.^ ::â- "•'â- i=;sr-: .^:.-i^ â- .V. â- â- 'â- •-^;'k" -•: !^!5^'^^. v^.' " SliP'^T re fast. '*^»«»'lB,| -Haven't you any ^ia^f r 8 name 8tamp«d\u^ fc look very wST •^*»L em-but nobody win,,, i^l '*•" I bequeath evwydoD-l J«.you got that dSr*' t. " On condition tiirt A. .year." •â- • t why inaiat upon that?" It. Because 1 wiat •»» that I died." ^*" r-" You are of aw now. veyouaUttle pofated idM keep money. Youâ€"" Bonâ€" " But wouldn't ft b, vise me how to get it " y'as a Little Vexed. ye know that I'm a little I nmona " led, Arthur, old boy f low I pride myself on my fere at the piano. " rS Lg and then go home," I ght." 1 she say " m't you go home first "' " IS. I tell you I'm a little e Didn't Strike. don't you strike " lid I do that for 1" too hard for the i up half the day, sur." make that appear." spends the otiier half of rthe Waltz- [rather plab)â€" " Oh, Mr. press to you how indebtad lire of that waltz." ishing to be nleasant)â€" it. Miss Whirling. I'm vas all on your side." Lght Se Could- )o you think, Mr. FilkuM, iport my daughter in the is accustomed f anâ€"" I think I oonld if oard with you." Overdose. I't look weU, Robiawj ny have you smoked I one you gave B» »•â- * rs EnougL I to be a sister to him. coldly, but said that h« cers- ur pson," said the girl, n only child." «ded "I •»«J*il 1 as you offer to d«» â- *" oor. 'reference. "^^ .g more lovely taJiW; ,hewenton,iiji^«jjjJ is there anvthing " ,bont yon tluMi • *« ,re like this!" ^^ Irathwr haveajW**' cen reply. ^^ r dreadful! *•** urrot?" »^-iht» fHAT WILL TOTJBET ' Of lerieal Waoen I** r.i!». ..u^rio waoen the name is legfam, and Ofl**^"^Toadly divided to two Â¥i ^those which are aimplv idiotic and """which are either thonghtlen or delib- *°*i« miachievous or cruel. We ezdnde,. '^rit all consideration of sporting bets "fTthe extraordinary doctrinal wager ^V^ by Pascal, which was to pit an f\^v^ finite against an unascertained ••^^Amowc wagerswhich may beranktd I "^eharmless but foolish category is that J f! county gentleman near Shrewsbury, I h betted that he had the handsomest in the kingdom, and backed his opinion j^ !he rtake of a large estate. He won V iraeer and a picture is still extant in the rjjlymansio^ Mf ASUBING OF THE LEGS f rhe diifferent competitors, although we "L jot informed who was the arbiter as to t! i^mparative elegance of the contending Lbs. circumference of calf was to be ^evted as a standard of handsomeness the bet should of right have been won by a gentle- Lj of Daniel Lambert's build. Then there ^ie bet decided in 1806 in the Castle Y»rd York, between two gentlemen as to .hicn should succeed in assuming the most singular and original character. One :ompetitor appeared with his hat, j(a:, and waistcoat profusely adorned ^tii bank notes of various denominations, jnd a puwe of gold in one hand. His rival fjs dressed on one side like a fashionable lady, with a silk stocking and slipper, and one half of his face painted. On the other ade be assumed THE GUISE OF A MALE NEGRO vitb a top boot and spur. The wise men of York anamimously decided that the eentle- gun plastered with Abraham Newland's promises to pay had won the wagerâ€" it is ilvays 8«fe to be on the side of the party vitb plenty of money. Among the most ex- traragant and the most senseless bets ever made was that made by a fanatic for "Wiikes and Liberty," who, when the Government had seized the notorious Num- ber 45 of the north Briton, undertook for a certain sum, and within a preposterously sbor: space of time, to eat five and forty beefsteaks and drink fiveand forty pots of strong beer. It is not recorded whether this political enthusiast came off victorious or died of apoplexy. There is one exceptional bet the fotUity of which is relieved by its sly bamcr. It is that of the indiridnal who staked a considerable sum, not on the credu- lity but on the caution of mankind. He