t I ril m \^ â- %^"M 'KIP' S-- If 9Sa! C. W., Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, DEC. 8 1887. TOWN OF MAEKDALE. A meeting of Markaale citizens was held on Friday eveaing last at the caU of the Police Trustees to consider the question of Incorporation, The at- tendance of the representative men was good and a lively interest taken in th« project. The meeting was nn- animously in favor of Incorporation, but a difference of opinion wa. express ed as to whether Incorporation as a town by special Act, or as a village, through the County Council, would be the most advisable. The question was freely discussed and a vote taken resulting m an almost unanimous de- cision in favor of raising the place to tlie status of a town by special Act of Parliament, and a committee appoint- ed to attend to details. A notice will soon appear in the OfficialjGazetto to the effect that an Act will be ai^plied for at the next session of the Ontario Parliament for above purpose. building on lot and erecting a large addition and when complete it will be the largest store in the township. A petition is being largely signed for the purpose ef getting a Division Court. We only hope it wiU succeed as it is a felt want. Mr. Thos. McAfee, jr., has his eye open for grass seed. Mr. Joseph Bums shot a fine buck deer on Friday last near Mr. E. E. Hick's. Mr. Samuel Black, of Epping, thresh- ed twenty bushels of spring wheat to the acre beat that who can. Next Sunday the new Methodist church at Epping will be opened. Key. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will preach both morning and evening. Meaford choir will be present to assist. (And so will I if I can get my chores done in time.) Mr. Joseph Manarey is on the "War path" gathering taxes. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Frank Hucheson has been engaged for another year for S. S. No. 13, 7th Una, salary $400. Frank is a good boy and has made many friends the past year. Mrs. Wm. J. Knott is improving afte' her late illness. Mr. Samnel Qainton is able to be about aeain he has been under the doctor's care for some three weeks. You may expect to hear from us more regularly now as we are through threshing and will [have more time to spare. BETTER NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Jay Gould's income is placed at §1,000 an hour. â€" From October 3rd to December 8rd the enormous sum ol §26,703,269 was received for taxes in the city of New York. â€" Resolutions favouring Commercial Union with Canada and an early and equitable adjustment of the fisheries question were adopted by the New \:ork Chamber of Commerce. â€"Two heavy failures have been re ported this week, viz â€" J. W. Gale Co., of Toronto, liabilities $150,000 and Messrs John Green Co., of London, liabilities $150,000. Both dry goods establishments. â€" The Ontario Government is about to enforce the teaching of "scientific temperance" in the public schools. Tins will be another blow at tbo liquor traffic, for youths will bfc educated on the evil of drink m all its phrases. Tieally scientific temperance education will teach young people the physician and mental decrepitude which follows the habit use of a'eoLo\ Without iu- terferitig with tlie mcra]ity or the sympathetic views of the qnosUon, this noiT departtiro will niui solely at "iiO'iVing the disc;i3o which are causou by (I'lDk, liow al'johol â- â- â- hoiteus iii'o iadaecs parrtlvtis of the ln-;iin ?.\vl peiicral dcbilitj. It is a luova in the iigl:t uircctiou. â€" r^Iontrea! S'jir. â€" Here IS an o-="Jeuce of the eifoc!; of iVoe Li-;Kle bci jn i.he United States Hnu CfiiJiiua. There is no duty on Ca.n;iuiau eggfi entoring the United Stat; s, and a- (ei7 days ago a train 'omjK£ed of twenty-four cars, landed entirely with ec^'H, to the number of no le^b than thirty-oue milhor., left Stnitlirov for New York. If the ixrgiirneuts of (he pi-otectionists were corrtct the Ainviricaas should not tiy ,iny Cauaaiiins eggs because they Liive Lens of their own. The Cau- adiMv hen is not a bit bitter thau the Cau c-iiin slieap, horse, cow or' turkey, and t':io sole reason for the high place the C.:;ridiaa lion takes amoi;g Can- ada's vrodnciog muuBtnos ii that there :s !, â- â- â- t trade lu eg!,'s.â€" [Montreal Wit: S:. I' PUBCHftSE YOUR WINTER) SUPPLIES THAN NOW. Editor Standard. Deae Sik, â€" I noticed in your issue of 24th ult., a complimentary notice of the marriage of Mr. James E. Cunningham to Miss Susan Henry, both of Artemesia. In the Advance of the 1st inst., I also noticed a most scurrilous and abusively insulting letter "From a Henry," in which he abuses you as only a Canal street tough or a Billingsgate fishwife could do, for the publication of said comphmentary notice of said marriage. Were it not for the fact Jthat a regular form of marriage notice appears in your other columns, in which Rev. Geo Buggia is credited with having perform- ed the ceremony, one would be led to believe by the letter of the wiseacre in the Advance that the couple were not married at all, and we doubt very much if the Cuuiiingham family, (who are very respectable people) will feel much elated at the attempt made by A Henry to cast suspicion on the whole affair by endeavoring to convey the im- pression that the couple are not wedded to each other, but simply enjoying each others company, so to speak. It would seem that a Henry would haye people believe that they are not of the marrying sort, but in spite of his efforts we can- not believe this, as we have the testi- mony of the minister and other respect- able people to the contrary. For shame sake at his attempt to forever stain the fair name of the worthy young couple, (which happily he cannot do in this vicinity) a Heney should seek the calm repose which can be fo md at the bottom of a niiilpond, an.i not rislc himself too lo!i' Oil eartli's surface else an inflamed populace r.iay Konie time spring a sapling %yitli a fool and a hlackgnard at one end as a wariiir.i,' to othc.rf vrlio would en- ccni-agc the seut'inents atter.:!pted to bo ta;;i;ht in his letter in tiic Advance eif Doc. 1st. Yor.rs truly, Reaeer. Artemesia, Dec. ofch, '87. BETTER PLAGE TO PURCHASE THAN "4 No Establishment North of Toronto can show you BETTER GOODS, CHEAPEK GOODS or MORE RE- LIABLE GOODS. iioojilyn. Tiu- i ewn is quite lively nd some of G'.ir c-:i;-:er;s talk of securing lacornor- uDion. 'iliree newcomers of late, two fliers and one w^ood chopper, so .evs call them. ;?:-ite is booming. J. E. Rich- ' ;;iircha3ed a lot from Mr. H. etwcen the store he now oc- :iu the blacksmith shop; lie briight the store that Blr. 2cupied while in this GJty. Mr. Just opened at McFarland's for the early Winter's Trade, Heavy All Woo) Ottoman Dress Goods 25 cents yard, in Brown, Black, Granetfc and Navy Blue. Think of it! All Silk Plushes 18 inches wide 90 cents, at McFarlands. A Nice Xmas present one of Mc- Farland's Golden Brown, Electric Blue, Steel Grey or Granett Marvele- aux Silk Dreoses 85 cents, uold in Toronto for $1.25 Economy is the Eoad to Wealth, you can save money by purchasing your Walking Jackets or Long Wrapps, at McFarland's. New Ottoman Cords, New Astricans, New MotoJassas, New Meltons. Our Girls are working day and night, turning oat lovely Jackets and Mantles at tnarveloasly low prices. Our Millin(M:j Booms are fnll of charming Hats and Bonnefcts to please the most exacting. Those Contemplating Matrimony would do well to call at McFarland's for tbeir Out-Fit, several brides recently got their out-fit from us. Special; 50 Mens' Persian Lamb Caps received by express from a Manufacturer who in order to realize money to meet a pressing engagemeut sold them cheap, come in and see them from $3.50 up. 100 Overcoats cheap. 