â- .â- â- â- ':.^^"""""':^' â- â- ' l»* ' 'â- fi â- vi^ 6 r -li '*H J. F. HALSTED, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUBOKON, C., JH. olland (Jentve- Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and ^Friday afternoon from one to f onr o'clock. 390-ly. Ors. Spfoule Brodle PHYSICIANS ASD SURGEONS, 3Vf .A. R, It I .A. 1^ E. ©B. Spbodi-e's office Tnriier's Drag Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. iBABRISTER, SOLICITOR, c 4)FFICEâ€"0VER MeFARLAND'S STORE. MARKDALiE. IWConey to Loan. iriASSON MASSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's .â- Block, Poulett St. Bianch qfflee in Markdale, â- over McFarland'9 Store, on Friday and Saturday •every week. X Massos, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest t from 6 to 8 per cent was. BBOWK. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly :attenied to and carefully executed. N, B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- •cttritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEBLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jjarms for sale. Terms easy. j.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, j-^ninU4TB OF TORONTO SCHOOL O ofDentis^, will be at the Markdale House mrkdale!onXe 1st and fi^l Wedne|day o each month and also at Munsha'ws Hotel, Flesher- ton the day following the third Wednesday in each mon?h lor the practice of his profession. •Commencing on the 7th September, MOM TO^^ LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- aiess Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, jgQ Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. TOT No. 24. con. 4. N. I R. Glenelg, J 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on «a3V terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to â- J. S, BLACK, 130-tf. Pomona P. O fflARRDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. O^T. J. £ Marsk Pn' T ^. G. R3CHARD3, ^UILDEFi, CONTKACTOil, AxlCEI- TEcr, â- Markdale. R. J- SPROULE, FI-iESHiiK'TOH. Coiivevancei-, Ajiivaiser, Valuator and iloney L-udei- " L»«eds, Mortsases, Leasiis ami -n ills a vawii II [1 aiKiVaiiiatioii^: madeon shortest notice C :var»^es v«ry low. Apj'ly to \\. J. Si'ivUL Ijhi, Hone Lender Postmaster. Fleslierton. TO SSSiOei^T^JSTEES. Tlie undersigned is manufacturing an ex- callent assiirtraent of Co'isisiuit'of S-0 OOL SE.\TSan.i DEKKS, T1':A('HWRS' DEsXS, etc., of tiie latest di:s;«ii and most approved patte.n. Hifjhly recommended bv School Trustees -uid Teach- -er-. for che^ipness. comfort and compa'-tuess, wlievever tried. An assortment of Farm and S !iu'ol Bells kept alwavs on hand. Send for citalo-.?ue to Chatswortb P. 0. ISl ANDREW McGILL. BARBER, _^__ MARKDAIE. As I am nov.- in a positi-.^r to do Hair Cnt'iM'.r. Si.a.iug Sluraiipoirj? »\«d »\\ woi-k it my line. I asi; a ^hirc '"f ;m"li" pattoim;;" 1 'vi'iie a ap'^cia ty ••? B^i-t; t uml 'M.; -or sliarp.-aius. Ladi*"' Hn^i Ciiildr»^n"8h:iir«Mit- tia^doiiein fist-'.-lass stvU;. Shop iieariy Ojiptsite the Sr.\..\i).\.uii Oih'.-O!. â- ANY Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, wfaoinbia Folly ud Ignorance ^m TrI- fled away his Vigor of Body, Mind wd Manhood, canaing nxhiwiiiang dnins upon tbe Fountains of Life. Headache, Bacliaohe, onadfaiDreamsr Wealiness of ifomory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimpled opon *be Face and aU fho Effects leading to Early Dooay, Consunwtion Vf Insanity, wfil And in oax specific No. 83 a Positive Cure, it imparts Youthful vigor natorea th« Vital PoweT in old and young, Btrengthana and inyigorates tibe Brain and Nerves, baUda q too mnaenlar aystem and axonaea uto action tha whole physical enatgyoCibehiiinaafimine. imth oar «aeffle Xio. astbemost otetiiiatB ease aaa be ennd In three months aad «eeen«»s to lass than thirty dajs. ffanh n a y ta j jin eo atains IfmojnAM treaf- POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for pnrity, strength and wholesomeness. More ecuuomioal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the molti- tnde of low East, short weight alnm or phos- phate powders told only in cans, Botal B.4KINQ PcwDEB Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Tbe Markdale Standard Is issned eveiy Thursday, by C. W. RUTLE06E. Markda.e. Tebhs â€" tl per year in advance; Sl.SOif not paid within six mouths. Professional and business crds one inch spaee and under, per year, S4. 