betted that he would stand for A WHOLE DAY ON LONDON BRIDGE with a tray full of sovereigns fresh from the Mint, and be unable to find a purchaser for tbem at a penny a piece. There he stood from norn to dewy eve, and he did not dis- pose of one sovereign. The occurrence took place late in the reign of George 111,, audit la edifying to reflect what a vast number of yocog men from the country there must have been at the period in question, who were to the fall as wary as the Joseph of the celebrat- ed masic-haU ballad, and were not to be "go: over" by the iviles of Metropolitan de- ceivers. At the same time, we should cer- tainly not advise any gentleman flush of cash aud cf a sporting turn of mind to try the experiment again with a trayful of Jubilee sorerei^ns on the bridge which Sir John Rennie built, or indeed on any one of the Metrcpolitan bridges. He might find more purchasers than would suit his convenience. Blizzards- I suppose the bare mention of the word "Manitoba" inEurope or the States, immedi- ately suggests the word "blizzard." If a town m Dakota or Illinois is whisked away, the devouring monster rushed down from Mmitoba, where it was born and bred This sad land is the cradle of the entire merciless brood of hurricanes, cyclones, tor- nadoes, bliizards and water-spouts The only big commotion we don't orginate is the earthquake J In fact the " qu^e " is here too. All right enough but the crust is frozen so solid that it can't be cracked in which case what can the " quake " aforesaid do bn; make a subterranean dash for Charle- itonor Italy, and there shout out? Yes, WIS is :he very headquarters of all the at- mospherical outbursts which periodically Make ;he continent. A taller lie never grew. Our Northwest knows nothing of blizzards or cyclones. In oTe years I have not seen one. What are oommcnly called blizzards here, are simply herce snow storms. They differ from an Ottawa storm chiefly in being built of stronger winds and less snow. I ought to recognize Mr. Blizzard at sightâ€" 1 was once introduced to nim away down in Nebraska. I have not yet met him here. Why, in a genuine bliz- zard, eyes, ears, and all the senses are simply JMless. Get out twenty yards from your house and it becomes a "toss up" whether you come back alive. You might as well be none bUnd. The central characteristic of Me true blizzard is thisâ€" the furious blasts â- ^m to como from all sides, yes, above and oeiow too at once. Heaven and earth chum ^ether in one chaotic epitome of all the Mnluuons. Caught in the snowy maelstrom, » man knows where he is and what is the ""tter with him, just about as much as does PMn of wheat among the cogs of a thresher. ^Wfiaica Journal, Ma. Stswe ia Florida. spMkiqg of Mis. Hanfat Beae^ Stowi aad her FlMida Immm, a^ The stole of ik» titteriw is luitiisr liten- 17, rel^{knls, artistic, nor nml, bat a seen- Uar oombinittioB oi aU four, whiohMa hm- uj trait. Prominent in the stndy, in a niche between two windows, stan^ a ^• tnre of Henrr Ward Beeoher, so lazge, so strong, so life-like, t^t it seems as if he were tiie host, standing ready to entertain the goests of his sister. Many fine paintini(s of a semi-religions cast cover tiie walla, and by the old masters. Her boek-shelvea are ranged in the walls, not hanging ontnde them or in casee^ and flowers in tlie greatest pn^ndon fill every nook and comer. Bine pervades the f nrnisUn^ the Venus de Milo, the Madonna and Child, and the Duke and DnchesB oi Argyll keep each other mate company throngh the long un- broken stillness whicn bespeaks the fre- quent absences of the gontle hostess, for die is a great outdoor woman, and may be seen taking her walks, step by step, tfairongh the trees these beautiful June mornings, her plain black dtess covered with dandelion down, her hands filled with flowers, and her thin, dark face, browned by constant ex- posure, framed in loose gray locks and black bonnet neither peaceful nor troubled, but waiting. The dim gray eyes light up in conversa- tion, and some sparks come from between the pale lips, now and again, that impress one with what must have been. Her man- ners have a more kindly than courteous air, and are tinted with the grace of modem as well as old-time customs. Her hearing is wonderfully acute, and her intelligence glides along side by fide with her gnests, whom she receives with the air of an old traveler hailing a young one from some for- eign part â€" neither curious nor interested, but forbearing. Business Only. First Party (strictly business, to friend who rejoins him after speaking to an ac- quantance. " What old case is that " Other. Old case 1 Why, he's one of our most distinguished Ornithologists he â€" " First Party. " Orniâ€" Oh yes, one of them bug fellow?." Other, " No, no birds. Has one of the rarest collections in the country." First Party. "Advise him to unload. They say that the women are 'going to stop wearing biids on their hate." A Fioos Distinction, Brother Simpson {examining a neighbor's horse behind the church sheds). " I ain't a- tryin' to work up no boss trade on the holy Sab'th. 'Tain't my style o' doin' business. Sunday's for relig'ous dooties. But I say, if you'll bring that thar mare o' youm round to morrer mbmin' I'll swap even, and throw in that old ram o' mine. I wiU. I swan I will 1" Lonseem An Enand to Make a Boy Son. Mini8ter(takfa)g seat at table)-Y( R!al!°* °* breath, Bobby. cobbyâ€" Yes, sir just before dinner was on ma said she was afraid one pie put Tie Ba]d[ tf 7M6. Pbocxkdihos of' tmk- Aa^ae Ovsmmai. Mwrmto or thb Smokhousbs, Ww-n OK WSDHIESDAT, 90XH JmTB, 1888. The umual RCBwia meeter of the BHikof Toronto (being fibetUnr-aMOodrioot ft* commeMMiart aC barinc8ik«m«bsId.biparraaBoe of tlie tenia of flie dwrtw, at dw baaUnr honaa A ttie iaaUtaUon tn Tbnnto, oo JuneSOUi, 1888. Onma*iona«o«gaaooderiiaiii,EMi..waaoaIIad to the ohidr, and Mr. Contoon waa xequeatad to act aa Seccatarr. Moved by Henry Cawthia. Baq.. aacondad by W. B. Wadawoctli, Efq.. and Beaolvad, 1!bat Naaars. T. O. Blackstock andAUred Gooderiiain be appointed ScmtiBeefa. and tbat at tha cloae of the poa tbay leport to the Caahier the namea of the Rentlemcn elected Direotora of the Bank for the year." By lequeakof the Ofaaimao the Seotetaiy then read the following BEPORT. The Directoiaof the Bank of Toronto have pleainre in sabmittinK to the StockhoMer« a statement show- ing the reralta of the operatiODS of the Bank tor the past year. The budneaa of the Bank haa been well maintained during the year, both at the Head Office and Branches and although circnmstances rendered it deairable to ketp the taaerve of available aaaets at a larger figure tor, !^ ,* 00 enough, so she told me to run """"l the comer to the baker's for a nnther. A Change of Treatment. ^^°°»g Sissy (to Crowley's gaurdian)â€" Aw *n« do you give Mr. Crowley when he '^•acold, aw! ^HMdian-When if s not serions, sir, I ^^'lum flaxseed tea. ^.^o^ng Sissyâ€" Aw, I don't beUeve in that di? °' treatment, awâ€" flaxseed tea nevah rJ'"'i»nâ€" Thatso? Then I won't g^ve ^fwleyanymoreofit An Extended Experience, J^]^ a well-known diemlat, premiti me to ytnat Putnam's Painless Com ^ztaraotor rj^rtails. It makes no B«e spots In the rr; "nd oenseqnently ii ^i^dwh IHmt J^fcrget to get Patiim's^5orafclw«ter, lor sale 1^ medidnedeaknerarywhMre. than nsoal, the profits realized are anch aa ttte Direct- 8 believe wUl be aatistactoiy to the Stockholdeia. Tour Directors have aatisf action in reportiog a con^ rhldi hu been org believe wUl Tour Directo] siderable ram recovered from debts wl written off in previous years, whioh with the surplus profits, has eDabled them to add 9100,000 to the Beet. The following is a sommafy of the leaults of the transactiona of the Bank for the year :â€" The balance at credit of Profit and Loss on 3l8t May, 1887, was.. 20,034 32 Net profit for the year, after making full provision for all loaaee and deducting expena- ea, interest accrued on de- 50 its and rebate on current iacoonts, amount to the sum of (260,460 55 Amount recovered trim debts written oS in previous years 30.0CO 00 290,460 53 1310,614 87 This (ums has been appropria'ed as follows :â€" Dividend No. 64, tour percent.) 80,000 00 Dividend No. 64, f gur per cent. 80 000 00 Bonus of two per cent 40,000 00 $200,000 00 Added to Best Account $100,000 00 Carried forward to next year.. 10,514 87 110,514 87 $310,514 87 Since last annual meeting branches of the Bank have been opened at London, PetroUa and Oanan- cque, and the business done at these places has fully met the expectations of the Board. The various officers of the Bank have fulfilled their respective duties' to the satisfavtion of the Board. The whole respectfully submitted. (Signed), GEOBGE OOODERHAH. President. GENERAL STATEMENT. Slsi Mat, 1888. Liabilities. Notes in circulation 987,659 00 Deposits bearing in- terest 3,946,073 28 Deposits not bearing interest 1,4!4,794 89 Balance due to other banks ' Unclaimed dividends S 144 00 Half yearly dividends and bonuses pay- able iBt June, 1SS8. 120,000 00 5.370,868 17 201,633 09 120,144 OD "Doubting Thomases." remarked an eminent divine, " must exist in ratio to the too credulous " The habit of cautiousness is not, as a general thing, in- born, but is the result of a naturally gener- ous and confiding nature repeatedly victim- ized by the cunning and crafty. So the many disappointments, and often injurious e£fectB, arising from the use of various vaunted remedies, have induced an undue cautiousness, and, in many cases, entire abandonment of the use of any. We call attention to the remedies of Dr. B. Y. Pierce, of Buffalo, which physicians are employing in their practice with the most beneficial results. His "Golden Medical Discovery," for diseases of the lungs and kidneys, heart affections, fever and ague, dropsy, and ail diseases of the blood, has never failed when put to the test. Justice was ordained from the foundations of the world and will last with the world and longer. •• That's What My Wife Says." " How are all the folks " asked Brown of Jones. " All well, except my wife," said Jones. " I'm worried abaut her, She tires out so easily she complains of a backache about aU the time, and she is so low-spirited thai she don'tseem like herself atalL' " My dear fellow," interrupted Brown, " I'll tell you exactly what she needs. My wife had the very same symptons a few months ago, but to-day she is the healthiest woman in toirn. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cured her, and it will cure Mrs. Jones, too. There's nothing on earth like it for the complaints to which the weaker sex are liable. That's what my wife says, and she knows." Guarantee to give satidaction in every case, or money returned, printed bn bottie wrapper. Nature preaches cheerfulness in her saddest moods; she covers even forgotten graves with flowers. Are you bilious and dyspeptic 1 Does your liver sluggh seem Is your dumber often broken By a hideous, nightmare dream Friend, be wise The Pleasant Pellets Made by Dr. Pierce procure. And theyll bring yon back the sunshine Of good health, ou may be sure. Those who occupy the highest stations often think with regret of some pleasanter one they left below. Consumption Snrely Cnred. To IBS Bdrob -.â€"Please inform your readers tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dia- eaae. By its timely use thouaands of hopdeas eases have been permanently onred. I abalf be ^ad to send two bonlea of my remedy ran to anr of your readera who hare consumptiOB if they win sand In heir ezpreaa and P. O. addreaa Beapeottnlly, Da. T. A. Sloccm, S7 Tooge 81, Toronto, Ont. Thoughts shut up want air, and spoil, like bales unopened to the sun. Whenever your Btomaob or Bowals gat out of 01 der.oaaslnarBlUoaaBaas. Dymaia, or UtOlgmMm and thdrmandant STila, take u oaoa a dose of Di Oaiaon'a Stomaoh Btttata. Beat famfly madiotae An Dfunrlsla. n oant*. A i^vate boxâ€" The sentry's. Hun I Oounu Ouu ourea In one minuta. Mourning Envelopesâ€" Dr es sing -gowns. PaoDlawhoBreanbJoallobad btaatfe. fool eoaled be raUoTsd hy wtag Dr. Oanon Wpa sa r ajB IM^ thaoUaadtHadtaaadv. Aak v«a« Ihrnnlsk Bill ot the playâ€" HOI Shakespeare. QoHuianHAiaBBawBaraanM RWH bair to Us aatonl color and ptwreBls fauiaf 001 Wh^ Deacon Pbgram visited tlie tlieatr* fac tiie first tbne he waa greatiy shocked at tiM ballet for a little wBl*. Ha thoi^t better of It after a tioM, bowemr, and W- f^to ibsLP.. "Mui^if'^vfBi. rn anowy«i,*»*»y» Total liabilities to the public... Capital paid up $2,000,0 00 Rest 1,350,000 00 Interest ac- crued on deposit receipts, S3S,C76 00 Rebate on notes dis- counted, 66,829 00 $6,689,304 £6 Balance ot Profit and Loss account car- ried forward ... 104,896 00 10.514 87 3.465,410 87 $10,145,715 13 » Assets. srooin on hand $232,233 55 Eominion notes on hand 869,433 00 Notes and cheques of other banks 193,421 68 Balance due from other banks in Canada 56,055 33 Balance due from agents of the Bank in Great Britain 108,038 33 Balances due from agents of the Bank in the United States 274,281 14 Municipal debentures 150,14112 Total assets immediately available $1,883,604 20 Loans and bills dis- counted $8,196,006 15 Overdue debts, secured Overdue debts not speci- ally aecured (eatimated loss provided tor) Mortgages on retu estate sold by the Bank $4,629 61 Real estate other than bank premi- ses 6.'643 62 2,233 94 2,392 61 11,278 23 Bank premises. 8,212,110 93 60,000 00 w ooold have ntida' „ thakfaidamtoMMo'assnaadslisooia- ^L WBoIdB't «• dxaar Hm loDn 1 WVd v^ oat tlwfr obnoli debt qnloksr^ flntt r $10,145,715 13 (Si;rned) D. COULSON, Cashier. After the Heading of the above, it waa moved by George GooderhSm, Esq., seconded by William H. Beat^. Esq., and Besolved, That the report of the Directora. which has just been read, be adopted and printed for dis- tribution amongst the Stockholders. Moved by Hon. J. B. Qowan, eeconded by I. G. Blackstook, Esq., and Resirfved, That the thanks of the Stockholders are due and are hereby tendered to the President, Vice President and Directora for their attention to the in- terests ot the Bank during the past year. Moved by Henry Covert, Esq., seconded by W. B. Wadsworth, Esq., and Resolved, That the poll be now opened for the election of Directors for the year, and continue open until two o'clock to-day, nnleaa a period of five inin- ntes ahaU elapse, during which no vote is tendered, when the Scrutineers may deolare it cloaed. The Scrutineers subsequentlr reported that the following I amed gentlemen were uiumimoosly elect- ed Directors for the year Oao. GooDiRnui, Albc T Fcltos, Wm. fl. Bbattt, Hinrt Cotsri, Himtr Cawihba, W. B. Waoswouih, Wm. Gao. GoovBBHAM. The new BMrd met the tame afiemoon, when George Goodediam, Esq,, was nnanimoua^ elected President, and Wm. H. Beatty. Esq., Vice Preddent. ' By order cf the Board, (Signed). D. COULSON Caahier. A. P. 404 CANOES. Send for HL Catalogue. wn. KH«Usn, Keterbore, Oat. P ATCm C ' Saleâ€" muhnrted dasn^ttra OaS- B. CSnunfaarila, lonMto. â- UKBS W *• Ni Proetratiea, Nenreus Manralgia, Nanrons ^•akaasa. Stomach and Liver Oiacaaca, Rhenniatiam, Djrspcpaia, aad all affections of tha Kidaays. WEAK NERVES PAiHsrs3zLKBT CoMFouKn Is a NeTTs Toola which never fUIa. Gohtalninc Celery and Coca, those wondeiftil stimulants, tt speed* ily cures all nervous diaordeia. RHEUMATISM Paib^s CnuoiT CoMPotnc p purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Bheumatism, and restores the blood, making organs to a healthy condition. The true reme^ fbr Bheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS FAntnTB Cklebt Compound quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative poorer combined with its nerve tonics, makea it tha best reme^ fat all kidney compUanta, DYSPEPSIA Paiki's Cxlebt Cohfoumd strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paihx's Celebt COMFouifs is not a Catha» tlo. It is a laxative, giving easy and lutoral actkm to the bowels. Begularity a.urdiy M- lowsitsuse. Becommended by professional and buainaaB men. Send for book. IttcefLOO. SoIdbyDmggiats. WELLSi RICHARDSON CO.. Ptaiyil Montreal, Qua CHKE fAWWtllMMIIIIS OF MAinXOBA. yHwNss Isiiii eaOorwittatoCUI. AMi^Blo^ miaSt, Wtaalyag; tnmiahod tree of qhaiga. aad astitan atsfcbicsalaatiaa. Xonr to hUM at o inlanal tn Nervous Debility. DB. OBATB Speoiflo haa boaa nsadfwttapMl anaaa yaan, with gtsat soooaaa, in tfas liaataaail ot nervona debility, aad aB diaaaiss aiialflc traaa as eaases. over-woifced bialo, loaa of Ttiallty, rtnglac la the ears, palliation, elo. Vor sale by all draggMi, Price, $1 per box. or a bona tor |Ek or wm ho aa at man oa laeetpl Ot pries. PampUal oa applleatlaa. THE GRAY MEDIOINB 00., Tocoata. PATENTS procured. Patent Attorneys and experts. Esfdise?. Donald CBIdoat A C«.,';;?aMate. ANY FARMER WHO DRAGS BISWIE^outto the bam to hold bags must be too mean to buy the "Dandy " Patent Bi^ Holder, which will last a lifetime, and ooets only 75e. Sold by agents. Terri- tory stiU open. C. W. ALLEN CO., "World" Building, Toronto. Toronto Cutting 8ehoal.â€" Scientific and relia- ble systems taught, whereby stylish, perfeot- fittang gannents are produced. Cutters having trou- ble should secure my systems and ensure future suo- cess. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system taught separate. A rare chance for young men to acquire a lucrative profession. S. COBRIOAN, Prop., 122 Yonge Street. Terms on application. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIEST APPLYDTG, WHILE THEY LAST- Wc will send by mail an ap- propriate eift to each maiden. wife, mother or cookâ€" one to a fcimily â€" who will try the BREADMAKEa'S BaKINO POWOEI Cut the red circle from the label and send it ih a letter statin? honest opinion after fnirtml. Eitiier a5, lOorSS cer.t size will secure the gift. Any jjrocer or storekeeper kno w .s Av here to get i t i f asked for by you. â€" Adaress â€" CHUECHILL CO.. TORONTO AGENTS! AGENTS! flllD AOrUTC Magnifloent Parallel Bible. UUn AuCnlo Withrow'a Popular "History of Canada," Ooue^'s "Platform Echoes," Dordiester's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " Living Words," "The Obttage Physioian," UAIfC MfillCV Gougha "Sunlight and IflAIVC IllUnCf Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popu lar Books I Uberal Terma 1 Write for droulaia^ terms, etc., to William Buoss, Publisher. Toronto. SAULTER BROS., Felt and Cravel 23 ADELAIDE E.. TOJIONTO. Estimates given. Country work a specialty. Roofers. Safes FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF, and Vault Doors, kept constantly in stock. A number of Second-hand Safes at low prices. J, J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. OF THE BIBLEâ€" By Charlss FoBiBR. Profusely illustrated â€"Sales Marvellous â€" Nearly 400,000. Send 91.60 for a copy, and go to work. Agents wanted. Address, A. O. WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard Tract Depository, Toronto Story WESTEKV MACHINERY DEPOT FtlENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from. Send for Lists. H. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont, BEATER LINE of STEAMSHIPS. â€" Saiuno Wssklt Bnwasnâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $10. $50 and |60. Betum $80, $00 9U0. Intermediate, $30: Steerage $20. Apply ti H. E. MURRAY, Genl. Manager, 1 Custom House Square. MONTREAL. Bicycles 8ecoadHaad Blcjeles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in ApriL MONTREAL. GUEIiPlI Baatacas College, Gcelph, Out.