^^?f!^""iPi«P|PR'W"W^^*i» ^^^^^â- WP JBJ*^' la CouBoU 'k'ltdothy Seed! Riosa ThotoaJ s, Ridges Patend es Cutecura Sbavl Bolots Shavii f Jiipau teas. in,ud a fnll andl iiiJs and grades f fjr cash from! rms in Canada, bu:5iues3 on a lich T»-ill put us t a small advance ^ive our custom- shall esteem it » lud look throngb ISHMEUX/ inj thing in our el confident that with and surpris- id cheapness of tered goods a j met pursuant to ad- " the SOtb day of March, ,,e,,' ail present. Mi.iU^ .saiuu oi council read and T-: 00 ;ted to get re- '.^vUiemou.-y he .,,^e '.vari iiislruct '"'.^ brii?-" on Uth hue -.iueaiiv "Importunity. ' r' â- iva/iii'trnct'id to inform â- ^'jv, ilii't the council has "'Ml'iuivice iiud that accord- ih'j couuoil has no c.aims. v,i «a.s in=tiucted to get tlie iiiiid 13 eide Hue, con. 8, „i; eaily opjjortunity. â- Ci-uier vvasiubtrucCtd to re- '[â- iirtwell pi inter §5.00 pay- KJOO i.i:iijt ptip-rs, required "•lii'.ciriit'lf'cdi/U. r.vcri cr.ieib were issued on '--rcrr to p:iy as -follows, viz ' " '^-riok Carton, !g20.00. indigent "" K. Diiulop, S-10.00, part .tilt yt-t'-r John Mathews, .. iuriiir.iit, expenses Elijah -iiOO, riad work T. G-iiray, ql.'jii, amount which has been 'iiui as witness fees in case of â- â- - ihis cwrporiitiun. HI McLoimei §10,00 to be ex- ;., iiim lor iTilicf of R. Eobin- ISOO, The vras BzcHAsoa axammam. denceoftheboomm property here appeared on Tuesday last, the CouIbo^ House and properry adjoining, includ- ing the stores of Messrs. Douglass and Breckenndge, changing hafds-the purchaser being Mr. H. J). Hard of the O. S. Marble Works bgure paid in round numbers about $16,000.-0. S. Times. The news that a warrant had been issued for thr arrest ofMr.D. Creigb- ton of the Empire on Monday last, for libel created quite an mterest here, and not a little comment. Mr. Creighton was in town that day mak- ing preparations to take his family with him to the city on Tuesday after- noon but after receiving the telegram concer,un^ the warrant, concluded to leave on luenday raoruiug and face the music. He was arrested on his MarkdalE CURE FACTO laid before council J. thQ tonnation uf a new ahberution ou this subject ,,;;;,: resolution was passed ,MvMr. McAnsliii, seconded â- .Eisiniuf't that in refareLiCC to a .-icueilby W illiam Dawn and ,;}!ijers. asking for the forraa- :a uew school sculiou. That :.'ii ihis council regrets that it is liiuuUy somo eliiioren who re- ,: tuh viiUi'V uf Beaver river can J icuool, we don't see how to i-"ihii mattur at present, as the i ii;is hirotoforo taken action in ,l';Ui without siiccesa, as said ;;! dill not then consider it pru- '.0 farm n licw school section to ,.::ofllii; lots of lands, asked for |;::!tiO!is and by so doing seriouily |;:c»iiutiiber of other school sec- .aadpetitiouars did not seem to |::i small school section, such as TEightbave had, and the prc- iiMiiucii can not see it to be just '.rinauch a section, as the present Ljus adk for, and by so doing, li:;y injure a l^rge number of the [fSTers. â€" L'sirricd. :!iio:Kiii beiu2 made and second- Lecnimuil ttdjouriie-J until the last [.,-.} in April. DuNLOP, Clerk. Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, -us.„ He „„ „„..e. on w, '^K, UTH, FENCE PIOKETS. c.. arrival in Toronto, at tUe instance of j everything needed m the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now refipectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 THOS. IMclVE^. FOR SCRATCHESON HORSES CURE For Scratches on Horses 0"Cr:E5E3 FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES Mr. Meicier; but was released on giving bail for his appearance in Que- bec when required. As we think our readers will be interested to know the tlie reason oi this action against Mr. Creighton, we give the paragraph from the Empire on the 3rd inst., on which the charge for libel ia purported to be basf d "Such of the orf .ans of Sir. Mercior as venture to give any reason for the dismissal of Mr. Mc- hhane from the Quebec Cabinetallegeasits cause Vl^- " -m "â- '""regularities of tlie sacriSced Minis- fo!.;= .V^ Jjoiiowness of this plea is shown by the in.