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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Aug 1888, p. 8

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 â-  i s^*^ "?v^^^.!:: -;«; ??v:.â- ;-/^^^::/ ^-^^V^^^f^p-«| '^^;^??^% J ;-*c-J'ifc*i' IP J. F. RAUTED, M. D. â€" ^^nraiciAN, subgbon, c., â€" H oil and. CJentr e. WOl be at Berkeley every Tuesday and "Friday afternoon from one to fonr o'clock. 390-ly. Tr. Spi-oiile, ^PHYSICIAN AND SUBaEOX. jVT ^^ R. k: I .A. 1^ E. UfSce â€" Manley's Drug Store. cTa. McBRIDE, m. d., L. R. C. p. S. EDINBURGH, Office 4it Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the London Hospital, England. i». rcCiiiioiigii, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER MoFARLAND'S STORE. MAEKDALiE. ?^KnGy to Loan. niASSOn MASSON, BARBISTEKS, SOLICITOES, c. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Viaker's Block, Ponlett St. Bxanch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. MA8SOS, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B.â€" Private and Companv's funds to invest from fi to 8 ner cent THE TAILOR, is prepared to make vonr dotbee neat and trim. The latest Fashion Plates always on band to cfaose om. fCemember, over McFarlcnds Store, Jtfarkdale 6 PERCENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPBOULE, Conveyancer tc Postmaster. Flesberton. c mpim p iciFic B, K. TIME TABLE. â€" IVCa.r'kclale Station â€" GoiMS 8O0TH. Going Nokth. 6.55 a. m. 11.56 p 4.35 p. m 8.56 p. m MBuniniir Tte Inkdile SUinl Is issued every Thursday, by C.W. RUTLEDGE, Karkda.e. 0„t. Tebus â€" fl per year in advance; $1.50 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per yeai-, S4. I ys. ' 6 MO. 3 vo. 950 00 «27 50 $15 00 27 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 6 OC 7 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per Jine first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for $1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. Whole column Half column Quarter column Two meh space. i Three inch space WK. BBOWX. DIVISION COURT CLEBK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. B.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly Tittended to and carefully executed. N. B. Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se- en ritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates, A few Jfarms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, ou the 1st and third Wednesday of each mouth and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. •Commencing on the 7th September. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J.,S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, 0. FARM FOR SALE. TOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 1904f. Pomona P. O W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's estabUshment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. Hi£i class of work a specialty. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -: .WORKS. JOB PRrSTTESTG. The Standard office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail, iil orders filled with dispatch. »««tai«x,^ Absolutely Pure. MARKDALE. The P. O. will be opened fiom 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz C. P. S., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •• •• South, 3:30 p m, and 7pm TBAYEBSTON and LAUBISTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday 12:30 noon. B. McNally, practical manufacturer Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything m the line. The best ma- terial used and firsc-class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Trimming; promptly attended to. A call respectfully soUcited. tS" Stand opposite the Markdale House. B, M'NALLY, SIGHT V. BLrNDKESS. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J.E. Ppohm' CELEBRATED English Spectaclfis 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEWIh STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND HAEKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. EUSKINE. Wednesday and S.iturday 2 p. m This powd( purity, streni economical cannot be soli titnde of lo\ phosphate pc Basing Pov [never varies. A marvel for and wholesomeness. More in the ordinary kinds, and |[n competition with the mul- ilast, short weight alnm or lers sold only in cans. BotaIi Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y. Voters]List for 1888. lUnnicipiiltr of the Fillage of illark4l«t County ol Grey. For registered letters and money ordirs fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P 0. will be open on Holidays from 9 to Sl:30 a. m., and half an hour after mails .arrive. W. J. McFabland. P. M. R. CHEMI8T DRUGGIST. Markdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in M.A.nKI).