'^^â- F^^^^W^'JW ;; Bi^VO'^*.-*,.^^-. /.:*.:;:V; ,,; ""T^ • -*»iy.- '*» ' g',-v.-.^ |» trust j~, ll«s of caste jT^^ «• British ifc- I System of c.„ :, es. ^nteleatanlK ftfe«tsofth?;J- n-nS^J^ K^TH YEAE.-^-o. 380. V-fl -•? ,i^; "HEW TO THE LIKE. LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY MAY.- Ith ho retires this ensn" l;at Mr. Porter olj I to Mr. Porter's ear, Iman to call upon thi blauation, wbid, con lasionsand sliameless- iTlie result pi J" Ictiou of the trustei lie lowest of contemp-' luses, that even the |ur comruuQity would Tauntage of aa official his hltby spleen upoa I political opponent, lained au unenviable [jcord of civilized cam- action of our school fcorae say the "one Inch the rateapayers Isent were the trustees Jment of their conduct Jur community l;as ItaJiion on its education. Ttliis cause have totallj- those who appointed t all, for the j^ood of his instance have ro- 'az~e the ijinoble souls tlieir carcasses, altho' 18 garb of Christian rustee by his declara- rees to labor for the 1 official cai)acity, and ters to divest himself en and rancour. Let ng attendance at the eetiag, and if we can- e out tlie disgrace, we ie on record our dis- insane freak of trustee rcssed in a little brief anth- [ority:, f what he"8 Most assured,â€" jefore hif,'li heavens, Ligels weep." i^ been responsible, head' ring the past two years, gnize with gratitude his duity as an instructor of mind, and moulder of s his deportment in. )een a moral guide to the own â€" the admiration of le genial companion of outb. The adder sting Is may be uiiknown to to the head mastership iblic school; but shauld ituation under condition, .cement of hi» predecesB- a (log. and bay the moon, 1 ainiserable var^ct." an who has acc6pted the vidently possess gentle- teristics, The position offered to him in good m that gentleman comes 5t he would naturally s reception was greeted j astionable smiles of the Respectfully yours, A PaeeW-.J Dec, 6th, 1887. ith, at 12 o'clock. Jef^j .is farm stock implements. 12. Euphrasia- Mr. Artiejj and will haye a e^rasitj vmg to Markide. im ipi-oved paper. W- J^Sh* eer. e 21st, at 1 o'clock Mr. J#ffl«»| is valuable stock, impleU»J»| 2, Euphrasia, by paWM lust be sold. Teni^_.J ,ved paper. W-J.Shep^"^- ythe28tb, I»««""Li ;. Mustard, ' ««^.'*^^ coa.9.Hol]a.»d..lll"«^l proved joint Botes. W- J ,ctioneer.and;d^'»y««.=*"T the22nd,r**t.»*l"2br| t. Administrator. wiDfVj ,n lot 12. ceo. 5, "Pj^ ,;.. Hay *c. ««*• ^T ar. ly the 21st J*" 4 U his chJitU»» »» J* (; 10, Glenel*. ^**^' ' Noble aa«tioo^- the aoth B^' ^i^i one »â- *!» "^j^i atsAc. H«,i?"J2J^ «r oofc. ^â„¢ iT _â€" AND- â€" â- \0 BLAZES! Xmas, Happy New -â- v: KV.:o\\ is upon us I ou a ])oii.ter where to buy V „ '„„â- ;';. I havi' in stock a fresh -: Sus-'Rvs. iJaisms, Cur- [,'i,l Kvavcrated Apples, 'r.{ every dcHcriptiou. In }i;u-c the largest aud t'.tk ill town, --a,ll and get i'v iicw uucolorcd Jg,pan 1- 11;., sellinji in other 'Iiric'i ifg{)5iEin' €i LASS WAKE ,,;â- ,. tiie leading trade, we' can '!â- â- ' ir., 1.; KARKDAXE, OltfT., DECEMBEB 22, 1887. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. tt Irom %1 to S'iO. X to SIO. Toilet T. In China Setts stock to choose from. w, ciui save you 15 per :ilo added to our stock .1 1.T^.: J st)(-k of Cups, Vasest, |..,,.i,i.Hii).s\ 3higs. Toys, of all ;tioi;s ul'.irli we will sell cheaper tjiiv ciif in town. a«.4ESl CEGAKSI tLaudk a large s^ock of cigars, til- Kuttl's aud private parties 12 to i: t :i box can buy them " dieapcr than they can from ta;er. TE.'iI n?ES Vv'e carry the ai;(l best stock between Orange- uni! Ovieu Sound, you can save tvlivbuyinj,' trom us. Ct'iiectiouary and Biscuits, v; letLelarL'CKt'aud finest stock in \: A full line of Figs, Dates, Oranges, Xnts. 