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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 May 1888, p. 5

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 â- ., JiMU^J^^jiW5«,«jl J^ i^-f^^^liJiKi' '•iiA^,^"^%*"-*»_-r:'^y.\*»,..'i'--v!»!'" i-"^r!^ 1^ now on li-xiul a 'l c of all kinds auuj iE, boiiijiir i'jr cai i-(-liable firms in â- pose (loinu' bnsiiiejj h basis â- '.v.iich wiil u to sell at a ^mill tlierebv s^ive our efit. We eliall este e you calUud look ij u require an j thing J and we feel confiaj delighted with ani: J quality and cheap] .â€"Upholstered ga* gnltivation of Saapb«rriM. J HotES Panton, M. a., F. G-. S., pBorKSSOR OF Natural Hlstoby and jj ^;-jT bad considerable experience ^,vs i^ricuUural College during the ".T.even years in groving raspber- ^- I purpose iu this Bulletin to give ""xiir are" planted in 1881 consists of bcut lour acres and forms part of the laiG set apart at that time, so that ^^^^^\]iti apple trees have been grow- •^^tbe laud has not been idlej but kari!)^ yearly a crop of raspberries. l5the°trees are now reaching a con- -Irable size the raspberry plot will ie chuagdd and the land used solely for the orchard. CONDITIONS BUEKOUNDING THE CANES. Ljcatiou Latitude north 43 ° 38, ijeiijiit iibove sea level 1,100 feet, above Late Outario 858 feet. KxDt'sure Westerly inclined to ' no shelter of any account as nor vft. â-  b' li •â-  ""^y lo3,m and somewhat gravtiiv on tho north and west sides partially drained. Meteorology Mean annual temper- ature 01 1880-G 42.2 9 mean summer t.mpmiiu-e 57.1°, winter 27.3°; lii^'UL'it temperature (1881) 98 ° low- e.,:il884) 35° below zero; average number of days rain fell per year 72 raiufall, iucluding snow, 2-1.7 inches prevailing winds, southwest 43 per ceut., northwest 31 per cent. MANAGEMENT. The canes are iu rows six feet apart, while the plants are about five leet apart iu -the row. This renders culti- vation with the horse-hoe compara- iivelv easy, and thorough cultivation is earned on during the summer so as to keep down weeds and render the soil loose and friable. In summer, im-'Mg the time of growth, the young cams are iiept cut back to about two feet so as to encourage a bushy habit. The plot ib manured at least every aco'.id year. We have pruned in the spriiij, believing that au advantage is gaiui J iu leaving the old canes through the winter with a view to their assist ing m holding the snow arouud the bushes, and thus serving as a protec- tioH ilia climate comparatively severe. Early in the spring the old canes arc cut cue and the number of (;:iiies la each lull reduced to not more than six iuii;;:lly four) iind cut back to a.bout liiitijl in 1( iiycli. Vv'e do nothing to prvteettlic cmies during winter, except leftviiig the old ones which serve to kcLp the suow upon the hills. YAKIETIES AND NUMBEK PLANTED. JW.â€" Philadelphia, 617; Cuthbert, 376; Thwack, 8^-; Turner, 96; Her- ttine, 116 Niagara, 98 Clarke, 44 flis^hliind Hardy, 114 Brandywine, S6. Blad Cap$. â€" Davidson's Thornless, 9i; Dorchester, 12; Gregg, 217; Mammoth Cluster, 150. White.â€" Caroline, 12 Saunders' ilvbnde, No. 53, 50 No. 70. 18 -Vo. 72, 10 No. 50, 12 No. G7, 5. Results of Cutivation. licd. â€" Cuthbert has proved to be by far the best with us. Thouiih some- what tender, it has stood our severe climatic conditions w^U and proved itsell to be prolific, large, good color, firm and of delicious flavor. The se?erG winter of 1 886-87 injured many of the canes. It is soniewJiat late but extends the time of berries, and ;s a variety winch should be found iu every rasberry plot. Growing side by iwe v,-i:h the Philadelphia, an exoell- cEt opportunity is found for com- parison ami. as, from time to time Thornless, though killed badly, has proved to be a strong grower and has furnished some good fruit. Gregg is a little later in season and has "also suttered. but has yielded a fine, large, firm berry. Mammotli Cluster has killed out very much It is medium early. Sunders' Hybrides have prov- ed themselves to be prolific the berries are inclined to be soft a good flavor, but is very poor color Deing a cross between the Eed and Black, they have the color of neither the one nor of the other, but a soft and moul- dy-like appearance. This no doubt • would effect their sale, but for home use these berries are worthy of a good place. They seem to possess the flav- or of black more than red b*rries. White.