\LE. No Spectacles in the 11 arketequal theui iu the EYE TliESEitVING Q UALITIES tl'.ey possess, ar the GBEAT EASE and COM- FOiiT they confer on the wearer. i 'I'heir use will in actuality so strengthen the I Eyes that it does not bucouic uecessa ry to change them for miiuy yeais. They are the leioie the CHEAPEST. B W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLiESHERTON. Conveyancer, Apprwiser, Valuator and Money Cieuder. Deeds, Moitgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValnations made on shortest notice Charges very low. Apply to B. J. SPEOtTLE, Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton TO SCHOOL^TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of Hchool F^ULi-tiituT-e. Consisting of SG ^OOL SEATS and DESK?, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tue latest design and most approved pattern. Highly racommended by School Trustees and Teach- «rs, lav cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand, Send for c italogue to Chats worth P.O. IS I ANDREW McGILL. BARBER, â-  MARKDALE. As I am now in a positior to tio Ha Cntti niF. Shaving. 8hampooinf^ and aW work in my line, I ask ash^raof public patronage. I make a spt^alty 6f Bazor and Seissor sharpening. LadieH* and Children's hair cut- tint; done in first-class style. Shop nearly Q ppcsite the Stasdaud office. IVtOXE Y t(H JL.O^VIV. Private and Company's funds to invest in Heal Estftte at cnrreut rates of interest. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses OTUSB FOR SCRATCHES ON NORSES STEPH^Eirr^OUeffTciNQ; • -Y " â€" Tlie btist compound of Tar and Honey in the w„rkl for ruiieviag coughs, it acts ais an instant hualer to the broBolnal tubes, and will liave a heneficient effecH on bronchitis at on.^H. Din't forget the name. STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and .5^1 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping rough when other medicines ;com- pletely fail. Toflw obtained at the popuUr Plug Store, R. Xi. STSPHEN, MARKDALE. MARKP^LB VILI-lOE OFTICIAT.S. Reeve, W. J. MeFiirlanJ- Councilâ€" Wm. Brown. B. S. Rae. Wm. Li.cas and S. Hill. R. C. Bryden, Clerk; W.L. Young. Treasurer; C. Reynolds, Road (Commissioner and Pound- keeper. FubUc School Trustees â€" Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons, W. A. Brown. W. A. Brown, Sec. COUN'TY OFFICIALS. Judge, H. MePherson, Owen Sound. Deputy- Judge, R. J. Lane, Owen Sound. Slierifi, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong. 0. Sound. Clerk, John Gale. Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. .T. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden John Clark, North Keppel. Registrar, N., 11. McKui!ht, Owcu Sound. •' S,, Tbos. Lauder, Omham. Revising Barrister, North, Judge MePher- son. Owen Sound. Revising Barrister. South East, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North. Jas. Masson, Owen Sound. M. P., East, T. S. Spronle. M.D., Markdale M. P., South, Geo Landerkin.M. D„Han- P.. North. D. Creighton. Toronto. P., East. Capt. Rorke, Clarksburg P., South, J.Blyth, Orchaid. DIVISION COCKT CL£UES; John Stephens, Owen Sound. David Jnckson, Durham. Thos, Plunkett. Meaford. Thos. J. Rorke, Heathcote. J. W. Armstrong, Blesherton. eTohn McDonald. Chatsworth. Duncan Campbell. Wm. Brown, Markdale. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m! Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor; A. McFarland. S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Mr. Graham, Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30. W. J. Ford, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m and 7p.m. Sunday School at 2:80. Prayer Meeting every Tliursday evening from 8 to 9. Rev. Geo. Buggin Pastor; G. S. Bowes, S. S. Superintendent. Lalies' Aid in con- nection: Mrs. T Hill. Secretory. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Parties desiring sittings will apply to C W- Rutledge. Pew Steward. 'er. M. P.. M. P. M. P. No 1. »t 2. I* 3. tf 4. fci 5. IC 6. (I 7. • 8. NOTICE transi mentioned u of "The Vo ed of the li; Assessment be entitled Elections f( Assembly, said list wai ew's block on the 30tl there for i: Electors said list, errors are proceedini according Dated i hereby, given, that I have ted or deUvered to the persons he third and fourth sections s List Act," the copies requir- ade, pursuant to said act. of loll of the said Municipality to vote in said Municipahty at members of the Legislative the Municipal Elections and lostcd up at my ofGce in Math- arkdale. Township of Glenelg, ay of July, 1888, and remains lection. re called upon to examine the il, if any omissions or any other lund therein, to take immediate to have the said eriror 3on-ected law. R. C. BRYDEN, Clerk of the said Municipality. s 30th day of July, A.D. 1888. 412-14 Base Ball. A gaile of base ball was played in Durham last FrHay between the Pricevit Maple Leafs and Durham seniori^iand resulted aa follows PBICETILLB. G. Loi] H. Wai J. Bro; McBan Walon .M( Ai W| A. G. H. D. A. D. Mo uchhn.. smith.. son lean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 10 1 1 • • 11 1 1 1 • • 1 1 1 1 10 1 • â-  1 1 1 1 1 • • 11 1 1 1 • • • • â-  • 11 01 Total. R. 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 .29 DUBHAH. W. Ma T. J; D. T. S. J. A. iKenzie ley shrane ibertson. sFarlane. iSatt m nner ickson 2 X Ovlti ••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢Â« Majority for Priceville.. ..21 .. 8 BesolntioiL of OonOolenoe. ^ttithi 5l«*t«M|» VAXMS mm SAB AMX TO All bumoMs private andeonildeutial. Apprais- er- for Canada Permanent Loan and Satingv Company, Tanmto. «»«» /OHS WHITBY. Hackdale. S' t MAUirnATtg}. !«' pwjjm wl in tak« f«ntraeM ui «ini ^| M. oMurtrr. OriateAuBg Mid ' Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78. meets eveij alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Bae's block. Visitirg brethroi welcome. it a Teachers' meeting of the Mark- Methodist Sunday School held on [ednesday evening, AuRust 1st, the ]lowing resolution of condolence was ied unanimously )Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas Te, the officers and teachers of the Mark- lie Methodist Sunday School, beg to tender 1 our Fincere and heartfelt sympathy in i' sore bereavement by thB sudden death your son Jas, A. who has been a faithful id attentiye scholar in our school for a igth of time, and whose prematuie and lexpected death has oast a gloom over our itire school. We sincerely pray that you lay realize the snstoining and comforting of God in this the hour ot your deep rial and affliction. az,^^ (O. S. Bowxs, Bnp. Otjjs AND Loss. â€" ^Every one who sof- 'em himself to be so carried away by the love of fjiXD, or the porsoit of fame, or the desire for pleasnre, or any other ^SS' \\^:.\Zi^L}5 »!!!lJ?|Bi»«le object, «, to neglect thephun and regular duties which fall to his lot or the rightful claims which family and friends make upon him sacrifices by so much his personal cha,racter, his social value, and liis permanent happiness. No amount of business /entecpnae or success can make up tox a nei;^eetsd family no amount of social estona and poptuarity ean atone for a redden nse df money no amount rf aelf-iiidalgent Measure can oamMcaM» for brolcen heftllh or a dis- turbed eoQadeltoe. £aeh qnUity, soon- erOTJrter, viaf%or Iftaeot^ brings their Hall, llae's block, every altemirtel Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brediren of ueighborbg lodges solicited. " HdJutxDALcL. O. L. No. 104o meets in thrill HaBonJ'riday on or before full moon otsh' monHi. J. H. Carson, Master; IT. J. Blakdyii Seoeetarr. T j ^^^^jtoria B. B. Preoeptoiy, No. Merte m Lodge Boom of Markdale L. OJL. Kb. 1IM$. ftnt Friday in each month, ^t. im ^Kd^lU ahn^ wdooiae. Jas. V,*4tl»«.:BHiott.Begi«tear. ' X. O- Q^. i. -^' ^S^i aia.^tkd.?e.J parScJ Next Saturday is eata, Foe horse raJce8.reaiJ^^ G0T0B.B.CLEME.VT8;. neat and nobby white v^s IMPOETANT to borrowers i,« vate funds to loan, an wi? Farland, Markdale. ^^*°^ B.B.CLF.MKNTs,thetaiw. out handsome fitting suite tlJ' gents just great. Try biTi want something nobby. " ' Wanted at Markdale witi,- 200 cords of tanbark ;:f:,* prices will be paid, nr-^^, ply to Thos. Belaud, MarSe? ,FoR SALE.