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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 May 1888, p. 4

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 -4 :=â- â- *;; ?, »-"â- Â»â€¢-* ^-.2tt^ |.'v" -^•â- - ,4i- :N^|i» •vj*?» 13 r-. I- v i "i » •• -ic' â- fe- O. W. Rutladge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, MAY 17, 1888. M. P. AND DUTTEK. Mr. W. F. Maclean, of the Toronto World, is a candidate for M. P. in Cardwell He is also making a com- mendable effort to reform the manu- facture of butter in Canada. We have no doubt he would be make an efficient M. P., and if he can succeed in- re- volutionizing the butter manufacture he will prove himself Canada's great- esii philanthropist. TOWN FATHERS. As may be seen by Council report in another column our city Fathers have got down to business. We com- pliment them, as also our eitizeos, in the wise selection of officers they have made. Mr. Bryden is a man of ex- perience as town clerk, and possesed of undoubted abilities besides being exceedingly panistaking in the transac- tion of importance business such as will now devolve upon him. Mr. Young, Treasurer, is a man of sterling worth and rare executive abilities. Mr. Whitby, Assssor, has had long experience in that line, and is admir- ably adapted for the position. TORONTO EXHIBITION. The Industrial Fair for the present year is to be held at Toronto from the 10th to the 22 nd of September next. The directors and officials are ener- getically pushing forward their pre- parations to make it sustain the grand reputation it has already secured. The prize list has ^been revised and sent to the printer. Although the amount of prizes was very largely increased last year, in view of it being the Do- minion Exhibition, the amount has not been reduced, the association be- ing determined to keep up the prize list. In the horse department the prize list has been increased over that of last year all the special prizes of- fered for com petit ion the first week have been retained, and three new classes added, one for Clydesdale, one for Shire horses, and another for Ag- ricultural horses, the latter class being to provide for those horses that are too heavy for the general purpose class and are too light to be classed as Heavy Draught. A large number of new special prizes have also been added to the horse department. The prizes fur cattle, sheep and pigs remain much the same as last year, excejit that the special herd prizes offered for competition the first week has been dropped, so as not to interfere with the exhibit of cattle at the proviucial. It is probable that the new Governor- G-eneral, Lord Stanley, will open the exhibition, and the directors, assisted by the Toronto City Council, are mak- ing strenuous efforts to secure more ground, so that the present park may be enlarged in time fur this year's fair. The Special Atti action Com- mitt3, eacoiiraged by the liberal pat- ronage the exhibition received last â€"The Canadian Padfio Railway has ordered 1.000 new box cars from Crosson, of Cobourg, and 1600 from Montreal. Two hundred locomotives are also to be turned out by the end of the year. â€"Rev Lyman Abbott, temporary pastor of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, has been formaUy called to the per- manent pastorate as successor to the late Henry Ward Beecher. and wjU accept. â€"Oscar Wild Uves in Carlyle's house and has bought Carlyle's book- case at an auction. He walks on the roof summer nights, smoking a pipe, just as Carlylo used to do, and the neighbors sometimes take him for Carlyl's ghost. â€" The temperance question israpid* ly coming to the front, and nothing can for any great length cf time, hinder its onward movement. The attention the subject is receiving from both churches and state makes it plain that decisive action cannot be long delayed. â€" Toronto News. â€" The amendments to the laws to libel introduced in the House of Com- mons are in the right direction, and go some distance towards placing pub- lishers on a fair footing. They grant in an apparantly effective shape the principal reforms asked for by the Canadian