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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jul 1888, p. 4

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 V**: J t-^jii-^«i*-\a B ^i^ff-^":^^ »â- Â» I iTi »• mam mm â- "â- -"---. .â- -•â- 3(s;-^.i..-..- „â- â- -.:- â- '^â- :^i^'ti«-A^ .- _--â- -â-  fi^-. ' -^ jjKyS?|piB|BHiBBB 1 â- HH M ». "?/^:-. i.^S- iHi 0* :/â- -â-  .#^ „â- â- '#.,♦» m^' •â- !:^:-: .v* C. W. Batledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JULY 12 1888 NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Minnesota is paying $1 a bushel for grasshoppers. â€" The Winnipeg Free Press advo- ;ates Canadian Independence. â€" A base ball nmpire at Boston was struck on the neck by a ball and kill- ed. â- .;â-  .- â€" The cattle disease at Tara is found to be pleuro-peuumouia, but is confied to a very small bounds and is not a contagious foim. The afiFectiou is a blood disease due to local cause. â€" Saugeen has been constituted a port for the registration of shipping. Keaford Boad. Standard Correspondence. Gabden Pakty. â€" The garden party lield in the school grounds on Friday evening, the 30th ult., was a most de- cided success. The evening was warm iind pleasaafc, just such as youug men and maidens like for a drive. There was a large turnout and all parties expressed themselves as being well pleased with the entertainment. The Flesherton brass band was present and rendered several choice selections ,of music. There was also singing and music by the school children. The proceeds amounted to about $25. Picnic. â€" The Sabbath School picnic ,\vas held ini Mr. W. Buchanan's bush .on the 3rd and was very well attended. The day was fine and the children enjoyed ihemelves accordingly. Base Ball. â€" The Meaford Boad and Ninth Line base ball clubs pJayed a second game here on the Srd and re- sulted in a victory for the home team, the score being Meaford Eoad 21, Ninth Line 4. Htmenial. â€" On Wednesday evening the 3rd inst., at 9 o'clock, Mr. David L. Devons, of King, was united in -wedlock to Miss Minnie Mary C. Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. Wm. Hutchinson, postmaster of Vandeleur. The ceremony took place in the Wes- leyan church and was performed by the Kev. Geo. Buggiii, of Markdale. We wish the young couple all prosper- ity and happiness. Mr. John Weber was hoiue last week for a short visit from the North Shore. KoUand Cmtr*. Standard Correspondence. Patrick McCormick lost a valuable horse recently. Mrs. John Pearse died on Monday, June 25tli, of a cancer in her breast. Mr. Doyle has taken the contract of making an extra switch on the railroad for $250, and has it almost completed. John Hamilton has at last came to the conclusion that it was not good for man to be alone, so he has taken unto himself a wife in the person of MiSs Pickett. Wo wish the couple a happy life. On Saturday last Thos. Bradley tell from a beam at Robt. Avison's raising, a distance of 24 feet, on his head and shoulder. Drs. Sproule and Halsted attended the sufferer. We have not yet learned the extent of his injuries. Robert Fawcett, of Euphrasia, after haymg crossed the railway crossing at 50 sideroad the horse backed up on to the track and, having no whip, could not compel the horse to move. The train struck the buggy throwing Mr. F. out; the horse got away without any injuries, but the buggy was a total wreck. Mr. F. received some broken ribs and other injuries. Ha was taken J to Dr. Halsted's and Dr. Sproule sent for. He still remains there, and is at present doing as well as can be ex- pected. Editor Standard Deab Sir, â€" Would it not be advis able l:)r our village fathers to ofler a reasonable reward for the apprehension and conviction of the party or parties who set McKinno'j's harness shop on fire on Sunday morning last. That it was deliberately set on fire no one doubts, and all right-minded citizens would consider any money spent m convicting the guilty parties well in- vested. When fire bugs become so cheeky as not even to try to coyer up their work it becomes the duty of the people to stamp them out, and there is uo other way that I know of than to offer a reasonable reward to the person who will devote hisi time to the unravelling of the problem. Hoping that an attempt will be made to find out the guilty parties, I remain, yours, c.. Fair Play. Manle/s Faily Address and Presentation. AT MAMLCrS DRUG STORE, MANLEY'S Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only Toots- MANLEY'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 25c and $1.0 ). MANLEY'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 2octs. MANLEY'S G-ood Samaritan Oil. For Bheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, price -iSc. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer Asafe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Nothing better, price 2oc. MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts, Scalds, gBurns, Sores aud Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters For Bad Blood, and Skin Di^.eases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents j)er bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil. The only positivelv, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 2a cents MANLEY'S Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for lossofAp))3tite,Wealcnes3 etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, very nice to taste easily digested and highlj useful in wasting diseases, as Consumjitiou, Brouchits, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. .. PawDee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Veeetable Blood pnrifyer and Tonic. It acts on the Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation and Di.s'pepsia, a chea]3 and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes B pints bitters. Call and^get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satasf actory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line, .ir:i^- MABKBALE. FaristaifuB J DRUG STOHl HELLEBORE! E It I • iTEPHEII' DRUG smi Walter's TaUa. Flesnerton. Standard Correspondence. Artemesia township council met in council chamber Monday last for trau- ea"tion of business. No tenders were The members and adherents of the Methodist church at Walter's Falls, wishing to show the Rev. Mr. John- ston and his esteemed wife, who hava labored among the people of Uiat sec- tion of country for the last 3 years, that their work was appreciated, met and presented him with a cane and her with a silver cake basket, accom- panied by the following address which voices, we are satisfied, the sentiments of the people under Mr. Johnston's charge Walteb's Falls. Jane 2nth, 1888. Dear Bbo. and Sister,â€" We, tlie members and adherents of the aiethodist cliurch in- Walter's Falla, wish to expres.s to jou our high appreciation of joiir christian conduct received for building bridge over Boyue i^^il^ i'-^ our midst. You have tioue your Avater. Messrs. W. J. McFarland, j ,^!^*^i" ^â„¢*""" ^^^'^â- ^ l"*^ eadsared yon to Eeeve of Markdale, and Wm. Brown ' were present as a delegation from Markdale council re division ol town- t^hip funds. A settlement was not arrived at. Monday last was regular montulv ea tile lair day here. On account ofj the very dry season net so m.ary Ciittle i changed hands, and ac lower piijps tlmn if pasture was good, leeders be- 1 hold iDg afiaid of the drouglit. Tlie auuiversavy services iu the Tresbyterian church h^^re last Sabbath were good. The attendance ns.3 largo. The sermons preached hy Eev. W. A. Hunter, M. A., were impressive, sonl- stirrmg, a rich treat lor all who heard him. The Rev. Mr. Shilton withdrew his service m the Methodist church m the eveuiHg, in cou'-equeuce the Pres- byterian church was packed to the us, and your departure from among ns wil be long rcRretted. Bv your exitmply v,o trust that all of us hav,. been benefitted boih rehfiioiisly and morally ana taapht that \v( are only creatures of a riay, that time wili quickly pass and we must part from all we hold most dear on earth to meet with oir loved oaes who have gone before on tha bet- ter shore wher.j parting is ended and sorrow uuknowu. In leaving us you talis oar he: HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOtoiAPHER, Is turning out iPhotos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture framing done with neatress and dispatch. v N " Then come awa, both old and young, V ;â- / A And dinna lose nae time :." â-  'l; â- . " :.' In getting p-clHves for voiir friends, ...;â- ;â- :;;- :^^ " For Hamilton takes them fine. TEPHSKI DRUG STORE. 