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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Mar 1888, p. 4

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 ' 'â- :fB^' â- '--i. "S Ri :• " ;:.'â- 'â- ' '^V^S^'^^S^-^" i i- .^- (mat65a anbav^ C. W. Hutledge, Proprietor. MATtTTnAT.Tg, MAB. 1 1888. INCORPORATION. The question of ineorporation has V been the principal topic for a week past. A deputation sensisting of Messrs. Wm. Brown, W. J.McFarlaud, Win. JLncas, Geo. M. Haskett, W. A. Brown and 0. W. Butledge, waited on the Private Bills committee of the Ontario Legislature in Toronto last week with a petition signed by one hundred and nineteen ratepayers ask- ing for a special Act to incorporate Markdale as a town. A contra petit- ion with some twenty signatures was presented, b; Mr. McOuUough ac- companied with an affidavit from Samuel J. Coleman to the effect that said S. J. Coleman had recently tak- en a proper census of the village and that the population of the village and terri- tory of the proposed town of Mark- dale was seven -hundred and twenty and not more.^ Tl^is affirmation was considered glaringly incorrect in as much as none of the members of the deputation then present (witn many ethers) had been visited by said S- J. Coleman in reference to finding the number of their household, and even the names of all the deputaticn (each of which are heads of families) were not to found on this sworn census. Notwithstanding this fact, the depu- tation were not in a position to then take a correct census in order to rebut the above affidavit, thus it went to a vote and was lost by the chairman of the committee voting twice. â€" We may here say the chairman has a ris^bt to vote always with other members, and when there is a tie, he has of course the caBting vote. â€" The deputation however had the privilege of amend- ing the bill, which they did making it -read Village instead of Town, and trimming of a small portion of ter- ritory on the north, and the Bill thus passed since without a division, so that the village incorporation comes into effect on the first of May 1888. This we believe is preferrable after all, as the village will have all the privil- eges and powers of a town and be re- lieved from the cumbersome municipal machinery, as five members is all that is necessary for a village while eleven is required for a town, thus it is all for the better that the Bill was burked, even by false witness. Standard Correipondenee. Mr. Delan^ is home for m few days MisB M. Darcy is home from To- ronto. Mrs. Hastie is visiting Mends in Hamilton. Mr. J. Reed is visitmg his sister, Mrs. E Hunt. Mr. Isaac Elder who had his hand Beverly mjured a few week ago, is improving. Mrs. Delaney has been seariously indisposed for the past week. Our Poet, while laboring under the delusion that the late warm ^ell was the first appearence of spring wrote a poem entitled "The first Robin." His friends are of tlie opinion he is color blind and saw a jay, hence we will not publish it. Froton StaUon. A very successful toa-meeting was held in the Presbyterian church here last Friday evening. Abundant pro- vision was made by the good ladies of the congregation for the wants of the inner man, after which an excel- lent programme wbs rendered, consist- ing of musical selections by the Dundalk Glee Club, and appropriate addresses by several gentlemen among whom were Mr. Morgan, Dundalk J. W. Henderson, Esq., Toronto; A. R. Fawcett, Flesherton Mr. Spurr and Kev. Mi. Ross, Dundalk Rev. A. Wileon, Markdale and the chairman Rev. Mr. Coll. The pro- ceeds were satisfactory and at the courteous suggestion of Mr. Haines a subscription was taken up and in a short time sufficient was reaUzed to wipe out the remaining debt on the church. Com. Has Many Wives. NOTE AND COMMENT. ^Haltott county votes on the repeal of tho Scott Act to-day Thureday. â€" In spite of the strenuous oppos- ition of Prof. Gregg, the Presbytery of Toronto has approved by a large majority of the proposal to amend the Westminister Confossion of Faith so as to obviate the necessity of excom- municating men who marry a deceas- ed wife's