"^rW^^- \( ::'•â- - ^^f^^R^ •"^r'^.-K-'^ifi^T^-'-^'lf" â- r*^-. â- .W"' â- ; V,' lAastrahan libitton in Unrf â- â- :â- ' s-'«wfe.w'ivir;; -*^' i«' "S«»^-*:.«ssfe:s:^^-7;«^i«sjf 's-ii^ â- ':^!?Sf^j^igr-v3^ii -ijcTi •-'•-r.ii-jis-yi^mr.- '• V ^,^«^;-'L.Jffi f^'-e?" fc out on land. i?«NCS }c«8tome„.iJKL'^^S Nv^"^. diamond, iL^ I discovered-aUoT^ *^ k*»,v f capital, whiJh th^ " lowed into the Ji P"«l^ fl-encei8thatwfe' verge of inaol^'^y^ tg a; period rf';^-fc.T! bus.andweare.thSS'^*^ m herproaperity^^^di |e enormous rise in ti» ?» teed a complete^£i^«d copper with us h2^J*»*t le. Where yonr bT; » i for instancerco.r.oV" ^-^ prevailing price Jf'^Sl'*? people could not il"^^^ 1 in all directions andfc*- the £40 of a few month, wl** '6 beeu re-opened a„^^' idends. Sha'Teshav^^i" suffering public Me P I well as owners. In tb n " ' tonie wonderfully richd'eJ^^H luck in thia colony thfT^." trd with cheap money twV«* }pital, especially in view of fk " " [price of the mineral^ tol^va ap_and developing the fin^„ I Hill silver m;n»â€" that »• ' shares marched steadily uH! I, from £25 in April -ISSfi ^j"â„¢ middle of ISST.^hSg'w" k £19o now for some month! important factors in our "on condition, and now thatooiSL id, tuat improvement should hB« •nounced this year. |er markedly good sign is IE REVIVAL IN EBAL ESTATg. ly, for the last two years, the usiness has been practically de lues, especially of suburban h properties, deteriorating 25 and The years 1882, '83 and 84 iuch an unnaturally excited lu that it was clear the reaction ms. )ner or later. And it did come vi] ance, rather sooner too than nil eculators were counting on. b| e last three months, in this u mmerciil ventures, has seen an •owing better tone, with more knd with more buyers and fe\ sellers in the market, it haa „ for the last week or two to brb ome exSraordinarily heavy trai th here and in Melbourne. A gyâ„¢ I beeix lately formed, conauting 5t8 in these two cities, whose ma :i on lies in buyinp up city prope, 'he other day a property in thiscilj roatage of 200 feet to the principi -•hanged h.iuds for the large sook 0, or 61,075,000, a pretty bulky ami, r piece sol i for £43,000 and anotha â- ,00,), each oa eide streeUi. Ba to far as the bigness of the transal bouoenied, the iirgt named involvJ ger amount of money, some salJ :en made the lust week in Melboo £•2,000, or ;x TIIurSAN'D DOLLABS PEE FOOT, iperty actually realizing £3,000. FJ of property ia Sydney, on a secoaj reet, wnere 12 months back the owi i, but could not i^et £400 per footn .ntt £600, with £750 freely offered. CANDLES. OLATE Cream Dkofs. â€" Mix o»il[ Df cream with two cupfuls of whil boil and stir fully five minuter off and set the dish into another .ter and stir until it becomes hard ;e, then make into balls about narbles, and with a fork roll e arately in the chocolate, which epared by steaming. Pat them laper to cool. Flavor with van This makes about fifty drops. CT Candy. â€" Boil one cupful of m. of molasses until it will be bnti )ld stir in half a pint of peanuts ]« ;aking it off the stove. Catinsqn" t is cool enough to break. :r.EAM Candy.â€" Take three cnpf •, crushed or loaf a little less I cupful of vinegar one and »_ of cold water piece of DOOW of a walnut 1 -or with vwuWl hout stirring until its spins a tnr«»»j 11 until white. " M Walnuts.â€" Take two cnp- two-thirds cupful of w**?".^ mon or vaniUa, and boU wi»» until it wi!l spin a tluead. J»\. a dish with a Uttle cold water m tkly until white and creamy. »V walnuts (English) r«^y ?^, ;he cream into small, round »» e fingers, and press half • w*^' de. For cream datM, ^\ remove the stones, fiU ™« e same cream. delphia claims to eat and m^^ in proportion to P'P'"»^°"vr^ ity in the country. "'foOOi =turers and wholesalers ««»d lj«J^j and they use more than fl,^ al and consume lOO.OOOt o^^ ear. Caramels are a greaiV~ rade in that city. For other locolate and walnut candy " ps are made. Six ton? ' ipped from Phil»^«lPS:LkI« i k before Christmas.. Bf^^d .t chewing gum, it W s**^ I the most of it. CliarlesBoz.Dictei* ^^ es Dickens recently ?[" «0h«» w York hotel wf»«^ XhM' ,.» and said *» » "*^.,, tH»» ' joke of my S"^^"^^,^m at my chriatenwg, in response to w»e_f*^i teas Charles my ^fj^nattt Bbz,' and the »f£5;T*J my information, •tj^^l lar the circumatanoeB *T:.-iJ old that Chartoi » »' is death'a yoa^W 1 that I nevar dj**^ prayers. â€" [Sir • po' CABLEJEWS. San Eemo Eeports-The Bul- garian Question. jiarch 8.â€" Evidently we are on f a crisis in the Cro-wn Prince's rave teat the officials here in the '"rhamber^""'" department expect to at the last moment indefinitely y^° g tiie Queen's levee which is set Jnextweek. Certainly all the pre. ' " for this event at Buckingham Pal- made with such a contingency *f^ Private stories about the Crown "'*^y he is now so reduced in weight ould scarcely be recognized by were familiar His iibe woi ^ho six months ago â- stalwart and handsome form, ' jj now snow-white, his face lean, ,l,ed and sad. the change is further ked by *^ '"^^ °^ *^^ " *^°°* teeth, -hbadtobe extracted in order to facili- "'obeervatioBS in the treatment of his These alterations are not visible who at rare intervals catch i-tant glimpse of him walking on the !C»t. |«iny or sitting in an armchair there, over- aje he is muffled in a huge gray ' nd wears a large soft felt hat pulled ' But those on the inside melancholy stories of his [r his brows. â- the most Those who know :int and suSeriDgs. Psem to fear the most that death by fction may come any day. The illustri- patient has himself no illusions, I am '/and has during the past week written ijiinbis own hand not only his will, but a Lraiid touching political testament to his f Pricce William. The latter,_who arriv- P( San Remo yesterday, is said by some l;s to be strongly in favor of an im- jiiiate renoval of the Crown Prince to Cam, but I have reason to doubt this. fjiewly the revolving Bulgarian question tmt round again to a point where every- C'waits to see what Turkey will do. It Vbalted at this point several times before kin the last four years. Each time after iâ„¢ delay it was officially discovered that Ley would do nothing, which everybody ticiilly knew from the beginning, and W as if this were a new departure, the Lie weary circuit has been begun all over 1, A correspondent is expected to I daily bulletins about this wearisome Uoniatic manu'uvring, when in reality its is of gestation are about eleven months The only difference tnis time is that I^Russian is now ready to attend the ac- (ciimeDt with an escort of something 1 ;50.000 mobilized troops. Whether 1 will inspire the Moslem midwife to i cut that there really is something the Iner remains to be seen. Opinions here 1 tn the belief that Turkey will refuse I'k frightened and decline to begin a war liying to coerce the Bulgarians, but this Imt quite so clear as niight be wished and tEcglish diplomats in Constantinople are Ifitiiig likp beavers to offset NeiidofFs itjtsasd TUVowitz'a intrigues. Inasmuch I'jie chief aim of the Turk's existence is to I; off till next month what ought to have p done yesterday, there is the interesting p'oabiilty that we shall be kept kicking keels in idleness for a long time now litiig his decision. Japanese Politeness- lliemenof -Tapan are always excessively m to one another. They bend their f kB and bow their heads and put their lotaads back to back between their ktees bave a great time. But the most Nitg thing is to see two old ladies in meeting one another on the street. I street is empty, we'll say, and they p sight of one another three or four apart. They immediately begin to te obeisance at one another and they p bending and bowing at short intervals 1 they come together, when they make peculiar hiss by drawing in the breath Titeep on saying " Ohayo" for about two fsMM. The young things, the ' Moos- are very charming and graceful in 'peeling of one another, but the old I are ornate and elaborate in their ad- And the language has been framed U view to the necessities of pcliteness 'Hi difference in rank. "Are," with i»t on the e, is the verb to be. If you JWkiag to a coolie, somebody very much •w yon, "are" is good enough for "is." FJ«iare talking to one a little below yon, ^Fjiiiwish to be polite to an underling, you wunas." If you are on formal terms 'w eqtial, you say " gczarimaa," and â- "yon address a man high above you in 'Ton make it " gozarimasum." It's an 'language and pulls out to almost any Ho Jtills For Him. A tan, old man, with a rather Tacant look and a heaitatug air, ventured slowly into the dimng hall of a lar^e hotel the other evening in Toronto. It was the usual din- nerhour, and the long room was filled with guests. The old man paused, acrutim'zed his cuffe and his waistcoat, and, after mak- ing what seemed to be a helpless eflfort to gaze at the back of his neck, he beckoned io the head waiter. That functionary hasten- ed up, and the old man said anxiously • ^J^ Waiter, do Hook all right; tidy, you The waiter inspected the venerable guest critically for a moment, and then assured him that all was in order. " Necktie all right " "Yes, sir." " Collar button show T" "Notatall, sir." " No spots on my coat " "Not a spot." " The general effect ia pretty slick, is it »" "Very, sir." "Well, you see, waiter," said the old uian, confidentially, " I came down to break- fast one day last week without any collar, and my son James was very angry so yesterday when I came into lunch with my necktis under my left ear he said if anything like that happened a^ain he would have my meals served up stairs. Do you know my son James, waiter " " Yes, sir." " Is he in here at dinner now " " No, sir finished about ten minutes ago." " Are yen sure V "Perfectly, sir." " Weil, then, waiter," said the old man, in relieved tones, " if you're certain of it, you tell the man at our table to hustle in some corned beef and cabbage, and not to play any of his French business on m%, or I'll break his neck." PEABLS OF TEUTH. In friendship not only is it "more blessed to give than to receive," but giving ia the inevitable condition of receiving. If the principles of contentment are not within us, the height of station and worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit to a man's stature as to his daily happiness. Singularity almost always makes enemies it is usually credited with affectation. Car lyle says, "Affectation is often singularity but singularity is not always affectation.' Greatness of mind shows itself daily in be- havior â€" "its ways are ways of pleasant- ness.*' He who would see his sons and daughters thoroughly and truly gentle must forbid selfishness of action, rudeness of speech, carelessness of forms, imp oliteness of con- duct from the first, and demand that in childhood and the nursery shall be laid the foundation of that good breeding which is as a jewel cf price to the mature man and woman. An £a8y Flaoe. Success is obtained only by earnest effort; and. this implies bard work of some kind and, when a man is doing hard work, he certainly cannot be considered as having found an easy place. It • is those who do not make a success who are always on the look-out for an easy place and, after they find themselves in positions where a little earnest effort would considerably improve their condition, rather than make the effort they allow? themselves to make an easy place for their individual comfort, and let the chance slip. Many a young man, in an effo»-t to find an easy place? has allowed op- portunities to pass by which, if he would have taken them up and added a few years of hard well-directed labour, would have placed him in a condition where, if he de- sired, he might take upon himself an easy place. Things She Never Will Acknowledge. There are a round dozen things that you can never get a lady to plead guilty of, be she old or young That she laces tight. Toat her shoes are too small. That she is tired at a ball. That she uses anything but powder. That it takes her long to dress. That she has kept you waiting. That she blushed when you mentioned a particular gentleman's name. That she says what she doesn't mean. That she is ifond of scandal. That she ever flirted. That she cannot keep a secret. That she is in love. The Floods in Ohina. ^p J!