1 YB. 6 KO. 3 MO. Whole column 950 00 «27 50 915 00 HbU column.. -r;.... 27 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter column .. .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Threeinch spaoe .... 10 00 5 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per lire eaoh subsequent insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- umn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents eaoh subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for $1 No paper discontinued until all. arrears are paid except at the option of tbe publisher. JOB PHrSTTEN^G. The Standabd office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders fiUed with dispatch. oio tbere on Tuesday evening. Srd, a mohater Frobibition mass meeting will le addressed by tbe foremost moral reform workers of Canada. Already tbere is being maniff sted everywhere a deep mterest in this Con- vection. Its doiugs and sayings wdi be carefully studied by the Temper- ance party, the liquor parly and tbe politicians. It will make history. Tbe Pruhibitionists are in earnest. The policy they are advocating must speedily receive the careful attention of statesmen and voters. It is being pressed into active politics with a per- sistence that will not be daunted. It has behind it some of the best brain- power in the land, it has been warmly endorsed by different branches of the Christian Church, and it influences the vote of an important and growing TELEGRA^HIONEtts^ -, Tobermory, Out I^" election ovein]iejadie^. Bay carrying the m^trU.G* Saturday Ut. " 'y*.'!?;, ieol4Cteaatfi». St. Louis, J„ae22.-.TS, homestead. located fon! iS' the city limit., OD the Gra^^^^l was sold yesterday bv h " hI lepew to satisfy a mort,r°,"ll W. H. Vander'bil't" Ti,;-, â- " sisted of 750 acres and L ed to VanderbiU tt te Tr^ Grant anci Ward ' • "' pitr^ctortf. bought by J, HrConn"7 I' for $70,000. Mr. Conn '^i section :)f the electorate. The Montre- j make a fiue slock farm ^f'"""" ai meeting will be a gathering of men i farm origmally helonned 1 1' conscientiously and determinedly in ' family. o w tlie We trust that in its deUber earnest ations wise counsels will prevail, and that its results will be for the welfare of our country and the advancement of temperance, which every friend of humanity desires to promote. W. 8VI. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ol all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- NaUy's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. '.;' v MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS, B. McNaliy, praciical mannfacturei Wag- gons, Democrats, iiuggies. Sleighs, Cutters and eveiything in tbe line. The best ma- terial used and fit-stclass workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Trimminfi: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. M'NALLY. MABKOALB VILLAGE OFFICIALS. Reeve, W. J. McFarland Council â€" ^Wm. Brown, B. S. Bae, Wm. Lucas and S. Hill. Public School Trustees â€" Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons. W. A. Brown. W. A, Brown, Sec. COUNTY OFFICIALS. Judge, H. McFlierson, Owen Sound. Deputy- Judge, S. J. Lane, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sound. Clerk, John Gale, Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden, John Clark, North Keppel. Begistrar, N., B. McKnight, Owen Sound. " S„ Thos. Lauder, Durham. Revising Barrister, North, Judge McPher- son. Owen Sound. Bevisiug Barrister, South East, Judge Lane, Owen Sound. M. P., North, Jas. Masson, Owen Sound.