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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Aug 1888, p. 5

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 -*.^- V ~.?Fji5!W ^^^ I STORE, hQ DRUG STOnE 1 THl FRONT ,11 iuinl a full an.l irriit t 'f ri-sh fnim ,; iiriii^ i'l "'•" '•'â-  i,i:; ij.isi.)'" "» '"â-  swaicli wil! ivacm; ••11 tUa siiiUlaav;iu;-' bv i^ive my 3Utom- i riiall "sieemit a â- ill ui-.i:. .icthi-/a,'a lire an\tiui)i,' in '"y ted Willi au I surpris; V aud chPiipuess ot LentIhHV*^H.«;;"l| 11 kinds of fun^; ill orders will H-^" jareful at.tenM.'U. in connection. rnstruments --i;»ft5ss'5= -:W: T* -, "i:^:Hi! "MJr- ,,--;^. sn;»f=Ca^M^s6S- 'H5"2?9»sSSP»' If'PJHff^yw^* ,v s its; â- â- â- , S J .j"-i »*^ • »». r- rjlVCLl g p. s. Employe*' Picnic. D MtN SPEND A DELIGHTFUI. ** '"nil- hX ORANGEVILLE. ,.,nuil oiifci'-^' of the tbousanda r 'jyescf tbe Canadian Pacific 'â- ,' i" lyiikeii forward to with zest "'..'In. tl'ii' ^^'i^'ss and lamilios. '.!;. tbe miinagemeiit were hap- Y\\ ciioic*^ "Ji ciie locale for their " '^ii^v chose Urangeviile, the' ,,(.jiie giMUiid of the north. j,ii \va liue and the trip was ",:iouizeJ. Fully 600u per- cJ by the vHrioiis tiaius, and ,| presented a very busj appear- i: was as gay as busy. Buut- 'proiuse, and music lent its to tiie holiday. The Toronto .i,j was a hirge one, and was ".â- iiiiftl bylleintzman's celebrafc- ,,i. At the statiou the excutsion Uae greeted y the Orangeville ;,u;l vvure met by the Mayor and ,;.j.^iit uc'jjutatiou of citizens. A ,i.i!i was lorined, which paraded '.^r,,,c;pal streets. The managing -ee "uii those officially welcoui- liioii luijclicd at the Queen's .,;!,ii the ]\{:iyor presided. His Irs-iip. Crov.n- Attorney McMillan r.iik'c-MMu'istrate PattuUo made ii'iiiti speeches. Mr. Kyle, of :;,;,,.. r(;jilied oJi behalf ot the ,ji. At tiie close of the luucheou i-ttor tlic excursionists had per- t jiiiiiti-i^. the town there was a geu- Ires lE to McCarthy's Park, v,rhere rtsr of the day was agreeably ;:. Iliic sports of all kinds were â- ,1;,a; iij, chief of which was a well Vol base ball match. Cricket, races cditr games had their hosts of |;iri«, iiiiii tlioi-ough enjoyment was |hii !ei- of the day. As the evening Won til;} procession was re formed ipr .j.-caed to tiie railwciy station. .;!im^' u'lciuivd to mar the t:UJoy- |.!it(ii' tilt} Piuployt's, who safely re- c'.l t thoir n^ppective homos. Th^ |:;r:'.! vi.'nli(.-t was that they had had fiistiietDolaffs. The country n tbe Ufighborhood of Me»turd is sufier.n^ severely for want I of rain, and all iiuUH of crop will be very poor. j Durham brass band is to camp ont ' at Bell's Lake for practice and recre- ation â€" so savs the Eeview. $175 a now paid S imd. foot fi:)atage la the price ou Pailett street, Owen Fall Assizes o»en in Owea iSoaud ou the llih September. August 9 isDutliam's civic holiday. The Beaverton foundry was burned on Wednesday o: last week. Loss §20,000. The fair sex of Markdale are the subject of public remark for their good looks and general appearance. The Dundalk Herald says in last week's issue, that theii." boys lost the game of base ball, chiefly owing to being singularly attracted by our lady spec- tators. 