7//£ POPULAR Dm Sli STILL TO The FUm YOUS RESPECTFULLY. R. L. STEPHEl TIU8S1LVEI4UTE0 INSntUMENT felt well wishes and trust that you mny tertaiii the .sume feehngs towards ns tna) liold lowaras you. In vour wtrk wo avt- eu at vve ,. „ T ,y°" -^^ yf'ur wcrk we an- saf.shed you Lave always done vour utmost to advance the church especially nuder your oharKe and to unite in cbristian broiheihood ail who call on the name of Jesus Christ lour example and teachiu}? have made a marked imiresiou in the auuuity and we pray It may bear fruit now and in years to come and that the work that is so dear to yon boch may never weaken in our m^dfi* and that your example may never be Ic-f t ' view but may shine with brighter lustre a years advance ana in time ah may do tin r duty as yon have done your.^i. Dear .Sir be TheGnalest Q^GOvtiy bl Price $3.. ORIEHTAL CATABRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS MFLUERCE Xha oBIy catairh remedy ever ofleisd to the pnblio on 15 days trial; a written goarantee given 'with each inatmment, W. T. Buu tt OOb 16B Qoeen Btzeet West, Toronto. Ont. JICTIHA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER I Mhn It ROta medicine or a digusting lotion or powder iMil, Init a BeU-genar» t tang Vapor, easllyand pleasantly appUed at all honw, times and plaoe^ ' Aebna No. 2.â€" Qniokly reUeves and thoroaitbly onxea all Throat ana liung diseases. ' Adira No. 3.â€" Positively enrea all diseases of ^e Kye, Cataract Oran mated E ye-lid s, Inflamed Eyes, near and far ipghfeflnffro Thb En ' I' XBKAXBDTn^IiB diOBED. I Thb AoxntA ib bold toiibb oub wbi ' xtjm ouiBAinais oh u dats I nujjfc^ Bn^Qgejtoigpfor handsomely UliHrtxated book and healtb EXCEL WARER00m\ I have now on hand a i varied stock of all ti"^s ""' of Furniture, boaglit for e is:: I the i-eliiibie fim. iJ and 1 puriiose dolus m^^^ strictly cadh basis ffliicli la a position to soil atasuvi.^ oil c.)st aud thereby give ui)-;^J ers the benefit. I siiail e,g lavor tohavo v.!i e til ml "';; ;i whether yoa requii'e auji'ai^ lineornoCaMalff c.)na.^ will be delighted ^^^^n â-  quality aoJ '•"'i-'"'i my go )d.s~.â€" Upaoistere.l i^'" specialty. 11 iOEllTA^ClN you ed at MTXua MB BVULt UflUOl* OOB WBIXTKI QUABAOTBB ON IB Vt '^^9S!*.^S^ ^°* handsomely UliHrtxated book and hea W;T.BABS^ftC0..15BQTwenStrMtWeBt.TorontOtOn« T p ""'°° *f ' ' "•^- ?»«' V'"-?" y^ and may it be a support f o lue hipiscopal chmch people have y^"' "o^y m advaucmg year.s, withdrawn fur the preeent'their servi- ci3 at Fleshprtou Station and com- wenct^d service hf-re. The first seivice waa conducted by the Iiciimbent, Kev. Mr Kiiidar. in the Town Hail bihliatJi alieruoon la-^t. when and we hope you see it yuu may Pccasionally r. member us and the w-rK yon have done U r U8. Dear sister, tiudly accept this piece tf siiverwaie as a token of onr feelings towards you think of us when you har.dia it and of our Jippieeiation of your many kuidnesses to J ns anu yo,ir noble eflforf? to help your lovinR Fi»h.„o„ c^ees. f»«i.-.ry patâ„¢,,. !;;?'si'?-r^tu.'JriS'„^sj;' IJave a good sa e of clice.-e aud i •""'" ^^eil-eamed rest, and th»t your Uviilv bbipped a Ciir liad fbis w^'ek. jStreuKth may iiicrt-ase «p that in leafiu" The gov8ruM;ent i.i8uecf,or of ebe-se ' ^SVT* "' ""Y 1^' ,*° *°"' J»^ i^ctorys visued t^ecnease f.ct,ryt"!fSa^^ IT IS WELL K^:OWH â€"THAT FACT c COLLS tti STRAYED. Game into the premises of the snbficrilier a light red steer, two years old 'ii or about Jane 19. Owner is require*! to prow prop^^rty pay expenses and take owmv the steer. JOdM R.BAINES. (ilascott P. 0. â- ANY M MondavM.. He r. ted it No/ 1 7Jd -^TeTo :w^;";be rtlK^ being; 8oldnn. stated that it was the be»t in iSs f q„«u i J'J**^** whi-Ji mast sfiJl be carri«l on May """ " meat, management and proiact tiiatU Wees yoa and keep yoa in heaiUi in Dr. t'Iinst.iei8aba.Btthi8 WBi^kHt •*"'*^"'»P'**»- r ^^Ti^^" teudiag hn deleK**^ ?.HItvgraud M«*i{ *^^^^«k»liM^iiiaai. LARDINE" ij» tu- best known, ajid most reliable -_ mcm^ Oil in Uie D.:mi,non Farm iS^^lSiSS, S'SSilSMr^ -rs. Thresher's an4 Mill Owner'.. ';.ill ^^^^j^Jit^^MoSS^m^ iind It, decidedly t theii- advantage to insist upon getting the "G^nr.ine Lardi^e" when tU«y a^ for,it, owing In tliis^aepartTuentU^^J plete ftock FarnishinKS and all or der tUtsame. ziaii^^ bj d-aler«. Weiaietheaiij £ao^*!Sl^«^«Jb!^ Headache, 5*S52S5?'£r^?**°* Weakness « Monorr. Ba^tifulneea to Society, It fagartB ^^uthful ital Power IA old and MnSan ,4 â-  T -^ -,â-  -i3f (,f all kif^ „ invnrom}.t and careful *.^^„, firstclass hearse in conn^ Musical l^^%, 1 also handle the jf Organs and tjf^,g^y^ Sewinjr Machines ""-j^^ ,„ prices aud grades tosj itoclt*" j«e.-R and Aes^'-^fm^^^^ â-  With i«*""' uT J*' pr^s«nt pa!'""f|,y fair P' !oeiTjpdaudiiop"f^„t.B"' pquwre dea!j"g ^s^ j Uie'.sftTne. picture I a^ftll beep » line of fi'"'"" „,. orders will be attffi" 'sre-' mmM Sygiidard Correspondence. 'â- . 6«rstreei^Vere almost deso MoudftT nfterni.nin (Duminion -j[ the busy hum of indus -linwcteristic of this thriving I j^ ceased for a while, the d of the citizens having hied tliei flie ueighboi ing village of to take part in the sports and (,08 thtre, that place beins i t^Jg year as the general rem for'tiie surrc'uodiiig district wh celebrate the anniversa^' ot P.( Coufedei atiou. Bdls had bee: Iftted weeks previously auiioui ^rv attractive programme cf gud atuusements, that raised g peciations. Most of the refidie left in the morning and foreno the place becoming very dull last concluded to run down t tiie fun, thinking we had aw riorht to do so a« any of the ret After a pleasant drive, only dust, which aupoiod us a little HS sometimes happened, we gc wake of a.nother vehicle, v.'e about 2 o'clock at the ontskirti village, 4^ miles f'-nm Walter' jJoguor IS beautifully situated j or vale, surrounded by gently hills, now clad in the richness i iner yerdure, but sadly lackiu refreshing rain. Snppusing way that we would be too J ate commencement. VVe were gra find that the games had not yet in the forenoon some football between amateurs from 9th ai lines, but they attracted, it w, little or no interest or atteutioi Leith brass baud had been e; and at the lime we got thti i/pndering one of Meudeisshon phonies in an exquisite manu oelighted assemblage. Tlir'j people were now collected aa.l to file into the sjiortiug grouuJ inission 10 cents, yongsters 5 The ground, we learn, is a field of Mr. Moore's, rented purpose, aud is admirably adaj sports, being about a quarter circumference and perfectly le\i Soon the games began, staiidiug jump, three ont entered, won by Harry Furb) employe of Brown's woollen Walt^r•s Falls Mr. Thompyoi Next, running jump, Thompsc Furlong 2nd. Hop, step -aiJ I'lirlong iBt; Thompson 2ud tmg the Ptone came next, a philips pockdtod a dollar for ii utes' work. Boys race under 1\ Ist Frank Tuck, of Walter' The blind-fold and jingling ga:, I have witnessed) excited much] 9ient and merriment among atanders. The eyes of the com| â€" five lu numberâ€" were si.cure folded while a very active vouil armed with a set of horv^-Le) around jiugliug them. The f be attained was, which of thj ylded would succeed in captuii lu order tosscure the prize, g! yie^somia of the bells uionJ Wilde some deaperatcdy awkwaj fn to catch the pcsseVs.^-, juunmg at the hoigiit of thtij wll tilt against one another, J tog three or four on ton of (.ul er before the desured eaJ wa J atUst one sacceyded in g.^tul i the beli-jmgJer an.i keptf «"dmg the eame, which \va J tooughout v'ith roars of 1 Jl'unng the progress of th^ ,i^\ ?aad gave several excellent f/r« 'The Campb.ll. are .1 boiniag tlu-ough the rve." o Gowiie," "The braes aU| '}«air."e(c. A hurdle race cal .Ibomp^^ let Furlong 2.. ;^t came a three-legsred r. ,,^ entered fc.r this race, u -v:^posedof two tall, slim '^."i^y"""" school toacbei :.i^ Martin, about the middl ^ai-se, were seen to gradual ;^?***' Hud ali looking on J®n to be sure of first place] .^When about tweutv yards 1 SP^uwg post, FurloJg and J a tremendous spurt whic! fquarelymtwi) yards in i)w undl ..Us'fiLiA'-m-:, ^i"g a httlo fel conpledwitbouesomuclJ excessive strain aud ed on bim that he nearly J '*«»o* this time the bre] *iia the KsoroLjug rays 1 ^remlfaUy oppres-i\ ble, causing mauy t ^d lenxitiade, for whia f^m l^n^k demand i.xil ^der. The simplv, :«) be pretty W'/U ^d ji^*^«cted oil ground^ ^Pf vending :reiresli mj *tj«g,ti«;ir turn ,io extreme, Mj !ki«,. eho: ily,' ihoug] AAV tint

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