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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Aug 1888, p. 3

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 "*n line »*»._ i P« largeat p^Ko* th,,^ !»• The topnjoJr °'»?» to k r ^^ length a«H " Ither. Thell-j^ °*«"Ud6 i h" decks to T^V" the heL" ,fcopofthehott^°^"?«fo, mneade. Alo^ ""*»• d, h are recesti^t :;??•« ' e 300 people wL"""!*^* [he same time wmT^^i" Vdrauhc " lift." « "*•• =k below, a! iâ„¢^tle, ia a spaciou, hall ' uf S' " li:andstairway--tr, ^P^ [the 8hip-aUo Ar "°«P or first-class pai*:"'8» is shaped like "u«*" kin the n^ddk^rs' ^ the sides The' "" V^.thusgotforagte' QtMDs 800 volumes rItP' uionthenpperdU""' the ship, u is 45 feet 1 ad and will afford vS, .modation. for about 130 irst-classpasseugershavebe t are such that the ocmdJ OSes, remain in doors dnr^ ijgeand have his food ,« ellow vovagers to his oi itertam them there Th e small drawing rooms. Thi 8 day sittintr rooms for fii rs. State rooms, large ajs y decorated and upholsteri videdon the main and lor mtre of the ship for 479 fii rs. class passengers are accomd lam and lower decks in w4 e rooms. There are ninel i for 390 second-class pi ie are almost as eleganj y fitted aathe first-class ro passenger steamers. In r tirst and second-class made as light, airy, those against the side of absence of any sound of t them more comfortable th to many voyages. They r •ic lights, and a unique met has been adopted to ina s inside as well s^ outr IIISCELLANEOTJS. ff-hite robins have been taken of an ordinary redbreast in r""ncisi-'o tieclares she has been '-â-  f jl jfgits by earthquakes in the ,-y'vears. jiaekerzie is building himsel and is said to have chosen '"â-  orettiest spot on the river Thames from England of the futile ef- !L to revire interest in archery show r^ ronehly dead the noble pastime is. â- "" th»t settles the question of its pop- [.\!crei Kihla country. r ' Orleans hds discovered that there i '^in the canning of ihrl *- rthe industry rapidly, brimps, and is It is said day are packed its have rooms provided ro extreme ends of the loij :s. The sleeping berths line of the ship, and ilt up on the inside of pagers are therefore enabl the day the part of the d| and boiler spaces take of the length cf the »h is the captain's cabin .. id a powerful search electl e the operator to discova couple of mi'ej away, t, among other things, jys on entering channel! he voyage. nnage of the City of tons, makes her the lar| lel afl -at, and her en« y considerably exceed erchant steamer in the voi orse power. There are i â-  steel each weighing 74 t« capacity for raising »tf nine boilers posses may a it is said that were all I ine boilers to be joined ;her, they would extend :h miles. f Sace of Dwarfs, lost striking things to bej rlier pages of Emin Vu ference to a report whicl between Lado and Dnfi{|^ that a race of dwarfs i I to the west of 3ftden. nly forty inches high, knd of great agility,, to roota, and to shoot wiO»^ rhich are poisoned, and ' act. The pigmies he m I as the remainder of » « ;h ages aj{0 spread itwU • Fouryeani later he Ua le specimens or tne A^i^j ivided into numerous m i a nomadic life in th* J One of these Akkao icrdarkskinCprobab^J ithons, rather swag-o*^ r nimble. Hu height His whole body waicov air, almost like felt, wa iickonthe breast. â- Â»â€¢ measured 3 feetj people are said to "• g^ also very vindicf; mring tribe, are gW»P ley f^ntformrintenjg aid feathers, the p^ng itheypro««ntei^«tb 5._[C;iambert»J mOmtinthe T^' 8emi-»n»»»l5?^^ ,a would â- â€¢Â»*»â-  "•SlfOOW oana VJriDg the season. ffsa found confined in a car of lumber cnessee recently received at Belfast, \in? been two or three weeks on the ~ve fowl «aa alive but nearlyfamish- -Ve.cVertd, ani is doing well. ,;-;3r of iillegtd skill and reputation, !,pffsi(l(ut !