â€" Caroline has been fairly prolific and comparatively hardy. CONCLUSIONS. 1. We have been very successful in obtaining a satisfactory yield from red raspberries, especially the first men- 1 tioned on the list. ' 2. We are inclined to believe that leaving the old canes till 'spring aids m keeping the snow about the hills and thus serves as a protection during the winter months. 3. Our climate is rather severe on black varieties. 4. Ground for raspberries should be well drained and thoroughly cultiv ated. 5. The best red varieties are Cuth- bert, Philadelphia and Turner; of Black Greg?r, Mammoth Cluster and Sunders' Hylnide (57) of White the Caroline. These make up a collection likely to do well in most places in Outario. 6. Farmers, with a little care and a small amiunt of labor, might easily grow raspberries tor home use and thus save many a toil«?ome tramp and weary hours to members of their household who strive to gather wild raspberries from patches where fruit is obtained under most adverse con ditions. MarkdalE CURE A$0 $f 00011 FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Flam Fac- tory, containing all the lattest.and most approved machinery, everythini; being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollof Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none i° Canada, and haying engaged superior mecbanics m every department, would now respectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horsos FOR SCRATCHES OR HORSES PINF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes front a Distance. 803 THOS. 3'lclVE.A.. ALargeMltraclive X Wonldjia Gie a Copper FlacK. I woTildna f^ie a copper plack For oiiy man that turns liis back Cn duty clear I woui Ina tak' his word or note, I \vuul(iim trust him for a groat. Nor lift n'.\ oar m ony boat Whioii iie might steer. I v.-onMna gie an anlcl baubee Foi ony man tliat I could see » h:i didna hold The sweetness o' his mither's name, 'i he kindness o' his brothers claim. The honor o' a woman's fame. For mair than gold. â€" Mary A. Barr. lale Sp ui FasUle QoUiij to hand, ^^v-hliioli -we purpose seUing FOR CASH, at prices ^which will astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSIS^ESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- â-  tin g close bargain s. C||H!0!i|£b:|H|A|H|Dt i :|M|fl|0|E l |B|0|0]f|sM^ STEPHENS C0U6H KIUQ. The best eomponnd of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving conghs. it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will hare a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25and50eent8 a bottle. It will reUeve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at. the popular Drug Store, R. L. STEPHEN, B: ' • MARKDALE. New Tailor. Will Stoddart, late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkbale- and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting thai I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully yonr's, WILL STODDART. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. j kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop j under the management of MB. KAY so well Call early and and favorably kno"wn. bargains. secure WM. BROWN. A Positive Cyff^e A Painless Cure. I liavo goue lO tho grouaci in the berry seasou v.itu visitors, I liave always !ouud *liey soon judge in favor of this Tiricty, poiauar both for home and ffiavktt use. Philadeiphia with us JiinL-, btcoud. It- 13 very prolific, iiaiiiy, but not a firm berry, and thus '^ot so Marketable. It makea a fine =iiuw ou ilie bush, bui does net pick â- 'oroadily as the Cuthbert. It has --tucr a p.joi' cuior aud ripens com^ paiativtiy early. Turner co;ues next, ' feood davor but uos; very hna berry, "ii ouseiuieutiy not a good shipper -^-;jy auct seems as if it would grow '•aaci- auveise conditions better than cost varieties, out not an early berry. j^tn-stiue has not done much with us. ^•^^ Uariug .season seems short berry â- 0^1 and eaufcs fairly hard. Niagara ^^s givea a fair yield, but late. Clarke ' a large, bright, luscious berry*, but *ft and not very probfic here canes Ijii^er. Highland Hardy is a small I'Qsii, and a pooi grower, tender with ?^' killing down and bearing soft "'^nries. Brandywine has produced same fair crops, but on the whole has '^f^^ pooiiey. Thwack has not fruit- ed Well. ^i^cK.â€" Nona have done remark- *^J y Well, All have suffered consider- V from our cold seasons, many hills "^Te died out completely, Davidson's or ALL AGES. DISEASES OP" MAN. -..â€". « Marvel of K«alir.g, and Kohineor of Medicines, jjfm^'m T9«^«E=! tbc terribie coiiveqnence* «»rin1lMereUoii ^^.^^AJSL gS?^y SixpOKure aud OT«t;werlt. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Eemember wa mannf actnra and are the sol* proprietors of the foUowing Bpecialtieg. and tha* ttieycan be had from no other source. THEY ARE HOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS., Correspondence strictly confidential. Consnltation upon all chronic disease invited, NO CHARGE except for medicines. AU goods sent secure from observa- tion. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. HAIR COLORINO Our maRElficient preparations are warranted ie lectly haxmless. We prepare the foUo\rang j colorsâ€" the finer shades ariso from the hair itsell; Black, Dark Bro',v-n, Medium Brown, Chestnut, Light Chestnut, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blondo CMidtee. Send satnpl* of hair when ordering. Price, $2. per bottle. Toronto lledicine Co, TOILET REQUISITES In orderiag please specify which yon requlro we guarantee them to .give entire satMfaeUon. No 8 Imparts to the skin the color and freshness of maidenhood: harmless and cannot be detectod. si as No. 9Kemov63 wrinkies. «2. no. i« -ko- mov^ Liv^^ots. Si.^. No. U Bemoves Flosh Worms. S1.25. No. 12 B«move8 Freckles. 61.25. No. 13 Bemoves P-mplrs. ei.25. No. 14 Kemoves Tan SI 25. No. 15 EemOTes Molea. *3. Iso. lb BtmovesPockmarks. S3. No. 17 Kemoves nndne E^SptoTtion. *1.25. No. le An absolute unfaihng ipwScf OT the retention development or restor- XTof the Hair. ?1.25. Toronto Medicine Co. THE BUST -i No 19 Is a combined internal and external treatoent which speedily developes or restores toe femalo bast to the proportions of voluptao^ nature. Is entirely harmless and certam in re- iSl^PrioeSa- Toronto Medicine Co. Torcmto, i WOMEN'S ILLS i No. aO A certain cure for Lencorrhffia, or WUtM pSSii^of the Womb, Ulcerations Parnfol Men- S^Sfon bearing down Pains" and aUD^easM I^WeSinSses piculiar to females. Endorsed bS toe hSiest medical authorities as an ••nn- gViaied"remedy. Price ea per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS â- Pax superior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or â-  ^fl« ^ndarsed bvtoetoousandsof ladieswho *^??1â„¢monthl-5- Never faU, BeUeve pain, i ^SCBBKEG^Bri^rPiea^^tW'dEffeotuaL 1 WcaM Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. I NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM • J^be cored by nsing sijeciflc No. ML to won- iJto^toeCo.. Toronto, Oirt. Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 • radical xure lor nervous (lability, orgauic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. Symptoms i-ob which No. 8 Shoulw bk Usr.n.â€" Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to sociotv, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlesBuess aud inability to fix the »"8n«on. «° P"V^"iS^f "'l'^^*' cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, eper- matorrhoea, oiloss of the seminal Huid-tho result of self -abuse or marital exce88--impo- toncy, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the h«art, hysteric feelings m females, trembling, melancholy, disturuing dreams, Ptc., are all symptoms ot this terrible habit, oftentimes inuocently acquired. In short, tho spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientific writers aud the superintendents of insane asylums unite in iissribing lo the effects of eeif-abuse the great majority ol wasted lives which co-ue under their notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapanitratod for the enjoyments of life. Mo. 8 offers an eKcapo from the effects of early vice. If vou aia aavancod in years, Ko. 8 will give you full visor snd Etronnth. If vou are broken down, phyHically and morally from early indiscretion, tl-.o result of ienoi-anca and foil?, Eo-nd your address and 10 cents m stamps for M. V. Lubon b Treatise in Book Form m Diseases of Man. Sealed end secure from observation. Add^ssallco,.imui.icationsto M. V J'-^B?.]*' «,W«^"ips««n E., Tor««t«. A Man without wisdom lives in a iocl's parsdiie. CtlRES CUARAKTEEO. HEAL THE SICK. SIGHT V. BLI]NT)I^ESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANAOM. ASH 18 JEWli. STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND :x: Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAEKDALE. NoSpectaclesintheMarketeuual them in the EYE PBESEllVINO QUALITIES they possess, or the GREAT EASE and COAi- FOKT they confer on the wearer. Their u?c will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPRST. Carfey's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. roUow the directions on bottle by tboroiiRhly cleansinR, then apply the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to pnt it into coudition use the Derby lilood Purifyer. TIME TABLS. Going South. Going Noktu. 6.57 a. m. ll.SCp 4.0.5 p. .0,' p. in 6 PiiE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Propeitv west rates of interest. Apply to li. J. SPitOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster, Flesherton. n u A Permanent Gyre. iPSeasant Cure, WELL Km'^U â€"THAT ' FAG: HMcCOLL'S Medicated Electric CUfC^S Medicated for all diseases of the blood and ner-' irons system. Ladies' Belt $2 for fomale eom-| plaints it has no equal. Mens' Belt S3, combined Belt and Suspensory 96. Seminal wealcne8B,| errors of youto.losti manhood, nightlyl emissions. Etc. The only appliancesl giving a direct current of Electricityl to th© parts. ^an be worn night or dayl without iuconvenience. Hundretis pf TOS-I Itimnniala on file from toose cured of female diseases, pains m bacK and hips, head ajid I ISmbs nervous debUity, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralma. sciatacal Idiaease of toe kidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver, gont, Icncorrhoea, catarrh of the bladder! â-  ' ^^. -, J.- J â€" ^jj^ constipation erysip-l LbetBS. Send stamp fori uiuuouu^' • • r J Btrictlyconfidential. Con-i I Station and dectiioal taiaatment ee. ^igents muted evorywher*. P»t. Feb. a6th, W87^ CSures Quaranteed Medicated Electric Belt Co.. 158 Queen St. Weat, Toronto, Canada. sr- tf i? the bc-sfc kuowii, ^-^A most reliablo M^culNI; Oif. iu theDomioion Farm- 1 1 '.-, Thresher's and Mill Owner's, will fi;jci it de'jidodly to^ their advantage to nisifit miou getting the "Genuine Laitiine" when they ask for it, owiDOf t() Eo much inierior oil being sold uu- iler the same name by nnscrupnloos dealers. We are the sole manufactur- ers of the ' • Genuine Lordine ' barrel branded. every McUQLL BRO'.S. t C-l. Fi r d le in Markdab at Has Lyp*8 Hardwf.te.^tore.,^ istC- 1*.:' m ;-; ^l â- -â- ft ^-Tj; *â- â-  mil- â-  '«.* I ' W'l ' f'A If â- ! 6i ^- 'F-'S c tt j/'i-jr.* ' '-^' !,,\^,i_^rf-'^c* ^â- ^2^ .-.-dX'Mi^^'jr • ij.* ii..

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