rT^ V: ' r*-*' ••â- ' -•e'*r?'^«^^" â€" .?T^ ' ^^^â- •^PWPP HEALTH. ass. '^fc« ..«â- ' »' ""=^_ ^â„¢' leave you to jadge" se she would ha^e at you could hire'" " .wear stage jewel » girl in London w? •sc water. I wonder t better." the table to fill hi, gJ ' failed u so often wl 8t motherly air, th»t| ttle unawares, not knJ had only taken a apoj e more sympathetic thi â- e luncheon, and tol •out her dilemma. ids. Such a sum waal a man who counted landred, and felt a lit^ n he began upon a fri just as humble povetl ;e8 a sovereign. A M r less could not make! and yet he did not hi y sum to Mrs. BaddeW mred her. He had M adreda before, sometid sometimes for the Oridi times for the livery i paid him, but he be grateful, idly disposed after w iagne, which were bol â- kind. He trifled wil peJ himself to a glass! had himself chosen fl d paid for. She took J in the lightest way, aa] ' taking no heed of A â- cd by the burden of ol id askant at her as low handsome she oked in hor habit ow her eyes, yea, abaolatel crying about her gowaf e of humiliation wbia py," he said; "I'll and see what uaa her much " owe her a good deaL" •St. (Uve me her ked, I'm afraid," 8»i out of her davanj;or(j xtortionate, and 1 hasi il! the races this ya a heap of m £^ afta leapâ€" well, over a haa^ r Djncaster." m do," said Beechicil he looked at the total line hundred pounds. OXTINUED.) ;iv9 Sermon. J c/rgrintr says :â€"Tb4 have had rather a del the church con«reg»j and minister doM n«f im, having in mind n ,n, of this city, naed t«^ tiy Sunday he went '.j abit than because Wl ody there. Jn»tafi« the door an old negn if Dr. Payson was toi r, .xplaining that Mi m, and had been »d;l mrch. "^^^^y-fA made up mynuadtoi nobody else came; â- so the doctor pW*^' e negro. Somemontfisi d to meet the ne(?t^l iked how he en]oyw| „y Sunday. '•E-J' :he old man, "I â- «!«' d abetter one. i», tywell upfro"*.^ ,omethin'sFe^ y,K! men Idjess,'" ji ou's a b"tin,«»«,n nner. ^^*^'..tabig tan' jined*nccnu. j icon now. • sthecustomfor^ [J^ms tobe.««'« • 1 xercise is an essential con- F'^y^Hh can not be doubted, ^- Tne \rv can ""â- " ---- â€" â€" ...â€" Kyjr- " ,,rowiug more and more fixed Blind that the body requires ?f 'oesthe intellect; that bones, !;?£, 'j' ^gvva leouire to be conserved V-^K I'oe question of today is how "' ornrk be done without inter- " -her dunes m life. %•«â- ••'"" that sedentary habits are i:'h fLrce of manifold disease. They r^'kBcepsia, from which a train of Â¥â- â- 'â- â- re'chedneES follows, and yet it w "jjgre is no good reason why the l^'";^ man's life should so tyrannize gf'"'" to sub'agate his will and hold f:'j"bcndagc lif.le better than a living R' s merelv the continuance of prac 1' •"-oBly requires the determined ef- l"V'will to oreak it. The moment i 'tuxes the man becomes a slave, and â- \-!SA him for i^^ own. Daring the â- •t. ^ears I have seen in the physical r "n't handreds of men whose whole r '^?£8 re was to gain and enjoy go»d ff X- who (lid not feelâ€" in fact, would r'etp their excessive " habits," with- r"i-h health could not be obtained. r'-o- necessary that everyone who trains t'^lijior even wis i to become an ' 'athla :e. ' r' jre modiiied forms or degrees in \: -cere are in other duties in life. We I '^lak the man to take any lime from T-ace's, but we do ask him to give thir- a The man who meditates on cash n, and the state of the market will ' â- I have not the time. " How strange m -J ' Tbese gentlemen can find time VaosE everytning except that which t'riog an' '"^SP "^^ ""^y *° ^***® °* I ieaith conducive to comfort and .use- Kob'ects to be attained by a thorough l^ o! physical training may be described I;- The removal of superfiuous fat and Lj^ The increase or constitutional poT- Urfce muscles. •i iacreased endurance of lasting pow- " Wind "â€"that is a power of deep jiing and circulating the blood steadily, -oo: violent exertion. fie wind is improved by riianing, which iieeustained only when the respiratory