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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Dec 1887, p. 5

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 ^miqP||PIP!pipp«^pi-t"" ,4^t !|BJ|»tVlJ*!-" 'â€" ^*?-TTs^5^fK^--'»fJ?w. i 4i 3i ,s»oai" leif aj' t!?4¥»^ ' J' ""'s ffw* â- Â»' 3 t3» iKTw iiv'.tJwsH i iffiMI'MBtt .*».'» •rt^m^lV "^^ ^uo wxv. ANTA eui 4 noUars »-nrowi» ., aithv body is almost waxe to 'SSJted with a good con- ^„nt of human nature is ^^^°!^S to place large matters ^T ^,he haB-^s of another, unfal Ji^"'" tL one ^hom he is to ;b»5S^^°Ss for the fresh healtlx ^. tionest, frank countenance ^^-^tS, and iu fact all that is «5^"' ^n men. He doubts the dy.a- jitract^"h saUow skin, drawn out fepc Te evident weak and irritable W" 5Je feels as Shakespeare makes " Vaiaar say jalias Cffii" -^ tj^at are fat •Ut^^^'^.^^^rn and such as sleep o-mghts -^^Tot doubt the hone_sty of the ^^KSUAL AOVEimSEMENtC l^*» (nuifck i^fiue SOc far one rpfOt or Vlfmfemrwtekt. Ilea BaitchdibwLtrf liM-lrd^i ehiaHttmi aannal meeting M the zeeideiice of Preaidettt, P. MoCuUotigh, on tbe erenkig of the 5th ni|t., after dome^ample jnstioe to Oysters, PMcakes, Bo Water, «c, several resolutions were brooffht before the meeting. Moyed by T. H. Carr, seconded by Wm. McLoi^ghry, ttiat our neiQa.aM«iecloc*p. m..onFri4iytti« worthy President be re-eIected.--Catried.)pKki2^^^^i!SL5Lfl^" chambers in SAiii "THE 81^ MCE" t^i i H»m m^slon Courts. -T©- ,^. "f- â-  ^mfetm or okrt. NotieeiBhenbygiTentti»t»meettrigi»fllbe held Ota of Ae dock p. nk, on Fri^^ «he aintli He He does' nnfortuuate, but he leara a teS-vUlaeect,themind,_ FOEM OU] d the pub] ejustopen( Q A PEST am 31 Ghrlstiiiij -to Markd •om the bes [amilton ai del disease bring ff:j;;;i'„'g7theTndiTidual, and loss i«^'"!f be iniustico to the weak, but ' 'â- '"•n has not the mental, strength, I" Sapped up in his misery, l«^":tt keTu the^situation of the ^rdoe tVsee thatideasare broad- "nf that isms and teachmgs are ^,. and that urns g^^pioyer '^n"r°Lcessfromsuchaman? The t, comy^lex- rl ieei 1- man notes all these signs, ^KoS^t the great light of man, â- "Suiafiected'orwillbe, at no tiSdsthe poor victim of disease .- wpanlv out into the world. rS J t last he takes to his sick "e seeks medical aid._ Lacking Moved by J. G. Anderson, seconded by John Wallace, that this club disap- prove of the actions of B. H. Knight, who recently violated the rules of this association without giving due notice â€"Carried. Moved by B. L. Stephen, seconded by Dr. Brodie, that any member not giving 12 months notice of his intentions to withdraw from the list be fined $5. Moved in amendment by J. H. Carson, sjccondcd by W. L. Young, that the time be limited to six months. â€" Carried. Moved by James W. Sproule, seconded by 8amuel Sarjeant, that Dr. Freeborn be admitted to full membership. â€" Carried. John H. Carson made apphcation to have his name struck off the hst. Moved by Chas, H. Lawrence, second- ed by Alex. McDuff, that the President authorize his name to be erased. â€" Carried. The apphcation of W. J. Benson to be admitted to membership was again brought before the meeting, some ob- uB;r ui utwemoer, ioat, ai rfooges unamoers in Parker's Block. Poolett Street. Owen Soundâ€" to t^cklrj^ iva^i-k â-  n â- â-  â€" J T A^, â-  J- _^ • take into o(niaidai«ition the fimnation of two new DlTision Court's in the County of Qreyâ€" one of which it is rnropoBed to form of the west parts of the Townships of Bentinck and Normanby, and the otbor of parte of the Townships of Holland, Eupfarasia, Artemeaia and Glehelg, in the uud County. nired Of which all persons interested are to take notice and govern themselTes By Order of His Honor, County Judge Hacpherson. WH. ABSISTBONG, Clerk of tiie Peace, County of Orey. OLD SANTA â€" ^IS AT THE TTFiAT) QnARTBRS â€"FOR Dated at Owen Sound, the 8th Nov. 1887. 