tmmm- ^.-;-' 'Wmn V m __„..__ ^^- 'â- â- â- â- â- ii*- â€" .; i' .Ir^ â- i: ' 1 I- â- ^1 f" .-} if.*'" #^ Is? ri â- B C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JUNE 14, 1888. WIRE FENCES. Wove-wire fences for village, as well *«i farm garden and lawn purposes are perhaps the most economical fence ex- tant. They are cheap and darahle, and with a httle extra expense can be made quite ornamental. They are particularly valuable in winter season by allowins; the snow to pass through «nd thus saving the drifts which usually lodge behind fences of other material. Sidewalks can be kept lear of snow easily where this kind of fence is. The wire also makes ex- cellent gates, very light and durable. 'The cost of a wire fence is from $1 a rod up according to finish. Seyeral pieces may be seen in Markdale, the last erected bemg built by Pet« Duff for Mrs. Noble on EUzabeth street. Shaw's side this time came out several lengths ahead. W. Cooper Sons are the contractors in both cases. â- â- â- Bollaad Centra. Standard Correspondenee. Henry Langdale is back again to our village. Mr. 0. Price has resigned his situa- tion as township clerk. An angling party left here for Owen Sound on ^day evening and had great success. Mr. J. Fitzgerald and family took one of the steamers from Owen Sound for Duluth. Robert McEinnet and daughter Emma will leave here on 19th inst. on a pleasure trip to Manitoba. Messrs. Haddow Robinson are preparing to put in rollers in the grist mill of the former in Williamsford. Mr, C, Price will leave here on Mon- day, 11th inst., for London as one of the delegates of the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows. Mr. Henderson, a man 85 years of age, surprised the athletes of our town by wallong on his hands a distance of about thirty yards. Beat this who can. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Hon. Edward Blake will return to Canada in August. â€"The new Governor General ar- rived at Ottawa last Sunday. â€" President Cleveland has been nominated by acclamation by the Democratic Convention at St. Louis, â€" The damago done by a cyclone in the Ottawa Valley a week ago is esti- mated at $400,000. â€" The Manitoba crop report is very encouraging, and if promises are borne out the farmers will have fully as prosperous a year as they had last, which is saying a good deal. A great many harsh things have been said against Manitoba, but it cannot be said that it does not produce wheat and in abundance. â€" One of the most satisfactory things we notice these days is the in- terest being shown all over Canada, and especially in Ontario, in the hid- den riches of our country. Natural gas has been got at ColUngwood coal is promised near Orillia mining pros- pecting is going on all over Northern Ontariu. We trust that this spirit of enterprise will meet with good reward and that it will spread all over. Of all things we want to see an iron smel- ting furnace set up in Ontario. -Toron- to Worid. â€" Just notice how Prohibitionists are almost always selected nowdays Who May Sell Hxngs, Poisons, ko. SSE THE PHBMAOT ACT OF 1871. Sec. 1 provides that it shall be un- lawful for any person to sell or keep open shop for retailing, dispensing or compounding poisons, or to sell or attempt to sell certain drugs, c., un- less properly or legally qualified there- for. Sec. 8 provides how poisonous drugs must be marked, c. Sees 20, 21, 22 and 28 provides, who alone may sell or keep for sale certain poisonous articles mentioned in said Act. Sees. 23 and 25 provides, the pen- alties that shall be inflicted for viola- tion of said Act while sec. 27 pro- vides, that no person selling ar1;icles in violation of the provisions of this Act shall recover any charges in re- spect thereof in any court of law or equity. Sistriot Dolnffs. Flesherton is to have a bank shorUy. Charles Palmer, of Dundalk, has been appointed magistrate. Dundalk is to have a celebration on Dominion Day. Grey County Council will meet in Owen Sound on the 18th June. Palmerston has put up a 700 lb. town bell. Orangeville Presbytery meets at Orangeville, July 10th. John Gardiner, who lives near Mt