90 masons are at work iu Chesley. "Lock the stable when the horse has been stolen" Chesley is bound to procure fire protection. Maxwell has a ginger pop manu- factory. Eev. Mr. Ross, Presbyterian minis- ter at Dundalk, has received a call from the Mclntyre and Maxwell con- gregations at a salary of §800 and a J manse. D. Dinsmore, of '\YiariOU, has been appointed postmaster for that village ill. pl-ice of W. McMillan, deceased. p. Iâ€" ' o O o go a r k d a 1 FACTORY iers List for 1888. 1;:V ,1 time, affording phasant â- i:.-cf'iiCi s. Oraugeville vvill he a [.â- i.x j'ixtiup H.'jother time. â€" World. Onr Daily Bread. [Tliiiiicipniify of the Township uf 09cnel^, County of «rcv. IvyOTlCE is hereby Kiven, tliat I have i^ tiaiismitteil or delivered to the persons mentioued in tiie thinl ard fourth sections of -The Voters List Act," the copies requir- ed by Bfiid section to be tiansraitted or deliver- ed of the list made, pursuant to said act, of Assessment Iloll of the said Municipality to b.i entitled to vte in said Municipality at i:i.i-tioiis for luemb^TS of the Legislative Asseiubiy, and ihe Mnnicipal Elections and still keeps climbing up and tatlH soon be stand- ing on its tip-toes. AT "K~:::y.y' McFarland's are climbing dcwn, do"wn, do^wn, and are nO^W .â- ^â- .. â-  -â- -'-: Vv^^-v; ftwA^ R elow) Zebo^ Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Flam Far 1 tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythin- being new, I am now prepared to tarn out Sash, fiors, Blinds, Monldings, HoUof Battons, FRAMES, LATH. FENCE PICKETS, e.. j And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none i' I Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics in every department, would now respecttully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from- North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done.. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS- IcIVEjA.. A Large Attractive U ileavy.'ind sour bread or bipcuit has _, 'â- :i-t i!iiiu.:'ijee tlirou"li Hie diirestive said list was iasted up at my office at Lot 24 .-liis uiMiu fue measure of iiealth we .; y. JIow important ti our j)resent .piiiiies.s iiii ftuiire ut-cfuloess the â- ^i;.;' of go xl hciilth and a sound witiiti..ii are, wo can only realize â- 'â- ill WO aiLve lost them, and when it ii i,;to to repair the damage. Not tijMiinding these facts, thoUf-ands of •'s 'ii.^ a:iiiy jeopardize not only their â- iith, bin, tiieir live-, and the healtiis lilivr-- d' oUurs, by usiog ai tides â- 'â- io prm)a!at;3n of thfir food the nty-,i:il licaklifui-.icss cf wjiirh they w lii'tlijiifr. Perhnps a lew ceott- 'â- yii-'v/ li^'cn ave" or it may have n nore cooveuient to obtnin the -â- â- k iiseil, raid the honsekceptr .: L'.i- ;,s(U!iiibility and possioly -I.- VM' i;iiu\7 the miHcIii^^f that luib â- â- â€¢ ' â- -â- ;!.-;it. Pilt..^lf;UUlli:iS llliiy •â- â- 'â-  .-lis .,] iieadache, the ciiildren â- y L..Vi. lost theii' appt^tites, or look 'â- â- â- : i: s), the true cau.',e is rarely â- f'a" j. The wHfither, the lack of â- â- -•-H'l- :iir, or some other cause, ic* •'"1. ml the niiwijuiesoine, poison ;-'?y'-ti!u of Hdulterat^d food goes oi -i'"' t'le n.nir, waicli sliouid be â- ifuf trond. sound wheat and not â-  v.r.; ro.i iii.e, the yeast or baking 'M'y uh:i.