^V^^i:^"!f^.; w?^ â- â- â- i^^" m mi C. W. Kutledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, JULY 19, 1888 THE TWELFTH IN MAEKDALE. A PLEASANT DAY AND SUCCESSFUL CEL2BBATI0N. The 200th anniversary of Orange- ism was celebrated in Markdalo in a manner both creditable to the order and satisfactory to the citizens and public. Twelve lodges were present together with over 2,000 people from the neighboring townships. Several lodges from the vicinity of Walter's Falls did not turn out, as they had in- fended, as well as several hundred from that neighborhood owing to the appalling accident of the previous day to Mr. and Mrs. Heighs, the particu- lars of which may be found iu another column. Liberal preparations were made in town for supplying the wants of the inner man aud all Avere highly pleased with their treatment m that respect. After dinner the immense procession, led by the brass band, went to the Agricultural Grounds where appropriate addresses were de- livered by Kevs. Shilton, of Flesher- ton, Wilson and Buggin, of Markdale, and Capt. Rorke.'M P. P., intersper- sed with selections by the band. The day was very pleasant, tho' fearfully dusty. The conduct throughout was orderly and respectable and everything passed off satisfactorily. In the evening the Markdale Brass Band gave a grand concert in Haskett's Hall. The Hall was comfortably filled aud the programme, as usual, was lengthy and well sustained through- out. Dr. Sproule, as chairman, ad- â€" The Village of Ripley was swept by fire on Friday last. Twenty-six baildinccB were burned, and only two or three buEioess places are left stand- ing, â€" The Quebec Legislative Coancil which is answerable neither to the press nor people, has thrown oat the mutilated remains of the libel law amendment for the prevention of blackmailing as it came from the As- sembly, a body which is also fairly in- difierent to public opinion on any question involving intelligence and' the defence of such liberal mstitations as the press. The Ontario Legislature paEsed the amendments which the Quebec Legislature has rejected. â€" â- Montreal Witness. â€" Mr. Parneil's Federal Scheme for the United Kingdom is certainly one which includes adequate reform of the House of Lords. His proposal seems to be a single local chamber at the capitals of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales for local affairs, and a single chamber in Loudon composed of elected representatives from aU parts of the United Kingdom and from the Colonies for Imperial affairs. The House of Lords is to be thus reformed out of existence. â€" In the great servant girl question might it not be well that mistresses, aye, and masters, too, should bear in mird that to scold servants, as so many of them are too much in the habit of doing, is, to day the least of it, very undignified, and liJie what might be fairly expected neither of a lady nor a gentleiuan Instruct, re- prove, admonish as much as may be necessary give warning, or, if neces- sary turn the worthless one out of the house, but never descend to scolding or to the use of rude, harsh language. If people could only see the ridiculous figure they make when in a towering Maoley's Faily dressed the audieuce in his usual off- rge, the chances are that they would hand, gentlemanly manner, after contrive to keep then: tempers rather wnich the band was called upon aud gave one of their choice selections. Mr. A. Pi. Leggett gave a song, and was succeeded by Miss Mary Large, who rendered in an artistic manner a selection on the organ. Miss Mmnie McNea and Miss Bella Benson each did well in their solos (vocal), and their selections displays good taste on their part. Mr. Dezell, of Flesherton, and Miss Minnie Dundas contributed to the entertainment by rendering in good style a number of recitations. J. R. Anderson, as a Scottish vocalist, and W. J. Benson, as a comic singer, are a whole concert within themselves. "The march of the Cameron men," sang by Mr. Anderson ^by request), is really one of the best Scotch songs we have ever listened to, while the comic songs by W. J. B. (in character) were repeatedly enchored. Wm. M. Bush Co. gave several fine instrumental pieces on violins and organ. Johnnie Dundas presided at the organ and as an accompauiest he is hard to beat. The programme was concluvied by twinging "God save the Queen." Pro- ceeds amounted to §32.00. AT MANLErS DRUG STORE, MANLE Y'S Beef. Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only 75cts- MANLBY'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 25c and $1.00. MANLEY'S Liver Pnis. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLEY'S Good Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back aud Kidney Troubles, price 25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Nothing better, price 25c. MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts, Scalds, |Burns, Sores and Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters For Bad Blood, and Skin Diseases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil The only positivelv, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 25 cents- MANLEY'S Oompound Syrup Hypophosphites, A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Touic forlossof Ajipetite,. Weakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle.- MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, verv nice to taste easily digested and highly useful in wasting diseases, as Consumption, Brouchits, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Vegetable Blood purifyer aud Tonic. It acts on the Stom- ach, Bo ,vely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation aud Dispepsia, a cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per jjackage. Makes 3 pints bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line, STEP! PARISGHEEn III! Ij DRUG STOHi HELLEBORE! ^!! â- ;HELLSB§IS STEPHEI DRUG STQHl 111 mi STEPHIN'I DRUG STORE. li^u^lsTX. 'S ZDIES-CTC^ SOTOZE^ mure within bounds. To fly into a fury about broken plates or oyerdone mutton 18 really too absurd. A.nd yet people are doing it every day, and people who fancy that they are ladies aud gentlemen as -yell. It is very possible that a great number of do- mestic helps are really domestic hindr- ances, but it only makes matters worse to got into tantrums and swear round hke coal heavers because some things are not just what they ought to be. One would not be far away from the fact if venturing to say that iu the cases of domestic incompatibility the "mistress" may be quite as ofceu at fault as the "maid." •â- MABKDALE. HAMILTON, ^THE PEOPLE'S PHOtOGRAPHER t-arning ont Photos Bg^intiaEBMi Eilled by a Tree. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Two men and twenty horses were burned to death in a BaflMo livery stable on Wednesday of last week. â€" At the formal opening of the Ni- agara Central railway last week, Presi- dent Oille said the line would be push €d forward to Toronto as rapidly as possible. PAINFULLV SAD ACCIDENT. On Wednesday last while Mr. Thoe. Hfcighs, a middle aged farmer of the 10th line, Holland, was driving to Walter's Falls, together with his wifp, i with horses and democrat, a tree blew down across the road striking them and killing Mrs. Heighs instantly. Mr. Htighs had his leg broken at the thigh aud badly shattered below, also a bad flesh wound in his forhead. He was attended by Drs. MeCullough and Mc- Lellan and is likely to recover. The carriage v/as smashed into atoms but the horses were unhurt. Mrs, Heighs' head was smashed in and she was otherwise fearfully mangled. This heart rending affair cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood. Mr. H. is i almost distracted with grief. Five I small children with a large circle of friends mourn their loss. Is work. Copying and enlarging a speciality neatcess and dispatch. J Then come a^a, both old and young, And diuna lose nae time â- y '"x:'-:- In gettitig pictures for your friends, For Hamilton takes them tine. all sizes equal to City Also picture framing done with Tff£ POPULAR Dm SM STILL TO THI Fmi YOUS RESPECTFULLY, R. L. STEPHE]| iiXCELSIOI 1llltStt.VEI.PUTE0 msntvMEiiT IhsdMdest Discovenr ot the Age. Price • • $3. ORIEHTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS MFLUEaCE Iha only Mtairh remedy ever offeted to the pablio on 15 dftys triall a writtea Knanatee given with each instmment, W. T. BtfB ft Co*. 