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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Aug 1888, p. 4

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 m^vi msm-s^'^m^^ssss^^mmmsimsd^i^ism^j^i^m^i- ]â- :-{ F!!?^3t-^^f!-r^-3? M -,v â-  -...^r m C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, AUG. 2, 1888 NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" The i'ope is suflfering from liyer •complaint. â€" The Cincinnati National Banli has gone into liquidation. â€"The Bed Eiver Valley Railway is completed to Morris. â€" Hon. Mr. Mowat intends to leave for home on the 16th August. â€" Penetang. is to have a hotel at a •cost of about $30,000, to be built by a company. â€" i'he proposed railway from Win- nipeg to Portage la Prarie has been located. â€" Fire destroyed property at Bed- lord, N. S., yesterday to the amount of about $45,000. â€" Nomination will take place m Halton on the 15th August and poll- ing on the 22nd. â€" A second dividend of 33 per cent, is to be paid by the Central Bank about the Ist October. â€" The annual meeting of the Can- adian. Press Association was held in Toronto last Monday, Rev. Dr. Dewart heing elected president. â€" Mr. John Waldie has accepted the nomination iu Halton in the Re- form interest, and Mr. David Hender- son for the Conservatives. â€" Rev. Mr. Sparling, of the first Methodist church, Kingston, has been ofiered tiie presidency of Wesley College, Winnipeg. â€" Superintendent Whyte, of the C. P. E., thinks there is likely to be a surplus of 20,000,000 bushels of wheat in Manitoba this vear. Xeafted Boad. Standard Correspondence. News scarce. Haymg about finished crop very good and saved in prime condition. Fall wheat harvest has commenced. The crop is a very fair one. The late rains have made a great change in the appearance of the spring crops. Turnips are a failure. Pota- toes look well. Bugs are very plenti- ful. Mr. Hogg's saw mill was burned last week. Have not learned the amount of loss or insurance, if any. Mr. Robert Buchanan and \. John- ston have made each a large sale of cattle. Holidays now, and the small boy is in the height of his glory. Flesnerton. Standard Correspondence. Sudden Death. â€" Mr. Richard Stone |of Stone's settlement), well known in this township, was a few days ago seized with inflammation of the bowels and pasued suddenly away after a yery brief illness. Deceased lived and died in the full enjoyment of the christian's religion. His end was peace. De- ceased being a member of the Orange order and for many years Sarjeant of No. 6 Company, 31st Battalion Volun- teers his remains were interred with Orange and Military honors in the Flesberton cemetery on Monday after- noon last. The Flesberton brass band lead the funeral cortege. The Rev. Mr. Ottowell officiated at the grave. $2000 Blaze. â€" On Wednesday night last Mr. W. Hogg's broom-handle factory and saw mill, about two miles north of this village, was destroyed by fire. AH was apparently safe about the mill when last examined by the men in charge about 10 o'clock,' and ' before midniglit the place was dis- ' covered to be in flames. A large quantity of lumber was also destroyed. The origin of the fire is yet a mystery! Loss about $2000 insured for $50o! Mr, John Dinwoody, of this village, lost a valuable horse a few days ago. His son had been away from home with the animal and on his retura journey driving down a bill m the buggy the horse stumbled and fell, iu the fall breaking his neck. This is tlie second valuable auimalMr. Dinwoody has lost this season. Off to Enoland.â€"M. Richardson, Esq., and wife left their native village here for tha distant shores of old England on, Tuesday last, thereto again look upon many of the scenes of childhood. The best wishes of the community goes with them that they may have a very enjoy jible trip and \isit to the old iaiid. A. R. P'awcett, Evq., editor and proprietor of the Flesberton A.^vance, has sold out iiis plant and busines.^ here to Mr. W. H. Thurston, of the World office, Torunto. We regret verv much loosing soresptcted a citizen as Mr. Fawcett and also his estimable wife, as both are held in the highest f steem. Mr. Faweett reports having done well hjere but hopes ta attain a stiH npiuro iactt^ve pisition. We ^. trnafr His positiuu haea iu».j be siKcess- !