'f every description. liiUe Christie's, Hcssin's, Patte- acil McCcrmick's Biscuits, the bJIaiiufactiirtrs in Canada. iLOUK o: FEED Ford's and Plewes' wiliaiul tlie hanie]jrice, as at the tt-td brau, Sliorts, Screenings, tarn Fiour. Cracked Wheat, o. ialleV.'ripifs Oatmeal, of Owen â- Buckwhijat Flor.r, Pot and Pearl ,, you Liui i;ct those goods fresh :. as Ave ;et a fresh supply each iffil ii.s \\c sell more than all the (tiitlie storei in town, we are in a i-ntoscUit to j-ou, as cheap as. teaeivhaiiij can buy it wholesale IIhERS! OYSTEPvS! FRESH ru; OYSTERS Direct from .the itr's ill Baltimore. Cranberries, ii; Iladdie, Ciscoes, Dulse, from If^c; Shore. Labrador Herrings by fi-.irel or dozen. X)igby chickens 0"C. j)er box. VvlNES .\;D LIQUORS! '-Tfry iiersou ii the county Grey has ft ilic Old Original Belfast ^:E. thtroforc it is not necessary for '.yaiivtliin^ in reguxird to the y- uqiartiucut, however for the ot my numerous customers I ""-dk-iheholidiiv season lasts give cal cut Ui tliosc desiring a drop of tfiK Stiff. Old Irish, Scotch, 5 year old whiskey. Gin, Rum, a lull liu(; of Best Wines. Best â- Ale 5l.-ir per dozen, others no *« '•'â- !;! adverti.so and try to lead yom tevjnii soy tii,.y ].f^yg gQ^ tiig goods, liave uot. A.c buy our Liquors 'ai the distiliery and sell it as I tl^' ' ""â- ^â- . uo adulteration. Pt? -0 earrv a i'ull .stock of Baskets ff^try (lestTiiitioii, Pails, Tubs, Wash- krv.slxs all kinds. Mop holders, ce.. el'cap, dirt cheap. only It.TJCcr in town that I iisoci choice fresh groceries. "' l'-^ ""'-i' "'^P 3'11'i clean every [^' ta^tL'tuliy iii its jdace the town ir/r- -en fiatv.rday evening is all l^rV'"^â„¢'-^- i^i' it is the only PURCHASERS Of IVATC^RES, CLOCKS, JEW^BLEBY, SILVERWARE, Ac, Will find it to their advantage to call at RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelekt OTORF* FLESHEETON, as they will find there the finest best and cheapest assortment in this sec- tion for twenty miles around, suitable FOB VTeddins^ and Xmas Presents. A fine assortment ofLadie's and Gent's GOLU WATCHES. In PICKLE STANDS we have a fine assortment from !$1.35 to $6.00. SILVER BUTTER COOLERS from $1.00 to $7.00. Five aud six bottle CRUETS from $8.40 to $10.00. SILVER NAPKIN RINGS from $30c. to $3.00. A large assortment of SALT DISHES, MUGS. c., at equally low prices. Fine Waltliani, Hampden, Elgin, Illinois and Columbus 'Watches, bearing written warrants from 3 to 6 years, warrants covering all break- ages. Remember we are giving 20 per cent oflf on all cash sales of $1.00 and over up to 1st of January, 1888, now IS the time to call, and always take your watches c., for repair to RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHERTON. Local and Otlier Items. Notices in these columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will be charged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subsequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- tions,. Advertisements, d;c„ must be in this office by noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. ^^i; 'i;p "Wishing lor It IS the can get good fresh at the riuht price toinphm-nts ci the season, laiiain. â- ^riJyyoiTrs, »ival -:- BiiLFAST -:- .HousB. Oe: '^tb Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur -Cleanse the r^t), •ie toilet ^S^^^^^i medicated soap for CHIIXG Mil »0V;;.^, ^^TL.â€" Children axe often i:^"heu worms are the cans©, '•^rm Syrup safely espelb Sati.'.