1S6 Qoeaa BtiMt West, Toronto. Ont. ACTIHA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Aettm it iMta medicine or a digustiflg lotion or powder boll, but a SeU-ganataF ting Vapor, easilv and pleasantly applied at all hours, times and places. Actina No. 2. â€" Qniekly relieves ana thorooj^y onres all Throat and Long diseases. Actina No. 3.â€" Positively enres all diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran niated- Eye-lids, Inflamed Eyes, near and far sightedness Thb Em TftEATB D'WHm OIrf)BKD. THX AOTIMA IB BOU CMDXB OtTB WUITTHM aUABAHTBB ON 15 DATS TBiAii. Enclose stamp for handsomely illnstrated book and health joanuO. W.T.BASB ft CO., US Queen Street West. Toronto, Ont I have now on baud a fall varied stock of all kiuds aui jr^i of Furniture, bought for cisli th« most reliable firms iii c'iiui^ aud I purpose doinsr basiaoss strictly cash basis wiiicb will pu- m a position to sell ata smillitoa on cost and thereby give my JU^iJ ers the beaeiit. I bIwH esteeaia tavortohaveyon cill vxiUr^ tv4 whether you rec[iure anjthmi' '" line or not, and I fdel caudaeui 'i you will be delighted witli aaJsiiifl ed at the qualitv and chespn^P my goods.â€" UptiolstereJ zM' specialty. Editor Staiidard Sib,â€" As I do not take the Stand- ard I did not see Mr. Beattie's o'.ial- I leuge regarding Lord Derbv's reffistra- â€"4,000 Orangemen took part in the celebration of the iOOth anniversary .«nge regara.ng i.ord JJerl^Vs registra- of the Battle of the Boyne in Toronto '»oh »« time to take it np last week but ' "" " "ow accept :t by placing fifty dollars with W. L. Young, bank clerk, which I will allow to remain for ten days for Came into the premises of the stibseriher a light red stair, two years old. on or about Jane 19. Ownjr is required to n ove property- pay expenses and take awuy tile steer. JOHN R. BALNES. (iiascott P. O. last Thursday â€" The Dominion Government will appeal against the judgment of the (!hief Justice of the Saprome Court in the Ayers Custom case. â€" ^Liquor licenses were Halton on Wednesday, for the first time since 1882. The number issued his acceptajice, the decision to be left to Mr. Henry Watlp. Toronto, who is tlie highest nnth.irity in the matter. Regarding ttie registration of this* issued in Canadian bretl " Jast in Time" I know nothing aud care less as it is of very little importance and have plenty to T IB 4 WELL KNOWN FACT ^THAT McCOLL'S "LARDINE' ia the best known, and most reliable j Mac HiNE Oil i n the 1 m \i.i, n Faimwhotohi. FoiVv and i- ' v â€" â€"• er-8. Thresher's and Mill Owner'-, will «•» W hS ^iBor^SSStm^ASk find it decidedly to their advantage to! S^'f%Sil^rJ^*Llfr^2S^^ msist u,K,n getting the -(hmxan^\^f^!^^*S::^?'^y^^^ Lardine" when they ask for it. owing fSl^^^^wSS^^Jt^^l ANY MAI to so macU inferior oU being sold nn*^ S»"'S'3^?^S'SufS2JffcWli' der the same name by nnscrupulous %5^a vjtal^SWjS'SS'SS ie 18.and the. wiHbeafew additions o'aVmSl^^^^^^^ der sue same name by nnsempaloas dedore. We are the sole mannfactar* ers of the oQeDoind Lardine barrel branded. every to the list. Forty were issaed before jLhe Scott Act mm addpted. ^. ' Bespeetfnlly yoon^ MoOOLL BaO'.S, CO. Fwaale ill Markdak Bra'tf HirdiViure dcice •nd-|£SS£^^^«S-£-g2^ In this department I bave J pleteBtockof all kin^soM^^ furnishings and all f ?«^i. ' my promjt and earefaUttenbo^' first class hearse in coimecfaoB. Musical Instrumf^ I also handle t'^^^""^i. Organs and the f"f".b„.i Sewing Machines wbic" ffl»J^^, on Exhibition at !^J,, .dj^^^l pricesaudgradestosuitallp;^ willi'^^ batt- thanks"" Picture I shall keep m Jinu of frames. aud 'onr orders will be atteudea f« ue-ss and despatch f^i^^^^ prices. With many a»" j^^ at Hartke t i}d 5 421 mt»mm^-iCL J-**" â- «tfon tha whole p^SEId ^4 present patronagejf" oeived and hoping »/ r^ jntfe^ square dealing to o'^* ' the same. ^-pgoect^"' J. W. Sprof iCarretrondence. iTviQg is about finished and crop- Fall wheat, will be r Kwdavs and is a good crop alll â- fittle tliin. Spring crops w: tpiie Battle of the Boyne was ted here in good shape. [!^ five lodges and they enjoyed Ives very much aud \yerfcwo: \y. Moore, of Claiksburg, wi fore Squires Gilray and IStus tricking- Benjamin Scanlou au ned $1 and costs. Mr. M. ta tppealiug- He says he was ju i^ what he did. }ix. Gauden, the head teaci jonr school, has resigned and is [to IJritish Columbiu. He was 1 Ircspected here. The trustees !i Lgged Mr, Hughill iu his stead. 1 Mr. Sherwood has bought a pi jjsnd from W. Stuart aud is goi (start a brick yard. The dry weather has mad strawberries and raspberries st lin tact ail the small fruit will b (scarce. Plums are looking wel Ivill be abundant. The Kev. J. S. Corcoran has IreiMOved from this pmt to Cape ler, and Eev. Mr. Watt seut Iplftce. Tua new mau is being Ireceived. FrlceviUe. IsiaBiard Correspondence. I Mrs. Grier is building an ad Itober store for mure coLvenie Iwuen finished, will make the lliave a grand and different appea Ifrom the present way her .store I Mr. Lamout, propric-t:)r of the I Hotel, IS having a large addition I to his hotel for the purpose of ji I more bedroom accommodation i- I use and benefit of the travelling jiaunity. When this aiJditiona Iprovement is finished it will mal [Orown Hotel equal with any first class house in this parte country. Mr. aud Mrs. Lamoui I being kind, sensible aud obhgi I doubt but they will be well patr-; aud get a large call from the trav( The stone »ork of the I'rc^.shvi Icbureh is finished. Tne t-ille I comer stones are all die.-^sed b iLaidlaw, stonecutter, Durham, a jticalgood han^l, well cxperieni jlus trade. We suppose he is the I mason in this county. His worl will show his skill and taste. V»'ei stand that the foundation â€" or j the corner stoneâ€" will he laid on] day, the 24th inst. We did no I who is to get the lienor of \vM but we suppose the parties iu have a favorite person appointee view for the honorable job. I Priceville, by all appearauc I qou-es large clmrch accommod/ Anv one being here last Sabbatll I "°^ "elp remarking that this p] great lor church-going people. 10 the morning some wore seeu mg tueir way to their respective [ofjorsbip. They kept coming i^air-past ten until eleven whj sheets were crowded. Th' ^Pfiakiug people belonging to thq 'yterian church and the Koman ic congregation going m at thi liour tijen coming out iigaiu 4 past twelve and the English spl "esbyterians goius: in the thrJ ^gations were mixed together! jont street and you couhl not aiflerence between anv ot them. JrS,*^f.^apt'«t church was g theEnghshProshyte.nanswer ^out which caused another •ril u ""'" church mefts ^attended; the church is t J A^^^ ^^^ "--^es out at 8 J^wranger may well sav its wTf*!!^"""' «"*=' 'blessed! ^^^8 of the sancity of the s| p^j^ *««t. Cattle in genej J^on account of the pastai. »*« L f ^^^ â„¢ilch cows thf (jgj^'OQght good prices. Mr. g^B. from the south-east cc laifj* "d was there with w*Me. vVe understand tj ^»y from his place to Tyrd Pi^ofliw place to the ISdil that^" I ^^^^^ ^^^^^' 'o jj|^»Me haviug so much grl 5^ or feed when they com J j^ look 8o fat and glossy.] j^yJle. 16th jQly, 1888: ^^HIC NEWS NO 22 *•***«â- m IKMlItObJ â- t, July 13.â€" OgU^ J8 four new elevaf _«*nitoba, each of SS^^^' Tbevwill 'WO bushels of whc â- 'i:'M/k;i: