mmm m?mw^^msfms!^_ :^?^ ill 4 V '1 I ii .1 ^l' M^ *» I ^I'lffl m m iH rv O. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, MAR. 22, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" A Dakota seed company is mak- ing large purchases of red Fyfe wheat in Winnipeg for seed purpose. â€" Hon. G. W. Allen is speaker of f the senate in place of the late Hon. speaker, Plumb. â€" Hon. J. B. Plumb, speaker of the Senate, died suddenly last Monday at his residence at Niagara, in his 12nd year. â€" At Whitby on Wednesday last the grand jury threw out all the bills in connection with the celebrated Scott Act Shooting affair at Myrtle â- station. â€" Old St Andrew's church Toronto, will abolish pew rents. It is decided that in future all contributions in con nection with the church shall be vol- untary. â€" Seyen members of the House of Commons have died since last general election. They are Messrs. Moffat^ Campbell of Digby, Campbell of Ren. frew, Cimon, Duchesmay, Robertson ol Hastings, and Clayes. â€" New York city was yisited last Monday by the worst storm for the past ten years, being completely snow- bound by a violet blizzard. Piailway and street car travel was completely suspended and business of all kind was paralyzed. â€" At meetings of Toronto City Council and the Council of the Board of trade Monday last resolutions were passed urging the Grand Trunk and Canadian pacific railways to consider the advisability of erecting a grand passanger station common to all rail • wayu centering in Toronto. i'here was a 'ruction in Ireland on St. Patrick's day. It began by two factions fighting with each other,- then factious united to attack a tavern with stones, and lastly both set on the police. It seeurs that there is one hnake that St. Patrick failed to drive out of Ireland, and that if he would come back and do it now the best halt â- of Ireland's miseries, as well as of her rows, would be gone. â- â- «» â- CCHAZrOE CXFPZHOS. aSdafardBoad. snowstorm tbe O. L. No. 1383 this Thursday The protacted meetings at the Me thodist church have closed. A numb- er of conversions are reported and the church has been greatly strengthened Rev. T. Hall is winning a warm place in the hearts ot the people, and he well deserves it. â€" Lehigh Valley, Echo, Iowa. Wm. Bowie aha his brother in-law, young EarJs, of Holland, were brought before squire McGill yesterday, charg- ed with stealing three bags of oats and one of chop from the barn of Mr. Mm. McLayton Tuesday night. They were committed to Owen Sound jail to wait their trial at the nest court of competent jurisdiction. Constable J. Galbraith and A. McNab drove up with them last night. â€" Chatsworth News. Sad. â€" On Thursday last Mrs. Chas. Laurance, Bentick, about a mile from town left a little child about three years old in the house, while she went to milk. On returning she was horri- fied to find the childs clotnes m flames and on being extinguished it was found the little one was very severely burnt, so much so that it died the next day. The bereaved father and mother have the sympathy of the com- munity oyer the sad loss of their el- dest child in such a tragic and shock- ing manner. Ji is. supposed the little one was trying to hght something at the stove. â€" Grey Review. SSLaiYXa) FVVSBAUSt. Standard Correspondence. Owing to the sefvere Orange Soiree at L. was postponed until Evening. Several of the nati^s here took in the Orange Soiree and concert at Eu- Kenia last Friday evening. They say it was a complete success. Mr. Jas. Brodie was down to To- ronto last week attending the meetiug of the Grand Orange Lodge. Mr. David Johnston has secured the contract for delivering the milk ol the Meaford Road Route at the Flesh* crton cheese factory for the coming season. Mr. R. T, Brodie returned home to Brampton last week. Your correspondeni is sorry, tor the i i i » • remark about an increase in Mr. A. ^their last resting places, Johnston's family as he has since "found out that he was wrong and wishes to apologise for the mistake. OWZE SOTTms. Standard Correspondence. The schooner Phcebe Catherine lias been sold to parties in Sarnia. The engineerp are now at work on the diiferent boats fitting out for the Seasous work. The Government intend spending $15,000 on our harbor this season the intention is to widen the river by taking away the point opposite Mait- laud Nixons wbarf, extending from the basin to thejdry dock. Mr. Grey, Gov't Surveyer is up here now mak- ing the necessary surveys. The Rev. A. H. Scott, M. A., has received a call from the congregatiou of bt. Andrews-eharcb, Perth, wich a Stipend of f 1400 and a mauae (it is not known whether Mr. Scott will accept it or uot.)