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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Aug 1888, p. 8

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 1^ 'K •fP â-  .-' *!.^ Ifc^^i v^as.,^r â- i J. f HALSTED, M. D. pitsiczan, subokom, Ac., H ollcLnd IJentre- Will be at Berkeley every Taesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. rr*. Spi'oiile, ^PHTSICIAN AND 8UBGEON,- c ^^ R. k: I J%. 1^ E. 'Office â€" Manley's Drug Store. cTa. McBRIDE, m. d., L. R. C. p. S. EDINBURGH, Offiice at Stephen's Drug Store, liate of the London Hospital, England. I». IcCnllougli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c iOFFICEâ€"0V£R McFARLANDS STORE. MARK'DAIjE. I^Ioney to Loan. Stod.d.aj:t THE TAILOR, is prepared to make yoalr clothes neat and trim. The latest Fashion Platcfe alwlkys on hand to chose from. Kemember, over McFarlands Store, ATarkdale 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. BPBOUIiE. Conveyancer Postmaster. FleshMton. C ANADiaN p aCIFIC B, B. TIME TABLE. â€" IVTarkdale Station-^- Going South. Gotng Nokth. 6.55 a. m. 11.66 p 4.35 p. 8.56 p. HIASSOM MASSON, BAEEISTEKS, SOLICITOES, o. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'S Store, on Friday and baturday every week. a. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest from G to 8 Der cent WM. BBOWK. DrVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. R.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- â-  ctiritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUEELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jfarms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. GRADUATE of] -DENTI8T,- OF TORONTO SCHOOL â€" „; Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesdajr m each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- â- ness Strictly Conidential, J. S.BLACK, Pomona, P. 0. 190 FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on •easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. GNT. J. £ Marsh, P •:' 13 W. C. RICHARDS, UILDEU, CONTRACTOR, i AliCHI- TEOT. Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Jlortgages, Leases and Wills drawn uii.andValuationsmadeon shortest notice Charges very low: Apply to K. J. SPROULE, Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. TO SQHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Hcliool t^ixiTiittife. Consisting of SO ^OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved patte.n. Highly rscom nended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Chatswoith P. 0. IS I ANDREW McGILL. BARBER, _-_ MARKDALE. As I am now in a poeitior to uo Ha Cutting. Shaving Shampooing and all work iu my line, I ask a share of public patronage. I make a spec"^a'ty of Razor ami Scissor harpf^niug. Ladi«H' and Children's hair cut- ^sng done in first-class style. Shop nearly \i\it:s te the Standard office. TVl OIVE Y to LO^VIV. Private and Compuiy's funds to invest iu Real Estate at current rates of interest. r ASMS FOS SAUB AVD TO BBVT. ' biiiiness private and confidential. Apprais- er for Canada F«naanent Loan and BavingB Conipiuj, Toronto. 40J-31 JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. rUSTERER AXO STOKE MASON MARKBAIaB, Is prppHrrd to take contract' in town toiiitrv. (Igan elK' C:;«iEinjiniiig uti m town or WiiitewaslKsig W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. porcnpiue M AKKDALE CARRIAGE -: f ORES. R. McNally, practical manufacture! Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything in the Ime. The best ma- terial used and firsc-class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Trimming: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. M'NALLY. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight ainm or gtiosphate powders sold only in cans. Rotai AKING POWDEB Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Voters' List for 1888. Jnanicipality of tlie Village of markdale, County of Grey. SIG^HT V. BliZNDlSrESS. IV. STJiLlVl^ETf 'S CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEWIt. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND â-  :x: R- JL.. Stephen's;, NOTICE is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned m the third and fourth sections of "The Voters List Ant," tlie copitis requir- ed of the list made, pursuant to said act. of Assessment Roll of tae NTnnicipality to be entitled to vote in said Mnuicipaliiy at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Municipal Elections and said list was postal up at my office in Math- ew's block, fflrkdale, Town.-hip of Glenelg, on the Both day ot July, 1S83, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine tlie said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said error jorrected according to law. R. C. BRYDEN, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 30th day of July, AD. 1888 412-14 Coliingwood and Georgian Bay Line. IN CONNECnON WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. CHEMISTDRUGGISLlvlarkdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAP.KDALE. No Spectacles in the Market equal them iu the EYE PKESEKVING QUALITIES they ))ossess, or the GREAT EASE FOi'i' tliey confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes thiit it doosuot become necessa ry tochango them for many years. They are the itf ore tho CHEA1*EST. J. J. Field shot a 66 lb near flesherton recently. The Queen's B^otel. Owen Soaud, was closed np by creditors last week. Skead's rail] with 15,000,000 feet of lumber, near Ottawa, was burned last week. Loss $250,000. The Owen Sonnd Summer Races are announctd to come oflf on Wednes-' drtv and Tliursday, August 15th and 16tli. $1,000 are offered in prizes. Mr. Lanigan, Station agent at Dun- dal.k is being removed to Tliree Eivers, Que., and Mr. Jos. SymingtoD returns from Gait to his old position. At a meetii'g of the Orangeville Presbytery on i^gnday the call from Erskine chuYchPForonto, to Rev. \V. A Hunter, of Or'augeville. was sus- tained. The Duudalk Herald Is agitating a cliange in the formation of Grey and Dnfferin counties, proposing that Pro- ton, with Durjdalk village, bo annexed to the latter county and withdraw from Grey. A. F. A. M. â€" Next year, accord- ing to the vote of the Grand Lodge m Toronto last week, the Grand Lodge of Canada, A. F. A. M., will be held in Owen Sound. The visit of this large and influential body to Grey county is largely due to Judge Macpherson who is an enthusiastic craftsman and stands high in the esteem of his brethren. An earnest endeavor was made to get tho next session of the Grand Lodge held in Ottawa, but Judge Macpherson ably combatted the proposition and Owen Sound was selected by a very large majority, BZCHAVGE CKXFPZVOS. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES Str. PACIFIC. Capiain P. M. CampbeU. Str. ATLANTIC, Captain R. D. Foote. Str. BALTIC, Captain W. Tate Itobertson. Str. NORTHERN BELLE, Captain W. J. Bassett. The line new steamers "Pacific" and "At- lantic" ^vill run as follows until further notice (weather permitting): Leaving Coliingwood at 1 p.m., Meiford at 3 p.m., Owen Sjund at 8 p.m. and Wiarton at 11:45 p.m. eyery Tuesday and Saturday for Killamey, Manltowaning Little Current, and^COM* Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish River, Serpent River, Algoma Mills, Blind River. Thessalon, I Bruce Mines, Hilton, St. Joseph's Island, Garden River and SAULT STE MARIE. The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockburn Island and Meldrum Bav. PARBY SOUND. The '-Northern Belle" will leave Coliing- wood for Parry Sound, Byng Inlet and French River every Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. connecting at French River with Str. "Remora" for Alpena. Mich., and returning to Coliingwood on Wednesday and Saturday evenings connecting with the Sault Ste Marie steamers. For information as to freight rates and fares apply to any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, the Pursers on board the steamers, or to THE GREAT NORTHERN TRANSIT CO. Coliingwood. THOS. LONG, CHAS. CAMERON, Sec.-Treas. Manager. Mary Jane Bailey, the eight-year old daugher of Mr. Wm. Bailey, of Holland, had the miefortune to fall off" the top of a fence last Monday and break her arm just above the wrist. â€" Chatsworth News. A very sudden death is reported from Gait. Mr. E. Edwards, a young married man, who is a locksmith by trade, was engaged writing letters when his wife retired Friday night last. She took DO notice to this as he was secretary of Court Grand Valley, A. O. F., and often sat up. late writing. When he did not come to bed after waiting till a late hour his wife got up to see what was the matter. She tound him sitting in the chair just as he was when she left, but cold in death. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause.â€" Mt. Forest Rep. The healthiest of all booms seems to have struck the town in the line of the advent ot manufautures. No soon- er was it an established fact that the Poison Shipyard was to be established here than the Ontario Lumber Com- pany must make this their headquart- ers and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company put up another elevator as big as the first one and now the Cobourg Car Works tJiinks this is the place, too, and they have level heads. All right Mr. James Crossen is just the kind of a man to appreciate Owen Sound, and ample accommodation can bfi provided for him. This is the kind of a boom that means business. â€" 0. S. Advertiser. STEPHEN S COUGH KING. Tlie best compound of Tar and Honey in the World for relieving coughs, it acts as an .instant healer to the bronchia] tubes, and will have a Iieiiefisient effect on bronchitis at on.^H. D 'ii't foiget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like ii, at 25 and 5 CHuts a bottle. It will relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To|le obtained at the popular Drug Store, E. L. STS PHEN, MARKDALE. thtttOnAdteirtri a Bwmb to know ot noajng •» mwb ate, notiilag to entik Kow looanbla malady. .toSTt- »!â-  nn Ifmiwr an â- Whan gtran â€" " [daBa.bajU «ATtbafoima ta ft, a •oottiaa «M ^gAwdamS potaanad bivae of eUilBS eillKRJIMTJEEP Toronto Hedieina Co.. Vanntak Oat Markdale C. O. O. F. No. 78. meets every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Rae's block. Visitixg brethren welcome. Markdale A. O. U. W, No. 141 meets in their Hall, Rae's block, every alternate Mond^ evening at o'clock. A visit Irom brethren of neighboring lodges solicitod. Mabkiai.sL. O. L. No. 1045 meetsin their Hall on Friday on or before fall moon each month. J. H. Carson, Master; W. J. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria R. B. Prec^ptory, No. 282, Meets in Lodge Room of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always wekjome. Jaa. Brodie W. P.; Thos. Elliott, Registrar. JUBILEE LODGE. No. ISS. meets ev-ry, Taesday m Hasketfa Hall» Maikdale. at 7:.m W. JackBon, W. G. Alfred MoSat, Se-.. IMstriot SoiBffa. Palmerston had another serious fire last week. Me»ford dogs are being thinned out by poiflou. Diindalk liB»'6iie teof^Tote than in 1887, ._.__. ^. '"-•= V .^ ^. burned laet week' â- - • ...a '..^ Bobt. Gilleapie, hotel keqter at ShelbanM. has assigtied. TELEGRAPHOEW8 NOTES. The Chrand Tmak's Bztensloaa. Mr. Hickson, general manager of the Grand Trunk railway, is credited with having said that the recent ac- quisition of the Toledo, Saginaw Muskegon line is of great importance to the Grand Trunk. The line ex- tends from Ashee to Muskegon, in Michigan. The proposed Sault Ste. Marie line, when ouilt, will probably connect with the Northern div ision at Burke's Falls, and his company will fairlv divide the Manitoba trade Avith the Canadiiin Pacific. Thiuidar Btonn. STBATFoan, Aug. 8â€" A serious thunder storm passed over here this afternoon. During its progress Thos. Rise, butcher, of this city, who resides with bis brother near the Little Lakes was struck by lightning and instantly killed, while standing in his doMrway of his liari ExETEB. Out., Aug, d The heaviest thunder sform Of the season passed over this place this ^tfternoon. Light- ning struck the diyi^ kiln of Dver k HowMrd'8'pIapingmiBft, setting fire to the firamework. Inside the kiln, luck- ily, it vaahiiilt of brick apd the fire was extingnishod wiQ9)nt doing mncb damage.' ' ' .. OiwwJ8o?i»p.,.^g, $;i^Tli« bv-Iaw *»fp»iii$i«keoetto the t?».P. Railway n^)Hte3r'iii|Ba1iibtf8 temwdsitiw-ajfeo. ti«u of a new elevator and thi exoava- tpw of • abp, was earned to-day by a vote of 887 to 13 t Of the total vote poLi**«lMft but such a lively iS'^n.? m the matter that lis?; " t« thatmimberweie..:.'^^««l thatmmiberweiepaiir tor flud slip are tie nl. H^ ai ^g^H YEAR.â€" Kc eoDtemplated ty the C W ** it 18 also luteLded tu ^â- "•A wharves and freioht «„,,i?**' ""lih, vr.ll probably invdve t»M ture of $800,000. ' '^N Beateaoed at Owaa «»_ Owen Sound, July 30 T^^ dayIastMr.Jae.LoLo"?