.r*' ;-'X1i^:^^.:J ^^^^^^^'"'*^^**'^fll'PM^PV!9P'" .-â- -.1. :*«,'tJJs*F*-.Tâ€" 'â- ?" â- ' jfOTE AND COMMENT. The rival editors of Mitchell have |jjj tbe otlier committed for trial fiibel. One fauny thing about it rhat all the trouble grew out of an ,:jle beaded "Brotherly Love" A.n- r.j. funuy thing is that man trained "lieftspaper work cauuot get all *be .j,{rt3tion they want out of their ^.] columns without setting a bad liinipleof going to law. No man ;, be greatly injured in a community jjtre be is well known by any ncWb- I ,,,.er statement, unless it is true. _-Ibe Republican candidate for the itiou of President of the United I ;ites is general Benjamin Harrison iXortbBeut, Ohio, a grandson of lieneral William Henry Harrison, who I MS elected President in 1«40, and I jji a soldier and statesman of con- â- iierable renown. He is descended I ;r,j;ji tbe followers of Oliver Cromwell, j^e of Ills grandfathers having parti- I ciuated iu the trial of Charles first and I iii.vuJg sigued the death warrant of tiiiit monarch, for which he was after- ivards banged. The President general h II man ot considerable abiUty as a ;:atesman, an elder in the Presbyte- iiiiu cburch and a Sunday school teach- er. Tbe candidates for the vice-Presi aucy is Levi P. Morton, who is de- .-.eiided from George Morton, one of ;hc Puritan fathers, and is a son of thft late Rev Daniel Morton of Ver- mout. He is a member of the bank- ;!jg bouse of Morton, Bliss Co., of Nuw York. â- ORUQ STORE. POPULAff DRUG m 'ILL TO THS FROm SPECTFULLY. u. STEPHEi e now on hand a full ,()ck of alt kinds auJ gm ruRK, bought for cash ft fc reliable f.-uis in JauaP .u-pose doing business on ash basis which will piiH ti.)u to sell at a small advij ind tliereby give uiy snstwl )enefit. I shall esteem i aveyoiiill -and look throiif ESTABLISH IWEKT" you require anjthing m )t, and I feel confideut )e delighted with and sur 2 quality and cheapness is.â€"Upholstered W^} department I h^ejj"' ,k of all kinda of f«» ,s and all orde^ jj^. ,t and careful fttteim hearse in counectoD. •al Instrumf; handle the c«l«^^J achiues which ^*J^^^ itin a* }f\,_ujch«i«4 grades to.'U.t^!^ keep in ^^^ fi^^S ^„,hs, »°" /?: witb "^i be attended to ^^^^ 'ith manyjTili»»« iaonage^w;*l,rice3»1 ling to men'" M a r k d a 1 E CURE FACTORY FOR SCRATCHES ON Iffl^ES/ CURE For Scratches on Horses riesuerton. m Mercm still keeps climbing up and -will soon be stand- ing on its tip-toes. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn tint Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, HoUoi Battons, FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in every department, â- would now respectluUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sises, on band. Plain and Fancy Turning done, Carefui Attention to Ortfes from a Distance. 803 â- :;â- :.; â- •.: ^;•^:-^:â- /•.: :.v THOS- ]VIcIVJS^. -AT- FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES STEPHEN S COUGH HmiC Tbe best compound of Tar and Honey in, the World for reUeviag coughs, it acts as au instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't foiget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will rehevo hooping cough when other medicines com- pletply fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store^ E.Li. STEPHEN, MARKDALE.- Handanl Correspondence, At the last regular ni'^eting of i; oval Templars of Temperance in this Mlhme the subject of having a deleg- iito from this Lodge at the great rrohibitiou convention to he held iu â- J')i.treal this week was dincustied \.ii2n the Kfiv. J. W. ShiJtou, M, A., 01 this village was unamiousiy elected tj press the gams ami causes of pro- Libitiou at, that gr. at couveution. Lie Hoyals hbro iiie. to be cougratul- ulcI on having such a number, so wtll tqnippeii thoroughly competent 1 1 discuss the vital questions of the d;i\ foi- their representation as that luiuiJ m the person of Rev. Mr. Siiiltou. He left here lor Montreal iiv tlie early train ou Monday morn- iii;,' last. The anniversary services of the riesbjtedan church here will be con '.ucted iu the Presbjtenau church lii-xt Sabbath. Tiie church session Las beeu fortunate in securing tht .