1 Dress Mantle Making 1' BEG to inform the Ladies of Markdalfl and vi^cinity, that I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dress Mantle Makinfr at my residence on Mill ^Street. Perfect satis- faction guaranteed. Terms reasonable, Yoor attention is especially called to my ^Dressmakers Magic Scale*' Tailor system of catting. Those desirous of learning to cut by this system can do so at moderate cost by applying to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system IS the only one now in use by the first class city dress and mantle makeis. Try it and be convinced. 376-88 MRS. WM. LITTLEJOHNS. â€"WILL SOON BE HEREâ€" BO GET YOU READl^ ^AND GO To Steplien's Drag Store and see the grajia stock of XMAS GOODS The largest and best selected stock of Ptioto and Antograph Albums in the to'wn. and a ce Books, lb. G-oods, ngs and WaUetl ps and Saucei e Books, c., ivinced. Specif s. ranee Celebrate e have the moa ^nted. X)., mr- ^^"^is^m S^Wi ire. China engrav- OSSTvci "ware, 84.75 china joiored tea e broad ideas of the successful man of rlkl, he tries the same medical *^2 Dtthat he has tried many tmies The same bigoted counsel is ,.,ht, the same drugs are administered^ ntosameoldiamilyfrieodthattreat- Jhim months and years before, a Lareuts before him, and m such IV he draos out bis misr able, unsucces. SSame? Why not When he I 3daily,and hears from every side, clamatioBsof a remedy knowTias mer-3 safe cure, v.-hich is becoming tare popular daily, hourly, while he is iecomiug weaker. ii Gettvs, insurance agent or Icothe, Ohio, suffered for nearly ee Tears vrith dyspepsia in its worst 5jm3.'havbg periodical spells of vertigo, iintin" and chills. He wrote over ms gitmature: "I spent about 50U, tlie best -medical attendance, tried liil the remedies recommended vnthout Itmcess, until I was induced to try iTimer's safe cure. I used three botties, Lve gained twenty pounds and feel le a new ms,u." Such a man as we have described, Imetimesoutof ten, unconsciously to niself or to liis physician, has a kidney loidei, which is fast wasting his IWyandliie. He sees the merits of Fainer's safe cure at every turn, and tears It prockiuied from the house tops, liaii yet be does' uot use it, because it is I'Jid'by Ills illiberal |)hysiciau that it is JBtpr'oressioaal, and not admitted by liecode. -ileanvaiilo the man of the potU presses forwiird. cares not a nR IsnhiUr that !,c!!Ool his aim in life lissncee^s. rad ho looks hopefully for- '3id t tlie T,-o:-'-,i l;e .-Olid, believing and .:.; in aau i;i li.i^ world, and to his tarike vov'd I^c'voLlcI. ' .â-  -OXiitJIi'fxON CUUED. V Diight. ictite with S! â-  ;aa 1%^ description, our daps^rtments i most desir- Du b3jve a We have Liadies' Lace een. "" â-  â-  " â-  1 Xmas and T^^' •-a? [iLicurt in liis naud'j by an E.v3u j'uivy tl'Lvlu) iin'ia oi fi siiujlpv ^.:i».iy !(.•)â-  tl '.•sâ- .lCl.â- dyi'ndl)e-IJlaL.- ^-'o;:VH•,l•â- â- l•l.ui.^..â- ollcUllis,C.^CL•: â- -â- a id Ijun;; .Itiictioi:? 1 f.ira ior neivons Co;nv)!iaiits, sitec \:! (rVuTitivj X'owe- 3 to' Lit tis daiy to Hows. Actu- i a ilosire to relieve s.i:ini I'los of charge to i-oo"i-)c, In GefD?u? i diiections tor '1 iisia :;. S'jfid liV mail by .ad- :.i5.aiiii' iv.iiiiiir^'this paijer AW. 'oitfj's i.'ocfc Jiodieftai; N. :t:. Si: v. •i l.â- )^^ u to 1 '•^iovEii^lish, v,-itli jections were made as to enrolling members under 25 years of age. Presi- dent MoGullough then arose and stated that more musical talent was required in the club, and judging from his stature, he must have been in existence for at least a quarter of a century, and would bimself take the re sponsibiUty of placing his name on the list. Moved by John Mofiat seconded by Mark Armstrong, that the thanks of this club be, an^ is. hereby tendered to our worthy President for the hand- some spread laid before us to-night of which ample justice had been done by all present. â€" Carried. The business of the meeting having been disposed of the remainder of the evening was spent in musical selections, I "The following is the Program" Song "Bazzllyoo" by the. President. Recitation "Markdale for Me" by T. H. Carr. Song "Is that you McDuff" by R. L. Stephen. Clog Dance, by Mark Armstrong. Song "Comin' thro, the Rye" by J H. Carson. Instrumental on the Flageolet, by C. H. Lawrence. Duet "The flowers that bloom in Spring" by Dr. Brodie John Wallace. Speech "Commercial Union" by Wm. McLoughry. Irish Jig, by Sam. Sarjeant. Comic Song, "The Shoemaker" by John Moffat. Sword Dance, bv J. W. Sproule. Instrumental "Trombone" by John Beeton. Song Dance, by W. L. Young. The company then joined in singing "We are jolly good Fellows," after which thev repaired to their respectiye homes satisfied with the of the club, and FARM FOR SALE- Lot No. 4, on the 13ih con. of Enphrasia, 2^ miles from Maikdale. 378-95 GEORGE McNALLT. FARM FOR SALE. OB Willi EXCHANSK FOR TOWN OB VIIiLAGE PBO- PEBTY. Being lot 20, Con. 10, Township of Glenelg, 3 miles from the thriving village of Markdale, and consisting of 100 acres, well watered. On the premises are ahoof e, bam and stable. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply to MBS. A. BIIGHT, Chatsworth, Ont. Chatsworth. Oct. 29th, 1887. 373 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S, Bd. Artemeaia. 50 acres, abont 20 acres eloar of stumps and stones, balance good hardwood bush. Five miles from Markdale and fom: from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. 8. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. O. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342-ft PLUSH GOODS! PLUSH GOODS TOYS! TOYS !i TOYS!! Of every description come and see them, can't make a mistake if yon buy them. Stephen's Dxmar l!$i:oi-e, Bons, Statiomkbt, Fancy Ctoons, Wall Papeb^ Tots, c. Beynidds's Block, next doMr to the- Mansion Honse, IML A.R. K: I .A. L E. A choice assortme? *; of i^ kinds of goods suitable for the season. Special for the moi^th of December, to School Trnsteos Teachers, and Superintend- ents, of Sunday Schools. In order to reduce within reasonable bounds my very choice and extensive stock of Bound Books suitable for Library's and Rewards. I offer the following inducement on all orders amounting to Five Dollars and over I will allow a special discount of 25 per' cent off list prices. IS* Note. â€" Don't miss this opper- tunity to replenish your Library's on such favorable terms. A full supply of School Books, General Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books fill kinds, c., c. A. DINSMORE. Markdale, Nov. 29th, 1887. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS For Sale or to Rent. A comfortable dwelling house and lot in Markdale. formerly occupied by Geo. Wright. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN M.DAVIS, 376-79 Vandeleur. H.B. HARRISON MANUFACTUBEB OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, de. JUST EECEIVED Carloads Finest Yariegate Marble STRAYED. From the premises ot Wm. Carbert, lot 14. con. 2 Holland, about the middle of May las.;, four. veaa-Ung3, two steers both red one mully, two neifersoAelisatred with white spots and one neavly all wl^ite. Any person giving such infor- mation as will lead to their recovery wJl be suU^ably rcwarde^.^ cAEBEHT. Haxkaway. P. O s'jj.^nr.;^ each appearently prosperous condition resolving in his mind, never to it. Com. forsake STRAYED, Two aged ewes marked with red on back. Any person givmg suc'a information as will leaii to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. JOHN Jkl. DAVIS, Vandeleur. 276-79 r. Iioeadiarism at Cwen Sotm J.. 07 Ifton,;, £-â-  Sound, Dec. S.â€" About half -past 3 mornirig lire was discovered in r* ^o-atherlaud the and a ook which will 136 1 i2ies. My stocK large 33 sold at as I do not ver one Ids yon tting • am o 3oher luce in I also celebrated ::bone corsets. a a being empty, w^as as well as a house elevator, facing :»nt. The lire spread rapidly, '^^ *.a elevator, â- ^%cocsu^aaed ^bata ner.t to it. It was with great q^^ltj Ibe cioc]:s, gas works and other 'siBgs were saved. The eleyator ^f^ at i.i,,00r; aud insured for J'3.G0O. The fire is undoubtedly ".*°'i of iacenuiariey, it being start- â- '^^-'Odigerer.i places. Editor Standard.*' Deae Sib.â€" aUow me a short space in yourTolLs for a brief reference oyour nresent bereavement. 