jrculating organs do their duty fairly. liiiag, running, skipping rope, raising aeets from the floor, walking upon the oithe footâ€" do a little of this each day; frilmake the muscles of the legs stronger, (iser and more elastic and considerably «r when put in a state of contraction. [I Jims and shoulders may be improved ii-jengtoened by the curling and working Emb bells, Indian clubs, pulleys or K weights. Tnese exercises can all be at nome, at the store or in the office* Itil! not only improve your general health :!trengthen the muscular system in qual md ttuvjiency. It may not make the ii as large as you expected, but they â- ieel stronger and lighter, and the whole will have received its share of the re- irdicr what the legs and arms have done. :ymen complain because, after a reason- time spent in exercise, their legs and ihive not increased a number of inches. |a tbie the case we should find the legs of liallet dancer and the arms of the black- b grown out of all proportion to their extremities. The aim and object Kill be not to work for large arms and but for healthy bodies, |.":t!kin of the man who trains (if he be «: to himself and the work) will become iti; "without pimple or blotch, almost kipjent, so that the red bloom of youth pi through it like a brilliant." l;:tre is something more than exercise re- -â- fa. It is to live regular and be temper- thmgB. Temperance and exercise Kt as the L.hysician of the soul, as wt-U r-Je body, the best guardian of youth and port of old age, the parent of health and ^ttrsal medicine of life. It clears the K aid cleanses the blood. It eases the and purges the bowels. 1 1 screneth- muscles and nerves. It enlightens lightens the eyes and comforts the in a word, it secures and perfects 9:ion. Health, cheerfulnesi and vigor »f!l known to be the ofTspring of a p«ite life. 1 don"t mean temperate f-;!pon the subject of drink, but temper- ^y^ all things. The man of moderation â- strely taste the sweets of many pleas- " witbout excess: but the man of op- "•^cnaracter will go on in his excesses un- â- â- anally reaches the botlo-n. â- iS oi irregularity has the certain eflfcct. [^•«Soy persons of the most robust consti- " even in the very prime of life. If a 1^ ,64ts eparingiy, drinks little and uses "â- ^cco he is almost certain of bringing *aseupon himself. To have a clear «Ee must have a clear stomach, for IS the grand reservoir in which the food ^P^^Jted, and thence the power of (. '" 's distributed throughout all parts r â- ' ° P^^t^tical exparience of over fifty r JB this work I am firmly impressed Sf â- ;«ces8ity of physical training in ;!|j'°.*^T*Dce athletic culture. I had the i»h -^ °°® °^ ^^^ twenty-eight per- Wv'^J"^^ formed the advance guard r-jj °' f'ty I have often felt sad to see '-^' '"'^ho had made marked improve- L."'"'P'iysicil condition by activity, ^.. »nd endurance, enter the list of 'ye»rt' ^Sencies that h-»ve been for a •*o^^° f*^lly in operation amont; us. especially have amateurs remem- ,^ there is danger in emulating Professional athletes have ti4t ~f'^^ 'P"» their vital poweis " ^y their specialty, whereas [••ieiivi*!^ **" should have) other calU hiite " arising from their occupa ""Mntellectual or whatever else If it ' »ork .^"'^teurs will insist upon doing â- "ilijjy professionals and their own fc^'Oej, thpp must fxpeci to ijhey snffer. [Kit p ^^ Cannot Stay, ^oi th^"' 'ERviLiNE U used. Com- (^ "lost powerful pain subduiog â- 'pfuiiiM ^°' '"^Uioe cannot fail to â- ** J[- *** in rheumatism, neural^'a, "« to^/?