•:.^. {?«^?5r-j??r;v^ ^«^i" WPil^Wi '.jw^jaa^-yi ' A?^^^'-^ " "â- ' ^%^?.^!^^ j* ' ' |ori ':s may to i/ onu' fif nuk. it good mful of hree cO| fula (^ the atoT scant the floor sry easy Two up of St le teaspooi 11 tartar, with lemon n a. quick O'i hiuantity, an(^ ha if put in jirls cacnot Oae cup of td one half cuj J eggs, two ted Juke iu two iJ The top maj hocolate to one-half cup milk, a pieu| 'lavor wiih ' anrsG. â€" Grei jed apples, ilf a cup of I innamQU, ai e about two Wild BeastJ oT, a B.ichelJ iaa, empicya been livini ice he arriv^ ling all night which sendg courage, jy a blueej lat velocityJ astrument 3 cobweb ire cable istrated wi )lite ' in orj other occi^ 1 ' would come Co hi^ his adventa a big suckJ 11, and flad, I ce the aniij [d him he I he explain^ led lately mrf tick's powe^ "s Tables, I'for the wo^ they could brother ly, and thia ig thanked I himself, 1 ould consej aily.' Alt lusement, f, saying Bidy been lew thing I 1, the be^ e to junfl Etitapii- )usepi(»P ffewcaati* intereatir 9, and on tender aflw iweetcomp 11 most ToMi ababenMw^ heLord»»*] e worda :- Mortal Wfi 1 from Sco« nalPUo* *nB»o«- eSttf The Flowery Kingdom. The price of Chineae carts in Pekin ia verv generally fixed at ten centa an honr. Yet one ctn never be engaged, if the price ia discn-sed in advance, withont at least half an hour'a argument. If cue la taken without previona agreement aa to price, and at the concluaion of the ser- vice the proper far. be offered the driver, he will invariably demand more. If this ia refnaed the driver will £;enerally go quietly away. But if through ignorance or mista- ken KCnfirosity a larger aum be offered the driver fliea into a rage, throwa the money on the ground, demands three timea aa much and a threat to appeal to the police or an hour'a argnm^. -t ia necessary before quiet ia r^tored. A wealthy American gentleman, being in Pckin in hia journey around the world, complained jO ma of the high pricea charged by.Chineae inn-keepera for rooma. He had so he said, offered $2 in payment for a amall rocym without bedding or furniture in a wretched inn. The landlord demanded $5 fo^ a aingle niuht. A long wranijle reaulted, aiid finally the gentleman offered S3, which the landlord, after more worde, had concent- eA to accept. The cnatomary price for such a room, fcjmd not included, ia twenty centa, and if the gentleman had offered thia aum it would have been accepted without much discna- sion. The lack of laws or of their enforcement, for standard weighta and meaaurea gcea far to facilitate tricks of trade in China. Cloths of all sortSj whether of ailk, linen, wool, or cotton, are sold by the foot. But the merchant invariably uaea one foot when he b'uva, and a shorter one when he sella. Tne root for cotton goods ia longer than that for woolen, which in turn is longer than that used to mt^aaure ailk. Steelyarda are regularly made and aold in the marketa having two aeta of pounds mea- aured on them, one for buyine; and one for selling. I have seen a respectable Chineae gentleman and a fisherman quarreling over the pri e, or rather the weight of a live carp, each having hia own ateelyarda, which made a difference of a pound and a quarter in the weij^ht of the fi.-h, which at the ut- most could not have weighed over four poundx, unleaa, indeed, as is aometimes the case, the honeat fiaberman had forced a pound or two of coarae gravel into ita atomach. In buying varioua grades of cotton-wool one gets a' v.:krying number of ounoes to the pound. H'or the coarae gradea one gets six- t«en, a full pound; for medium qualities but twelve, whilfl for the very finest twenty- two ounces are called a pound. Of conae auoh variations, regulariy eatab- liiihed by cuatom, practically counterbalance themselvea, the prtce varying in accordance with the weight. At the aame time it ia quite impoastble to find either reaaon or aeuae in aueh practicea. If an explanation ia a^ked of the most intelligent Chinese he I hcta /lOne to give beyond the remark that it is an old cuatom. I have often been trapped into the pur- chase of articles which 1 did not want in the foil jwing manner. A dealer in "curios," aa they are called, old porcelains, caah, bronzes, fctc would come in and offer aome object for sale, nuaking a little speech about ita rarity, beautiful form and color, and close by Bay »ug that the price waa only fivj dollars. Not wishing the article at any price, I wou H htkv: " 111 give you ten centa." "Oh, look at It, aee how fine it ia " aaya the merchant. " Can t, I'm busy, don't want it," I say. " Well," saya the dealer, "I want to aell it to vou very much; give me §4.50." 'â- Ni go away." " All n?ht. it ia yours for ten cents.' â€" Youths Comprnion. Hygitne for Vocalists. Dr. Ryeraon delivered a lecture on «' .-pecial Hiene for Vocalists" in Aasoci- atioii Hill undel- the auspicea of the Toronto Contervatory oi Music. Life and health, be Stoid, were influeuced by various circum- Btauci-s which might be thus classed â€" l^ea- ideuce, ablutiona, clothing, diet, exe ciae, aniustinents and habits. What was con- ducive to the health of vocalists and public spftokerswas also beneficial to everybody. V.ca!i=.t8 must live for their art and must practise aelf abnegation in many matters. They Hhouid never sing when their voices were not in good condition, as from a cold, or in the open air. In singing " encores " the same soug should not be repeated, be- cause It was rarely sung so well the second as the first time also tecauae it waa a great B'rain if ijicched high. Moderate exercise wus essential to health. Tde apeaker also recoiiimtuded breaihiug exercises to increase the "wind." Fulness of tone depended on the aniplitude ot the air wave, not on shout ing. A conbideiable interval ahould elapse between eating and using the voiceâ€" for singers at least four hours, and for speakers two or three houra. Evening parties, late hours, too much amoking, and the abuse of alcohol were liable to ruin the voice. A Barbarian Legend- There ia current among the peasants of Bivaria a legend that the long life of Kai- ser Wilhelm was due to a mysterious phil- ter ot which hia Imperial Majesty alone possessed the secret. How the Emperor obtained the magic beverage ia not known. It was said to be a kind of spirit which, if it did not give him immortality, would enable him to live many years more, and aupply him with sufficient bodily auid mental pow- er to retain the government of hia vaat em- pire in hia own hands. The legend further- more states that the German sovereign con- descended to make a present of a few drops of the charmed liquid to Marshal Moltke and Prince Bismarck, hence also their re- spectable age but, atrange to aay, he de clined to give any of it to the Crown Pnnce, because he feared his heir would make use of hia health reatored by the philter to force him to abdicate. Several crowned heads have, it appears, applied to the Emperor for his wonderful secret, but m vam. The Czar, in particular, prayed for aome of the spirit, and it was the refusal of the Kaiser to oblige him which was the real cause of the present conflict between Russia and Germany. â- Imitation la aometimea called the sincere form of flat- tery. Thia may account for the number ot imitations of the original and only poaifave com cureâ€" Putnam's Painless Com lix- tractor. All such fail to poasesa equal merit, so when purchasing get the genuine "Pot- nam'a." Safe, sure and painleas. All.drog- gists. Genteel Qnacks. "Ye., it l»y»," .aid a big. fat phyrician. with a P»me which i. knowS thronghouttibe medvjal world .^ I have a practice worS $40,000 a year," "Women?" "Yea von've gueased it first time. They pay $10 every time they come into my cflBae. When one gets on my hat I tell yon ahe stay. " and ' laughed long and loud. This is quackerv-giltedged, genteel quackery-to keep suffering women paying tribute y4r in and year out, and doing them no good. Dr. Pierce a Payonte Preaoription cures the peculiar weaknesses and dbeasea of women. It does not he to them nor rob them. The greater our dread of crosses, the more necessary they are for na. Shockinfir Accident. So read the headlines of many a newspaper column, and we pernae with pal piuting in- terest the details of the cataatrophy, and are deeply in-preaaed by the aacrirtce of hu- man life involved. Yet thonaanda of men and women .