sister. â€" Seven divoice oases will come be- fore the senate at Ottawa this sessioD. â€" An extensive '^ud very successful revival of religion has been in pro- gress in Ottawa since early in January •under the laborsof Rev. Mesars.Cross- Jey and Hunter, eTaugeUsta* Seven hundred and eeventy-five have pro- fessed a determination to lead a new life, Sir. John A. Maodonald, the pre. mier among the number. â€"At St. Thomas, on Monday^ twenty city hotel-keepers pleaded -quietly to a second offence against the Scott Act and paid $100 fine and costs. Two otbers paid $fiO -and -costs each for a first offence. â€" ' ^â€" ^^ Tne Ontario Hotel, Chesely, was 'burned on Tuesday of last week. Mt. Forest Presbyterian have ad* opted the use of tlie Hymnal in their church by n rote of lfi5 i^r and .78 jj^vust.- /•â-  ;..;â- _"' v; "' ^: '^â- Mi^ â-  i-m^ Meaford cor. in Empire. A well-laid plan which if successful would have resulted in life-long misery to one of the persons interested has been frustrated in an almost providential manner. It appears that a raan who gave his name as John Scott, and who is a tanner and currier by trade has been working at Carson's tanner here since November last and boarding in the house of a man named Mexlow. The servant girl at the boarding house, who is about 22 years of age and of rather prepossessing appearance, was approach- ed by Scott with a view to matrimony, and his advances not being repelled, love ran smoothly until the early part of this week, when Scott asked leave from his employers ostensibly to go to Guelph for a trunk, which he claimed to have left there, but in reaUty to leave with the girl and get married. This fact coming to the ears of one of the employmen in the tannery, and who had a shght knowledge of Scott's char- acter, led to his exposure, and it was learned that the name he went by here was only an assumed one, his proper name being Douglass. It was further learned that Douglass, some twenty- four years ago, had married a woman who is yet ahve and hying at Brantford. A few years after the first marriage he assumed the name of Scott, apd while working at Owen Sound married a girl ihere, who afterwards hved with Judge Morgan's family in Newmarket, and went from there to Toronto with the family, where she now resides. Scott or Douglas, as his name is, was inform' ed that communications was being held with -the family of Judge Morgan, and he immediately made preparations for departure, leavine* Meaford on foot on Tuesday last at noon, proceeding to- wards Owen Sound, as no attempt has been made to follow and arrest him he will doubtless continue on his career of bigamy. He is of rather a pleasant ap- pearance, smooth shaven, which gives him an appearance of youtii which does not belong to him, his head is almost bare of hare, has sharp features, is not addicted to any of the vices kindred to men, such ab drinMng, smoking or swear- ing, and in ever particular ^cept the one indicated is rather an exemplary character. It is possible he may have other wives living than the two mention- 1 ed, as some 3 or 4 years ago. when working for one Davis, of King, a message wag received by that gentle- man from Tiyerton to have Scott ar- rested for bigamy. He was for nearly two years in Guelph before coming to Meaford, and if he alioweol his propensity sway while there probably another wife only-in-name may be found there. He gives his age as 41 years, bat those who know him b^ place the figore op in the fifties. The;piU3c shoold be on the lookoat for him, and want-to-bo-ipaRied yoQi^Qiioidgidscfll^diQ^ ALL KINDS Neat//, Cheaply, Prom- ptly, at the STANDARD OFFICE, MABKDALE. Known as the Mansin^ » village of Markdair^" llhh of March, for pL?^ oS C. REYNOLDS, iS^^ .j;?^ W. J. McFARLAND -IS â€" Offering Big Drives â€" â€"IN â€" ^â- .;-- Men's and Boy's Over- coats. "Women's and Child- ren's Mantles, and all woollen goods. Don't buy a dollars worth until yon ex- amine FYlYRrLttYiiYDY^ Sweeping Bednctions. W. J. McFAUND, Direct Importecc, MARKDALE. CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. W. B£NGOUGH, Artist and Editof. mUEI WKSKLT. $» a Year) $1 for 6 Montbi. GRIP is inerekdoK in inflnence and popnUritjr mery year I It is a sapreme honsehoUi lavorite, irhile every Folitidan and Professtonal and Business Man enjoys the clever hits which appear in every issue. Subscribe now I See oar Preminm and Clubbing liM. GrcnlarsglT' iagfiill particulars sent free. «VLook out for Grip's Comie Almanae tut 1888. Price 10 cents. Addkbss, CMf PUBIISHIIG CO. TOROKTO, OJOt MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. • SEEDS. Our Import of Field and Garden Seeds from England will arrive early in March. Druggist Seedsman, DURHAM. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. LiNOTICE TO CREDITORS, ",â- *' «i t{~j 'r In the Matter of JAMES GEORGE ANDERSON of the ViUage of Mark- dale, in the county of Grey, Merchant. Notice is hereby given that the above named JAMES GEORGE ANDER- SON has made an Assignment to me under the proyisious of Chapter 26 of 48 Victoria Ontario Statutes, of ali his estate and effects in trust, for the benefit of his creditors. A Meeting q( the Creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will be held at the Law Offices of Bain, Laidlaw Co., Imperial Bank Buildings, Wellinsfton Street East, Toronto, on Tu^sdat, the 6th day of Mabch 1888, at three o'clock in the afternoon, for the appointment of In- spectors and giving of directions with reference to the disposal of ths said estate. All creditors of the said estate are hereby required to file their claims with my Solicitors, Bain, Laidlaw Co., Toronto, as directed by said Statute, on or before the day of such meeting. After the 20th March, 1888 I shall proceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to puch claims as I shall have notice of,tmd I Bhallnot be responsible for the assets of said estate or any part thereof, to any per- son or persons whose claim or claims shall not have be^i filed. Toronto, J-eb., 23rd, 1888, Ifours, etc., JoHK Rowland, Trustee. Bain, Laidi,aw Co., Solicitors for Trustee. J, F. Ho Will Friday â- PHYSICIAN, snEGE0H,4e.,L." Hand Ce^r^, be at Berkeley every T„ afternoon from one t^Ja- FARM F^R salT Lot No. 4, on tlie 12;b con nf u 2i miles from iluikdale ' "Pl" °^^-^" GEORGE LlcSA FARM FOR SALE. Lot No. 2 of 6 cou. I, West of r road, Bentinck 50 acres, 20 mwT!!!' balance part swamp, part harfi house and frame stable. Terms a^l application. »™imMd 380-9 Joseph Yocso. TraTorsioJ STRAYED. To the promises ..f D. J, Lewi, lots 8, St. Vmcent, about the 1st Nowmbe^i two sheep. The ownpr is refiuested toâ„¢ j)roperty pay charges and take tbem. D. J: LEWIS, Blantyie, P,( 387 90 Dress Mantie Maklri 1" BEG to inform tho Ladies of Msrlfc and vicinity, that I am now prep8."ed I do all kinds of Dress A Mantle Makiiif my residence on Mill JStvoot. Perfect faction guaranteed.' Terms reasonv, Yonr attention is especially ealleil to i ^^Dressmakers Magic Tailor system of cutting. I'nose desiKimJ learninfT to cat by this system cso do so i moderate cost by applyin;? to me, as 1 1 sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This eji is the only one now in use by the first u city dress and mantle makers, try it i be convinced. 375-101 MES. 'WM. LITTLEJOESS, FARM FOR SALE. LOT 131 cm 3 -west of T. S, Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 1 eh'ar of stumps anci stones, balance i hardwood bush Five miles from Ma'ti and four from Flesherton, For furtlierp ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesk ton P. O. or J. J, Thompson, Orilla. 34II -THE â€" The ISost Popular Scientific la fha World. ESTitBLISHED 1845. Weekly, 13 a Year. 8150 for i Months. This unriTalled periodical, which has i pubUshed by Muna Co. for more r forty years, continues to maintain it« reputation for excelence, and enjoyi largest circulation orer attained by wj* tifio publication. Every number contJ sixtcefi large pages, beautifully pnntea, i antly lUustrated it presents m r style a descriptire record of the «no» interesting and important advancei in bOQ ArtB and Manufactures. It shows tne f gress of the world with respect to ^e«w coveries and miproTemonts, â„¢.'"*|^ Machinery, Mechanical Works, Engui» in all its branches. Chemistry, Me»u Electricity, Light, Heat, Architectnr^ estic Economy, Agriculture, Natnnu /^ 'The Scientific American sl"^^^^l place in every Dwelling, Shop. 0^r^\ â€" â-  en, Foremen, I'lPTI Superintendents, Directirs,^^ "fei^f or Library. Workmen, Foremen, r-"^i Superintendents, Directors, "^^^\ Officials, Merchants, Farmers, i«*^| liawyeta. Physicians, Clergjaen-^mm every walk and profession in uie.w â-  satisfaction and benefit from a regnl»' "^f ing of Tne Scientific American. ^.\ Tbt IT.-It will bring you va^wb ;^ ° •. «-iil make i subscribe for your sons-^t ^^jTia manly and self-reliant snbscn^* j wo^l-men-it wfll please and as^^^^ kbor BubBoribe lor your fa|?nf ,;,t lii»| SOOTNIII, ClCAlitiit, KCALim. mJSm urwm likely to give them a pmelcalj^ jg^l Tea4, |l a year 51.S0 six month.. ^| by Postal Order or Check. MUNN CO.. PubUBhew. J 361 Brodway,^ PATENTS Any perwn who has made «\ ^^1 and desires to know "hetber i ^^^e «* j new and patentable, can obton ^^ eeminethe name, frefof charge^ J^ to MOHM A Co.. publishers «' ""V,?? the pwt forty three Tea« »€«- i...! Mm-Ml on as a brancb oiu- Many than on? ""• h.T^ oMried on as a bmcu^- ^^ Uie obtidxtiiig of patents. TCliaMe inventions have thtOBffb their agency. and drawing- for mow -â€" k.^ fhooomd .ppUoations for Fa»» obtt^ aadethiough^thkoffiw. P^^ B** C»n»da«ndaU other 05 V Ik »bo«t patents sent »««• j^rf. A«dMM.XUNN^ CO., w* ri^Mi^-^M: " y^ii imM â-  4- .s^feii fi^'t-sM:'M»^ i~2^^tiisM^ ^^^m bnl "f^ iheMcmtnal Star. .^i: y^al sarwoes conda J^OaBter and Eev. M r^g the past six weeks i^Jiion Methodist Ch ^Tmae to have been brc ttbej liave excited in aU ,^yhss been great, a •J2 by the fact that Sir J( '^j^abdonald bave been a Ln 88 two and three time ,-ded to tl»» '^^'â- ^ "'" °^ Lons were shut out. Two pews, however, reeerv care from the pressing n watched with eager iutei Tery perceptible tlirill weat aodifince as the Premier a Ronald, with Lieut.-( #dney and Mrs. Dewdney, pernor Aikins and Mrs. QiiftB. Watson and other tewd the church, and proci them. During the coursi iminary exerciRCs, your cc J earned that the ev jched with Sir. John, wher all sincerity that he had es a change of heart. His we ,tures wore a rather seri labled expression as he w seat. He took part in tb( ith earnestness, and thos^ jighborhood, who were obsei rere not surprised when, iu a a appeal by Mr. Hunter tha ished to become Obristians the prayers of the Hudier id up, the Premier of the whose name has so long t lym of iniquity iu manj ninds, arose with his lea distinct sensation. Ltjtor the pastor of the ebu IT. Mr. Carson, made a fhicb be said had been his s€ for two days, to the efiec igelists be besought to r ittawa another week, althoi due in Belleville almost ly. One thousand, nan: Carson, had been sent f quiry room, and ot those I If belonged to denominatio the Methodists. T}iree idiotty had been added to i lificbnrob alone. The speai ;bt at Sii. John in r me gentleman in the au ud the motion, aud tbi .teaman did it. The question, "All who lo iught Sir John to his f angelists decided on the sp lain. The collection for tb| Qonnted to $500, contrib cderstauding that it shou! verend gentlemen who rge of the services. I MttiTA,Man., Jan.28.â€" We i through the storm of the i 'wst, settlers say, since 188: »TO reason to be thankful tl 9 been cast in a land whew tso severe or of such ^Oie of Minnesota, Dakota, idjwnicledinyoarlast las «!• Bar weather in Son1 ^l».fc properly adiosted "Rbt^ays and beautiful ^H.uid atmosphere cl '"'•wig. â€" The balance oi Ibwt busy fame with â„¢rting their last year's •ttemwillnotbedone Râ€"This Sonris Ri^ ' R^Bat inducement to from Ontario or £r â- y. The land is gc 'like that from Coi -J|***6f oanbehad any l^rirerby^ digging tei '*« river isa fine stres » a large quantity « Iw home steading u J^"»»ihip4,6aBd6,in ra J^^ without settler i*?^**® within eas'f ^^^towB of Melit J^tores, school and i blaeksmit th,^?*- Wehaveal J5*- btil expect j!^o»*o«»pack. -^^^ Poddahas nuuxiagc • â- Bpiesentinfi Co., Mo3 '•Bd did some •*arriaq1 r»B.A., *mM- •-.^^^^'A^J^.^^gaJi^^Sa liM^A iMi

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