-fij^WL^'*^ ^^j^^ 4* â- »»â- ,-.' h' i* p, f^ Z-'i. rf^t? «ip«ii ^^i9!ifl| • -, ^v." ^y8anQjouth8.ctU, J lines of tweeds, ties,, railoringdoneonthefl and good fits go„,^^^ aturday the 17th betwJ '2 and 13 side line J â€"A Bersian Lamb c oblige by leaving at t Bring spring prints, u leries, laces, gloyes ful patterns m prints i, ladies call and see th] ipeu face, NickleWatc! ir $2.75 cash, or ma Iress secuidey packed :owQ, Jeweller, Markdi horses, a two-year-c d, a four-year-old â- e. Would «change stock. J. Hickling, tnesia. Maxwell, P- 0. 1 ipplies we carry »' inted Leads, Whitftl tils, Varnishes, tvant a first class job J ill on Mabee ofthej t for von at the with good material- lored Tea Set for f» on's;re«fd»'P""' our goods and ge' ' forget it if yon «»-"â- â- live chaps, a^^*^! ,d alive to the ifltew^J We buy right. **^j I to give yon good* »*^ fignie qnotaU* Tailoring urd Oent's TUt' A SELECT STOCK OF SPBIKQ GOODS NOW OPENED. HTH YEAE.â€" :N^o. 396. ^EW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' MAEKDALE, THUKSDAT, APRIL 12, 1888. C. W. BTJTIjEDGE, Proprietor. )K!KEAD! Ifc Satisfied for [s a dead cer- tainty. SELLING ALL OUR Local and Other Items. Notices m these jolumnsintended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and Ave cents a line each Buhiequent insertion. NOTICE.â€" ConesprmdeTice, communica- lions Advertisements, dc„ mnat be in this ojice hy noon on Tuesday to insvre publication that week,- GLASSWARE (CT AT COST. tset and Toilet Setts a j;tv. Latest, designs call, 1 see ior yourselves. tlSS! FRESH SEEDS! Field m^ garden seeds. JR and FEED lartmeDt well Btocked. |lr«. Fine Wines and Liquors. ERS.IX CIGAES. l! $ea 'yea pibe finest Teas for 25c. put}, Geioi Black, Japan lofContectionary 1 Biscuits. I not be undersold by anyone ;n8a call, JjENSON, Beli'ast -:- Co., House. OP }^'^l.OCK. JEWELL RK ^^E, SPECTACLES, 'o call at headftnarters for ^Jl^SSELL'S, Noted Jewl- ^lesherton, where you will p complete stock in this pa^' and at prices 25 per elsewhere. Fine solid We are now running off *nd American Watclies °P beating warrants from FIte We keep the class warrants. iow innning off Ladies' "Jipins from 15 cents to 'f-*' for same article. r«C.' ^« W right 7* t are within the J " at once if you would " place to have re your ir at '^paired properly ILL'S i^ElLRY [\i SfORE," ^Sertoij Last Tuesday was a busv dayâ€" it was Itusy raining all day. You can kill a stream by damming it, but you can't kill a cat that way. A lady in the city advertises that she has "a fine, airy.well-furnished bedroom for a gentleman 12 feet square," Miss Kells was among the pupils of Owen Sound High School who spent Easter at home. Dr. Sproule, M. P., will accept our thanks for extra copies of parliamentary papers. Remember, Robert Nesbitt's sale is at 1 o'clock on Tuesday next. The hour was omitted on the bills. J. H. Carson is booming things in the Implement line. Farmers who are in need of any should giye him a call. Mr. Elijah Jones paid Markdale a visit, remaining over Sunday last, and met with a cordial reception by his ms^j friends. A LARGE exhibit of fine horses are ex- pected to-morrow at our Spring Show, i timely and practical hints on stock rais Forty-seven souls have been added to Markdale population the last four weeks We are pleased to learn that the pros- pects for a large patronage to Markdale cheese factory is assured for this season. There are between three and four thousand cords of wood in Berkeley station yard, besides ties and paying timber. This is the largest quantity that has oyer been in Berkeley. Farewell Sermon. â€" Rev. Mr. Craig, Presbyterian minister, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. His de- parture is greatly regretted by all the congregation. The student who is to officiate for the summer will preach his opening sermon next Sunday. His name is Mr. Little. On Tuesday, 17th April, Mr. Robert Nesbitt will sell by public auction one mile from Markdale, his farm stock, implements, household furniture, c. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms seven months on sums over #8. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. The English church people of this village have decided to erect this sum- mer a fine brick parsonage, and invite tenders for the erection of the same in this issue of the Standard, They have an excellent subscription list for the same and a very considerable portion of the funds already paid in. The Ontario Live Stock Journal is taking a leading place in the line of agricultural papers. April No. is to hand, beautifully printed, replete with quite a number of entries being already made. Mr. Edward Davis slipped on the ice at his residence in this village one even- ing last week and broke the small bone of his leg near the ankle. Remember the social in Hasketi's Hall, Friday evening for the benefit of Mrs. Nethercote. This is a matter of charity and all people are expected and requested to assist. This is a very obliging and accommo- dating world at times regarding money. When a man wants a little it offers no objection â€" it lets him want. Mr. W. J. Shepherdson has sold his horse "Scotland" to John MoEinnon and Thos. Noble, of Durham. Thi." is a fine heavy Canadian Draft and has been suc- cessful in the past, is hardy and a sure stock getter. 'Ihe time to take spring medicine is here again. The best kind of spring medicine most men could take would be to spring out of bed an hour earlier every morning for a week and put in the extra time cleaning up the yard. Notice. â€" A meeting of markdale Cheese Factory will be held at the Markdale House on Saturday the 14th at 2 o'clock, when the milk hauling will he let, also the checks distributed for recent sale of cheese. B. Coleman, I^esident, Taffy.â€" A taffy social will be held on Wednesday evening next at the res- idence of Mr. John Whitby by the Young People of the Methodist church. A good supply of the essence of maple sap will be served in good shape and a sweet time may be expected. Only 16 cents. The Empire, Toronto's new paper, is foTdng itself into public favor. The mild poKtical tone has already gained for it nnmerooB admirers, while as a newspaper it is right to the front. Hav- ing correspondents in every district thronghout the country together with the able and effidfflit staff of writers connected with the paper, its prospects appears bright for soccess. HoKOB Boll of Orange VaUey School for March, ij^onrth dassâ€" total marks 400-Prudence Flesber, 824; Millie Fletcher, 814. Third clas»-total 400- Mary Bnmett. 368. Senior H. dass- total 800â€" Nettie Burnett, 180; Ma^ Flesher. 160; Joseph McKee. 162 Jake HeBey.lM;M»ttaey.l'»- J" total 200h-sThon*J«»T«***i WicthamjTiftriWf.. 147. J.B. ing, dairying, poultry, fruit culture, e. $1 a year. The Stock Journal Co., Hamilton. "Our Little Ones" for April is to hand with its fall quota of illustrations and select reading matter which is full of amusement and profit to the little folks and also interesting to the big ones. Russell Publishing Co., Boston, Mass., $1.50 a year- Vanderbilt's imported |10,000-a-year cook gives the following adyice gratis ' â€" Always make it a point to be hungry when you sit dowii to eat. Eat plain but good food, and that sparingly. Change your dishes every day, and eat slowly. Do not mix many dishes. Eat your fill of one or two. On Monday evening, April 9th, the Markdale Junior Lacross club was re- organized for the ensuing year, under the name of Markdale Hustlers, and the following officers were elected, viz Captain, Jas. Bush Sec-Treas., J. E. Matson; Field Com., R. Dinsmore, P. Duff and W. Mathews. The club is now in a first-class standing, and ready to send and accept all challenges sect by neiehboring clubs. Wk had a friendly call on Tuesday from Mr. Chas. MoSat, reeve of Glenelg on his return from inspecting the new floating bridge over "Allen's Sink Hole." Mr. Moffat informed us that Mr. John- ston,the contractor, had made an excel- lent job of the bridge, having spared no pains in making it in every respect sub- stantial and workmanlike. We regret very much, however, that owing to the insufficient price, the contract hai been a loss to the contractor. ' At the regular semi-annual meeting of Markdale Oddfellows held on Monday evening, 9th Inst., for the dection of Officers, the following were the success- fid candidates. N. G., Alex. Kay V. G., Frank Maidment; Sec.-Treas., A. Turner Warden, W. J. Stevens L G., W. L. Young; R. S. Supporter, J. W. Sproole; L. S. Supporter, J. B. Mathews; Conductor, Andrew MoFail. and. The Vestry meeting was held in the dinrdi, Berkeley, at 8 o'doek p. di. on the 8rd inst. The incumbent. Bey. Mr. Graham, presiding, who aqspdnted Thoa^ Sowerby, ST., his Chnrch Warden for the en'^n^g y^ur. Mr. Lackey was elected by the Vestry as FeoplQ'a War- den. Mr. Wrii^t and Thos. Abbo^ were elected Sidesmen, and Wm. Sowert^ Txeasnxer. Votes o{ thanks wegre tend- eiedtoihe »euuBt; toMxB.I«j»d lor ine o Melodecm, uid ta tilft Q^^ifBneD foe v» of HaB.-- Cox. An Unique Offer. â€" The Renfrew Mercury contains the following adver- tisement set in display lines â€" ^Any man who drinks two. glasses of whiskey per day for one year, and pays ten cents a drink for the same, can get at the Ren- frew tea store for the like sum of money: 8 Bags Roller Flour, 2 Bags Oatmeal, 40 lbs. Triumphant Japan Tea, 100 Hbs. Granulated Sugar, 50n)s. Rice, 20 ns. Pot Barley, 20 Hks. Currants, 20 0)3. Raisins, 20 lbs. Butter, ' 10 lbs. Cheese, 50 yds. Good Grey Cotton, worth 10c. a yard. And a cash bonus of three dollars for making the change in his expenditure. R. Airth. Mr. Airth's offer is worthy of consideration. BnalnMiB locals. Rejuvenatob Bitters for sale at T. D. Smith's. Wanted. â€" Timber lands, convenient to railroad, in exchange rigs Address, Box 521, Gait 393-5 Foe Sale. â€" A span of matched young mares, would sell one or both. Wm. Sargent, Berkeley. J. G. Anderson will give you 20 lbs. tea dust for $1 and its real good. Flour and Feed at J. E. Sproule's same price as at the mill, also Biscuits, Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Toys, c. J. G. Anderson is going out of crock- ery and will sell the balance of his stock at a big reduction. $1,450 will buy that corner lot, No. 20 on the 10th concession of Glenelg, or $40 per year will rent it. Address, Mrs. A. Might, Owen Sound. Take $2.50 and go to Anderson's and get that colored tea set, regular price $8.50. Rejuvenatob assists nature and re- moves the cause of disease from the system by keeping the Kidney, Liver. Stomach and Blood pure and natures chaimels free, then you haye health. Sold by Smith the barber. Be sure you get a sample trial of J. G, Anderson's 30 cent tea, 4 lbs. for $1. CJlovei* and. Timothy Seeds at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. Field and Garden Seeds, R. L. Stephen. Farmers I if you are wanting any kind of Farm Lnplements just call on Jeffrey Artley; he can supply you with any. thing you require in that line. For Sale. â€" A yoke of oxou rising seven years, well matched, good, handy team. Joseph Squire, Holland, Walter's FaUsP. 0. MiLLiNEBY Openino. â€" On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next, when all the latest styles of hats and bonnets and Millinery novdtiea can be seen. Ladies please call. Miss Love will be pleased to show goods w^ ^oote prices, S. HiU. J. E. BicBABDS, ci the Noted Cheap Store, keepb batch, deeps up stairs, pays no rent, and the people of Dnphrasia are going to reap the benefit of it this jam- mer and doA't yon forget it. CLovEttaa!^ Qfoaa Seed. B. L. Stephen. AxJ, Kfiiss PicxuBK EBAxiNftdune cheap at Markdale Photo. Oallerv. F»mfEiWwfao ace pcospaoting ^« pur- chase of a^Binder will dp well te esuoine Patterson's New Light Sfeed Binder be- fore giving their orders. It is claimed to be the lightest as wdl as the strong- est and most practiadle aod tdiable Biild^ yet effaced to GanadUan (fumers. Jeffrey Artley is a^at. Re eaqpeots to hft^ one on eifaibitioaiL lUk the Spriiig Sbgg in Markdidft on the ISfli iast. ' .^(01 oNHi ai^ â- Mxiii; tooth HaricoiiiB, Sloire,(Flenry'8^ mQonacm'a) 1^ WATCHES! Finely Cased in Silver, Gold Filled Gold, can be bought of me very close, 'Ca,sli or Credit." â€" TOUB CHOICE OF â€" Hampden, Klgiiis "Walth.am, Or Setli Thomas MO VJE IVIEIVTS. The famous all day WATEKBIJRY' Warranted, only $2.75, sent to any address. EN8A8EIIIIEIIT 6EM RIN68 9 15 k. P/a/ti rings 18k. iniiialed IV. B, Himons Sc Oh.ee vers ROLL GOLD CHAINS. Only complete stock of SILVER- WARE kept in this section. ENGLISH -:- NICKELITE Tea, Desert and Table Spoons and Forks at quality. Spring and Weight GlockSp ^ALSOâ€" NICKEL ALAEMS. Soo ZE=air Spe32:, Crystal, Pebble and Coloured Lenses. Can fit perfectly any sight. GOODS WORK WARRANTED. Promptnesa despatch. C. P. E, Telegraph at my store. Daily Papers on Sale. W. A. BROWN, "THE PEOPLES JEWELLER, MABKDALE. Dress 4t R flant le Making: i£EG to inform the Ladies of Markdale and 'vnoinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle Making aJt my residence ou Mill 'Street. Perfect satig- laction guaranteed. Terms reasonabli. Your attention is especially called to uiy ^^Dressmakers Jfla^c Scale*^ Tailor system of catting. Tnose desirous of learning to cut by this system can do so at. moderate cost by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This. system is the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makeis. Try it and be convinced. 75-101 MRS. WM. LITTLEJOHNS. • wm wmi Having parchased a select stock of fashionable Spring and Summer Milliuefy, Fancy Goods and Berlin WooL I now beg to draw the atten-. tion of the ladies of Markdale and sar-. rounding district to the same. Straw goods mads over and all orders pi o- mptly and carefully executed. A share of public patrouago re- speotfully solicited. Bemembet the- old stand, near the Standard Office. MRS. HOLLINGSHED. sooTHnn, eUARSIM, HEAUNQ. mcvw CATABBIt HAY FEVER. ^^^•«%BI^ fmuFofto aoom *â- *- v'?? ^^v â- 'â- ^ ii fe^f^'S" r ^i •\% in f ^\ ?i.n ' ^. ^^^' " â- •'-*'3