-^Ml'JVj;?*^-,-; ?T^ wWw^^^^^^T^^m,'-- .f^Wi'^^^^^^^m jir-^wW^-^-m-i,^ I'jE^yT^js^t,^-.^-' ^^^^^^r3»^Spspwi^:^^^^p|3^^^^PPPf â- ?v^^.i -â- ^xl we handle the la 10 best variety, PUJ RELIABLE. w on hand fnll f all kinds adl grsi boiigbt for cash t'rj able tirms in Caua J doiniZ busiriesi on asis which will putj o soil atasnaalUdva lereby give my ousW t. I shall esteem i )u call and look throe ABLISIIMENT' iquire anything in d I feel confideut tl igbted with and surp^ tfitv and cheapness Upholstered goods artmen»Ihave»H all kiaas of fo"4 i all orders wiU Ual I careful attention, i 3e in connection. InstTXUcaenn e the celebrat^a^W* the famous wasj les which may "e^^ at my wa^r; jstosuitaUpnrci' m stock an ^^^ and voar ertaj^ gynm of WeXcome. ,11, join» A. m'donald, k. c. b. ,Jt of William Gladstone ^t'ome of Edward Blake; "talk of Oliver Mowat, _^ â- ^iiose 5^e we caDnot take. CHOBL'S. V f oi all Canadian statesmen, Ve ne'er expect to see n„ renowned and clerer "'^.SirJoiin ,K.C.B. r.e'C P. E.'" is finished, ' V^ -S. P." is in force, ,„„e reVenne is acoruinK fjom almost every source. f^qnarter of a century He iias held the reins of power Tib 8 mliDi' calm, and steadfast band ' 'ijo^n to the present Lour. ;„;jier, wortby of his stfiel, â- - gji,;.s proved himself to be itrad.DunR prudent .policies %t noted, "the N. P." • .|i- Bf.v our Premier long be spared "li, rule o'er tjiis great land, Hcllbring to us prosperity lud peace on every hand. j„j ne'il express our sorrow "liie day that he departs, T\i:h t'.aiF ind lamentations f r :n the deptlis of our own hearts. :.i;h Lake, June 8th, 188S. P. J. K. Canada's B'ew Party. tsaa MarkdalE GURE PLATFORM â€" AN ADDRESS TO THE PEO- PLE OF THE DOMINION. Ibe Executive Committee of wliat Ijinovni as the New or Prohibition -jrty, which was organized at Toronto I jrch 21, has issued au address to j 3 people. The flag it has adopted • the Liiiuu Jack, flanked with the j-Es cf Canada, and inacribfid "For d and Our Country."' The party's I'.iiform is as follows â€" Kigbteousuess and truth in public lairs as v/ell as in private business, d uo comiiromise with wrong. Equal rights for all creeds^ classes r.d ufitioiialitiGs, but exclusive privi- ...\3 to none. A national sentiment, a national lileratme, uud in all matters of pub-' jjpoUcvâ€" our country first. liie prompt and absolute prohibition :: tlie liquor traffic, and the honest l.:.l vigorous euforcemeut of all Jaws r ike repression ol vico and intern- ;;ra!ice. Eetreiicliment and economy in pul.- ::; expenditure, with the viev/ of re- aciug our. enormous national debt. llaubood suflVage, witii au educai- anf.1 qualificiition that is, a vote to i'in freeiii-m of legdl age wlio can Iread and write. The extension of the franchise to "jmon. An elective senate. Civil seryice reform. The address points out the ineffici- Iscy 01 the two great political parties ^promptly deal with these questions, ':!ers to "the evils of the party sys- '=a," and maintains that the remedy •Dsists ill suLstituting a reign of ||n;ieip!cs lor a reign oi corruption. 't iujii a movement the hour is re- ;trded as propitious. The signs of the I ••i"S8 pt.int to the speedy disiutegra- ';ffl of the old parties and the forma- •â- ^^c of new alliances around living »ii^s, It is claimed that the general "option of the platform will produce l-n entire revolution of political -sthcds and aims. The address con- â- .'