'"'^s;* ^^' *-"'**â- ;* Ki.^^'^^/or •«ei Mason of th " ljfV"« their el." '"^l -â- " 'appoint fn^rf^yCa"' ^l |l^e disposal oTS^^ -^d to* J Cfi£D/TOfiS, l"' "f Arthur Dinrnore Ihoroby given that *-v If J^farkdalP in tte" Dinsâ„¢, N Stationer, has J^^S'^Dtyof g2i J-^,, for tbe appSfiS *V^ ' l« aircciious with rSn ' "^W f f- e«at«. Creditors !^t°=« « I loof ot their clainj°3'by\« i^?w P lull rarticularson or¥»vit» Jt-'ie undersigned or hh f?" H |ty wul not be entitloS ^olicitJ I the estate. ^^^'^ed to share] i'KANCIs B\-R^""^a^ fcTSO^l SALE. Ie of valuable Farm in the f pursnant to tbo towfir r.t ^.i â- 1 bag,- from an» lionaH j^l?" "" be ot Bale antl n.i H^f" i 5®. P'odll l?^'" -^j^^^j,^ Coimcil. ..,,j met persuant to adjourn "Ih February, 1888. ° 11 preseut- Minutes of Jfjf council read and con- \-o 3S0, for reducing the Kr carried through the dif- ^^ffanap^s^cd. The statute â- 'g'as follows, ^z I" on assessed at not move •TliftMe for 2 days statute ^* '"re than S600 and not t-M or an J â- • er $250 one additional day. fpLve and Deputy Reeve who f- .i-ipointed to enquire iqto r'^-xofttie Treasurer's securi- 1 c^tbat said securities are full days, and for iractional part security, and in the last accepted on defaulters being assessed lof the ironoy hereby scoi^^S* pk p. m. the following property I â- i? *^? 5*^ conceseion of the • Glenelg contiining lOO acrramrf -t one and one tiRrentieth S fship tor a road deviation. Abonff â- d to be cleared. On toe prea JO a log house »nd barn per cent at time of sale, for the bi liberal ana will be mad, kno^" ;f; T further particulars apil viu. Lacas «• Co.. Jiarkdale,or to Mwick and Franks, Vendors Bolicitora. fbmiry. ESth. 1868. DERS WANTED. RS wiJl be reeaiTsd bj tbe uuw tjo la o'clock noon, 30th day ' the «re«t:on knd completion ol M School Hoase, to Le built 1 I. No. 16, Enphnwia, the lowest not Becesdftriiy kcoepted Pli • aecn «t tjje r^eidenoe of the£ Jtd after ibe 7tli March. D. B. Elui, ii*eel. iec.-' TELTOLET. M tb« MansioD Hoom n Markdale, posseesioB giy krch, tot particalart apply »LD3, llarkdate. lALSTED, M. 0. nacuM, BCMomoji, Ac.,- â€" Axicl Oentrej B«k«ky eftgj TmetiV m )«oa(roai«Mtol*aro'ek»L I 390-ItJ m FOR 8ALE. on tie IJib cos. of EJ^hn**-! a Slukdale. ...f fc JMantle Makfr nfoTTB the Ladies at ^t*^^ irr, that I em now Fr*1'*?~ "H if'Dr«« A Mantle Makn* »l Oil Mill Street. ^«rf«*rii| â- antwjd. Temt '**â- •'?; I D ia esp«ei»Uy •«»Hili2H bers Magic *«**J| t b«^ this eyirtea out «» f f ,9ewin«.by»b.««»'S Daati« maUi*- r«7 " '^1 IS. wif. urUiBJOHKe- m FOR 8ALE- FiT« â- '^°*?,rthL.if- 1 ©OB. 4, »• ®- *1 M,t will be «.ld «^^c^tf« y««Bt,forf«rtherF«*»«' :,aers f'-o^itiouas vrbeu [•;:,! said report was adopted r .lis'-d on the ramutes. '%nL of S3.78,«*J^ struck r„ jjrears of taxes charged against "â- r.t\Q,in coDCCBsion 6. as it djtaat there was au error to ;.,ni.;)Utt returned 'hroagb this lot 'Yo acres in the 7th concession. Treasurer was instructed to re- "iir. Patersou, (Mirror office) q.i,50 printma: by order ol TBoardaf Health. To Messrs. "" ct Hutchinson, Municipal rs, Toronto, §32.30, Station- ilio to pay to J. L. Wilson, tary Treasurer of the Agricul- t Society $50 being amount usaal-' Uuted to f^-iid Society, in the tjj of l)ecouiber, but granted at "^filler liate this year owing to eir- rl;ai:cos in connection with said li;- Stewart was instructed to take Lislit 01 all the bridges in the vio- ]:yo{ Kimberley, to prevent injury treto by accumulation of ice or float L timber. Ilhe Treasurer was instructed to re- Itt from James Gould the ' sum of IS.iJO taxes for 1887, against the N^ Hot 4 in the 8th con., and the clerk rncteil to ask tbe county Treasur- tto Btrike off bis books the taxes Ked against said land for said Jiheteudsr of Mr, Paterson (Mirror â- See) for printing Minutes, Auditor's ieport, Slid Voters List was fc^epted, sEg ths lowest tender and otherwise i;:actory, lie Pieave was instructed to irait |:»iithe Freehold Loan Company of E City of Toronto with a view of at- ogement, regarding titld to new leyiatioD road at lot 27 eon. 10. Coancil adjourned untiU the last |Fndiy ia march next. R. DcKLOE, Clerk. arkdalE FACTORY ' â€" ' -3t â€".â- ':.:â- â- '-:â- â- :,â- â- â- ;:â- :-â- to^"cZ^^nfXi^Tf "/^^^y ^^'" Sash. Door and Plain Pa,v Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, ftc. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to nonel, Uanada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now respectiully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders PromptlS?^ P' f! I^M" ^^R â- ^"€«sed and Undressed Durect from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning don*, Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. THOS. ]VIcTVE%- ^GREATE â€" -^ii.'Z"T:E3::E3 â€" of To-day we begin our anmial clearing sale Fall and "Winter goods to make room for si=:e2z:ito- i3ivi:^=o:ES'3:..A^'Z'io3sr3. Special bargains in OVERCOATS and Gents CLOTHING. Everything at rock bottom price for cash. ' liiff|iK|H|fl|ii|D|i|M|fl|D|E i |8|o|o|t|sMh|oK|s|h|o|e|s AND ke]pt in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MR. KAY so well and favorably known. Call early and secure y bargains. EXCELSIOR WAREROOMS WiE have now on band a fnli and varied Block of all kinds and grades of FoBMROBB, bought for cash from the most teUable firms in Canada, and we pnrpoM doing bosiDess on a strictly caab baaii wbicb will pat ns m a positioB U cell at a-ajmall advance on cost and thereby give oar oustom- ers the benefit. We ahall esteem it a lavor tokavryoo call and look throug b OUR ESTABLISHMENT.' whether yon require anythmt; in our line or not, and we feel confident that you will be delighted with and surpris- ed at tbe quality and cheapness of oar goodik â€" Upholstered* goods a specialty. IJilPEItTAKINQ In this department we have a com- plete stock of all kinds of funeral furnishings and all orders will have our prompt and careful attention. A ' first class hetUTM in connection. Musical Instruments We also handle the celebrated Bell Organs and the famous Wanzer Sewing Maebiaef which may be seen on Exhibition at our warerooms, prices and giadM losuit all purchasers. Picture Framing. We sball keep in stock an assorted line of framefl, and vour esteemed orders will be altended to with neat- ness and deipatch iat rock bottom prices. With many, thanks tor the present patronage which we have re- ceived and bopiog by fair prices and square dealing to merit an increase of the same. We are, yoor'e respectfuUv, SPROULE DAVIS MARKDALE. CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Hoives I FOR SCHATCNES OH HORSES niatzlct DolBfa. WM. BROWN. Wm. Heard, son of J. H. Heard of hleshertou, was accidentlv wounded Y^i oat rabbit huuting with a oham li^uiaof shot eutered his lip and a pond pierced his eye. He was sent htlieboepital ia order to save- the I siglit of hig eye. Tbe Uaudalk Herald urges tbe :9ce€nty of better fire protection for 'tatproiperoua Tillage.| Mr. McLean, Walkerton, has |been hppoint«d returning officer for tbe I ^iJtt Act election in Apidl, in place "Ur. Jas. Allen, who hao bean ap* I poiated Ifldian agent. The Maaford Mirror has jast entM* d upon its seveuth year, and is eon- siiBtly deyelopmg ia inflaenee and sKfulnees. We wish triend Patterson Kia:inu«d eacoess. ibe petition for tbe repeal of tbe 'Jt: let ia Halton was carried on ftorsday last by about 200 majority. fai Chatsworth Keum i% three years ^â- ^- It hag roaterially improved pe- cec-Jy. We wish it continued success. BasmesB men and officials of Owen ^xjond, Durham and Mt. Forest, are •»aiig steps to have the Grand Trunk ftteaded from Doxham to Owen oound. The Owen Sound Adv«rti$$r is t»«nty five years old and still flour-" 'J'^^, We wish oar esteemed eotem wntiaasd saccesa. Mr. F. J. Thompson, of the irm of Jflf^mpsou Bros, of Port Elgin, has Pttrcha^j uie hardware bustness of • ^- Stephens of Owen Bound. A t«» meeiitig at Zion, G»ene*-, ?e- "•""ywas MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. AM.- E. McNALLY; â€" Would hereby announce to the people of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynew camq;e shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will maoufactnre every artio^ in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bnsinee* and oy asing first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to every one who will fevor me with their order. Repairing, fainting and Trimming promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited, JR. M:cIVAX.1-.Y^ I*roprietllS^ Positive Curd. A Painless Otare. FACTS 3D I? m TOR MEN OF PISHASES o r gA ». -^•/-s â- WHO «jpeBre«wi www»_^,„^ „»»„kj â- minnan iBvolaatuT vjtal loaaea. m»- _^ «^*M'b^?!S STtS^-WMrJenii^.^ireBi. vyrt el entPBMi" »?•!?"«»*„'» ^^l^SdJr ^r^ of aonMenoa, svoWaac. ofeow- 5«su^?fflri^»jwsr*»'---^-«!-- Aa4Saano|«2.«£2ffi2rs' a tuocess. (^nuty of Grey spring aMrnm wiU ^•^^Owea bound on Tuesilay. A fire oecnitd at Erin Hwt Friday f""W office Mdplanl. »h^^* " *°*"'»" • ^W« to one nds Hi^Z" "*^P ^th a load OB tbe sled. ""•' a«^w it eacaer to sti^tbt Jond, I, p0riliai||||t CUfSk aoajotttr •« dntiaa c«ba^«M. "J^^TrTJi'J^^ 'm nan. Wo. S wffl glTe.ywi jMl ^wy nd ^^'s^'?s;^^'-^y^~^^^^-^-*-^' m.^. tJBusSsJZ m^ssiit Cum 0) m Q o STEPIEMS C OUBH IMA. The beat eompoond of Tar and Honey jn the world for reUeving congha, it aots as ia instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a benefieient eSeot on bronohitis at once. Don't forget tbe name, STEPHENS COUGH KINO. No other remedy like it, a* S5 and 50 eents a bottle. It will reliei» hooping eoogh when other medicines coi|^ pletely fail. To be obteined at. the poptUfv Drug Store, R.Ii. STEPHEN, MARKDALE. /8LAIIP HOME STOCK PARli Pereheioa HoriM. Freack Coach HoniL Savace Faruum. ImpfV^ ten and Breeden of R» cheton and French Co^cb HotMt.laland Home Slack Fann.Ctosw I«le,Way«e Conn^ Mich. We oSm* *«iy large atud ofhonoa m â- elect from, we guaiantB our (tock, makepcicei rS â- ooabl* ud sell on eaMr terms. Vislurs always wafr come. LArm iiulii«j» (M. Addren 8aTa^*Fani Dnxom â€" TVill Stodda,rt, late xd England and Jersy City, U. S. beA to inform the citizens of Mabkda9 and surrounding community, that life has opened a TAILORING SH(^ over Mr. W. 3. McFarland's Stcra, where he is jnrepared to do all wocr entrusted to him in the Latest a!l^ Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect stp. work before leavmg the Shop, c^ tomers may rely on having woik turned out first-class in every p9- ticnlar trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain, Faithfdlly your*s, WILL BTODDABai Markdale. iCanh Hth, 1687. SIGHT T. BLrNDIirESa .s'25G^ -iSii^ isr. CELEBRATED English SpeGtacIeB 79 tirSTKEET, TOROltTO CAM AD A. AKD IB JEWIl: STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAUD R- JLi. Stephen's, CHEMIST* DRUGGIST. MarkdA Has tbe A«ency ior the sale of tbe aboveta KiJtKDAIjE. No Spectcles in the Market eqifll them in the ETB PRESEKVING QUAIiITiM theypo««e»e,or the GEE AT EASB and C^f- FOBT they confer on the wearer. Their nse will in actnaUty bo strengthen ^Om Eyes Uist it does not become necessary to chaoZ l^fS^.^i'^^yy**" Tliey are therefore tS Carley's Healing Oii will relieve scratebw on horscB in two or thre* applications, or priee refnnded. Follow the directions bottle by thorooRhly cleaasing,' then appi tte Oil. If animal reqniries.aay medicine pat it into condition use the Derby Bloiod Porifyer. or I g ANADJAN p iCtnC R, K TIME TABLE. â€" Jarl£dale Station*^ Gorsa SorTa. GrCUlG KoXTii. 6.57 a. m. 4.05 p. a d .05 p. n 6 PEB CENT. Uoney loAned.on Farra'ol- Town Property a west rtifS of iatertis;. Apply to R. J. Sn'.aL.r.E, Conveyancer «k PoBtmaster. Flcshcrton. nrecttfoty^ Facri! laarsaAT la OtangeTill » â€"The seeor^d month. Imi.laU^Tn*Bd»y before OranceTiUp. Fleehorton â€" Monday before Or^njjiiTiile. Markdaieâ€" Ralnrday bcforfi Cranseviila. Dnrha-jj â€" Third Tuesday in o»ch monin. Chats worCi â€" Monday u^ioro D nrh ftin Holland Centre â€" .Sainriiay bvf ira Chats worHv PheaviSe â€" Monday before DarbaMT' " " belof D»iiaBj â- » â- â- *â- â- m 'yi M i.-.i M y'J • ,^-f-v-. â- f/i -Si'rr -r.i^,^.^s^^--:'^.jy r. â- .•; â- â- ':, I ' W^-r:-- â- 's. "" .:â- 'ri^^s' •' â- -;- â- :â- ; ' • -.- i?Sv^W' -_: _^- -.- --'-J. *^ â- •»".*.' ^. -s " â- i- •,c* ViiS* ' ^1 m ^^^i!; feiS (^ i^(^i£isS;Mki