-Aspanoffa:,;; one 7 and one 8- years old, tw'" raising colt. WilUellorexcU yoke cattle part ray. Apply t,H Fatten, lot 20, con. 12, Euphrasia. away P.O. For S.iLE-4 colts-one 3 yea, one 2 years old and two onevf Three of the above colts are tlie of valuable horses. For pa apply to Mrs. R. Shaw, lot 16,, Artemesia. or to Thos. BolaJd, dale. Salesmen WaDi' ughly reliable nursery stock. TfJ gage men on liberal commissioj, salary and expenses, and gnarante mauent employment and snccessll cilities unequalled prices vetvi able outfit free decided advanti beginners Write at once. EuwJ Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Tenders V\'anted. â€" Sealed will be received by the undersij to noon on Saturday the 18tli aJ for the erection and completioii| school house (wooden) on town ikel land and Euphrasia, three miles Markdale, S. S. No. 2, H. E, particulars and plans apply tDFil Lyons, Markaway, or Joseph Eicj son, Markdale. Ihe lowest oil tender not necessarily acceptedJ Lyons, Secretary, Ha^kaway. Salesmen Wanteil New England Nurseries, estali over 30 years. The old reliable Bin Men with push, energy, good haWa clean character are what we Every chance for success. We c you good pay and steady work. for terms to Chase Brothees' Coa Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. FticevUle. m ^Jâ„¢%*ate^«iB maw of 4(«whi ^dxopot t^ livUsfhe mftU wi». The corner stone of the new bytenan church was laid last Tai afternoon. Between two and hundred people bad assembled ness the ceremony. After singi prayer the pastor, Kev. Dona" Leod, B. A., gave an address, 8» read an historical sketch of tliecii and gave the names of the ar* placed in the cavity in the stone. They consisted of copies Presbyterian Eecord, Presbvteriai view. Empire, Mail, Globe, ani Chronicle, the Psalms ftndParaP| in EngUsh and Gaelic, aud the i er Cathecism in Gaelic, all mâ„¢ one, an historical sketch of tbe w a list of those contribntma to the building fund, and the coin stamps of the Domiuion. Aoe was then laid 1*7 Kev. Mr. Md after which the Eev. BoM. Ji' of Durham, gave an/«Sj proceedings terminated witj t" iug of a psalm by praj^L pronouncmg of we vw Durham Chronicle. How to Kelp Hi^*®" NaUl.-Takean.inteJj';; thing but thfe servwe' tM ,, andchoirwiU attend to thfti., what they are there. f^,j ^^ ficieut interest to nobw a' and please tell them to eve^ Niil 2.-Be sure »°d g sUver in the collection, i^, put a copper on the p2„ ^ve you the right of fin»i°8 annnUmitedextent. NailS.-Dontfo.^ b time of meetmgs for ^, This is very e"f "^fKrytbi" ister. Findfault^the;7„tdoi has been done, an^J_otco" thing because you were ^jtjjj Nad 4.-Be sure aua ister all his faults when Jj^lywid he wiU not compare tt^jfroa predecessor; humble Jtt» Lmaybegett.D?P^^;j,^t^d Nail 6--0°"«'« J minister word when y^^tor. i^ enough to send^XiuiPfJ bodji M enough to seuu -- ^^, you. an;siiowiuy â- ^V: S^ -â- ' a.^-.jt' at w^ â-  y-:^^--'-:"'" [OBTH YEAR.- -Xo. lEtD QUARTERS -FOE lice Teas, Tobacc HGE SUGARS. RAISINS, CURRANTS IJlEOfiOODS, I CONFECTIONERY, lADQUABTERJ FOB- ^MeryGlasswar Ichina Tea Setts, Dinner Se flei Setts, the finest stock to cho J in Markdale. We will sell Jem this line cheaper by 10 [ntTthan any other lionse in rity. -^â- --:- • :.r.:--- [OTisions, Provisioi FLOUR FEED every description same price a the mill. ONG CLE AB BACON; Choice SUGAR CUBED UA: Jnst received a ton of Wng )^eal, Ow«i Sound, (fresh). Our Liquor Store is well Bto rith best brands of Liquors of e lesetiption. IjOBBEBSnsr CIGAR pive us a call. I H. BENSON Co., Belfast H( ARGAINS BARCAINI m\ BiESMI -AT- RUSSELL Fleshertoi [5»'%i^tche8, Clocks, Jewelery, â- -. ^Miei and Silverware for the ^*^ute, before moving t ^iNnises. JRne American Waltham V 18.90 to $20.00, regular 1 we^e froih $11.50 to $2 Jns, EBtrrngs, Brooches, t«» reduced iSSaS. PER CENT, ^^^^^MjaloiKj and secure som jit bargains before the i |)0^vely fbr the Of June 6 li!r*perfoot job always t: ^i^tcii repairs, dsc, to â- "»»"*» UjtMot9d Jeweller ikSMM^im

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