A Is. P E Ilic ed nd as 1©. est nd 2fy di-es ents lets, 3ers, c. icial â- atecl TLQSt I ill be H ^pmpfiiiP ys-*+- t:^s lA. •i!^: bers all present. Minutes of last council read aud confirmed. $4.00 charged to A. Melntyre. for statute labor of bis sons, struck of the roll, as tbese 3'ouug men were volun- teers iu Her Majesty's service. Thetreasarer was directed to remit to the treasnrerofArtemesia,$2.82 being Eupbrasia's share for drawing deeiis, registration and postage, Hugh Walton re. Euphrasia and Ai temesia. The treasurer was instructed to to pay to several parties mentioned in the resolution the amount placed op- posite their names therein for labor at lot 29, con. 9, repairing culvert »nd railing. Total amount being $22.00. 1 Tlie reeves orders were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows, viz â€" John McKenzie, $10.00, relief for K. Foley indigent; George Julian, $4.50, plank for bridge James Gard- ner, $24,50, work ou Charters Hill con. 3 James Caruthers, $63.25, James Seabrook, $4.00, burying dead horse; Geo. Mathewson, $2.00 re- pairing culvert on 5th line â- David Millar, $2.90, repairing road scraper. Council adjourned until 23idDec. E. DuNLOP, Clerk. Aurassâ€" A •Ssax WoKAy's Fii»kur. Sevenl w»ks beaaag umaae titka. written in fascinating style, and giv^ evidence of wondeifid imaginative pow- er have lately been received by the le^mg poblic with much popnlMitv and pleasure. ' Perhaps the most striking of them is the book bearing the odd titie of "She." In this the author has faurlv outdone himself m his popular Une. Ayesha and her beloved Kallikrates are unique characters in fiction. Ayesha, the hero- ine, is a beautiful creature who tasted of the essence of nature's forces at the fountain head, and became immortal. Her patient waiting for the coming of Kallikrates, the beloved of her yonth, whose individuaUty was mamtained through centuries, though the change called death regularly occurred, only to be followed by rebirth, is a fine iUustra- CASUAL A^DV^IITISEMENTS. ^*o one tnek apace Mb /or om week «1 for four weela. rrr^ rr«F Dress â- iantle iWgking 1BEG to inform the Ladies of Markda]« and vicinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle MkkiB(r at my residenee on MaiiStreet. Peifeet satis- ^etion gmiranteed. Terms reasonable your attention is especially called to my ' Dressmakers REagic Scale** Tailor system of catting. Tbose desiroos of learning to cut by this system can do so at moderate cost by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system 18 the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makers. Try it and be convinced. 376-88 MES. TVM. LITTLEJOHKS. OWEN SOUND I MARBLE WOMTS -Jft M Mpil t niwJky H. B. HARAlSlfN MAHUFACTUltER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES }JaniUs, Furniture ^larbie, Se, FARM FOR SALE. Euphrasia, OpeninffoftlieB'ewXetliodlst Clrarcli at Epplnff. (FEOM THK MIRROR.) The opening services iu connection with the new Methodist church at Epp- ing w^ere commenced ou Sabbath last, Eev. John Patts, D. D., President of To- ronto Confrence, preached at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. The church was crowded to overflowing at both services. In the morning the reverend Doctor took for his text "I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord," Psalm, cxxii, 4 and in the evening he preached from Ephesians iii, 8, "Untoi me, who am less than the least of all i saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsear- chable riches of Christ." The new church, which is of sohn brick, and which is known as the Mount Hope Methodist Church, stands on the south west corner of lot number 19, con. 4, Euphrasia, (one of the Epping cor- ners), the site, which is a very pretty one, having been generously donated by Mr. Wm. McCnonell who also contribut- ed by a large cash Subscription toward the erection of the building. The church is 28x44 with a basement the full size. The archictural design is of the most modem, and the interior fittings throughout are cheery and attractive and are suggestive of comfort and con- venience. We feel safe in saying that though notthe|largest it is by far the nea- test church in the township if not, in- deed, in any country place in northern artificiallv constructed. Ontario. The bricklaying and plaster ine were done by Messrs Sparling Son of Clarksburg, the wood work bv Mr. James Thompson of Meaford, and the painting by Mr. George Marshall of GriersviUe. The work of each of these contractors is highly creditable to them and is most satisfactory to all concern- ed. The cost of the building so far (the interior of the basement not being yet completed) is 81346,44, but of course this does not include the hauhng of material and other labor performed fratuitously by the members and ad- erents. Of the above amount $207 was subscribed on Sunday morning, ♦700 had been previously subscribed and it is confiently expected that with collections of last and next Sabbath, -when the dedication services are to be continued. Rev. P. D. Will and Rev. Richard Clarke to preach morning and evening respectively, and with the pro- ceeds of the the tea meeting to be held on Monday evening the amount un- provided for will be reduced to consider- j able less than ,$300. We heartily con- gratulate the good people of Epping and vicinity upon this excellent showing, and npon the erection of so beautifid an edifice, and in the words of one of the the hymns selected by Dr. Potts we pray: Here, Lord, display thy saving power, While temples stand and men adore. FARM TOR SALE. OB WHi EXCHANGE POB TOWN OK VILLAOB PBO- PEETY. Being lot 20, Con. 10, Township of Glenelg. 3 mOes from the thriving village of Markdale, and consisting of 100 acres, well watered. On the premises are a hoar e, bam and stable Title indisputable. For further particulars apply to MES. A. MIGHT. Chatsworth, Ont. Chatsworth, Oct. 29th, 1887. 373 tion of woman's fideUtv- Tint tj« a „« »». ion. The closmg scene, when she conducts ^^^Z^'fr'^oZ^l^ •^°* °' that he may taste of immortality, is a fit climax to the fine creation. The question naturally suggested by this strikingly original story is whether there is not somewhere in nature, a po- tent force whereby life may at least be temporarily prolonged. Mrs. Annie Jenness Miller, editor of "Dress" says "In every instance War- ner's Safe Cure has the effect to give new energy and vit ality to all my pow- ers." Mme. Gray, teacher of Oratory and Physical Culture at Syracuse, de- clares "Before I tried physical culture and Warner's safe cure, I was a confirm- ed invalid. I owe much to that excell- ent remedy, and do not hesitate to ac- knowledge it. Human life seems too short, though men in former ages hved longer than those of the present. History tells us that they hved more in accordance with nature's laws â€" their mode of living was extremely simple, and in their daily life they followed the dictates of human in- telligence. If sickness comes, we of to-day, seek the remedy among the artificial forces instead of resorting to the field of nature. If when diseases come, we would con- sult nature, the chances are that we would then treat the cause of such dis- orders. Modern research has shown that most of the commonly known dis- eases owe their origin to the unhealthy state of the kidneys, the blood purifiers of the system, and if they are kept in a healthy state by the use of -Warner's safe cure, a vegetable compound and simple production of nature, much of the prevailing sickness would be happily averted. It is probable that the author of "She" derived many of his beautiful imaginings from close communings with nature, for we are all agreed that what- ever is of or from nature, is more beaut- iful and wholesome, than that which is JUST EECEIVED V i" 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble t3^ Largest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qoar ries in Vermont. AY ill be sold at prices which defy competition. SATtSFACTlOJ/ GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Broiue. H. B. HABKISON FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES t CURE For Scratches on Horses ^: FARM FOR SALE. LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S. Bd. Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres eloarof stumps and stones, balance good hardwood bush. Five mxles from Ma'kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. a. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342-ft For Sale or to Rent. A comfortable dwelling house and lot in Markdale. formerly occupied by Geo. Wright. Terms reasonable. Applv to JOHN M. DAVIS, 376-79 Vandeleur. STRAYED. From the premises of Wm. Carbert, lot 14, con. 2, Holland, about the middle of May last, four, yeajrlings, two steers both red one mnlly, two heifers one li^ht red with white spots and one nearly all white. Any person giving such infor- mation as will lead to their recovery wiU be suitably rewarded. 376-91 WM.CABBEBT.Harkaway.P.O XKaxwell. J Standard Correspondence. Everyone is wishing for more snow- Xmas without snow appears to be re- pulsive to nearly every person. A slight fall would give us splendid sleigh- ing. Miss Tilly HamUn and Miss Annie Heron, who lor some weeks have been very sick, are now recovering. Miss Ella Kerr is spending her Christmas holidays at home. Miss Alice Kerr returned home from Toronto this week. A tea meeting will be held in the Methodist church on Monday evening, Dec. 26th. As arrangements have been made for an excellent program we may expect a good treat. Cordial invitation is given to all to attend. STRAYED. Two aged ewes marked with red on back. Any person givmg such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. JOHN M. DAVIS, Vandeleur. 276-79 TEACHER WANTED. Second or Third class male or female for 1888. Apply stating salary and qualifications with testimonialE to Wm. Cubrt, Sec.-Treas. of School S. No. 9, Euphrasia, Gonng, P. 0. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Porsnant to Section 34 of Chapter 107 of the Bevised Statutes of Ontario, and of Section 1, Chapter 9, of 46 Victoria, Ontario Statutes. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Daniel liOUKheed, late of the Township of Euphrasia in the County of Grey, Teoman, deceased, who died on or about the 29 dJay of September, A. D., 1887, are, on or before the I4th day of January, A. D., 1888, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Christopher Knott of the said Township of Ea- phrasia, Kimberley, P. O. administrator of the said Daniel Lougheed their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securaties (if any) held by them, and that after the day aforesaid the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- card only to such claims of which notice shaU have been given as above required and the said adimnistrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of snch distribution. Dated at Owen Sound this 9th day of December A. D., 1887.: 379-83 CHBiaTOPHER KNOTT. By Creasor Morrison Smith, his Solicitors iTORiTO"10USEl I am offering this week EeadyrMade Glotliiiig, and BOOTS SHOES â€" AT astonisliingly low prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit 'w^oula do well to see mv stock. â- Va.l"ULa."ble Timber Farm s forlae. X. O. Ck s. Letter of Condolenoe. The following reaolntion was un- ammously passed at the last meeting of Lodge No. 141 A. 0. U. W., Maik- dale, Dec. 12th, 1887. To C. W. Rutledge, DsAS Bbotheb. â€" ^We the officers and members of this lodge learning of vo^i^ affliction in the death of your beloved wife, desire to convey to you our warm- est feeling of sympathy inthis.yourtime of sore bereavement. We recognize in this sad event the hand of an tmerring father, on whose almighty arm and all sufficient grace it is your priyilege to rest. And as you journey life's pathway alone and grieve for on* who war ever a kind and faithful wife, bo comforted in ibe thoaght that she reigns anMng the blessed m the better land, that her re- moval wag an act of infinite love, had that the separation is 'â- bat for a little season. To His sure word of promise we commend yon and the dear ones left, praying that he inay 1e a ^fher to the fatherleas and thai he may jnoor into, your sore and WQondedlieatti^iafc need- ed balm which w^ in one foadert symr patby are nnabte io^Eve. Signedinbehaftkttejf^/ SS membM8ofLod.;(el4J:i^^ JggJ^. The qnartley meeting of Grey District Lodge No. 28, Independent Order of Good. Templars, met in Markdale on Monday the 19th when seven subordin- ate lodges were represented. District, Chief Rev. J. J. Noble of Hepworth presiding. Several committees were appointed so that the work of District might be gystematically managed, it being but recently organized. The visit- ing delegates were cordially entertained by the members of Jubilee Lodge here. This lodge gave an entertainment in the evening and tiie hall was crowded to the doors. Thaprogramme consistmg of readings, recitations, vocal and in- strumental music and addresses by Revs. J. J. Noble, A. Wilson, Hosking and Boggin was ably rendered and a very enjoyable and profitable time was spent. This lodge which has been only a few months organized is to be compliment- ed on the grand success of this their first concert as also for the strength and influence to which they have ahready j!*tained Chester White Boar, THOBOnOEBBED for Berrice at James Elliott's farm, lot 1, con. 1 Euphrasia Terms 75 cents at time of service. 377-80 Jamss EiiUOTT. BERKSHIRE BOAR. For service at C. Irwin's premtees, Tovnro TOJfi large breed, from J. G. Snell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree. Terms $1 at time ofseirvice, AI.SO A Yotma Berkshire Boar, won first prize at county show terms 75 cents at time of service. ,^„.,„ 376-81 THOS.jBWIN. FARM FOR SALE. Lot No. 2 of 6 con. 1, West of Garafraxa road, Bentinck 60 acres, 20 acres cleared balance part swamp, part hardwood. Log hsupe and frame stable. .Terms and price on application. 