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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jul 1888, p. 8

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 â-  â- ?%" i -w^V**- -** -/•V' '9S§^I'^^^^^^""^^ l-.-"^^ • m \,m Wl m:\ I 3 â- â- .* J. F. NAL8TED, M. D. -PHYSICIAN, SUBGEON, C.,- Holland CJ e n t r e- Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Fridav afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-lv. rr- Spx-oule, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOX, T A R- It I !-• i^- Offioeâ€" Manley's Drug Store. I*. IcCvillo«gli« BAREISTER, SOLICITOR, «fcc OFFICEâ€" (^ER McFARLAND'S STORE. MARKDALiE. Mioney to Loan. ' BIASSOM MAISSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, =. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in \ic.kers Rlrick Poulett St. Blanch office in Markdale. over McFarland-s Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S.Masson. W. Masson. jf. B.â€" Private and Companv's funds to invest t from fi to 8 per cent ^^^__ WM. BBOWK. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. R.c. Conveyancmg in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully e^e^^fel. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Instate se euritv. WILLIAM STUART, K1M13EELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rate?. A few iJarms for sale. Terms easy. J.^JMARSHALL, L.D.S. iENTIST, ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, jgjj Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR ^WE^ T OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R- Glenelg, 1 J 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on «asv terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to ^^" â-  J. S. BLACK, 11.0-tf. Pomoua^O MARPArE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsk Prj*\ 13 V/. C. RICHARDS, UILDEU, COXTRACTOil. ARCHI- i-HOT, Markdaie. JR. J. SPROU LE, Fl/aSHEKTON. C.nveviV.icer. AMV.aiMn-, Valuator and Money l.M.-lor' D-e'ls, .Aiovti,'H.i;fS, be;is,-s niid \\ills 1 -au 1 lii. a-.i IValu aiou luadeou shortest notice C ua-i?.s viM-v lov.-. Ain'l.v to K. .T. SPKOriiE, JlMio I^eiiilcr rustiiiaster. Flesherton. T3 SOIieSl TBySTEES. T:\e UM.leisi;;iieil is iiiaiiufncturiug an ex- eoileiit ii.-is.n-tim-!it of (•o^isi-tintiof Sv' OOL SI'^ATS iUHl DiuSKS, T;:.V;:Hi'rUS" SSl\.S. I'tc, of tue latetit il-si-n and most, approved patte.n. llif-'hly f. com-uended iv School ri-.istiM' :nid Tcjich- e-.-^. f-n- f,he.ipti«K-.coiMf n-t and â- â- oiin«!uTi;ess, v.ii-rever tried. A-i assortriu-at of Farm and S'.ihool Bells k-pt alwa.vs on '.and. S.nd tor f (t.iloi(ue to Chatsworth P. O ISl A-^DREW MrftlLL. I I^AT'TTl B\^3ER, KIA'KDAIE- Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders sold only in cans, Eoyal Bakisg Powder Co.. 106 WaU St.. N. Y. MBMITESI W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants of all who favor him with their custom, in Me- Nally's establishment, opposiSe the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. ^MAKKDALE CARRIAGE-:- WORKS, Oouatr OoaaaU. R. McNally, praciical mannfacturei Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything in the hne. The best ma- terial used and fi is c class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and TrlRimlns: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. tS" Stand opposite the Markdale House, R. M'NALLY. (Concladed from last week'e Times.) Thubsday Mobning. The Council met at 10 a.m., pursu-. act to adjournment from yesterday. The following were read Semi- annual report of South Grey School Inspector bill of costs from Masson Masson re case Judge Macpherson vs. Co. Grey communication from School Inspector West Grey. Keport No. 1 of Finance committee was presented, and considered in com- mittee of the whole. After passing certain clauses, the committee rose, and asked leave to sit again. The Council adjourned till 3 p.m. Thubsday Aftebnoon. .\s I :ii!i now â- !! a )i.s-tio»- to do Hair (â- -.'.U'-iL' Si.iiviiii; ShaiU!.oo'!T n'ld -ill work ;•• my l"i;e. I as! a shuv -f nidi.