-]i fiirnitbes the rising â- 'LSI'" '^, IS of the greatest import- ' :-iu] of t'le two we prtfer bakiug '^yi' ar.d f;I-?,-ays use the lioyal, as â- ^^t.uivhy i-cfain tbe ori.rinal proper- â- "'â- " tlip wLoat, no fermeutation tak- r^l^^c-. The action of the Royal â- ."iiiik' Powder upon, the dough is â- qly tc svrcil it ai;d form little cells J'"?^"' f^voTv psrt. These cells are â- "' •^â- 'J.» t'arbojuc acid gas, which L '.;^ri! r,fi ,hi!i!;g the process of baking. I ,;V" -^"y! 1 is made from pnre grape â- â€¢'I- a'id It is the action of this acid •?oii )„-;i,iy oRvbonized bicar-carbon- -.1 " soda tl)at generates the gas al- "^i i" and these ingredients are so â- ;•'""" so t.erfpctly fitted, tested and :-ii'l and p.-rmanent, and is con- "ring tlie wholp time of bak- s"d no residue of poisonous in- reiiisiiis to undermine the i-ei i"° beavy biscuits, no sour â- "I, Imtif din-ctions are followed, ' ^article will, be found sweet and Con. 3, Township of Glenoid, on tlie 25tb day of July, 1888. and remains there for inspection. Elpctors are called upon to esamino the said list, and, if any omissions or any otlier errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said en-or corrected according to law. JOHN S. BLACK. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this •25th day of July. A. D.. 1888. 411-13 OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember wo mannf acton and are the SOto ptmsietors of the f ollovliig specialties, and that Qiev can be had from no other Boorce. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Correspondent strictly conftdential. Consultation upon aU chronu disease invited, NO CHARGE exce pt to* medicines. All goods sent .secnre from obeecva* tion. Toronto Medicine Co., ToroBtOt Ont. Cream. Seersuckers slaughtered at 7c., old price 10c. One case Ladies fasti- ionable Hats just open- ed your choice for 40c old price 75c. to $1.25. Lovely Lawn Mus- lins in spots and spreys lie, sold in city at 15c. 700 yards charming Twilled Sateen Prints, all new, just opened, 11 cents. Another big drive in Ladies' Misses and Children's Hose. A grand line of Pari- sols only 40c. (lace). Opening out this week new oriental Laces, one case direct importa- tions. A. few more of those Cretones a^t 10 cents left. Bargains all through July. See that you make no mistake but go direct to the only Importing house doing business in Markdale. Seal;-mJs Slylisli aai Fasbaai Clollua; to hand, which we purpose selling FOR CASH prices which will astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSBNESS OriSLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargains. i ;i|h|o|m|ed:ih|a|n|dK|k||d|e i |B|o|o]f[$MA|N|ol)S W kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains. W!V1. BROWN. A Positive Cure. H PassiSess Cu^-e. FACTS F ALL AGES, COLORINO arations are'wacianted pe^ DISEASES OF MATT. Marvel of H(aIinQ, arid X:hinoor cf Medicine;:, the terrible con«e(tiiouces oflnc^iscretioiif i:xpo.*itre s-sul Ofcrworli, '^iiTied- •rah "SCEASOE o^zppzn-oa. ,; yp-iM fie'fls r.,f fall vshcgj, ijftve been I '^^. "'•/^eigjiboJioHd. and we- are- ^^ t 1. ur.j that the crop throngh-, '" ^^^ C"ion IS. a g .od one. Sprinz are ^oiost a ih "fiii- n â- " fe "' '"n'?- â- Â®' i"«ot crcjis, i..