380-9 Joseph Youko, llraverston. BERKSHIRE BOAR. • -Black Pat" Large Breed, from John Snell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree. Terms 91, 372 RDBT. McBRIDJS. Being lots 29 and 30 in the 8th con. of the township of Holland, containing about 840 acres the above land is situated within 2 miles of Berkeley, situated ou the C. P- B. the land is a good loamy soil; almost free from stones and is timbered with â€" pine, rock elm. wat- er elm. cedar, hemlock, spruce, maple, beech, birsh; baswood, butternnt aud tamarac, the laud is well watered, and from its location will make a first class farm. The property will be sold either in one parcel or separately to suit purchaser and will be sold very cheap and on terms to 'suit purchaser. Foi farther partionlars apply to 370 GEO. NOBLE Markdale. Oct, 1st 1887. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES STEPHENS C0U6H KiHG. â€" â€" -^ â€" â€" â€" __ â€" The best compoiwd of Tar and Honey in the World for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tabes, and will have a benefioient eflect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEIX'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 30 cents a bottle. It vtill relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, B.L. STEPHEN, MARKDALE. ALAND HOME STOCK FARM P^rcherom Hones. Flench CoacliHonee* Savage Fftruum, Impor- ters and Breeders of rcr- cheron and French Coach Horse*. Island Home Stock Farm.Grosse Isle, Wayne County Mich. We ofler s very lai^e stud ofhorses to select from, we guarantee our stock« make prices rea- sonable Sftd sell on easy terms. Via^tors always wel* come. Large catalogne bee. Address SftTEge A FaTniii% Detroit MICH. New Tailor. 'W^ill Stoddart, late of England and Jersy Cifcy, U. S. bpgs to inform Um ettizens of Mabkdale and siirroundiBf commuuity, that be hag opened a TAILORI^fG SHOP over Mr. "W. i. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to htzB in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all •work before learing the Shop, cus- tomers may wly on haviug work turned out firsi-claes in every par- ticular truBfctcg that I may receive a fair share of the public patronage X remnin, IWkhfally vour's, VILL STODDAJJT. MasfeSftlei leSMah Xdtb, 1887. SIGHT V. BLE^DISTESS. ^^^^m7/£. IS" CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. fC BENGOUGH. Artist and Editoc. ft a Yeai $i for 6 Moatfaa^ b inflneDoe uid popularity rapreme PoUticiaii aiid Pro fqri onal and Bnsinesi 1 popnli Id Ul-k household faTorite, 8al« SaSlattr. On Wednesday the 28th, December, at .1 o'clock. Mr. Geo. Mostard,- wiU «U .on *»« premises, lot 1. eon. 9, HoUond. aU lus lam slock, implemants, to. Terms twelve Btooths on approved Jo"»t^nota«. W. J. pfipherd8on,aoc^»onee^4m44fMii,aW ^• On Prid»y the SSri at 1 ©'^^.^'J AngW M*ai^ «D1 vieB pn tot. ^J°^ ties. TeriM U motttfu on *Vf^^ notes. 5, %goniikk.^ln«ti«wWv NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby giyen that application will be made to the Legislature of Ont- ario, at the next session thereof, for an Act to mcorporate the uniucorporated yillage of Markdale, in the Gonnty of Grey, as a town and to fix the bonndaries thereof. Dated at Markdale this 6th day of Dec- ember, 1887. WM,BBOWN. on behalf of the applicants. 878-83 GRIT b inCMidDK tntj jmt\ It is a whilai Man «riojs the derer hits which appear in every nsM. StdMeribe nowl Sm oar Premiom and Clnbbing List. Cirodangh^ iiUfcllpatticnlarssent free. JVXaok oat for Grip's Comic Alman»»e f«p Prise 10 cents. AoimBSS, €UP PCBUSmiG €0. TOHONTO, OJraH CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. ^AND â€" 18 JEWIk STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND -:x:- K. JLi. Steplien'ai!, CHEMI8TDBU6GIST, Markdale Has the Agency for th» sale oi the above lii MABEBALE. No Spectacles in the Marketeqiial them in the EYE I'BESEKVtNG QUALITIES they possess, or the GHEAT E.ASE and COS- FOET they confei- on the weai-er. Their use will iu actuality so streugthen the Eyes that it does not become necessary to cba'ttje them for many j-ears. They are therefore the CHEAPKST. LOST. A note of hand drawn in favor of Hamilton Eemqr by Joseph Toong, for 918,10 dne JaBaa(yl889. Any pervbn finding it will oblige by retoming it. All peraons are here- in notified ag^nst pmrduwing aame. -^ 880.3 J^nrH Yooira, IhsaVerston. rpAIVIARAC ELIXIR EOBT. ASKIN, UHBERTAKR, maai furi isHiias •applied «B the shortes notice. TIME TABLS. â€" iWrax'lidale Station â€" â-º 6.47 a. m. 12.0*2 p. m. 3.5i p. IU y.io p. m iot bite at moderate rates. ' â€" Allkicdecfâ€" »• tJ It NX T u BMa 1^ 8t^ at bottom prio^ TBJESEHLAIPS 'Ooliai^aUbJrHipliie. -â- i5^=.v. iC:i?^..^: "