuaer his fnilo^ P^veu Soaud, whe;^ te bpeucor seofen u mouths u, tUo c.y, ferouce to the pedio which Mr.Beattio.i dechxrs improper, j ^\l ee clearly how th'e ma, 'â-  It will be remembej inserted in your papj igo a challenge or off huudreil dollars to ;rby was uot proi,tr\ IS presumptions iuta )usiiiess in this pajticl something that I coof i-lopk and I placed hand of W. L. Yoail dsion to be taken froJ e Clydesdale associatid secretary, Mr. HenJ o, who is known to 1 thority on the sub; ite Mr. Wade and in I jelf, Mr. Beattie and i placed the letter publication which T "HEW TO THb LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAY." ffCrHTH YEAR.â€" l^o. 513. MAEKDAI^, THtTBSDAY, AUG. 16, 1888. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietoi. UARTERS FOR i/,irA Tsas, Tobacco, ^mm, CURRilNTS Iheadquahtebs T0, July 31st. 1888. nq, Ma-kdale, U'lt, 5fours of SOth receivel ledigree of Lfciri Darb ddj] ri742j is duly] iu Scotch Clydesdal 74" second m Ame:" Book as 1067, a an Clydesdale Book operly registered in )ks, as given undec* 15th, 1886. ily yours, SzxRY Wade, 'lydesdale Associatioi 13 Mr. Beattie has go imatc-iu his kte eii ell in vour paper, a: lat Lord Derby is m all but a fraud, I gi ?claration ot Mr. Jaci ed Lord Derby as ckell u short time a, W8 Junction, July 13. ell: hereby certify tli; Derby, sold by me dl, of Markdale. a Thorpe Wright, 16 horse imported •bv and recorded li 'book, 1067 Amer 7] in Canadian booB, le only Lord Derby under thes^ uam- rs respectfallVr i John Jacksoh. ' ibove evidence is coi| isonable man aa^ ^1 ,uey. But wishing J 3very satisfaction [i«^ it so FOR ickery Glassware. [Pina Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, "iflSf'ts, the finest stock to choose t;2in M kdale. We will se'l you i'sii! tiiis line cheaper by 10 per It;, thaii siuy other honfie m the littT. ffisians, ProYisions. FIOUR FEED every description same price as at the mill. LC.\Ti CI.EAE BACON, Choice SUGAK CUBED HAMS. Jiipt rcceked a ton of Wrigbt's litmeal, Owen Kound, (fresh). Our Liijnor Store is well stocked fctli bcK brands of Liquors of every lescriptioi). J0B5EES IN CIGABS. I'jiveus a call. |R.H. BENSON Co., Belfast Hous IBAR GA8NS! BARGAINS! Local and Other Iieis. Notices tn these colmiins intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten eentt a line for the first imertion and five eentt a line each subieqvent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, comnntnica- tions,. Advertisements, etc,, must be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. BllSillS -AT- iRUSSELL'S mi| Jew eler yI g !oB^ Eecent timely showers are making pastures £;ood. Db^McBbide and fi. L. Stephen yisit- ed Meaford this week. Master Limcon Might of Owen Sound is rusticating in Markdale. Miss Alice Dodson, of Toronto, is visiting her friends at Rocklyn. Don't forget the garden party, Friday evening, 17th, at W. .J. Bowe's. Mr. Albert Sarjkant, of Barrie, is spending a few days in Markdale. Cattle have been shipped from this district in largo numbers recently. Miss Jennie Eooke, of Toronto, is so- journing with friends in Markdale. Jas. Lamon, barrister, and daughter of Dundalk. was in town ou Thursday. Miss Lizzie Jackman, of Toronto, visited her cousin and friends here this week. Miss Walker, of Owen Sound, has been visiting friends in Markdale re- cently. Master Jo. Allen, of Chippawa Hill, is spending a week with friends in and about Markdale. Willie and Melia McFarland are on a trip to Niagara, Eocbester, Buffalo and other points east. The excursion from Toronto to Owen Look Hebe. â€" Halbert, the shoemaker, has moved this week next door to Smith's barber shop where he will be happy to meet all his customers. The Rural Canadisui for August is to hand and, as usual, replete with season- able and practical suggestions and articles on agriculture in its various branches. Two Buffalo girls who haye started a drug store are doing well. Young men who call for medicine pay big prices without a murmur, and utters not a word of complaint if it kills them. Garden Party.â€" A garden party will be held by the Methodist Ladies' Aid at the residence of Edward Rutledge, two miles south, on Tuesday evening next. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Messrs. Moffat and Black, reeve and clerk of Glenelg, gave us a friendly call on Monday last while in Markdale on business adgnsting financial arrange- ments between Glenelg and Markdale. The Canadian Horticulturist is on our table for August and is replete with timely suggestions and seasonable cuts. Every person engaged in the culture of fruits, flowers and forestry should have it. The Farmers' Advocate still holds its position as the leadiut{ agricultural journal in the Dominion. It has always been independent and outspoken, ever foremost in adyocating the best interests of the agricultural class. It ia really too bad that the authori- ties have neglected or refused to com- plete the bridge over "Allen's sink hole" by putting on a railing. It is extremely dangerous to leave such a bridge thus and the wonder is that serious damage has not been done before now. Very Sound on Wednesday was well patroniz- »|few horses wiU not shy crossing such a satisfactory not lightJyniter^e' borJ-eB again) 1 s second propositi? inglessasitism tie bis partic lam, and I wiH t_ an extensive ;^P°^J let the« meet ^^' de, Toronto, w" here decide the n^l consideratipn w^y y'8 reputation? books furoi'*^'" fcCo. rishes m f^ d. out Jet h^^ Flesherton, l^^atclics, Clocks, Jewelery, Spec- ^cleseixl Silverware for the month ' Jnte, before moving to new pieniiseE. Fine American Waltbam Watches P§6.0O bo$20.CO, regular price of 'licli \rere bom $11,50 to $24.60. I Jarpins, EarrjDgs, Brooches, Chains, I -^feklets, reduced 25 Pi£R CENT. ^ine along and secure some of the J«ileDt bargains before the time ex- ^«s, positively for the ^onth of June Oniv, 'Od for a perfect jo' watch repi "sseZ/'s Noted Ijewelhiy Store ways take your c., to ed all along the line. Don't miss Stephen's new advertise ment in another column. Read it all through before meals. In our report of the garden party at Mr. Fanning's last week, Mrs« Hartly should read Mrs Oliver. Mrs. Wm. Haskett and Mrs. Bowes are visiting friends at Hanoyer, Walker- ton, Blyth and other points south. Raspberries have been a good crop this season. W. J, McFarland baa shipped to date two and a half tons. Correction. â€" Three weeks ago we gaye the name of Margaret in error for Martha E. McNallv in a death notice. Thos. Watson, of Glenelg, lost a cow last wtiek. Sbe got into a field|of wheat and eat too liberally and died in two hours. Me. Fawcett, late of the Flesherton Advance, has purchased the Streetsville Beyiew and goes this week to take pos- session. Good BsaiNNiNO.lMr. Thurston's lead- ingarticle in his first issue of the Advance is on "The Efficacy of Prayer" and giyes no nncertain sound. Ancient Relics. â€" One day last week James Nelson, Euphrasia, plowed up an Indian flint tomahawk, several flint arrows and a copper tomahawk. The prize list for Glenelg Agricnltuzal Society's Fall Show are now in the bands of the secretary, Wm. Haskett, for distributing. Get one and examine it. The Canadian Live Stock Journal for Angnst is folly up to former nxmibers. This Agricultural monthly is becoming justly popular among farmers and stock raiseocs. Thb Durham Stars and Markdale Meteors played a friendly game of base ball on lliarsday last at Markdale, le- saltinff in a defeat of the home team by TtoU. A Scotch minister b^;an an extempore marriage service .in these wordsâ€" "My friends, marriage is a blesiinft to a few, a cone to nvBTi and a great nncertainty toalL DoyouTentore?" AftOTapanse he lapeated, with fjieat enqihasia, "Do place. We hope the accident recorded in this issue wfll have the desired effect. Good Threshing. â€" ^Messrs LesUe 8c Bartley, recently purchased from Wm. Jackson, implement agent, a Carnell engin and McClosky separator, which is giving excellent satisfaction. They threshed for Wm. Douglas, adjoining the village, on Monday last 225 bnsbelp: of fall wheat in two hours. This machine is taking a front place in the market, and those who intend purchasing should see this thresher working before buying. Sodden Death. â€" On Friday last Mr. T. H. Carr, lumber merchant, who has made Markdale his headquarters for the last two years, was measuring lumber at Flesherton Station, and while stand- ing on a flat car on the siding, suddenly fell from the car on his face on the ground and died instantly. Mr. Carr was an unmarried man of 38 years. His friends live near AUendale, where his body was conyeyed by train. The Financial meeting of Markdale District (Methodist church) was h^d in this village on Monday last. Each cir- cuit on the District was represented, vi2 Markdale, Flesherton, Dundalk, Melancthon, Eugenia,Priceville, Holland Centre, Walter's Falls and Euphrasia. The meeting is composed of one minist- er and a lay man from each circuit, so that there were about eighteen present in all. • The business of this meeting is the adjustment of the financial affairs of the district, and was arranged in an amicable maimer. Fink Bank Babr. â€" Hugh Johnston, one of Enphrasia's popular and pro- gressive farmers, lot 15, con. 6, is build- ing a fine bam 50 x 54 feet with stone foundation fnll sise height, 84 fe#from base of fonndation to plate, basement for stock, root honse and cistern. Mr. Israel Longheed is the contractor and is making a snperior job. The raising took place on the 17th Jnly under capts. J; W. Enott and Jas. Wiley and was almost a tie. 150 men were present at the raising every iMurt went together well and no accident hi^poied to mar the pkasantness of tixb occasion. Johnston, Shb deserves it. â€" ^An exchange says â€""Give your wife a vacation. She needs one. Little cares are harder to bear than great responsibilities, she has many more cares than^her husband, and sometimes as great responsibilities. A woman's work is never done, and modern life has increased and intensifi- ed it. Cares have multiphed faster than conveniences. Life is more complexi its demands are greater and more num- erous, society more exacting. Who needs a yacation if she does not And she cannot get it at home. The more quiet and restful the home is to yon the more evidence that it is a care, if not a burden to her. A housekeeper can no more take a vacation in her house than a merchant in his counting-room. Even though her absence occasions inconven- ience, give an occasional vacation." Mb. Bell, of Bell's far famed silvery lakes, recently captured a huge turtle which measured two feet from the point of its ugly nose to the tip of its horny ahgator-like tail. The genial Mr. A. S. Cochrane, now in this vicinity in charge of the Government and Natural History Survey, happened at Mr. Bell's and after calmly feasting hh artistic and scientific eye upon the huge reptile for one bliss- ful moment his active brain told him that his turtleship would be a good re- presentative for Glenelg at Ottawa and do honor to his constituents as well as credit to himself, so purchased him of Mr. Bell, and after stall-feeding him on protooxide of hydrogin and chaff soup served with "aqua a la mode" for two days, shipped him to the above depart- ment at Ottawa. The turtle will be skinned and atuffed and placed in the museum along with thousands of other curious specimens gathered throughout the length and breadth of this vast Do- minion. Scientists estimate the age of this turtle at 99 years. A DisUAL Plunge. â€" On Tuesday last while CharUe Sarjeant, of thig village, was driving horse and butcher cart for Berkeley and Holland Centre, as is his custom twice a week, while passing over the floating bridge on Allen's sink hole" the horse took fright and plunged off the bridge into the water. There being no railing and the bridge narrow there was no chance for escape, but horse and cart went souse into the "bottomless pit." CharUe leaping from his xerilous posi- tion and landing safelv ou the bridge was thus saved from what might have proved a watery grave. The horse and cart were almost completely under water and it was with difficulty that Charhe mani^ed to raise the animal's nose up sufficiently to get breath until assistance came, when the horse was hauled out, the cart also brought to land and tbe beef fished out of the water with a pitch- fork. Strange to say very little damage was done and brave Charlie proceeded on his journey none the worse of his ex- ploitr accept a bad eye, having struck a stump while