^^, 5' ^y ^^^ .eat^sscir, Mr. SiNGHAMPTON, July 26th. Editor Standard A public meeting in compliance with a requisition to J. R. Sing, Esq., President of the Farmers Council for Osprey and Nottawasaga,Union School Section of Singhampton, was held here on Wednesday evening, July 25th when a Farmers' and People's Insti- ,tute was successfully instituted with Wm. Pearson, President D. Grant, sr., and George Thompson, Vice-Presi- dents John Stinson. Treasurer, and David Grant, jr.. Secretary, Other officers were also elected. Among other business transacted the following is a synopsis That monthly public fairs shall be held in Singhampton under the aus- pices of said Farmers' and People's Institute, and the first of said pubh'c fairs shall begin on Monday, Septem- ber lOth, 1888. and continue there- after on the second Monday of each and eyery month for the sale and pur chase or exchange of cattle, horses and sheep with other live stock and articles of agricultural productions and requirements. That petitions were signed to Not- tawasaga and County Simcoe councils to the efi'ect as follows Whereas Wm. Lynn, Esq., Deputy- Reeve of Sunnidale township present- ed a petition to the County Simcoe council calling for a metiiod of public weighing grain markeos at produce buying stations with monthly cattle, horses and sheep selling fairs there- fore, peticioners respectfully request that the respective councils unitedly work 60 as to have a uniform method of said public markets and fairs estab- lished throughout County Simcoe and in market places where necessary in the several Counties and Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. A promin- ent feature in the platform of the Farmers' and People's Institute is, that by requisition to Presidents future meetings be held as may be deemed advisable, for public discussion also, as was contended, that, with a general adoption of said Farmers' and People's Institutes and said public weighing markets, certain progressive advan- tages must follow for agriculturists and the people generally. Wm. Pearson, President. D. Gbant, Jr., Secretary. TELEGRAPHOEWS NOTES. Fatal Accident to an Old Man. IfEPWORTH, Ont., July 28. â€" To-day as an old man named Richard Moore was hauling in hay on lot 10, con. 15, Keppel, the wagon, in passing over a stump, upset, throwing him out. and, bis head striking a stone, his skull was fractured. He will die. Seinre of an XUiat Still. OwEK Sound, Ont., Julv 27. â€" W. J- Graham, collector of inland revenue for this place, yesterday seized an il- licit distillery in full operation in Col- lingwood township, county of Grey, at the foot of the Blue monntaioF, nnd W. J. McMillan, the chief distiller, was tried to-day and convicted, being fined flOOand one month's imprison- ment. Thos. WaltoTi. the proprietor, made his escnne. There was aeon Biderfble qnautity of unrectifiod spirits malt and crunbed grain, and about 200 gallons of mash. A Boncli«rvll'e Farmer's Find. Monthbai.. July 20.â€" Last weqjj jf^ Louis Sicotte, a rich farmer of Bouch- erville.whilepassing near ins ontbuild- ing saw some shinin*^ pipc^s oPmetal on » spot where h^hs had gcrafched. Upon approaching he pTceive/? that they were coins »nd r«movingf â- [, eftrth a little he foniul himself in th*» presence of a treasnre con.sis'hnfirof old Fronclt, Mexiosin and Ameripan c^ins. Tliey were for tbp nopt part dollar pi»ca», pnraprof thRio: (fating «« for back f»g 172§ tinH fVe raA»«t inn^em b*Htnf .1S.S7 TÂ¥:hMJ plnceil OQ d «r«' AT MAHLErS DRUe STORE, MANLBY'S Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, pnce only «5ct8- MANLBT'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., pnce 25c and Sl.UU. MANLBY'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddmess, and Liver Trouble, price 2jcts. MANLEY'S Good Samaritan Oil. For Eheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Ividney Troubles, price 2 j c MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Notlimg better, price 25c MANLBY'S Carbolic Ointment.; The most healing salve on earth, for cuts. Scalds, Burns, Sores and Skin diseases, price 25 cents. ' j Manley's Blood Stomach Bittdrs. For Bad Blood, and Skin Di-jeases, also for Constipation, Sour Stoma^ and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLBY'S Sweetened Castor Oil. The only positively, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 2ij|cents- MANLEY'S Compound Syijap Hypophosphites. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for loss of Appetite, Weaknesetc, price ftl.OO per bottle. MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Crean The best emulsion of Cod I^ver Oil in the nuarket, very nice to taste easily digested and highlj useful in wastiufi; diseases, as Consumption, Bro chits. Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Yesetable Blood pnrifyer and Touic. It acts on the (Joustipatiou and Dispejia, a Paris hi! Puis 1; PARIS GFIiEtl! DRUG stohe. HELLEBORE! ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents bitters. per package. Makes '6 HELLEBORE I HELLEBORE STEPHENS DRUG STOflE, INSECT POlll! InseslForisrUUl STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE, '%. V. XBPloT*"' Picnic. KBM SPEND A DELIGHTFUI "^y 4T ORANOEVILLB. .ttaxwl Dutiag of the thousandi kiyescf the Canadian Pacific ""L looked forward to with zes meu. their wives and iamilies J tlie management were hap Il eir choice of the locale for thei They chose Oranj^'eville, th L picnic ground of the nortli 1 aatbei was fine and the trip wa lL j)»tronized. Fully 600o per f^rived by the various trains, ani ' #B presented a very busj appear it was as gay as busy. Bunt g proiuse, and music lent it to the holiday. The Toront ,„ OB was a large one, and wa Cmpunied by Heiutzman's celebral L,id. At the station the excursion ^rere gieeted by tbe Orangevili 1 gud were met by the Mayor an Lioiuent deputation of citizens. ssion was formed, which parade fpriiicipal streets. The managin Ljttee and those officially welcoii Ithe wfiii luiiched at tbe Queen *1, wneu the Mayor presidtd. H ship, Crown- Attorney McMilla Police-Magistrate PattuUo maci opriate speeclies. Mr. Kyle, Ikdale, replied on behalf ot tl: ors. At the close of tiie liiuclieo atter the excursionists had po: talated the town there was a gei I resort to McCnrthy's Park, v/hei rest of the day was ' agreeabl nt. Here sports of all kinds we] Inlged in, chief of wliicU was a wg lyed base ball match. Cricket, rac( other games had tiieir hosts sries, and thorough enjoyment w; J order of the day. As the evenii |won tbe procession was re forme I proceeded to tiiO railway statio; bing occurred to mar the tujo Intof the employes, w!io sufeiy r liiedto their respective h'imes. Tl peral verdict was that they had hj pght royal time, affording pl^asai liiniscences. Orangeville ui'l be pular fixture another time. â€" Woil pints Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisf actor j] d on forget then wlien wanting anything in the medicine line, 3ivd:-^2NrzL.:E:"2"'s iD:E2"cro- soro: W£ POPULAR STILL TO Thl DRUQ sm Onz Sally Brea.d. MABKDALE. J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRA! Is turning out Photos all sizes equal t City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture tramiu/doue with neatness and dispatch. Then co»ie awa, both old and young, ' And dinua lose U'le time In erettinK pictures for your friends. For Hamilton takes tliem fine. YOUS RESPECTFULLY. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS! THISSILVER-PUTEO INSTRUMENT ORIEHT CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUE The only catanh remedy ever offered to the publio J a written soacaatee given with each instrument, WJ IfiS Queen Street West, Toronto. Ont. ACTI 15 days trial; BASBdcOO* flM5 n THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG REST( AfCfim it not â-  â- w B ci a eor a digusting lotion«r powder I ting Vapor, eaaily and pleasantly applied at aU ho Actina No. 2.â€" Quickly relieres and thoroughly c^ Znng dlnnanfifl Actina No. 3.â€" PositiTely cures all dlnoaBon of tbe j The Greatest Diseoverr of o^'^*^ E ye-lid s, Inflamed Eyes, near and far tneage. i thk Actiwa is BOia tjmpbb otjb whiii ' mm opJ Price ' â-  $3* 1 tbiaim Enclose stamp for handsomely iUnati Journal- W.T. BAKU CO., 166 Queen Street' taSeU-gaoemF _nes and places. all Throat and ), Cataract Oran IHB ErB ON 16 DATS book and health Toronto, Ont â- AB^Y MANg |T IS 4 WELL KNOWN FACT ^« "« W^^" "eius. Debilitated, I who in his FoUy and inorance hae TrI- THAT- McCOLL'S "LARDINE" I fled away this Vlsoi, Manhood* causing] I ^e Fountains Baokaoiie, I of Memory, Basll^ i Pimples opon the I leading to Eariv D^ w Insanity, wfli Ppettlve Cure. i visor xeatona the yonnft strengthens i is the best known, and most reliable »m i lervea. buii( arouses Ibta MACHINE Oii:. in the Domiuiou Farm- ' ^^*'"*** " «r's. Thresher's and Mill Owner'a, will "â-  â€" "2?