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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jul 1888, p. 1

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 L, a-. p^Wf^-' ' mm .â€" ^•;« *â- â- *-- • " â-  Iishea local sat wa,^^ paymem ed- -~^ ^* ftj I2 S* X2.^JE2* Tailozinff and Oet's Fux- ulahiTig EstabliBhawBt. A SEUecT STOCK OF SPBINa GOOD NOW OPENED. i^rHTH yEAIl.-Xo. 400. -FOE- U Teas, Tobacco, IS, was pattA/^i of thecountv f.TL tffiyewereappointeJ Inspectors of ^NorS, l^^rey, as referred tol cation cammittee I djouruedtiUgo'clJ o I AY MOBNINK. Of Finance Commitkr "lending that aiPooDS ^d costs in case o| t^ouuty be paid. R, ad and Bridtje Com-I nding grant of $050 i^een Normanby and jrant of $50 to meel from Wellington portion of Pike JakD nby and Minto, waJ imittee on Memorials] lorial from Wellan( law repealed givind palities to grant bonl opted. ommittee to conside of granting $1000 1 ag a County Hospital] report, which wa committee reporteJ were m accord witlj the matter, yet in thJ â- al data by which thej they thought tlieij t in their duty as re re they to recomnien^ it a positive guarante would not be calleJ the liability of mainj lital. They therefor ihat 1 anger time better intormatiou oJ lid be obtained, ani ;s of the county wonij i in the matter. I the Beeves of Glenell for grant to erect iting bridge over ras lost. r Messrs, Miller an it of $50 for the Owe r Poultry Associatio liat revised statub red for Reeves an a motion that rt be appointed Assif 1, without salary, weij ve notice that Allen 1 dangerous conditioj kdjourned till Monda (fcr. "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' MAEKDAI.E, THUBSDAY, JTJIiT 3 2, 1888. C. W. BUTIjEDGE, Proprietor. m EilSINS, GURRANTS LiEO GOODS, OO^iFEOTEONERY, c. EADQUABTEKS FOR wMry Glassware. '.Mh Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, kr.Srtts. the iiuest stock to choose irj:!i jl;iikiiiile. We will sell you ^iii tliis line cheaper by 10 per [iiuu any other house m the :y. (fisioBS, ProYisions. FIOUR FEED [[very (.i.-scription same price as at the mill. [;:;(; cleae bacon, Cluicf SUGAi: CUEED HAMS. -;,-â-  icc-eived a ton of Wright's [aeai, Uweu Hound, (fresh). lOar Li.juor Store is well stocked li'ii best brand 3 of Liquors of every ;cripti(in. iOBBERS IN GIGAES. e lis ;;. call. H. BENSON Co., Belfast House. GAINS! BARGAINS! SilSiillS jid CounoU, aet at Holland Oen« a Court of Re«8io* jsent. A number I ;ered, and the foUo] ere made On r" uptark.$150; /• ^0° • ?•• ^« iS) ' arson Price, $iw, Robt. Pnce. ?i" • H. W. Norton, »*'A arson, f iw "° $50; Wm.Doy nside raaooed "J 00. The Caar' *• th July. rood VUtiUt. rguson. JJ- **'^t. f Waflhin«*o»r^J eaford-*- ^jy -^^-^ AT [RUSSELL'S PUj EmiBYl Store; flesherton, Hatches, Clocks, Jewelery, Spec- l^esacd Silverware for the month r "itc, before moving to new vSl'^°'"^«» Waltham Wakbes ;;§8.90 to $20.00, regular price of "â- '"were from $11.50 to f 24.60. ifef ' ^^*"ngB, Brooches, Chains, '•'^sifta. reduced 25 PER CENT. in J® "^one; and secure some of the L,, ^* "argains before the time ex- f*^- positively for the *lonth of June Onlv, Nfor perfect job idwavs take yonr ^atch repairs, c.' to Local and Other Items. Notices in thexe colinmisintendedtobenejit any individual or Society will hecliarged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five eentn a line each aubiegitent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, commnnica- tiong,. Advertisements. dc„ mast he in this office by noon on Tuesday to insvre publication that weeik. ^H's Koied Jemllery Store The glorious twelfth. Me. M. W. McCoy, of London, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. McKenna. Minutes of Holland and Euphrasia councils crowded out this week. Haying is well advanced The crop is light. Mh. Geo. Steee visited friends at Tottenham this week. Miss Sadie Plewes is visiting friends at Edgar, Ont. Jennie and Mercer McCoy, of Owen Sound, are visiting at Mrs. McKenna's. Miss Leila Cobban, of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. Bowes. Mrs, W. A. Brown