mm vr ?J ' â- :--:0^'^. ""-^â- ' "'":f^^%- 4-; *! -C .1) If r I *i QfRarfibafe ^fanbari. O. W. Eutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JUNE 28, 1888- NOTE AND COMMENT. Emperor Frederick died vdthin thirty feet of where he he was bom, and at ex- actly the same hour of the day. â€" A syndicate of American capital- ists, headed by the directors of the Northern Pacific railway, is to take hold of the Ked Eiver Valley and Manitoba Northwestern roads, which with a connecting link built from Win- nipeg to Portage la Prairie will form a strong line in competition with the C. P. E. XCeaford Boad, Standard Correspondence, The Meaford Eoad base ball club played a game with the ninth line club on Tuesday, the 19th. As far as the game went the Meaford Road team was ahead, but owing to the interfer- ence of pome outsiders, the game was uot finished. The two clubs will have another brush on the 8rd of July, and outside parties would do well to mind their own business. There will be a garden pnrty on the school grounds on Friday, the 29th. A good time is expected. Mr. R. Smith's barn raising came off last Saturday with W. J. Gooey and D. Johnston as captains. Cooey's side gained the victory. W. Cope Sons are the contractors. The annual Sabbath School picnic is to come off on the 8rd of July. â- Traveriiton, Standard Correspondence. Mr. Geo. Peart, raised a building on Saturday, size 80x40. Statutelabor is being done now. It is needless to say the Jpathmasters are hard "bosses." Mr. Martin Sweeny was on the Jury in Owen Sound last week. The members of Zion S. S. hold their annual pic-nic in Mr. Jack's grove on Saturday. Our Poet is busy composing a poem in Jiouor of the return of the Hon. Edward Blake and is intended as an ofteet to the production ol Irish Lake poet. It consists of one hundred and sixty-four stanzas of four lines, each line is sixteen feet in length and warranted all wool and a yard wide. It is proposed to aend a delegation con- sisting of the "Mayor" and two or three of our prominent citizens to vtr^- sent it to Mr. Blake. In the mean- time our poet is strutting around as proud as a cat with two tails. Markdale volunteers and Durham Lase-ballists serenaded this hamlet last week. The "Wandering Minstrels" are very indigent over the "puft" we gave them a few weeks ago on the occasion of tbeir debut as vocalists. Wo may have been too severe a critic and con- sequently damped the ardor of two youths who would have been shining lights in musical circles. But we did it only lor tbeir good and if they will come down to our woodshed some ui^ht we will train their voicd to per- tnction even if we haye to tell the "old man" a lie and say we were killing cats. fined $5 aud costs, $10.70 in all. Mc- Cullough for prosecution Gner for defendant. x t u* 5th.â€" Margaret Boyle agamst Robt. Fothergill for throwing a snake into the buggy at her. The prosecution failed to eBtablish the case toth« aatiB- faction of the bench. The above cases were all from Eu- phrasia township. 6th.â€" Mrs. Caswall, Markdale, v. John Patterson, Revere Hotel, for abusive language. Patterson fined $5 and costs, $10.10 in all. McCuUongh for defendant Grier tor prosecution. » *m* *â- Olenelff ConnoU. The council met on June 11th as a Court of Revision. All the memberB present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the former sitting of the court read and confirmed. Joseph Hewitt was assessed for lot 22, con. 11, as tenant. The court passed the roll as finally revised. After the court rose, the council re- sumed business. All the members present. The Reeye in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. The Reeve, as chairman of commit- tee appointed to report on tbe jam at lot 41, con. 2, N. D. R., presented rer port of the same also the opinion of G. L. McCaul, Esq., relative to the responsibilities of Municipal Treasur- ers. McMillanâ€" Boyceâ€" That the assess- ment roll, as revised in Court of Re- vision for tbe year 188S, be adopted, and that tbe Clerk be instructed to certify to the same. â€" Carried. Sullivanâ€" Boyceâ€" That the report of committee re jam at lot 41, con. 2, N. D R., be received aud adopted. â€" Carried. Williams â€" McMillan â€" That the Reeye