•: a State dental asso- wasreceiitly sued by a New Bedford ' [.jling the urcDg ttoth and a piece uith itrand the jury gave the plain- [;;:;ijiiamges. -erpllliirs are doing great barm in Maine â-  ,.n ihe upper Pencb.-cot. Fences .â- obfiilive. so thickly are they covered he wr j:i;!ing fizzy things. Orchards '.[itn stripped clean of leaves, and now !f(rffls are taking to the woods and clear- (.'ie forest trees of their foliege. tei Jones, of China, Me., an infant, was ^cB:ilf"rs to play by her mother and was id by a large rooster. When her !l^er rescued her. blood from three cuts ieby the spurs covered the child's face, verv serious irj uries would probably have (B icliicted bad the rescue been longer iiiyed. Id England there is just space enongh i-ietn theeoge of the railroad station plat- [Mindihe footboards of the passenger to :o let an unwary traveller fall between ijbe ground to pieces by the moving train. tccidcDt or two has happened, and an I :i:ioD has begun in favor of reform in lootboarda or the platforms. "In Amer- â-  3, t'.e rtfonntrs urge, " such an acciden rJdnot bappeu. " Jlrs.Gonyo, a woman over 70 years [of icwaa left alone with her two little grand- 'Eiidien in their home oc St. Albans Bay, I'l, the other evening. She put the ohild- In into a f! it-bottom boat and started from ;cre, vith nothing but a paddle with which [jctntrol the cranky craft. A gale was uwiog, the boat was driven out into the lijr and capsiic^d, and grandmother and Mc'children were drowned. Persia is building a railroad from Tehe 1110 the Caspian Sea. Instead of bet;in- ti^the railroad at the sea and building jund, bringing forward the rails and other â- kterials on the road as it progresses, the 'eniiiiu have had all the rails carriel on :Dle8 across the desert to Teheran and avebegtin the building there. Thetrans- xrtation expenses are the biggest item laiDost \a the cost of the road. Miss Fambrough of Scull Shoals, Fla.-, is a lug voman of nerve and presence of mind. r:e other day her father's Jei sey bull at- icked him, and was in a fair way to kill :iii His wife saw him fall and ran toward liffl, but the diughter, more thoughtful, first Kithe axe, and running up hit the bull inch treinendrv.s vback that it stunned him, so M the father had a chance *o get up, grab K ixe, and bury its head in the skull of the :n;ii:. Apair of span-ows and a pair of robins s: np hcus- ketping in the same fhrub in a oct yani ;u Canton, Me. The robins ^8fe first lo pi; c a brood abroad, and some â-  icnity wi:h a crow resulted in the death itheyov.EL; ojes and thtir father. The' uther rolin, after mourning bitterly for idajor t^c, discovered the young spar- â- STS, aid imiTiediately adopted them, and ^M found Irooding them carefully while -« parent sparrows brought worms and sM^ded the home. Iliere is a woman in Belfast, Me., who is l^ewd, if not particularly honest. Some- how she got possession of a punched Jo gold r'Me. She w anted to pass it for its full va- se, aid she did. She calmly walked into a store, pulled out the coin, showed it to the ittchsot, and said that it was a keepsake »i!h which she was loath to part, but that "the storekeeper would promise not to part ^th it for a V, tek she would buy a small bill ' goods, and redeem it in a few days. The merchant agreed, gave the woman her goods •sa change, andatill has the punched coin, aough the wees has gone several times Tile Gerir aa doctors may rant and tear 'found about Sir Morell Mackenzie but Jjoglish customs are making headway in '-^ Fifteen yoang Englishmen study- jJgM the German capital, have just started fetrst cricket club ever established in ^rmany. One of them .has sent home an Mtuging account of the interest the event Jri"v*^ »moDg the Germans. Bats, ball, ""^ets, leg guards and batting and wicket- «piBg gloves (which, r.f course, had to be ^ported from England) were all examined '«'»good deal of curiosity. The fjrst â- 6 wickets were pitched about 50 Germans ^med arcuud them, seeming to think j^'lhe nearer they got the greater the *«.tance they were giving to the players r^ It was not until one had r*ceivei the o! t. '° the stomach that the necessity !e=n "^^ at a respectable distance was aioi' '^^ Englishmen have received per- â- je t"" ^° '*^ three evenings a week on J-empIehof, and their modest bsginning ../^"the means of inducing the Germans â- "^^se to this Eoglish game. Jo* '^^'^^ the surprises of divorce increase J ^hat the statistioa have been compiled « published. These only extend to three ij^'rthe first three years of the altered »-~bui the results are a little startling. -e antyear 1,800 divorces were pronounc- ed, the second 4,000, and the third 4,500. English experience is reversed for women have demanded divorce mrch more largely than men, in the proportion of 60 to 40 per cent. In- more than half of these unhappy honaes there were no children. The critical period of married life proved to be the second ten years of its enjoyment, but there were 105 couples who parted after thirty years of married life and twenty four after forty years. A hundred quarrelled and were divorced within a year of their anion. The mercantile classes supply the greater numbers of nnhappy marriages â€" that is, amongst the well-co do. They are in the proportion of 800 to 500 amongst profession- al men and men living on their incomes. Farmers come to only 300, but labourers and artieaas to 1,800. There are, of course the largest proportion of divorces in the Wealthiest and busiest parts of France. In the more rural districts married people are happier or lees venturesome. Taking the whole of France, it was fonnd'that for every 1,000 marriages there were four divorces. Boulan^ism does not, to outward seeming, progress very fast in France. It would, however, bs rash to assume that it has ex- pended its force, or that the ridicule with which it is assailed in Paris makes much less serious the danger with which it threat ens the Republic. The doughty general himself seems full of hope. "The move- ment," he says, ' becomes every day stron- ger and more marked." "Have confidence; you are sure of Euccesa! " As no one ex- cepting himself, and perhaps even that exception need not be made, seems to under- stand very clearly what the movement is, or in what direction it is setting, it is not wonderful that the evidences of pro- gress are lees visible to other eyes than his own. Much depends, no doubt, upon the action of the Government. As the blunders of the former Minutry gave him the chance to vault into his present position, so a mistake on the part of the present not very strong or popular one may at any mo- ment give him another advantage, which he would not be slow to use. Sig. Castelar probably hardly exagtrerates the danger of the situation when he speaks of Boulangism as a " madcap policy," which " may lead to an explosion of bombshells and dynamite on every side and to a general war in Europe." Should any turn of events lead the fickle populace to place Bonlanger for the moment at the head of affairs, it is doubtful if any- thing could avert either the internal convul- sion or the European conflagration which would almost surely follow. When dread (^isc ace with ire n hand, Hsnfrs its f'aik msDtle over thee. Escape its aJl-eDSlavin^ ban:!. With Goldeo Uedickl Ui(cov«ry, ' Dr. R. V. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery cures oonchs. colds, and consump- tion if raktn in time. Of drucgista. The world of dressmakers and designers have become history criizad in the matter of new costumes. Ocean Steamhip Passenicers, Via New York, should take the Erie R-uN way, as it is not only the shortest and beat line, but lands people clc se to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. The podice without any bacqne is almost universally favored by fashionable dress- m^ers. Alma Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, ONTAKIO, Has a fully equipped Commercial Depart- ment in which a complete Graduating Course is given wi*'h Diplomas and Certificates to successful students. Book-keeping, Phono- graphy, Type-Writing, c. thoroughly taught. Rites from f40 to $50 per term including board and tuition. For G6 pp. Calender address. Principal Austin, B. D. The latest fancy parasol bas a handle cov- ered with leather â€" red. blue, or white â€" and it is silver capped cr ibonnted. OueALBSB Eaib RiNma restores gtrey and faded hair to its natural color and preventa faUinir out Very small black birds are seen among the other trimmings of black lace hats and bonnets. Hub I CocoB CcraB cores Id one minute. Pale bufi°Corah is the latest fancy in China silks, and it can be as easily cleaned as cot- ton stuffs. Whenever veni Stomaoir or Bowels gel out of or del, cansingr BlUcusoeee, Dyepcpeia. or IndlKeeUop and their attendant evils, take at onee a does of Ot OanoD's Stomaob BIMera. Best famiir medlclae All Ttmcsista- oen**. The nnmber of periormuicet of Shakes- pearean plays on the German »tag« last year was 717. Twenty-five pieces were produced â€" " Othello " 90 times, " Hamlet •' 8S times, "The Merchant cfVt nice" 87 times. "The Taming of the Shrew " 67 times, "Romeo and Juliet "63 times. A Care fer DramkCMBCss The opium habit, depaomanla, the morphine habit, nerrons prostntion caused by the use of tobbaeo, wakefulness, mental depteeelon, aofteninK of the bialn, etc.. premature old aire, loss of vitality cansed bv over exerticn of the brain, and lose of natural streoTto fram any oaose whatever. Hen â€" yonnir, old or mid- dle-aKcdâ€" who are broVeo down trow any ot tbf above causes, or any cause not ntentianed o^oee, send yonr addreee and 10 cents In stampe for Luboo'» Treatise, io book form, of Dista«t$ of Man. Book* sent sealed and eecTire Irom observation. «ddie*al(. V. LUBOB, t7 Weill wrton street Bast. Toronto. Ont The latest satamer wraps are capes of bUck beaded net. or of laze or plain net, trimmed with a profnsion of narrow moire ribbon. Feoptowhoai raajectiobad breath, tool coated IMWU, ot any disorder of the Stomaoh, oaa at oi ee b« relieved by udii« Di. Oareoa's Stomadi Bttlan. the oM and Ined icmedv. Ask vonr Draarla» A. P. 409. A Wonderful OfiFer. F.r many years the mannfactnreri of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, $500 reward tor a cue of Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure. The Rem edy is sold by droggisU at only 50 cents. It has fairly attained a world-wide reputation. If yon nave dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes prof use, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed if there is ringiug in the ears, deafness, hack- iilg or coughing to clear the throat, expector- ation of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers, the voice beinff changed aod has a nasal twang the breath offensive smell and taste impaired sensation of diz ziness, with mental depression, a backing congh and general debility, yon are suffer- ing from nasal catarrh. The more compli- cated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half t f the above symptoms, result in consumption and end in the grave. No disease is so com- mon, more deceptive snd dangerous, less understood, or more unsuooessfully treated by pbysicisms. The objectionable features in this summer's styles are that skirts are too short before and too long behind. " Never morning wore to evening but some heart did break," says Tennyson and the part that ill-health of :en plays in heart-wreck is too great for computation. Uterine disorders especially becloud the spirits and sap the springs of vitality and nervous force. For these distressing diseases, functional irregnlarities, unnatural dis- charges, constant pains, weak back, lassi- tude, dullness, sinkin? senastions, ill-temper and all weaknesses and derangements pecul- iar to females. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is a perfect specfic. Sold by drug- guts. ACtEVTS 'WASTEDâ€" -EA CLE' iSteam Washer. Aodrese GLO. *. rERKIi», 87 tharcb St.. Toronio SELF-THREADING NEEDLES.^ GBKATEST NrveUy Out I In-taotly thieiidid vnthow passidg thread through the eye. Agent!) cola Hioiieyseliinfr them' Sample packet by nsail 16c., dozen packets #1 (M 'Whttan MaMiirartiirfne Co.. Torent*. PO. •b*. B LEATHER BEL 'I I IV G. EST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F. E. DIXON CO., Maket*. 70 King Street East, Tcronto. larSf nd for Price Lists and DiEcounts. rfMU amVEm. USrECnom aad laaar X anee Canpav «t Caaada, OoneoltUuc Engineera and SoUcitois of Patents, TOKONTO. G. 0. RoBK. Ohlef Kiiklaeer A. Fbaoii«. S^'v-Trrt* CANAAIAJI BrglNEMB IJ1I)IV»^IUIIIT1. Public Library Building, Toronto. Students fronrj British Columbia, California, Kansas, lUinnis, and quite a number of the other States and provinces do» in attendance. Write tor descriptive circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, CUAS. H. BROOKS. Pre i dent, Sec'y Maua^fer. BEAYESLINE of STEAnSHIPS. â€" SAHiINS Wbxklt BBTWBKIi- MONTREALAND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $40, $50 and $60. Return $80, $00 $110. Intermeduite, $30. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. HURRAT, Oeal. Uanaeer. 1 Custom Honie Square. MONTREAL ALBERT GOLLEQE, BELLEVILLE, ONT.. Is beins; greatly enUrged and improved r t a cost o! reveral tho'isand doIlarDl EtDdeots in attendance from ErJTISH COLUMBIA, MANITOBV MICHI- GAN, NEW YORK, VKRMONT, in addition to ONTABIO and QUEBfX!. O'Unsurpis-td advsD- tsgos at moderate rates. WILL KE-OPEX TM1ISSV4T, SEPT. Stb, 1888. Cend f.r circu lars. Addies"), BFV W. P DYER. M.A.. Pri-cipal Bicycles OVEK 100 8ec«al* Hand' Blcrele». Satrtlet hhiI Trieyeleo Send tnr List ani Cataloiru,. Agents wanted in eveiy town. MONTREAL. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIRST APPLTIKG, WHILE THEY LAST- â- \Vc will send by mail an ap- propri:iteei£t to cachm.iiden, wife, mother cr cook- -one to .1 f.imily â€" who will try the Breaomakei's Bakini! Powder Cut the red circle from the label .and send it in a letter stiting; honcft opinion after fuirtrial. Eiti^r a 5, 10 or 25 ccr.t size will secure the gift. Any pfocer or storekeeper knows w here to pet i t if asked for by you. â€" Address â€" CHURCHILL CO. TORONTO ST. THOMAS ORNAMEilTAL WROUGHT IRON FEKCIKG WORKS Send for Deeigno and Prices. KNrrnNG^:^^rw%.:MACHINES AGENTS WANTED for tne Improved Model Washer and Bleacher. Price $3. Address C W. DENNIS, 6 Arcade, Toronto. ,, l^erviline. What is it w^'T'^ne is a combination of the most Ser^T ' P*^" relieving aubstancea known. ^f^Une is not a nostrum, but a prepara- •j, J'j^'cb hsks received from members of ind !l ' Profeaaion, clergymen, the press, •^ ^hers most enthnaiastio eni*"â€"*"""" 'g from pain of any kind, give Nerviline a trial. Nerviline If Ifinff""" °*°^*' enthnaiastio endoraataon. « Wi"' from pain of any kind, external '"tttw ""® Nerviline a trial. Nerviline ji^ toothache, crampa, neuralgia, and al- AGENTS WANItU Dominion tor our Honse- hod Specialties. AddresaTAKBOx Baos. .Toronto, Ont -f^ ..;• XOLO AS on Farms. Lowest Rates M n M i^ V No delay. Correroondence solicited III U H C I E. W. D. BrTL^K, Finanoial Agl EglMiihed mo. 72 King St E., Toronto. FROPRIBtOa. GANGER, pamphlet. instantly. Trial iottles lO-oente, large jjjjl^ 25 cents, at dmniats and dedrai TirXOBS, DLVEBS, KTC, CITBBO, without the knife. No ... cure, no pay. Send staoqi for W. L. SMITH. M.D.,124 Queen E.,TOHmto ^o u n g Men oTTOTRRnia from the effects cf early evil haUti^ «lM SSr nerrom and eihaustwl also IfiBi»»AM» and JlSrito^ho^ broken down fromtheelfeeta of SSLTS o°« work, and In advanced life feel the ""^,5U.oLy«nt5*?LSL"^JS5i»'M:S* n2 I^^^nanoM Of youthlul exoeas. sena 2Tffi?a I^attoa on tha Dieaaaee h«k' wSlbe aao* a^adto any addm *^2:^!^5(«f^ addraas on leealvt of 8LI..T«nBt0,Oatj Allan Line Royal Hail SteamsMps Sailing d urin^ winter from Portland everyThnrsda; and Halifax e%-ery Saturday to LiverpooL and in anm mer from Q uebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at London Jerry to land mails and passengeia for Saotland tnd Iretind also from Baltimore, via Hall- fax mi St. John's, N. F to Liverpool fbrtnlghtly during summer months. Tne steameie of the Glas- gow Ilaee sail during winter to and from HaUfax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and daring sum- mer lietween Glasgow aod Montreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Qlaairow and PhUadelphla tortnig^tiy. For freight, passage or other information apply ii A. Schumacher Co., Biltimore S. Cnnard k Oo. Halifax; Shea k Co St John's, NUd.; Wm. Thomp son h Co., St John, K. B.; Allen ft Co., Chicago Lore ft Aldm, New York H. Bourller, Toronto Allans, Rae fc Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Pbiladel phia H. A Allen, Portland, Boston. MontreaL Nervous Debility. DB. QBAys Speoifio haa been naed tor the aat Btteea years, with great encceas, in the treato eat oervona debility, and all diaea.«s aiiaiagtrom oeaaes. over-woikad brain, loaa of rltality, ringicg the ears, palpitation, eto. Vor aale toy all dmoMa. Prioe, n per box, or 6 bozaa tor IB, or win ha aa It hy arudl on laea^ ol iploa. fampMal oa appHcatfcp. THK OBAT MKDKaSB Ca. loMata. â€"PATENTEDâ€" J. J. TAYLOR, AIDVUUlTilOORS, ETQ ApCQ T«r*Ht* Safe TTorba. \Jf\ I LaW ~SPORTINGjGflODS.~ I The Cheapsfct House in Canada for Guns, il'flea, Cartridgea, Fishing Tackle. Base Bjklla Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. OTTR BIG- OFI'ER On rfceipt ol $12..'0, we «ill pxprefs to anv addiesa a DOUBLE-BAKREL BRaLCH -LOADING SHOT GUN, with fine Laraiaated Steel Barrels, oiled stock, a pood gun tr r rourtry ur« Ar d for *3 OC will Rhip to anyaddressa 22 caL KlFLEthat wilUhoctaccurate for 100 feet. W. M'COWALL CO., 51 KING ST. E, TORONTO. MRS. DARTS TRIPLETS. President CTeveland's Prize for the three best babies at the Aurora County Fair, in 1887, was given to these triplets, Mollie, Ida and Ray, chilaren of Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hamburgh, N. Y. She writes " Last August the little ones became very sick, and as I could get no other food that •would agree with them, I commenced the use of Lactated Food. It helped them immediately, and they were soon as well as ever, and I con- sider it very largely due to the Food that they are now so well." Cabinet photo of these triplets sent free to the mother of any baby bom this year Lactated Food Is the best Food for bottle-fed babies. It keeps them well, and is better than medicine when they are sick. THE MOST PALATABLE, NUTRITIOUS, and DIGESTIBLE FOOD. EASILY PREPARED. At Druggists, 2Sc., SOc, tl.OO. The Best and Most Economical Foon. ISO Meals for an In fant for SI.OO. *»• A valuable pamphlet on "The Nntrltioa Of Infants and Invalids," free on application, r VLliS. RICHARDSON C0 MONTREAL. PQ. liffl n 1/ FOB AIX. 9M a week and expensee WIIKR P^" Valuable outfit and parttonlars fl Villi lr»A. p O.VM'kRItT. Aiia-nirt».MalBei Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'CAUSLAND SON, 76 Kins St. W.. Toronto HAMILTON. CANADA. Fir t of Ladiee' CclU ge» Has K'aiu d*" over 230 in full course »ull ftcultiesi' Lit'ra urf.LanirasKt^^, Science and Art* LirirrFt olle^e Buildink in Doi'ni ion. Opeie Sept. 5th, 1888 Addr 88, Prioc!pal, Ker. A. BVSJiii, l».l» t-L-O- MERCHANTS, BUTCHERS, and Traders generally. We want a G ^0D MAN in your looalitj to pick up Will Re-Open SEPT. 1888. Ie8lrln|r to ontain a tiasiness iidncatiou, or become proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, etc.. Address 0. O'DBA. Secretary. Toronto Conservatory or Musia Hon. G. W. Allan, President OVEW 600 PUPILS FIRST SEASON Ed VEiPlfCDC â-  virSa^sTldepartnients of Musk wU ICHUIlEnw â-  taught RombegmninK to graduation, including piano, vocal art, orean, violin, si^t-singing. harmony, etc: also elocution. CertlScates and Diplomas. Tuition, $5 and upwards per teim. Both class and private Instruction. Pupils may enter at any date and are only charged prop'ortionately. Board and room provided. FREE AD* V ANT Aces Elementary harmony and violin instruction, ectures, concerts, recitals,etc Ca lend a r giving fliUinfonnation mailed on application. ,. _* ..^ There being private schools beanngnames somcviiatamiUr, it is particularly requested that all corrcspondeace £ac the Conservatory be addressed BDWAKDFIBHEK, Director. ^^^^ Cor. Yonge Street and WUton Ave. TOROKTO. fHE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO â€" Manufacturers of the High Orade of â€" SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. FACTORIES AND SALESROOM 420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO E O. OOODERHAM, Hanirer. J. C COPP. Sec.-Treaa COWBOY'S CAKRlACiE TOPg. for us. Cash furnished on satisfactor guaranty Address, C. S. I'.A.a-E!, Htbs Park, Verinoat, U. S. Have all the latest imDrovemente and are unequalled for dnrabilitv, st;le and convenience. The laadiag Carriacre BniHera sell toem. ASK FOR THEM aad BUY NO OTHER. Which PROVE SO F »T »L Ti) C HILDREX a^ fiis s^-son of trie year, have to be foujht la-galy by hupply. ;S F •OuiaicTHE w E.VtCEjT stomach can retain, ani toat will SUS- Ing HIGHLY NUTRITIOi;: XAlS TilE STRENGTH aitamsf the drain upon the »« em JOHNSTON'S Toils IS (x.cUy what FLUID BEEF CLAIMS TO BE .ind do, and the MuST UEuiCAlE INFaN C or iMVALID can TAKE IT and THORODOH- LY DIGE-T ir,an'Iti Wc.XDEKFUL STRENGTH giving p-openies have been in the experience otth-ussiids It iM Easily 1-KEPARED. palatable, highly nutritious. READ- ILY DIGESTED, a «l !!• the b'ot fo d for younir or old • uiibr the hot weather. Barnum Wire and Iron Works, WINDSOR. ONT. M^le from 3 16 Steel Rode, with Heavy IroB Frame and Iron Foundationa. We are oCTering the Fence at exceptionally low prices. Iron Fence, €restin«r* Stable f ittinss, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE. niere are many iMiTATiora ol " Peerless " MAOHIMEOIL, bat none equal it in lubricating properties, ria M- â- as, MnjiaKi, etx, flad none equal to the ewnnaa Peerleei made by SAMUEL ROGERS CO.. TORONTO. Sold by dealen everywhere. I â-  .4 1-' iiiiiiilMfllll â-  m m m » Capital and Funds now over ^OOCMD^^ HEAD OFFICE, 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, Oat A Home Co mpany, Established O ctober, 1871. To this date, October 31»t, 1887, there has been retnnied " Totheheif of Policy-holders (death cuimsV. • • *i2'S2 ** To the holders ot matured Endowuient Policies â€" 8B,«S 68 To Pdiey-hoWeia on Burrander of Policies •.•••iv:i:"":i;*'"" -f?"** XcPoUOT-holden tor Cash Froilte (including ttioseanomted and betotr paid) «2,6«4 OS Ibheldersot Annuity Bonds â€" • !*•*" 8* Loaoel to Policy-holders on the Security ol Uieir Polieiet ••« tSJItt 98 Policies in Force over 10,000. iAMoanteygrtl SwIfl lL PRESIDENT-HOM. Sib W. p. HowLATO, GR, K.aM.O. YICB-PBESIDENTSâ€" WiuuAic Eluor. Esq.; BnwiBp Owna, Rsq. J: K, MACBOHAL9. â- MMdWjMriigliJkK jrtWi«H:ifa"»'«««iM» "tot t fSMy» lg |i l i1 Mr .aaM » TWW. "..â- .; â-  ^^T^k

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