is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Eev. Ward, of Millbank, is visit- ing her parents and friends here. Miss Ada Wright is yisiting friends at Chippawa Hill. Mr. N. Cornet, of Dundalk, was in towu on luesday last and gave us a friendly call. There was a new moon Monday morn- ing and we may now look for a spell of weather. Me. Campbell, License Inspector for East Grey, was in town this week. His wife accompanied him. Daddy Stuart arrived from Hamilton on Monday and is paying Markdale a visit. Public School holidays are now the order and both teachers and pupils are having rest and recreation generally. Me. Crkighton, Classical teacher in Owen Sound High School, conducted the Entrance Exam's in Markdale last week; 35 pupils wrote. Miss Stuart, of Kingsville, formerly teacher in Markdale school, is visitine in town. She is the guest of Mrs. Turner. It is said they play ball in Markdale for salmon and biscuit, also that such edibles are liable to disappear misteri- ously â€" ask Walter. The annual meeting of the Church of England S. School Teachers' Associa- tion will be held in Chatsworth on Fri- day, 13th inst. J E. Marsh, of the Markdale House, will feed the multitude in the roller rink on the 12th. Plenty of room and abund- ant yictuals. A HAN recently took a bath in the dark. He managed well enough, only he got hold of a piece of stove blacking instead of soap â€" ^with marked results. Owbn vnd Orangemen excnrt to Toronto on the 12th (to-day). The ex- cursion takes in Markdale and the fare is $2.25 for return ticket to Toronto good to return up to Saturday evening. Rev. J. B. McLaben, B. D., of Eu- phrasia, has bee» advised by his phy- sicians to cease preaching for a time, and he has conseqaeni^y decided to take a trip to Scotland. Mastks John Dvndas is home from the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, after his first term. Johnnie is a genius in music and drawing and is making his mark in that line. We bad a friendly sail from Mr. John H. Adolph, of the Chesley Enterprise, on Tuesday last. The Enterprise was destroyed together with the rest of the town in the late fire but is to the fore again with a bran new plant. A uAD of fifteen drove to Flesherton last Sunday evening to attend service on the occasion of the Presbyterian chnrdi annivwwury. Ber. W. A. Hontedr, M. A„ of 0»»»«eviBe, (naebed an «lo- mentaennw* If a body kiss a body, Need a body cry Well, hardly, if some other body Isn't standing by. The following we clip from a neighbor- ing excbange it is eyidently original Bad sessed to them Chinese Who send us o'er the seas Such a charming cup o' tea Like Bicbard's 25 cent Tea. We are pleased to see Mrs. Jas. Arnold out a^ain after being an invalid for about eight months. She left this week for Indian River, 0. Q. R., there to visit her son and rusticate for a time. Attention Readers â€" ^Read Benson's adv. this week. It will pay yen to call at the Belfast House for bargains, fresh Groceries, Crockery Glassware, c. Give them a call they will sell you cheaper than any house in town and use you well into the bargain. A chair high enough for one to sit in and use one's arms freely in cooking manipulations is the most sensible yet invented for woman. Neman ever stands to perform any work that he can do in a sitting position. Woman is ever last to accept an easier method. Change of Time. â€" On Monday last the following change took effect in the C. P. R. time table at Markdale station â€" Morning train, going south, 6:55 instead of 6:57 evening train, south, 4:35 in- stead of 4:05 morning train, north, 11:56, same as heretofore eyening train north, 8:56 instead of 9:05. J. W. Speoule, is doing an extensive business in the furniture line, and he well deserves the liberal patronage of the community as he keeps a great yariety of goods in both common and fine lines which would be a credit to more pre- tentious towns, in f af t his stock isremark- able for a country village. The brass band concert this Thurs- day evening in