- p'troii^ij:"' T ii!)!,*.' a .sp^'cirt ly o* R 7,n. â- â€¢ d S.-is it s'lar-i iiiiig. T,:ii-'s' "ii C lildirc" shiii-cTit- tiii-.' .io;ii' 1. ti r-' Hss stvlo. riu 1) nearly oi|t.j(;te tiie RfANi.vKi' nlhtM. â- AE^Y MAN' Vvho is Weak. Nervous, Debilitated, ^hoiahia Folly and Ignorance has Tri- fled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, cansing exbaostiiig drains upon the Fountains of Life. Headache, Bacltache, Dreadful Dreams, Wealcness of Memory, Bashfuiness ia Society, Pimpiea upon the Face and all ths Effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption cr Insanity, wul find la onr epeciflc No. 23 a Positive Cure, it imparts Youthful Vfgor restores the Vital POWOF dd and young, strengthens and invigorates the Brdln and Nerves, bnilds up the mnsenlax system and arouBWinto aeticn tlM whole physicsl tssgrgs at tba hwaan tram*. With onr ^teeifie mo. as tba most obstinate ease esn be earad In tiiree months, and xeeeBt ones in leas than tiiisto days. Each package eontnlns two jta^ treair ment. Price M. Cnw G uimintned Oar OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember we mannf aetnre and ue the afila proprietors of the f oUowing specialties, and that they can be had from no other sonree. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Correspondence strictly confidential. Consultation upon all chronic disease invited, NO CHARGE except for medicines. All Roods sent Beonxe from obaecva- tion. Toronto Medicine Co., TocoBtOb Oat. HAIR COLORINO Black, Dark Brovn, Medium Brown, Ctaeetnat^ liight Chestnut, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde Cendree. Bend sample of hair when ordering, nice. 93. per bottle. Toronto Medicine Go, TOILET REQUISITES In ordering please specify which yon veqnirB we guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Ko 8 Imparts to the skin the color and freshness of maidenhood; faamuessandeannot be detected. $1.25. No.9BemoTe8 wxinUes. tS. No. 10 Be- moves Iiiver Siwts. 91.95. No. 11 BeAovee Fleell Worms, ( No. IS Bemoves Freckles. $1.35. No. 13 Removes Pimples. •1.8B. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. 91.35. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. 93. No. IS Bemoves Pockmarks. 99. No. 17 Bemoves undue Prespiration. 91.85. No. 18 An absolute unfailing specific for the retention develmiment or restor. atiMi of the Bahr. 91.26. ToroDW Medicine Co. tfle No. a« is en intalHble €kit»far tU PriWt* Diseases nn nuM« »1mhw 4ons •land* Ills. Bold .- «9oet-s Oi MM«ft THE BUST Ko. 19 Is a eombined internal and eztemsl treatment which speedily deveiopes ' or restores the female bast to the propo rti ons of volnptaons nature. Is entirely harmless and oerteln in re- snlts. Price 99i Toronto Medlrtnn CA TocootOk WOMEN'SILLS No. 90 A certain cure tor LeneomhcML or WhitsM Falling of the Womb, Ulcerattons Painful Men- Btruation. â- ^Beadng down Pains" sad all Diseases and Weakneases peenllar to females. ii!i«A/^,pn^ by the highest mediesl MtOiodtles is sn "oa- rivalled" remedy. Price •Sperbottts, SonBto Medicine Co., Toronto, OaL FRENCH REOULATiON PILLS Far superior to Bigot. Vaiuiy, Pemnrroyal Oxide. Knde wed I ^MiettiouBsndeonsaisB nsatbemMONTHIfT. Mefsr CUL Baif INSllBB BBOUXtABIT^PleasAaad: Price 99 Toranto MedlrinsOo., REURALOM ♦ Can be evndlqrntfui flis*Js lAo • The Council again went into com- mittee of the whole on report of f'in- auce committee, and made some amendment respecting rating of per- sonal property in certain municipali- ties. The report provided for raising County expenditure, amounting lo $28,050, requiring a rate of one mill on the dollar on equalized assessment of the various municipalities that the Treasurer be instructed to place to the credit of those municipalities whose personal properties are rated at 6 per cent, a sum equal to the amount over- paid by them under By-law 361, such sum to be taken from accumulated funds under Bylaw 174 and that an application of the Kefive of CoUing- wood for a loan of $3,000, be granted. On motion to