â- -' /fvT^^-^ r ^1 V 4^1' *.i ",JS ^â- â- : J.' â- f^ J. F.HAtaTED, M.D. physiciak, subgeon, c., H oil SLXX €l (Jentre- Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. Drs. Sproule Brodie PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ]Vr ^^ R. li I ^4L 1^ E. Dr. SPBonLE's office Turner's Drug Store Dr. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. F*. IcCwllougrli, BARRISTER, SOIjICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MABKDALiE. IVXoney to Loan. MASSOM MASSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, c. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Massos, Q. C. S- Masson. W. Masson. j B _Pj-ivate and Company's funds to invest t I'i-oin r. to 8 ner cent WM. BBOWM. DiviSICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Conimi8sioner3 in B. R.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. jj. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- curitv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few j; arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. A-i EADUATE -DENTIST,- OP TOBONTO SCHOOL ^o1 Dentis'try, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at MunshaWs Hotel, Flesber- ton the day following the third WedneBdayxn eaeii month for the practice of^his iirotession. Commencing on the 7th September. MiEY TO ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J, S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N..D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises. or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDAI.E. ONT. J, £ Marsk Pro/- T3 G. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. R. a- SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, .Vpiiriii.ser, Valup.tor and Money Ijuv.'U'i-." Deeds, r.rort^aKfs, Loases and Wills (i;-vwii uiiaudValuatious uiadeon shortest notice liiiarse.s verv low. .\i)i)ly.to â- K. J. SPKOCLK, Moua Lender I'ostmaster. Flesherton. TO SQHOq^TKySTEES. Tim nniiersif^iied i.- m:\uiifacturing an ex- rijllmit assortment of C.visistingi.f so lOOL SEATS and DESKS, TiiAUHHRS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest ilfsinn a'ld niosr. approved pattern. Highly r.'e();vni!'n leil liv School Trustees and Teach- i".-. for ch^i;l))^es.s. comfort and compantness, wiiprovtT tried. An iissortuieut of Farm and School B.'lls k"pt alwars on baud. â- Send for (!it.ilot;ne to Chatsworth P. 0. IS I ANDKEV*^ McGILL. BAaanR, -_-_ rsarkdale. .\s I am now iji a position to tlo Hair Cntiinf.' SLav-iug. Shnnipooiiifl nnd all work i 1 my lino. I ask a .sliai-e of publii; patrouaj;P- f make a specialty of BazDr au'l S«i«.-'or sliarii'-uiuf;. Ijailie.**' and C'aiiilren'shairciit- tiiw done in' first-clnss .--tyle. Shop nearly o.)|'Os;te the St.vswaud olliort. â- ANY ^^oiBWeak. Nervous, Debilttatad, wboinhia Follv and Ignorance has Trt- ifled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, cnsing exhausting drains npoa ^e Fountains (^ Life. Headache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples apon the Face and all the EffeOtS leading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, inll find in our spedflo No. SB • Positive Curs, it imports Youthful vigor r eatotes tbo Vital PoWSt "^^ a**^ yoxmg, Btreneihena and invigorate* tb» Brain and Nerves, bnilds np the mnsoalu systiBm and arousea into action tte vhola physloal en«8r of the hnmaa frame. ^Vitli our vaetto ;No. tba moat obattnata «aae aaa ba anrad in -.three montlia, and xeeantonaa in l«astlianr '" tdaya. Eiadi paAaga «ontaina two waeka ««aent. Friaa 9S. Cans QnanataeS. Oar ne No. M i««n iniiiiiida Qur« w ii Private ^Diseases nomattetaOiow lons stand- Hng. 8oldaaa««wwilHaBOusrsntss*o •eflket a POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never variea. A marvel for purity, strength and wliolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary luhds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- pbate powders sold only in cans, BotaIi Baking Powdeb Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feel will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. R. McNally, prociical manufacturer Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything m the line. The best ma- terial used and firsc-class workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Painting and Trimmine: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. IS* Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. NTNALLY. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember va mannf aotara aaA aca fha wto iroprietora ot tbe f ollovrijng spaeialtifla. and bak ttiey can be bod from no ether aoasearTNEY MS Btnotly confidential. Consnltatlao opoo all ^nfa diaeaaa invited, NO OUIWI ernqpt lor medioines. All eoods sent ieeiizelkeinobr â€" tion. TccQOtoMikUeine Co., Tensity Oat. HoUnwd OonBoU. Oar HAIR OOLORINO UAt CbwtDn^ Gold Blooda, Adi or BloodS CmAm. Send.aamide of hair whan otdariii Ikica, t pear botUe. Vonmto HadldnaoS, TOILET REOUItlTn In ofdering please speeiff whidi yon taonfi* we raarantee them to give antita latiafaotioa. Na « Imparts to tba sUn tha colmr and fresbneis at maidenhood; harmleasandeannotbedeteetad. $1.05. No.91Umovas wrinkles. SI. No. 10 Be moves laver Spots. •IJBL NaUBembreaFIsah Wana^SLSS. No. U Bamovoa Vreddss. 9Ua. S?- ^.!'S?*r?"'â„¢S" *1^ ^o- ^* Bemoraa f*-«L9 Ko. U Bemovea Bfolaa. SI. No. IS BeuKiyes Poetanarts. 99. No.l7BamoT«anndQa Pnwntfan.«L9 No.I8Anat)aointeanfaiUna veciflo foe the retention davelopmantornsttw. â- SionotCbeHair. tljs. Vonmtb UaUeb^oSi THE BUST Na 19 Is a combined internal and M t^ i. i ^i teea«ment whfaai speedily developaa or raSma thefemale bjst to the praportibnaof volmt^l MgTO^entirelyhamlSsBand oaitataitalS. nuts. Ffcioe M. Toronto m^mH^^w^ qq, nvi^ iig' » ». WOMEN'S ILLB ^^^^V^BMiing down FaiM" and aU DiaaBM and Waakneassa peenliar to fainaliw r^- 5ggte£-»medy. Pri«j«ip5ul3tor s ieiWfin a Co., Townto, On^ -.•'"WfCH REGULATION PNXN NlURAbOU^A RHBUNIAtlSMI tss Ouiba Holland Centre, June 4th. 1888 Council met for the transaction of basiness. Heeve in the chair. Mem- bers all present. fcshuteâ€" Williscroftâ€" That the min- utes of former meeting be read and approved.â€" Carried. Williscroitâ€" Galbraithâ€" That tuis council give Mrs. Graham, of Strath- aven, $5 on account of her being in indigent circumstances, and that it be expended under the supervision of Mr. John Price, sr. â€" Carried Shute â€" Williscroft â€" That the pray- er of ti petition from the inhabitants praying that Eitihard Green bo ap- pointed overseer of highways, allowing him $1.50 per day, he granted (with tJie exception of the $1.50 per day.) â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Williscroftâ€" That By- law No. 6, for the appointment of pathmasters, pound-keepers and fence viewers, he read first, second and third times and engrossed on tlie minutes. â€" Carried. Galbraith â€" 'Williscroit â€" That the bill of Geo. J, Blyth be paid. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That the follow- ing bills be paid â€" For searching registry office, §1.00 Trustees ot Chatsworth Hall, $10.00 John Mc- Donald, for auditing, Williscroft â€" Howeyâ€" That the re- port of special committee, appointed to examine the Treasurer's securities, be adopted and printed in the minutes. â€" Carried. fiEPOBT OF COMMITTEE. We, the undersigned committee, ap- pointed to examine into the Treasur- er's securities, after searching into the County register, fuund everything satisfactory, and acting under instruc- tions, relieved the bond of the late Treasurer and accepted those of Mr. John Cameron and his executors. The money books have been turned over to the present Treasurer after a special audit by the township auditor. Your committee wish to impress upon the council the necessity of draw- ing up bonds in duplicate and having the bonds registered m the general registry office lioth as a protection against loss of documents and also a better security to the township. Db. E.Oldham, to .. Anthony Shcie,|^°°^°^^"^^- The Clerk tendered his resignation. Shute â€" Galbraithâ€" That tne Clerk's resignation be accepted, and that this council apply for another township Clerk, and that we tender a vote of thanks to Mr. Price for liis long and efficient services. â€" Carried. Application for the office of Clerk will be received by the present Clerk up to the first of August. Galbraithâ€" Shuteâ€" That the Clerk notify the assessor to meet the Syden- ham assessor to equalize U. S. S. No. 8, H. and S.