^ M, P., East, T. S. Sproule. M.D., Markdala M. P., South, Geo Landerkin.M.D,, Han- over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creighton, Toronto. M. P. P., East, Capt. Borke, Clarksburg M. P. P., South, J. BIyth. Orchard. DIVISION COURT CLEBKS No. 1. John Stephens, Owen Soimd. ** 2. David Jackson, Durham. '• 3. Thos. Plunkett. Meaford. " 4. Thos. J. Borke, Heathcote. ** 6. J. W. Armstrong, Plesherton. ** 6. John McDonald. Chats worth. " 7. Duncan Campbell. " 8. Wm. Brown, Markdale. The Uontreal Convention. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember va mannfaetara aad an the aids OTopnetors of the following specialties, and ibat toey can be had from no other sonzee. THEY ABE N0rF0RSALEBYDRU66iST9. Ootn^nd^cS smetly confidential. Consultation upon aU cfarouTo disease invited, NO CHiUfiC ezoe^ Um medicines. All goods sent seeme fkom ofar tion. TotODto Medicine Ck.,TQmBtObOiit. HAIR COLORING T 1*^ £^ Brown, Medium Bnmn, ChastentL laght Chestnut, Gold Blonde. Asli ok KraS Cmdree. Send sample of hair when oidet Fdoe, ea. per bottle. Toronto MedidmoS TOILET REQUISITES boidering please specify wbieh yon nqidM wo gnarantee them to give entiie sattsfactlon. No 8 Imparts to tbe skin the color aad freshoMii w maidenhood; harmless and caanot be deteeted. •1.25. No.9Bemoves wzinktes. as. No. 10 B» moves Live* ^wta.»l.». No. UBemovasFlS Woms^ «1.25. No. 12 Bemovee Fzecklea. au£ No. 13 Removes Pimples, •l.as. No. 14 Bemovw Tan. $1.25. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. fsCNo IS Braaoves Fookmarks. W. NclTBemoTMimidas nesMration. $l.aSi. No.I8AnabsOIiitaniifklUiia specme for tbe retention dev«l(»meot armtecw ationoffbeHair. tlJS. Toi»B6B MadldiwOOb THE BUST No. 19 Is a eombined internal and mwttmnmn teeaAment which speedily devalopea or natama ihefemale bast to the prapoartlons of votantDoaa nature. Is entirely hannleas and oertalnln â- ». BnltB.Flloe«a Toronto Medlofae Co. XoranS WOMEN'S ILLS ^^ and WeakneasGS peeoUar to fciM^l tat 1 S^'the bi^ea* medieal aaUiacitiea m .valled")nmedy. FliaeWpaKbattto. Medleino Co, Totonto, OnS. ^^ FRENCH REOULATION PILLS Far aapadoK In bsot Tteisr. Beni Oxide. Bndonadlvttieiboaaaaaso(l____ MeOMBMONTHIiX. RtoMrlULBaUSnl mvA. Fioeete Gatm Onanirtaaa. Our qpae- Moo tl "T-rrtTT rr'*^- m Twiwiu 'iW The Dominion L'roliibition (Jonven- t'on, to be iie'.d at Montreal on July 3rcl, 4lh and 5tb, will be a gathering of remarkable interest. It will be the first national Canadian conference ot delegated Prohibitioiiiste. The great meeting at Montreal m 1875, out of which came the Dominion Alliance and the Scott Act, was simply a mas.s convention of active Teraperauce workers. In the coming meeting every tielegate will represent a constituency of Prohibitionists anxiously waiting the decision of their leaders and the call to arms for further conflict. Thfi convention has been called by the Dominion Al'iance, but it will be tlioroughly iudepfiudeut when it meete, and win organize and control itself. Every Local Temperance organization, every Lodge, Division.Council, Union, Club, Church Society, or any such iu- stitntiou is invired to send a delegate for each fifty of its membership, any number not being a complete fifty to count as fifty for the purpose of repre- sentation. Every Provincial Tern- perauce organization is invited to send its Executive Committee or an equal number of representatives. Every Provincial Branch of the Alli- ance is to send ten, and every County Alliance or Scott Act Association is entitled to fiye. The principal Kailway and Steam- boat lines are acting very hberally to- wards tlie Convention. The Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways and EicheHeu Steamboat Company will issue return tickets to Mourreaf. for a single fare, to ail persons applv- inu' Tickeis will be issued ou this plan from Snturday, Jnue SOtli. up to Tuesday, July Sid, and will be good for r*.turu uatsagu up to Saturdnv, July 7th. The lutero^/lonial Kailwav w.ll sell single f»re tickets toMourrea" at usual rates ana will is,siie at lUon- 1 treal return tickets fkkk. on preseuia- tiuii Ol a certificate mgned its the Secretary of the Convention. It will be soL-a.that Ai who atteuU tlio Coji- venfion (whicii will be «.pea to ihe