-re falling vi.tima every yea' to that terrible dueaae, conaumption (aorofula of the Innga), and they and their friends are 8ati»fied to believe the malady incnrablp. Now. there could be no greater mistake. No earthly power, of conrae, can restore a lung that is entire y wasted, but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medic 1 Discovery will rapidly and surely arrest the ravage, of conaumption, if taken in time. Do not, thetefore, deapair, until you have tried thia wonderful remedy. Write it on your heart that every day ia the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day ia Doomsday. A perfect specificâ€" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Words were given us to conceal our thoughts, eh 1 Just liaten to the man who steala down stairs in the stilly night and catches his bare toe in the upturned corner of zinc that lurks near the firelight's ruddy glow. A dure for Dmaheimeaa The opium habit, depaomanla, the morphine habit, nervous prostration canned by the use of tobbaoo, wakefulness, meutal depression, eof taninf; o{ the bnan, etc., premature old a(ce, loss ot vitality caused by over exertion ot the brain, and loss of natural strength from any oanae whatever. Manâ€" young, old or mid- dle-aged â€" who are broken down from any ol tiie above causes, or any oaose notnurUioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps tor Lubon's Treatise, 1b book form, of DUease$ of Man. Books Mnt sealed and gecare from obeervation. JddreHU. V. iiUBOH. 47 WeUiiirton straet Eaat. Toronto, Ont Venn., though losing luster, is atill the chief jewel of the dawn. Ocean Steamsbfp PasseoKers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it ia not only the ahorteat and beat line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies In buy ing tickets, ask for the Erie. Browne â€" "Why did you atop literary work Somebody told me yon received a check for your poem." Smithe â€" "Yea, I did. It waa a blue check â€" 'No. 12,9t2. Declined with thanks. Ten centa due.'" People who are rabjeot to bad breath, tool coated mngne, or any disorder ot the Stomaoh, can at onot be relieved by using Dr. Oarson'a Stomaoh Bittoir, ibs old and tried remedv. Aak vout Dmrr)*^ Yotmg Phyaician (pompoualy) â€" Yea, I've called at Mr. Brown's three timea a day for a week. He ia a very aiok man, Miaa Smith. Miss Smith â€" He must be by this time, vofi no more. Watson's cough dropa are the beat in the world for the throat and cheat, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W are atamped on each drop. When a saloonkeeper aeeka to hide hia busineaa under the aign of "Sample Room," the Detroit Free Preaa aays, he ought to bo aiahamed enough to quit buaineaa entirely. OiHSALssa Haib Rknswbb restores grey and faded hair to ita nataral color and prb vents falling ont Arteaian wella were cultivated by the Egyptians. CAusumption Surely Cured. To THH Emtor â€" Please inform your readen tnat I have a positive remedy foir the above named di-i- ease.. By its timely use thousands ot hopelees eases have been permanently cured. I shall ba glad to send two bottles of my remedy prhb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will senj me their express and P. O. address. Respectfully, De. T. a. Slocdm, 37 Tonge St., Toronto, Ont. Ohio haa fourteen rock-ribbed islanda all in Lake Erie. ?nienever your Stomach or Bowels get cut ct cr der, causing Biliousness, Dyepepela, or IndigesiioB Aud their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Di Carson's Stomach Bitters. Beg* family medicin; AH OrnggistK. EO cents. There will be no eclipse of the honey- moon thia year. Hub CouoH Curb cures in one minute. Stage whispers are frequently heard in mail coaches. ITCHING PILES. Symptoms â€" Moisture Intense itching and stinging; most at night worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatsb's Oistmbnt stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many c^ses removes the cumouis. It is equally effi- csoious In curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWATNE 50N, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swatsb's Odst- MBNT can be obtained ot druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. Cheese is eaten from the fingers now by the most particular people. A V ^92 lATESfTS procured, Patent Attorneys and experts. Est'd 1867. Donald C. Bldontd Co.,Tor«Bto. niTrilTO For Saleâ€" Illustrated descriptive Oat r A I lR I U alogue free. K. Chamberlin, Toronto |#|||yT|||n rreeiman Bros.