^JJ^'^SXT E^^xi^-»g.^iifeyfeM:-^iy^^ 1^^^^^^ -^-;'Â¥; ^-â- ^ ' -•^^^^"l?^- -.-7^ Jt^ f! ?i a "••iS (niairSdafSt anbat^ O. W. Bntledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JULY 5, 1888 DOMINION DAY. kud enlivened proceedings by seleo- tions, end altogether it was one of the best garden partjys yet giyen. Fro- eeeds $89.40. The 1st of Jaly falling on Sunday, the following day was observed as a holiday, and as there was no public celebration at home our citizens be- took themselves in companies of from two to a score or more bent on a day's jollification and went in various direc- tions, leaving the village sadly desert- ed. The weather was dehgbtful, tho' the roads were very dusty, and the outing was doubtless much enjoyed by each and all. A very pleasant and sociable day was spent by a happy company at Bell's Lake. There was Msh enough in the party to supply wit youth to give it vivacity and age to season with gravity. When Markdale assumes civic proportions, when a few of difficulties our winters are growing nature's freaks are overcome by art, J severe, or rather we are acqairin(r means and cakada attains heb hajobttt. We oogfat to bd pnmd of oar coontiy. It is great in extent, rieh in nstnral resoaroes, attractiye to the immigrant, inhabited by a free, a happy and a prosperons people. We tonch three oceans and border on a great and mighty nation that is well disposed to- wards OS, and equally interested with ns in the maintenance of peace on this Ctmtinent, the avoidence of war and the support of an army and navy for police pnrposes on^. Europe is a vast armed camp eveiy man a soldier women forced to do the work in the field while the husband and son are wasting their time and energy in barracks and on parade grounds. We do not always appre- ciate the blessing, the inestimable blessmg of peace like that which reigns throughout America. We have good laws, well ad- ministered. Oar courts are pure and on the whole just in their verdicts. Religion is free and opinion untrammeled. Our climate is wholesome and conductive to the growth of a healthy, thrifty and hardy race.- Science and invention are fast overcoming our natural when the mosquitoes and sun-fish re fuse to bite, Bell's Lake will undoubt- edly become our pleasure resort. The short drive, too, over the corduroy, to a philosopher, has its bright sides our John, however, though one horse did get there a few minutes belore the otber one did, was remarkably skilful with the reins he accomplished the feat of throwing the rig around on the road without requiring the fence to be removed. If his fneuds wish any further information respecting his abilities in this line we respectfully refer them to the Eeeve. Tho day was however thoroughly enjoyed in cruis- ing about the lake in Moffat's pleasure yacht. A goodly number attended the pic- nic under the auspices of the I. 0. G. T. to Kimberley. For real gorgeous sight- seeing in the shape of mountain and glen, landscape and rocks, this district is unsurpassed if equalled in Ontario. The company had a pleasant drive, ate a hearty picnic dinner in a beautiful grove in the suburbs of this romantic and cosy village, after which 1 nearly all struck out for the top of the rock on the east which is about one and a half miles distant and five hun- dred feet higher than the bed of the river at Kimberley. After an hour and a half exhaustive toil climbing over craggy rocks, through thick and brushy forest, and battling with the mynads of mosquitoes the ascent was accomplished and the summit reached; here the fatigued pleaRure-eeekers were more than rewarded for their pains on reaching the pinnacle in the grandeur of the scenery. The valley winding about north and south with farm houses, cultivated fields and an occasional piece of wooded land, the mountain side clothed in rich foliage, the blue waters of the Georgian Bay on the north-east and the precipice in front, being a perpendicular decent ot several hundred feet; altogethdr the view was enchanting, invigorating and elevating ti) the mind. Tlie party re- turned home safe and sound, weary and yet pleased with their day's ex- periences to dream the following night of the wonders and beauties of the works of nature. Another jovial company took in Eu- genia, and we are informed they too were successful in having their cup of enjoyment filled to the brim. Their trip is said to have abounded with aniusiug and interesting