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Williscroftâ€" Thai the pray- er of the petition of Joel Edmunds and others with regard to annexing Certain lots in No. 4 S. S. to No. 2 S. S. he not granted.- Carried. Galbraith â€" Shute â€" That we appro- priate five hundred dollars for the roads â€" one hundred dollars to each division.â€" Carried. Williscroft â€" Shuteâ€" That the coun- cil pay Chas. Johusthon th« sum of $15 for extra length of covering on Allen's swamp as our share of the extras. â€" Carried. Howey â€" Williscroft â€" That we ex- pend $20 on to«vii line between Syd- enham and Holland, between the ith and Gth concessions, and $20 between Euphrasia and Holland, between Noa. 1 and 15, on condition that Euphrasia grant an equivalent. â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That we meet Sydenham on town line, between the 4th and Garafraxa road, by gran tine $20â€" Carried. GalbraitU â€"Williscroft â€" That we expend $80 on the t^wu line, between Holland and Glenelg $15 from Grif- fin's corner to the 65h con., and $16 the deviation provided Glenelg on grant an equivalent. â€" Carried. Williscroftâ€" Howeyâ€" That we ad- journ till the 25th of June, and then to meet as a Court of Kevision. Carried. " Gakson Pwce, Tp. Clerk. Su.;1ixasia ConncU. Saaforth, Oat. The council met as a court of rms- imat 10 o'clock a. m. m the 25th May, 1888. Members nU present. The asnessmont ol John Uethers confirmed. J. M. Kent's uss^-bsujeut for lot 14, cou. 7, confirmed. J. Lewis reduced $50 on S^ lot 9. con. 8. Geo. iiiack's assessrapnt. coiifirmed. The aB.^sroent of lot U, cou. 7. corrected and Jane Dodswortii assessed for the sonthstly 90 acres „f said lot. The uortbern 110 acr^i, placed o i the no,,, i-esident roll. The N. Ej of lot 9 con. 6, assessed t» M. K. Hammond! !-»-««,« an oeu J«me« StmtherH. jr.. ,.8«««ed jointly b^T^d m^ with J««« SimH^n, E.q.for eoo«iWpaM« The annual meetmg of Guelph Con- 'ference of the Methodist church being held in the town of Seaforth this week brings that town into more than ord- mary prommence, and a few words respecting the place may not be found uninteresting. Seaforth is a flourishing town situ- ated on the BuflBalo and Goderich Division of the Grand Trunk BaUway in the County of Huron. It istwenty one miles south east from Goderich, the County seat, and 111 from Toron- to. Within the boundaries of the town are extensive deposits of pure rock salt of great thickness and value and salt is one of the chief products for shipment from the town. The blocks of The Gray, Young and Spaii- ing Salt Works Co., is the most ex- tensive in town and their annual ship- ment are very large. It has woollen, flax, saw and planing mills, a foundry and is the headquarters for the largest egg-collecting business in Ontario, of which Mr. D. D. Wilson, well-known as the "Egg King" IS tho proprietor. The mercantile mterests of the town are well sustained as is demonstrated by the excellent stores which line the principal streets. beatoith is a yery pretty place, and 18 surrounded by a prosperous farming community. It has nicely graded streets, good walks, profusive shade trees, and many attractive public buildings and private residences. The congregations of the Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal and Catholic denommations have beautiful and commodious church edifices; there are high, public and separate sohoDls With accommodation for nearly 600 pupils. The Mechanics Institute has 2400 volumes. There is a town haU and a pubhc hall with ample capacity, two banks, and two weeklj newspapers, the Huron Expositor and The Sun, the former ot which, under the able man- afiemeut.of Messrs. McLean Bros., has earned lor itself a Dominion re- lot 2, con. 11. The E| of lot 18, con. 7, taken from non-resident roll and assessed to Joseph Breadner at a yalii- ation of $1500. The N. Ej of lot 19, c». 