|f„ â- 'â- "'"â-  f»Jtl Imy is wy is said to be only HAIR f ectly^railess. ^e^prepaie' ithe JoUo'WiM colorsâ€" the finer shades arise from the hair itself; Black, Daric Brown, Medium Brown, Ohestnnt, Iiight Cbeetnn^ Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde Cendree. Bend sample ot hair when otderingi Ftice, Qt. per bottle. Toronto Medicine COf TOILET REQUISITES in ordering please specify which yon regniie we enarantee them to give entijre satisiaction. No. 8 Imparts to tbe skin the color and freidinen ot maidenhood; harmless and cannot be detected. 91.SS. No. 9 Bemores wrinkles, ta. No. 10 Be moves IdvetSpotfc»L9Sb Na U Bemovea Fleato â- Worms. $!.» No. U Bemovea Freckles, • No. 13 Bemoves Pimples. •IJBtL No. 14 BM«ove» Tan. «l.a5. No. 15 Bemoves Holes. $a. No. 16 BemovesPoekmaika.«a. No. MBempvee undue Fres^teaUon. (LSS. No. 18 An absolute unfading Bpe^tartheretenti(m developmMitprreBtor- aSraof tbe Hair; • Tcoonto Me di c ine Oo. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combined internal and extemal I treatmentwhi«sbspeedily developes or wrtoree the female bast to the picoporticHis of â-¼tfluptnous i nature. la ento^y I'S^iSS.fS^JfJj'fe.SJE' I nilts. Fidoe 98i Toronto Medicine Go. TamnK^ WOMEN'S ILLS i NaBOAcertaincurefcrlienoosrtMWtorWWtei i pSSngrftheWomb. jncm^nrnVt^vi Urn- SsS)n.-BeeringAnml*ta£«nd«iy^«wM and Weaknesses peraUw SJSSwSV-^T^fSS ' by the biidwet meMcyl wtawgMM^M KjlS ' S^aUed" remedy. PiifleWpsrb o*tlo Xonnto i Medicine Con Torantot Oat FRBMOH REOUUfctlO II PHJJ t nsethem MOHTHIiYjN ioFABLANI 1 2^ PORTER. -2rOTJ3:TC3-, :fc^rDjDXjS-ufi^C^E3I -^^l^ZD CX_ii: IbvdISaiT WTio are broken down from the effects of fibuso will find in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, organic weakues?, invo'uutary vital losses, etc. Btmptoms fob which No. 8 BaouLn bij Used. â€" Want of enorgy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of coiifiiionce, avoiilance of con versatioi; desire for solitade, listlessness ami inability to fix the attention on a particulur subject, cowardice, depression of epirits, giddiness, loss of nitni-'ry, excitability oi temper, si^er- luatorrboea, or loss of r.lie seiuina' llnia â€" the result of solf-abiise 't marital excess â€" inipoâ€" tency, iuaatrition, emacintiou, banenness, paliiitation of tiie'^hrarc, bystiric feeling- in females, trembling, ni-:laiicholy, oisturliins? dreams, •'tc., are all b\ ii;ptoui» of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocenTly acquired. In short, tii^. spring (if vit'l force having lost its tension, nvery fauotiou wanes iu cocsequeuea. .S.^ieIltiao writers and the superintendents of insane asylntuB unite in nscriliing to the effects of nelf-alius-i tli.? creat majority of wasted lives which co:ie uhd.;r Hicir notice. If you ari incompetent for the ardnnus duties of business, incapacitate I for the enjoyments of life, No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If yovi are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full visor tnd s^engtb. If yon are brolen d-^wn, T^hysiciiily and morally from barlv indiscretion, tiie XHSult of ignori\nce and foUv, send your address and 10 cents in stanips for M. V. IjUbon's Treatise iu Book Fonn on Diaoascs of Man. Sealed mid secure from observation. Address all commnnicatiijiia to W. V. I^UBOK, 47 ff ellSnicSon St. £., Toront^t. A Man without witdem lives in a iool's paradise. CURES CUARANTECO. HEAL THE SICK. iS p^ ccl 1^ r-^ EH P^ cd O \^4 P4 O o i-S ff « H A N •i-'fi^: th\c â- i; "' 'A I â- ,^Cz

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