Haskett's Hall promises to be something well worth attending. The boys are making their best efforts not only for their entertainment but from week to week in a likeral supply of music, and are entitled to our sjonpa- thy and support. Serious Accident. â€" Thomas Bradley, of Holland, fell from a building which was being raised on the farm of Mr. Avison on Saturday last, a distance of some twenty feet, receiving serious in- juries. Drs. Halstead, McCullough and Sproule attended him and he is now in a fair way for recoyery. Some means should be adopted to compel owners of cows in our village to keep them off the streets at night. They are liable to congregate during the silent hours and make a raid on the gardens, thus destroying, in a few hours, the work of the season. It is eyident our council are owners of cows or they would have included those bovines in their by-law. Finger Off. â€" On Saturday last while two little boys, sons of Geo. Crow, of this place, were amusing themselyes about a mowing machine in front of one of our implement establishments, the elder turned a wheel to see the kniyes move while the younger, a lad of two years, put his finger in and had it taken off. The garden party in Dr. Spronle's spacions groimds on Wednesday evening next, 18th inst., bids fair to be very largely attended, and we are requested to say that it is verv desirable to come ont earher than is the custom of Mark' dale people on such occasions. It will be pleasant to enjoy games, croquet 3., defore the shades of evening fall, so come early. The band will also be early. Refreshments at 8 o'clock. Admiseion 15 cents. Okanoe Yaixet public school held its annual pioiiic in the school gronnds on Friday last, and it was largely attended by parents and ratepayer-* in the section. The children spent a very enjoyable afteraO(Hi and all were deligbteii with 1^ picnic gfflierally. Dialogaes and I recitations were renderoGl in a very ele- ctable mamuBr aiid the aoiiool showed SBtdoobted indications of good Roreni' «nntby«be to a dmr Ifa. yciaai, and s^bo great aMaelHDent to IfM; Me. J. H. Little, proprietor of the- Owen Sound Advertiser, is to be con- gratulated on the decided improvement in that xaper. Last week it appeared as^a seven column eight page paper, making fifty six columns, and is said to be now the largest weekly in the Dom- inion. Few towns in the proyince, if any, is making such rapid and substan- tial progress and growth as Owen Sound and we compliment Mr. Little in his successful efforts to keep apace with his surroundings. Mes. Rev. David Wileiams, of Walk- erton, paid our village a brief visit last week when on her way, together with her four children, to visit parents and friends in Winnipeg and the north west. The late Rey. D. Wilhams was one of the pioneer preachers of this circuit and his memory is still dear to those who knew him, as also that of his estimable wife. Mrs. W. was very agreeably sur- prised at the growth and prosperity of the place since she resided here some fourteen yealrs ago, and especially with the spacious and handsome new Metho- dist church. Close CALL.^Robert Fawcett, of Eu- phrasia, was driving with horse and buggy on Wednesday, 4th inst., and while crossing the railway between Berkeley and Holland Centre was struck by a passing train. The horse escaped injury the buggy was smashed to atoms and Mr. F. almost killed. He was taken to Dr. Halsted's when it was found that the patient had a rib broken over the heart, was badly bruised about the head and shoulder and otherwise severely shook up. He is, however, improving and will be about shortly. ' FiEE BuG.^-On Sunday morning about four o'clock, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers by the call of fire I when it was discovered the little frame building on the corner of Mill and Queen streets was on fire. The building being wood and very dry there was no chance of staying the firey elements, while but a small share of the contents were saved. Mr. Dundas owned the building while J. J. McEinnpn occupied it as a harness shop. The contents were in- sured for $200, but we understand there was no insurance on the shop. It must have been the work of an incendiary. The shop was somewhat isolated so that no further damage was done. We have just received the copy for Glenelg Voters' List for 1888 from J. S. Black, clerk, and it is as usual a model of neatness. Mr. B. is an exceedingly careful, painstaking official. He inform- ed us this week that he had received an exchange copy of voters' list for every municipality in the county, and that the work done at this office, both as to clear, distinct prmt and binding, was second to none m the whole county. We do not mention this fact boastingly but simply to let our patrons know what competent judges have to say of our work. A Sanitary Convention and Meeting of the Executive Association of Health Officers will be held by invitation of the Mayor and Council at Lindsay, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURS DAY, the 14th, 15th, and 16th of AUG- UST, 1888. As subjects of general in- terest in every city, town, village and hamlet will be discussed and papers pre- sented by eminent scientists, it is hoped that every place will be represented. Lindsay offers special advantages is becoming a railroad centre, a progressive town. Sturgeon point hotel, a delight- ful summer resort is situated afew miles from Lindsay, is easily reached, steam- boats making connections with trains morning and evening. Reduced fares have been arranged on.Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk roads at a fare and a third. Those wishing a pleasant outing should visit Lindsay dozing the cqaven- tion. â- --•' '--â- 'â-  "^â- â- â- =*; ' -^ Jackson to the Fbont with Horse Rakes and Mowers. Every machine guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. Call and get pricer. Get your Insect Powder at The Pop- ular Drug Store. Get your Paris Green at Stephen's Drug Store. Go TO B. B. Clements, the tailor, for neat and nobby white vests. J. G. Anderson wants a quantity of good clean fleese wash wool for' which he is prepared to pay market price in cash. Fifty tons old iron wanted at Mark- dale foundry for which cash will be paid. Fob Sale. â€" Cheap for cash or good paper â€" one democrate wagon, one (Daisy) horse rake, one Fleury plow No. 12, one set team harness nearly new, one •olt rising 3 years old. J. Whitby, Mark- dale. B. B. Clements, the tailor, is turning out handsome fitting suits that suits the gents just great. Try him when ypu want something nobby. For he Salesmen Wanted I Wew England Nurseries, established oyer 30 years. The old reliable nursery; Men with push, energy, good habils, and dean character are what we want. Every chance for success. We can give you good pay and steady^ work. Write for terms to Chase Brothebs' Company, Nurserymen, Colborne, Out. 409-22 There is a good chance for some active and trusty men to secure paying work at once by engaging with Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Rochester N. Y., to sell his warranted nursery stock. He furnishes outfit free and the work is steady. Expences is not required. 409-22. W.OHOWN LEADING Fim bane mMs, wmimn, mowers and KndanilEf) I0 jr. R. Cazwm. JEWELLER •^^m^tA Cir«7* 1 LEAD in amonnt of stocli, and variety of the same. I LEAD in regard to qnality and finish of Jeweller's lines. I LEivD in airount of business done, as trade flows my way for many miles aronnd. I LEAD, because my repntatioa is fixed as a reliable Jeweller. I LEAD in a "special" sense in "prices," testified to by the fact that books show twent j- three watclies sold in May and Jane. I LEAD becansfi the pablie know me to be a practical work- man, tising fine tool* and material. I LEAD in the »pex trade, satis- factorily fitted by myself. 1 LEAD with a selected struck, close prices, and warrants bearing my own name. felegix^hingpnmp'y attended to lAlif PilPERS Oi SME. -! WC\ mm 'I IMlAi^lf«1«, • Ofil* J* f*. ^^^ttatim^^^amtmrnii^^ " '-i?i^

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