mi The Oame bi«B. m G STOBE, ORE! 1 EBORE I i LLEBORE PEEN' G STORE !KI lerlaisslFsvIa HEN'S C STORE. /i/i DRUS STQBi THS FROUT 'ULL Y, rEPHEN. ELSIOR tttn ROOMS! «« « â€" on hatiii a frill anil 11 kiuiis aiiii griJes uglit f )r cisli from [e fi';mi- iu Jiuala, luiuj biisineoa on d which will pus mi t?ll at a M a.iJi Alvau«a 'by givo uiy S'U-'ti^.u- I bliaii esteem it ft !Mli fiKl i.)):v tiirju^i ire jtujiiiiUL' iu â„¢y feel cuiiiiaeiit thiU- ted witii ail J Burpris- T and clieapuess of ijl:itsrei goodj a Fa KiM G ofiitlhavea cm feinds o" f«"^r' orders, will iia^*^ reiu! atfefltiou. A L counecta'ou. [istruments famous Wfluzer rfuch may b« seeu inv wnreruoiuS' smcallpureha^jers. stock »D a8^ort«J d vonr esteemed ied to with Ecat- at rock bottom J tbanka for ifeichi have ^^ jrit an mcr*** espec! tfaHy, arouls* *;. ,:ji(!tf3^KM',*" .. Jl 5iuce Mr. Boattie's essay â- '^riuv.eif appeared in your ' Deeu a question m my "Iric ^v^' ""^^^^^ noticing tat this particniar time in nii expeneiicfcil think it may ell to gi^' '"" ^^^ notes **^'*[^,j.|,i«"beiitfit if be takes *Vu.;j,t),-p lie thinks it veiy â- ^il ^je A B. M. because I am ' .s laaLayer of Lord Derby. fy is uothiug dishonorable -I I wuulil iflucL rather be '^.^ luiiMiger ot buch a horse '""^r!'y tl"" owner and man •,",;^e pair "« ^-" " desperately .?,,,etpa'"'i'»fc' for. In pub- \l-^\ [,nvat(i i;tniversation, he ',.JtHiaii.iBrurttouly tbeliving r-'Ju but ti.e (lead Garfield. In tory- juiv (ioLibts upon the truth of iHP tliat lives and moves lim article "If he be L-i" a a li"i- ...nvs ill rvtiieyiernt^st-nt him to be c. :V|js line lie bitd hotter be a .^rL-fiiliu liuure of such false ,.js ior ba may havp. some â- ' exijiaiiuig tbem ways. He ""liuisfc IS tl!ii{ible for regis- I ' IB aiiv Clvtlesdale Stiid Book ui.il'l." We!) peisous who T!iO btt c' may behtve that but ,:,,uld iiave him r^gistereil in lijijlam sure he would have j, lig puice t;eeiug that registra- '[.•ic\ 'â- h 'b.)V vvith him, but .|j,]eis wbii-li he has in his pos- I. wui.li probably turn out as ,â- as me LooKs from which he ireu tryint,' to prove Derby's rt- .,j;,u wiong. Had he put up a ':U tliat bis horsd was duly re- [•M or cQuM be in every Clydeg- -biok iu the world he would have E suite i-aie as no one would have iiiiicrebttd enough to question it, :!, l.lnfl game wi'l not work with Wriirbt who will not leave enough liui 10 extinguish a candle |.,ii he 1.S ibiorgh with him. When Btattif liausi his chaiieuge at us [-id nvo l:mii!ied df^llars tosquand- â- ;i tiie veiy next week when asked :-i ins horse with Loi d Derby by ::i;[uiz;s to best, coits from said ;- lie tells us he has no money â€" v.,!its it ill! to pay lus'iicuost deb s :.:i ,1 VI ry pruiswurthy trait iu a s Imt linal y vvben iie cnmos oi Lis iu"!iey aud puts it up ho tri. 6 rr.iiou id i-; witii sripuiatious a. d :;.b;iiL' UMst ab HI- i Oy. otliiing tc |:;.ivdk' (bcisio â- t .J I Graham aud viver biick.-.ojds Clvilesdiiie litei- :t't!;ey I'l ssunrf, I gi/e hiiu credit jaiiiuss wlieu he say:- the people '::d Markilale are patronizing the nliorse. H' says he uever owned tiiiipoited linrse well there are no Mulis for arlvice but, if I were Mr. aiii'j, I would sell the two he has :ouy a {jood imported one it would ' iit least a partial payraent on Wlieu he embarked in the ra- trade I think his experience has :!i like unto the men who long ago ~n eyed trora Jerusalem to Jericho -iUe his talk 01 sharpers and gulls -j soLgi el horses o5C., c. I have jUi:h