leaping from the capcising cart. horse and is giving hisoyidence before he has agreed on any fair way of de- ciding this questior; he is claiming the money on tbe statement of two men who may turn out to be very interest- ed parties; what use are these when: we have books and certificates to g« by? Now for tbe B. M. be has, liter- ally speaking succeeded, in turning himself clean inside out; he makes a number of false assertions, be says I stooped to slander, c., I defy bim to prove that I ever slandered bis or any other hsrse, living or dead; his Garfield horse was a mongrel and I repeat tbe statement I made in reference to the Derby filly. By comparing letters your readers will find that he seems^ to have lost all respect for what be writes, when be speaks of me saying* my horse was elligable, c., again when he says people round Markdale' are patronizing o., and my colts are elligable c., Mr. Young neyer pre- tended to say that they were, be IS not so shallow, and again when be takes the credit of helping to bring tbe first really first-class horse to Mark- dale, does be mean Garfield or SirColin I would be afraid to say that tbe latter was a mongrel, that pleasant looking Hollander might knock tbe puff out- of me quicker than Mr. W. and bis B. M. together. As to this Garfield and Derby colts being tbe best that ever stood ou my place, I will say that Ihave offered tbe former to different parties this summer at $100 and have always been told it was too much money. About a year ago I sjld two at nearly twenty-per cent more, sometinfe after- wards I sold one that was from a $5 sire, at $100, later 1 sold two for over eighteen per cent more and 1 only paid $6.00 each for service of sire, and I retain a pair that I could haye sold for more than I got for any of tbe others. Tbe Derby filly will be sold when a year older unless they give better proof of tbe sire breeding than they have yet, simply becaut^e- knowing some facts relative to bim I cannot make tbe declaration necessary to count one cross. There are some fine men holding the position of Bus- iness Managers ui different institutions but I am afraid Lord Derby's B. M. has sadly fallen from grace lately. Asitis reported around to tbe damage ot my horses that I did not raise any colts this spring, it was very kind of Mr. Pickell to give me this chance of saying that it was not Just in Time's fault that I did not have two rattling good ones. Now Mr. editor if Mr. P. wants any more notice taken of auytbiug he may say ho will have to write jointly with Mr. "Wright, they seem to be equally interested in tbia horse and they certainly ought to be equally responsible for any false state- ment made by either. A. Beattie. ProiQDtQess 3^oo tile proprietor Louii^beed, theonrtrae- No objaetioDS being made ' tm; Donnelly, a frmmer. and Knott, one to tteTeferl«Mi^ then nid, "Uik ns ol the eaplaiM. teoentbeaKAmfe; m â- 4-a *«jt,n.v,p^^ j; i;»!*;,« â- SC'V m ^^^^^^^^^ mi 1^^^^ Editor Standard. Sib. â€" Pardon me for again tres- passing on your columns. It is am- using to notice the unbouuded con- fidence these Derby, fellows have in Toronto men and what little they have in their borse^ certificates and the people of this part of the country. Mr. Wright simply tells us *tiiat iu bis opinion there is not a man here capable of comparing a certificate with an entry in a B. Book- If he can't get a man here to suit him let bim bring bim froni where be likes and bring the S. B's with him, it does not make any diffierence to me who foniishes tbe Boosts, I mentioned Mr. Graham furnishing them beoMue I knew he had them. Ifarkdale is where tins ooght to be decided. I will pay my man's expencee there, let Mr. W. do the same, lliis talk abont books fimridiied by Beattie, Grahua ACo^bMikwoods fiteratnre, e., is ndiealoM in the extreme, do they loean to say there in one set of books l^Uisheifurthepablie rad aoothw for Om Totmto offiees. Mr. JMF. Despatcii AND SHARP DEIIYERY. kvenljiiiiiUfUiel. Al-ways use the C. P R. -AT- :â- . w.A.BRinni's 'â- *?;_ i*f9^;^SFS-4 9^ ,?: Vl:MA â- â- '^ii i i • I s .* /â- .r ' I;.-: 5 WM. m 5» ^^^ â-  '.- â- ~-^3 ;5 i^i^ki

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