-,,i â- .. "tanf-' 'â- "" "' *^*® favorite purga- ^VSTE sincerely wish. aU our read«^rs A Merry Christmas and a Pros- perous and Happy New Year. Teacheb wanted. See adv. NomNATioM on Monday next. The days now begin to lengthen. Nkm Wednesday is annual school meeting- The first "Empire" is to be out next Tues- .iay, 27th and the weekly .two days later. A communication from "A Teacher" oame too late for this week. The pews in the Methodist church will be re let at 2 o'clock on Thursday the 29th inst. Terms cash in adyanco. The next quarterly meeting of Grey District I. 0. G. T. will be held in Chatsworth on the first Friday in March. The Christmas Tree entertamment at Berkeley, on Tuesday night was a grand success. )â- FiBST dass horse for sale, seren yeiu-s old. Will be sold cheap for cash, or time wiU be given on good endorsed notes. Enquure at this office. The debating dub in connection with Christ chiuch WiU discuss Commercial Cnion on y evening in the chnrch W* ment. The pnblic a« invited to be present. Aconuaunioation mteferenoe to "MarWele Batchelon.' Olnb" is to hand ^-» « ^^^ ti,e6»rk.«« has b«m earned qmte to ^„gh lid decline pubUshmg -.y^ung Tâ„¢ biuiDeBS done in Markdale la^ jesk T-nw HMHiâ€"Thoee iu need ol wufc ^J^^toek, 30.000 r«rt Warnino.â€" Parties having hounds are hereby warned that if they are not kept off my premises I will be obhged to use harsh means of keeping them from hunting my stock. Geo. Ireton, Glenelg. Cheistmab Tree entertainment, in con. nection with Christ church Sunday school will be held in Haskett's hall, on the evening of Thursday Dec. 29th, at 7.30. Admission 15 cents. A new post office has been opened five miles west of Markdale, in Glenelg township called Lanriston. The mails will be forward- ed from Markdale on Tuesdays and Satur- days, the Traverston mail carrier conveying the same. • Odb Bubscribers who live outside the coun- ty will bear in mind that we cannot under- take to continue the paper after your subscri- tion Las expired. Look up your address label and see how you stand. If if reads Jan 88 your subscription is out next week, ' We had a very pleasant call on Wednesday from our old friend Mr. John Hanbury, for- merly of this town, but now a leading whole • sale grain dealer and grocer in Brandon, Man. Mr, H. is accompanied by his wife and two children. They spend Christma." here and return next week. A grand Soiree will be given in Hollaud Centre Methodist Church on the 2nd January, when tea will be served from 6. o'clock, the entertainment consisting of ad- dresses by several reverend and other gentle- men and also music by the choir. A goo time is expected and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission 25 certs. The Anniversary of the Methodist church, Walter's Falls will take place on Christmas Day, and tea meeting on the' evening of the following day. Rev. G. W. Hewitt, B. A., of Meaford will occupy the pulpit at 11 and 6:30 on Sunday. A Christmas tree enter- tainment wUl be held in connection with the tea-meeting on ;Monday evening. ,Ad- mission 25 cents. The cheapest mobning papar in Cakada. â€" The Toronto World is now the leading paper of that city. It is a bright and newsy sheet and should have a wide spread patronage It gives all the news of the day in concis- form, free from bias, Write to them for their Special Terms. Address, the World. Toronto. [Will be clubed with the Stand- ard, both papers to the end of 1888 for *2.J)0 Chbistmas Tbeb.