1 am «^*\^ 'KeS the sentiment of the whole com- Sy when I say that you ^a^ Jg«^ Itr^roe^oftrt^X E^riKr/o^Sfc^^^^^^^^^^^ ?.rmore ^ome" -berejheerfn^ess^-^ ^ou^aSd to y^^H and family isthe prayer of. aGitizks. ESTRAY. TAME to the premises of the undersigned in October last, one heifer rising two years. Owner mlv have her by proving property and pacing expenses. ^r^ MSTBONG, Markdale P. O Chester White Boar, THOBODGHBEED for Hervice at James ElUotfs farm, lot 1, con. 1 wnnSTffll -Terms 75 cents at time of service. fmSo James Eluott. etoromto house.: I am offering this week Ready-Made Clotliing, and BOOTS SHOES â€" â€"AT astonishingly low prices. Persons requiring a summer outfi-t v^-Quld do well to see iSi.y stock. Timber Farms for fae. Largest stock m the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION SUABANTEEO. N. B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to getber, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HAEBISON BERKSHIRE BOAR. For servioe at C. Irwin's premises, YOUNG TOi^ i».ri.B breed from J. G. SneU's imiwrted stock. S^redSfth pedigree. Terms «1 at tune of service. ^soATOUifa Berkshire Boar, won first prize at coo Jity show terms 75 cents at time of *erviee.^^^g niWIN. 376-81 Being lo-3 2'.) and 30 in the 8th con. of the township of Holland, containing about 340 acres the above land is situated within 2 miles oEBerkeley.jii'.aatedon the C. P- R. the land IB a good loamy boil; almost free from stones and is tiniLoicli with â€" pine, rock elm. wat- er elm. cedar, hcmlook, spruce, ruaple. beech, birch; baswo»d, battemut and tamarao, the land is well w-aiered, and from its location will make a liiBt class farm. The property will ba soil eiiLer in one parcel or separately to suit parultiisc'r an'd will be eold very cheap and on terms lu suit purchaser. For further partionlara apply to 870 -GEO. NOBLE Markdale. Oct, 1st 1887, EOBT. ASEIN. UMDERTAKER, nMMl FUIINISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Silendia TTearse ivr hire at moderate rates. â€" AU kinds ofâ€" F'XJRIVX TXJR,E In Stock at boitom prices. PICTURE fumm Done OU short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. CANADA'S COKIC PAPER. â-  ^E^'GOUGH, Artist and Editor. ISSCED WBEKLT. The loBowiug is the Novenib.r;i8ci7. lor S. 8^ No. J.. Class-Eddie Troagbton, Grace (Jarbnt, Iiwa Carr, «; $1 for 6 Months. â- e. *.' I' J«»r' ""g n bfluence and pojjnlanly J^^wy Pn';.' supreme honsehold tavocite, s?«?oyi '•"?» and Professional and BBsinen SubspJi,' "" Wts which appear in every 1^, **" sent free. P^t for Grip's Comic Almuae jBJr "" '"cents. s -:-V AODSKSS, ,-.:,-!%«»)• PCBllSffllfi CO. " XOHOITTO, OJOk Sonox Soil' Honor Roll for Holland. "Maggie IV "â-  â€" " â-  Price, Carson Price. in Clas«r-Tho3. Farley, Fred Silverlock. HI OlasB jn-Lena Wise. Hattie MeCay. I Bookâ€" Ella Johnny Do^rBeT. BERKSHIRE BOAR. FOB»erTiceat B. Coleman's premise, half a mile from Markdale. lernw 75 eents at time of service. g,y5^ B. COLEMAK. Wise, Hann»h. Eddie McKay. HoBXoa, ,i»;s^^,- r-' â-  Teftdier. Dyspepflift BERKSHIRE BOAR. "BlackPat" Large Breed, from John Spell s imported stuck, thoroughbred with pedigree. l^?^^^' c ;/ BOBT.McBBIDlfi. 6 PEE GENT. Moooy loaned on Fa^iu or Town Property a wt,;t oi iiitcrest. Ai ,_ ly to x-;. J. Si'KoCLiE, Conveytucw J'os-iaasier. Flesherton. â- ;?=. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby giyw* t^* «^'f "*f wffl be m»de to the Leg.8l»tar8 of Ont- ario at fte MXt^cssion thereof. /«»" ^f. i^kdato! in ttmpgan«r.^^«^ «r« »*«~if^ gij^ie ot tbt. publii •18^ 'VVin Stoddart, late of England autl J'5ry City, D. b. b^ga to in for m tlie citizens of Mabkdale and snrrouiniing conamnuit^, tlirit ha han^opeuii.; a TAILORING SaOP over Mr. W. J. McFarkrd's Stores where he is preiiared to do a!l Wink entrns'teil to iiim iu tbe Latest *ud Nobbiesl ^:iTle3 a? I viiJ inspect all work befoLd ]os..iug liie iSioi*, «(»»- tomers Tjjrj reiy on Layiog work tnraed ojs ffrs;-class iri every par- ticoiar tni sting that I n?ay receive a ' "a patrOBuge TIME TABLS. â€" IVrttritcIale Station- M â-  Vi wm GoiNo SoDxn. GOIKO NOILTB. 0.47 a. m. 12.tta p. m. 2 p. 10 p. m m â- *' j^cT%|fe â- ii» ^MMa:

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