and S. Boyce be authorixed to make an arrangement with Mr. Rowe relative to the cDuucil assuming a de- viation on lot 101, con. 8, S. W. T, S. R. â€" Carried. Boyce â€" Sullivan â€" That the opinion of G. L. McCaul, relative to Treasur- er's responsibilities, as presented by the Reeve, be placed on fyle in the Clerk's office, and that a cheque do issue for $8 00 in favor ot G. L. Mc- Caul in payment of same. â€" Carried. Cheques were issued as follows â€" Rowseli Hutchison, Pathmasters' Schedules, $2.50; Robert Bell, charity $4.00; Samuel McArthur, charity, $3.00 the Clerk, for salary, $75.00. Council adjourned to August 20th, at 10 a. m. J. S. Bl*.cz, Clerk. Manlef Ma^stratos Caart. Messrs. Brown, Struthers, Irwin and Richardson, J. P.'n, wers favor- ed with a unmber uf cases on Saturday last. The court was held in che Roller R\uk and the spectators numbered up IE to the hundreds. Lawyers P. Mc- Cullough, of Markdale, and A Grier, of Thoruburv, being engaged, consid- erable cross-qnestiouing and intricate questions were put and evasive unswers given. The first case was Joseph Burns v. H. Reid, both of Euphrasia agravat- ed assault. The latter wan fined $15 a»id costs, altogetht-r $25.23. Mc- Cullouj;h for the pr tsecuMou Grier f jr defendant. 2ndâ€" Cualleuging to fight; Neil Boyle, plaiutifiF; Cuas. Fothergil!, de- f udant. Litter tiued $1 and costs, $4.75 in all McCnliough for proso- cutiuu Grier for def. 8Jâ€" Neil Boyle v Edward Fother- gill, son of above Chas. Fothergill similar offence. FothergsU fitieJ $1 «iiid costs, $4.75 iu all. MijGaiiuDtih for pros.; Grier tk d^'f. ' â- 4th.â€" Margaret, wile of Neil Bovle. eordpbUued against said Ohas. FotLer- giil fu| abusive laaguAge,, azsinst the i^-law of the, townj^jr. Detendaat Editor Standard: Deae Sir â€" As I have been asked by some of the officers ot Glenelg Agricul- tural Society what I would give in the way of a prize at the coming fall show with a view to increasing the interest of the show and bringing out more luUy one branch ot our young stock at least, and enable breeders of horses to see which of the sires in this class is the most superior stock getter (for as j the old saying is "the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it." 1 make the following proposition to which 1 have the consent of the owner of Lord Derby. I will put in ten dollars if the owners of "Just in Time" and "Dandy Boy" will each put iu ten dollars, tbe whole amount thirty dollars as a prize, to be given the ten best spring colts from any One draught horse. Of course there are othor good h:)rses iu this class but as far as I know none of them have been iu the county long enough to enter into a competition of thu kind Should this proposal be accepted please let the public know through your columns. ' Yours c., ' W. G. PiCKELL District DolBcrs. The building of the new Presby- terian church at Chatsworth is pro- gressing. Councillor Galbraith, of Holland, received a severe kick fotn one of his horses last week which will lay him off work for some days. Thirteen brick stores and one hotel are alrea'^y bouig erected in the burnt district ot Chesley. Durham his atrain carried a by-law th favoi: of a bouus for the roiltr mill. An excursion to the Experimental Farm at Gnelph will take place from Durham on the 6th July under tbe Auspices of the South Grey Fanners' I:i8titntf. i I Shelbnme connoil are preparing to. submit a by law to raise some $20, • OOO.taprocara watfcr supply foi^jSie as. weii, as dotnesbe ptM^Pses. ^^ AT MANLEfS DRUG STORE, MAKKDALE. MANLET'S Beef, Iron Wine, ^- MANLEY'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs. Colds, pam and Tightness in the chest, etc.. price 25c and »1.W MANLEY'S Liver Pills. For .Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLEY'S Good Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, price 25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer Asafe.sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Nothmg better, price 25c. MANLBYS Carbolic Ointment. Tlie most healing salve on earth, for cuts. Scalds, |Burns, Sores and Skm diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters For Bad Blood, and Skin Di-eases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil. The only positivelv, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try it-pnce 2.j cents. MANLEY'S Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for loss of Appetite, AVeakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, verv nice to taste easily digested and highlj useful in wasting diseases, as Consumption, Broncmts, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The "reat Indian Veeetable Blood purifyer and Tonic. It acts on tlie Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation and Dispepsia, a cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes d. pints bitters. Call and get a curcular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line. FaiisUhni PARIS GHESn, ORUG STOm HELLEBORE! MARKDALE. J HAMILTON, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a apeciality. Also picture iraming done wiMi neairess and dispatch. Then come awa, botli old and young, Aud dinna lose nve time In getting pictures for vour fiiends. For Hamilton takes them fine. TN1SSILVEII4UTE0 INSTRUMENT ORIEHTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS WFLUENCE Tbs (mly eatanh remedy ever offered to tbe pnblie .on U days tri^ a written eouantee given with each iuBtroment, W. T. Baib at (M« KB Qneen Street West, Toronto, Ont ACTIHA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Iiiuig diseases. m3m tboiongbly I Mona No. 3.â€" Fosittvely eares all disoasoo ot tbe Bye, Cataract (^j^ Ti-r.iMtnrt DteeoMM M I Vlated Kye-Uds, Inflamed Eyes, near and tax sightednesa Xhb Bsa STE" jXi: DRUG smi INSECT POll STEPHEN' DRUG STORE, TH£ POPULAR DRUS SI STILL TO THi Fmi\ YOUS HESPECTFULLY, R. L. STEPHEH EXCEL WAREROOm I have now on hand a fnll ' varied fitocli of all kiu^s auJ ;o of Furniture, bought for caw I the most reliahle fii'ms n o^ an.l i purpose doin^ ^^^ strictiv cash basis which wi».^ mapositiontosellatasmalU' oncostandU^.ebyg.vm^J ersthe benefit, f,""' ,..u,jj tavortohaveyoiic-aiuiJ^Ht^^; ,^eiheryour^ui.anjthg; line or not, and I teel cou you will bedehghted with a^^^^^^ ed at the qualuy ffjrfJ my g)ods.-Upiiolstered .?^| specialty. ________ â€" Undertakini theAga. Prioe $3. Tbb AomiA n boij uin»B cob hhutom otriBAam oh u o^ iBuii. Bnelose otamp for handsomely illnstrated book and faealtu ioomal. W.T.BABB ft CO.. IfiS Qneen Street West, Totoato, Ont Notice tojreditors. Pursuant to provisious of the roii' eS statute? of Ontario, chapter 110, notice is hereby giv^u that all creditors and other pei-sons haviu;; any debts, claims or demands agaiust the estate of John Beid, late of tUe village of Markilalf?, in the County of Grey, gentleman, deceased, wiiortiei in Florida on or about the 30th July, l.'jt7, are hereby required ou or beluro T0ie 21lh day of ABgpnsf. 18§§, to send by post xirepaid to William Lucas, of the said village of Markdale, one of the Kxecutors of the estate of the said deceased, their ciiristian snd suruames, addresses and descriptions, the full pai-ticulais of their claims aud statcrnout of taeur accounts, aud nature oi the securities (if any) held by them. And noUce is further given tnat at the expiration of that time the Executors °'^*"?^?8titewlll proceed to distribute theas- ?â- « i*'..^® ^?^, deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard cnly to Hie claims of which they sliaU theo have notice, aud that they will not be Uable for the assets or ai.y part tliereof so distributed to any pei-soa of wLse claim they shaOl not then have^ notice WJf. IiTIC\S,i„ JOHN UEID, r ^*^"'»*»'3- Dated at Markdale this 19th day of June, 1888. »Sv!f!? *°^ Corapsny'sfnnds to Inyest in Beal Estate at onrrent rates of interest ^^ '-ABHB voK MiLza A9n» «o san er^lL'^^^S^JI^SteiriSSr^A^-^ Corwany. Tttw^oT^^ " 8»Tta«« JOSH Wnnox, jiartcdale. PUSTERER AKD STONE ^lASON MAEKDALiE. Is prepared to take contracts in to^vri or country. Calciniiniug and WhitewashinK done also. MORTGAGE SALE OP Yalnable Fam Property TOWNSHIP OF EUPHRAUA. Un'.^er and by virtue of the Power of Sale con- tained in s. certain Mortgage whiob will be^ro- dnced on the day of sale, there wiU be offered for i sale by Public Auction by Gooice Noble, Esq., at t.;o JIarklaio House iu the Viilageof istarkilale I on Saturday, the 7th day of JulyXD. 