^ Knox Church has been greatly bleseed nuce Mr. Scolt came amongst them. The number of commiinicaut« has increased under liim from aboat 55 to 448. Tbe re* New York, March 15. â€" One of the mo8t distressing circumstances con- nected with th^.bUzzard was the in* ability to bury the dead, with the piti- ful heartreudings of hundreds of the near and dear ones caused by tbe horrible delay. It is estimated that at least 800 bodies are at present ly- ing m the hands of the undertakers who, despite tbeir hardest efforts, are entirely unable, to convey them to Some have been taken away to the cemeteries jesterday and Tuesday, but they can be counted on the fingures of one hand Efforts are being made to interr some of the corpses which should have been buried last Monday to-day, but it will be the end of tiie week before tbe last rites can be held over many ot the bodies at present lying in the ice- houses of the undeatakers. ICsoliaBlos' Xnatltate. The library of tbe Machinics' Insti- tute was opened on Friday eveuiug last and a number of books ore now being perused by tlie members. We are pleased to see such an interest taken by leading citizens in the Insti- tute. .W. J. McFarlandhas made the foUowiug hberal offer that he would fit up the tinrd flat of his Htore for a library, reading room and gymnasium, and give it fiye years fbbe. This will be a valuable assistance to the lasti* tnte wLioh the membets appreciate very highly. The books are a superi- or selection and will doubtless prove both interesting and jHrofitab^e. Mr. epical Thos. Mofiat is, capital secre^cy, being puustaking obli^ng audtlioi;- venue has also iDcreasod accordingly, otighltt^ieient. '-^ v.i There is a great competition between our hardware merobants in the price of coal oil one brought the price down to 15 cents and others followed suit and brought it down to 12^ No. 1 retaliated by redacing{it further to 10c. per gallon^ The O. S. Dry Dock are building a fine tew barge. nwOiertoxi. Standard Correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beecroft of this village left here on Friday last to pay a visit to the scenes of their childhood- in the old land England. Mr. Bee- croft has been very ill for some months but has so far recovered aa to- venture out on a voyage across the ocean. J, F. Karstedt, Esq., of Toronto has leased Mr. M. Richardson's old busi- ness stand on Sydenham street, and intends putting in a laage stock of stoves and tinware and being a first .class mechanic, looking after business in that line generally. Mr. Jos. Smith has all ready com- menced work in his new shop and re- sidence on Collingwood St., on the site of the building destroyed by fire a few weeks ago. T. W. Wilson, hasagain taken charge of R. J. Sproule's Pla-ining mill, sash and door factory. We reget loosing from, our midst one of our most respected young men. Mr. D. W.Thompson, who has been the employ of M Richardson Co. for some years. Mr. Thompson goes tu Orillia to take a good position in a large establishment in that town. CASUAJL ADVERTISER^ENTS. Up to me Mwft apace 50e for one vefk, or,. %1 for four leeeki AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Pursuant to the power.of sale cojitained in a certain registered, morgage made by William be produc- " " Public- Cartwright to the vendors which will be i ed dn tSe day of sale, Uiere will be sold by Auction at the Markdaie House m the illage of M^kdale on Tuesday. Aprii 24. 1838 at the hour of 2 o-elock in the afternoon, the following very desirable property, viz.i All and singular tho^ certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the township of Euphrasia, in the county of Grey, and I'rcjvince of Ontario, contaning by admeasurement two hundred acres, more or less, and being comiKj*ea of the North and South halves of lot No. 14. in the seventh concession of the said to-wnship. ot Euphrasia. ^.. ' There will also be sold at the same time and plice Uie following very vMuable proper^. v*s 1 Lot No. 4 on St. Arnaud St. south, in tne village of Eugenai in she township of Aitemesia, contaning three aclres. ,.^1.-1 2. Lo* No. 1.5. Durham Boatl .north, m the vil- lage of Priceville, in the township of Qlenelg, containing half an acre. 3 liotNo. fl in the sixth concession of tne township of Keppel, containing 100 acres more 4. The easterly 4aftcres of lot No. 30 in the fourteenth concession of the township of Keppel. said 40 acres having a frontage of eight chains and a depth of fifty Chains, more or less to tbe rear limit of the lot. j _.,i These lots will be offered separately and will be sold on easy terms, Viz one-tenth down or secured, one-tonth more in 30 days, and the bal- ance in ten equal consecative annual instalmenw with interest at the rate Of 7 per cent, per annum payajjle half-yearly oa a,ll unpaid purc^iase money. For further particulars apply to 392.98. M. J. KENT. Londcfls. Out. Dissolution of ship. Paftfler- We the undevsigned do hereby mutually .agre that the partnership heretofore sub- sisting betweerv us the undeisiRned aa lumber and shingle manufacturers has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All deb is owing to the said partnership are to be paid to William Lucas at Maikdale, and all claims against the said partnership are to be pres- ented to the said William Lucas by whom the same will be settled. ' Dated at Markdale this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1«88. -_... .,. .^ -o- (Thos. Kells. Witness, W m. L. Youko. William Lucas. Choice Farm for Sale. Situated In the Township !of Artemesia, con- sisting of 80 acres, 75 cleared and fit to run mach- inery on, ballance good hardwood bush Soil, a rich clay loom. On the property is situated a new saw mill run by water power composed of .three living springs rising on the premises. A splendid site lor. a cheese factory or grist mill. This is a grand grain-growing f ai'in and being ao well watered is especially adapted for dairying. Commodious barns, sheds and' stables, and a frame house on tbe premises. Also tiiree acres of a good bearing orchard of choicest grafted fruits. Conveniently situated to school and church and within five miles of Marijdale, will be sold very cheap. For terms and further par- ticulars apply to EDWAKD DAVIS, " Markdale. A Sotary Snow Plow. The new machine just huilt by the Rotary Steam Snow Shovel Company of Toronto was tried last Thnr.sday on the Northern Railway. For foiu days the line had been blocked witii snow between Beetou and Ai.'endale. a dis- tance of 23 miles, the drifts varyiuc from 4 to 10 feet in depth. The plow occupying 1^ hours, working time, in clearing the road. It takes three en gines to push the plow, which con- sists of a frame on wheels cartyini,' 600 h. p. engines to drive u rotary shovel that gatbers the snow and throws it from 30 to200 feet away from the track. It is, in a word, a snow ex- cavator. Oue of these machines will clear 100 miles in a few honrs, no matter how heavy the fall. The in- vention is a Canadian one 11 of them are now working in the States and giving great satistaction. The pro- prietors claim that once these mach- ines are introduced a snow blockade on a railway track is a thing of the past. WEBSTER In Tariona Styles of Binding, with and J witlwat Patent Index. c«». aes many otber Talnable features, it containa A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engrarings, A Gazetteer Of the World locating and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persona, Ail in One Book. 9000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illnstra. tions than any other American Dictionary. VEBSnSB IS THE STAiOABD Authority in the Gov't Printing Offlee, and with tbe 0. S. Supremo Ceorti It is recommended by the SUto Sup'ts of Sehoob in M SUtM, and by the leading Collage Proiidents of tite United States and, Canada. ttg_IiWiBI.Wâ€" B aaya;. Itia the beat Dio- ^^ttonal^^^^iSgnago. the TwgllJD Wait wora; Its place la in the "^My^JStnSSL V " apyit^ItiatheoiMflaal t9 iM relied on. Ita naoiaboMm- antboit^aitfL nca^mSSrElnad^ R« MBSHoCoHSEoSnt tKf: ItianoagBiaed all over thoworid. 'X gk\- sV-, NEW -05^- GLENELG, ARTEMESIIl HOLUN I â€" ^Arriving I^ailyatâ€" IV, J mFARLAND'S! -xox- See his nobby hats. See his stylish Dress Goods. All -wool French Dress Goods niarvelons value 20 cents. Handsome ne^w combi- nation dress goods the very latest out direct importations. No other firm north of Toronto can sho^vsr as fine a range of dress ^oods. Miss Bremner is noiv in the city picking up the very ne^west designs for McFARLAND'S sho^w rooms. Ne^w English pantings. Ne^- Scotch suitings. Nobby ties and hats. See McFABLAND'S scrim and lace curtains and -wide counterpanes. New Prints and musl- ins. Gents "waterproof walk- ing boots the best ever shewn, in Markdale. Cords of shirting, cot- tonade, grey cotton, vrhite cotton, ticking, sheeting, ginghams, and towling purchased for spot cash direct from the manufacturers. If you haven't tried Mc- FABLAND'S new japan tea do so and you will doubtless purchase a large chest as many of his customers are doing it is sweet pure and strong, at a very moderate price. An early call and inspec- tion solicited. Study yoTir own est by buying .j Popula Drug jj SEEDS that aud are PURE, RELUBLE. GARDEN SEQ Note â€"As every package of sell IS put up by myself, I cauoE er seed and more in a pacUe, those put up by outside men/ not have to pay a profit for CHOICE GltADEb OF- CLOVER, ALSIKE, COMMON red! ANDLA^GELAI Timothy Seed I Tiraothj! GOOB. Just Akrived.â€" 1 pioss Ijj Eiectric Oil,, Ridges Infant Food. 3 cases Catecjta ing Soap. :} f^ross Bolots Soap. A'fine hue of JaBante -.i^T- Yours Eespectfuii R L ST EXCELSIOR WAREROOMll W. J. m. Direct Importer, MAE K DALE. •"In this (lepartmeDt we haves plete stock of all kinds of furaishiogs and all f f "f. JL, our promjt and careful .^tte°J'«" afo; t. 15 Q B. Ad»*rti$er. 'piTiMon Grange ^„Bd on Thursdas i^^^by some of the le KJIre of St. Vincent pre^i KUlrs. Edmonstone au( ^*^d as a. commit, LnninK committees for ^rgS^B^fandFoUiswerea .„ credentials. Bro. t 'report on standing co officers elected were re-elected maste 'O^rseer; Boyd iBffls't-Steward D Ste Sister Lorig. bac Sister Arms Wis have now on hand a Mi varied stock of all kiuds and of FcBNiTURE, bought for casa I the most reliable firms iu Cam aud wo purpose doing business ii| strictly cash basis which will in a position to sell, at a small adn on cost and thereby give our ens* ers the benefit. We shall esteem^ avor to have you call and look thros OUR ESTABLI§H-WEIrtJ whether you require anjtiimg ly line or not, and we feel confiaeul" you will be delighted with andsJi" ed at the quahtv and clieapu^ our goodg.â€" Upholstered eo^\ specialty. CI^A, ent eper; Stewara Flora. At the ^enii firange proceeded to '?^ Bro Jas. Edm. jg'tbe ceremony aud •the degrees and un 5 the order. The dt ssembly was confered o atitled to it. A _, tendered Bro. Edmc lowing reports were re ice, Agriculture, t. Good of the Order ielation. A good .dea *waB held hefore repor ifollowing are the Coi I and their respective re] ation, Bros Reid, Boyd astone. FoUis, Gifford- BrtsasfoUows :â€" Weal lerBtasd that our Loca i whose duty it is not on tsible for the managemt 6* of the whole Provu especially of the farmi tyâ€" the great majority Important interestâ€" are (emselvesin introduciu If various necessary re Jto municipal affairs. freipectfuUy request th; to the Governn val of the Bill now I to exempt tarm sti bipal assessment, fs, chairman, omittee on Agriculture areâ€" Bowes. Cranston Durie and Taylor ai U and Longâ€" Edmonst 'bo i tfarenio" first class hearse in connection. Musical Instrume^; We also handle the celehrat^' Organs and the famous Sewing Machines winch may on lixhibitiou at oir v' prices and grades tosait au P^ Picture FramiDg; • We shall keep in stock ftn^^_ line of frames, and vonx orders will be attended to J DesB and despatch »{, 7., I«r •"' prices. With many thaoK present patronage wh^n ?eived and hoping by f«' cie«* *q?are dealing to merit »ni th same. „„ptfaU5 We»re,yonr'srespectt«- We are, your b " -.ii SPROULE f MAR |e report of this Comu liymd particularly le iigher system of agii pnce to fertilizers, etp«i' I the more extensive 1 the feeding of corse I on the farm, and the aenee of agriculture ii schools. It noticed Iperemental farms in aporting grain. It t the further support Exhibition by Gove imended the money s. .among the agricul amittee on Educatic ,.Beid, Bowes, Eogere ay, chairman â€" ^^rep ju^days in rural schoc icted to four weeks rds decision of arf ion of n^w section] I shown that Inspecf that power be Drs to appoint a Bt of interested parti| i the law be so ami I them to devote I to the work, to.f, s lectures in each s: etiy provide that 'whereafter appoint I in any other calll pt pay for any otj forfeit his positiq t^books the Comr the adoption '"free to all publisl including a texl re. 'Temperance Cor H. McKay, ' Histers Bowes, An Og tod Taylorâ€" Doul ' Committee recko J t^ feet that prpmil "**» in all moral rel '^^th great exertil ibil the evils al '•^abuaeof spiriti Jg«fpublioenterta J*»2oiniijiou, anc in oar opinj ' P««t means to great and *» *e believe it ' (atzons to ue| to br M for the bJ *w»w; As the cal4 anc lv«8 to bettel df t| wt. ""iiiiiyiitt mMi jiiMffi '^iiiii