--TTiee oftbe liev. W. A. Hunter M. A., of OniugeviUe who has been call. 1 1 to the pastorate of tiie late llev â- 1 'liuSiuita'schuich 'Erskine' churcli i'louto, Mr. Hunter will (D. V.) tiuich at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Uu tiie eve ol departure from our luuist of Jobu Golden Esq., who has i itii a very active worker in the cause â- i'eiuperauce in connection with the l.nyal Templars iiere, at the regular u.Letiufi; of Templars on Tuesday eve- i-ii'ig last Mr. Gordon was presented V'iih a very kiudlj worded address KiiJ purse in token of estt-ein and P'od will of his brothers and sisters litre. Two of our townsmen R. J. Sproule '":d J. Blackburn attended a gather- i'-;? of the masonic craft in Owen b 'Und last week. Miss Gordon, Miss. Gautin. E. K. 11 eiiardson and others of our village 'â- ok in tlie excursion on the lake from "'feu Sound on Monday last. Dominion "Day passed off quietly "It pleasantly in our yillage. In tlie tveviiug a very plesant and enjoyable jjirden party under the auspices of the i'^hes Aid (Methodist) was held on tiie 1 eHiuifui grounds surrounding J. W. 'Uistron's palatial dwelUng, Messrs. "rrincrron and Aikerihead of Toiorto 'â- ilivned the proceedings with seleo- 'i'iis on piano and violin. Tbere l^t^ie about 300 people ou the grounds "^d the evenings entertainment was "•ipartntly eiij..Yedbyall. ^!r. \V. Irwin, our public S'diool I'lucipal, is absent this week, having J-""!! en^rtgpd as examiner at the en- '/•uwc^aiuiuiitiou held this week in ^-irliam I,i bis absduce E. K. Rich " SOD will take charge of the school here. McFarland's are climbing down, down, down, and are now flWAY^] piLowj Jm^ Cream Seersuckers slaughtered at 7c., old price 10c. One case Ladies fash- ionable Hats just open- ed your choice for 40c old price 75c. to $1.25. Lovely Lawn Mus- lins in spots and spreys lie, sold in city at 15c. 700 yards charming Twilled Sateen Prints, all new, just opened, 11 cents. Another big drive in Ladies' Misses and Children's Hose. A grand line of Pari- sols only 40c. (lace). Opening out this week new oriental Laces,one case direct importa- tions. A few more of those Cretones at 10 cents left. Bargains all through July. See that you make no mistake but go direct to the only Importing house doing business in Markdale. W. J. MoFARLAND, IMPORIER. Mve SIGHT Mywk Sljlisli ai FasUe Qolliij to hand, which we purpose selling FOR CASH prices which wlU astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargains.- (||H|0|M|E|)JhMdK |B|0|0|f|MN|DMH|0|^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure bargains, WM. BROWN. A Positive Cyre. FairJess Cure. FACTS rOB MEN" OF ALL AGES. DISEj£.SES or MATT. THE G1£S^..1T KSE^MjTBM MtHJ^'EtrEMl, Msrvel of Healing, and Knhinoorof Medicines, tbe leirrible consequences of Indiacretloilt ExpOMure and Ovcrwvrk. -HTOTJOiTO-, 3^vd:TPX)T .-Ri-.A.Gi gP -AJInTID OXjTD Ji^SEUT Who are brokeu down from the effects of u.buso wUl find in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, orgaiiic weakness, invoiuutary vital losses, et«. Stmptoms for which No. 8 SHoni^u bu U.sed. â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listleasness and inability to fix the sittention on a particular subject, cowai-dice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, sper. matorrhoea, or loss of the seminal fluid â€" the result of self-abuse or marital excess â€" impo- tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams «tc., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. In short, tliu spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientifio writers