.sues: • â- In framing the platform which is pw submitted, two objects were Jkept •=view; First, to ground the new :^tj" on principles that would allow -3 standing room for crooked methods seiiish aims and, second, to deal 'J vitb those specific questions "i'cli most directly touch the welfare I â- â- 'iis people at th e present time. It '^w this reason that the prohibition ^e Hquor trafac holds a foremost â- •^ct. Other questions will arise from '"it to time, and can be dealt with â- ;fli"r merits, but if the reforms de- â- yiJed by this platform can be ac- ;°"=Plipbed, the country can well afford "^^ a v.hile for the settlement of ""-^'siportant issues. MgFARLAND'S ADVICE TO YOU IS TAfCi TIME BY THE FORELOCK AND purchase your SUMMER WAKE be- j for the hot weather arrives, it will be here all right in good time and yon will be saying this is the hottest weather I ever felt. You can,keepcool by purchasing your PRINTS, MUSLINS, PARISOLES. A HOSIERY FACTORY FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES f CURE For Scratches on Horses i Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac I tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollov Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner eecond to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every department, would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS. ]\IcTVEA. FOR SCRATCHES OM HORSOk! M 5 ^BLAND' S Lovely Zephyr Chambreys for dresses only 12i and 14 cents, in skyeBLUE, riNK, GREY and BROWNS with EMBROIDERIES to match. A lino of Black Lace Gloves only 10 cents pair, a bargain. STEPHENS COUGH nHNf. The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving conghs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KINO. No other remedy like it, at 23 and 50 cents a bottle. It will reUeve hooping coagh when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at. the popular Drug Store, 1) Mve B. Ij. STEPHEN, MARKIMLE. •^i^sPAPER Advertisinct. â€" At the """S of the Canadian Association, onto last week, the committee ^^ wtoing reported that they "would I ia^g^^'.^^^ ^ead of the list newspaper "siLf '"" ^^ ^^^ ™°^* effective and â- lil ' ^^^^^ theory is becoming liltlf'"^^ Seuerally the accepted one. I^at "' '^^ "^^rtising may be some- ;^^^J^^table, and other kinds not un- I ""'P hr '"^^^ ^^ nothing that catches lisg^ ^^®' ^^^ "° place an adver- '^eiau' '^^^ ^^ ^°* where it will be so I â- "â- th • ^^^^ *°d show as many returns I ?pij^°,^5**°" *3 when it is attractive- I in the coltmins of a neirepaper. THE JVI^W- CIRCULAR PILLOW -:. COTTON m all widths at mill prices; A great job in HEAVY TWILL CRETONES lovely goods 10 cents ^11 the new shades in all wool DRESS GOODS 17, 20, 22^ and 25 cents. We lead the town in nobby stylish HATS and BOmETS our millinery rooms aro crowded with buyers daily and the choicest goods are being picked up, rapidly. j Leaye your order with Miss Bremner it you want the correct, lady like style. 2 cases^more of those men's and boys nobby hats, see them 120 pairs of these comfortable Wig- wam shoes in SI ens, Womens and Girls. COTTONADBS CHEAP. SHTRTIITG CHEAP, TWEEDS CHEAP, PABISOLS CHEAP, WALL PAPER at less than -wholesale ' prices. Do be wise and the wisest thing you can do is to do your trading at the OLD RELIABLE IMPORTING HOUSE, Sealj-aale Sl;U ui Fasbaliie Qotluii to hand, -which ytg purpose selling FOR CASH* prices which win ast onish the buy- er. Having determined" henceforth to do a • CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ting close bargain s. Mo|M[llMpPttlMl^ |b|o|o]t|sDWd^^ kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so -well and favorably kno-wa. Call early and secure bargains. WM. BROWN. Positive Cyre. k l^amless Cure. FACTS TOR EN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MAN. TUSil tmSH^lT S1E^L.TU MtEJTEH^EU, Marval of Heal-ng, and Kohinoorof Medicines, tbe iv'rrible cunseqnences «»rin(Iisicretlosi« Expoxare and OTenturk. -2rOTJ2iTC3-, 3^I2DZDX-33-.A.C3-E23 -A-iTaD OXJD aw£3Sl5T "Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical cmre for nerrons debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. St5€ptoms for which No. 8 SHonLi BB Used.â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of conildence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, apet- matorrbcea, or loss of tbe seminal fluidâ€" the result of self-abuse or marital excessâ€" impo- tency, innutrition, emaciatiou, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancbolv, disturbing dreams, ntc., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes inuocently acquired. In short, tbe spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in sscribing to the effects of self-abuse the great majority of wasted lives which cotne under their notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life. No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If vou are broken dowa, physici^ly and morally from early indiscretion, the TKSult of ignor.T.nce and foUv, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Lubos's Treatise in Book Form on Piseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all communications to H. V. RUBOK, 47 WelHnKton St. E^ Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a fooi's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure* A Pleasant CurCi u. J. MARKDALE. Medicated Electric Medieatod lor an dlaeMM of the blood and an vans ajBtam. I«di«a' Belt • for f emala earn plaintiitbMnoeqaal. ICeiis'BeltfatOomUDaa Belt and Bii«p«uory • Sendaal 4U1UIB of yoQt^l manbood, nigbtlyl The only applianoesi SSSS'S'SlS^S^^^^^S^jf^^ CURES wntMlon i, Ma. • The C „ irfwrtiffiDainrMdanoa. jjjpidr^gls gf ^e»: disease of the Udneys, â- exnal --i„_ bandaamdy lUnatraMd book' saltation and u l u c Wn a l eait anit cftt ie 1 aonatteatiaa SIHT V. BLBSTDIirESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAr STREET, TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEWIN STREET, LONDON E.C. ENGLAND R- I^. Stephen's CHEMIST DRUGGIST. M^kdaJe S^^4'i?.^??'"'7 ^o"" '^^ sale of the above in MAKKDAIiE. No Spectacles in the Marketequal them m the EYE PBESERVING QU.4IiITIES wM^^'Sf^^^'"'.*^^ GREAT EASE and COM- FOBT they confer on the wearer. wâ„¢*twf»!J'"'"fi""*y ^o strengthen the t-yes that " does not become necessary to chance CHE^BM?^ ^^"'" ^^*y *^^ therefore tie Carley's Healing Oil Will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply tbe OJ. If animal requiries any medicine fci put It into condition use the Derby Ulood Purifyer. GMflPliN P ACIFIC B, B, TIME TABLE. â€" IVfa-rlcdale Station â€" Going South. GolSG NOKTH. 6.57 a. m. 11.56 p 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. m 6 PEE CENT, Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interest. Apply to It. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer Postmaster, Plesherton. IT 18 A WELL KKOWN FACT THAT Mc COLLS "LARDINE" is the bedt tnowu, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist njou getting the "Genuine Lardme" when they ask for it, owing to so mnch inieiior oil being sold un- der the same name by unKcmpulous dealers. We are the sole manufiictur- ers cf the "Genuine La,idine " every barrel branded. McGOLL BED'S, CO. For Bale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 385-421 THE TAILOR, i^ prepared to make yo-.ir clothes nsat and tr'm The liltcst Fashion I'latcs alvtavs on -jRt;.! t choose Iroin. Itememb€r, over McFailanris Store, -Virkdalo Gonsuinption fhatdnad tenor, a diaeaae ao long baffling â- sianee and tbe xaoet skilled phyaidaiia, who kaewol aotbiog to aneatt notbing to allevi- sta^notliiogtoeimb Nowitia bo longer an faemable malady even vhen given np bv Idiy8iaiana,bealweaa yet be found InOUB BmCBDT, it beala and aootbea the mem- biane of fiteUmgi, inflamed and poCaoned by tfaeravacaa onHa fefl fflj^je, and pee- venta the night aweata and tif^taeaa aeraaa tbe ebeai irtiidiaaeoavanylt. CURES CUARANTEED m m \m--di i"-^ \^} f .MA V- IMI ..' i '^;inf- â- "♦- â- -.rl •â- â- !i .â- W-mirfi .*"^l ----iv '#C ' .:..-. .Jvi-^^t^^#fef ^C- .rli-.i ,#£'