^J"'cisco, Mar. 6.â€" The steamer r«blo has arrived from Hong Kong and PWiaina, bringing a few additional details r^eiecond disaster on tte Yellow River, oeenrred Dec. 4 and resulted in the J^ °^ tliree mandarins and 4,C00 Chin- awrera. The men were at work at the npainng thedamage caused bv the pre- iCT- Two thousand bjaib o rafts Jlrt^ll *° ^^*^ atones in older to form Ctk ' ^^^ *^^ 'â- ^^ts w»tJ^ ^^ thepeo- " i,^"^*" engulfed as soon as they m V. °'"\**^® " tJ« "'â- er. Great suffer- •Wtftrt '°™ ***« flooded distriota. Jej* °" came on and the country was • eiri-!*roS"'np«Mibleforboat8torun. Iti^f'^tliat '20,000 sacks of millet *i»ck "f^'^^d to stop the great gap, « to the """S ^^'y "8® cart" """g iS^oot ^° " *^® ntmost exertions Kb/.v*"^*'^*' collecting mon ^han " day. Eight million tav have dv J^ ' • 'gnt million t ' "*«n expended on repairs. "li^w It ^tjam's Com Extractor. ?»icklv*' *^^^^y *««â- corns extant. ""^Icte^ no sore spots and effects Ihie. T 1. â- ^ hundred imitationB prove ^dnoAw "'»^' substitutes offored '^^Wofe imitationa of the gen- l^nii'i^* " 80 into Bociety, for ^^^joesftere so many'foola that he *«â- quite a .good opiiiion of Pure Air. Do not bs afraid to go out of doors because it is a little colder then usual. The cold air will not hurt you if you are properly protect- ed and take exercise enough to keep the circulation active. On the contrary, it will do you good. It will purify your blood, it wiU strengthen your lungs, it will improve your digestion^ it will afford a healthy, natural sti- mulus to your torpid circulation, and ener- ciseyour who!e system, Thoinjury whichof ten results from going into a cold atmosphere is occasioned by a lack of protcction.to some part of the body, exposure to strong draughts, or from breathing through the month. The Queen of the Belgians excels in the art of producing barrels offish from hand- kerchiifa and causing coins, watches and other articles so vanish mto t^ ""• other words she is an adept at the art ot conjuring. One Sabbath afternoon a^o^^'y "P^"' observing by the time he had reached the S " head " ot hU discourse the drowsy Ksitionof several of his hearers, qmetiy S?kS " In t^e fii^ place tiioso of you who are awake will notice, etc. Perhaps chUdren are "the silver cords that b^ na to heaven," yet a man doean^t th^ about that who, after listening until ?a m to Se music of his infant,lju« glances â„¢i„ hia watch and remarka to hia Z^^ ..My de«* I think I'll jn-t go out S£tiie^2d^to geta UtUe sleep.' die^iC^S-wka an ' *^ ""^bSiii *n«5««,«^ above o«aa««.o"^„ We have been readiDg up ob ethnology ot i«to and find that Adam was an Iriahman, ' as he seemed to have been Eve-icted. A. P. lirn|)ound Nervous Prostration, Nerveua eadache. Neuralgia, Nervous ^eakness. Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, aad all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES Paine's Celebt Cojipoijkd Is a Nerve Tonic which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderfld stimulants. It speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paine's CEtEEY CoBCPouND puTifles the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores tho blood- making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Bheumatlsm. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paine's Celehy Compottnd quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Paine's Celeey CoHPomn) strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. Thia is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Paine's Celery Compound Is not a Cathar- tic It is a laxative, giving easy and natnral action to the bowels. Begularity surely IbU lows its use. Beconunended by professional and btudneaa men. Send for book. Price tl.OO. SdldbyDruggista. WELLSi RICHARDSON ft CO., Profft Montreal, Que GOOB AGENTS WANTEO over the entire Do- minion. Address. GEO. D FEKRIS, 87 (^hnrcli tltrret, Torento. naTFUTQ For Saleâ€" Illustrated desonpUve Oat- r M I LU I O alosrue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. WORK FOR ALL. t$30 a week and expensee paid. Valuable outfit and particulars tree. P-O.VICfcEKÂ¥. Augusta.Maine. TmOBS, VLCER8. ETC., VITRED, without the knife. No care, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L. SMITH, M.D., 124 Queen E.,Totonto. GANGER, TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL.â€" A GRAND CHANOE to aciiuire a thoroujch knowledife ot garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutters are in great demand at big wages. Terms on application. S. CoreWan, 122 YoDge Street Roses, Dahlias, And al' otHer Flowering Plants in jrreat variety. Illustrated Catalogue upon appLcation. Webster Kros.. • Florl.sts, Hamilton Fndt Specialty â€" PLUMS in large supply Dealers billed out on liberal terms at the HALTON NURSERIES. Burlington Ont. H. H. HURD SON, Proprietors. Also can offer a few cars Ked and Yellow Globe Uuiona. TREES y.LDMB. «Tir«UaKM* Colonists' Tfains. THE Canadian Pacific RAILWAY Will runStttlers' Trains to all points in ANiTOBA, THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, N. N.-W. Station, Brock Stree at 9 p.m., TDESDAT, lEB'T 28TH, and every Tuesday thereafter during March and April A colonist Fleeper will be attached to these trains. Make early application to agent (or what cars and berths you will require. 83-feet cars sullied (or colonists' movables. No Onstome delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further infonna tion see agent, or wiite COLONIZATION AGENT llO KlBX Street West, Toront*. AGENTS! AGENTS! mm inCUTO Magnificent Parallel Bibles, UUn AuCllIu Withrow's Popular "History of Canada," Cough's "Platform Echoes," Dorohestrr's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " Living Words." Goughs" " SunUght and MAlVt lllUNtT Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popu- lar Books Liberal Terms Write for circulais. terms, etc, to WnuAM Baioes, Publisher, Toronto. TO TOWN AND VIUAGE NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS. WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices Termn. one per cent Satkfaction guaranteed. «yWe bare now (our good establishments for sale at a bargam, aad one publisher wanting a partner. ABXlUa^ PabUshlBK Ceaspuiy, 33 anaSS Adelude St, W., Toronto, Oat GITBLPH Bastaess CoUcce* Gvelpli, Oat. The faculty has been strengthened, the prem- ises snlaiged, and new appliances added. The BuB- nessDeputmentaffordaoceof the best courses ob- tainable, while the Shorthand Department has aooomplished results unequalled in the history of Shorthand. Ladies admitted to aU advantages ofTered by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Clr- cyan mailed tree. M. MaoCOBMICK Principal. FOR THik Brick Machine thaVs taking the lead, new or secotd hand, apply to aÂ¥.K». 1M16. •â- MdaoK »U, T*Mato. SAUSAGE CASINGS. |-m mJpOBIKDBHfflilBfi BHKKF8. also As*! O-l- U jull piHi T iisi ii iTiIti Inr jf In IS JAS. PARK SON. IK LONDON QUARANTKC AHO AGGiOBITCO. (LO: OFLOIOOI^ EINl Gentlemen ol inflaenoe wanted in unienresented A. T. McCORD. "'P™™-" Resident Secietarv (or the Dominion. CHINiQUY'S FIFTY YEARS In the Churh of Romeâ€" 10th Editionâ€" cheaper In price. 832 mres. ACESiTS, Ladiea or Geotiemen, to sell this Vivn FAScoiATraoand Trasio book. Lib- eral terms. Annans, A. 6. WATSON, Tobonto WnAW» Tkact DsrosnoaT, Torqbto. THE MARTIN Brick MACHINB, «tth new improTemeats, is away i ahead of any aad every Machine in America. Manufactured only b H. MARTIN ft CO. 90 Mary St, Hiamflton Ont. "Uncle Sam" Will Oivb rOU ALL A PAim. BKIGGS' PATENT â€" TKANSFER PAPEKS Are the best in the world for doing your own Stamp- ing. AU that is required is to place the paper on the material to be stamptd and pass a warm iron over the back of the paper and it leaves a clear impression. Twelve sample desigiis sent on receipt of 8 cents. New Catalogue of 230 pages, showing 13 styles of init'als and over 600 other designs on receipt of 10 cectsrf you mention this paper. After March 1st small parcels of merchandise may be mailed from the ' States to any point in the Dominion at one cent per j ounce. Complete price list of embroiderv and fancy wcrk material free. Address, W. H. QUINBY, 11 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, U., D S. ^an Line Royal Mail SteamsMpf. Sailing dnring winter from Portlaod every Thoisde' and Hahfax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sue;:' rrer from Quebec every Saturday to Llveipoo!, calUnt at Londonderry to land mails and passengers !c Scotland and Ireland also from Baltimore, via Ha (ax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool (ortnighil). during summer months. The steamers o( the Glr.r gbw lines sail during winter to and (rom Eal!fa Portland, Boston imd Philadelphia and during n» mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and PkUade'rtv fortnightly for freight, passage, or other nf ormatlon apply i A. Schaniacher ft Co., Baltimore S. Gunard ft Oc Halifax Shea ft Co., St. John's, NSd.; Wm. Then:; son ft Co., St. John, N.S.; Allen ft Co., Ohicagc Love ft Alden, New York; H. Eouriier, Torcstr Allans, Bae ift Co., Quebec Wm. Brookle, Phiis.i phia: H.A.Allen Portland Boston Voritret! 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles ot new rail- way. Maps, Booke, showing coun- try's resources and advantages. Letters from settlers who are thtiviag be\ ond their expec- tations. Send p ttal card with j-our address to J. 31, Hacklna, 4 Palmer ' House Block. Toronti. O" C. H. WABREN^ Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER CO. Works and Head Offices 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Offices fsx 209 Tonpe Street, 393 Queen S*.. West, 225 Queen St. East, ^} TOBONTO. 100 Co borne Street .... i John Street. North... ..Brantford, Onk Hamilton. Ont. CANADA PERMAISENT LOAN AND SAYINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. 185S. Subscribed Capital, • • $3,8M,0M Paid-up Capital, • 8,300,000 Reserve Fund, ... I,I80,0«0 Total Assets, • • • 9,30I,C16 Office tâ€" Coy's Bldgs, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONGIER PLAN. The Company has a large amount of money to lend on Real Estate se unties at the lowtot current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments as may be desire Dy the borrower. Applications mny oe made direct to the undersigned by letter or otheiwise, or to tbe local representatives of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mortgages and Munietpai Oebzntures Purehased, J. HEKRERT MASON Managine Director. C/ajlxIlKRI].) COLD IN THE HEAD, Hay Fever, etc., can posi- tively toe cured. A new method. A medicine gnaraiiteed to cure. No cure to pay. If you have tried other remedies that failed to cure, you will not be disappointed in this. For full particulars address. JM. V. LVBON, 47 WeUinet..n St. E., Toronto, Canada. Send lOc in stamps for cook " Treatise on Diseases of Min 'â- Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Yrhy do yon use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Ponders when you can get as good and wholerome at one half the price Prove it by buy- ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by £LLIS EEmiLET. Toronto. The Patent "Vandy" Bagholder will last a lifetime, and costs only 75 cts. Sold by age nts. Some territory still open. Sam* pie (free by exptets) on receipt of price. Ad- dress U. W. ALLENft CO. ,67 Tonge St., Toronto. THE QreateskDis- covory of tfes present age tor Bmu- LATINO -RBS BOWHC, AND CcRcia all Blsos, irvva and KdhstCoii, PUAiais. A Perfaet .Blood Purifier. A few in Hamilton who havs .been benefited by III ise: Mrs. M. Keenaa, Robert SL, corea [of Erysipelas, of two years' standing: Bobtk Cornell, 24 South St^ [daughter cured of Ep* lileptic nts after lU years' suffering Jan* nie Birrell, 85 Wahral ..___,., St., cured oi Weak. nsss and Lung Trouble' John Wood, 95 Cathcart SI, cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only 8 fifty-cent bottles Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta SI, troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, Iwij uial! bottles gave hor great relief. Sold at 5Gc. ft O. F. F. DALLKT ft CO.. Propristota, ^M^ms mm Piles I INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURL Send your address and ten cent? in stamps for Book " Treatise on Diseases of Man." Addiess M. V. LUBON. 47 Wellingtoa-st. e:, Toronto, Out. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pavt fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment ol nervous debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in tbe ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists, i TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CENTS. Price, $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent br ' mail on reci ipt of price. Pamphlet on application. B THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto BREAOMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BRKAD made with thia Yeast took fi st prizes at 13 Township ai'.U County Fairs in Ontirio in 1SS7, at such' places, as Flcsh'Tton, Markham.Whit- bj-, etc. Over 10,000 ladies have- sent us lettfirs and postal cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls andbuck- whcatcakes. Directions in each- package vvith full instructions. RUBBER STAMPS, 'Ife'n' cils, and Burning Brands, ftc. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co,, 22^ King St. E. (in rear) Toronto. CnAMPIOBr Im- proved Sates. at prices within the reach of alL I can send you a safe, made in the best manner with Coti bination Lcck, and well finished in every re- sptct, for $10 on de- livery at your station. Send tor circular. S. ' KIMBALL, 577 Craig Street, P. O Box 945, Montreal, P. Q When I say CimKldonot mean merely to stop tbem for a time, and then have tbem xe* turn ai»in. I ukan A BADICAL COSB, I liave mad» tbe disease of UTS, EPJLLUPSy' or FALLING SIGKKESS, AlUe long study. I wAitsAsriny remedy to CCHB the worst cases. Because others lisv* faUedisno reason for not nowreeeivliiKacare. Send at once for a treatise and a FREKBoxna of my IKFAUJBIA Bemxdt. Give Bxpress and Post Office. It costs jroa nothing zor a trial, ondit win core yoa. Address Dt, S, ftc BOOT. 87 Tonge Bfc, Toitmto, Ont. ALBANY STEAM TRAP Gil's SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAK ^TThe Celebrated Han. cock Inspirator. i^'Gresham's Automatia Re-starting Injector. i^'Morrison's Automatia Sight Feed Lubricator. t^Engineers' ft Plumb, ers' Supplies of eveiy description. Send (ot circulars. JAMES BIOKKISOll, 75 ft n Adelaide St. W., TORONTO ' NEW SECOND-HAND ^^t^^SSIJe^ MACHINERY •FREE- .:H-WPETRIE, BRANTFORD.CANADA. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S" East TORONTO. R EUABLE CATALOGUE FBEE I Our inustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Cultivators* I Guide PREE. It contains all the test novellies and I standard varieties of GARDEN, FIELD, and FI.OWER â- Seeds. Bulbs, Etc. Every Market Gardener, Florist, I FarlBttr and Amateur should consult it before purchasing. I Our stock is fresh, pure and reliable. Prices reasouable. J. A. SIMMERS SEED MERCHANTS AND IHPORTCRS 1 47 King St. East, Toronto Capitai:anirFnnds now over $3,000.000. -^^^^ HEAD OFFICE. ' IS TORONTO STKEET, TORONTO, Ont A Home Com pany, Established O ctober, 1871» To this date, October 31st, 1887, there haa been returned Tb the heirs of PoUcy-hoWeTS (death ciaimg). $W9,249 00 To the holders of matured Eadowment Policies 26,482 68 To Policy-holders on surrender ot FttUoies • 98,666 00 ItoPoUo^y-holders for Cah Frosts Gwdnding those allooited and being paid) 432,M OS Tahddersof Axnaif.y BMds 16.967 84 ItsanadtoFolicy-luddcnontheSeeniHyol theirFoUdes.... 82,964 98 •1,806.174 47 Policies in Force orer 10,000i. Amonnt orer $15,000,000. PRESIDKNTâ€" HoH. 8i» W. P. HowiwurD, C.B., KC.M.G. YIC8PBESIDE2TISâ€" William BLUOR.BBQ.; Edwahd Hooru, Esq. S. m. MACP^NAIiA, Willi r; ^â- ^.;.f !..'?•• ^â- â- 'r • 4 ♦â- ' It" â- .1' ^n~m •â- !â- â- â- â- ' .-"• ' • f â- â- â- " -i;^..;iv^- ;â- ;.'â- •^•. 1*8- ' • 'r-i- -^ â- â- *â-