â€" a very successful Christmas Tree entertainment was held in Pleasant Valley church on Wednesday even- ing the 14th inst;, in connection with the Sunday School. The programme consisting of readings, recitations and singing, was well maintained and a spicy and entertaimng address delivered by the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Buggin. The audiance was as large as the church would hold and a very enjoyable evening spent. The Anniversary services in the Methodist church next Sunday, Christmas, promises to be very successful. Mr, and Mrs. Casson will arrive on Saturday and thehr' many .riends willbe delighted to meet them on this auspicioas occasion. There may be a rare treat expected on Monday evenuig, 26th. Eevs. Casson. ShUton !ol Flesherton and Button of Durham will deUver addresses. Music by the choir. Dr. Sproule, M. P.. chairman. Tea from o o'clock, chair taken ate. A tea-meeting was held laist Friday evening at Zion church, Glenelg, when a most eujoy- aUe evenmg was spent. The evening was pleasant and the church crowded. The edibles were first class and in abundance. Mr. Thos. Edwards filled the chair and an exceUent program was rendered consisting of readings, recitations, music by the choir and addresses by-Edwards, C. Williams, Jaa. Skeene. W. A. Brown and Revs. Buggin and Hutton. The audience was brim fnU of mirth which completely boded over, making the entertamment most eDJoyabla nearly 940- RnssEUi's, Flesherton, is the place to gat your watches repaired properly. Diamond Dyes andidyestolts of a^ kinds at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Russell's, Flesherton, is the place to get your watches repaired properly. Fua Coats and Fur Mantles clearing at cost this month at M. Richardson Co's. OvsTBES served hot or cold at Mrs. Clement's, Markdale. A few choice cattle wanted for Christmas beef. Apply at the Markdale meat market Oystebb fresh and wholesome at Mrs Clement's. Always take your watch repairs to Russell's Flesherton; It will pay you; a perfect job every time. For Extraordinary Value's in Tweeds see what Richardson Co., are offering this week. Wood taken in exchange for stoves, cooking and box at Markdale stove foundry. T. L. MoSat Sons. See magnificent stock of Creetons, lovely patterns, always down in price at M. Richard- son Co'b. Flesherton. ALWAYS take your watch repairs to Russell's Flesherton it wiU pay you a perfect job every time. 80,000 feet dry hemlock lumber for sale a Wiley's mill, 7th line Euphrasia. S. J Wiley, Kunberely. P. 0. Xmas cards, Xmas cards, nicest and best quaUty in town are to be found at Mrs. Clement's. Fob Glassware, China, Silvernlate. Cutlery, Crockery, c., go to M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. Glenelo township noinination will be held ' ^n the Town Hall on Monday, the 26th commencing at noon. The best and safest lantern ever invented see it at Richardson's Co's. â€" Electric Lightning. WELL ASSORTED. INTENDING PURCHASERS -OP GOLD AND SILTEB- WA$€H$$ p Ladies and Gents Sizes, will find my stock RIGHT as to STYLE, QUAL- ITY, FINISH, and PRICE. 18 k Wedding Rings, in future will have my Initials, W. B. on. Money refunded if goods are uot as stamped. Engagement Gems $8.50 to $18.00. Can suit nearly all in Silverware Hollow or Flat. Children's Seis â€" Knife, Fork and Spoon â€" neat and durable, 50 cents to $2. ,.â- •â- . 