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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Mar 1888, p. 3

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 |P'«on of the t„»tS„,^^ Insensible V„"^=« not. fr°« enjoy, oV?.»l'^t:i f*t««. that is^'i^*"' Peop3 |I should think ij^^ilthel -ouldfeelkeenlit-P'^fl p' WORLD NEWS. About Germany's Ruling FamUy- \^^lustias Tinancial ^ffaiis. March •- â€" The week hB been â- * T ' ex"rao'"*i'°*'^y number of mm- ' '° r 2 the royal family and for the |f^^-*^,V panicky feeling regarding Rua- l«fiâ„¢ Xne rumors concerning the |p5"\^_, Resency and of the " ex-Em- .hiBg uteiition then to visit his Bon at „-ere from the start manifestly " They apparently originated in "'jaJenients mide for Prince Wi'liam " j[„ to the Crown Prince in case h? ._ became unexpectedly worse. la s' ;k mn .^^'^Wn^.j^^^e^natio^^ ' '•ecbristenin^T^'centt; D if T_j' "^." the\ IkI* y°" forefatfc-'^i" lof Independence^ '^^^-^t ^°ion aa the rT'h^^ to wonderful, Sat ".°f^' re this SDlpn^S^^** and Reserved loaterity lal. Thi f foolish rumors regarding the approach- l" Wication of tiie Kaiser came probably \^ from certain blunt questions asked rT Bemo coEcernihg the probabilities of ra Frince bfcing again in health to Germany and able to endure the eUoWB are this splendfd"' ^f*! ^^is i8"rue*"„4 .•B a liberal pan'y°„J«iM ^nservativefanLh " "-^ RjPublican ^d r H b^ditisnotsuoha^^r'*^ IboastedofaGritC. °°St« daties of governmg. ALL PRECAUTIONS TAKEN. to kcow with accuracy certain facta re- l^.. jj,g Crowu Prince's actual condition l?""?,n«npc's Tiiut all precautions have ^-ate purposes it was, it seems, neces- "" kcow with accurac " " ' " n the Crowu Prince I'i orospecrs. Tiiut all precautions I taken to prevent even a momentary 1*^ orjir in the transfer of the throne, 'X mlg"' ^^ signal for an attack by ;. ;B will be believed without proof by well affirm that tf^^" are all D^njoSs I P*"Ple Off thp 7-., ""^ts, becanse Dg tne L)amocratio Dar^r, â-  says, 'they take „^"^-? lana, etc. ^\5w ttt ° P"^« .ise'statemenT'b'tt"'""'" Ida and the pi 1°,°" }n-;radict. There art " I descended-, rom so caU^AH h proud of their oriS^^ J amongst those of EdK Istry; and there is alsoTL k bo'.h these classes to gee f '^„7°'f,'^»tions. BesWw 1 ^hole of Lower Canada, wL doeanotknowispret'ty'";J r*^; Or,wouldhe i^lttl I of the people here by wki ^ve the grotesque assertion tl^ I inadians boast of their ScoS ^l^yt' He J^ad better not continued the indignant ladj ey are given over to adoratij I place, and they admire 'tS nore than anything else. I J ers to the British nionarchj also examine into the truth' nt. \\ hen the Queens son-in-I* or ^ieneral of Canada there w* 1 of dissatisfaction openly ei ng the people, because there wj effort made to introduce cou id eti(|uette at Rideau Hall, ai evident to the Canadian peop, vas a scheme afoot to estabiy :iie Dominion. The conseqw e Knglish Queen's daughter a^ husband became veryunpopuli whenever a distinguished Cam, d the honor of knighthood co3 I hira^ in acknowledgment of hi has invariably been coinpelld gauntlet of ridicule. Does I advocacy of titles in moi I amusing contrast to thii le way in which the aveB 36 chases up • dook's ' aol and princes, as soon as he hi 1 money *-o pose on, before tU )n the other side of the Atlantic â- e given to ' class distinction* but this, we must allow, ha( es over the distinction of mone] universal in this jountry. itions depend .