pubUc,, whether aelegates or not, mav avflil tliemselyes of tlies* reduced fares. The minting* of the Convention 1 riper will be held it. the Victim h-ifl^ Armory on Cathcwt ritct-fct. n., Snn:i«Y efeun.g. July i.,t, there wiU be i»fM ajerert Gokj^I T4»iiperH«ce ni«e:t*ig at hdiiie cented M«»d*y, 2bdj iiMM iiiH ai4i to Myatio. sl4 « pniQt; Oil L 1^1 exenr |fei«iu jiics. Oonnty CotumU. [From the Times.] The County Cooncil of Grey met at the Court House here on Monday even- ing last. A large number of communications, petitions and accounts were read, which were referred to their respective committees. On motion the name of W. J. Mc- Far'and, Keeve of Markdale, was placed on tlie Finance and County Property committees. Leave being granted, By-law No. 869, to assess the different local muni- cipalities in the county for an equiva- lent equal to the Legislative School grant, for 1888, was introduced and read first and second times. The Council adjourned till 2 p. m. on Tuesday. Tdesdat Afternoon. After the reading of communica- tions, Mr. L. A. Wright, the patentee of Lament's Bead Grader and Level- ler, addressed the Council for a short time respecting the merits of the ma- chine, and invited the Council to an exhibition of its capabilities that after- noon. On motion of Mr. Bead, who spoke 1 few words in favor of the machine, it was agreed the Council would go in a body after adjournment to see it in operation. A motion bv Mr. Moffatt, that an equivalent be granted those townships comprising the group under By-law 174, whose personal property rated aft 6 per cent., was referred to the Fin- ance committee. By-law No. 869 was filled up in committee, and finally passed. The Beeyeof Glenelg gave notice he would move to-morrow for a grant to erect a hand-rail on the floating bridge over Allen's sink hole. The Council adjourned till 10 o'clock Wednesday mcruing. Wednesday Mokning. A number of communications were read, among which was a petition froih the town of Meaford, relative to es- tablishing a High School. Mr. Lang presented report No. 1 of Finance committee, which, after being considered, was referred back to com- mittee to itemise. Mr. Mollatt presented report of special committee relative to By-law 174. which was referred to Finance committee. Mr. Gilray read report No. 1 of Education committee which was con- sidered in committee of the whole and adopted without amendment. Tha repi-rt recommended the report of arbitrators respecting forming a uuion school section between Bentinck aad Sullivan, be filed that no action i)e taken respecting memorial from VVeilaud to have School Aat amended so lis to provide for expenses of hold- ing Gouu y promotion examipations recommending the endorsinsf of cer- tain rosolu:ious from the P'rovincial Astociation of Public and High School Trustees recoinmeudmg appoiuticg ai-bitration respecting school difficulty in Sections a and 7 of Euphrasia, in regard to forming a ntw school sec- iiou; also rocommenduig appointment "f an arbitration to consiier the ex pediency of formioi? a Uuion School Spctioij between east end ol Owen Sinml and Sydenham Pleuro-Paewnoniaiagyjj Taea, Out.. .Tuue24.â€" OnfUt of Mr. Jesse. Mclunis, SuUivani ship. CTi-ey County, yesteraav uoou. Dr. F, A. Thomas, vL surgeon, of tliis TUlage, fcj undoubted coutagious pleuro-J onia. The disease made its L, ance two weeks ago and two vl cows died without Dr. Thomas „ able to satisfactorily diagnose tliea Before these died a third one taken sick and died yesterday noon and a post- mortem examiDiIS, clearly revealed pleuro-pueumonia i the contagions type. A fourth am is now under treatment, but is fully isolated, and Dr. Thomas to be able to prevent the fe spreading in the neignborhood. mg the vear several farmers ii Art and other townships surrouuduigL have lost cattle, Dr. Thomas is'w] vinced, from this disease, bat tiig death was attributed lo poison or otli cause at the time. Drowned at Owen Sonnd. Owen Socnd, June 21.