s^ " ' Xr- ,â- 1^ '.* â- ? â- r i- [ff.lil *^f 1: Xt" Hi^ i] i m â- i VI *.-f*-*-" mfin wmk the Markdale StandaMi la issued every Thursday, by C. W. RUTLEDCE. Harkdale. Ortf., U-^0 if 9irt(t«M|. Tebms â€" 51 per year in advauce; n(^ paid witLiu six months. Professional and business cards one inch g^ce and under, per year, S4. 1 YR. 6 MO. 3 MO. ..850 00 $27 50 §15 00 27 00 15 00 10 00 .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC .. 7 00 4 00 ,._.. ..„ 10 00 « 00 Casual advertisements 8 cents per line first JtHtertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent iqgertion, noniareil measure, fcditoiial nohces, or notices in local col- Uftn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents e^h subsequent insertion. tifray animals Ac, advertised 3 weeks for §1 I^o/paper discontinued until all arrears ajjp paid except at the option of the publisher. ^ole column. llalf column. Otiarter column Xiro inch space T|u:ce inch space JOB PHrN^TIIN^G. Thk STASDiKD o£HcG has a splendid eqnip- HJBent of poster as well as fine job tj-pe. Spo- 4».l attention to orders by mail. All orders Sped with dispatch. las. S. Freeborru -»»_M. D., Ch. M.; L. K. Q. C. P. I. rtjctorof Medicine aud master of Surgery ffictoria. Uuiv. Licentiate of King's and Queen's Collese of Physicians iu Irlaud. Sembei-of tbo College of Physicians and Surgfona, Ont. Formerly acting Surgeon ft B Battery, K.C. A. Quebec. Lr.te resident W the Eo'tundt, nosjjitals, (Lying-in %naicoU. gical '\i^-p^ STEfHEN'fc DRUG STORE. 15rs7^proule Brodle â€"PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, :|I .^ R^ li 13 A. 1^ E- Pr. Speocle's office Turner's Drug Store Or. Brodie's office Mathew s block. Police Trusteesâ€" W..#, M«Farland, Dr Sproule, G. S. Bowes. Public School Trusteesâ€" Wm. Lucas, J. Lyons. W. A. Brown. W- A. Brown, Sec, COUNIT OFFIOUZiC. Judge, H, McPherson, Owan Soond. Deputy- Judge, S. J. Lane, Owen Sound. '" Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Ow« Sound. Clerk of Peace, W. Armitrong, 0. Sound. Clerk, John Gale. Owen Bound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker. Owen Sound. County Warden, John CUuck, Nortli Keppel. Eegistrar, N., B. McKnifht, Owen Sound. " S„ Thos. Lauder, Durham. Eevising Barrister, Nortb, Judge McPher- son, Owen Sound. Revising Barrister, South Jk East, Judge Lane, Owen Bound. M. P., North, Jas. Masson, Owen Sound,; M, P., East, T, S. Bprocde, M.D., Markdaia M. P., South, Geo Landerkin.M.D,, Han- over. M. P. P., North, D. Creighton, Toronto. M. P. P., East, Capt. Korke. Clarksburg M. P, P., South, J Blyth, Orchard, nivisioi? cousx fliiMSXS No. 1. John Stephens, Ow«n Sound. " 2. David Jackson, Durham. " 3. Thos. Plunkett. Meaford. " 4. Thos. J. Borko, Heathcote. " 5. J. W. Armstrong, I'lesherton. " e John McDonald, Chatsworth. " 7. Duncan Campbell. " 8. W'm. Brown. Markdaie. » I». IcCTillovxghi, B3^.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE. MAKKDALiE. ytKyxtey to L.oan- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, a. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St.; Bianeh olUce in If arkdale, «rer McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday eyery ^eek. J. Ma-sson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Mabsou. 0. B.â€" Private and Comiianv's funds to invest ' t Jrom G to 8 per cent ~^ WM. BBOWM. -r\IVISICN COURT CLERK. 1/ Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 0. "Commissiouei-j in B. R.ic. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly sfkended to and carefully executed. fj. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate se- adVitv. ' ^ILLTaWI STUART, KiMBERLEY. Issue." of Marriage Licences. ' Money to liSan on Real Estate at low rates. A few J?arms for sale. Terms easy. j.P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, aKADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, vill be at the Markdale House, STarkdale, on the 1st and third Wediiosday of Sch month and also at Muuchaw 8 Hotel, !â- leslier- £n the day foUowins the thud \yedne3day in aacii month for the practice of his profession. Smiiiouciiig on the 7tJi S"ptember.^^^ lARKDlLllOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. JL £. Marsh Prop. Markdale C. O. 0. F. No. 78. meets everj alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Rae's block. VisitiEg brethren welcome. Markdale A. O, U. W. So. 141 meets in their Hall, Rae's block, ersry alternate Monday evening at o'olo«k. A Tisii from brethren of neighboring lodgei aolicited. Markdale L. O. L. No. lOiS meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each month. J. H. Carson, Matter; W. J. Blakely, Secretary. Victoria B. B. Preocptory. No. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in eaeb month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodid W. P.; Thos. EUiott, Registrai. Z- O- Or^ 'X. JUBILEE LODGE. No. US, meets erery Tuesdav in Haskett's Hall, Markdale, at 7:30. W.Jackson, W. C. Alfred Mcffat, Sec. • .. ,,.. â- 'â- . -â- ' VazweU. ' ' MARKDALE. The P 0. will be opened from 8 o'elook a. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, Ti» 0. P. B., going North, 11:40 a la, and 7pm " " South, 3:30 p a. and 7pm TBAYERSTON and LAUBISTON. Tuesday. Thursday and Satordaj 13:30 noon. HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 HMD. ERSKINl. â- ,â- â- ::_ Wednesday and Satard*7 S p. m. For registered letters and Money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. 0. will be open on Holiday* from 9 to 9:30 a. m., and half an hour after maiU arrive. W. J. MoFablaxd. p. M. asae C. RICHARDS, I GUILDER, CONTIiACTOB, A AKCHI- *3 TECT. Markdale. ar J rs P R O U LE, FLESHEFvTON. Couveyaucer, Arjiraiser, Valuator snd Money Bender. Deeds. Mort.;as«.'8, Leases and -W^ills drawn up andValuaticn* luadeca shortest notice Ob»rgosverylo^ Aigyto^^^^ Mone Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. TO SOI?Oqi_TROSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing aa ex- cellent assortment of t^eljiooi l-i^txi*nitiii-e. Consisting of SCiiOOL BEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' PHSKS, etc., of tuc latest tietigu and molt r.pprovcd pattern. Highly i«ooinmcnded by School Trustees and Teach- â- «srp, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, â- ^fherevir tried. An a^ascrtmentt)f Farm and "Hchool Bells kept iilwaj s on hand. Bend for â- «»talo:jue to Chats\ybrth F. 0. ISl ANDREW McGILL. g-CLlol ic ZS Totiee. To all whom it mayeoncern. I- R. L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale linve been appoint-.'d agent for Joro;80N's (••leV.ratcd Tonic rnd r.tTnri/' JuassoN's â- little /ircr Pills, and Jonxscs's ell healivj Wlute OintDitr.t. The ner'iue' is tho very l^ft in the market, in ail di^oases cantcd by ovoriy of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, v-vA Uie I'ii.ENF.ss cf Complexion to often â- .;(,t;cfd in fernale's.. Iosp of appetite jand i-rerrtl debility. Ln conjunction wth the liVi-r Pil's, it in he very best for all diseases i;r i^inp from Torpid liver or bad atomach. The if kitf OintirtfTit is the very l-^st ia tr.«i market for Salt Qheume. Barbers itch, limpbs. Chfifp. Bums, Spolda, and all Skin »1;!« ases of a scrofulnns nature. Try these fine uanedies and you will nnt|b(3 d^aappointed. For aale at B.L.SXaPUEM'StiMdraggift M9rkd»ie, Ont. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. .Sabbath School at J.-30 p. m. Prayer MeetinT every WodnesiftT evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilaoa, Pastor A. McFarland, S. S. Superiutendeat. CHRIST CHURCH. Services every Sifnday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Mr. (Traham, Ineumbent. Sabbath School 2:30. W. J. Ford, Superin- tendent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at lO:."?© a, m and 7 p. m Sunday School at i:tt.O. Prayer Meeting every Thursday ereninf from 8 to 9. Rev. Geo. Buggia Pastor; G. S. Bowes, S. S, Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T. Hill. Heoretarr- Sirunge? s and -visitora alwayi weloame. Parties desiring sitting! will apply to C. "W. Rutledge, Pew Steward. THE UROEST SGAU WORKS IN CANADA. OVER 100 STYLES OF HAY SCALES, GRAIN SCALES, FARM SCALESe TEA SCALES, IMPROVED SHOW CASES MONEY DRAWERS MeatCboppers MD BUTCHERI' ADDXB83 III PI7IX, Write fat teraiai C WILSON a •OR, 48 Esplanade mrmtlm Kast AbsoluteSy Pure This powder never varies, A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More ecunomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders nold ohli/ in cans, Botax Baking Powdeb Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. THE The Koat Fopular Bclentlflc Fape* in tbe World. Ebtablishso 1S45. "Weekly, 1^ a Tear. Months. »l.50 for Stx This unrivalled periodical, which baa been pnbhshed by Munn de Co. for more than forty years, continues to maintain its high reputation for exoe lenoe, and enjoys the largest circulation ever attained by any scien- tific publication. Every number contains sixteen large pages, beautifully prinked, eleg- antly illustrated it presents in popular style a descriptive record of the most novel, interesting and important advanoes in Science Arts and Manufactures. It shows the pro- gress of tho world with respect to New Dit- coTeries and improvements, embracing. Machinery, Mcehauical Works, Engineering m all its branches. Chemistry. Metallurgy. Electricity, Light, Heat, Architecture. Dom- estio Economy, Agricolture, Natural History, etc. The Scientific American should have a place in every Dwelling, Shop, Office, School or Library, Workmen, Foremen, Engineers, Superintendents, Directors, Presidenta, Officials, Merchants, Farmers, Teachers, Jjawyera, Physicians, Clergymen â€" People in every walk and profession in life, will derive satisfaction and benefit from a regular read- ing of Tne Scientific American. "Ibt It. â€" It will bring you valuable ideas subscribe for your eons â€" it will make them manly and self-reliant uubsoribo for your workmen â€" it will please and assist their labor subscribe for your friends â€" it will c likely to gire them a practical lift in lile. Teams, V3 a year f 1.50 six montht*. Bemit by Postal Order or Check. UUNN CO., Publisher*, 361 Brodway, N. Y. Aay person who has made an iiiTention, and desires to know whether it is probably new and patentable, can obtain advice ooi ceruiuR the same, /rM o^ c'wry*. by writing to Mdhv tSe Co., publishers of the Soientilte Ameno^n, Ml Broadway. New Tork. For the past forty three years Messrs. Munn A CH have carried on as a branch of their business the obtaining of patents. Many of the most reliable inventions have been patented through their agency. The specification and drawings for mors than one hundred thousand applications for patents have been made thiongh this office. Patents obtained in Canada and ali other eountries. Hand- book akoat patents sent free. Addrest. MUNM fc CO., S61 Broadnaj, MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commissioa charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, ^^ Pomona, P, O. Standard Correspondence. Bad roads and unchnugable weather are the greatest difficulties we Lave to contend Avitb this winter. Tiio Jast week has b^cu more favorable, tvu hope it may continue to improve. R. T. McGirr, of Feversham, who recently got hia hotel destroyed by fire and obtained no insurance, ia go- ing to replace it with a more commo dious one as soon as circumstances will permit. Untler the auspices of the Bucking- ham Grnnge a. grand entertainment was given by tlie young people of that locality last Saturday evening, com- mencing at 7.30 and continued until 11:30. A programme consisuug of recitations, dialogues, readings and vocal mubio, waa successfully carried j out. Mr. James Inkster accompanied byj his brother- in-law, John Einghorn, recently took their departure for Ohio They bade a long far*)well to their many warm friends. A few nights pre- yious to this a band of jovial fellows with a violin received aa invitation to spend an evening before their depar- ture. They enjoyed themselved to the utmost degree possible while tlie violin made the rooaas reechoe with its harmonious strains, and the boys trip- ped tbe light fantastic toe, very gently until the treumpeter from his roost suddenly told them of the midnight hour when they departed wishing them success in their yankee carer, and warning them to advocate social- ism. Lieutenant Coombs, head officer in .S. A. Barracks Fevercibam, delivered his farewell address on the eve of Feb. 20th. He has spent eight months severe fighting iu this vicinity with little or no effect. We wish him suc- cess in his new outpost. W. J. McGirr and C. Neil have just returned from Toronto, from purchaa- mg their spring stock. There is going to be held an As- sociation of the teachers of this town- ship, Osprey.on Saturday March 10th. Mr. M. Mullin, of 12th con., Osprey an old pioneer in this township, has given up his present life «nd quit farming, and ia going to live retired in a handsome cot ou the banks of the Beaver, Feversham. to SEEDS. Oua Import of Field and Garden Seeds from England will arrive early in March. Druggist Seedsman, DURHAM. SOOTRnii eLEANsim, NEAUn. CATARUt HAYFEVHR .:; Holland Centre. Standard Correspondence, Mr. Jas. Foster bad an addition bis family, a son. A gbom has beea cast over our i village by the sudden death of Mrs. Jas. Freeborn, on the 1st March. She was taken suddenly with inflama- tion which did its work rapidly, and in three days she was a corpse. Her husband was from home as well as some members of the family, he re- turned twenty-four hours before she expired v^'biie some of the family did not arrive until after. The bereaved faasbaud and family have the warm sympathy of the whole community. The funeral waa largely attended on Friday when Kev. Mr. Thibadeau condactsd the service assisted by Bev. Mr. Craig. Bev. Mr. Boyle was also present as a mourner. Mrs. Free- bom was a christam woman and died in the triumphs of faith. The entertainment held by the PresbyteriaES vae well attended con- sidering the state of tbe weather. Dr McCullogh waa called to the chair, which he filled creditably, Bey. Thibadeau was first speaker and gave a shork and spicy address. The Howey oboir rendered excellent ser- vice in music, also Miss Might tbe latter gaye a rendering accompanied by three chiltiren which was highly appreciated. Mr. J. B, Anderson, the famons scotch vocahst was highly ap- plauded. He is a master vocalist. Kev. Mr. "Wilson gave a stirrmg ad- dress which was well received by all, thus ended this very enjoyoble and interesting concert. There were a few somewhat disappointed in not having the customary tea splash, and complained of a vacancy in the inaer man. Our village constable was brought before the powers that be ou Saturday for having need improper language m the Queen's Hotel, and evidence went to prove thai the landJord was guilty of tbe same offence. Squires Hamil- ton and Price could not agree and de- cided to call iu a third J.P.. ' so the decision was deferred uu'til Thursday. fed catUe fittedZti^ day last was lair da,k of cattle ^ersoal;.^ dition.. '"^«iapt;^ bhoe .iiop oa Colli! ""ki discovered to be outfl Si, wasgivenandsoouLj; V but ail efforts to 8ave2i^»'" ed. The contents o?" allBayed. Aconi!