adopt the report, an ameiidmeut by Messrs. Cochrane and Gilray, that a uniform rate of 6 per cent, be addt d to the valuation of all the real estate of the County in Ueu of personal property, was lost on a di- vision by 20 lo 26. Another amendment by Messrs. Chisholm and Whitelaw, that §50 be added to the Finance report to assist the Owen Sound and Grey Poultry Association, as a grant for next wint- er's exhibition, was also lost. A third amendm£nt of Messrs. Mc- Farlaud and Oldham, that tlie assess- ment of the Village of Markdale on personal property be reduced 8 per cent, was lost. A fourth amendment by Messrs. Thompson and Smelser, that all the municipalities in the County be asses- sed at 6 per cent, on personal property was also lost. The motion to adopt the report was then carried. By-law 370 to levy a rate to meet the current expenses of the County for the fiscal year 1889, was intro- duced. Bylaw 871 to levy a rate to pay sinking fund and interest under By- law 174, was also introduced. By-laws 870 and 371 were read a second time. Mr. Miller ^ave notice he would uiove for a graut of $50 for the (). tJ. iind Grey Poultry Association and Mr, Totten gave notice he would move lor a grant of $50 for repairing two bridges on County line of Grey and Bruce. On motion of Messrs. Bowes and Miller, the opinion of James Masson, Esq., with regard to Collectors to col- lect taxes was ordered to be printed in the June minutes. Moved by Mr. Bowes, seconded by Mr. Bowes, That this Council after having seen the Lamout road-grading machine at work, express our satisfac- tion with the quality of the work done by it, believing that the system of road-making by machinery as shown by Mr. Wright, will reduce the cost of rjad-makirig about seventy-five per cent, and make a better class of road tliut m a very short time will do away the unsatisfactory statute labor system of the present day. It is there- fore with pleasure, we recommend the Lamout road grading machine to the several muoicipalities of this County and our country geu»'rally.â€" Crtrried. Dr. Christoe ga-'e nt)ticR ti;at he wouM apply fur a grant of $50 to as- sist m tiie form.'ition of a Poultry As- sociatiim for Fleshenon. A million by Mhssis. Cochrnue and Thompson, that the Waitlcn ohfiiiu a leijal n])iuiou in referenco to the recsnt i Act fxempwiirg live stuck lr.m taxa tion, -as to wju'ther it aflfects assess- meuts made and revised duiing the prt sent year, was lost. Tiie Coiiiioii adj'tuined till 2 p. m. on Fridav. FuiLAt Aftebsoon. ' A comuiunication was read tr^m Mr. MeEuight. asking that tlie system of stream heating be exwuded to U.gis- try Office ami also drawing atteuiioo to the poor furniKhiup ff Hie oflSce. Rej-ort of Befool Insp^jctor. West t Grey, respecting Btanding of teachers, was also read rIso reiwrtg of lioad Bridge, Onunty ProperVy andPiintini/ cqramittees.. â-  ** line between Osprey and Artemeeia, a committee be appointed to examine and report at next session as to the necessity and practicability of opening said road tliat regarding application of Reeve of Sullivan for $300 to build three bridges on Cbuntv Ime, between Sullivan, Arran and Elderslie the sum of $250 be granted also recommend- ing application of Reeve of Keppel for $50 to repair bridges on County line, between Keppel and Amabel. The report of County Property com- mittee was then considered in com- mittee. The first clause regretted the con- dition of the insane in the gaol, but could suggest no remedy, more than what provision has been made by the Government â€" Passed. The necond clause referred to the sidered and filled up ia 00^11^"' repignation of Miss Clark, and to her adopted. "*1 the places to be locatfu^y ter of Education. "^•lEl The ameudment wasl»i report adopted. "" Hii ^\ Report No. 1 of Pn^ti^ recommending payment of ' counts, was passed. The report of CountvPm,^ mittee whs again coi^J?^ mittee. A clause, ren^? ""»* tiouoftheJ«dge.'and^'ithe„ he be given original roor""' pied by Mr. luglig, ^^^ report was then adopted By-law 872. for the purpo^.