Forest, had three cows Killed last week by lightning. Ghesley denizens are said to have imbibed buttermilk to excess at the opening of the creamery. Mr, Bowie, of Mt. Forest, has moyed j to the States and was banquetted be- tT KAKLETS DKUB STOKE, MARISDALK MANLEY'S Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only 75ct»' MANLEY'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Golds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 26c and 11.00. MANLB"2'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLEY'S Good Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, pnce25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm Killer. A safe, sure and pleasant remedy for worms of all kinds. Nothing better, price 25c. MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts, Scalds, |Burns, Sores and Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters. For Bad Blood, and Skin Diseases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil. The only positively, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try itâ€" price 25 cents- MANLEY'S Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. A Nerve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for lossof Appetite, Weakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the njarket, very nice to taste easily digested and highly useful in wasting diseases, as Consumption, Bronchits, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Vegetable Blood purifyer and Tonic. It acts on the Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation and Dispejjsia, a cheap and good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes 3 pints bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anjrthing in the medicine line, â- "or yonj. n'GELS: M ABED ALE. for important and responsible public positions. A Financial Minister is needed forthe Dominion and the clear- headed Prohibitionist of the Cabinet, Hon. G. E. Foster, is selected to fill the vacancy. A new Cabinet position IS created in the Ontario Government ' p^^er. We wish the editor and Mr. Charles Drury, one of the J"""^^ continued success fore leaving, Geo. Brown, of Meaford, has been appointed bailiff of the Third Division Court of Grey in the room of Andrew Watt, decamped. The Flesherton Advance is seven years old with every prospect of being Soundest Prohibitionists in the Local Legislature gets the office. The im- portant position of assistant Treasurer IS vacant, and D. E, Camerou, one of the most acfciye and enthusiastic Pro- Jiibition plattorm workers of Western Ontario, is appointed. The consti- tuency of North York loses its repre- sentitive in the Local Legislature, and the Reform party gets togethei, picks out one of the soundest Temperance men of the County, Mr, J. E. Davis, and ho gets into the Legislature with out opposition.â€" Toronto Citizen. KeafordBoad. StandordCorregtondence. A base ball club has been organized here. The members m.^et for practice on Saturday evenings. It has leaked out that some time in the near future there wiJl bo a wed- fiing a;; or ut-ar Vandeleur. Names withheld for the present. Mr. E. Douglas had his raising on the 2nd inst. Messrs, W. J. Covey and E, Shaw were the captains. The race was a close one. Covey's side be- ing a little ahead. Mr. G. Bowles is having a barn built this summer. The frame was xaisad on the 6th inst. Messrs. Covey ^^^ Again being oaptaina. And Sentenced. â€" Joe Gahaa, the Orangeville burglar, has been senten- ced to three years in the Penetangui- shene Beformatory. Mr. Samuel McCuUough and sister, of Duiidalk, leave this week for Cali- fornia, there to remain six months for his health. Dr. Hunt, (Jlarksburg, gave a paper "Idiopathic Glossitis," at the Ontario Medical Absociaticn's meeting iu To- ronto this week. The 43d Provincial Exhibition will be held at Kingston from the 10th to the 15th September next. A copy of the prize list is to hand which our patrons mav see by caJhug. Miss Jennie Butherford. of Proton Station, who left with her parents for Oregon three weeks ago, died of diph- theria a few days after arriving in Oregon. Mr. Eobert OJiver has probably the most extensive farm