If^^ww^^^. r%v,i;rT^evf:^ â- "â- !â- : 'E*rr'^^ •^^*5:T™»"ii'#%i^"" i -4 coltsâ€" one 3 yeaj Id and two one ye above colts are the I. horses. For part] Tl. Shaw, lot 16, « t to Thos. Bolan'cl,] to; ontl nursery stock, liberal commissionj penses, and gnarant ayinent and snccpss] ailed prices very ee decided advanfc 'rite at once. Eua hester, N. Y. Nurseries, estab The old reliable nn 1, energy, good habii ter are what we for success. We and steady work. 'hase Brothkrs' Col Colborne, Ont. stone of the new eb was laid last Til Between • two andj le Lad issembled nony. After singiD astor, Rev. Donal^ ^ive an address, ai' ical sketch of the ci i namea of the a| e cavity in the consisted of copies I Record, Presbyterid Mail, Globe, ani Psalms and Parapj d Gaelic, and tbe in Gaelic, all boj ical sketch of tbe cij e contributms to und, and the eoii I Dominion. The hy Rev. Mr. M be Eev. Eobt. Ml gave an address, f rminated with thai m, by prayer ani of the benedictf A SELECT STOCK OF 8PBIHO GOOD MOWOPEMES. "HEW TO THli LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' (IfrHTH lEARâ€" Xo. 413. MAEKBAIiE, THXJBSDAT, AUG. 9, 1888. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. DARTERS â€" FOR- Local and Other Items. Teas, Tobacco, ||lllsiF.S, eORRAHTS COfiFESTSONERY, c. JSADQUARTEBS FOB.- .. ^ckry Glassware. I tiDf. Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, tet Setts, tbe finest stock to choose :in Markdale. We will sell you Ijinn this line cheaper by 10 per than any other honse m the i3iy. iiisioDS, ProYisions. FLOUR FEED Itvery u( scriptioa same price as at the mill. |;SG CLEAR BACON; Choice SUGAR CURED UAMS. I Just received a ton of Wright's iiinieal, Owen Sound, (fresh). Oar Liquor Store is well stocked pbest brands of Liquors of every peiiption-. JOBBEES IN CIGARS. t.rensa call. ,H.5EI\3SONCo., Belfast Hous AROAINS! NoTiCBS in these columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each aubiequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, d-c„ mxxst be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure piAlication that week. Glenslq council meets on tbe 20th. OuE public school opens on Monday the 20th. The hum of the threshing machine is now heard. Why is a lien immortal Because her son never sets. Miss Sherlock, of Toronto, is visiting the Misses. Ford. Miss Annie Steee arrived from Totten- ham last week. Miss Nettie Kay returned from To- ronto recently. Mrs. Thos. Boland is yisiting friends at Owen Sound. Me. WrLL. Stinson is spending a week with his parents. Miss Sabah Hutton returned from Toronto last Saturday. Miss Mabel Mathews is sojourning with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Edith Hall is visiting cousins and friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. H. McCay is visiting her parents and friends near Hamilton. Mbs. B. B. Clements is spending a month with friends at Tara. OscAE and Maggie Wright of Toronto are home for their holidays. Miss Heeo-, of Owen Sound, spent a /the "beautifrd." few days last week with D. Latter. also surrounded A GABDEN PABTY wlll be held under the auspices of the Ladiep' Aid of the Pres- byterian church at Howe's mill on the evening of the 17th inst. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all. Rev. Mb. Demill, founder of Demill College^ Oshawa. which is one of the leading ladies' colleges in Ontario, gaye us a friendly call last week. There were 95 students last year in this college. Twenty drops of carbolic acid evapor- ated from a hot shovel will go far to banish flies from a room, while a bit of camphor gum the size of a walnut, held over a lamp till it is consumed, will do the same for the festive mosquito. "What do you publish a paper for, I'd like to know " sarcastically inqmred an irate politician, tackling a country edi- tor. "For $2 a year, in advance," re- sponded the editor, "and you owe me fcr four years." I We are most happy to see Mr. Samuel Douglas, assistant station a?ent, around again after a long illness, and, for the benefit of his health, has taken a trip down to the Thousand Islands there to rusticate for a few weeks. \esteeiay and to-day is Walkerton's great band competition celebration. As our band played at Fanning's monster garden party Tuesday night they could not possibly get to Walkerton in time to compete. Thebe was a heavy thunder shower in this district last Friday evening. The yivid lightning and heavy thunder rend- ered the scene grand and impressive. )The rain was much needed, being the best fall of the season. Mb. J. CiESAB, C.P.R. agent here, has one of the finest flower (gardens north of Toronto. The flower beds are neatly and tastily laid out with all varieties of The croquet lawn is with beautiful and CAINS! USIIIS -AT- RUSSELL'S tel JewelIbyI $tore; Flesherton, P Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Speo- r*tlesar,d Silverware for the montii Y Joi-e, before moving to new iPimises. â- Fine American Waltbam Watches PtD ^e.iiO to $20.C0, regular price of r«cli ;\tie jrom $11.50 to $24.50. I arpins, Earrmgs, Brooches, Chains, '•^ftyets, reduced 25 Pi£R CENT. Come along and secure some of the •^ellent bargains before the time ex- I TO. positively for the ^lonth of June Oniv, I '^^ for a perfect job always take your Watch repairs, c., to \^i^^ll's Noted Jewellery Store Mb. D. Sweeney has been down from Thessalon and returned this week. Mrs. McGlU is up from Toronto visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryden. Willie and Annie McLeod left on Monday to spend a few weeks with their friend, Mrs. Alexander, at Simcoe. Mabkdale council will meet in the council chambers on Friday evening for the dispatch of general business. Miss Ruth Mitchell and the Misses. Lillie and Queenie Southgate of Toronto are visiting at Mrs. W. J. McFarland's. Me. McCance, of Toronto, paid his daughter, Mrs. Campbell, of this village, a visit last week. Misses. Anderson and Bready, of Owen Sound, are visiting the Arm- strougs- Mrs. C. Brown, of CoUingwood, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, last week. Sometimes the smallest watermelon can cause the largest man to gaze upon life with tears in his eyes. Mrs. Harrison, of Owen Sound, spent a few days last week v?ith her sister, Mrs. Hall. Mb. R. B. Curbie had a visit last week from his sister, Mrs. Morrow, of Elora, accompanied by Mr. Morrow and two children. Wanted at Markdale within 80 days 200 cords of tanbark, for which fair prices will be paid. For particulars ap- ply to Thos. Boland, Markdale P. O. A large congregation was present at the Presbyterian church on Sabbath mommg last on the occasion of the Lord's Supper being dispensed. Rub your lamp chimneys after wash- ing with dry salt and you will he sur- prised at the new brilhance of your lights. W. J. McFarland has jost received by S Ship Sardmian direct from Lirerpool his first consignment of FaU Goods, purchased by his agent in Manchester. England. Mb Thos, KistM. a leading farmer in Artemeda. had 16 a^es of barley Ij^ cut at the time of sweetly cented flowers. The base ball match between the 11th line Blazers (Euphrasia) and the Hark- away Clippers came off on the 4tli inst. on the grounds of the latter in the pres- ence of a number of spectators which resulted in the victory for the Clippers, scores being Clippers 22, Blazers 18. â€" Com. Change op Landlords. â€" Mr. John Patterson, of the Revere Hotel, moved last week to Thessalon, there to enter partnership with one J. Gordon in the Queen's Hotel of that rising town. Mr. Jennings, late of Shelburne, takes his place in Maikdale and is now in pos- session. -â- Sc, ^* Discreet Silence. â€" "What if I were one of those husbands, my dear, who got up cross in the morning and bang things around and kick like everything just be- cause the coffee is cold " "John," re- sponded his wife, "I would make it hot for yon." As her words admitted of more than one interpretation, John said nothing more about the coffee. â€" Times. Quite a number of our subscribers iave neglected to pay for their Stand- ard for this year thus far. Look up the address label on this paper and see if THEt say Mark Creasor and Miss Bryden were married on Wednesday. The Misses. Minnie Lucas, Minnie Whitby and Maggie McNea, of Markdale have decided to take a scholarship in Demill College, Oshawa, and will leave early in September to enter upon their studies. We wish them every success in their laudable undertaking. The Globe has printed and published a magnificent Board of Trade edition which contains 24 (pages descriptive of Toronto's leading industries and gives a brief mention of many leading mercan- tile firms throughout the country. Among the latter we noticed W. J. Mc- Farland of Markdale, as one of the lead- ing merchants and grain dealers on the C. P. R., from Toronto to Owen Sound. This edition is a credit to the Globe. At the Methodist church last Sunday a large congregation was present, a great percentage of whom remamed for the loye feast and sacrament, which was a profitable season throughout. Rev. Mr. Buggin's sermons are of a superior character generally, being comprehen- sive, logical, pcinted and practical; always couched in languaee simple and appropriate and deUvered in a manner unmistakably convincing. The sermon on above occasion was no exception to the rule â€" ^ind^d we ronsider it one of the best we have yet listened to. Rev. Mr. Wilson. Presbyterian, preached an able sermon in the evening to a luge congre- gation. Picnic. â€" ^The annual picnic of Mark- dale Methodist S. School was held in McDuffie's grove on Wednesday after- noon. The weather was simply gorgeous and the attendance yery large, there be- ing over three hundred present. The children and teachers marched from the church to- the grove each wearing a printed badge and were afterwards joined by scores of our citizens who en- joyed an eyening very pleasantly indeed. There was sufficient eatables to feed the multitude while the games and swings were much enjoyed by old and young. Following is a list of the candidates who have successfully parsed the recent examinations in Owen Sound district: â€" District No. 19."Second Class-E. Crowe, AND SHARP DEIIYERY. Always use the ' C. P. R. J ELEGRAPHj QFFJCgl 'â- â€"ATâ€" .•â- -â- :â- ::;^S:v; W. A. BROWN'S JEWELLERY STORE MARKBALiE. BrulnesB Iiocals. M. De La Matter, J. Might, M, McRae F. Sherlock, A. Shields, B. Tassie, P. Walker, J. Agnew G. Bowes, J. Brown^ R. Brown, S. Crane, D. Currie, D. Day^ W. Dorland, W. Frizzell, R. Howey, J. Johnston, L. Johnston, L. Might, G* Mills, M. McClme, A.McDougald,DNeily J. Norton, F. Pond. Thud Classâ€" A. Albery, M. B. Breadner, M. Brown, E. E, Calvert, L. Calvert, B. Cainpbell, M. Campbell, A. Dezell, M. Douglass, E. Frazer, M. Ireton, M. King, L. Kings- bury, M. Martin, L. Miller^ L. Moore, E. Quirk, N. Somerville, M. Stewart, R. Sunter, A. Todd, A. White G. Brown, G. Donald, J. Gibbs, G. JoUey, G. J McKay, I A. Sutherlandj J. Tucker, W. McRae, A. Sunter. Monster Garden Paety. â€" The garden acial at Mr. Fanning's, near Holland Oui you are one of them, and if so let's haye^^^n^re, last Tuesday evening was a the needful. You must understand the ^^and success. The beautiful grounds subscription is $1 in advance, not at the middle or end of the year. Fell in a Cistern.â€" J. W. Knott, of the 7th line, Euphra.«da,' recently dug a cistem in the basement of his-bam and had it partly stoned up when one of his cows dropped in on Tuesday morning last. Lougheed's gang, who were work- ing on Johnston's bam next farm were sent for and hauled the animal out none the worse for her exploits. IIBV.A Wilson has accepted a very hearty and unanimous call from the congregations of Charleston and Alton. The salary promised is $850 and manse to begin with. His induction into the pastoral chaise of this promising field is to take place on Tuesday, Hie 21st inst., at 2 p. m in Charleston chnrch. Bev. D. McLeod has been appomted to preach in Markdale and Flesherton on Sabbath, 19th inst., and declare the Fob horse rakes, reapers, mowers and binders go to J. H. Carson. Go to B. B. Clements, thfr tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. Impoetant tb borrowers, $10,000 pri vate funds to loan, apply to W. J. Mc- Farland, Markdale. 412-20 B. B. Clements, the tailor, is turning out handsome fitting suits that suits the gents just great. Try him when you want something nobby. Foe Sale â€" 4 colts â€" one 3 years old, one 2 years old and two one year old. Three of the above colts are the making of valuable horses. For particulars apply to Mrs. R. Shaw, lot 16, con. 12, Artemesia, or to Thos. Boland, Mark dale. Salesmen Wanted ♦i« he«w r^'laatlpnlpi* vacant. Bev. Mr. Wihon will of Mr. F. were literally ahye from about six o'clock until 11 p. m. Chatsworth and Markdale brass bands were present and played both separately and togeth- er, the sweet strains being highly appre- ciated by the company, and added very materially to the enjoyment and success of the gathering. Chatsworth was oth- erwise well represented, as also Holland Centre, Berkely and the coxmtry around bnt Markdale was on hand in full force, giving rise to the general remark, "all Markdale is here to-mght." A program was rendered in which Markdale talent took a leading part Dr. Sproule, chair- man G. J. Blyth, J. G. Anderson, W. J. Benscoi, Miss Dundas, J. Ciasar, Holland Centre Presbyterian choir; Mr. Idtile, student, Knox College Bey. Mr. Hartley, Miss Smith, Mrs. Hartley^ and others took'Part. The refreshments and provisions were in abundance and lavishly patronised. Everything passed off most ploasantly and ttijoyable, nuik aneclBufal ffardcB partes i»1||w aatriel. to handle our thoro- ughly reliable nursery stock. We en- gage men on hberal commisKion, or ou salary and expenses, and guarantee per- manent employment and success Fa- ciUties unequalled: prices very reason- able outfit free decided advantaiges to beginners 1 Write at once. EllwAkger Babry, itochester, N. Y. 409-22 Teitders Wanted. â€" Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned ui» to noon on Saturday the IBth August, " for the erection and completion of a school ixrase (wooden) on town line Hol- land and Euphrasia, three miles from Markdi^er S. S. No. 2, H. E, For particulars and plans apply to Patrick Lyons, Harkaway, or Joseph Richard- • sou, Markdale. 'Ihe lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. Itycms, Secretary, Ha^^kaway. 2v,- Salesmen Wanted Hz New England Nurseries, cstablishct^l over 80 years. The eld reliahte nursery. Men with push, energy, good habiis, auu clean character are virhat we want. Every chance for saoeeas. We can give fan. good p^j «nd steady work. Write. fisjeims tq^ijsu^ ^BoTmcB^Cfll^ANYr •ii* â- â- â- •*'• "â- ^;\k- ',ii â- m -1' ' ' II M â- â- â- ;iii ^dl _-â- ., v^ • •â- *â- ;:ij'-iK i^iiiiKMiaMMiiii ^iii^ii^ iiii