^ ating payment of thei' the several mumcipalities w^^^? duced and read first and J!'" By-laws 370,871 and 372 faithful services for so many years. The clause was amended by a motion to present $100 to Miss Clark in token of the Council's recognition of her long and valued services. Clause passed. A number of clauses were passed respecting improvements â€" the ineffici- ency of the boiler to heat the Court House and premises creating a good deal of discussionâ€" the decision being that a larger boiler be obtained of suf- ficient capacity to heat the Court House and Registry office. A clause was also passed, recom- mending that new residence be erect- ed for the Governor of the gaol. The committee rose and reported progress, and asked leave to sit again. A deputation consisting of Drs. C. E. Barnhart, McCuUough and Den- hart then addressed the Council, ask- ing grant towards the erection of a County Hospital. Dr. Barnhart desired the Council to take into their consideration the ques- tion of establishing a County Hospital in Owen Sound. The institution was a much needed one. He stated certain legacies had been left for such an in- stitution, and asked the Council to take the initiative in the matter and if it was known to be a county hospi- tal, application could be made to Gov- ernment for a grant towards the man agement thereof. He referred to the fact that the gaol had of neces sity been used as a hospital sick persons without friends or means be- ing sent there under the vagrant law. If an hospital were erected here, the sick could be provided for at less cost, and the town would probably grant a complement, if the County Council should see fit to grant $1,000 or more. He urged them to take action in the matter for the sake. of suffering hu- manity. Dr.* McCuUough said an hospital was a great want of this section of country. Patients were sent to To- ronto, who could be attended to here just as well. It was a mistake to sup- pose the cost would be greater for at- tendance on the sick. It was the cus- tom for physicians to give their servi- ces gratuitously to such institutions. It was objectionable to liave the prison used as an hospital. A grant could be obtained from the Government for an hospital, and it would be a benefit not only to Owen Sound, but to outlying districts. All the county physicians could be in a Board. Charity and benevolence should be extended to suffering ones. All physicians have lost patients in hotels for want of proper attention. He said they had no selfish motive in urging the grant, as theygave their services free. Dr. Denhart endorsed the views of Dr. McCuUough. Persons sometimes die in hotels like dogs for want of care and attention. He would be happy to give his services, and to give some- thing himself towards such an institu- tion if needed. After some discussion on the ques- tion, most of the members thinking the matter had better be inquired into making a grant for an hospital, a m«)tiou was passed that a special committee should be ballotted for to consider the matter and report to- iiiornw morning. Two other motions rfcRpejting the matter were lost. On a btiilut being taken, Messrs. Christoe, Moffat, Caultield, Lang and Andrews A committee of fivo werp „„ to meet Hchool I„specl fS East, and South Grey, asri! ' in report of Education commS^, The Councd adjourned till 9 o'cte Saturday morning. Saturday Mornins. Report No. 2 of Finance Coinffi.y was read, recommending thatauj of judgement and costs in case J Macpherson vs. Couutv be port adopted. Report of Road and Bridge Col mittee, recommending grant of M for bridge between Normanbj J Carrick, also a grant of $50 to i3 an equivalent from Wellington make passable a portion of pLil. between Normanby and Minto,wji| passed. Report of Committee on Memoti respecting memorial from WellJ regarding haying law repealed givjJ power to municipalities to grant boih| uses, was not adopted Tlie special committee to conaJi the advisability of granting $1000 wards