expei'ieuee, some of the best -: iUiisi enterprising men in Canada cygitge ill this business and are I'J-jcly helping to enrich the country •:'jiiVTpGmeutiu stock. He complains 1- iisufcess iu breeding from D^ruy -I Uiu-fiolri but I ijuow he has a colt 'J taoli that excels any that, ever [â- ; cd ou his fann ami ii he cal's on 'L. Young, Esq., he will conyinc;^ -M ti;at his colts are eligible for re • '""urdan, and with his exteasi.'e T t'.rats lor stock raising since, h3 f'i:ot a colt at ad in his yard this 'â- â- â- "ju. Not satisfiad with trying to ../'•ippetby, he falls back on Garfield. â- dlGarliekl was not heie long but he |:!i a reputation behind him that Mr. [•'^â- atrie c;inuot injure aud while he '«» a heavy loss to me I have the '^â- istadioH of knowing that I helped |-"'riiii,' the first really first-class l""Sfv hnrs.( tiiar ever came to Mark- "â- e ;iuu the people showed their ':irt'i;itini: tf him so that when he "J rhey heartily and readdy sdvanc- I '|as»i.tai!ce to put another in his ""j^ Willi the only stipulation that '" ^^ as good as Garfi'?ld and while ^iie i^refer one and some the other 1 liRve nevtr heard a complaint that ••iiKi Mgieeuieut was not faithfully 'â- ^"'I'duut. Xow sir I am sorry to '"|jas so on your space and uulesij '•â- "(^ is something very new and in- '^f'^i=tii,o- f^u.i wortiiy oil' reply I shall " ' t^outinup the correspnaence. Yours r.-spectfullv, \V. G. PiCKELL. The f dlowiug is from Judge Jelletfs (Picton) excellent digest of the game laws The only season during which the following c;ame may be hunted, taken or killed is as follows Deerâ€" 15th October to 15th Dec. Partridgesâ€" Ist Sep. to Ist January. Woodcockâ€" 15th Aug. to 1st Jan. Snipe, rail aud gidden plover â€" 1st Sf-ptember to 1st January. Ducks of all kinds â€" Ist September to Ist January. Geese â€" 1st September to 1st May. Hareâ€" 1st Sept. to 16th March. The above dales are incloive. These may be exposed for sale fur twenty days a-fter expiration ot time for killing. No eggs to be taken or destroyed at any time. No traps, nets or snares, baited lines or similar con- trivances to be used. These may be destroyed by any person without lia- bility. No contrivances described or known as batteries, swivel-jjuns, sunk- en punts or night lights to be used for killing wild fowl. Fur-bearing animals may be only taken, hunted or killed as foilovvs Beaver, mink, muskrat, sable, mar tin, otter or fisner â€" 1st November t» 1st May. Nor shall any trap or snare or other contrivance be set for thtm outside this season. Nor shall a ay muskrat house be cut, speared, broken or destroyed at any time. Any person may destroy such traps, snares, etc., so set, without any liability. N. B. â€" No poison to be used in kill ing the animals named, and ro pois- oned bait to be exposed in any localitv where do^s or cattle may have accets to the same. No deer-dog to run at large from the 15th November until the 15th October. O o 1^ O â- 99 still keeps climbing up and will soon be stand- in g on its tip-toea. â- .±; AT â- â- â- McFarland's are climbing down, down, down, and are now^ i ?j5 flwiJY^ R elow^ 7m^ M a r k d a 1 E FACTORY Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain F tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everyth being new, I am now prepared to tnrn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FMiES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m every department' would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PI NF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from b Distance. 80S TIIOg». 31c]VJEX. A Laro'e d AUve Stock Cream Seersuckers slaughtered at 7c., old price 10c. One case Ladies fash- ionable Hats just open- ed your choice for 40c old price 75c. to $1.25. Lovely Lawn Mus- lins in spots and spreys lie, sold in city at 15c. 700 yards charming Twilled Sateen Prints, all new, just opened, 11 cents. Another big. drive in Ladies' Misses and Children's Hose. A grand line of Pari- sols only 40c. (lace). Opening out this week nev/ oriental Laces,one case direct importa- tions. A few more of those Cretones at 10 cents Seaij-mle Stflisli asi FasUe Cloiif to hand, w^hich w^e purpose selling FOR CASH) prices which wiU astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- tin g close bargains. _^^___i_ q|H|0|li|E|)MN|DK|ll|A|D|E l |B|0|Olf|MN|Dl^^ OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember v« mannteetnra and axe fhe sole Soprietors of the following epedalfiei. aad ttjj* ey can be had from no other Bonroe. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS.^ Optrespondenoa Btiietly eonfldential. Consnltatioin npon au chronic disease invited, NO CHARKexcept tor xoedioinesi All goods sent secure fKm obMns* tion. Toronto Medicine Co., ToroBtOb Out. HAIR COLORING Oor maAnlflcient preparations are vanamtad pai^ feotly EamUess. We prepare «he louowinA coloisâ€" the finer shades arise from the hair itself Black. "DtA Broiwn, Bledinm Brown, Chestnnt, liight Cbeetnitt, Ocdd Blonde, Aab or Blonda Oendree. Bend sample of hair when ordei^ig. fcice, (S. per botUe. Toronto Medicine Co, TOILET REQUISITES In ordering please specify which yon reonlre we gnarantee them to give entire satisfaction. ITa 8 Imparts to the skin the ooImt and freshness of maidenhood; harmless and cannot be detected. 81.25. No.9Bemove8 wrinkles, ta. No. XO Be- movesljiver Spots. •1.85. No. 11 Bemoves Flesh Worms. «.35. No. IS Bemoyee Freckles. 81.2S. No. 13 Removes Pimples, •l.as. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. $1JB. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. $3. No. 16 Bemoves Pookmarks. $2. No. 17 Bemoves ondua Prespiration. •l.aS. No. 18 An absolnte onfalling snecfflc tortile retention development or reetor- a^Saaot tbe Hair $l.2S. Toronto Medicine Oo. THE BUST 1 No. 19 Is a combined internal aod external -, j^, treatmentwhich6peedilydevel(^)e8 or restores \lQxX the female bdst to the proportions of vwnptnons nature. Is entirely harmless and oertam inre- â- Rc!r'Cfnir»5Ci,"l ll yCYn f n raits. Price fa Toronto Medicine C!o. Toronto, _pcJjigciJ.JJ.ts U).J. ljJJ.J.«JU.gJ_l WOMEN'S ILLS No SO A certain cure for IjencorrbCBa^ or White! ^allinR of the Womb, Ulcerations Painful Men- jteuatfon, "Bearing down Pains" and ail DfaeasM and Weaknesses peculiar to females. Endorsea bv^the highest medical authotities aa ui "on* tfrolled'^remedy. Price $2 per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS Fsx superior to Ergot Tansy. PennyroyalOf Oxide, indorsed bythethonwndsof ladlesiAo ^eS«n MONTHLY. Never tail. Believe pala, rasCBE BEOXILABITY.PleasaniahdBffeetaal. ^oa Ca Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto. Ont. NEURALGIA A RHEUMATISM Oao bo cured by nsiag roedflo No. » «b woo- derfnl sale isdue to the amptetaot **22g ^tbat te claimed tor it. SXioa CL SOBOBtP yj««i«e Oo., Toronto Oofc kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop, under the management of MB. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. WM. BROWNv A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. July. See that you make no mistake but go direct to the only Importing house doing business in Markdale. FACTS rOB IIEH OF ALL AGES. JDISEAS3S OP MA IT. _â- Marvjl of Hpaling, and Kiliinnnrcf Medicines, " ' ^^SlVB Tf^^Cav^S^ *^^ cerrible con«iejiUncca nMiMllncretlom, 7^^ i^ ^;£r^!b:^2j K Esp«»Hre eujU itverwork. -SrOTTl^TG-, 35vd:TT35£.S--ftL.G-E:ZD u?*.:2iTXD CUD ^s-CEiT Who are broken down from tho oilccts of ubus j -will find in Nn. 8 a radical cure for n«rvou9 debility, orga lie weakuoss, invo'/uutary vital losces, etc. Stsh-toms fob -w^HicH No. 8 BKOUM BE IJsEi).â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpoEc, dimness of sight, nversion to society, want of ccufidem-o, avoidance of converaaiioi;, desire for solitude, listlessnesR uu'l inability to fix tie atteution on a particniar eubjeet, «owardiue, depression of spiritR, fT'i-Jinoss, loS'i of mem jy, sxcitatiiliDy ot tempei' Bier- isatorrbuea, or loss of the semiua' fluid.â€" tao:i'usn)t of seU-abiise ' r marital excess â€" impo- taacy, innutritiou, eimusijitioii, bavvenness, rf-lpi*«-tion of the hparr, hyattric feeling" in females, tremblirR, mrl.incholv, ::Ktiirl)ii!g dreams 'tc.. are nil evuiptomiiof this terrible iabit, oftt-ntimesin'iocenrly Bcquir".d. In short, ti^^ spring i-f vi^u iorce having lost its tension, every fuuctlon wanes in cocsjqnono'j. Sciontific wrtterRaud the huperintendeuts of Inuina a^ylaiiis unito .n .â- iBr.-iiiiiig to the efinota of Felf-abns" the. creat mHJority of "wasted livo« wh'oh co ne nnd.^r t'.elr Jioti(;e. If you am incompetent tor the ardnont; clatiesof business, inoapari^atO'l for the enjoyment., of life, 'o. 8 ofFers au escape from the effects oi eavly vice. It' you are c.dvancel iu years. No. 8 wiil give you full vitorend strength.^ If you are broken di'W.i, phyKicnily and n^ orally from early indiscretion, tl ^t^ T'lsult of Ignorance anrl follv, 8-ii-l your address and lO ce:.t8 in stamps for M. V. IiUBOn's Treatisn in Bo: iFonn on Diecr.ses of Man. Binle nnd seuinre fi'om observation. Address all communications to M. T. IiUBO-N, 47 Weill mrtttii fit. E., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. C"RES CUAHANTEEO. HEXiTTHE SICK. ZSsonoany I Econoaiy I u ""â- ^tan,la~d ,j'f' â€" Every time, 80 onr city f»«th- ' ^j*y, our K(ia.l Conimisniou'-r g- t.s ifliich '-^ wi' "tes ami put, ^i'Jfiwalk in ten ^^7 man i;an do ia oue. do" 1 1 KS boars as nu TtiHl Is Voters' List for mnnicipalitr ot t^ie T«wnsJ»ip oi Oleaelg. C'ouuiy of «rev. "IVTOTICE is herebv »;ivt.u, tbai I have j\ trRnbmiue.i or delivered io tue per^^oiis mentioupd in the tiiird ..rd Mnrtli fcection;- meDtiou*" of ' Tue V'oierd Lis* Aci. me cp' ••* r qui ed bv Hai.l section to be ttr.nsuntte i r o: h i.r al of the list made, p.u^naut t' sa.d rc Asbessmeiu iU.ll of the ^a.-l ifau'Cpal-iy be entitled to vote iu sai^ wuu..iaaPty *«y the mouey «o€!8;: "easel.-' ' ElPCtious lor members ..( txio 'f.^'^;" Assembly, aud »he M.in.cip«l K!3Ctio hI-h said liKS v. an piisted up ;U ii y otn-.-^ at I.o- .. Co.i 3, Towuihip of wieii i;: " »'"â- ^^^ day of 'nly, 18** ^^ ' k^ux^iia tuexe fo ^firJi;:^"arecaU..l n.o.. t. •x.u^ne :a.l aald li*'t, and, if a»y « r;8..on.i .r :•. .y ot1-,ev pVocc-edii.«8 to have tu sa.i c.i.r co-.t^. aoooriun to la^- JOHN S HLVO.v. Ckrk o tue sai Mt\i,:c p nt v. Ejrted tbJB 36th d«y ""•^^l'^l^^^% mil a» ,s... '*M i^' â- .* nn H ra» ii«- Hfvi •.i***'*.~ ^-j^m^nn â- MHII .-r?