7. and S^ of S^ of lot 20, con. 6, taken from non-resident roll and as- sessed to John Erskine at same valu- ation as on non-resident roll. On motion being made and seconded the court adjourned until 10 o'clock a. m. on 8th day of June next. Council resumed at 8 o'clock p. m. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. By-law No. 891 carried through proper stages and passed. Messrs. Boyd and Erskine were in- structed to examine side road 15 and 16, in con. 7, with a view to the open- ing thereof for public travel if deemed prudent. Mr. Erskine was instructed to get 12 road scrapers from A. McGiil. Chatsworth, for use of the township. The Reeve was instructed to get the road around the gully on the 4th line repaired at lot 14, also the hill at Cornfield's gully on same line. James Bowes, Esq., Pieeve of St. Vincent, was appointed an arbitrator on behalf of the council to act m con- nection with the person appointed by Mrs. Wright to decide on amount to be paid for land taken for road, and a By-law passed confirming said ap- pointment. The Reeye and Mr. Stuart were in- Ftru3ted to get a new bridge built over Beaver River, on 4th line. The Reeve, Mr. Boyd and the Clerk were appointed to examine the assess- ment roll for the current year in order to ascertain what corrections may be necessary before the final revision of baid roll. Tlie County Treasurer was request- ed to strike off arrears against N. E. pt. (75 acres) of lot 3. con. 9, and to place the amount of $5 against tho N. E. 25 acres of said lot. The township Treasurer waa in- structed to receive from Rich'd Shear $10.52, arrears against the N. E^ of lot 3, con. 9, for the year 1885. The TreaFurer was instructed to re- mit to the Clerk of the 8rd Division Court, Meaford. the sum of $87.12 as damage and cost re Andrew Clark, ys this corporation. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as toUows, viz. Peter Harris, $5, keeping road in re- paur last winter W. H. Dodsou, $3, statute labor on non-resident land James R. Pawcett, $7.75, cedar furn- ished and work performed on 18 and 19 side line, con. 1. Council adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m. on iJ'riday, the 8th day of June next, then to meet for the dispatch of business after a session of the court of revision. R. DuNLOP, Clerk. The shipments of the tJ^ prise ;â€" Grain, Salt. ee», i '»»• live stock and general population 13 neariv 8 OOO sessed valuatiou is " about «fia.- Seaforth is a prospsroua and •'^. ly growing town.-ActouPrI Its IS. .left EXCHASOE CLttPnrog T,^^':;J^'"««^"der.ofGle„el. Tuesday morning on a visit to, â- in Arizona, and with a view nf " ing to that part of the world? "'• â€"Grey Review. """""suite, On the 29th ult., Mr. Jobn ti berry retired for the night, at Mr ;â- Kirkpatrick's suffered severelv over latioue. In the midst of? slumbers he assumed a serie, t different positions in the vaineffirff ease his body, until he fiuallyevoV^ on the floor, head first and disC his collar boneâ€" Chatswortii Ne^r A fine herd of 25 fat steers was«nH by Mr. D Murphy the fore partS week to Mr. P. Kinnear. The drS comprised the finest looking animal that have been shipped from here for some tiipe and were a credit to Mr Murphy 'sstandmg as one of the lar»e8t siock raisers in this section. I'li^ animals sold for 5c. per pound, yield ing Mr. M. the haudsome total of $1,514.â€" Mt. Forest Rep. FiBKs.