^^^^**^^ and side, and the kSirUi °i aflFections internal and ex- L*«ttem °°^ inflammatory action. A ^W tattle of Nerviline wUl give *st(i^lj °^ ' superiority over every '-ce2?y- T" Nerviline. Lagebot- trial bottles only 10 cents. They should never lose sight of the fact ihat in their case athletic training ahonld hold a necessary bat subordinate place. Proper Food for Breakfast. Appetites are apt to be capricious in the spring, especially as regards breakfasts. Don't force the family to eat at this season things which are not relished. I: is not difficult to provide dishes Thich will be eiten with zest. Oat meal should not be served at more than one breakfast in the week. Vary the fare by using hominy, cracked whe*t, wheat germ, yellow corn meal, etc. Eggs creamed, poached, boiled, and cooked in the form of omelets, shonld be used freely. Broiled fidh, thin slices of ham, of breakfast bacon nicely broiled, broiled chops, and add occasionally a steak, salt fish in cream sauce, corned beef hash, hashed meat on toast, fricassee of chicken or veal â€" here are seasonable dishes. Have potatoes cooked in simple, savory ways. Let the bread be light and well baked. Always have some kind of coarse bread, either hot or cold. Dry, water, and milk toasts, are all i;ood for breakfast. Avoid fried food. When boiled meat or fish forms a part of the breakfast in spring, it is a good plan to have a dish of water- cresses or radishes on the table. Have fruit on the table when you can, and a few flowers, if possible. A few flowers and a bit of green bring a great deal of snnshine to the table. It takes thought and time to prepare those savory dishes which are so desirable at this seiEon, but it piys to give the thought and time, lo the worker â€" and we are almost all workers â€" it makes considerable difference all day long whether a right start is made in the morning. The man or woman who be- gins the day with a hot, well cooked, simple brea,kiast will get through his or her work in a hundred per cent, better condition than he or she who has a poor meal. As the hea- viest part of the daily work usually comes between breakfast and the mid- day meal, all housekeepers should do their part t* make the battle of life easy by providing proper food for the morning meal. Summer Drinks. The hot weather suggests to the Lanat sonie remarks upon summer drinks. There is naturally great temptation to slake thirst whenever practicable, and to reestablish the balance of fluid in circulation which has been destroyed by perspiration. How this can best be effected becomes therefore a ques- tion of great importance. Many persons doubtless increase their discomfort by injudi- ciously drinking quantities of cold water, which serve to stimulate the sweat glands, and so to increase the amount of loss by perspiration. While the " cold-water cure" is to be deprecated, it should not be forgot- ten that it is equally if not more foolish to indulge freely in alcoholic stimulants. For' the time they certainly allay thirst Iky stim- ulating the salivary glands but after absorp- tion they promote relaxation of the arter.- ioles and increase the rapidity of the heart's action, and are hence followed by a speedy Nemesis. The cooling influence of acids should be remembered in times of high tem- parature. The acid employed will necessari- ly be largely a matter ot taste. Most per- sons would shrink from the use of dilute solutions of citric or tartaric acid, and yet many find relief from a beverage compos- ed ^ot diluted and unsweetened lemon- juice. Should cider be found to agree with the digestion, a very pleasant sum- mer drink may be compounded of equal parts of cider and of any pure form of effer- vescing water, the Hereford or rough cider being, as a rule, more palatable than the sweetened forms. Cold tea has inaBy ad- herents but it is worth notincr that it shonld be poured out while still hot, and not al- lowed to stand to cool in contact with the leaves. With regard to iced drinks, it should be borne in mini that the refreshing sense of coolness resulting from their em ployment in bulk is speedily followed by reaction. "American drinks" also are to be employed only in great moderation and with caution, being liable to induce catairh of the stomach during the period of read ion following the primary chill. Of the so-called " temperance drinks" and of the more com- mon