°^ ' find it decidedly to their advantage to insist npon getting tbe '^Genuine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing to 8p Bmcb interior oil being golcl oji- der the same Dame by nWienBpalpqs dealers. We are the sole macniaotor- f-rsof the vGeuuiue .JLArdia*" everj barrel landed. Body, IMInd and costing. draim tqon Ife. Headaciie, Weakness less in Society, te and all the Effects ly. Consumption n our speeifla No. S3 a impart! Youthful ii Power *id f" ijigcftates file Brain the ipusoular system the. whole physieal B. with our spedflo caae.canbe cored in _- _-___, _^^,_,oneo In less than thirty SJ^ SI** •O5*0«a»a?teea. Ourqwo- gy««gMP.» ^niow Jong stand- ing. f^n^o|i^i«iQu«rantaet» AOUOR â€" iA Ho THS_ Centre, on the Sls^t eavy and sour bread or bipeuit li 'ast influence through tiie digesti [aus upon the measure of iiealtii Lilly. How im|inrttait to our j)rese stitution are, we can only reali en we nave lost them, aud wheii too late to repair the damage. N^ 'hstanding these facts, tliou;iauds ns daily jeopardize not only th tb, but their live-*, and the liea a lives of other.s, bv using aitic tlie preparation of' thc^ir food wtyaud hejilthfuhioss (,f wlub t low nothing. Perhaps a lew ce »ybave been save.l, or it may 1 iN» more convenient to obtn'in Jcies used, and the housekee Kutiie respoiiiiibilitv and pos "1 never Know the misdii-f tJud «a wrought. F^tL^i families SV8 spoils of hea^iaciie. the cJiilci jybiive lust their appetites, or I*' if so, the true can.'e is ra '*f«cl.^d. The weather, the iac "•aoor air, or some otber c ._ 'i^'Jn. aud tiie unwhulesone, poi â- 8 system of adulterat'-d food goes «xtto tlie flunr, whicli shoui( ^e of good, Kound wheat and l^and too fiue, tije vea.t ox ba â„¢, vhich furnishes tlie ri jert!e«, is of the greatest imp *. find of the two we prefer ba "wr, aiid always use the itoya e Uifrel)y retain the ori/inal pro o; the wheat, no fermeutation flacp The action of tliA E 4^ Powder upon the doui SLx"" '""" ^t 'i f'^râ„¢ little "?eh every part. These cells With carbonic acul gas. w SJ8 ^duriug the process of bali ae jJoy„l IS made from pnre s JvV/'*® the action of this 6f f?^ '^ftrbonized bicar-car ^i Boda that generates the ga XKmA ^^^ "'*^^^ ingredients ai ^«Bd so perfectly fitted, tested HaiAi Z'^*" other, that the ac â- -W'_^and permanent, and is ^nnnng the wholfl time of Wd no residue of poisonou regains to undermine ,no heavy biscuits, no b.i'^V^ '"factions are folio ^?t»cle wiU be found sweet I have now na liaiul a lull m: varied stock of ;iU kiii^Vs ;in.l ;jh!^ of FuBNiTUBE, bo.iglJt f »r i*" the most reiiablj nniis i;i and! purpose doiu;,' t);isij"ti3 'J" strictly cash basis Wiiicli wii! lyata^ 111 1 position to s;-ll ata .sr.iiiLiaV)*' ou cost aud tliei-eby giv*? i^" '~^,* ers the beneliD. I t^ii^^H rueeui:- lavortohaveyoa call i J-.i ' '^^ '^•"^^^ whether you require ainthiuij w «; line or not, ana I feel coutiaeut tan- you will be delighted wiili aud s«F' ed at tbe qnahty aud clieariiL^ my goods. â€" Upiiolsturtii S "' •" specialty. UMPlRTAgIg In this department 1 1"*^/' gji plete «tock of all kinds oi^^^^. furnishings aud all orders w » my prompt and careful atte;^'" first class hearse in connection. Musical Iiistrumer^:, I also handle the celeb»Wy^^,f Organs and the /*r"' b^s^^" Sewing Machines winch ""jy^nis. on Exhibition at !f „-«.h(i3«rs. prices and grades tosait aU p" Pictui:e Framu^j;^^ 1 shall lieep in ^^^^^\^^^ line of frames, aud '»"' -^j, jest- orders will be attended to -^^ ness and despatcii at '"^^^ ,., the prices. With m^-ny,Tl Ij*^" "J present patronage wl).ct» .^- ceived and hopiuK by f"" '•««' •^K* Ml lokBDo. aged 64 ye uh ^q^a^irdealiug to merit au '"' oo the Spth July lit "Tears. m the. S7 JWly SlBt â- â€¢T^T^ I am, yovu- s resR? I am, yovur *- " i^ •B »^ fields c,f faiuiicaf have l]^" U§«d. and w ^^^••ur.i that the cr-jp thr( *: zinnia a g.od\.ne. Si i^oot crpps. aye aim g»aa Imy 18 said to be fejKuts.â€" Cjbats^ 1, t

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