100 Men'K Suits cheap, ' 100 Boy's Suits cheap. 100 Ycuth'e Overcoats cheap. 100 Lp.dies Wool Shawls cheap. ' 100 Ladic-s Fasinators cheap. 50 dozen Women's. All Wool F/iaek per I ^^ ?|W ^ii Abscl'Jtelv uishv: the f ' iie.-:' ards h €-r:i Jias £v. I«mdr, T-iis powder nevei varies. A marvel for purity, strenstb and wholesomeness. Llore ccoiioniical thaa the crdinary kinds, and cannot he sold in competition â- wiLh the multitude of lo-s- East, short weight E,ium Or pliosphate powdei-s v."a only in cans, F.OTAL BaKIXG Pq-WEKR Co. iC!6 Wall St., N. Y. C::rrsK than r.ouj. â€" To those trcubjed i.iib Pliduey lindUnnary Troubles s-uch w a CiiUataiit desire to urirate, siiooting, scald J ig, pains, paiu jn the back, sediment fec., £.!., JJr. ChRsci Lher Cure will be found more vrJaable.tliangcld. It poaitiyely ooree. iiion Las the contract of moving above S'^^q "Proiihet" lor tefctinconalfl. and Colored Hose, a bargain 25c pair. Hai::dsome Gent's Mufflers. Kaudsome Gent's Silk Handker- chiefs. Handsome Gent's Silk Tics. Handsome Gent's Fur Top Kid Gloves. Haudsomo Gent's Suitings. Every housekeeper should know tliat McFarland keeps Crockery and Glassware in Dinner Setts. Tea'Setts. Glass Settg' Goblets, Fruit Dishes, c., c., ii/ large variety in the Base- ment not having sufficient room up stairs. All Wool 41b. 61b. 71b. 81b. and 91b. Bed Blankets at wholesale prices. A Boom full of ITavy Blue, Scarlet and White Flanels, that knocks com- petition cold. One, Cord Shirtings. One Cord Cottonades. One Cord All Wool 50c. Tweeds Heavy and unterable. See them, See them. Mcu's, Wemen's and Boy's Wool Underware warranted to keep Jack Frost at a respectable dibtauce.' Don't wait until Christmas week to buy your impplies of Eaisins, Currants, Peels, Spiceg, Iceing, Sugar, Coffee and Tea. No Housekeeper who values reputation can aiiord to be without McFarland's Tea, it is Strong, Sweet Flovoured and warranted ab- solutely Pure. When you come to Markdale don't go past the Old Ee- liabie House of I. I icFMAKD, Direct Importer, mark::qale. HEADIQUARTERS H « " m M WE DESIEE TOINFOEMOUi numerous patroDs and the puhl generally that we have just opene theLAEGEST, CHEAPEST ani BEST, Assortment of Christina goods ever brought into Marfa Having purchased from the be] houses in Toronto, Hamilton ai London, for SPOT CASH we def competition. SPECIALTIES Childrens DoUs and Picture Books, Lad Satchels, Purses and Plush Goods, Ge Moustache Cups, Shaving Mugs and "Walle^ Albums, Vases, China Cups and Saucea Bibles, Prayer Books, Prize Books, c., Call, examine and be convinced. Specij| terms for Christmas Tree lots. A new Stock of the Liaurance Celetirati Spectacles just received. We have the mosi complete sight test ever Invented. A. TURNER CO., ^^ I roa WILL FINS THAT- has the nicest selection of Moss TrarC; China T;vare, Colored sets, G-1?.S3 ware, ?:^.pQ^- ed or plain, just ser: c-ar S4.7o china tea sets or our $2.50 colored tea sets, they will £ar2;rise yen. Fur our stock- is ooniple-: quality and prices right. •^rv.0 wnr. f healthy body is almoa 'jSJ «^^*^ "' ' " »«^ .indent of human r '^*filiine to place large "^y.