-«rgely on go ilture, respectability, etc., a person possessing these i k chance to enjoy good society ' there a lady or a gentleman â-  'd as such, whether he or she t' erge or satin, broadcloth it makes no difference how h tare, if your dress only coma idard. If a woman goes shop ;hester, and is not richli chances are ten to one u4 )ed by the clerks, both mil* 'bile the sales-Iskdies will sizT ne sweeping glance from hew they will budge to get the rej Another noticeable diffetj ivhile no lady over there fl»f bjection to being called » w-j ignorant and ill-mannerd »»! insist on being called l*^'" n is such that I could tali bfl his theme. Bat I will ftUnaJ nore term of abuse, that i^ •usiness." I shall content myl y giving' the'lie, to this 8lander| as I have not the time to loi-l utation with proofs and comj :ould, much to the diBpar«#J wn countrymen. But X'S^ he reputatien of Americans »â-  ing been too well knovm »â-  *ry for me to say ^ytlu^l ibject. I would advwe tWI risit Canada again f hen wi â- , and go among the best pw- oes not have occasjc- •se his verdict, and feel too " 1 of himself before he corneal is incapable of receiving go^i "^enuni.iMiiiy'"'^, who knows the minute care with on to One Pursuit- sons willing to devote them- to some one thing. that they. •werless in other diT"^^^ lich they rightly take "P^j Liu valuable ends becom^» I .itself to which they 2,/ leisure, family an£^J"5 I ,asare, and somettmM I ,n from their own is a mistake. ^^"J^dorfil le never Wj'^7 jt, I masters. I* "/^^ «.d that breadth of view ,rience which can co^*^ annels. Bat, even ««forin- wmorethoro^jh^g^pric, loftheperforiB*â€" •» " j large to f»J- i -a Frussii guards itself agiinst even the Sirifimg'i^ngc!. To suppose that the Kaiser will abdicate iiij'jtill uole to go to the opera, or that re Crown Prince will be asked to surrend- Ijiiis rights until the last extremity, is to tppose ediiiethiug as ridiculous as that the '•offn Triuceas will attempt to oust her Ljlar son iroin the Regency if a Regent iecomes necessary or that Prince William loulii risk bis popularity by useless intrigues orihc chief e.Yecuiive power, upon which, lithoiit intrigue, he already has on nand. Russia's financial TaouBLEi. lae (leprec'a:ion in Rass'an paper rubles sjb3orbiag the interest in fioancial circles. Tjey closed to day at 168. Many private ,^j,jlies whote whole for tunes are invested in iiassian securities are in a state of great ffiiiety. The best tinancial bouses view the 5:M:ion with serious misgivings. An article in the Krtuz Zeitung shows •jilt at the end of the Turco-Bussiau war nible notjcs were quoted at 180, then ioujht to be an extremely low figure; in Ojober last, when the Boerse was panicky, wing to tlie (. /.iir s abandoning his visit, ie quotation siood at 180.25; at the end of â- innary it had falien to 177, and since that Bme it haa coiitiuned lo decline. Baiikera su;i8 thic the decline is due to ie growth of dietrt st in the Russian finan- eial position, lombiued with" constant sales •fnotes under (;r !eis from St. Petersburg. Ihe failure of iS.e St. I'etei-burg banking srmof Fehltiiienheipcd to accentuate the jjciiue. Bul'ets in the Brain. It has long been known that fractures of lie skull, with considerable loss of brain rabstancs, do not alwaj s tetminate fatally, iftkilfullv tr-ja:ed but in such cases the injury is near the surface. A bullet, how- ever, fired into the brain, generally goes through it, and is often lodged against or near the inside of the skull on the opposite lide. Nearly all surgeons have shrunk from iindling such cases. Dr. Fluhrer, of the Bellevue Hospital, New Yoik, has successfully treated a case of the kind. A young man, having shot timself in the centre of the forehead, was brouKht to the hospital semi unconscious, »nd with his right side and limbs paralyzed. Ihe scalp having been duly turned aside rewound in the skull was enlarged, and tie track of the bu let explored. The probe, iijTing passed in six inches, indicated the line of direction pursued by the ball, and the point at which it would have emerged fas marked. At this point the skull was trephined (* circular piece removed by a trephine or pepan), and the ball was found about an inch from the skull. When it had been ex- ttacted-by a small forceps, the probe could o« passed through the head The wounds Wed, and the patient was wh.)lly restored to health; tiie paralytis passed off, and the "iw resumed work in a butcher's shop. The opsra-.ion in the above case lasted J8M hours. These, was considerable loss oi Wood from a wounded artery, which it was difficult to tie. in many cases, wounded Weries may he so situated as to preclude »e possibility of arresting the hemorrhage. The London Lmicti, referring to this case, ^V3, " Cerebral surgery is in its infancy *e results already attained have shown "lit it would not be wise at present to set ^y limits to its development, and we may aetefore hope that even penetrating bullet- 'ounds of the brain may prove to 1^ amen- »i)let« surgical measures." ihe laji^ti adds another interesting case w » different character. The patient had fweived a bullot wound of the skull three ^four years previous, and had become in. ^«- The surgeon, having detected a de- FMsed fracture of the skull under the scar. pressure on which caused intense pain, «ermined to explore the seat of the injury- i._^°P-°ing was found in the skull, and a "JPodermic needle being passed into the 'D »n four different directions, the last 'age resulted in drawing oflF two drams wk! 1*1 • Pfo^ably from a cyst, or sac, Mcn had formed within the cerebral suH- ZZl' ';°* pressure of- *hich on the brain '*^d the insanity. of i ^^^^ three hours all the symptoms cl^^*°"7 vanished, and the man gave a account of his injury and subsequent ^^r- He recovered completely. HEALTH. uj ^^^^ young man who goes to the Jl ?^'»tab!y takes to gambling. After « IS only the old, old question of choice ^^t'^wn the lady and the »iger, tem£u"i®^ ' coming to see me to-night,' mwked Ella. " I Ln't know why I feel matTt*^" i^ but I have a " Oh tK something's going to 1 itifw" ' ^° nse feeling nervoi present! happen." •tifo/T""' "° nse ieeTing"nervonB about »«nrs^/^,'°*^« '^P o" •"i"' to do it," i« wSlifi!'*- " y«ry likely he-U Miy yei, Phetunonia and Diphtheria. Whether or not pneumonia can properly be classed among the infectious diSeais k yet an unsettled question, but there appears pood reason to believe that it u due to a germ either in the air or water. If that pre- sumption IS correct, then the disease is to a certain extent infectious, yet not in the or- dinary sense in which the term is used. Pneumonia is now very common here in the ifiast, probably much more so than it usually 18 at thw season of the year.. According to JJr. Seibert, humidity, cold and high winds are the three agents that chiefly promote the prevalence of this disease. If the ques- tion were asked, " What shall 1 do to escape an attack of pneumonia?" only this general advice could be given Keep Bismuuh as possible in the open air when the weather permits. Exercise freely. AUow no opportunity for exercise to pass without improving it. Walk all you can within reason, and ride just aa little as possible. People who have been employed all day within doors in warm rooms ought, when returning to their homes at night, to walk the entire distance, if it is not too great, and at any rate to walk part of the way. Long rides in cold oars are for all, and especially so for people of sedentary habjts, dangerous. Let alcoholic stimulants severely alone in cold weather is a rule which can with perfect safety rarely be broken. Sleighing for almost every one fur- nishes almost indisputable pleasure, and a person in comparatively good health, pro- perly protected With ample clothing, can safely enjoy it with reasonable lim- its. But many needlessly expose them- selves to very great dangers. We refer to that class who feel a "hot toddy" or a " Tom and Jeriry " or two ne- cessary to fill out the measure of the en- joyment of t^eir " outing." Such peeple are very foolish, and no small number of them, sooner or later, pay dearly for their folly. If, while a person is riding in the cold, he indulges in a hot drink â€" especially an alco- holic stimulant â€" he is far more liable to take oold after it than he was before it. If people must have their " toddy," they will do well to wait until they reach home.' Then, if they do not contemplate going out again that night, yery likely the stimulant will do them good. A cup of hot coffee or hot tea will, however, do tiiem equally as much good. The people in the far West have the habit, which is general, of drinking in intensely cold weather very freely of coffee. During a blizzard, of the fearfnl intensity of which no person who has not ensountered one can have more than a faint idea, they take to their cabins on the first suspicion of its approach and, huddled around fires, drink strong coffee almost continually dull- ing the waking hours, until the storm has passed. These people very sensibly prefer that comparatively harmless and yet effec- tive stimulant to the " raw stuff," whiskey and the like. Pneumonia generally comes on after some chill and expaaure. Therefore, a careful avoidance of such a cause is indicated, and it is naturally suggested that one should always be sufficie^ntly warmly dressed. Pure air at all times in the working, living and sleeping rooms is of definite importance in the prevention of pneumonia. In fact, all the surroundings fhould be healthy, the drainage perfect, etc. If one enjoys these favorable conditions, is reasonably cau- tious, lives sensibly, and has sufficient good wholesome food, he need have but little fear of pneumonia. Diphtheria is one of the diseases which dlearly depend upon unsanitary conditions. In other words, it is due to filth. Either the peculiar poisonous matter â€" the germ which gives rise to the diseaseâ€" finds filth a hotbed for its growth, or in it it has its ori- gin. It is of no consequence to the reader which of these two theories is correct. He mast remember that if he and his family occupy a house which is filthy, damp or con- tains foul air from any source whatsoever, then diphtheria is liable to occur among them. The surest way to escape that dread- ed disease is to make home healthy. Abso- lute cleanliness must be enforced, and not a single source of filth should be allowed in or about the house. Especially look at the drains, and see not only that they are in perfect order, but that they are perfectly ventilated. â-  It would be a very wise plan for every householder to keep some efficient disinfectant always at hand. There are many useful agents which cost but a mere trifle, and if one is used in the drains regu- larly and often, it will contribute much to the safety of the inmates. Comparatively healthy children living in a healthy home have but little to fear from diphtheria, un- less they expoieito a person suffering with that disease that, of course, can generally be avoided. As our board of health, in its circular of recommendations, says of diphtheria: It maybe conveyed directly in the act of kissing, coughing, spitting, sneezing or indirectly by infected articles used, as towels, napkins, handker- csiiefs, ete. The poison clings with great tenacity to rooms, articles of furniture and clothing, and may occasion the disease even after the lapse of months. This last state- ment should sink in the minds of all, for it has been fatally proven true time and ^ain- Before moving into a house, a man with a family of children onght to inquire well into its history. If there has even been a case of diphtheria in that house, he had bettor kept out of it. Under no circumBtanoeB should he occnpy it tufial he w«» sure that it had been OOTOoghly fumigated, "over- hauled," ete, a-l. m ^\ ^^ *=^'^« whichpcMMv! ftf c iHnn had beenmade. Cofffle and Tea. We are indebted to an interesting article in Popular Science News, by Maunce D. Clarke. M. D., for the substance of this "ihe essential principle of coffee is the alkaloid caffeine, but there w al» developed during the roasting a yolatde od-caffeone. The Iffects of the two on the drinker are i Clara. '»lwayBBoft.» fieat and Cold Is a never-failing cause of disease. At this season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and a host of simUar diseases are rawpant. Tne treat question, then, is t. find t£e quick«t l^rest. and most economioal remedy. Pol- S^^NebvuJNK exactly Ml« these t^mze- ™«its It is prompt, effioient, and most ^no;u«d. for it «oe«d. m pow«: eyery ^wTreiiedy. and is as chew m infenor J^ person » oh«noe to tert it I«ge different in time and character. Caffeone is speedier and more transient tlian caffeine. It reduces the arterial tension, and thus al- lows a freer flow of blood and a more rapid action of the heart. Hence it stimnUtes the brain, renders the mind clear, and promotds wakefulness. Caffeine, on the other hand, slows the heart, and expends its main force on the spinal cord. To this fact is due the shaking hand of the inveterate coffee-drinker â€" to which we may add the marked tremor which, after a few hours, sometimes follows a copious draught when the stomach is empty. But there is another effect of the caffeine it checks the too rapid consumption of nitro- genous matter in the system, and thus, while not nutritious in itself, it possesses an indirect nutritive value. This, and its mildly stimulating character, have made it the chosen drink for breakfast, and a staple supply for the army and navy. Five hun- dred million pounds of coffee were imported into the United States last year. To the chemist, coffee and tea are much the same thing. Their two alkaloids- caffeine and theine â€" are indistinguishable the one from the other. Each also contains a volatile oil. The difference to our taste is doubtless due to subtle qualities which the chemist is unable to detect. While, however, coffee checks waste, and is a virtual food, the same thing cannot be said of tea, the specific effect of which is to quicken respiration and the vital functions generally. Both these drinks are liable to dangerous abuse, but those who over-indulge in coffee are few compared with those who drink tea to excess. In both cases the injurious effect is due as much to the volatile oil as to alka- loids. " It is an every-day experience in the out patient departments of the large hospital- for sufferers toapply for the relief of syu'p- toms reasonably attributable to the abuse "f tea. Either from excess of tea, or for som other reason, she loses her appetite, ai-i gradually comes to loathe food. In this • .\ tremity, she seeks solace in the cup, aud thus increases the condition she is already bewailing. She applies for, medical aid. and, it is needless 'to say, usually scorns the suggestion to go without tea." -V A"PutandCaU." The is a funny phrases to the uninitiated, but all the brokers understand it. They use it when a person gives a certain per cent, for the option of buying oi selling stock on a fixed day at a price stated on the day the option is given. Is is often a serious oper- ation to the dealer, but there is a more ser- ious "put and call" than this: when you are " put " to bed with a severe cold and your friends "call " a physician. Avoid all this by keeping in the house Dr. Pierce's Golden Medcie^ Discovery. The great cure for pulmonary and blood diseases. Its action is marvellous. It cures the worst cough, whether acute, lingering, or chronic. For W^eak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short Breath, Consumption, Night-sweats, and kindred affections, it surpasses all other medicines. Mrs. Jefferson Davis declines to accept a Jeff. Davis fund that was to have been raised by popular subscription. " A Word to the Wise is SuflBcient." Catarrh is not simply an .inconvenience, unplesant to the sufferer and disgusting to others â€" it is an advanced outpost of ap- proaching diseaie of worse type. Do not neglect its warning it brings deadly eyils in ite train. Before it is too late use 'â- Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It reaches tbe seat of the ailment, and is the only thing that will. You may dose yuurself with quack medicines 'till it is too late â€" 'till the streamlet becomes a resistless torrent. It is the matured invention of a scientific physi- cian. " A word to the wise is sufficient." And now it is decreed that it is no longer dainty to eat grapes with one's fingers. Yon must have a grape holder. Many men «t many minds Uany pills of rarioua kinds. But tor a mild, effeotiye, vegetable purga- tive, you had better get Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets. They cure sick head- ache, bilious headache, dizziness, constipa- tion, indigestion^ and bilious attacks; 25 cents a vial, by druggists. " Papa," asked little Johnny Fangle. "what is a legal blank " " A legal blank. Johnny," replied Fangle, " is a lawyer who never gets a case." Whenever your Stomach or Bowels eret out ot cr der, causing BiUousneas, Dyspepsia, oi lodigetUon and Uieir attendant evils, take at onoe a dose of Di Oanon's Stonuudi Bitten. Best family medidDe All DragRiats. 60 oente. Are we to suppose that when a man is ab- sorbed in a book that it is printed on blot- ting paper. €oli no more. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters £. T. W, are stamped on each drop. The first pliable of Bismarck's autograph is always illegible, but he can plainly make hisinarck. Hub 1 CiocsH Curb cures in one minute. Becanse we pronounce "would" thus, toood, it does not follow that we pronounce " Gould "yood. Peo^e who an subject to bad bnath, foul ooaled lonpie, or any disoider ot the StonuKdi, can at onoe be nUeved by naiiiK Dr. Oanon's Stomach Bttlen, the old and tiled nmedv. Ask voor Dnmlst. The man who married his ideal for his first wife is looking about for a woman for his second. Onieaiissa Hab Rbhswbb reetons grey and faded haiT to its natural color and prevents fallinK pnt The man who indulges in "horns" may be expected to go on a toot. Ocean Steamship Passeiucers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. In regard to sleigh-riding, make your hay before the sim shines. A Care fsr Brwske*mess, The opiom liabit, depeomanla, the morpliine habit, nervous prostration caused by the nae of tobbaoo, wakefolneas, mental d epi ee sl on, sotteninf; ot the bnln, etc., prematun old age, loss ot vitali^ caused by over exertion of the brain, and loeaof natunlstrength from any caose wliatever. Hen â€" yoong, old or imd- dle-agedâ€" who an broken down from any ol the above causes, or any cause notvtentiontd oteiie, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Iiubon's Treatise, in book form, tf VitMUti cf Mmn. BoAs sent sealed and secure tram obeervation. Addn«X. y. LOBOS, 47 WelUistoa stmt East, Toronto, Ont A. P. 387. G flWB B«DLKK nmPBCnOM â- â- Â« IBSV OooMiltiiig Bngineen and SoUciton ol Ateato. «^- TOKOHIO. O. O. Ross. Chief Engineer. A. Faassa. See'y-Inas. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savlnss Co. iHCOBlVKAnD 1865. 8uke«rlbed Bapltal SS,SM.«M PaM-ap Capital 8,SM,«M Keserve VwmA 1,18«,«M Teua Assets •,MI,«U OmcB :â€" Co.'s Buujdiob, Tobosto St., Tobohio. DEPOSITS received at ocmnt rates of interest ptid or compounded half-yearly. DEBEMTUBES iaened in Currenoy or Sterling, Witt interest compons attached, payable in Canada or in England. Executors and Tmstees an authorized b; law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. H9NET ADVANCED on Real Estate aeonrity al cnmnt rates and on favorable conditione asto npay- men*. Hortages and Uunicipal Debentures pnrohaaed. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. FMSAMALFERTEIZEE AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREEMAN, Sole Agent for the Dominion of Canada for ROWLIN GO'S FERTILIZERS. Send for Ciiculan and price to W. A. FREEMAN, Dealer in Builders' Supplies, nAMiLToiir, ONT. MERCHANTS BUTCHERS ABTD TKADEKS CENEBAU.T. We want a eoon man in your locality to pick u for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Addroas C. S. PAGE Hyde Park, yermont, U.S. Toronto Silver Plate Go. KAHnFACnrBBBS OP THB HISHBST OBADB OF SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL GOODS GVABAflTTEED. TORONTO. â-  IADIE8' Drees aud Mantle cutting by this new and improved TAILORS' SQUARES. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments worn by adies and children. PROF. SMITH, 349} Queen St. W., Toronto. Agents wanted. Desiring to obtain a Busineas Eduoatiou, or become groflcient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at- md the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge gtraet, Toronto. For fliroulars, etc.. Address 0. O'DEA. Seontary. COLD IN THE HEAD, Hay Fever, etc., can posl- tlTCly be cnred. A Blew method. A mediq^e Ewranteed to e«re. No cun no pay. If you ve tried other nmedies that failed to cure, you will not be disappointed in this. For full particulara address. M. V. EOBON. 47 WelllBgt«A St. E., Toronto, Canada. Send tOc in stamps for oook " Treatise on Diseases of Man ' Piles I SAUSAGE CASINGS. BEST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also B-.1 ,_.f?*"" ^°P CasioMi. QnaUty guannte« In lota to suit parcAasers. Write for pricee. JAaPARK SON. Allan Line Royal laU Steamglilpr. Samng daring winter tnai Portland STSiy Thnnday " 5?"*^«T"'W Saturday to Urerpool. and in nm mer from Quebec ereiy Saturday to UTerpooI, oalUM at Lottdondeny to land mails and passengen Is Scotland and Ireland also from Baltimora, via HSU tez and SI John's, N. F.. to Liverpool fortnlgfallr daring summer months. The sleamen ot the Cysi |ow Ones sail during winter to and tram HalUSr. Portland, Boston and PfaHadelplila and daring josa mw between OUwgow and Montreal weekly GUkow ^l^Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Rdlads^pUi toitnightly Fjpr freight, passage, or other ntonutton wply M A. Sohnmaoher 4 Go.. BalUmon B. Ounard ftOe. Halifax Shea Co., St John's, NfkL; Wm. Ihoau son ft Co., St. Jcdm, N. Aen ft Co., OhloiM Love ft Alden, New York H. BonrUer, ToroSs Allans, Raefft Co., Qnebee; Wm. Brookie, Philadtl phia: H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Colonists' Trains. Canadian Pagifig RAILWAY Will runScttlere' Trains to all points in -- MANITOBA, THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific ' ast. Leaving Toronto, N. N.-W. Station, Brock Street, at 9 p.m., TUESDAT, FEB' 28TE, I and every Tuesday thereafter during March and Aj^ril 1i A colonicit deeper will be attached to these trails. Make early application to aeent for what cars aM berths you will require. 33-feet cats supplied tor colonidts' movables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further informa- tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT no King Street West, Toronto, i J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER !0 KikgS^East TORONTO. p EUABLE BATALOGUE FREE Our lUustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Culr'vators'l Guide FREE. It contains all the latest novelties andl standard Tarieties of Garden. Field, and hLfJWi-Rl SEEDS. BtlLBS. ETC. Every Market Gardener. Florist.l Farmer and Amateur should consult it before purcha'^intj.r Our stock is fresh, pure and reliable. Prices reasonable. I J. A. simmERsI SEED MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS 147 King St. East, Toronto! INSTANT REIEF FINAL CURE. Send your addrees and ten cents in stamps for Book " Treatise on Diseases of Han." Address H. T. LUBON. 47 WelIin( E., Toronto, Out. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past J fifteen yeiirs, with grreat success, in the treatment ol j nervous debility, and all diseases arising from ex- I oessee, orer-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ean, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, 91 per box, or 6 boxes for 95, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. S9.99 IN TO BE (SIVEiSi AWAY iBordnr to Introdnoe my Nursery mocii r^miHcti- «attheT7alt«(l Statea hU' CaDa.:a. f n-ill civ- •i.viiy KJHpjn In gold a- follows, tri tbt? imrtieii '•â- uiline: n»« ItXhree Cent C'anadiui i^r '1 Two Ont Ai»r).-»a PoBta«e Rtampe for auy one of tt\f fujIowltiE '-« Iik tJon of plants ot Iralbs. wnlcjj will be ««nt n iii«i (IKterpftldl, In ApxU next, and tniaranteed to vrlv* na gaoA condition J*iB.l.â€" 4 Hiirdy K'iHe!). t. â€" 9 ETt-rbluomlnjC R4*iteii. S. â€" t Hardy Cllnikliig Itoaea. 4.â€" a DatalliiK. .â€" S Gladiolaf. %,..* Hardy Grapr Vlnra. T. â€" a Kaapberrlfo. 4 earlc. hlnrli nntt rwA ••â€"to Strawberry l*lMntH.4 i-li»lr« kinala. Anietters with •tnmps -vrluwiA uriroiiuo-ted .t»'»». Car plants, vUl lie nniubcrt'd a» tliiv i^oum (•â-  haaiU â- â- d the nandars of tb flr$; thirteen haDdrctd lattais' vUl recalTis clfts a fullowo tat. â€" 9S30 tad.â€" lUO Srd.^ M «tk.â€" 3« Uh.- M The nisf The next The next Tbe next 80. »t*t rarb- 40. A rarh. 4I.S. -t p.-x-h. K'^CI. I rMrb. After BO thotiaand letter* tiHve txtsn n«»'T«d iâ€"da i I of the nvzt fieven bundrel lettnra «t£ oaire gUtm as f uUowti tb* ••B ASBBTS wAmnv AddiMS^ OTCki 0T«t the anttia pp. Whm Brf adinw^"^* Ywuit U At mii^tci btfer* â€" â-  Mamma triti all thtresU ,„ ,^. ^{k*Hum»tP»th*best, \tffmm, •Omm« ttr brtad U tk» wkOat, tmiu^ tk* AadwmtaUtHtfameatmtktOarettH^iaivm. Biff nEBBEADHAMEirS YEAST. PRiafiCENTSL lat. â€"•«».' •â- d.â€" IM .trd.â€" K 4tk.â€" ^t« »â€" «» The next 10, 915 nrh. Ihe iiexl lii, 10 e.-ii-h. â- Â»he nvxl 44». 5 'n-h. The iHXI 4t«, « earb. The next .MiO, 1 e.-ich Aftar 100 tbrnsiuid latter^ hav« b*pr. recvivud the nndanof th«aextous tbousaud lett«ri will r-caiva (tft* -ui toUow* |H£ QreateskDit. oovery of tl» ,. jntMre for Raac ;IiATWa THI Bowsu OnniNs all Bi«ot, landKoKSTGon ITS. A Perfert ..i Purifier. Afev Hamilton who havt 1 benefited by ib Mrs. M. Keenan Robert SL, cnreo Erysipelas of twr un' standing ;Robl Jtnell, 24 South St., -itighter oared ot Bp leptic Fits after sl (S* suffering; Jen BirrelL U Wa|aa» HI I â-  ^. â€" vir^jsr- °" « Weak. â- MM and ImiK TMmhIe Joha Wood, 96 CatboaH SL, oniad o( Uver Oo mpl s lnt and BUtonwess, nsed ooly t flftr^SBt boMss: Mrs. J. Baal. 6 Annsla BL, traaUtd far ysais with Vorroiii PnsMlaa, tws â- MB boMfiss gave fear mat nUsI BoMatHaln. BLOOD J SYRUPY I anis S. 4 xul5_ Kt HiidS. •â-  la. II uadl*. SiaaaaehiTlie ni*Ti V !i' -neb tS eneli TU« next l.l. Ii* i-ncb Saeiu-li Tbe next. till. :!-:ieb CS «»cb Tb« uextlM.t. I -:ich Altar in thousand letteni have lienn r-oceivd. iha •"•dac* af tbe oazt eleven hundred and nine lttars «II laoatva gifts an follows I „„_. ».SI0lleieh{Tbe next |ns:i^-»eb S 7a ear.tirt'be ifxl ?.t |0 .*Hrti Snnd4 SeeaeliThe liit,'B»S i -MrU Thenaztt eaeliTbe unxt 4*» I -iM-b y pnraon may .end any i:omber of tlmefi for nDf n •••'•vr aaUecnnnii. M aeau extra i* imnt, I will cend tn Airli a Jl«t of tba names of al! perHona who ara entl- U prti Uwl to tk« Kiam. A» • atmei luvpetromt tbU wlil not fcr ray, but mv d 'up H trade t asiplo} no htreut:* bu d.-a! direct oiui and nan mill and deltynr ^ivk ti aas part Unttad lUata* or Onua-la. elt'jor t.y mall, rw VrwUrat. at about ona-ball tbe prii » ohurited .er Knr«»ryinea tbroOKh a|re»«. ilab dm a waataand I wlH quota yoa prioaa.. MaDttna all laua f'iiS**.*. â-  ?;?p^ m^^ ^ifintt; i. LAHMCR. r

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