- Mill linU,Cieorgeioivn,Ont MACHINES G ODD ACENTS WANTEI* over the entire Do- minion. Address, CSrO. D FCBBI8, 87 Cbnrck Street, Toronto, WORK FOR ALIi. 93« a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and partioulaia free. P.O.TICfcEBV, AugnBta,Maine. AAiinrn thhobs, vlcebs. etc., n A N 1 1 r n CUBED, without the knife. No UHIlULlli cure, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L. SMITH, M.D.,124Queen E.,Toronto Specialty â€" PLUMS in large supply. Dealers billed out on Uberal terms at the HALTON NURSERIES, Burlington, Ont TRFES H H BURD SON, Proprietors. I nttO Also ^n offer a few oars Red and YeUow Globe Onions. Fruit one. and all other bedding and Z%°^ Plants. collections will suit every niustrated Catalogue Free. Wbbsteb Bros., Florists, Hamilton. ROSES SAUSAGE CASINGS. BtST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEETS, also SaM American Hogs Casings QuaUty guarwiteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write lor prices. JAS. PARK SON. Qm[)ound Narvoua Prostratioa, Nervous ' eadache. Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all affectiona of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES Paine's Cslest CoKrouKD la a Karvs Toni« which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderfhl stimulants, it sjiced- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Pmmk's Ciukt CoKPonxD pniiflcs th« blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- making organs to a healthy condition. Th« true remedy for Bheiunatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Painb's Celeky Comtowd quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA^ Paink's Ckleby CoMPornro strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Painb's Cxlxky Compound is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and nstural action to the bowel*. Regularity surely fol- lows its use. Recommended by professional and busineaa men. Send for book. Price $1.00. Sold bjr Drugglsta. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO., Prop's Montreal, P. Q. Colonists' Trains. Canadian Pacific- railway Will rsnStttlers' Trains to all points in MANITOBA, THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coaat, Leaving Toronto, N. ft N.-W. Station, Brock Stree at 9 p.m., TUESDAY, FEB'T 28TH, and every Tuesday thereafter during Haich and April A colbnirt fleeper will be attached to theas trains. Make eaily application to agent for what oars and berths you will require. 33-feet cars supplied for colonirts' movables. No Custunis delay or expense No quarantine. No transfers. For further informs tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT no Kins Street West. TAromto. TOBONTO Cutting School -A grand chance to acquire a thorough kiiowledee ot garment curting in all its branches. Now's the time to eiiter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. Terms on ap- plication. 8. COKBisAN, 12-2 Yonge St., Toronto. TO TOWN AND VILLACE MWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE have un«xitrl]ed fs^cilities fnr the SALE or EXCHANGE o( Nevitpoper ofBees Terms, one per cent. Sati fartion iiaranteid. 9'We huve now four eood estaLliEhti:.ents fr.r sale at a bargain, and one publisher wantiig a pattuer. Auxiliary fubilnbing ttwpany, 33 ana 36 AdeUide St, W., Toronto, Ont CHIRIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS In the Churh of Rome â€" lOth Editionâ€" cheaper in price 83*2 pages. AaENT8. Ladies or Geutlemen, to sell this Vivid, Fascinatiko and Traoic book. Lib- eral terms. Addrbss, a. G. WATSON, TOBONTO WiiiiiARv Tract Dkfositort, Toroato. m :iftVORING .^ Extracts MONEYI: ' TO LOAHi on Farms Lowest Rates. Ao delAV. Correnw)nd'»npe fn|i -ited. K. W. D. BIJILEU. Fi..ancial Agt., Jista'thihr.l :S60. 72 King St. E Toronto. DYEING AMD CLEANIMC R. PARKER CO. Works and nead Oflices 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Offices i 209 Tonge Street, 393 Queen S%. West, 226 Queen St. East, Itoeonto. 100 Co l)Orne Street 4 John Street. North Brantford, «^dL Hamilton, Onl Tke ratent "»aad]r" Kagtaolder wil latit a lifetime, and cnsbt only IS eta. Sold by ag nts. Some territory ntill open. Sam* ule (free by exo iss) on receipt of price. Ad- W. ALLEN* CO. 67 Yonge St., Toronto. die* CAD ADA SHIPPING Co. â€" Braver Line ot Ssracuehlps, suiling weekly betwi-en Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets U nntreal tri Liverpool, $40, $50. and 60 Return tickets, Â¥80, i^, and tllO, according to btearaer and accon ir.odatK n In:tr- medifete, 330 Round tr p tickets, }60. Steerage, );2e Round tr.p ticket*. $40. Foi further partici'arx and to srcure Dtrthe, apply t H. E MUiRAY, Gent'ia.l Manager, 1 Custom House Sq are, Mo£tr al, or to the Local agents in the diflerunt lowns and Cities. GOIO MR04L NVKSFKV STOCK-r^PLANT- " ING SPRING 1888- The propri'ttors of Oie TorontoNurseries (s8tablishedlH3T)wiil have for spring ?lanting a large stock of Fruit and Ornamental reest, Evergreen^ Shrubs, etc., of allkinris and sizes; which will be sold cheat), as a portion cf our grounds mutt be ele-»red and fold. Sood tor prlt-fd. descrip- tive catalogue. GEO. LESLIE b SON, 1194 Queen St. E Toronto. GVEIiPH Bnslness CoIIrce, Cnelph, Out. The faculty has been strengthened, the prem- ises enlarged, and new appliances added. The Busi- ness Department aS'rds o e of the best courses ob- tainable, while the Shorthand Department has accomplished results unrqualled in the history of shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages offered by the Institution. Students eo'er ot anv time. Cir- culars mailed tree. M. UacCORMICK Principal FOR THh OUR AGENTS AGENTS Magnificent Parallel Bibles, Withrow's Popular "History of Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' ' Llvlrg Words." "The Cottage Physician," MAIfC MnilCV Ooughs " Sunlight and IVlA^C IflullCl Shadow," " Mother, Heme and Heaven," eto. Fopu ar Books 1 Liberal Terras Write for circulars, erms, etc., to Williah Brioos, PubllHher, Toronto. Cook's Qem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as gooc^ and wholesome at one half the price Prove It by buy inr the Cook's Gem. Manufactured bv Whaley. Rayce Co. iMS Yonxe (ttrcrt, ToroBco. The Cbepeft PI ce in Canada tor mH IHSTRUMJiiS New and Sdcond ha d Agents for "BISSON and'HiGHA^ Band and Och »' MUS.C. Everything in tha Music line. Send for Cutaloauo. ELLIS EEmHLEY. Toronto Brick Machine That's taking the lead, new or second hand, apply to ALEX. DOIG, 61 Nelson St., Toronto. THE MARTIN MACHINE, with new improvements, is away ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only bj H. MARTIN fc CO. 90 Mary a m Brick Ont. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portbnd everjThuisday and Halifax eveiy Saturday t" Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebece\eiy Satuniay to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land m^ils and passengers for Scotland ind Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hali- fax aotf St. John's, N. F to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. Tne steaniejs of the Glas- gow lines f'ail during wir-ter to and frcm Halifax, Portland, Bostin and Phiiarielphia; and during sum- mer bft-veen Glasgow a d Montreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weeluy, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnisrhtly. For freight, passage or other i-forroation apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Cunard Co., Halifax Shea Co St John's, Nfid.; Wm. " hemp- son ft Co.. St. John, N B.; Allen k Co., Chicaco L-ve A Alden, New Y. rk H. Bourllfr, Tor nto Allans. Rae » Co., Quebec Wm. Brcokie. Philadel- phia H. A. Allen, Portland, Botton. Montreal. "Uncle Sam J J Will Giv Ton ALL 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles of new rail- way. Map9, Bookf, showing coun- try's resources and advautages. Letters from settlers who are thtiving be;, ond their ex-.iec- ' tatiniis. Send p etui card ' viith our address to J. M. Hnckina, 4 Palmer » House Blot'k. Toronto. Of C. H. W^ABREN, Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Every Farmer and Wechiniic SttOt'LD HAVE OTSE. Worth its Weight in Gold. Sa'^ple by mail 30c. CIiEJUilfT A CO., Toronto. Nervous Debility. DR. GRATS Specific has been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of nervous debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing In the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by mail on reotipt of price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS,' SEALS Sten- cils, and Burning Brands, c. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co. 22i Kiug St. E. (in rear) Toronto, CHAHPION Iin- proved Safes. at prices within the reach of all. I can send- -ou a safe, made in the best r-an-er with (.'cri â- iination Lock, and well fini^iheil in every re- spect, for $40 on de- livcrv a' yi ur station. Seud Tfr cuuIm. S. *. KIMBALL, 577 Craig S'reet. P. O Box 945, MoDt'Cd P. Q :ilUaSTf?ATiD:,MiUlJ,i ^sSsfe^^f ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.t SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAJ' ISThe Celebrated Han cock Inspirator. i^"Gre9haiij'a Auti matU Re-starting Injector. i^'Morrison'sAutomab Sight Feed Lubricator. l^Ensiiuefra' P1i)m\ era' isuppiies of ever' description. Send tc circulars: JAME«» noKRison. 76iS 77 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO Bicycles gerOBO -Hand BIrycles and Tricycle*. Spnd for List. New Catalogue ready in April. MONTBE.*L. UK Greateok Dis- covery of tb« present age tor Raav liATINa TBB BOWIUL D Orsota ai) Blw», i'^Aand RtDKwrCoK- FUiMrn. A Perfsal Blood Purifier. A few o Hamilton who hAvt icn benefited bytM Mrs. M. KeooM), Robert St.. .^oirMl if Ery^pela«; of twii ' ears' Rtandiiig .Robk. oroell, it South St., ughtor cure-) of Sp. leptlc Pits after tk ears' iraflering Jen- le BirreU, 56 Walnnt .^ „S»., cured oi We«k URs* and Lung trounfe yiiEo Wood, B6 Cathcart St., cured of Uvet Complaint and BiliousneBS, U9ed oi^ 8 fifty-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 AugUfK* St., troubled fnr years with Nervous Proftratioa. two maU hottii^t gave her great relief. Sold at fiOc' k 91. "F P ilALLSTftOO. PrwHotcrs, Vrhen I say CuBBldonot mean merely to Btop them for a time, and then have them r«» turn again. I jikas A KADICAL CUSS, I nave made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A.llfeiongstndy. I WAiiiiATrT my remedy to Ctok lae worst cases. Becau.se others have fauedisno reason for not now recelvingacure. Send at once for a treatise and aFRK e BoTTLa of my iNFAtioBLB Eemedy. Give Express and Fost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, 3nd it will core you. Address Dr. H. BOOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. iMiia«in^s SvvbOD ENGRAVER »^S^- 10 Kino S^ East J%^;^- TORONTO. BREADKIAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! U 11 K A 1 mail;- with this Ytast tooli (i St )irizes at 132 "To^-.siiip iind County Fairs ia Ontino in 1SS7, at such places as Flcslu rton, Markham, Whit- by, etc. Over 10,000 ladies have sent us lefcrs and post.il cards to say that it ia superior to anr yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wrholesome bread, buns, rolls and_buck- whiatcakes. Directions in eacb package with full instructiooSr TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CENTS A PERI^ECT FOOD FOR INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. The ^r^at ^ant tbac laieit (. ra food tnat contains -tronr nourish- ment in smaU bulk, tbut can be rrlisbed and • aaiiy dia'eit. d by the mot Oelicace invalid, itt lu.ly HUppUed by .IOBAi!$TO'S Fi HID KEl-.F. which If acknowledgi-d iiy the most emmt nt mtdical and S'.iintific aaitiorities to be the Most Perfect Fcroi of Concentrated Fojd. It IS popularly known au the Creat Strength Givtr. Piles INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURE. Send your address Band ten centa in stamps for Bo6k Addiess I " Treatise on Diseases of Man, U. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington-sL E,, Toronto, Ont CATARRH, COLD IN THE HEAD, Hay Fever, etc, can P08|- tlvely le cured. A mcw aiethod A medicine gnarante«d lo care. No cure i o pay. If you hav (tried other remedies that failed to core, yon will not be disappointed in this. For full particulars address. M. V. IiVBON. 47 WelIliiirt«B St. B., Xar*Bto CsBJida. Send lOc in stamps for oodk " Treatise on Diseases of Man â- - Capital and Funds now oTr $».OOO.OftO. HEAD OFFICE. 15 TOROKTO STREET, TORONTO, Ont A Home Company, Established October, 1871. To this date. Octob'^r 31st, 1887, there has been returned To the heir of Polioy-hoIderB (death ciairaB) ., $6^9.?4 no To the holders of matured Endowment Policies •-.... 26.409 63 To Policv-holders on mirrender of PoHciea P8 656 no To Policyholders for Ca»h Profits (including those allocated and being paid) 432 514 "2 To holders of "nuit.v Bonds 16 9fi7 84 liOaned to Policy-holders on the Security of their Policies. 82,264 88 «.39«.174 4? Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount oyer $15,000,000. PRESIDENT -Hon. Sib W. P. Howl and, C B K C M.G. VIC3 PR ESIDENrSâ€" William Elt.iott. Esq Bdwaro Hooprh. Esq. J K. SI %CD»\AL». Maniifirins Director. moUdes Nonforfeitable sftei 2 yean and ladtfeasible after 5 years. â- '.â- â- 'i:~:- â- II ... " ». â- -I i â- ' 1 -is â- f.-.l' i â- "â- ; Ji â- 'â- -â- *â- â- xi-%- iii'i .# mmm It'-Jsj"