^^,^J went aw«y irom hot r"' hired mau named W.Suitit?^^ and gave him the key of tl,;?"' that he could qet iu fo^e t ^p^^^^:iaSiE)iO QUARTER places more mterestiug ti""' pantry On going to hta ro J.l Long found that lu« privnte b„r! rSS?£4«ice Teas, Tobac{| â- search Hi/'ith was fouud asieeti*i„l Meaford hotel witli the watch audJl of the money under his piibw was taken to Owen Sauud, where^ hce Magistrate Spencer seotenci him to eighteen months ui tho C-aJ Prison. -FOR ||CESUGARS RUSINS, CURRANT^ IIUD GOODS, CONFEenONERY, Editor Standard Sib, â€" In reference to the pejirrj- of Lord Derby which Mr. BeattieJ his challenge, declars improper,] 41 the public to see clearly how the mJ ler now stands. It will be remeinM ed Mr. Beattie inserted ia yparpace a iew weeks ago a challenge or oi to put up one hundral dollars to i, that Lord Derby was uot prowJ registered. This presumptioos iuti ference in ray l)asiuess in this partit, lar line meant something that I cool] not silently overlook andlplafiwUH dollars in the hand of W. L. YoJ leaving the decision to be taken fro^ the Looks of the Clydesdale associal through the secretary, Mr. He Wade, Toronto, who is known to li the highest authority on the snl Mr. Young wrote Mr. Wade and in 1 fairness to myself, Mr. Beattie and 1 interested, has placed the letter 1 Mr. Wade for publication whidn here give Toronto, July 31st, 188 Mr. W, L. Young, Markdale, Uit. Dfi-iB Sib, â€" Yours of 30th reeeiTjll The enclosed pedigree of Lord Detij ^irap.) [37], 1067, [1742] is duly r^ corded; first iu Scotch ClyWaf Book as No. [1742]; second in Ame^ can Clydesdale Book as 1067, ail third in Canadian Clydesdale Bookij [87] He is properly registered inr three of the books, as given undeio stamp ou May 15th, 1886. Very truly yours, Henry Wade, ..;â-  Sec. Clydesdale AssocJatioj And further, as Mr. Beattie has goi so far as to insinuate in his kte efr ion to Mr. Pickell in vour paper, 8 also to others that Lord Derby is nj Lord Derby at all but a fraud, Igij the public the declaration ot Mr, m son who imported Lord Derby as oM tained by Mr. PickcU short taneag It reads as follows West Toronto Junction, July 13. » Mr. W.G. Pickell: .l- thfh^e^W Derby, sold bynieJl^yOOg Trimble Pickell. of Markdale a«« •!» W K#1b^M.WiM DOW owned by Thorpe Wn#, Flesherton, is the horse import^ me as Lord Derby and reeorde^ [1742] m Scotch book, 1067 Amej canbookand[37]inCanadi«.^5^ and that he is the only Lo d D;^ that is registered under thes^ hers. I am yours rcspectfuuyr John Jackso"' lADQUABTEB ^FOB )keryGlasswai ItSaxtA Tea Setts, Dinner Si loilcc Betts, the finest stock to ch om in Markdale. We will sell odem this line cheaper by 10 it. than any other Loof.e in msions, Provisio: FLOUR FEED every description same price the mill. Ilong cleab bacon, Choice SUGAR CURED H^ Just received a ton of Wri; i3atmeal, Ow«n Sound, (fresh). Onr Liquca: Store is well etc dth best braiads of Liquors of jleBCtiption. JOBBEBS IN CIGAB (live us -a call. I, H. BENSON Co. Belfast H I BARCAINS BARCAIN -AT- IWEDl Jew'ELEI Si Plesherto] Now.sir.theaboveej^den^;^, elusive to any reasonable nw" it I claim the money But «^^f„ give Mr. Beattie every satj^^ I mean to make it f^'f^^^rW him that he will not l.gbt^J'l^ with other men's horses a^/^jjoB, even accede to his second prop. ^^^ absurd and meaumgless as 1 ^^^ way. He can take his P ^, ^j fri/nd, J.I.Gral^^'"' iveiinP"?- Mr. Wm. Beunie, an e^n« j -^ tbe er of horses, and let them B' .here officeof Mr. Wade. To^»^^^for aU necessary books «^^^^^W ;-*^«r..t«,n relative to ^VT.^iis^\ m In "Watches, Clocks, Jewelery |^«B and Silverware for the '"I Jnte, iiefore moving 1 information relative es. and let them there d^JJ';^aI to;.butundernocons^tow^^„,bj allow Lord De^^yLksC'"" interfered with by b^"'^^^""' Beattie. Graham Co. Respectfally yo^^yjpjBi. H Mr. Beattie wishes" him ««^ I ment to be carried outj^',^. mediately name the time « -J^e American Waltham 25*$8SO lo$20.CO, regular ^•â- A vere from $11.50 to $! I, EuTings, Brooches, .zednced 26 PER CENT aknifl; and secnre soi bwgiuns before the {ini^Mly for tbe ^^ Of June C ' i {crfeet job always **""^|pk repairs, fcc., t ^i ihM Jewelloi ' i. .;â- â- - fe^ 'i!'i^m4'j^^:^' .•"•lit'iafef'S.i M

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