â€" Tuisafd noon the inhabitants were startldlj hear of a fatality which occurrelii positH Bayview about three o'clai Two youijg men have been campil down there for the 'past three we'JJ and this afternooa were ontforan when one of them named Chas. Co| Ian caught sight of a fish buoy ffiil line attachod and started to pull iif Just as the net came to hand lie «fj x)verboard and became entani»leil| tbe net. His compauioa seeiu» he failed to rise to the surfiice trieJl reach him witli the oar, butcouUof touch his foot, the water being a'4 25 feet deep, and 500 yanls M shore. Finding lie could do notii for him he rowed for assistance, about an hour elapsed before theb was recovered and brought hnmej bis friends in Owen SounJ. sad occurrauce has cast quite a iA over the town as tiie deceased wa^j favorite with all who )juewh;a. Klie Hired Man AffaiB. Barkis, June 22.-George SW was befure the police court antbonj here to-day on a charge of lar.ei| having been remanded from ia^' The prosecutor is one William »1 ston, a farmer of the To^nJ Tiny, and Shockill was his bir«i It is alleged that he used all Uj suasive power to wm the effec*1 Johuston's wife, and it.s «M^ the two agreed togo off and 1 man and wife. About th February MPS Johnston left If and. taking with her a rojl^^^.^ some groceries af^ vano ,^, things, Mr. Stockilla^ng^i the goods away. i"e » seems to ba' Mrs. Johnston to so awa; to follow. For^^-^^r^^";^ the hired man failed to F^j^ part of the contraet. J" ^, came repentant and "^^Jj^^fled, to Lynden. whether b«= -- tookherbacktoberbo»-^j,f„,, „„:j«.,-,^alionnnfeSSedtO""" rt evidence she confesse to her husbaud in her „p Stockill. Stocbill »fj;, bot triaionthechaReoilitf^^j; admlttedtobailmtheBa^^^i, with sureties lu fs*^ seekmg to elope with tD after DISSOLUTIONOFPART^^ for ber iriiday mormng. S7£3steri^^;£4J • Si-iS^w^'.- :«ir STRAYED, Came into the«mi8e8 of the rabaoriber a tiKlii nbd fiteer, two ye*r« old, oo or about wane 19. Owner in required to prove protMrtv pny (ttpeium and take «wii.v the aker. J0imB.BllM9fl. strumeuts in the «JfL «â- »'«»' 'hi?' been this day dissoMj^ ^^^^ All debts owing to the ^^ » to be p«id to J«"fVi^s .f»-."t aforesaid. anJ «"' ^^^^^ partuetship Hre ^. J*^V^' Iateaat Miukwe*' A.D.18W. J.«SS» Witness flM^ :, at i^^fcHTH TEAK.â€" 2s^o. KGAINS! i Ar6a»NS! -AT- SSELL'S I J eweleryi Store; 'lesherton, latches. Clocks, Jewelery, Spec- jand Silverware for the month fnte, before moving to new es.-- \---'.y' ':;:.: J' ';-/„;'â- :;:â- ?;:;. lie American Waltham Watches r$8.90 to $20.C0, regular price of I were from $11.50 to $24.50. pins. Earrings, Brooches, Chains, [lets, reduced 25 PfciR CENT. iDme along and secure some of th Uent bargains before the time ex positively for the lonth of June Onlv, for a perfect job always take you watch repairs, c., to ^selfs Noted Jewellery Ston leal and Other Itei' jIoncEB in these columnsititended to hern ^individual or Society will be charged la line for the first insertion and, ^lalintea^h Bubseqvent insertion. NOTICE.â€" Correspondence, conwinni *,' Advertisements, dtc,, mu/tt he in 'â- by noon on Tuesday to insure pubUcat ytveek. IHATiNe has commenced. iPiCNics ate the rage. IMarkoale cheese factory has m ' first sale of the season at 8f I The Markdale House is improved i addition of tony awnings. I^Bare obliged to leave over a lol »tter this week for want of space. |BsAi McFarland's change of Qg of interest see it. I N. McMiujui, postmaster at Wiai Ion Monday last. [BtTWEBK ten and twelye thou pie attended the opening service Qrimsby park on Dominion Daj ^Jamiey's drug store has been ""~*ed by the erection of a large avd â- the entire front. War is a hen crossing the roawl li iHtscy? Because it is a fowl w the women are to go to Coi ' tie women be married womei •"t do for Dg to be miss-represer Bbt. Weblex Casson and wife Quebec on the 22nd June 1 oa on a brief visit to Englai I "••JohhE. Richasds, mercba 1??^^ is to Toronto this week I for his customers. I_'â„¢' Jkffbet Abtlev will ir**»lior ajai of new and be .r^ft.CwHK»T8, the tailor, is fitting suits that si tji^eat. Try him wh [nobby. fe^-^ -T*aji'..