(,ts tnat Mr.- ilercier has been proven guilty of gross personal corruption, and that Mr. Turcotte ttie acting successor of Mr. McShane in his de- partment, IS a veu-i. politican of most unenviable notoriety.â€" O. 3. Times. Last Monday week Mr. Matt Scott met with an accident wliich might have resulted far more seriously than it did. He was driving from his place to town and was going at a rapid rate when siuidenly the king bolt of the buggy dropped out, causing the front wheels to be detaclied from the con- veyance and throwing Mr. Scott out and caused him to fall upon his breast across the axle. He was badly bruised but no bones were broken. â€" Durham Chronicle. STEPHEN S COUGH KING. â€" 1 ' â€" _â€" " â€" â€" _^ The best compound of Tar and Houey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a beueficient efiect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name STEPHEN 'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, B.L. STEPHEN, MARKDALE. ractive aged sow TO WAZ.X. ^re is nothing that so thorough d Viumistakably discloses just ^•:\x\ or woman is as her walk. janiwunjroom or at a ball, of aTvouiau who is new to such betrays it in every move. But --â- n die direet the woman of fash- i-J the girl of society can be ro- c.:;eii by iho initiated at a glance -itter how she may be' dressed. iliu her walk. There is noth- â- - difficult, nothing so rare, in M woman, as a good walk, and jrloanky claim to style without Irollope, who was one of the tK of observers, in deieribing the foue ot'his iieroinas, spoke of -»a!ijas"a free stride from her J^liis is tolerably accurate, only i-"'Aou;d not stride. But no one •uve a good walk who makes very "â- \ Kep.s. There are six rules 'ill insure a good walk if care- observed. Thay are :â€" 1, to â- -|^ tli« shoulders back 2, to keep •â- '-w from any motion whatsoever; â- '.lioW the head erect 4, tu place 'â- ;ot squarely ou the ground; 5, knee steady, and 6, to JJeelbow close to the side. There â- j.u;!]g that so spoils a woman's '*§e as projecting elbows. *li« "Boo" Boom. V ""OB.S, COAL DOCli kXO HILLS â€" WNWO M08PB0H. fcS^P^^w'ierOnt., April 16.- 'â- iA ' "ffioials arrived here fH- It is rumored tb« C. P. R. "Ud large elevators her* for the I'foni the West. The •ngineers ir." ^°' *be -be«t site for this " coal docks. There is great Miep tbe Accident. â€" A young man, about 22 years, son of Mr. John Mc Kenzie, iib lino, Euphrasia, met with a herious accident on Monday last on the 7th lin«. St. Vincent, at the hill near C. Bracken's residence. He was coming to the 7th line brickyard for a lotid of brick, driving in a wagon, and when coming down the hill the wheels slewed around upsetting the wagon and throwing young McKeneie down the embankment. In the fall and subsequent roiling he received a serious cut ou the head and some in- ternal injuries, bat of how serious a nature was not known at the time of writing. He was conveyed to the re- sidence of Mr. Bracken, and medical aid summoned from Meaford. Tbe physician in attendance would not ex- press an opinion ou Tuesday as to the result of the injuries. â€" Meaford Mir- ror. Bgaiy-isale Sl;l asl FasUIe CUIuii; to hand, whhich -we purpose selling FOR CASH J at prices \srliich "V7ill astonish the buy- er. Having determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ti ng close bargain s. qiH|o|M|EMHli| w|DD :i»il|p|E l |B|o|o|f[sD3i^ ^Will Stoddai-t. late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Markdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILOBING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work tamed out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDAET. Markdale. March 14th, 1887. kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB. KAY so -well and fa;^orably kno^sTvn. Call early and secure bargains. W BROWN. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. IHBtrict Dolncrs. There was a death in Mt. Forest last week from eating butter and eggs. Eev. J, C. Farthing, Church of Eng- land Minister at Durham, hae accept- ed a call from Woodstock. Through the endeavors of Mr. Masson, M. P., a new mail route is to open between Chatsworth and Chea- ley. It will be of considerable con- venience to both these places. Durham is to have telephone com- munication. The central office is to be in McFarlane's drug store. A 10-year-old son ol Mr. John Mor- rison ofHolstein fell off the bridge, near Petrie'a mill in that place, into the river one day last week and was drowned. JitingvtmM OonateTfalts. Counterfeits are always dangerons, more so that they always closely imitatb THK OBIOINAL IS APPBABAMOH AKD NAMB The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Balm as • positive oure for Cat- arrh and cold in the Head has induced unprincipled parties to inutate it. The pnblic are cautioned not to be deceiyed by nostrtuns, imitating Nasal Bahn in name and appearance, bearing such ntv 1, ""â- '• ••""" "' »'""" I names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balm etc i^fl consequent apon th« /^ak. tat Nasal Balm and do not take im- itation dfealers may nrge upon yon. For ale by all druggists or sent post-paid on receipt of price (50c and %1) by ad- dressing Folford k Co.. BrockvUle, Ont '*lntv nf n. """'"'""' "F"" "*• %f 1 ""*y comnieno«m«nt to. construction and the de- ^^ to bnUd three large mUls S^^' "^« removal of the Ti. i' '«8"latwD8 ov«r Indian oS *^ ^^® K"** â- timului operations here. Many BtohA^* present in town, and it .{?fl the mining boom wiU be «ythmg evgj #xp«rienc«d in FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP MAN. TBE aUEJiT BE^IjTH RmjrEWEH, Marvol of Healing, and Kohinoor of Medicines, tbe terrible conseqaenees of ladlsereUoBt £xpoiinre and OTenr*irlL -3roxTa:TGh. a.rrDPT,.TT-uaua-EP .^.ntd oijd is^miT 'Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical euro tor nervous debility, organie wealmess, inyolnntary vital losces. etc Stkptovb tob which No. 8 Should bb Used.â€" Want of energy, verM^. want of parpose, dimnesa of Bight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidanc* of conTersation. desire for solitnde, listleasness and inability to fix the attention oB a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, iriddiness, loss of memory, ezeitability of temper, eper* matorrboea, or loss of the seminal fluid â€" the result of self-abi teney, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of tbe heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembline, melancholy, disturbing dreams, etc, are all â- ymptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. Ui short, tbo spring of vital f oree having lost its luse or marital ezeess â€" impo- ;be heart, hysteric feelings in ams, etc, are all â- ymptoms of this terrible irt, tbo spring of vital f oree having lost its tension, every function wanes in'consequence, Scientiflo wntersand the anperintendents of insane asylums nnite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse tbe great majority of wasted lives which come under tbeir notice. If yoa are incompetent for tbe ardnons dnties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life. No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. 8 will give yon full, vfigor and strength. I( you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, tbe result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 ceuta in stamps tot M. T. IiCbon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and aeenre from observation. Address all communications to- BB. T. I.I7BAN 47 Welllactoa St. K., Toronto. A Mu without wisdwn liyes in • foort paradite. CURES GUAiUUimO. NEftt THE SICK. SIGHT V. BLI^STDNESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. AND 18 JEWI,\ STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND li- JLi. Stephen's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST. M'^i^'ia^e Has the Agency for the sale of tbe above in •MASKDAIiE. No Spectacles in the Marketequal them in the EYE PBESEKVING QUALITIES they possess, or the OKEAT EASE and COM- FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratcliea on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply tbe Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby iilood Purifyer. p iMflPiaN P ACIFIC B, B, TIME TABLE. â€" IMarkdale Station â€" goino socth. Going Nokth. 6.57 a. m. 11.66 p 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. m A Permanent Cure. I A Pleasant Cura 6 FEB CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPKOULE, Conveyancer St Postmaster. Flesherton. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE-:- WORKS. Notice* •fBirtki. Mamafet.amd D*atU tmtMt ftvtetnf. BIRTHS. QDiaii.-Ia M»rkW^ •â- »** "**» â„¢' *• B. McNally, practical mannfaeturet Wag- gons, Democrats, Bnggiea, Sleigha, Cntten and everything m the line. The best ma- terial used and first-elasa workmanamp. Satisfaotion gnaranteed. Rtpairing, Palnfing ui Trlmln^ promptly attended' to. A eaU r^pcfitfiOy KdMitod. or BMBd oppontatlM Kariuiai* Hooae. Choice Farm for Sale. Township of Arten sisting of 80 acres. 75 cleared and fit to run mach- inery on. ballancegood hudwood bnsh Soil, a rich clay loom. On the property is situated a now saw pull ran by water power composed of three living springs rising on the premises. A splendid site for a cheese factory or grist mill. This is a grand grain-growing farm and beinc â- well watered is especially adapted for dairying. Commodious barns, sheds and stables, and a frame house on the premises. Also tbree acres of a good bearing orehard of ohoioeet grafted fruits. Conveniently situated to s^aol and church and within Ave miles of Maikdale, will bescM veiyeheiV. For terms and ftattiar par' tienlars mdy to WABD DAVIS. Karkdal*. Get your horse bills printed at the STAH- DAKD. niaBtlilr Fairs. Orangenllaâ€" The second Thursday in ea«h mouth. DnndaUtâ€"Tn.»lay before Orange ville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orangevillo. Markdale â€" Saturday before OrangeviJle. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each mouth. Chatsworth â€" ^Monday before Durham. Bollioid Centreâ€" Saturday heforeChatswr.r PriceviUe â€" Monday before Dnrham. Hanover â€" Monday before Dnrhair TENDERS Will fo received by the andersigned up to Bo« an Wednesday. 2Stb inst., for the erec- tion ot a brick parsonage for the use of Church of £ngland dergj-man in Markdale. Plans and speeiAcatiocs nixy be seen at my store. Tbe lowest or any tend»j not neees- sarily aaeapted. A. TUKNER. See*; Boildinc Vinamittea. A(ari(dala.AirUUth,uaft .â- "•â- â- "â- -y- " n#K:Sii -:.'1| â- ;;â- â- i (1.^ 'â- "â- ' 'A :. iW'fi •iJ ' ;.cs-ii'i; '"'•Jtr"' Sl :-.^ Wl 1 •' " ' H^^^^^^B- H^' .*: â- ' .â- "•'â- ' â- Ji "â- '"â- -. " :-- ^^â- â- .Jfe ' â- â- 'â- . .;_ V â- â- • '*- 1 f â- ,•â- â- •â- .:.. â- )• J,: ^^^^^^K.'t4^ T- -^ -1- ' ii ^^^^^Bs^^'n .• t I -;:-,, %; •. .;:!.i. â- ^^^^^^H^T^iA Jt • • I ^- -â- •' ' ' t ^^^^^â- ^7 .^ â- â- -. V -^^ â- # t â- ' r • ' 'â- â- ' 'i â- - 1^" â- ' â- :S r r j â- • â- â- Z' • » :â- •:•.- ' â- ^^^^^vJ^^^ ^- -â- â- â- K â- 'â- ' i f-\"» '^yi?i^/^^^^^^SwMM^M Mii^ M-