â€" On Saturday night a Iwe frame barn add contents, owned by Mr. McCabe, merchant, of Priceville was destroyed by fire, and on Sunday afternoon Mr. Jas, Wilson of Protori had his barn burned. The building contained all his farm implements and «rain. The fire was started by children playing with matehes. Mr. McCabe's baru was no donbt set ou fire by some evil disposed peruon.â€" Shelbume Free Press. British Columbia seems to be tlie favorite field for emigration from this section and all who have gone there appear to be doing well. At Nicola Ls^e, the Mooses, R. Scott, M. Coch- rane,;W. G. and J. Lauder, Derby, Jackson and many otiiers have settled. Mr. R. B. Moore, who is now visiting friends in this neighborhood says that the evening before he left home he attended a party at his brother's house at which sixteen former residents of the county of Grey were present- Grey Review. Mr. Michael Howey, of Holland, had a narrow escape from serious in- jury on Monday morning last. While driving from Kilsyth, in company with Mrs. Burchill, his horse became frac- tious and upset the buggy, throwmj the occupants out. Mr. Howey fell with the smallof his back on a large stone and was injured about the legs, but he managed to hang on to the horse and although badly crippled managed to occupy his place at the council board the same day. Mrs. Burchill escaped withont injury.â€" Chatsworth News. laHTH YEAIi.â€" Xo. 4 te/o//o//o//o//o//o^AV/Q//o//""' SEEDS REMEMBER iaa supply you with your )W Seed/ :;:-;[ |: Tiirnip Mangel," Garden other Seeds eaper than any othei aler in Markdale. This being the firs1 ar I conld handle eds, yon can depend them being good anc ish. r ;; tall and see for j'ourselves. t)//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//p//o.//o//o//o/ ARGAINST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS NOTES. IBARCAINS pmaium iw being one of Oatario's Great DestmctioB la Kontreal. Montreal, June 8.â€" One of the Hochelaga stables of the Street Bail- w:ay Company was destroyed by fire about one o'clock this mornmg and 184 iiorsea burned. A man seen lurk- ing round the premises was arrested. A Bam Bnmt. Maxwell, Ont., June T.-Yesterday a barn belonging to Mrs. Mary Spronie near the vdlage of Feversham, was destroved by fire. The building w^ worth 'between four and five hundred dollars. Loss partly covered by in- surance. The contents, which bslong- ed to J. S. Hudson,consisted of severU valuable farm unplements. Insurea in Dominion Grange Co. Cause oi fire not known. rired by a Trmap- Peeiquk Isle, Ont., June 7.--Ai stt o'clock this morning David igl^ean'i frame barn in Keppel, near Kemoie. was discovered on fire, and thd w being very strong nothing couiou done to save the barn or stables, wni were a total loss. It is snpp^f//^ were fired by a tramp, as M's- ^ICVWJ' heard some person thmugh tbe Wo Insured in the Sydenham Mutual. Cho«i«yiiiAsli*. ,j„t Chesley, Gut., June lO-"' of 1.15 a. m. yesterday tho raemteij__ the Chesley lacrosse club, on rei icg home from a match at 1^"" o. discovered that the premises ocbuf^^ by James Thompson, ^ff'^^sj aler, were on fire. The alsj^ quickly given, but, owing o ^?^^j J^a sence of a very consideraDie » j^ the absence of any fire Pf0^2li°'t»«' ftn incredibly short spacj* ' "^liiige whole bosiness portion pf we ^^^^ was m flames. Every '"s/°f„% tbete in Chesley save one is burnt, w was very little of the stocks, coap .., m Bissiii: -AT- lUSSELL' 1^ UWELEBYl Snt Plesherton, I Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, S] â- desand Silverware for the mc Jnne, before moving to tively speaking, saved. I* ^^ Bweep, andthe losses aro d. gtottii erican Waltham Wat »K- ' $20.00, regular pri( â- «* vere from $11.50 to $24.5 I oa^ns, Earrmgs, Brooches, Chi *«ekletB, reduced 26 Pi£R CENT. ^jtte alons; and secure some o 1^*" Wgains before the tim |™«. poritively for ibe '^th of June Onl 1*^*** perfect job always take **teh repairs, c., to t i/oted Jewellery I HERXO ' i .- -â- -.â- â- .