in South Grey. He has a farm of 760 acres in Arte-' mesia, which is splendidly stocked. He has no lees than 30 railch cows and all other kmds of stock iu proportion. The new steel steamer for the C. P. E. line between Owen Sound and Port Arthur is to be thirty feet longer than Mie Alberta or Athabasca, and the Poison Jron Worka Co.. of ToronV who have the contract for her eon- siruction, are making arrangements to have her built in Oi^ Boimd. J HAMILTON, *^ -THE PEOPLE'S PHOtOGBAPHER, Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City work. Copying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture traming done wifcli neatvess and dispatch. Then come awa, both old and young, • And dinna lose nae time In getting pictures for your friends, • For Hamilton takes them fine. mSULVCI^UTEO WSTBUMniV "Om Qre im* D i t cwanf «i ORIEHTJIL CATMRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER Vt% MFLUEMCE Xhs only oatMtrb remedy ever offered to the pnblie oa 15 9atjn trials a mitten guMwiitee giTen with eaeh instnunent, W. X. Biia OO^ it,^ â- Saw Ixog, Wq. " MaBimoth " " NorbilantGiajtl CAEEOT: Short Horn, Long White Belgian (FrenJ " " " (Eig3 TUENIP: Sutton's Champii Bangholm, Improved, Skirvings, Cartier's Improved, Hall's Westbury, Grey Stone, Aberdeen Yellow Purple Top, •' Purple Top Maina Eemember we handle tha stock and the best variety, Pti FEESE and EELIABLE. Yours Eespectful'y, ffLSTEPHl EXCELSIOR IGfiQoeea West, Toronto, Ont. ACTIHA THE eiEAT EVE AND UmO RESTORES i Mimto mta mdiGim^ i dlgwling krtkm or powflar iMfl. bul â- S«U-gw«*' ting Vapor, ewily and pleasantly applied at all boors, times and plaoea. AeliiMi No. Zâ€" 3iiiekly reUeros and tboroii^y coxes all Throat and TiO"ff fliimsiMTfli Jtdma No. â€" Fositivdy oores all flfaoaeon of the Eye, Cataract Ghran date d Ky^Jid s, Inflsmed Eyes, near and far sigbtedneea Tn Bxa TKKATg WHm i OIiOBKP. Tea AonRA is aois cmnB mm wammi auiuam oh is datc TBiAih BnelaM stamp for handsomely UliMttanttod book and healfb ioonial. W.S.BAESACO.. US Qoeen Street West, Tomato, Ont COURT OF RE VISION. Mnnicipai^fMarMale â- VrOTICE is hereby given tliat the First Xl Sitting of the Conrt, for the Eovision of the Assessment Roll, of the Village of Markdale, in the Connty of Grey, ^viil be held in Haskett's Hal" in the said Village of Ma rkdale, on Wednesday the 20th day of June next, beginning at the hour of 10 o'clock a.^ K. C. ERYDEN, „. Cierk. Clerk's Office. Markdale, 1 May 16, A. D. 1888. PLASTERER AND STCNE fi^ASON MAEEDALE. Is prepared to take contracts in town" or country. Calcimining and Whitewashing done also. Lewis â€" On Wm. Lewis, girls. BIRTHS. the 9th inst., tiie w -, of Mr. Tttibne Euphrgeia, cf twin MARRIAGES. On the 6th June, at the -- resiaencH of Mr. Alex. Erskme. 9th line Euphrasia, by Bev A. WUson. Mr. Eobt. Scott Erskiae to Miss Mmnie M. Turner, all of Eophrasia DEATHS B^»™â€" -to Euphnaia on tiie ttb inst ~M~ Fnuisis Boreh, affd 87 ye^ ' " MORTGAGE SALE OF YalnaMe Farm Property â€"IN T BTP! TOWNSHIP OF_EUPHRAeiA. t^J!"^^ " ^l ""' °^ *^« Power of Sde con d^P^ „?fh*'^**'°,^"'^^« which will be wo- dneed on the day of sale, there will be offeredfor tbe Markdale Houaoin tbe Viaaceof 3ttMÂ¥da,Ie r«i^., *!!? '^^^J^^ *» *^e afternoon the foUow- "^a^alaaWe land and premises, viz- Tlie East quarter of lot number twelre in the ,^^hl'5?'**"°? SJ *^« Township of EnphraSa. UndLo«Sr*^^ °'"y' ^^^^ fifty ^acres of r»d8. and in an excou'ent farmta^,^t^ ^^ fJ^'*«f™«. apply to P. McCnUOTgh, JBort ^iMitor. or to feeorge Noble. AaiSdneer. „ P. MoCUIiIiOUGH, Mortgagees' SoUoitor, Markdale. D*«!dthfaraJ,dayol^ane.l8a8. I have now on hand a fnli varied stock of all kinds aiit ofFuuxrruRs, bought for casli tbe most reliable firms in Caa au(1 1 purpose cloinjj business ul strictly cash basis whicli will m in a position to soil at a small Mva on coat and thereby give my cnsl! ers the benefit. I shaU estem! tavortobaveyou calUndlook tiiiJ5| MIT ESTABLISHMEST' whether you require anything in line or not, and I feel confiaeut you will be delighted with andsurp ed at the quality and cheapness i my goods.â€" Upholstered specialty. Undertakini of Waloome. â€" $a, 39BS A. M'DONAU), k. c. b. *jv of William Gladstone i8«SS!^e of Edward Blake I ciMTof Obver Mowat I *5h^gide we wnnot take. CKOBCS. ihr of aU Canadian statesmen, ^e no'ar expect to see 0„e so renowned and clever As Sir John • iv. i^. i.. I -^ ..0. P. R." J8 finished, r Bifl "N- P'" is i° """' T«ise revenue is accruinK I I^ ahnost every source. I ffor ft quarter of a century He has held the reins of power wSi s ruling, calm, and stewifa8t hand Pown to the present hour. I I soldier, worthy of his steel, r gghas proved himself to be rtt adopting prudent poheies J %08t noted, "the N. P." L qij 1 may our Premier long be spared ' To rule o'er this great land, He'll bring to us prosperity And peace on every hand. And we'll express our sorrow The day that he departs, \fith tears and lamentatious From the depths of our own hearts. Irish Lake, June 8th, 188S. P. J. K. Canada's Hew Party. I PLATFORM â€" AN ADDRESS TO THE PE PLE OF THE DOMINION. In this department I l»aT«»^ plete stock of all kiads of"' furnishings and all of « J"" my prompt and careful attenhon. fiiit'claBsbearseinconnecboD. Musical Instrument^ I also handle the celebrat*« Organs and the /amons Sewing Machines winch may ^, on lixhibition at my ^jj^ prices and grades tosmtaupi" Picture Fr8inyi I shall keep in ^^^J^ line of frames, and vour ^^^^ orders wiU be attended to ^^\ ness and despatch »» i«t Jl' [prices. With many. rfilijve 1^1 present patronagej^hj^ ' ^ces ""^l oeived and hoping by ^fj^^e^^\ equare dealing to merit an the same. „„npctfnlly' Iam,your'8re8pe"B The Executive Committee of wh IS known as tbe New or Prohibitu •arty, which was organized at T oron [jlarcb 21, has issued an address the people. The flag it has adopt 13 the Union Jack, flanked with i [arms of Canada, and inscribed "F od and Our Country.' The part; Jatform is as follows â€" Bighteousness and truth iii pub ifeirs as well as iu private busiue md no compromise with wrong. Equal rights for all creedS; clas; td nationalities, but exclusive pri leges to none. A national sentiment, a natioi literature, and in all matters of pi ic policy â€" our country first. The prompt and absolute prohibit; if the liquor traffic, and tbe hou md vigorous enforcement of all h for the repression ol vice and inte lerance. Eetrenchment and economy in p lie expenditure, with tbe viev.- of lucing oar enormous national delt Manhood suffrage, witii au edu mal qualification that is, a voti lyery freeman of legal age who read and write. The extension of the franchise fomen. An elective senate. Civil seryice reform. The address points out the iuefl mcy of tbe two great political par promptly deal with these questic Telers to "the evils of tbe party i tem," and maintains that the reix coDsists in substituting a reign [Jrincipies lor a reigu oi corrupt For such a movement tbe bourai yarded as propitious. Thi" eigns oi tJmee point to tbe speedy disiute tion of the old parties and tbe foi twn of new alliances around li W8, It is claimed that the gei adoption of tbe platform will pro *n entire revolution of pol Jnethods and aims. Tbe address tinues In framing tbe platform whl now submitted, two objects were JDview: First, to ground the P»rty on principles that would i »o standing room for crooked me; â- « selfish aims and, second, to ^^ with those specific ques ^^«h most directly touch the w ^ttle people at tbe present time for this reason that the probil ^e liquor traffic holds a fore ^•W. Other questions will arise ** to time, and can be dealt " their merits, but if tbe reforn "'*»ded by this platform can 1 ^Plished, the country can well josfaita while for tbe eettlem« "^.important issues. lam, your o*-r J. W. Sprofl^^ j^^*»APEB AdVEETISINCt. â€" A r^^ of the Canadian Associ ' ^i*â„¢'Wnto last week, tbe comi ^wertising reported that they " *7* «* tbe head of the list news 38 the most effective This theory is bee '«Bo«e generally the accepte ifence advertising may be We, and other kinds n 9. there is nothing that c: eye, and no plsice an 9»ai be put where it will 1 and show as many r Ci as when it is attri ^liie oolumns of a news m. v â- J- â- ty'jSs' -.liiii- â- v'