33 Clocksâ€" Walnut, Veneered and Nickle â€" spring and weight at lowest prices possible for a good article, in Xmas toys, Xmas toys, large and small dolls, tin stoves, shell banks, ladies' work Seth Thomas or Ansonia makes. boxes, iron banks, swords paint boxes, draw, j ing slates all cheap at Mrs. Clement's, 20,000 railway ties wanted, hightes* market price paid, cash on delivery. W. Armstrong, Markdale. M, Queens own writing payer, 72 pieces in all, 36 sheets paper and 36 envelopes to match, no fancy box to pay for, all for 25 cents aj Mrs. Clement's. Rejuvenatob Bitters yet on the war path to keep you from catching cold, fever and all the prevalent maladies of the day. Sold by smith the barber. Stjbscbiptions taken for the "Empire" mt this office ?1 per year for the weekly or $1.75 for Empire and Standard, R. McNally, carnage maker, is prepared to supply all who require any kind of winter carriages heavy or light. Gall on him when m town. Proceeds tl SaslaMMXrtcala. Fbbsh candies. aU W^.J't Mrs. Clement-s. Aii Kca)s PicTUB* FBAWHa done cheap a Markdale Photo. GaUery. • =:; Goon violin to sale cheap to eash, 0^ wood. Smith the barber, lonns yon should see thaw Asti»ohan Mantiea at Biohardson Go's. Aidnijlesleigh for sale or ««iapge. to ,rood, Daniel Irwm, Markdale. a,„BAOT Bros, hare got in sotoe choice ChriBtmaa boeree this week. Fob all the leading lines in Tobacco's, Richardson Co's, Flesherton, is the place. McDonald's bright smoking Tobacco only 37^0. per lb. See it, buy it. When selecting your Xmas goods! call on Mrs. Clement before going elswhere, aa you will find goods purchased there cheaper than the cheapest in town. Have you seen rr. â€" ^The electric lighting lantern, no match required, no danger of bnming dovm stable or bam with this lantern, price only 81.00 at* Richardson's Go's, Flesherton. If yon wont bargains in watches, clocks, jewelery, -erware dtc, for Xmas, and j Wedding presents, call at Russell's Noted Jewelery Store, Flesherton. ' Notice. â€" ^AD parties indebted to the late firm of Hill Bros by note or book aoeonnt most call at onoe and settle, and save farther tronUe. It yon want twrgains in vatehes, dooks, jewelery, silverware, Ac, to Xmas, and Wedding presents, «aU at Bnssell'a Noted Jewelery Store, Fleshwtcn. MATtimAT.ie Mabksts.â€" Fan wheat 10 to 78caite;spriii|!wheat70io78; barley 50 to 70; peas 57; oats 88; butter 17 to 20; eggs 16;' potatoes 60 per bsig; hay 8.00; dxesaedhc^ |«.O0iQ «86.0V Get my prices for Violins, Accord- eon's, c., before you buy all new goods this fall. .. I am not doing the businesa of the COUNTY, but by upright dealing I have won the public patronage for at least 10 liiileg around, and trust to retain it, by selling at living profits, giving value received, doing first class work. Spex fitting done on optical prmcip- jes by Test Lenses. "THE PEOPLES JEWELLER. W. A. BEOWN, MABKDALE. HURAH! â- :- HURAH! A long felt want supplied at last- where don't you know the POPULAR SHOE STORE, MABTIWB 4iiE'S, opposite the Markdale House. Bemg a practical boot maker selects from the best ^â- â- â- . i^^^m-y^.^ '^s'^. .^Mtev â- .4: nbA or â- «nniW. I ^^,^^^..^.,^^0 yw jp ta ifc nt i r Xaa Tonmto DailT VtaM tai Staodaitl 'OBeyearto fS-SO. Who waaUaiM Wve a Daily f:Benwmber. ^b»yfxMSi^aa6-tt tb» iqMM^ MwBiyiat, aadli^d^^ "'i'^* SHOE FACTORIES in Ontario, and carries the best lines in town. His felt boots are "Stunners" when compared with others in town no selUng at cost, but as low as possible: We want three meals a day and intend to pay 100 cents on the dollar. No old trash to sell at half price that is dear at that. Whil'staim to turn oat Artistic foot clothing, if joa have peculiarities vn will reject them andjaake neceeasry or unnecessary dianges. For instance we will inake your boots five indies too long or five inchcp to short if on wish to haye ihem so. M. MABTINDALE, ':â- « .via m ..""e:- vsS-^ii::/-:^fi:C: â- r. MM r â- S-'-* kur m ^im V*'3 m A '*:j^ â- ?^-5^^ My ^* -iv^f.r