and the RUierintendents of insane asylums unite in iiBcribiug to tbe effects of eelf-abnse tbe great majority of wasted lives which conie und^r ttieir notice. If you are inrxnipetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjo^ents of life. No. '8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vieor end strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, tbe result of ignorance and folly, send your address and lO cents In stamps 'for M. V. Lubon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed -nd secure from observation. Address all communications to M. T. I.UBOjr. 47 Wellinicton St. £., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a (oor$ paradise. CURES CUARANTEEO. HEAL THE SICK. 3TRAYED. â- •'F" "•'^i^'^fi- premises of the subscriber j, " "â- ^^â- 'l steer, two years old. 'on or about â- '« lij Owibn- is ruiinired to prove property («v two years •^^poustj, ajiil take away the steer. ^^PHN It. IJAINBS. P5 EH o P4 iif$lM)*t f.,0.. :-i J^^^i^^^^iiv M O P m' 4^ o (D c6 A Permanent Cure. *h A Pleasant Cura diaeM»a|fli»kidiieys, i MKOat Medicatep Electr ic MUlestoa for an diMaMO of the blood and bm VDOB styatem. Ladiea' Belt M for female eeia MriatattbaaiMoqael. Mena'BeltMkeaaiMBedl Battaod SBapenaofytaL CURES ^^^iii wnt aa ions, Bte. TiM Only appliancte«| hm a diraoftQurnnf of EMotrloir mm paitB. ° Cam^be. wam tdfiit jxt d of tsBDialeaeeM. pains fa SPiS%KSe2 HSal Moaett dveeea, tnapweiet wm a lHi a THi i t ' BLLNTDISTESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles. 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA, ^AND 18 JEWI. STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND R. JU. Steplien's, CHEMIST DRUGGIST, M'^i'daie. S^^^^ Agency for the sale of the above in MAKKDALE. No Spectacles iu the Marketeciual them lu the EYE PKESEKVING QUALITIES they possess, or the GKEAT EASE and COJl- FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the tyes tiiat it does not become necessary to chance tjggi^^r^any years. They are therefore the Carley's Healirie; Oil will relieve scratches on horses in tvvo or three applications, or price refunded. Follow tbe directions ou bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply tbe OJ. If animal requiries any medicine to pnt it into condition use the JJeiby Blood Purifyer.' p flHDlflN p flCiFJG R, ff. TIME TABLE.. â€" IVIsn'kclale J?tation^ â€" GoiNo South. tioiKO NOKTH. 6.57 a. m. ll.oGp 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p, m 6 PiJE CENT, Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interest. Apply to It. J. SPKOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. IT A WELL mmn fact â- â€" -THAT- â€" McCOLL'S "LARDINE" is the be-^t known, and most reliable ^I^cHlNK Oil iu tho Dominioi] p'arin- «r'K, Tiir( slioi's. aud Mill Owiiiii'o, will fiuU it decidf=dly to iiieir advantage to insist iipou getting the "Genuine Lardme" when tlj^.v nek for ir, owing ti so irinch iulenor oil being sold un- der tl»e tiaine inupe liy nnscni]|juk U3. dc-aiers. We are the sole ni.arulaetwr- f-rs of the "Genuine Laidine" barrel branded. eveiy McCOLL BEO'S, CO. For Ra'e in MarMale at Haskett Br-'s Harlware Store S85-421 '^^XTiii s tcd.a.axt THE TAILOR, IK prtpa -fd to make your clothes neat and Jrm, 1 'I h a sr 1 asl ion Plates alwa ou hand t, ch e 'n m. tm.i.ii er, ovi r McFarlands Stere, Jlikdal' 1811 tbatdreftd twror, a disease ao long baffling edenee and tbe moat stilled pb^skjaiis, wbo knew of hotiiiog to anastt notbuig'to allevi- ate. notUag to enxa Nowitia BO longer an inenrkbla snalady even i^ok gtrea no bj ieisiia..bealtb oan'yet be feand in OCk. iT, it bests and soothes tbe mem- bgnane of iheTiBngs. inflamed and'peZsoned bjreravagea o( Sua USX dhnaie. aad.pie- *enta the ii^t aweata andttightpess aorpa*, tine dice* which aeeon n' aay it. CURES CUAHANtEW â- Pii "•'"s: "1 â- " iy k-*,. :il iM' m f\ vl ^fefrfeai-cfi;.-:.: