i^^ ^^^??^:r'^^^ *s^5^^5«=^§*" ' h^ 1 5"^^^^^^^ •rj» *i _. |af d of isjste of T t?^ rtownshTp ' Itloalon at Owm SoaaJ gas explosion ocouij ;bt last at SIX o'clod id by Mrs. Grant, Jiitchart block. II as was escaping froi a man aamad Seal of N. Batchart e cellar to locate thd a match, wbereap )losiou occarrad. great that it ble^ indows of Mrs. lasson's law ofiSc shelving and coontj e also torn from the contents Ka| tiilding. Thefira explosion was sp without doing ott received Mwi present is ljiB6\ tion. voa 8. Moft, of Vit\ 8t, completed th« ^nd fixings at tW^ done is a good t ts just like • top.- rious aaeident 1m^| west of the iss Konold wai^' io give tanuc ies beoam* kway, throwing t^ ,, and thereft» dij rai8ed Mid was bronghttfl" i Mr. Atkinsoni' 8 kindly twjti" f%B brought fromj ceville doctor « »a taken boroe is hoped flh« «» The bng«y ' le horses got oa lies.â€" Dorham // Tailoriaff and Oenfa Ftiz- nistiTig EatabluEhmeat. A SEI£CT STOCK OF SPBINQ GOOD NOW OPENED. (N8H1P OPAjiTton, «l^erton Statbn" u.-,^' toucan] ^•cJ'ard Hoy ij eer only). " " p«^ OP couaawu, 'eer only.) ;^^8HIP OP .^HBAau paaon, Rocklyn '-^SHIP op aOLUSD â- ^^ Allen. B«,y Pbell, Cbatflwortr' Fhatsworth; Jag. ^»tre;Mri.Ele»no, Nanip OF ospttT. ^cGirr, Feversbamj ^Intyre; John Ifi ±.dward Blackstockl lidwm Finley, Max} N3HIP OP SULLITiN. nbury, WilhwnafoJ Chataworth JoJ sboro. rrn op thornbubi. nolds, Thomas LoJ AOI OP MABKDALK. wah, James Kelltj 'terson. W. J. HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THET MAY." HTH YEAR.â€" IS'o. 400. MABKDAiE, THURSDAY, MAT 10, 1888. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. 0"0l yo//o//o//o//o//o//o//o IDS, SEEDS. ;MEMBER Local and Other Items. Notices tft these columns intended tobenefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each aubseqiteht insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, comrltunied- ^^?^y' Advertisements, dtc,, must be tn this office by noon on Tuesday to insure ptibKcation that week. 5apply you with your .n? langel, ffWotlierSeeds |p8r than any other mm Mar.kdale. :s being the first I coiild handle Is, yoTi ca:Q depend |ein being good and t |ffiil see ffir pur selves. o"o//o//o/,/o//o//o//o//o//o//o OF- fe aoCK JEWELL BY, P*WJ?£, SPECTACLES. f'^eU to call at headquarters for N; KUSSELL'S, Noted Jewl- P2E,Flesherton, where you will •" only complete stock in this "{country, and at prices 25 per pathan elsewhere. Fine solid itches we are now running v \^?^^ and American Watches " ip bearing warrants from 'Jf^^aua. W« keep th« class â- are Jww running off Ladies' Barpins from U cents to ^ers in this locaUty ask ^^^^ 83.50, for same article. f»ii«r ^*^ ^^ ^^ "sht o{ df*^ ^^* *â„¢ within the Call at once il you would i^^ol those bargjuns, and re^ ®^y place to have your *e^ tepaured property ir. at I; I^USSELL'S 'IWEURY STORI," A man whose property is being sol for taxes may be said to be losing ground. Feesh lime tor sale by Wm. Watchom; can be had at John KoWe's blacksmith shop. "I nevet change my opinion," saith the fool. "I^hen you never correct your mistakes," i^noth the wise man. The advent of warm weather and copTOtis showers is forcing a vigorous growth, and all nature Smiles. The Ladies of the Methodist church are preparing for their annual Bazaar and Concert on the day and eyening of the 24th. SpRotJLis Davis of the Markdale Furniture and Undertaking establish- ment are appointed aeents for Johnston's marble works of Durham. "There is always room at the top." and the bluest strawberry generally get there when they are hustled togeth- er in a box. Fob sai.e.»^A number of those beauti- fully situated lots on the newly opened /streets: Terms reasonable. M. Arm. strong, Markdale. Rev. T. Ball filled Rey. Mr. Buggin's pulpit very acceptably on Sunday eve- nine. A large congregation was present. V The pastor officiated at Walter's Falls same hour. PrefaPwAtions are being made for Games and Sports in Markdale on the 24th May. We hlive not yet learned just what the nature of the celebration will be, but understand they will be on a large scale. Honor Roll of Orange Valley school for April Sen. HI. "classâ€" total 350" Mary Burnett, 186 Bertha Flesher, 1'76. Jun. III. classâ€" Joseph McKee, 312; Nettie Burnett, 800 Maud Flesher, 200; Jacob HoUey, 191. II. classâ€" total 250 â€"Ida Holley, 162 John McGregor, 131. L class â€" total 150â€" Thornton Teeter, 98; Ahce Fiedler, 84; Geo. McGruther, 82. J. R. Wicldiam, Teacher. A COP* of The Algoma Advocate, a bright newsy 28-rolumn paper, printed at Thessalon, has been received and put on our exchange list. It is a well print- ed ably edited sheet and is apparently well patronixed at home. We vyish it success. In a store in Fulton street, New York, the following motto is conspicuously hnng at the entrance, '"God helps those who help themselves,' but God help those found helping themsely^s in this store." This would not be amiss in Markdale if all reports be true. The Canadian Live Stock Journal for May is to hand and sustains its high reputation as a practical help to agri- culturists. It is especially valuable in the stock and daury line. Published by the Stock Journal Co., Hamilton *1 a Y'Sar. "Thb Canada Agent" is the name of a new journal, published by Magill Pro- Tost, 65 and 67 Xonge St., Toronto. It is devoted to the interests of the pubhc in general, and agents m particular. The first number is a neat sheet, well filed vfith choice reading matter. It is pub- lished monthly for fifty cents a year. Tmtmionai-. â€" Mr. B. Johnston, of the Dnrham Marble Works, erected this week in the Methodist cemetary, Mark^ dale, a. handsome and costly red gran^ monmnentto the memory of onr de- ceased wife. It stands ten and one half feet high and is ia every respect a credit to Mr. Johnston imd satirfactoty onr^ aetyes. and we t»ke pleasure in tecpm. ImendingMr. JoliM*a»to*liOK»ia wad Abbor Day was well employed at Markdale school in the planting of trees and fCowers and tidying up the grounds generally. Each teacher did their full share together with the pupils in this commendable work. There was yery Uttle done by citizens of the village we regret to say, outside the school grounds It's not too late in the season yet however. We desire hereby to convey to the Standard correspondents our high ap- preciation of their services. Their con- tributions to our correspondence columns recently have been particularly interest' ing and we tlrust they may not "grow weary in well'doing." If you could just realize that hundreds of families read your notes with a reUsh you would be greatly encouragiad. Honor Roll of Meaford Road School Section No. 11, Artemesia 4th class â€" 1st, JBhn Shamion, 730; ^nd, Maggie McCallum, 695 8rd, Nellie Kells, 626 out of 770. 3rd classâ€" 1st, Homer Wil- liams, 840 2nd, Willie Summers, 330 8rd, Robert Pritchard, 300 out of 425. 2nd class â€" 1st, Eddie Buchanan, 311 2nd, Bessie McCaUum, 300; 8rd Harry Douglas, 287 out of 400. E. Ford. DfatdetSoliiflrB. BiuixieBS S^ocals. Rejuvenatob Bitters for sale at T. D. Smith's. Field and Garden Seeds, R. L. Stephen. 500 men wanted, all sizes.^ Call at Clements' tailor shop and leave your naeasure. Wanted. â€" a good servant girl. Mrs. Thos. Elliott, one mile from Markdale. To BENT. â€" A frame house in Markdale vdth two acres of ground suitable for a good garden. Apply to G. S. Bowes. Oil C9k6 unequllaed for calves and cattle food, at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. Clover gad Grass Seed, R. L. Stephen. $1,450 will buy that corner lot. No. ^0 on the 10th concession of Glenelg. Ad- dress, frs. A. Might, Owen Sound. Business is increasing every week. Should this continue, as it certainly will, we will ' be thronged with wrak shortly, so leaye your order early, B. B. Clements, Tailor. Mb. D. Latter, the .new barber, is now fully prepared to attend all who favor him with a call in shaving, hair cuttiug, shampooing, jcc, c. Special attention to ladies' and girls' haix cut- ting. Remember the stand, opposite Mrs. Hollingshead's millinery, and near- ly opposite the Standabs office. Fresh Ijxs fob sale. â€" ^A. S. Irving. Look Hebe. â€" Groceries, Sweet Meats, Fruits, JEC., at Sproule's provision storQ fresh and cheap. Flow and Feed same price as at the mill. A call respectfully solicited. Mrs. Clement's stock of Toys and Fancy Goods selling at cost. Go AjiD SEE Miss BnrCli's new goods, spring and summer Millinery, Feathers and Flowers in all shades and colors cheaper than the cheapest. Dress and Mantle making. Eggs taken in exchange for goods. 2w I"isliingf Taolcle. â€" A complete new assortment of Hooks, Flies, Lines, Sinkers, c., c., at Medical Hall. A. Turner Go. Public Nonca. â€" Baving opened, out in the harness hnsiness in Markdale I would intimate to the public that I am desirous of a slaare of public patronage and will do all h) my power to give satis- factory work and erood valne for your money. All kinds heavy and fight harness kept in stock and made to Qcder. Prompt attention tozepahnng. Call and see ns, two doors from McEenna's blacksmith shop.* J. J. Mt^innon. Fob Sale â€" ^A. good single barreled shot gun, near];; new ch/^ for cash. George PickelL Mrs. Geo. Dean, of Shelbnme, is 109 years old and still lives. Dundalk skating rink has been palled down. There was a strike in Dandalk late- ly. The strikers caved in. Mr. John McDonald, of Ohatsworth, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace. Miss Porter, sister of Mrs. Large, of this village, is said to receive the highest salary of any female teacher in South Grey. She gets $400. She is, however, a superior teacher, and is this year engaged in H. S. No. 8, Glenelg. The next semi-annnal meeting of South Grey Teachers' Association will be held in Durham on the 7th and 8th June. The Thornbiiry News, says that Mr. Yanzaiit, of Flesher ton, is about, to remove his marble works to that tovm. The Shelburne Free Press is safely mto its teens, haying entered its four* teenth year of publication. We wish our esteemeedxchange continued pros- perity. Grecmore Fonnary is in operation. Durham Creamery is about ready, to commence operations. The Meaford Mirror says that a majority of the members of their school board refused to become res- ponsible for the expences of the En- trance .Examinations next July in Meaford in the event of the county -council refusing to bear said expences; and gives a well merited rebuke for their retrogressive action. Score one for Meaford, â€" A 887 lb lady lives in that town. Next. Evert person can be kept reasonably busy by attending to his own business but there are many who insist upon be- ing overworked. ESECKAHOB CKZFPZVCKI. MARRIAG^ES. Buxsaâ€" BnADiaiH-da the 40th inst.. hf ttw Bev J.. MeAtpine, â- * tha house oC Iba IfHe, BtiBfbm Bmgff- Buem, Bum te Mary Btaadmao. «« the vOM^flf; (Doflerin Post.) Nearly Drowned. â€" On Tuesday Mr. John Witter, of the Commercial Hotel, had a narrow escape from drowning in Allen's lake at Horniug's Mills. On Monday the burly host left with a few friends to be ready to catch the speckled beauties early on Tues- day morning. Mr. Witter took an old boat made of planks on the lake, and proceeded to fish with alacrity. He had not been at work long when Mr. W. Stubbs, of Charleston, who was fishing in a canoe souie distance off, notieed that one end of the boat was getting leyel with the water. He called Witter's attention to the fact, but Witter paid no attention to him, and kept on fishiug. Mr. Stubbs, ex- pecting an accident, started to row toward Witter's boat and it was well that he did so, for the gay Witter was merrily engaged in pulling up the trout, and did not notice that his boat was rapidly filling with water. Before Mr. Stubbs had got near the boat it capsized, and Witter began a lively struggle lor dear existence. He is not a swimmer, and his only hope, there- fore, lay in clinging to the fragile craft, but every time he tried to get hold of It there was an npset. and mine host was pretty well exhausted when Mr. Stubbs came to his assistance. Mr. S. could not take him into his light canoe, but stopped the rockmg of the |,oat by throwing the anchor'into it' Witter wag now slowly tawed toward the shore, and was pretty well exhaast- ed when he reached terra firma. He lost ^I the fish he had eanght, but tiiis was not a calamity over wbieh any teats were shed. If it bad not been for the timely arrival of Mr. Stnbbs it is altogether probable that Mr. Witlw ivoald be with the m^oc^ to-day.! â- ,,,: â- ;.:â- -: ;^,,:4...;,^-.. WATCHES! Finely Cased in Silver, Gold Filled Gold, can be bought of me very cloee^ **^Ca,sli or Credit." â€" TOUB CHOICE OF â€" Hampden* Klgriiis "Waltliaiii, Or Seth Thomas movem:e]vts* The famous all day WATEEBUEY' Warranted, only $2.75, sent to any address. EN6A6EMENT GEM RINGS 9 15 k. Plain rings 181c. initialed W, B, Himons c CJIieevers ROLL GOLD CHAINS. Only complete stDck of SILVER- WAKE kept in this section. ENGLISH -:- NICKELITE Tea, Desert and Table Spoons and Forks at quality. Spring and Weight GloclcSy â€" ALSO â€" NICKEL ALARMS. Crystal, Pebble and Coloured Lenses. Can fit perfectly any sight. GOODS A WORK WARRANTED. Promptness despatch. C. P. B, Telegraph at my store. Daily Papers on Sale. W. A. BROWN, THE PEOPLES JEWELLER,' MARKDALE. Dress Mlantle Making: I BEG to inform the Ladies of Markdalu and vcinity, that I am now prepared to do all Icinds of Iress Mantle Makiofr at my residence on Mill JStreet. Perfect satis- faction guaranteed. Terms reasunablto. Your attention is especially called to mj ^^Dressmakers Iflngric Scale** Tailor system of catting. Tbose desirous of learning to oat bf this system can do so at moderate cost by replying to me, as I am sole agent for tbe'Co.of Grey. This system is the only one now in fise by the first class city dress and mimtle jpakeis. Try it and be convinced. ' " ' 75-101 MRS. "WM. LITTLE JO Y. 1 » MS mm. Having purchased a select stock of fashionable Spring and Summer Millinery, Fancy Goods and Berlin Wool. I now beg to draw the atten- tion of the ladies of Markdale and sur- rounding district to the same. Straw goods made over and all orders pro mptly and carefully executed. A share of public patronage re- spectfully solicited. Bemembet the old stAnd, near the Standard Office. MBS. HOLLINGSHED. SOOTHIMB, eliAiisma,/ HUUMI. JXOmnm tatsm MbM, UYfEyEliJ *fUllDBD â- â- A'I""S Xu^pWMGBkfV I IT â- x:V' '^:-.%. '^-'^^ASfj'Si^^?.:^:.