incidents quite too numerous to mention. Their gratification -^^as satisfied in the thrill- ing views of landscape mountain and glen as seen from the mountain at Kimberley and a'so the renowned Eugenia Falls. The home trip was made pleasant and amusing by the antics of certain members of the com pany, all returning pleased with their trip and glad they had cone methods that are steadily reducing their severity good roads, railways everywhere • splendid canals and a creditable inland mar- ine. Look at our whole system of education colleges for the traimng of our doctors, ministers, teachers, dinggists, schools of art, of veterinary science, of agriculture. Most of these things obtained within the past twenty-one vears, within the memory of all. What shall it be twenty-one years hence Oreater by far than you or I dare prophesy. We shall be mighty, prosperous, and let us hope most of all strong in what constitutes true national greatness. Do you then as Canadians young and old. man and woman, think well of this our country. Teach your children to h6nor their own country, to be proud of it, to main- tain its freedom, iis pnvileges and its good name. Teach them that there is no land like our land and no skies like ours. Teach them to be true to theii- country and proud that they are Canadians. And if we ought to think well of our country we ought still more to think well of I our forefathers from whom wo derived all I the blessings of peace and good government I that we enjoy, and who gained in one generation and another all these glorious rights and privileges that we hold dear. We venerate the memory of our forefathers who in the old land struggled for us and be- queathed us a heritage of freedom, a wealth of literature, and traditions that are the glory ofusaU. We can never repay them for what they have done foi us. But we can at least nand down the trust we got from them to oar 3hildren unimpaired, and let us hope somewhat improyed. And if we pay a word of respect to the memory of our ancestors across sea, whether English, Irish or Scotch, still more ought we to venerate the memory of our forefathers who came a weary voyage across the ocean, toDed up the St. Lawrence, or came long distances from the colonies to the south of us, and, takiug their way through the wilderness, settled ia the bush cleared the land, built houses for themselves, •started their little churches, and their schools and finally left us the smiling country that we see around us. A.nd Jlot only did thev clear the land for us. but they secured and vindicated for us and for themselves great political priyileges. They now lie at rest beneath the sod the graves of many of them we do not even know but their work is an imperishable monument, and as times lengthens so will their renown, and poets yet unborn wiU sing the glories and the peaceful deeds of our iirst settlers and theu- settle- ments. And if we ought to be proud of our country and venerate the memory of our ancestors, we ought also to respect, to cherish, our women. We cannot do too much for our wives, our daughters and oar mothers. They are, perhaps, the weaker sex but as someone has finely observed, they are the frail vessels that bear the stream of humanity frcm geneiatipn to generation. At the pre sent momei;t we have t.JIT HAMLETS OMB STORE, MANLEY'S Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only 75cts' MANLEY'S Throat (fcLung Syrup. For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 25c and (1.00. MANLEY'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLEY'S G-ood Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, price 25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Nothing better, price 25C' MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts. Scalds, |Burns, SoreSr and Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters. For Bad Blood, and Skin Dif:eases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil The only positively, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try it â€" price 25 cents MANLEY'S Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for loss of Appetite, Weakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, very nice to taste easily digested and highl useful in wasting diseases, as Consum}tion, Bronchits, Chronic, Coldsi etc., per $1.00 big bottle. PawDee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Vesetable Blood pnrif yer and Tonic. It acts on the Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation and Dispepsia, a cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes 3 pints bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line. STEPI Dm STom HELLEBORE! 11. STEPHIN' om sm\ trUI 'S ZDieXTG- MABKDALE. J HAMILTON, THE 'EOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture iraming done with neatness and dispatch. Then come awa, both old and young, And dinna lose nae time s- f; In getting pictures for your friends. For Hamilton takes them fine. STEPHEMl DRUG STORE, TN£ popuuR Dm sa STILL TO THS YOUS RESPECTFULLY, R.L.STEPHE1 EXCELSIOR WAREROOmh -«â- »- nWSitVEMUTEO WSTBUIIfllV » noble example of u,ii XI our ^oâ„¢enhood before the eyes of the whola btill auother. and one of tlie jolliest ' world in the person of the Empress vLIortl! just bereaved of her husband, the Emperor Frederick. She has fiKured before the world as an incessant worker for the impiovement of htsr sax, for the diffusion of art and know- ledge among the poor, as a model mother, most of all as a deifoted wife. But it Ih not Hm OnrtMl DisMvMy ol is. ORIEHTAL CATARRN WPOSSIBU UNDER ITS MFUIEME She only eatanh remedy ever offered to fbe pnblia aa 15 dayt Wall • wittten ffoaraDtee given wHta each inatrament, W. X. Boa OOb 186 Qneea Street Wan, Toronto, Ont. ACTIHA THE 8REAT ETE ANO LUIMI RESTORER tonota â- NNadM or â- digutfas MtoR or pmntor ball, bat â- ^â- , " 'aiallhe " ting Vapor, euOvand j^eaMDtly vplied at aU honn, tbnaa and ^«e«b Aefin N«. 2.â€" Quickly MUerc* and iboK»^y ourw aU Sbnat and Long diseaMB. ,iMm No. 8.-^c«itfv«ly emrea aU dinaoeo of the date d Ky»-Ud» Inflamed Byoo, naor aod far i^gix. TOa^iCT D WH giB diOgM ). Tbm AosBKi. n aoxiD iniDiB oub wbiiti i cruburib oh 15 sixfl raxLL. Bnglon Btuom fm baadumely fflnotoatod botdc and taealfli Joonul. W.S.BABB*oa.UiQiMon8traot Wort, SwoBtok Oat I have now on band a faij varied stock of all kinds auJ .of FuRNiTUBB, bouglit for Msli the most reliable firms in audi purpose -• doiujr basiuea I strictlv cash basis which will f\ m a positi.)u to sell atasiuiilAiJ on cost and tliereby give iny :ii^ ers the benefit. I shall estoaj lavortohavey)UMll'a"(iI'»^'n MY ESTABLISIIMEWf whether you require anjtbiDS "â- ' line ornot, and Ifeel mUf you-will be delighted with ands ed at the quality and clie-" my goods.â€" Upbolstered specialty. OatanetChna xhb Bm of the lot. was the young people who picnieed in McDuffie's grove adjoining the village. This was given out of respect for visiting acquaintances from T .ronto. Th-y also had an exceed- ingly sociable and f-njoyable day. Another lo;id went 'to tho Sauble â- whore a cflebratiou was in progrf((. We unilerslftud they also returned ifc same dav right end up with care. Thnre may have been other picnics lilt if Fo we havt be^n unable to ascer- tain. The day coucluih'd with a grand carden party in tlie spacious grounds mider the auspices ojf the Church of England. This was largely attended, the mHna»?ement most coramendable and a v-rv enjnyAHiA iame xpeut I in pahwefi only .hat fnr noble women are to be found. Wherever Kngliah is spoken lou will find noble tjpe of womanhood, and there is no measure of reial standing as a nation BO safe and tr.e as t'lat of its treatmeut of women. Honor your women, lessen their burUens, love them. ohnish them. And lastly ei ev«ryone think well of his callirg whatever it may be Here in Canadtt mast of us are bu-raers. Let ns do what m can to imurovtt the oundition of the farmer. Much has be«m done uineb stiU rsmains MOiVKYto X^O^klS. Private and Company's funds to Invest in Real Bstate at ourret rates of interest. VABMB SOB SAU3 AVD TO BSBTT. All business private an^ eonfidential. Apprais- « for Oauada Permaneut lioan and Savincs Company, Toronto. ' 0f»*___ JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. C. A. McBRlbErM7~D7, L. R. C. P. S. EDINBUKGH, Offiice at Stephen's Drug Siore. Iate of the Iondon Hospital, England. DiSSQLUTinN OF FARTNERSHiP "VfOnCE is hereby ghr*a that the part- X^ uer.ship heretofore subsisting between no, tUu undersigned, as tuidcrtakers PLASTERER AND STONE MASON MAEKDALE. Is preiared to take contracts in town or country. Calcimining and Whitewashing done also. MORTGAGE SALE Valuable ffiin Property â€"IN THEâ€" " TOWNSHIP OF_EUPHRAMA. ir„^ °S.^,1-^y ^i-^J^^^wwUl be off^to general dealers in furnimra and wusicil in â- the vl,*^^!"' 4'""" ^^ »«»»?