u !»o»ejZ»*« •an- y be counted **«» h precise L T** »U ?f*«. since c t"newithinV?iP»e»- â- '"g feeling fu?? sooner it IJrAH «hape duS^ S^H o" that the ^t*^V P declare poriri ^^^ This will put th. -S l"'»ged agony *H -^^^ mrde.nt*"fr^ bring dowitho-'" .J a Wat and MB* -1 lemned the world ov3 friend of this projeci ^e last year's on his own estates, took toat great manumiMio, as so conspiouous Im rov,nce of San P.^^^ *;^i,'.«°°«ofthertrong] eMinasGeroesandRe ra will always bawthi rst to abolish slaveryl Thelawof I871.which1 lidren of slave motbeiii 1, formed the basis of tha movement. Two ye»i of slavery attacked it ia which they made freTl to another and another,! f March, 1884, the J, and Ceara was en-L 18 was a grazingprovinceJ kves in 1873 was only] iken eleven years to free! funds being added tol Rio had half a million of I ilo more than 200,COO,| ring the whites byfonrl o enormous has been thel id last autumn in Sanl families, like the Pradol lat it is said that morel le former slaves in thiil ivince are already freed- i B liberated more than a I tiole counties freed them- 1 ince of Rio de Janeiro I have been conspicaonil of the year, and theael ions were aided by bo- 1 knowledge of coming I arnongj the bondmen. ion of the recent Govern- 1 emancipation has had I t the action of the plan- enefit of their provii- milar facts induce thel V Cabinet, in taking j overthrow of slavery,! too difficult for accom- j as the system of a brief I ry labor, under Sxed j revent the disturbance I tural system, has been d for by law, and in j ut into successful ope- 1 lis Heels- to joke in the midst of imatances, and, unless )ad taste, itiBnotill- 3ontrary, is gener'Iy vho need "heartening i a English soldier, tells jf an incident which, iring a battle of the gan, the smrgeonofa 11 his proper pl«*. »' I He had depoeitert his •ee, and crept along » until he saw the men en he ran back as fast p his mule and app»r- time cocked hats Md t to be easily distin- ;e, from the geneni »eed along one ode of :er with his auk u- ,p the other way-^ unningawayl aw" ffioers wheeled their the »np»ri°j;!S yourself, tfd yonr .e doctor. ;;!'«»»* â- or one day- ions, and pnj«»^ /^e;e«ryboJ for yonn«^.,iont I Go to theSJ" rUkeSTw^^ .Jesuit 01 a f a ^omi's Ingenuity. (1 .stion" in Eogland to- mucii â- hethsr they are to have â- «"^°"\at wl.^ther they are going to â- â- rii^^. ' ^^ a^.i the wherewithal co be omu bat "in the tier..2 struggle for life among |^;o»" "j jyith them the women can emt- ^^r^!*"" jommon solution is emi- JcB. as rhe men, but when the :ted to a hisher social J easily E'fSn'b" "^^""b refuge. The 'and do emigrate. They go to " t° and own sheep farms, or come to "â- A ate8 and invest in ranches or '*^ imerican heiresses but for the ever '^iBg supply. «" /. outlet. the fair spx there is no andit has been an open secret I' '.me years that there is really a great 'â- - fsnffering among KngUsh women of 01 " â€" If has driven many of and to take the aston- â- cliisses. r ^f/frevolt at last, :?' etJ of going into trade rather than d's^'Pi â€" o- the miseries of genteel |j;i'ls IP lj:,rerty. *°^Dre83making and millinery have jjieir favourite methods of getting a (-port, ai .;-J ,nd they set up regular establish under paeudonymes which are not meant .; used to ":., relatives, ';: well ..aware â- .â- e of their 'rich bourgtoue •ful and nov;l sensation of having their ;^ ^,de f»r rhem by "the daughter of -jfidred eaiis. ' Mrs. Charles Gurney -the first to deceive the public, but salve the wounded pride of For these ladies are of the commercial rank and know that the cannot resist the de- 'iver, pretty â- â- li; ancient and :rib!y poor. Iilued to ir-ak "•p'oihermai' rjve theni c- ;j therewi'.i.. take the step. She was jd admired, and belonged to I inurable family, but was She had always been • her own clothes, with the !, liecause she couldn't afiord £.:; out, and had eminent suc- .Slie sketches nicely in ttr colors au^: «* as in the habit of pictnr- T-ner gowns in this way before making Zrn up. But she kept growing poorer and v,f,rer and even the materials were hard to ceb'y. It was during a period of great •"pression on this subject that a wealthy iijnd dropped in and happened to get sight • these costume sketches. She was en- ated. "My dear," she said, "I know J's aeed money. i o w, if y ou vsrill j ust de- ijj mv costume for me in this way so that -; dressmaker can copy the pictures I'll ^7 you handsomely for it." Mrs. Gumey Laed 1 the chance with avidity, and be- ijre the season was over every one was re- -irkiDg Mrs. Cra-iua' charming costumes. Her friends began asking who designed â- ,:eir.. and in consequence Mrs. Gurney had re than she could do. Finally it dawned -.50D her that she would double her •irningj if she made up her own designs icitead of furnishing them to the dress- -ikers. There was a great outcry at -jst, but before long there was a new iresamaker in the ranks, a certain Mme. Vilentini, and the other costumers got no Kre of Mrs. Gurney's designs. Mme. Val- eitini makes dresses for the Princess of Wiiles, Princesses Louise and Beatrice and :;e Duchess Paul, and Miss winslow. Miss Grant and Miss Chamberlain, as well ii Mrs. Vanderbilt are amon? her fre- iient customers. In consequence Mrs. i.iarney has grown rich. She keeps i beautiful carriage, instead of her iskesbift gowns dresses as well as her rich .iitomers, and as she keeps Mme. Yalentini 3sd Mrs. Gurney quite separate is as great i favorite in society as ever. Lady Gordon, who had a genius for manufacturing her own boinees, observed and pondered over this uample and the result was the founding of i bsonet shop. Mrs. Focklington followed :p the dressmaking line, and the latest ad- iition to the list of titled tradespeople is lidy Mackenzie, who calls herself Mme. de ourey, and who has just " set up shop." The result is the formation of a " London "ociety of Lady Dressmakers, ' formed as a :ort of titled dressmakers' trust to prevent tile lowering of prices by too much compet- iaon. Any one wishing to enter must furn- ish testimonial of social position as well as ;f character. TJie True Statesman. Before we turn to the consideration of politics as we see them in practice, let us think for a moment of what, when properly understood, they really are. In their least comprehensive definition, politics are an art which concerns itself about the national housekeeping, about the immediate interests and worka day wants, the income and the outgo of the people. They have to deal with practical questions as they arise and grow pressing. Even on this humble plane they may well have an attraction for the finest intellects and the greatest abilities in a country where public opinion is supreme, for they can perform their functions only by persuading, convincing and thus governing the minds of men. Ttie most trivial ques- tion acquires dignity when it touches the well-being or rouses the passions of many millions. But there is a higher and wider sense in which politics may fairly be ranked as a science. When they rise to_ this level we call them statesman- ship. The statesman applies himself to the observation and recording of certain causes which lead constantly to certain effects, and is thus able to formulate general laws for the guidance of his own judgment and for the conduct of affairs. He is not so much interested in the devices by which men may be influenced as about how they ought to be influenced, not so much about how men's passions and prejudices may be util- ised for a momentary advantage to himself or his party as about how they may be hindered from doing a permanent harm. B e trains himself to discern evils in their causes that he may forewarn if he cannot prevent, and that he may not be taken unawares by the long bill of consequences they are sure to bring in, and always at the least conveni- ent moment. He seeks and finds in the moral world the weather signs of the actual world. He strives to see and know things as they really are and as they are related to each other, as they really are and therefore always must be, his vision nndeflected by the cross light of transitory circumstances, his judgment undisturbed by the clamor of excited and changeful opinion. An Unwelcome Legacy. ^The strange tale of a misanthrope's end tomes from Paris, and its ghastly humor i» quite characteristic of the people and the place. There was an old gentleman of mis Etly instincts who lived in a shaibby garret « the tob of a tenement house. 'The other aoraing he hanged himself from the rafters 5t hia abode, but previously made a will disposing of his fortune. When the house sorter learned that he had.destroyed himself tte could not refrain from uttering an ex- tlamationof satisfaction; but he soon b6gan » profess great compassion for his old lodger yhen he heard that tie had left him a legacy. de declared with tears in his eyes that -5 was a worthy person after all, and then, ^ith eager curiosity, asked the amount of â- -36 pi-operty bequeathed to him in so un- â- spected a fashion. The following missive "^M placed in his bauds " I am disgusted 'fith hfe, 80 I am quitting it. I leave to ie porter of my lodging- house my portrait »ad the rope with which I have banged pyself.' The joy of the porter can be â- ^^gined. After the Crofters. -^^xander Bagg, who has been in British J;Ommbia recently, in connection with the rofter immigration scheme, had an inter- nT*^ r^^^ Premier Greenway today and .-aered to direct the emigrants to Manitoba ^tead of British Columbia, if this Province !? ^°ter into the same agreement with ae Imperial t Government as the Pacific Province. The agreement provides that the To bf ^°^^™°}ent shall advance £150,000, ' " expended in paying passages and the Mtion of buildings on homesteads to be Ptented for the Crofters, the Province to ^y interest on this sum at the rate of 3J P" cent, for a term of years. Mr. Green- y announced his willingness to enter into !b. " .^g'eement with Great Britain, and 'probabilities are that Manitoba wUl re- ^«^Ba large share of this desirable class of ^^gration. Mr. Begg left for Ottawa to- SlieWas Saved I to loud "P*S â- Oat â- 7* ^^ *«!«°y »nd discomfort, not by j-tMittoW^^rS â- r^J^**^«ti«M. but by the use of the â- -^ â€" " â- CtS^^?»' Tender painful be had «**Ji H t^t^^^^- Tender painful corns are 'thJyh«"«*»" â- S°riS. its use in a ferdaya, without -â€" A H ijth?""**^»»mfort Many«ab«tftate« btoA*' Asleep on the Railroad Track. A little child, tired of play, had pillowed hb head on a rail and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward and saved him from a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on the track, too. You are, if you are ne- glecting the biliousness and constipation which trouble you, in the hope that you will " come all right." Wake up or the train will be upon you Constipation is too often the forerunner of a general " breaking up." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets will regulate your liver, stomach and bowels, and restore your system to it? normal con- dition. What doth it profit a man if he keeps the weeds down on bis farm and allows them to grow on the highway They Pay $500, or Cure. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, have offered in good faith, through nearly every newspaper in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by drnggists at only 50 cents. It is mild, soothing, cleans- ing, deodorizing, antiseptic and healing. Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished saccess. Comsmnption Curable. It cannot be too often impressed oh every one that the much dreaded consumption (which is only lun^ scrofula), b curable, if attended to at once, an-1 thit the primary symptoms, so often mistaken as signs of dis- eased lungs, are only symptoms of an un- healthy liver. To thb organ the system b indebted for pure blood, and to pure blood the lungs are indebted no less than to pure air tor healthy action. It the former is pol- luted, we have the hacking cough, hectic flash, ni?ht sweats, and a whole train of symptoms resembling consumption. Rouse the liver to healthy action by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, take healthy exercise, live in the open air, and all systoms of consumption will disappear. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, chronic nasal catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs, and kindred affec- tions, it is a most wonderful remedy. When a man resists sin on human mo- tives only, he will not hold out long. Hub I CouoB Citbs cures In one minute. Show is not substance realities srovern wise men. Whijnever your Stomaob or Bowels gut out of or der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at oooe a dose of De Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best tamlly meUdab, All Dr;i!?glst8. 60 cents. Talents are best formed in the stormy billows of the world. Coasumption Surely Cured. To THB Editor :â€" Please inform your readers tnat I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy pkbb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will sens me their express and P. O. address. Respectfully, Db. T. a. Slocum, 37 Tonge St., Teronto, Ont. If thou desire to be held wbe, be so wwe as to hold thy tongue. OraaALSsB Hair Rbkswbb restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling oat Taste consists in the power of judging; genius in the power of executing. People who are sabjeol to bad bnalh, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomaob, can at onoe be reUeved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bltteit, the old and tried lemedv. Aak vonr DniggM. A Care for ItrankeHKeas The opium habit, depeomania. the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobbaoo, wakefulness, mental depression, softemng of thebrahi, etc, premature old age, loss of vitaU^ ^™°°_°Z over Mertion of the brain, and loasof mituialstrenrUi from any cause whatever. Menâ€" young, old orinld- dle-aeedâ€" who are broken down from any ol the above causes, or any cause not mentioned obow, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lnbotfs treatise, in book fonn. of Dixaie* of Jfo^ Boto â- ent seMed and secure from observation. Addrees M. V. LOTOH, 47 WeUlMton street Sast. Toronto. Ont ' An effort made for the happiness of others Ufts us above ourselves. „ «„- U the u '*â„¢'«niiort. Many sans "PbsL*Y*' """^o neceaaary that only Ct? •? Aould be asked for and teken. " ««fe, harmless. PATBRTS procured. Patent Attorneys and experts. nrnTTUTO Tm Saleâ€" Qlnirtnted dMcr^ittve Ost- PAItlllw aloKMfi" B. OhambeiUn, Tonnlo. KMifflNC S5aar.^»:MACHINES isweekaad ontataad '^^ Nervous Prostration, Nervous icadache. Neuralgia, Nervoua ^eakncas. Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia* asd all affections of the Kidneya. WEAK NERVES Paine's Cxlkst Coupouns Is a Nerve Tonio which never fUla. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderAil stimulants. It speed* ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Push's Celbbt Covtovm purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatisnii KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paine's Celebt Compoumd quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with ita nerve tonics, makes It the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Paine's Celesy Cohfouxd strengthens tha stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paine's Celery Compound is not a Cathar- tic. It iffa laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Begulaiity surely fol- lows its use. Becommended by professional and buaineai men. Send for book. Price Sl.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS. RICHARDSON CO., Prop's Montreal P. Q. MONEYi ' TO LO.AN on Farms. Lowest Bates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. E. W. D. BIITLEK, Financial Agt., Established. 1860. 72 King St. £., Toronto. TOKOSTTO Cutting Schoolâ€" A grand chance to acquire a thorough knowledge of garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. Terms on ap- plication. S. COBKISAN, 122 Tonge St, Toronto. FOK S 4^LE CHEAPâ€" A 300 Acre Farmâ€" Lots 31, 32 and 33, in con. 7, Township of Himsvotth, about 60 acres cleared, balance in hardwood bush; about 4 miles from Trout Creek Station on the N.P.J. Railway, close to school, church, post office, saw and shing'e mill there is a log house, barn, stable, etc., on it all free from rock or swamp. For further in- formation apply to Tnos. CoKEBET, Barrett P.O., Ont. ROSES one. and all other bedding and window 'Plonf a Our $1.00 X^lcUluS* collections will suit every Illustrated Catalogue Free. Webster Bros., Florists, Hamilton. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS.' WE hare unexcelled facilities for the SALE or exchange: of Newspaper offices Terms, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. tf^We have now four gooa establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary PabUstalng Company, 33 and 35 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont GANGER, TVMOKS, 1JI.CEK8, ETC., CUBED, without the knUe. No cure, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L.'SMITH, M.D..124 Queen E.,Toronto iTCHnrc PILES. Stmftohsâ€" Moisture intense itching and stinging most at night worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatnb'b OnntaitT stops the itcliing and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many oses removes the tumours. It is equally effi- cacious in curing all Skin Diseases.^ DR. SWATNE SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swatnb's Oini- HBNT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. AGENTS! AGENTS! nilD AOCUTC Magnificent Parallel Bibles, UUn AUlllllu Withrow's Popular "Histoiy of Canada," Cough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchesters " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " LivinR Words," "The Cottage Physician," MAIfC MniiEV Goughs â- â- Sunlight and ITIAIVIl ITIUIlCl Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popu ar Books Liberal Terms 1 Write for circulars, erms, etc., to William Bueos, Publisher, Toronto. BEAVEB LINE of STEA91SHIP«» â€" Sailixo Weekly Bbtwbbhâ€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, S40, 850 and 860. Return §80, 890, $110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage 820. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, Geo'l. Manager. 1 Custom House Square, MONTBEAL. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIKS wishing to purchase improved Mauitoba Farms, from SO acres upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to 6. I. MAVLSON, Mc- Arthur's Block, Main St., Winnipeg. Information furnished free of charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. Moset to Loan at current rates of interest. SAFES J. FIRE BURGLAR PROOF Patent Non- conducting Doors A BPBCIALTT.^ VAULT DOORS. J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. CAVTION :â€" Farmers wishing to avoid a ^^kJ Lawsuit are warned against buying or ugwo an infringing bagholder manufactured in Middlesex, Oot. The genuine article is stamp- ed"'The Dandy," and " Patented 1887," as required by law. 0. W, Allbn Co., World Building. Toronto Nervous Debility. DR. GHAT'S Spedfio has been used tor the past fifteen years, with great snocess, in the treatment d nervous debility, and all iUsea.«8 arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loes of vitality, ringing In the ean, palidtatioa, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, $1 per box, or 6 boxes for t6, or will be sent by mail on teotipt of price. Pamphlet on sppllnatien. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. YOUNG MEN I SUFFEBINO from the eSeots cf eariy evil habitat the ' result of ignorance and foUy, who find themselves weak, nervous and ezhansted also HmK^AasB and OiiS Mas who are broken down frmn the effects of abuse or over wOik, and fai advanced Bfe feel.the conveqaMMNS of yonthtol stosss, auid lor and read K. yTLubon's Treatise on the Diseaaes of Men. Ihe book win baseat sea l ad to any adj dw ai on leoiipt ol twoSc alainpa. Addnai^ I M. V.LlfBOH, VeiUngtoa Bk K. XoMato, Cat 4yi â- 'J' â- * Story OF THE BIBLE-By Charles FosTsa. Profusely Illustraud â€" Sales Marvellous â€" Mearly 400.000. Send tlfiO foi a copy. Agents wanted. Addrtss, A. G, and go to work. WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard Ixaet Depository, Toronto, GFKLPH Business C.Uece. Gcelph, Ont â€" Tnis popular Institution, now in its 1th year, is doing a grand work for the education of voung men and women in those branches, a knowledge of which is so essential to the intelligent and successful management of practical affairs. Its graduates are. ever}-vhere giraig signal proof of the thoroughness of their traininir, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of its course of studv/ The Fourth Annual Circular, giving full information will be mailed free. Address H. MacCormick, Principal. April M A OWE FAKK FOR THE KOIUrn TKIP.â€" AO poi its in DAKOTA and MINNESOTA- ;;\ May 9 and 23, June 6 and -20. Gaod tor 38 cays. Stop over going and retummg. Via St. Paul, BtlaneapoIU and ZiO'X'ac-oia Railway. These trips will take you into the Great Grain and StockBeg'.ons of Minnesota and Dikota, where are to be had the moat desimhle Bailway and Oovemment Lands in the United States- 2,000.000 Acres of the richest and bsst watered farming, grazing and tim- bered lands for sale at low prices where they raisa both Grain and Stock that beats the world. J, â- . HCCKINS, Trav. Pass. ARt, Ni. 4, Palmer Honae, Toronto; J. Bo kwalter, Land Commissioner St. Paul, Minn. G. H. Warren, Gen. Pass. Azent. St. Paul, Minn. Allan Line Rpyal Hail SteamsMps Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londanderry to land mails and passengers for Sootland ind Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hali- fax an(? St. John's, N. F to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sum- mer Iietween Glasgow acd Montreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A. Schumacher ft Co., Biltimore S. Cunard Co., Halifax Shea k Co St John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomp- son ft Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen ft Co., Chicago; Love ft Alden, New York H. Bourller, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie. Philadel- phia H. A Allen, Portland, Boston. Montreal. THE BANK OF TORONTO. DIVIDEND NO. 64. Notice is hereby given that a Dividend cf Four per cent, for the current half -year, being at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and a Bonus of two per cent, upon the paid-up capital of the bank has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at the bank and it' branches on and after Friday, the First day of June next. The transfer books »ill be closed from the Seven- teenth to the Thirty first day of May, both days in- cluded. The Annnal Ceneral Meeting of the stockholders will be held at the Banking hou^e of the Institution, on Wednesday, the Twentieth day of June next. The chair to be taken at noon. By order of the Board. (Signed) D. COULSON, Cashier. The Bank of Toronto. April 25th, 1S88. RUBBER STAMPS, '1^^ cils, and Burning Brands, ftc. Send for Catalogrue. BARBER BROS. Co., 22^ King St. £. (in rear) Toronto. THE MARTIN Brick MACHINE, with new improvements, is away ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only by H. MARTIN ft CO. 90 Maiy St., Hamilton, Ont. Whaley, Royce Go. 283 Tonge Street* Toronto. The Cheapest Place ia Canada for BAND INSTRUMtNlS New and Second oa^ d Agents for â- "BES80N and'HIGHAM Band and Orcheitt MUSIC. Repairing of Band Id*' struments a specialty. Send for Catalogue. rHE OreateHM. oovery of tilt iresentage for UATOrO THE Bo« (3uBma all Bloov, -ea and KmannOOK. luis. A Perfaol loo 1 Purifier. A few Hamilton who havt 3n benefited by Hi use: Mrs. M. Keeaaa, 192 Robert St., ooiM it Erysipelas of tw« /ears' standing Bobl. Oimell. 24 South SI, 1 inghter cured of 1^ .epdo Fits after six ears' suffering; Jaa* ie BirreU, 66 Walnrt it, cured ot Weak* __jrand LunsT Trouble John Wood, 95 Catheart 81, onred ol Livar Complaint and Biliousness, used only 8 fifty-cent bottles; Mrs. J, Beal, 6 Augnsia BL, troubled for years with Nervous Prostrattoa, twa small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. ft ML F. F. DALLE7 ft CO.. ProprletaHL c BLCK)D SAUSAGE CASINGS. BEST IMPOBTED ENGLISH SHEEPS. also Smal American Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write for prices. JAS. PARK SON. Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do yon ns^ those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Pojvders when^ou can get as good and wholesome at one half the price 1 Prove it by buy- inr the Coek'sGem. Manufactured by ELLIS ft mHLST. Toront4). CHAMPION Im proved Sates^ at prices within the reach of alL I can send you a safe, made in the best, manner with Com- bination Lock, and well finished in every re- spect, for $10 on de- livery at your station. Send tor circular. S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig Street. P. O Box 915, Montreal. P. Q. Bicycles 120 Second • Hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. MONTREAL. MOWERS- F5HLND hAnDEfmdLRX, Will Sharpen the Knife without reu.oving it from the Machine. No farmer should send his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 30c. CLEWENT A CO.. Toronto. VOYVHSION'S flUlO 8ff^ -CONTAlNStVERY ELEMENT OF K PERFECT FOOD ITS REGULAR USE WIUBUliD UP i A STRONG ROBUST CONSTITUTION AND PROVE )T TO BE iNEWx SECOND-HAND! i^^O^:? MACHINERY !-FRb H-W-PETRiE, ' bK/,NT FORD.CAN ADA. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAV. iStbt Celebrated Hao- cock Inspirator. JtarOresham's Automatio Be-starting Injector. i^Morrison'sAutomatie Sight Feed Lubricator. i^Engineers' ft Plumb- ers' Supplies ot every description. Send lot circulars. JAME8 HOKKUMS, 76c77AdeUideStW., TORONTO ^JSliCTi I say Curb I do not mean merely Co Stop them for a time, and then have them M •*i?i^,?^'.A^S'4S.-*^ ^-^'CAL COBB. I Have made tbe disease of STTS, EPILEPSVoF FALUNG SIGKirESS, Altfelonsr study. I wabrant my remedy to CTBB the worst cases. Because others have luiMis no reason for not now receiving a cure. SendatonceforatreatiseandaFBBHBorSS «H^«??^^]S^«.®™P»" Give Express Md Post Office. It costs yoo nothing for » trial, ond it wia cure you. Address Th.'S. Q. BOOT. 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with this Yeast took fi st prizes at 132 Township ard County Fairs ia Ontario in 1SS7, at such places as Flesherton, Markham, Whit- by, etc. Over io,coo ladies have sent us letters and postal cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever used by them. It malces the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and buclc- wheatcakes. Directions in eacil packag^e with iEulI instructional NO OTHER. PRICEBCENTa Johnstons njuip Beef THE GLORY OF A MAN IS HIS STRENGTH And everybody should study how they can best (ecore the blessing of a robust and VIGOROUS CONSTITUTION. The food we eat hat everything to do with our physical development, and too little attention is given to the selection of nourisbmg lood. Scientifio Analyst has proved that JOHNSTON'S FLIIIO) BEEF con- tains all the elements of a perfect food that will build up d strong constitution and nourish BRAIN, BONE and MUSCLE. Capital and Funds now over $3,000,000. HEAB OFFICE, 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. Ont A Home Company, Established October, 1871* To thb date, October 31st, 1887, there has been returned XoUieheu of Folbgr-holders (death elaimsV 1649,849 00 To the holders of matured Endowment Piriicies 86,408 6S To Pdicy-holden (» surrender of Policies 98,666 00 Co PoUoy-boIders for CadtPraOti (including those aaooat«d and being paid) 438.544 08 Xoboldenot Annutty Bonds 16,967 81 iMmed to PoUoy-hoIderB mt the Seourity of their PoUcies. 88,864 98 tl.S06.174 47 Policies in Force orer lO^OOO. Amount oror $lSiOOO.OOO« PRESIDENTâ€" HoH. Sm W. P. HowLAin C.B., KG.M.G. VIOB-PRESIDEMTBâ€" WmuAK Eluott, Esq.: Edward Hoofbb, Esq. J. K. HAC90NALD, Managing IMreetor. igP rt l ul es HorfosWtsMs sltei 1 yean and toJetowlMf stfter Ijtwii. m ^- ,-i- m }:t^.A .4- 'vjl ,i â- 'I i J.i â- :.fi^ •«..;.: !«/';* â- Jr'.*-^ji_u'f