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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jul 1888, p. 1

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 S'^!H*^?'t*^^ v- V?W^ ' â- ^ps'^-^^:!^^ 5^'^^^p' 'ip^-i^r^^.: «iw.-r- • 1?#' ' â- ^^a a^ â- IP ^^«WP^"""P !^P â- fejT V'^^ Intended to fck "^^ .^•^^ ""til 4 o-clo n N aa.o;).t of so.a. ' Kvs havi„cj f-, ^: ' .red to play ,„,i, f" Mark.lal, tea, »nl pound,.,] out u e- " Whale- plave,. cixcdilent caiolun' 'fttau.l miking a hfi "UK'S, after that leless li. I, st.pj,e s not up to his usn :neliowâ€" ?ora3 ssrio, affecting his norves^ |C9 Olio vnn duriii.. t H' h id to hand t h Wilham ottiisoa ai in the hay ti M. Sti to pitch "h!-; curve s. Til.; r'wt,f thebo l.ospoui-illy Ilol)t. JJei ^JcFarlau'l, ihevcatc; lly ball' 111 H'lccessio; _)tiiin of r.!ic B!ant\ r'.ittors'JH, flid some I aturG of tlia game w hiying of Mr. Quint ")r tha Blautyr,! teai canght icred hot fly licli was loii'Uy prais r â-  -.\-ing t'l Unbi iyin'.T ill, tli" siiore r k'iah; scorip.g '22 rm 15. AiVuT the mat certtl- Vil vrvu c iJIistri aJ :in I'XJollent s')re. arkih! e a ad irmci; laq ice took place. Ourbq home, were toll'iweill ^vas uiianiaioualy c^ tnnleship was after â-  to try aud g^i hira| nice, thore being al tiiiig. Prior t;i tai;' ressed a wish to stopJ rd. -As no notice lias ba proposition I inMclej ative to a prize tai-col â- y the w;iy the owneJ j" is airing himsall on liis mettle. Lciivr tnattor in Mr. Wri?^ (vhoin Mr. BeatdeT ough, I will make a I It seeras the ov/nej igistered Cau;ui:.ui br r Time," has been aij m into competitiom He was gratified L last spring at tha stt ;ere I don't think LI ch of a task to get af owever, as after aU ock getters these Iio] r otlier^rise I wou'dl jrits fallv tested, m " "' ^if nslsfi spring colt of ISSsn an the owner of Jna r from his lio"f ;J be same amount tflj jetter spring ccltf « â- om Just in Time. 5 th:UL)r.lD3rH .otoon3--MaJ^i tb reA^^^ i\ m\-.terfaliy/;^H ,p'e(.al e/il3";j tryt-»mUJW^ !^"Tua? vi^-"-J „.,-1 tll'Vi "J. R. S. RA.E. Tailorlntr *ad Oent'a Pnr- niwhlng BrtaWmhinMit. A SELECT STOCK OF SPBINO GOOD NOW OPEMEO. ^fandcitd "HEW TO THiH L1^•E, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." ?!(raTH YEARâ€" :N^o. 410. i QUARTERS MAEKDAI.E, THURSDAY, JULT 39, 1888. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. -FOR- ll'l I Teas, TokGco, HO IrsADQUABTEES OOlFEST^i^E -FOR- 'mkepy Glassware. Vxt-x Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, 1 ,; S 't;?, the fineFt stock to choose J;j;i iiarkciale. We will sell you (i; m ibis line cheaper by 10 per liiau Hiiy ether house m the liiioiis, ProYislons. FLOUR FEED ivrv utscription same price as at the miil. I Vo CLE AS BACON; Gi ice Sl'GAK CURED idAMS. Y ~: received a ton of Wright's :;(r?.!, Oweu iSound, (fresh). â- J Liquor Store is well stocked lest brauds of Liquors of every rfnpnaii. :053EES IN CIGARS. â- ;:n?a call. ' " â-  ' • Belfast House. hn iM ^. g as e f BARGAINS! -AT- lEUSSELL'S liiJ^iOMSS Flesherton, h^atebes, Clocks, Jewelery, Spec- if fs and Silverware for the month â- Jtiie, before moving to new I ^ine American "Waltham "WatcheB J ^8.90 to $20.CO, regular price of "=1' vere from $11.60 to $24.60. LHins, Earrings, Broocbee, Chains, pWets, reduced i 25 PER CENT. l5a.ii^* '»? and secure some of the ^«nt bargains befois the time ex- ]-^p08itivelyfortbe ^onth of June Onlv, " a perfect job always take your watch repairs, ci, to y^'^i^i Noted JewBllery Store NoTiCKs 171 thefe colvmnnintendedtobenejit any individual or Society u-ill he charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subtequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, commnnica- tions,. Advertisements, e„ rm\st be in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. Miss Buggin is visiting friends in Mt. Forest. ' A poLiTiCAi, prophet is not always a political profit. Mt. Forest is to have a public bath bouse right away. Miss. Ada Reynolds is visiting her sister at Bracebridge. Dundalk council is furnishing their police with batons and handcaffs. The time a man most needs a vaca- tion is just after he returns from one. The Wiarton Echo publislied three births week before last, each a pair of twins. ' Me. John Haxhuey, of Brandon, has sold his driving team for $600 so says the Brandon Sun. Mayoe Halsted, of Mt. Forest, and his wife celebrated their silver wedding last Monday, 9th, We bad a pleasant call from Mr. J. Blackburn, of Flesherton, on the 12th, also Mr. John Murray, ex-councillor, of Holland. The annual excursion of the Canadian Pre^s Association' will take place, leay- ing Toronto on the 81st July, to Port- land, Maine. Maekdale Council will meet at 8 o'clock on Thursday (this evening) in the council chambers, up stairs in Mathews' block. Me. R. Rand will be at the Markdale House on Friday next, 20th, to purchase general purpose horses weighing from 1150 to 1250 lbs. J. G. Andeeson wants 500 pairs good heavy hame-made Woollen Mitts in ex- change for tea sad dry goods. Nothing but first-class goods taken. The Acton Free Press has commenced its fourteenth year of publication and is descrying of its reputation "the model county newspaper" of Canada. Mes. T. Rogeeson, of New Haven, Con., with her daughter Minnie, are the guests of Mrs. Dr. Sproule. Mrs. K. is a niece of Mrs. W. K. Fleshet. The proprietor of the Condy House, Kimberley, was fined $20 a,nd costs for infringement of the Cooks act recently; J. Kelly, of City Hotel, Markdale ditto. We are glad to learn that Mr. Hieghs, who was seriously ininred by the faU of a tree last week, is progressing favor- ably. He is under the care of Dr. Mc- OaUongh. TfiE Markdale Presbyterian Sabbath School will (D. V.) hold their annual picaic on Wednesday evening, 26th July, in Mr. McDofe's grove west of the rail- way track. An unsuccessful attempt to bntglarize Richardson Go's store and Blakely McConnell's batcher shop was made on Monday mramhig last. The intruders were scared off. The junior base ball teams of Dun- dalk and Markdale vdll play a match game hereon Monday next. An ad- misraOB fee of 10 cents will be charged at the gate for entrance to the grounds ladies free. Mb. Jobbpb Manab2:t is anxious to give $5 of a prize for the best geneial pur- pose oolt from any G. P. horse at Mark- dale Fall Show provided other G. P. horse ovniers in this section will do like- â- wise. Let us hear from them. The home should jiot be considered merely an eating and sleeping place; but as a place where self-respect may be preseryed, comfort secnred, sdf-denial practioed and domestic pleasures enjoy- od Hidied, bome aboold Iw the lii^nAit spot on earHi. .,-.-""' On Friday last a junior game of base baU^lHils played between Priceville and iDurham on the grounds of the former. The score stood, Priceyille 58 runs, Durham 31 runs, and not 11 to nothing as reported in the Globe of Monday last. We had a friendly call on Saturday last from Mr. W. W, Perry, son of Rey. Mr. Perrv, formerly of Holland Centre. Mr. P. is in the short hand business in Toronto and is spending part of his holi- days with his wife's friends at Walter's Falls, accompanied by his better half. We had a friendly call from Mr. John Clinton, son of John Clinton, Esq., Osprey township. .John has been a resident of Manitoba for seven years and returned last week to visit bis parents and friends for a few weeks, when he will return to Winnipeg, his home. He speaks in glov\dng terms of the west, and also of the present prospects for a boun- tiful harvest. Gone to Toeonto. â€" Charlie Lavyrence, of W. J. McFarland's mercantile estab- lishment, has accepted a situation in Toronto and left town on Monday last to enter upon his new occupation (book- keeper for his brother). Charlie was one of our most popular young men, as well as esteemed and courteous sales- men, and his departure is one of general regret. We wish him success. The large frame bank barn of Wm. Galbraith, two and a half miles south- east of here on the gravel road was bum â-  ed on Sunday night last together vrith a quantity of old hay. The loss is from five to six hundred dollars. Insurance $300. Mr. Galbraith is on a trip to British Columbia and the place was closed up for the present. It must have been the work of an incendiary. Camping Quaetette.â€" On Monday last Wes. Armstrong, E. K. Richardson and Charlie Sarjeant, of Flesherton, and Willie McFarland, of Markdale, four respectable youths, armed to the teeth with shooting irons, fully equiisped witn fishing tackle and their wagon so heavily laden with camp paraphernalia and provisions that two of the party had to walk, started for the famous Bell's Lake there to spend a week scalping Indians, hunting bears, netting fish, spearing frogs, bagging fowl and mashing mos- quitoes. We hope their expectations may be fully realized and patiently wait for particulars of their exploits. The Outlook, â€" ^The country is suffer- ing severely for want of rain. Hay is well up to, if not altogether, an average crop in this part, but roots and late grain is almost past recovery. We had a brief trip last week through Orange- ville, Mt. Foresb, Palmerston, Drayton, Fergus and Elora and found the crops in much the same state as in the vicinity of Markdale,' viz., fairly promising for an average crop, but in bad need of rain. North of here, however, the state of af- fairs are not so promising as some of our most copious showers failed to reach the northern portion of this connty, and even a few miles north of Markdale the outlook is very discouraging. Sent Up.-â€" J. W. Potter alias Bobert Bruce alias Bobt. Moffatt was np before Justice B. Myles in this village on Satur- day evening last to answer a charge of horse stealing. It appears said Potter had been working as moulder in Moffat Sons' foundry some six days previous to the 12th July, when he got on a drunk and left town the following night. On the 18th morning Moffat ft Sons dis- covered that tiieir horse and hatneas were gone. A search wamni being ia sued, Alf. Moffat and Conatabla NoUo started in search of the stolen property and thief. They fonnd the horse, wbkdi had been sold fur |10 some two milea east of Flesherton. continaing their search they arrived in Dondadk before daylight on Saturday morning and cap- tured their Bnppoaed man in the Qoeen's Hotel. On their arrival in Mai^ale a trial was held and the prisoner eonunit- ted to Owen Sound time to stand his trial aft tlie A«inft, Bfti»Mi inf^y seedy «8e(L';. :;^:. r '^^ We had an interview this week with a preacher and a lawyer as to the chances of their securing the much needed rain the lawyer said he didn't think the parson seemed to have much influence in the, upper courts, while he in turn intimated that the lawyer's in- fluense was confined to the lower regions. EvEBT cabe should be taken during the dry season in handling fire or even in smoking as serious loss may easily result from a little carlessness. Only a few days ago a person casually strolled into Armstrong's mill yard while smok- ing and shortiy after he left, a blaze was seen by one of the employes who prom- ptly quenched it with water. A coal had evidently dropped from his pipe which would have destroyed the whole mill and cheese box factory had it got a few minutes start. TVotice- â€" Any persons calling to settle their indebtedness with the late firm of Turner Cos during my temporary absencb will please pay my brother, Walter Turner, and he will give receipts therefor. A short period longer will be extended to those who have not yet settled before transferr- ing books and accounts to other hands. A. Turner. ' â-  .! Holland Coimcil. The celebration of the "Battle of the Boyne" was more enthusiastic through- out the Dominion this year than usual, while, according to reports, all passed off peaceful and in order The Empire says "The celebration of the bi-centenary yesterday was the greatest revival of Orangeism ever witnessed in Toronto or Canada. The procession yesterday was the larg- est and finest Orange parade that eyer walked the streets of a Canadian city. The lodges were strong, the order pre- served was perfect, the speeches were tolerant and eloquent, the amusements provided excellent. This applies to nearly ever place in Ontario heard from. In Toronto the day broke dull and cloudy, but before the procession was organized the sun was out strong and clear. A finer day could not haye been desired, not only in Toronto, but in the greater portion of Ontario. And there was seen all over Ontario parades of Orangemen in numbers that told of a re-awakemng of interest in the Order. Holland Centre, July 5, '88. Adjourned Court of Revision. Eeeve in the chair. Members present â€" Galbraith, Williscroft, Shute and Howey. John Sargent audWm. Scales made application to have their assessments lowered. No action taken. Albert Scales' name placed on roll as farmer's son. Wm.T. Price's name placed on roll as farmer's son. Mrs. Chambers appeals against be- ing assessed too high. Koll sustained. Jas. Lonsway appeals against being assessed too high. Roll sustained. Williscroft â€" Shnte â€" That this court adjourn dva die. Caeson Peice. Tp. Clerk. Council resumed general business at 8 p.m. Eeeve in the chair. Mem- bers all present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Shute â€" Williscroft â€" That the asses- ' sor be paid the balance of his salary. â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Williscroftâ€" That this i. council receive applications for the office of Clerk at their next meeting ot council. â€" Carried. Williscroftâ€" Galbraithâ€" That Chris. HammiU get §2 for repairing culvert between Sydenham and Holland â€" Carried. Williscroft-rHowey â€" That we ad- journ till the ilth of August. Cabson Pkice, Clerk. Business Xiocala. Get your Paris Green at Stephen's Drugstore. ;â- ; Fob horse rakes, reapers, mowers and binders go to J. H. Carson. Get your Insect Powder at The Pop- ular Drug Store. Go TO B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. Fifty tons old iron wanted at Mark- dale foundry for which cash will be paid. Fob Sale â€" A self-binder, nearly new. Apply to Mrs. A. Nesbitt, one mile south of Markdale on the gravel road. B. B; Clements, the tailor, is turning out handsome fitting suits that suits the gents just great. Try him when you want somethmg nobby. To THE Public â€" I wish to inform the public that I have just set up a new hay scale. Any weighing entrusted to me vrill haye my careful attention. S. Hill. Cabd of THANKs.-^My thanks are due and hereby tendered to the Orangemen and others who favored me with their patronage on the ISth July. Mrs. HolluigsL;4ad, Markdale. Fob Sale. â€" ^A span of farm horses, one 7 and one 8 years old, the latter raising colt. Will sell or exchange for yoke cattie part pay. Apply to Mathew Patton, lot 20, con. 12, Euphrasia, Hark- away P. O. 410-12 Tbebe is a good chance for some active and usty men to secure paying work at once by engaging with Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Bochester N. Y., to sell his warranted nursery stock. He famishes outfit free and the work is steady. Experience not required. 409-2S. LEADING JEWELLER handle onr thoro- Salesien Wanted:: ugbly reliable nursery stock. We en- gage men on hberal commission, or on salary and expenses, and guarantee per- manent employment and snccess I Fa- eiliti^B nnegnalled prices very reason aUe; ontftifeee; decided advantnges to- tmUlmiuiui^ Write at ono. SuEWi ft Baut, Modbertar, N. X 409-! 1 LEAD in amount of stock, and variety of the §ame. I LEAD m regard to quality and finish of Jeweller's lines. I LEAD m amount of business done, as trade flows my way for many miles around. I LEAD, because my reputation is fixed as a reliable Jeweller. I LEAD in a "special" sense in "prices," testified to by the fact that books show twenty- three watches sold in May and June. I LEAD because the public know me to be a practical work- man, using fine tools and material. I LEAD in the «pex trade, satis- factorily fitted by myself. 1 LEAD with a selected stock, close prices, and warraiiid bearing my own name. Te/egraphi'ng ptomp'y attended to lAlLY PAPERS ON SAIL JEWELLER BfiOWN j- I %tm\ ui I' I 'V .r •M I ^i ' I i '1 n -•' ^JS-iss ^-^i^^^.. •«it ^tati^a^aiBiaBai£..^^.-,rj,.^.i-i:..'^,.. .Z^Sn^^ii^ ^^ii^SS^I^

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