1888, at the ' nour o; f.vo o'clock in the afternoon tbe follow- n»gja»'iabio land and premises, via The East iuart«r of lot number twelve in the P'^r' "^L'^cession of the Township of Euphrasia, ' in ttie County of Grey, containing fifty a«re8 of I irjtm moi'e or less. JK^^^ valuable property sitnate abont six Mites from Markdale. weU waters with good 52*.^ " *° exceUont farming locality. oi,S^Sâ„¢^^*P5?y » P- McCniloagh. Jtfort^igees ^^*««.«*o G«oige Noble. AnSMmer.jfiS- â- ^.tfeCtHOiOUOH. Mo rta sg eee ' SoUcitor, .iiiaikdaifi. Iu this aepartmen J ••», plete.tockof al l^Jswia^ farnisliings and all o. ^^ ,uy prompt and care Jl^ fiiit class hearse mco°n«. Musical ln« lalsa handle the^e^j^*?; Organs «°t *^' ,3in»y*!!i Sewing Machines whictoi" on Kxhibition ^} ^^^^^ pricesandgradest..taj^g. 1 shall keep in jto^„, V orders will be at ended t^I^ ness and dfP«'*f„,Vl^ '1 prices. With mwy^^i l**; present patron«f ^^ ptic^ ceived and hoping by itetf*' pquare dealing to D»er the same. ..„re8p« « 3ajie Sail, r POBBAMVS. MABSnALK. I -t^h game of base ball wa CfijUds of the latter ouFrida f^ laft The match was advei hTLnmence at 2:80 hut, owin of Uie members of the visiim Lbt getting here till late in tl unnu the same was not begun ti r*^!ociJ when Durham took tl L result of whicli we give belo^ Sorahle wraue:lii:g occur ed amoi ""giants during the entire gac hid not result iu anything perioi: I" me, though not finished, last fabout 7:80 p. m. when the gai le to a close from a wrong decisi r^ by the unipu:e. Markd; 1 was whitewashed twice aud Di once through injudicious battn U boys all Fl«yed well, »f^,^'»t' £e practice we have no doubt tl Inld take fir:.t place as amat( Irere While Durham club bi It been organized for some years L season, they play a good gai [R Cnrry, of tbe home team, Le good work catching fly balls fi fe bat aud in the same innings J. Lnson, of the visiting club, go Le good work with tbe bat, i Ue McFarlane and Jackson, of Le team. Ed. Sproule (â- fuale player" deserves more tlif Lgjng notice, haying takeu u Le on one strike. Ed, is a i Cteher, a good backstop and a sti Itsman. 'Robert Benson and I Uerson respectively did some ttting, the torraer having taken h Le and the latter third base on Irike. Waldie and Cclemau als( jod work with the bat, aud ir fch innings Stinson did good bat p. L. Stephen, as pitcher, mudt Icnrved balls" tell every time. Dundas also did his share toward lefeat of their opponents. The fo Dsr is the score o JfABEDALE. let 2nd 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th i Itephen 111 ItiuBoa 1 111 pproule 1 10111 tnrry........ 10 10 Wsou 11110 Oandas 11^0 Qderson 1110 Paldie 1110 IColman .... 10 2 -0 5 13 5 3. DURHAM. 1st 2nd 3d 4th 5th Gtb 7th loflatt 1 IcFarlane 10 1 1 iBobertBon.... 1 1 iLaveUe 11 Iciiff -... 10 11 ICochrane ;... 1 Olio iMoKenzie 1 iJaekson...... 110 iHom 1 10 â- \. 13,05262 John Robinson, one of the fi I happened witn a slight accideni attempting to catch a fly ball i I ed through his hands strikiug th3 hft eye causing it to swtl 1 that he was unaVle to see out SZCEAKQS CXXFFX£rOS. On Tuesday Inst, l^-Tiss Qai for over a qnartfr of a cent; satisfactorily filled the pos taatron of the gaol, sei^t in Iv nation to the County Couiicil Tiraes. Mr Stoddart. LivervTn"n. town, lost two vplnalile hor â- week from inflammation, cau snpposed, from ovprdrivineaTi too much green gr'ss. â€"0. f: tieer. Fell Down a Well â€" ^Irs ofUollamd, on Tuesday Ihs*^ v iae cream cnt of a well BO 'ell in and broke her neck a It Was three Innrs before shf «wered and life was then e ^y Reyiew. While W. H. Flesher was m the dye house of hif wor Wednesday last, his sli caught between the cogs dra wm in ftnd cnttius the ' fles Iwne between the elbow and t er.â€" plesherton Advance. Mill BuRWEn. â€" Mr. Geo. JjMttgle mill in Mulmur was Tnesftay of last week. It *liile tbe men were at dii "• machinery was destroy *e boiler, and about $20( ehingles were also burnt. •»««.â€" Shelb'irne Free Pres Mr. Walter Close, of Ho *J^loaWe horse last Fri( ,^» horse vas one that Mr *«ei» offered $150 far. and '•fl tt that figure, and wa 2"?* turaed into the pa-^ti .*2**5 ©vening but was for ^,fteld on Saturday mo^' » ««?vere one to Mr 'Ifc, ^\x\ working V9Pi