Press Association. â€" The exports of potatoes from Can- ada during the last fiscal year were in round numbers 1,500,000 bushels of which 1, 276,000 bushels went to the United States at an average price cf 40 to 50 cents a bushel. More than half of the entire lot was shipped from Prince Edward Island, and when it is remembered that the United States duty on poiatoes is fifteen cents per bushel it is easily seen why the Isla- nders are so strongly iu favor of re- ciprocity troaty. â€" How often have we seen feather beds and pillows put into the sunshine to improve the lightness and elasticity ot the feathers, as it supposed The effect seems to be however, quite the contrary, for the sun draws the oil out of the feathers, making them soggier, so that they mat together, Eence it is said that a bed put out in the sun will soon lose any lightness it may possess, and becorae hard and empty The best way is to shake' up the bed well, open the window and let it stand an bour for an airing. CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS Up to one inch space 50e for one week o tl for four weeks. laridale to the Front. AUCTION SALE -OF Valuable Farm Lands Tn the township of HoUand, under and by Virtu* of toe^â„¢rBale in a Mortgage from -rbomas Sanderson, to the Vendors wliich will be prc^ dS^^atSletimeofsale, and on deiault being m^in payments of the moneys thereby sec- Sr^ there win be offered for sale by pubhc Section at ^h's Hotelin the VUlage of Mark- dSleonMdayMaySSth,!^, at one o'c^k^E^ m bv George Noble, auctioneer. liOts numbers ^venty four and seventy five, in the second con- cllston N E T.S.Boad, in the townsjip of Holland coatainins together 100 acres more or Sss about 77of which lire saM to be cleared and under cultivation. On the premises ^-e said to be a log house, with frame kitchen also a frame Vinrn aud a loB barn, also an orchard. „ ., P?em^es ^e said to be within about 3 miles of ^^iMs^-10percent,at time of sale and for balance terms liberal and wUl be made known Fo?'furihS%rticulars apply to Wm. Lucas Co., Jlarkdale or MOSS, BABV^aCK FJSANKS. Vendors Solicitors. Toronto, Jtfay 14th, 1888. TO T-K POPI Archbishop 8 Grov on She QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY AUCTION SALE â€" OF^ â-  YaluaMe Farm Property In the township of Glenelg, in the county of Grey There will be sold on Saturday the 2nd day of June. 1888, at four o'clock in the afternoon at the Markdale House, in the Village of Markdale. By virture of Powers of Sale contained in cer- tain Morfeages which will be produced at the bale, the following property. Under Mortgages from Eodger Campbell, Lot 21, in the 9th con. of the township of Glenelg, in the county of Grey containing 100 acres more cr less. The following improvements are said to bo on the premises About 65 acres cleared, having elected thereon a house and bam. Tbkms.â€" 15 ijer cent, of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. 1 or further particulars apply to JONES BEOS. MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto. Or to B. J. Sproule, Esq., Flesherton, Ont. Q elebraI Grand Exhibition of Horse Races, Qames, Sporf s c., in the Village of p or .^oui« LYNCH DEAD. -h- Joseph Lynch, ArcL ^, died at St. John 1 :«MscoDal residence, on bhe trniuc- His age was ^^. F rw^Blckbata very few aa: Jirillness was known, after mness only to the attaches ott i his physicians and the cler^ igB, deW" jj.g Dominion. tehitoryof His Grace's illn^ „very much like that of the V^ Thomas White, rhnrs-lay el ,^°°Ae rXned from St. Catharir 1^,? nnwell. On the train e n rol P" l?^°v he was seized with M *i^^Sedby copions attacks \tfiXf^y" â€" ,Tinw at the Grove wa! ^^ammaiiouoftheluugssetin. I fsp^eof all that the physiei| â-  *° ij An His Grace passed peaeetl M" 4 MP V i • I *°" ft tho hour named. He waJ iYi AlN (jrE L,^: â-  away af t^"^^^„ ^f i^i^ faculties! COURT OF REVISaON. Township of Euphrasia NOTICE is hereby given that the First Sitting of the Court, for the Eevision of the Assessment Roll, of the Township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey, will be heldat the Township Hall of the said Town- ship, in ihe Village of Kocklyn, on l-'iiJaY the 25th day of May next, becinning at the Lour of 10 o'clock a. m. KOBEET DUNLOP, Tp. Clerk. Clerk's OflSce, Euphrasia, 1 April 30th. A.D. 18S8. j BULL FOR 8ERVBCE. On the town line of Holland and Euph- rasia, on lot 13, thoroughbred Short Horn Durhani Bull '-Blotclier." He is registered in tho I)ominion Herd Book. The papers sau be seen if required. Terms §1. HALBEKT BROS. THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, THURSDAY, M.^Y 24TH, 1888. Will be celebrated in Markdale by Horse Races, Athletic Sports, Games, Muaic, c. Programme Horse Pasess. HOBSE RACES. 1st. 2nd. Open Running Race $20 00 Sli» 00 Ooen Trot 20 00 10 00 Hurdle Race 10 00 5 00 GAMES SPORTS. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 100 yard Eace .....?300 $1 50 200 â-  •' • 3 00 150 Mile Race... '....: 4 00 2 00 $1 50 Mens Race over 50 years.. 3 00 2 00 Ladies' Race, special prize R. H. Benson, set glass- ware 3 00 Three Standing Jumps .. 2 00 1 00 Bovs Hace under 16 .... 1 00 75 •' 12 1 00 75 Putting Id lb Shot 2 00 1 00 " 21 ib •' 200 1 00 StandingJump 2 00 100 Running Jump 2 60 100 Biinning-hop step jump 2 00 1 00 WTieeibarrow Race 2 00 i 00 Boys standing-hop-step jump undsr 16 years 1 50 1 00 Hurdie Race, special by Sproule Davis 2 00 1 00 cfp SawLjo^,IinM Long Red. B.lect " " Mam:i.o:l, CAREOT: LbngOran Half Long. Short Horn, Long White Bekian TURNIP: Siitton's Champl Baugliolin, Improvt^d, SIdrvings. Carlier's ImprDved, Hall's Westuury, Grey Stone, Aberdeen YfUow Pnrple iJ •' Purple Top ]Iji Eemember we Landlo tii- a Bfcock and the best variotv, i FEESH and KELIABLE! Yours Respectfully, R L S Montreal Witness.) .. â€" The Methodist and Presbyterian churches are taking practical steps for a territorial division between them of those sections of country which are so sparsely settled as not to be abld to sustain churches of both denomina- tions. A better monument to real Christianity could not be set up than a Methodist church with Presbyterian sanction or a Presbyterian church with Methodist sanction, uuless some kind of a union church could be devised for I such religions under which a Presby- terian minority would not think they were a Methodist church and a Me- thodist minority would not feel that they were in a Presbyterian church- So long as it is found impossible tha^ both should be one there will be call in the working out. of the details of such a scheme as this, for the very utmost stretch of Christian ciiarity â€" members of each body of Christians doing their best to carry out that christian precept of eoteeiiiiag RULES AND REGULATIONS. HOESB BACES. 1st. Pour to enter, three to start. 2nd. Eutrance, fifteen per cent, of purse. 3rd. Horses winning first money in open trot or open race are debarred firom entering in other races. 4th. MHe beats, best 3 iu 5 in trotting, and best 2 in 3 in running race. 5th. Horees competing for prizes must be on ground when called. 6tb. Entrance to be made with Secx-etary not later than ten on day of races. GAMES AND SPORTS. 7th. Entrance for athletic gaiucs and Epor£3 t«n per cent, of first money. 8th. Three to entor in games. 9t I. •ill :.• â-  â- .â- 'c!.-,i'i:; 'o be flna,! in all 'â- â€¢ise: Hi.i â-  ;; ices vo Ul' 'ovemed by Doiniuiou Turi Club luies. EXGELSIOI year, and the general approval of j better than themselves, visitors with the attractions onered, are entering upon their arrangements for new features with renewed energy: An improved catalogue will be publish- ed this year for the live stock depart- ment, ind no animal will be recog- uized by the judges milesa it has on tlie catalogue number. In oi-der that tUe catalogue may be complete, it has been decided that no entries shall be received after the date named which is August 18t;li, others while at the same time, by their humility, throw- ing as little difficulty as possible iu the way of their neighbors doing like- wise. The successful carrying out of this bcheme will bo the triumph of Christian broth -eriy kindness. ._ for ,•« osm^ KOTE AND COMMENT. Dr. Widdifield, M. P. P., has re- ceived the appointment of Sheriff ot York. COURT OF_REVISION. MimicipaliipflarMale N " OTICE ifiherebT given that the First Silting of the Court, for the Revision of the Assessment HoU, of the Village of Markdale, iu the County of Girty, -wUl be held in Haskett's Hal' m the said'Viil^e of Markdale, on Monaay the 1 1th day of Jane next, bejriniiing at ihbhonr of 10 o'clock a.ia 11. C. BSTDEN, Cltijt. Clerk's, Office. ilarirdaie,i:'-^f OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember ve mftntifactim and axe the sola proprietora of the following speoialties, and that they can be had from no ether sooiee. THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Correspondence Btrlctlv confidential. Consultation upon all chronie disease Inyited, NO CHARGE except tor medicines. All goods sent secoxe from obsetro* tion. Tonaito Medicine Co., TaroBtOi Ont. HAIR COLORINO Onr magniflcient pr^arations are warranted per. fectly natmless. We prepare the following colorsâ€" the finer shades arise from the hair itself Black, Dark Brown, Mediun Brown. Cbestnnt, Iiight Cbestnnt, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde Cendree. Send sample' of hair when ordering. Price, 9SL per bottle. Toronto Uediclne Co., TOILET REQUISITES In ordering please specify which yon reqolre we gnarantee them to give entire satisfaotion. No. 8 Imparts to the skin the color and freshnesa of maidenhood; harmlessand cannot bedeteeted. fljas. No.9Kemoves wrinkles. $3. No. 10 Be* moves Iiiver Spots. $!.». No. U Bemoves Flesh Worms. 91.25L No. IS Bemovea Freckles. 91SS. No. 13 Bemoves Pimples. tlJiB. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. 91J6. No. 16 Bemoves Holes. fS. No. 16 Bemoves Foekmarks. $•. No. 17 Bemoves undue PrespiraUon. 91.2 No.l8Anabwdntennfaillng speeifio for tbe retention develcmment or restor- aaioa of tbe Hair. $1.20. T»oDtol^diclne Go. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combined intemkl and external teeatmentiHiMaspeedUy developes or restores tbe female bdst to the proportions of volnptnona nature. Is entirely harmless and oerfsln in re- BoltB.Pzioef9i Toronto Madidne Co. XanmtOb WOMEN'S ILLS No. so A certain can f (HT IieneotAcea. or Whltea Falling of the WomL, UlcwatimiB ^Lfnl H^ â- tendon, ^Bearing down Fains" and all Diseases and Weaknesses peenliar to females. g-wflnHMfi byithe tallest medical aothcKUiea aa an rfTOBed"»medy. Price W per botUe. To Medicine Co., Tcmmto. Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS Tax mpe^ae to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyrtma ht Oxiete. Endanedbyfhethonsuidsana^^wha a8etlMinM0NTHI.t. NevarteflTMleTOn^ Price 9i Tan»t0 UedidiSOa!. Tterate^^ NEURALGIA RHlONUTiSM OaabeeareabynaingBpeeifie H«.91 Its a«KftaaalolaaB«toia^ga£SSrttt Gbakd CAUTKUMPIAN Pkuci^ssioi^ W.i?l parat'e the streets under the Command of Cap. din YMONGOISYHP at 11 o'clock a.m. Best drer.i'd Calithuiipiaulst prize $2; worst dressed Calaliuiiipiau, 1st prize pi. Races Games to start at12i30. Grand Liacrosse Match at 10 o'clock between P'esberton ana Mai-kdale, pi-ize 155; also Base i^.tli Ilstuh between Blantyre and Markdale, Markdale Brass Band i" attendance. Eni.i-ancs to Grounds lOe. Buggy Horse 25c. Bcturu tickets at Single Eares will be issued be- tween Orangevule and Owen Sound. "GOD SA.VEJ TME QUEEN." J. W. SPBOUIjE, j. j. IBWIN, President. Treasurer. GEO. NOBLE, Secretary, Managing Com 3. J. mWIN, IW. J. BENSON. PLASTERER hM STONE MASON MABKDALE. Is prepared to take contracts in town or country. Caleimining and Yvl:itewashing done also. BULL F OR S ERVICE. The undersigned has foi service on lot 11, con. 13, Glenelg, the famous thoronghhred Durham Bull, "Tempest," registered m the Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. He has a first-class pedigree, and is from a first-class miieh cow. Terms ro:isonable. AUGUSTIN DITNER. 396-6t Glascott P. 0. WAREBQOm Wk liavfi DOW on liarnJ varie,! .^cock of all kiuas of FuRNiTUKE, bougbr, fjr C:IS!1 the Liost reliable firms id iiLn' VT. paroose doin;,' h;i^ii'-l cric£iv^a=ii basis wuiawiii^ in a position to sell at a small* on cost and thereby give our j ers the benefit. Weslialeste^ IavortohaveyoacalUudlao.'a OITB ESTABLISHBE^ whether you require anjthiDg' line ornot, and we eel onH will be delighted mthnj the quality and chMpw you ed at our goods.-Upbolstered .?' specialty Organs and the fafi„, ,j,ieb rm^ ray. Tonnto COURT OF REVISaOW Township of Glenelg, THE first sittling of the Court of Eevision for the Tcvf^iship of Glenelg for the year 1888, will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, the 2lRt day of May, 1888, at the hour of 10 o'cloclv in the forenoon. The Council wiJl :aeet fcr general business at the same place at 1 o'clock in tbe after- no(m of the sameday. ..:,;, J. S. BLACK, V Tp. Clerk. Pate4 May 3i4, 1888. Sewing Machines wi on Exhibition « "%« prices andgradest^^t^^g. Picture J r^^- AYosbKlllieepin gtoci"" vonr ffii ilb' la this departmen .w;»; plete stock of a km lurnishingsandallo^e^;^^^ our prompt and careful 8 first class hearse in co"ne Musical instr^ We also handle the celf*; line of frames, »" orders will be at enaed.^^ ness and 'l^^P^^^vV^ '^^ prices. With ^fj^iebw«^„ present patronage "^^^.pnc^ ceivedaudhopn^^y jan"' .qaare dealing to mer the same. ^^wsx^r We are, your ' 'TSerl/'prc^tmted. Subsque iflan ispi juld SiU poBsessiou of his faculties £ the moment of his dissolution. The funeral took place on Moil evening and was the largest iritnessed in Toronto. A BiOGBAPHY OF HIS GEiCE, Archibishop Jjyuch was born ii neighbormghood of the marKet t] ;rClones. in the County of MonJ -n in the dioctse ol Clogher. Iiell on ihe 5th of February, 1861 ^.^ he was about 2 years of age his ents removed to Lucan. a village oated a few miles west of Dublin, here the future Archbishop gre%^ to manhood. From his earliest j he had been intended for tue pi hood, and when he was about 10 of age he commenced his clas studies under the private ^uilion B A. of Trinity College, Dubhn, made rapid progress, and soon ne an excellent classical scholar, then entered a college of the Cam Brothers, near Clondalkm, wher spent twelve industrious months, 1835 he entered St. Vincent Co Castleknock, At this establish he continued his classical studies much profit and also made great grass in rhetoric, natural philo and metaphysics. He rose to the po of a Superior long before the i at which such a dignity wuni dinarily have been conferred upo In 1839 he entered the noviuate Congregation of the mission Lazare, Pans, where he pursue Btuilv of theology. In 1B4I hi upon him the vows ol the ordei in the next year received ordi at the hands of Monseigneur known as "The Martyr of tho ades" â€" m the church of St. S He oftered to go out on a miss China. Meantime he returi Ireland, and in 1843 was oi deaeoa and priest at Maynootli by thu thv,u archbislioy oi He celebrated his fir^t mass cUapel oi St. Vinceui-'t Collcf remaiued there three year.s, which he went ou missions to parts cf Ireland, In 1846 he missionary to Texas, where h between two and three years. he was appointed Superior Marj's Seminary of the Bar Perry County Missouri. For years he was engaged on mif the Western States. In 184f on a special rnissiou to Ron which occasion he had a 1( ference with the Pope and from him many marks of fav( er Lynch returned from Piom during which year, in respou ' BoUcitation of the Bishop of to founded a house of his that diocese. He first laid t! ation of a preparatory ser Buffalo, but afterwards rei ISiagara. The histituiion by the name of the Seminai liidy of the Angels. Fathe exertions ou behalf of this BUide him known to th Catholic Hierarchy of Ca 1869 he was appointed co the Bishop of 'ioronto. H •eorated Bishop of St. Mi hedral, Toronto, Nov. 20 o Baring the followiyg ye; Churbonnel having resign e Lynch succeeded him in • Toronto. Iu 1862 he eg • Bome ou the occasion of ^M known as the '-Cauo tile Japanese Martyrs." au «d Prelate Assistant of thi 'tttone. In 1869-70 he ' «Nkt at the Vatican Counc ' *W appointed one of the â-  '«f Foteigh Mi.ssions fti B^^ and made a speeci A ftij^ InfaUibiUty. On t m wtuek this s^eclj was "Jba honor of celebrating ^^macdl. In 1870, •^ of the .Slcnmeuics the ecclesiastical ee 9AS divided, and â- -^M wt" .»,â- Â»--.' i^ i^^*^:

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