lemonade and ginger beer there is little to be said, provided that the purity of their source can be ensured. Healthful Effect of Onions. It is a pity that onions have the odor i hat they do, for their dietetic and medicinal qualities are excellent. Boiled and roasted onions are a good specific for cold on the chest, a cough, a cold and a clogging of the bronchial tubes. A medical writer recom- mends the eating of young, raw onions by children thiee or four times a week, and of boiled and roasted onions when they gat too strong to be eaten raw. Another writer says that " during unhealthy seasons, when diph- theria and like contagious diseases prevail, onions ought to be eaten in the spring of the year at least once a week." The effect of onions is invigorating and prophylactic in the extreme, and one physiciac goes so far as to say that the eating of onions has actually prevented children from having diphtheria and scarlatina. The voyage from* maiden fair to woman- hood is often attended with many perils. Mothers sfaonlt, insist upon their daughters being prepared with every means of safety. Universally acknowledged as the reliable " Life preserver " on this rough sea of un- certainties, is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription. It has averted many a disaster. It has rescued many a periled life This popular remedy is prepared especially for Women. It U the only remedy of its class sold by druggists under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. This guarantee has been faithfully carried out by the manufac- turers for many years. The present London fashion of carrying the arms prescribes that the elbows should be thrust out as far as possible, giving a square look to the body. DetectiTeB Wanted, to ferret out and discover, if tbey can, a single case where Dr. Pierces Golden Medi- cal Discovery has been used for torpid liver, indigestion, impure blood, or consumption in ito early stages, without giving imme-iiate and permanent relief provided, of course, that^e directions have been reasonably well followed. Jeweler (to young man exchangu-g a ring for cuff buttons)-- Didn't the young lady like the ring, sir?" YouDg man (mouni- fnllvl-"She didn't have a chance. It struck, me fthat » t«;doll«r riug was too expensive for a mere steter-to-you sore of a Hra 1 Coc« Ci» cur« to one minutfc "What Ails You? Ds yon have obstrnctiom of the nasal passajiea, discharges from head and throat, sometimes profiue, acrid and watery, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive dull, he»vy headache most of the time, with occasional " splitting headaches" are your eyes weak, watery or inflamed is there ringing in the ears, with more or less deafness do you have to hack, cough and gag, in your efforts to clear your throat in the morning do yon expectorate offensive matter, scabs from ulcers, perhaps ting ad vrith blood j is your voice changed and is there a "nasal twang" to it is your breath offensive are your senses of taste and smell impaired If you have all or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common and danserous of maladiesâ€" chronic nasal catarrhl The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reached. Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy, which is sold by dru(;gists at only 50 cents, will cure it. The manufac- turers of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, $500 for a case of this disease which they cannot cure. An enfant terrible eazes intently at the head of a visitor as bald as a billiard ball. His mother trembles, as she knows what the darling is capable of. " Mamma," suddenly remarked the boy, " when this gentleman has been in mischief do they spank him on the head " Gonsnmption Surely Cured. To IBS Esrroa :â€" Plaase inform your readen tnat I have a positive ramedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousanda ot hopelen oases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles ot my remedy rkss to any ot your readers who have consumption if they will sena in heir express and P. O. address. Bespecttttlly. Da. T. A. Slocum, S7 Toage St, Teroato. Ont. If you want to see an expression of severe simplicity and childlike innocence in a man's face, watch him when he gets two dollars chancre out of a one-dollar bilL A Care for Dranfcewwess The opium habit, depsonunla, the morphine habit, nervous proitration caused by the use ot tobbaeo, waketulneM, mental depressioa, sottenlng ot the brain, etc., premature old age, loss ot vitality caused br over exertion ot the brun, and lossof natural strength from any oauae whatever. If enâ€" young, old or mid. die-aged â€" who are broken down from any ot the above causes, or any cause notmenttoiMd OMtw, send ?oaT address and 10 cents in stamps for Lnboa'i reatise. in book form, ot Diaeatw of JTcn. Books sent sealed and seonrs from observation. Addisssll. V. LuBOH. 47 WeUiogtMi stieot East. Toronto, Ont. An exchange, in an anatomical article, speaks of " a^lady's skeleton " but it doesn't explain how ta distinguish a lady's skeleton from a woman's skeleton. People who arc sabjeet to bad breath, tool eealed tongue, or any diaoidei ot the Stomaon, eaa st woe be relieved by using Dr. Oaison's Stomach BIMen, »he old and tried remedv. Ask von* DnurelM. Don't sit too near the footlight's g^are, Young man, if you wish tu preserve your hair For the men who sit in the light are all As bare of hair as a billiard ball. OiseALBSs Hair RiKSWsa restores grey and faded hair to ita natural color and prevents taUine out " I trust your late husband had some- thing saved up for a rainy day," said a sym- pathizing friend. "Indeed he had!" re- plied the widow, with a fresh burst of tears, 'he had seven umbrellas. John was the thriftiest man I ever knew." Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get cut ot or der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigeetion and their attendant evils, take at ones a dose ot Dr Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best family m a dirine All Dmggisla, 60 oen««. A. P. 401 B ERKSHIRE PIGS, with pedigrteâ€" 85.00. W. W. BCoTT. Moorefield, Ont. O A UnC C ^nd for 111. Cttalozue. uAnULO. WM. EW6LI4H, Feterbero, Ont. PATRK re v.rocured. Patent Attorne.ys and experts. E8t'J1867. P»«%ld C.K«l«atA€.,.^r«»at«». n axryi l For Saleâ€" Uluitrated desorlptuve Oat- r A I Cn I O alogna free. R. Chamberltai, Toronto. KNiniNG£^;.*w:.~£;:MACHINES Safes FIRE AND BUK6LAS PROOF, and Vault Doors, kept constantly in stook. A number ot Second-hand Sfcfes at low pnoes. J, J. TAYLOB. Toronto Safe Works. MAY:,! sym/fi Dsaa aua Lung Trouble THE QreateSkOu oovery ot tbt 'present age for Rssc. iTOM THs Bewsu, Oumnis all Bmoi, andKnmTOok. A Parfeei Blood Purifier. A tew lln Haoilton who lisv* [been benellted by.Uk UiB. If. KeesMB, M Robert St., coisd I Erysipelas of twt .rs'standlng; Bebk rneU, S4 South SL, nghter cured ot Sb itio nts after sli suffering: Jeit Birrell. 66 walBut cured ot Weak John Wood. 96 Catheart St UOOa aUU XJUUK ASWUWAV www i- vwi., wm W1M.WW.W w«., cored of Liver Oomplunt and Biliousness, need onl) S titty-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta 81, troubled tor years with Nervous ProstraUon, twt tmsU.bottles gave hetjcreat relief. Sold at eoc. k IL F. F. PALLET PP.. Pioprie tew. JUlaTLlnrReyarMail SteamsMps Sailing during winter from Portland everyThuraday and Halifax every Saturday tn Liverpool, and Id sum- mer frcm Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calUnft at Londonderry to land mails and pas^enfters tot Ssotiand -.nd Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hali- iax aoc* St. John's, H. Â¥., to Liverpool fortnitrhtly during summer months. Tbe steamers of the Olas- (!ow lines rail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer lictween Glasgow ac d Mobtreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, jraeeage or other icformation apply to A Schumacher Co., Baltimore 8. Cunard Jc Co. Halifax Shea a Co St John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thorap son a Co., St. John, N. B.; Alien Co., Chicago L-ve k Alden, New Yrrk H. Bourller, Toronto: Allans, Rae k Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Philadel- fbia H.' A Allen, Portland, Boston. Montreal Mercliants, BiitcliBrs"S.l!2,r We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS For us. Cash Finished on (atistsotury guaranty. Addres?, C. S. PAGE. Hyde Park, Virmone U.S. Tbe feh3e and Listner Reporter. N. Y., and shoe and Leather Review, Ch cigo, the leading trade pa- pers of the U. S. in tbe Hide line, hava sent their represenUtivea to investigate Mr. Page's business, and aiter a thorough ex%raiaatioa ana comparison, the Reporter grves bim this endonement 'We believe that in extent of light-weight law ma- terial eoUectsd and carried, Mr. Prga holds the lead of any comnetitor ani that his prexent stock is the largeitt held by any house in this country." And the Review says â- After a most thorough investigation ot Mr Page's buiiaese as compered with others in same line, we have become fuilv satisfied that in his specialty, light-wtight tock,' he is unqaeationably the largest dealer in this country, while in superiority cf quality he ii confessedly at the head." QUERY If Mr. Page's business Is the largest in its line in the United State*, is it rot the beat poesible proof of hi« ability to p ly highest prices. It he dkl not do so, would he naturally K«t more Skins than any cf hi csmpetitcrs in the Eame lins 1 I Qm|)ound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Nervous Prastration.Kervous Head- ache, Neural^a, Nervona'Waaknesa, Stsasachand Liver Disaaaea, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. OsoBOB W. BocTox. t^iiatVB, Oomt., wKft: ' " For two yeaiB I waa a BoCerer fijsn nervous de- baiitr..and I thank G«d and the diMwvarer of the valuable raoMdy that Pajkb** Oslbbt CoMPOusn cnied ma. Ji a a vahiaUe ramedy. Long niay U live. Let any one write to me for advioa,' AN ALTERATIVE. Ai/jHso Abbott, Wimssob, Tt., says: "I bdiev* PiOKX'B CzutBT CoicvotrKS Hvad ay Hfe. My ttoobla aaemed to be an internal hnmor. B«f Orel oaad it I was oorerad with an sraplteB fkesi "head to heeL" The eraptian la rapidly kaalhw. and I am five huadrad per cent, better CTsry way." A LAXATIVE.; A. C Bkax, WHiTKBrrBB Jusonoii, Tt., says: For two years past I have been a rreat Buffam from kidaay and liTar troubles, attended with dys- peiiaia and oonatipidioB. Before I benn to take CBt.mT CoxpomiD it simai il as thooirn mTytUKg ailed ma. If ov I can say naiiMiv alls ma. A DIURETIC. Oaoaox ABaoxr, Sioux Crrr, lewa, says: "I bav* been using Painx's Cxt,KBT CoMVotnv sad it has done me moie good for kidneys and iuut back thsn any other medioiBe I have aver taken. Hnndisds of testtmoaiala have bean received f naa persons who have used this remedy with resiarksMs hsMsat. Send for aixoola*. rMM«I.OO. Baldl WfELLS. RICHARDSON C0., ProprittQri Montreal. Que. WORK rOK AIX. 930 a week and e: paid. Valuable outfit and partlonlars nee. P.O.TICkEKT, Atigusta,Mainei â- â- f\%t rif TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Bates. nfl I In P Y ^o delay. Correspondence solicited. 11 1 U II L I E. W. I BCTIfB. Financial Agt., EsteMuhed 1S60. 72 King St. E., Toronto. THE BOUER mSPEVTION •â- «! luvr- utee CvinpMiT ot Canada. Oonsnlting Engineers and Solicitors ot Patents, TOKONTO. O. C. Bobs, Ohiet i!.u^iaeer. A. Fkaskk, Beo'T-Treaa. CANADIAN BUSINESS VNI VKK8ITY, Public Library Building, Toronto. Studentsfrom British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a number of the other States and provinces now in attendance. Write tor descriptive circulars. THOS. BEKGOUGH, CUAS. H.BROOKS. President. Sec'y Manager. COKBOY'S CARRIAGE TOFS. Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durabiliti' style and convenience. Thejeadiog Carriage Bull 'en* sell tnem. ASK FOR TiAlU and BUY NO OTHER. WialeyRoyceCo., 283 YoHge Street, T*roni«. The Cheapen Place Id Canada for B4ND INSTRUMcNiS New and Second na.. d Agents for "BES80N and"HIGHAiVI Band and Orcb^sti MUSIC. Repairing of Band In strumente a specialty. Send for Catalognc. Nervous Debility. DR. OKAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment ot nervous debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vltahty, rnglng in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, 91 per box, or 6 boxes for 96, or will be ee it by mail oo rebeipt of price. Pamphlet on applioation. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. Young Men SUFFERING from the effects cf early evil habits, the result ot ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also MaciiS-AeKD and Old Msh who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the con»eqnenocK of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diveases of Men. The bock will be sent sealed to any addttss on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address, M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont g \^, .Extracts CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IK ALL PARTS 8F MANITOBA. PARTIFJ3 wishing to purehase improved Manitoba Farms, from SO acres upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to G. I. MAIIKSON. Mo- Arthur's Block, Main St, Winnipeg. Information furnibhed tree of charge, and settlers assisted in making seJection. Mosrr to hoiosi at current rates of interest. Bicycles Second .• Hand Slcyclcs and Tricycles. Send tor list. New Catalogue ready in April. MOlfTREAL. B ^^fi^ Desiring to obtain a Business Eduoatiou, or beooms brofident In Shorthand and Typewriting, ihoahl at- tend th« BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLECE Arcade, Tonge street, Toronto. Fkr nircuUrs. etc.. Address C. O'DSA. Seeretar?. BEAVER LINE of STEAMSHIPS. â€" Sailing Wkkkly Betwbbh â€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $4«, $£0 and $60. Return $80, $90 $110. Intermediate, 930. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, Genl. Manager. 1 Custom House Square, MONTREAL. Will Sharpen the Knife without reu^oving it from ths Machine. No farmer should Feed his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 30c. CUBHKNT A CO.. Toront«. BICYCLES. ^r.,^. ^,- --.MP rof, O'-IOLOG'JE. ^T0:^^- â€"BARGAINS INâ€" SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. Send ror List. Vhen I say Cdbs I do not mstn merely M Btop them lor a time, and than have them z^ turn again. Z xkak A BADICAL COBB. I teve made the disease ot SITS, EPILEPSY* or FAIXINO SIGKNESS, Allfe long study. I â- wabkaot my remedy to Cubs tbe worst cases. Because others hare falledisno reason fornot now receiving a cnrei. Send at once for a treatise and aFKK i: Boma of mylKi'AtxijALB Bkmkdt. Give Express and. Post Office. It costs yoa nothing tor m trial, and it wiU cure you. Address Dr. Hi Qt.. laOOT. tf? Yonge St., Toronto, Oat. BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with tfaic Yciist took fi St prizes ua l8St Township and County Paira la Onbirio in 1SS7, at such piac as Flesherton, Markham.Whu* by, etc. Over 10,000 ladies have sent u.s letters and postal card* to say that it is siijierior to any yeast ever v.rcA by them, ft makes tiie lightest, whitesiN sweetest and most wholesom* bread, buns, rolls and Buck wheat cakes. Directions in eacS package virith full instructaoaSt TAICEIO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENT»- Johnston's Fluid 'Beef. xarThls Yalnable Meat Preparation supplies every element of Meat rhat nourisnes and sastains life It is Meat Itself, and contains 50 Per Cent of Flesfe-Forminsr Materlat. Invalids and conval- escenti cannot take any Food that will so quickly strengthen and repair tbe tissues wasted by disease. Highly Recommended By the Medical Faculty. IV ri. k^ Mv I ' â- !%- M =#â- â- *;^ â- â- :=â- "â- : Il j, ' w There are many iMrrATiOHS of "Peerless" mSm ^^ii^i