establishing a County Hospit presented their report, which wi adopted. -The committee reportjl| that while they were m accord n the principle of the matter, yet kk\ absence of general data by which tl could be guided, they thought tlKi| would be derelict in their dutyai presentatives wer6 they to recomni( the grant without a positive gnatanl that the county would not be calls upon to assume the Uability of mA taining the liospital. They thereM recommended that longer time H granted, so that better information the subject could be obtained, how the intorests of the county y be best protected in the matter. A motion by the Reeves of Gleci and Markdale for grant to erect hand-rail on floating bridge over len's sink-hole was lost.' A motion by Messrs, Miller Read, for a grant of §50 for the Owi Sound and Grey Poultiy Assomti^: was also lost. ,u A motion that revised staai should be procured for Reeves f I Deputies; and a motion tba j| Charles Barnhart be appointed As^ ant Jail Surgeon, without salary. we«| lost. Mr. Shute gave notice that sinkholewasmadangerouscoit* The Council adjourned tiUMondiJ| the 8rd December. Kollaad CooncU. The Council m'^tHoUandg on25thinst.,asaCourofB^v.0 Members all present. A " u^,.. appeals were entered, and Jie J ing reductions were mi^e- ^A estate-Wm. Muf'^^^^H ihn^| Featherstone, f^iw p^'j^^^ioOifil Pnce, ' were chosen. The Council "i^fe-s^i^:fS:SS^iS^ S®M#S went into committee report of County Property committee. The Committee rose and CouucU adjourned tUl 8 p. m. FBiDASf Evening. The Reeve of Eaphrasia presented report No. 2 of Education, which was (viusidered in committee of the whole, and passed withont amendment. The report recommended amongst nlUer matters that reports of School XuHpfcCtors be pnnted, and that respect- ing petition of Meatcrd, aikiug estab- lishment of High School at Meaford. no action be tajtun, report re- (kt motion f« adoption, aaNameod- U^l^^â„¢'"""*^"^*^^*?^^ meftt WW move* LyMeews: i^e» ki rfgai^ fart4«im.g«p«tt««. of tawu «id Bead, tiM^^m^^^^^ $100 bergh,$300; Carson 'â€"jkW, Ptdomy, $150 Eobt. Pn^ *^l John Love. $50; H.W. NOW. j^^ John f th^'i^^^i.S-Arcbie'T"' Sutherland. Jr.. $20ii j^gt. $200; J. Henderson, $iy^^|3jft McCloud,$50;W J.Me^P„„j Jas. Edmunds, $50 jm^ jjOJ; $50. JohaBurnsider^^.^redif on chatties af f h° ^c^ort »i- ed on stock $100 The jonrned to the 5th July- Colliaffwood stationing DUO^ ^n The stationing com Toronto Couf^renceoMB„ts I church have arrangedjb^J ^i folhws in the Co Jg' j^,ie J ColUngwood-Jo8 P^^ Cjo^'^l drcuit-J.J.F«'f^l,i„„4on.^,J Thornbury-C^- " ^jen; 3*tiii' Heathcoto--W-H 2--E- s,m Paul Flint. ^I«f Jpert^.n-^SH AndrewArrnBt.-ong-^J^B.A.(J Vincent-G.W.KF^r.J"»-r ford.) ^Ia^rH'ieril^^V| TIm^ report of Road iiridge coiit ltt« ti^ adopted. Tins. reiH»rt re- iBittee. bnry more â€" John Maxwe- jj hampton-W.J. J^^J ^„o„ed ,:^| _.J. Foster, 9«P^V (}.S^JI Avening--^ ^»if Vifke"?- c K« „ Thorn** " W. Stevenson, a" jj^, Bupernamerary .^j^»» Bichard Grose, J- *• at Chth year.â€" X -FOB- ice Teas, Tokc ^lOE SUGARS. BIISINS, GURRm ^NED GOOOS, COKFEGTIONERY, [EADQTJABTEl FOR- â€" \ockerySL G/assm tiiua Tea Setts, Dinner let S-tts, the finest stock to in Markdale. We will sc dsin this Hue cheaper by than any other houhC Dty. (oYisiODS, ProYisi FLOUR FEEC Ljvery doscription same pvic the mill. \m CLEAR BACON, Choice SUGAR CURED J Juet received a ton of V Itmeal, Owen Sound, (fresh) bur Liquor Store is woll »h best brands of Liquors c bcription. rOBBEKS IN CIG^ tve us a call. |. H. BENSON C Belfast ARGAlNi BARCAir -AT- IBUSSEL] IotedI J IwelIry I Pleshert( In Watches, Clocks, Jewel jtacles and Silverware for jof Jute, before movinj piemisce. I *J^**** American Waltha from $8.90 to $20.00, regu I %hich were from $11.50 t I J*"P'***8, EflarmgB, Broocl j^«eklet8, rednced 26 PSR CEI "Cotne aloncr and secure **eeUent bargains before j iP^'w, positively for the JHonthof June !*^ for « perfect job alwt vatch repairs, §»989irs Noted Jew --â- â-  -i^W]

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