â€" Tliis popular Institution, now in its 4th year, ia doing a grand work for the education ot young men and women in those branches, a knowledge of which is so essential to the intelligent and ancoosfnl management of practical altairs. Ita graduates are everywhere giving signal proof of the thoronghnea of tiieir traming, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of its course of study. The Fourth Annual Ciroular, giving full information wil be mailed free. Addreea M. MAcCoancK, Principal. KNITnilGSSSSS.£S£lllACHINES WORK ^,^ LUUSM yafaiaSa AABns WAmn over the eaUre ominfcwi. .Adrtiaaa«l».B.FEBBW, [87 Cfeardk Btrce^ Tuasta. Lowest Sates â- â- AiinfTOliOAJlonlteaM. LowestBatea H.WILLIiW$«a£fSIOIIf{B ^Pa|W,- t « Uke nlth^ THE TOROHTO SILVER PLATE CO â€"Manufacturers of the High Grade ofâ€" SILVER-PUTED WARES. TRADE MARK. FACTORIES AND SALESROOM 420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO E.a. 600DEBHAM, Manager. J. C COPP, Sec.-Treas. WlialeyoyceftGo., S8S Toace Mrect* Taiaata. The CheHMst Plaoa la Canada for BAND INSTRUMtNTS New and Seoond na4 Agents for "BE880N ud^HIQHAM Band and Orchestia MUSIC. Beptdring ot Band la stmmente a apeciaity. Send for Catalogue, THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP GIL'S SPECIAL BUdP RETUiWliAP. OetebfatedBaa- oqpk Inspbrator. jtrareahanraAotfaaiaMe B»«ta(tfa«biJaetQr. iVHorriaonAutaniatlc a^t Head Lubricate. j^budaeai^ k Ftmtb- •fS^BmiaUeo of avnv clragaw. n*n AMatdsSklli; fMUXBBO Allan LiiiB Royal Hail SteamsMpi Sailing during winter from Portland everyThnesday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum* mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calUng at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland \cA Ireland also from Baltimore, via Bali' tax an^ St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the OlaS' gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Poriland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sunt, mer lietween Glasgow and Montreal weekly Glaagow and Boston weeUy, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Cunard ft Oo. Halifax Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomp son ft Co., St John, N. B.; Allen ft Co., Chicago Love ft Alden, New York H. BonrUer, Toronto: Allans, Rae ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Philadal. phia H. A Allen. Portland. Boston. Montreal WAKKEK BUTTER WORKEB8-Stofe« Keepers and others engaged in Butter busi' nesBwiil save time and money by investing. Three sizes. Prices on application. JAS. PABK ft SON, TOKORTO. MAY BLOODS n siaod tiung llrontSe 1HS Oraalaa»INs, ooraiy ot lh( Dtaca fM BBSS* BOVWL tODUnaaBuiOih ^taDdKaanOoa. LriiauRS. A PaifsM Blood PnriHer. A tow I Hamtlton liha hsTS Bhenalltad bytii Mis.M.KeauHb Robert St, ooisa Bryslpelaa of t«« ArS'staadhigjBohl. tmeU. 24 South n.. 'iter onred otiB, Tits atte lb sufferlngj Jsa* BtamlL SfiValaal oured ot Weak. John Wood. 96 Cathoart BL, ou.-ed ot Liver Oomplalnt and BIHonsneas, nssd oaly B flfty-oent botUes: Mrs. J. BeaL 6 AngnalB at, tronued tor yeara with Nerrons nastiMioa, tws smaUbotUei gave her great ralial. 8aldat60o.fta. r. r. ALLIT ft oa. Piepilates. inMn I sarOraaldonotnwsa BMcely 10 â- top fliem tor atiine. and then haTathMBBr Inn aRSln. Z ioav â-² BADIGAlb OOBST XmB, EPl£EPS7or FALUVG aGKIIBS8» AmiBlOHgBtndy. I WABBASTinytemsdf to ODBftte worst Msea. Beeanae oOmslSno Wledisno reason fornot Bowreeetflncacnnk SsndatoneeforattaatfsaaadftSBulBc fit my ZBVAxxjsasBnmnr, CttvaS MtriostOTBea, It aosts yoa mo^ tilal»3olit wflI«aramo. MiOnuT ihfcttjk»ocR^Pmat, awrtstOrtb- 40 cat arodtoMatastfts jBaataadiafceiBstead ilMah Is i jpexfiBct 1 .^:i... Ml ;- -y- m\i ljii#i*^- If tons and fbyaiaar the sBBHatv «iB he aaoiasdL â- %:i^^;^^),: â- ^ '"' ^^ii^iir-ii'f N^ifto^