^^ up stairs about two H ' worth, where tbofi'^^^ii destroyed. "'Ss^Ual ArtetaebiatowEsbipeon,-, council chambe,8 oIm^^' Begular routine of im through with. ap,°Ltu5l a masters took up Ww?1 manner. A letter from j\t 6 rong, Esq., preheat W^j the to.vri8hip. wtt, read ?H councilforanbcreasao'fSS claimed tho work done bv li ireasurerv/aa much more air ertJiaumsomeneigHonnrJ specihed. and that his ,= Jj was twenty five aoilarsbstui Iraasurwsof said towuskip, due conbideration the council" that they could not i'raut tba era request. V/e noticed tbera has been ro ?d wita W. J. B'Ahm, Kj i for Artemeaia, f^r 1887, fitairl Marnagftg 31, Births 95. kd^^ pairs of Twins, a slight decre* the first two and a happy mu the last â€" Twius. Q'VEs sovas. Standard Correspondmce, Ice hauling is now all the go. mera are getting alive to the ice m summer seafcon and arj i eight and nine miles to towu foij Our town fathers are endentlyl termined to lessen the crop of i curr's by passing a by-law tlu dogs be taxed one dollar and UhJ er be required to furniBb collu| tablaballedT. T. P., and the policeman liberty to ghootal!| not wearing tbe uecessary ttl). The Chief ol Police, lir. Ed has resigned his position andidll| oate hie situatiou on the lOtbii Mr. P. Telford has resij position as turnkey at tbe Jait,| will take tbe position as fitstii the Campna. J. D. McNabb.P.L.S.,is6tt tbe bank on the west sidt ol river. The intertion ill straighten the river from the down tc the dry dock. Tliii j other extensive works will make I Sound boom again this summer. I Property ia booming here, B.ibertson has bought 26 feel f ' on Division street from Mrs. boro for tbe sum of $2,300. Sale Begister. nemertoa. On Fridav the 9tb March, »t| o'clock, Geo. H. Lawrence i on lot 12, con. 6, Euphrasia,! implements ke, without reserfe- Noble, auctioneer. On Tuesday the'Stb March. 4 o'clock Messrs. John MftrtmS ij WUey, executo-g, will sell Mf auction on lot 16, coa. I2,l!"ip the goods and chattlee o. tfiM John Wiley, consisting of »^ quantity of farm stock, imFj to. Terms 9 mouths on «Pg paper. W- J. Sbepherdson, ear. .-:-;. Dftngerous ConnUrW* Connterfeitg are alwafs W more so thtt they alwayscloeey^ TH«OEmlNAI.IN ^^P^^"V^J The remarkable succesa v^ Na8alBalmasapositiTa««« arrhandcoldintheHe.dh^.^" nnwincipled parties to imiw^ J public are cautioned uot to oe-n by nostrmns, imitating »f»^. name and appe»'»"«*' .^] Dames as Nasal Creai^N** Ask for Nasal Balm an^J'^^l itation dealers may nrgeuF^ja 8alebyalldruggistsor«e^,lj„l on aeceip* of pnce (5W • ^^^^j dressmg FuUord ^^^^^J^ OrerXOODiftrt"-^*'**' Every grocer who t^^o^^^l change his old styte o^ ^..^^ I off scales sliouU write to Standard Correspondencg. Business chanofd haxdsâ€" Messrs. Petch Mitchell, butohes of tliis place, have sold out their business here to Mewra. Bl^kley Bros. Qwing to the h||^ prios «' course gtwn farnerf an not feadmg lo mvoh •oa llnre are lets ottmber of akaU â- scales sJiouw «" ^oi ' Toronto, aud get a catai-^^es. dred different styles ^^^..^1 scales are beautifuUy J^ spected readvfor^^^^;^^^ Afireburnsbet^'i^tJ-J merod. a }STH YEAR. lOK! REA be Satisfiea is a dead ce taint/. VEE SELLING ALI GKERjf GLASS! OFF AT COST, I Dinner and Toilet L'cialty. Latest design: and see for yourselvts SEBDS! FRESH SEED and ganiea seetfs. )UR and F! Idepartment ^ell stock Ales, Fiwc \f"inc Liquors. ^BERS U^ CIC |a! "Jea! "3 I Lave the finest Teas county, Geiii Black pine of Contectici and Iji^ciiit:is. fwill not be undersold I ikdafe. Give us a call, Jtl, i:ENSON, kal .;. Belfast -•OF':- ^CitES, CLOCKS. p»JWi?£; SPEC\ |*weUtocallathe .^: RUSSELL'S,! I^J*, Fledierton, wl j*« only complete l^wear Ihaci elsewher » Watflhag we are nol 'J^slthamandAmJ •••25 up bearing ' F'rtttbesrlongwarra r** now twminl 7** "" ^««^M frj Uthet dealers in t3 12^ **» stock and] T!T»*?Kice8 that ""•â- Ji. CaUator J^ those bal J*J^»»ly placef " fOn repaii«df SI Mb. iliiiiilitiiiii ydMiaMii .^^Jiiii^ „• ...L -â- -.. _^« 'Jgi,j«AiM. J«5.