« 'oWe. Ksq.. at atriunents in the villa«* of Ma^kd^ W r!u\^^^^"'.S°^S" l^ ^f yi^Lot%^7i„u. beeiitia. day dissolved bx mutual ct7Be4 to be pud to James W. Sproule at Mark are Mariidale OB Saturday, the 7th day of Jnlv, hour of two o'clock fa i laffooi ,A.D.1888,atthe :e afternoon the foUow- i«i|vainable land and p«^i^^^ aintlf^^fi^"*^^ *o* nnmber twelve in tho ,w...«„v...,„,„V£Vs£rSSCr5f:^ In this department I have j; plete^toekof al^^^;"„ll furnishings and all orie" my prompt and careful »2„ first class hearse in counecj^ Musical lnstruflij"j I also handle the Organs and the fa^J ,,1 Sewing Machme9ffh.oh'n»J^ on Exhibition a* !f-^ prices and grades to^•aIt« Picture Frai 1 shall keepinstoc* line of fmm^s, an-^ ' ^^c" orders, will be attended to^^t* neHs and despatch »^_„^if With ma"?,.'^! l*" p nld be desir^, tlie e»td}le8 in yet got to go tite^ine r«ad. And then m iibnirdanceand A 1 w qnatitv, tiie bar ' °**" '^^'^i '^^^ """ life th^ is room for^ 19. rffrothUients exceHetfr «aid th^widten) V^'^mcnt in many ifip»««ri« jf we w«re «i^U.»fe the ba«ae«....Xw ^^ .f»^*?5'^»'VP"*!«?M«^ 8 IwauviitjiMV it^iioii. -: ii-it- fc- ii^ ^JL- 1888^ JWstoav^nable PKwertv aitui^te about six „- -, with good exoenent tarmiug locality. «r M uaoi0B^olta, AuctioiMer, Uai^- prices. »»ii'" â€" «bii- proseut P»»""*^Jf.irf«*l ceived and hopiug Df ' jflCff" pquare dealwg to meni the same. ^y^.' jIOTE AND COMMENT, ^^e riVa! editors of Mitche liBd the other committed fi nibdt Oue fnuny thing at j all trouble grew out I^e headed "Brotherly Love faouy thing is that man 1 Hiewspaper work caunot get Astion they want out o ^columns without setting ^mpleof going to law. N I be greatly inj ured in a com bere he is well known by auj iiper statement, unless it istn _The Bepublican candidate "sjtion af President of the States is general Benjamin B North Bent, Ohio, a grauc general William Henry Harrisi I elected President in Ib^ ras a soldier and siatesmau ^iderable renown. He is de: cm the followers of Oliver Cr Le of his grandfathers having bipated in the trial of Charles i Laying signed the death war hat monarch, for which he wi yards hanged. The President bs a man ot considerable abilit etatesman, an elder in the P liiau church and a Sunday scho( jer. The- candidates lor the vie [dency is Levi P. Morton, wh( ceuded from Oeorge Morton, [the Puritan fathers, and is a [the late Bev Daniel Morton jmout. He is a member of tfa [iDg house of Morton, Bliss [New York. °v ' ' Flesuerton. Standard Correspandence. At Ihe last regular ra'^( Royal Templars of Temperauc villat^e the subject of haviug ate from this Lodge at tb Prohibition convention to be Moi.treal this week was c when the Kev. J. W. Shiltoii of this village was unamiousi to press the gaiuu and causes hibition at that gr- m coi The Boyals here mh to be ci ated on having tsuch a nm well equipped thorougiily c to discuhs the vital question day for their representation found in the person of i Shilton^ He left liere tor by the early train ou Mouds ing last. The anniversary service Presbyterian church here wi ducted in the Presbytenai next Sabbath. The chuic has been fortunate iu sec service of the Rev. W. A. H A., of Orangeville wiio has 1 ed to the pastorate of tiie John Smith's church 'i:^rbkii: Toronto, Mr. Hunter will preach at 11 a. m. and 6:8( On the eve ot departure midst of John Gordon Esq. betn a very active worker i| 01 Temperance in counectic lioyai Templars here, at til Uieeting of Templars ou Tuj uing last Mr. Gordon wasf With a \ery kindlj wnrdei and purse in token of e\ good will of his brothers here. Two of our townsmen R J pud J. Blackburn attendet iug of the masonic craft Sound last week. Miss Gordon, Mies. Gai Piichardson and others of i twok m tlie excursion ou til -Owen Sound on Monday l\ â- *' Dominion Day passed but pleasantly iu our yillal evening a very plesant ani garden party under the auJ I'adieg Aid Methodist iwasj -beautiful grounds surrouii AiTnstron's palatiai dwellil Torrington and Aikenheaf *iJliToed the proceedings «*n8 on piano and viJ •ere about 300 people on *ud the evenings eutertJ •rparently enjoyed by a!lj Mr. W. Irwin, onr pi Prmcipal, is absent this \\| »e«!i togttgfd as examine{ c ?***«« e^aminntiou held â- •: .Uorham In his absduce V J^D will take charge u ^TRAYE! t'uSk^ l»tei ftp. premises of ^^W,t TtA. st$«r. two year ol ^^5S Uwupfiti reinired ti)| t exfieuaes and take aw«y ^UN B. Bi SlS?\ii«iCJ^*^%iSBiS^tia " £!;.i: 'i^MA