^be bands of anoth *^* «the one whom 1 .b^Clc^ks for the fresl ost-. ^\y.f, honest, frank cou id«g«f;*S,andinfactal] fflvJin°»«- Hedoubts *^^,ith saUow skm, u 'Pj^es the evident weak ana S He feels as Shakespea Sluns Caesar say " h„ve men about me that a "I** me bajs^e^ and such as slcc fil^^^n^'S^s batt » lean and Uungr; H^Cs not doubt the bones S?ifortunate, bnt he tear '?^ hodv will affect, the mii £^'ju^n the individual i m?y^i)e injustice to the v 1 man has not the mental Kis wrapped np m hi- .Innottakein the situatic Id, does not see that ideab. Tne and that isms and teac IvancuJg 1 How can an ,ne for success from such a a Lpticlook, the wax-hkc 5H sallow features shov he farseeing man notes all t. id knows that the great hgh ,e brain, is affected, or will istantday. He discards tho poor victim rho goes wearily out into t (iscouraged at last he takes t jd He seeks medical aid. le broad ideas of the success: ,e world, he tries the sam eatment that he has tried m ifore. Xhe same bigoted lought, the same drugs are ad y the same old family f rieud 1 him months and years Ij lisparents before him, aud ray he drags out hismisrable I existence. Is he to blame Why not jes daily, and hears from e proclamations of a remedy Tamer's safe cure, v.-hich is lore popular daily, hourly, jcoming weaker. ,J A. Gettys, insurance hiilicothe, Ohio, suffered iree years with dvspepsia ii inns, having periodical spell linting and chiils. He wro1 [wn .Eignature "I spent ad.the best medical attend; II the remedies reoommend( igcess, until I was indue Tamer's safe cure. I nsed th lye gained twenty pounds te a new man." Such a man as we have ine times out of ten, uacon imself or to his physician, 1 isorder, which is fast dy and life. He sees thi 'arner's safe cure at e^rer lears it proclaimed from tat .ad yet he does not use it. b aid by his illiberal ]iiiys=ici lot professional, and not lie code. Meanwhile th.e â- Grid presses forward, car [or this or that scliooi iii;^ 1 success, and he look? 1; 'ard to the world ])e .oiid. ' •ustiug in man in vhi v.o: ith for the world l;e_-a_f;. »-g » a » CONSCMPTxO:-; CI In .â- -'-h I In Woollen G-oods of eve^y desci-iptian, our Dress and Mantle Good departments are full of the latest and most desir- able goods; Be sure you h?-Te a look through them. We have the nicest stock of Ijadies' •: Button and Lace Boots to be neen anywhere, in x-^^x fact everything for a real [,;ood Xmas and x*'s^1 years tri^de. m In Clothing I have a large stock wh:' ch wh sold at prices to suit the, times. My '^^^' of tvreeds and Tvorsteds ere large aiid well assorted and will be soid^at a small advance on cost as I do not intend carrying over one K yard of these goods you '^.^ can depend on getting 7 H ;.v bargains. I am prepared to take all the fowl, u '" butter, eggz or other nierchantabie produce in exchange for goods. I also keep in stock the celebrated^ Featherbone and Featherbone corsets. AnoM plivsiciM!. rjilr-.l naviu- a-i.d iUaced in ]ii-r h .â- : 1 l^'^ii' uiir.siouary the Uii^i'.r I '^^"L.iije i-euieiiv ior ll'.fS-.^-i Mccm-elorCousIiii-ntiLUi./..-, *ftjia;iru,a alithron v.ii n?.^.l'os:uveaimi.;uio. i â- "ebiiuyaudail Ncvvo.^=^ to f "US tolled its wontl^.' iuj • mtdonsands of cases, h.--. :-.â- â- oite u kuowu to his,iir. •â- 'i; ?^hytnismot-vor..ia ;â- . C « who desire it. this rcc-i frenejorEuglish, vrit'a â- .'.i; -.^oing wjtu stamp iiaiiiibJt ^v Xaceadiarism at Cwc ^^N Sound, Dec. 8.- 1^0 this morning lire was Pe Southerland elevato r^« front. The fire s-, P the elevator, bcu r^^Jily consumed, as v.c r^Jbaranesttoit. It v, f^yt^e docks, gas. Pjlings were saved H»3,000. The fire i- rj«k of incendiaries. I "'^^o different places I tt, ^^^NADA-S COKIC â- ••W-BENGOUGH.Ari tSSDSD WEEKL- I iir«»«^Pofo-' supreme :M:sLr3s:(;a.a,Ie, ih^ f Amjkcss, ^^f^t^ns^r^- «â- -»• ;.s..;-^:i3i: