obn Stephens, Owen Sm»^ avid Jackson. DniS.r^! bos.Plunkett.M^gi boa. J. Korke, w--Sâ„¢* HP wppm -AND- f E-42£ ike bonestyâ€" much tallefl derstood. caa describe the r Asthma except those 1 complaint. One pactouw Asthma Cure ^viU reW! able treatment in eaA 1 :8d bis wife, "Why is » ij^ " Ho expected she wotdd gin was goinK to epU her that it Oman needs him but sha was bard to get off her ln^irf ,^ a an Eilxir carefaDy an experienced chemist, v. Dowii Tamarac aa the fma incible, and all the other n iti composition are of i best calculated to relieve Coughs, Colds and La itres? (to a dull boy) â€" "Jq d of you. When I wasyoar e twice as well as .yoa I'c-s'm but you bad a diSti n what I've got." R OF ECONOMY. â€" As amattetj B. B. is the cheapest me se for it takes less to leases of the stomach, Hf d blood, than of any oti iedy, B, B, B. ia only ' Dttle. 7e from a scientific paper, that i water a hundred tuoes S We know some Reeae ill jn't drink water at all. tSTER'3 GPiNioii. â€" ^I hftyef certifying to the d,s Yellow Oil. -vniteB portmaster, of UmfraT in-^ used it fox sorenesB^ burcs, scalds, etc., I aal to it." said the wife of an editor, "i ination pocKet-knife is all I cork-screw part. ';: 7EEIFIED. â€" B, B. B. cLumsl able diseases of the st )r, kidneys and blood. â- performs all it idaims, testimonials from sput^. Send for testiino ble cures, :an you bring me a nice thered m oniors?" "No, s»bj iU'en dat vay, sah. Wa eat i e any mora nauseon^ ]^J !i as Pills Salts c.,whenj-^ )r. Carson's Stomach Bir that moves the Bowels ig all impurities from rendering the Blood I Sold by all Drusfgists. « i coutect with what he has *B»J come famous for what h^ ;d down to die. EOtrSEKEEPEBS. ^^^" of Glenila, Parry »-^ 'I could notkeephoasaw»-J d'3 Yellow Oil at haM^ k in my family for ^nLi ;, and a cut foot '^,r^\ mmend it to everyboay.. umbloyers must enjoy ss. ' ,.. I DFUli CONDITION. â€" â„¢*^^««J 3f Mill Village, 0»*r»^»] was dreadful, I f^ S jhts on accotuat » *i2b I Hagyard's PectMW^^ ndwas qmckly^««»- ' ells this invaloawe w saling Oil will ^^^^J^ two or three ar ed. Follow the roughly deaBstoft *2S nimal reqaiiw" V^ mdition nse tb« r-^os, Happy New y ';, f- r-.'J"il "TOOi CO SiJ-i.. -iv sear.oa is upon us I I'T-o-.a pninier wbere to buy r \;'.,.^-;. I have in stock a fresh Sugars, Eaisius, Cur- v.rffYai'orated Apples, every description, in [have tlio largest and Gck in town, call and get lictt' luicolored Japan !b.. s:;Hiug in other leas U: (Mi ie;;a' [)-leatliug trade, we can • â- Sett li-om $7 to $20. •;vl.95 to SIO. Toilet to vT. In China Setts stock to choose from. • can sa'.e j'cu J BARGAINS NOW GOING ON AT NOTED JEWUERY STORE, FLESHERTON. â- â- ♦ 15 ijer tided to our stock iiii-ic stock of Cups, Vases, ,:;.•: Mugs. Toys, of all V i.it'i v-e -vvill sell cheaper id t:;wu. lElP CSGASSS â- ?. LirgR stock of cigars, tinlolf-. and private parties a boK ca,n buy them jKPior liiay.tliey can from r[?I':S We carry the :;;.••- reck Let\vceu Orange- i Oiveii Sound, you can save "i:;; li'om us. t,:ictio!K;i7 aud iiiscuits, we tli.raestand iiuest stock in :!; ;b;?v"ri;^;-;. Bates, Oranges, Xnt'i. o[ every description. :Clivi:fie's, Ke:^siirs, Patte- 'iicConjiick's Biscuits, the diitu.i.".iu Canada. â- If :: "EI :L' Ford'-s and Plewes' Ic .r.:iia i'ricc, as at the ::i. l-riioi-ts, Screeuinga, ':-ja:-;".cd *\VIicat, c. L'hf- O.vtmeal, of Owen ^:x..:v:ii:;;i; Fiour, Pot and Pearl I c;;.j I'ct t-idsa goods fresh v.t: j:'^; a frc'-h- supplj' each vrc i-lU i-;gic than lill the torts ill to\vn, wo are in a i) sell it to you, as cheap as bants can buy it wholesale, S! OYSTESS I FRESH fiJiEP,S! Direct from the ii; Ealtiniorc. Cranberries, M.'J.'k, Giscoes, Dulse, from ):e. Labrador Herrings by L'i:eu. Digby chickens pfcV "OX. iXE« a:cd liquors i pc'jiou iii the connty Grey has " ibc Uld Osip.inal Belfast l-itrcl'ore io is cot necessary for any tliii!;: in reguard to the 'epaitffieut. liovrever for the I S Kv niMacrous customers I sthe bon:'i;.y season lasts give L to thosc desiring a drop of Miff. Okl Irish, Scotch, 5 ;ffii- cil -vhiskey. Gin, Rum, Mfn!i liijc of Best Wines. Best Ji!e=.l.-ir;v:-r dozen, others no Ii! advov'iso and try to lead you I'^i ay ihe\- have got the goods. 20 per cent off on all cash sales of $1.00 and over. Positively for only fifteen days longer will we give this big discount of our fine 6tock of Watches, Clocks, Jeweleky, Silvebwabe, the finest make of Nickel alarm clocks now going at $2.00 only, eend and get one. i'ine walnut 8 day clocks at only $4.80 warranted for 3^ years. Fine silver Swiss watches now going at $6.50 bearing 3 year warrants. Fine American, Waltbam and Elgin watches from $11.00 up bearing warrants Irom 8 to 5 years. We always have in stock the fine grades in tbe.Colum- bus watches. Call and secure some of the great bargains, and always take your watch, clock and Jewelery repairs to RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEKTON. Local aMOtlier Ms. Notices in these columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will he cliarged ten cents a line for the first insertion and five cents a line each subsequent insertion, NOTICE. â€" Correspnndence, communica- tion^,. Advertisements, c„ must be in this office hy noon on Tuesday to insure publication that week. ITai annual tea meeting of Shepberdson's church, 11th line, Euphrasia wHl be held on the 20th Pecember, when addreiwes will be delivered, musio rendered an and abondant "tea" Eerved. Admission 25 cents. Shields, of Toronto, shipped a car of live hogs on Tuesday last for Toronto market and we understand, from the remarks of some of the sellers that they sold too cheap according to the prices paid on our own market for dreaed hogs.' Xhos. Mathews, Markdale, keeps coustant.^ ly on hand a select stock of heavy and light harness, also blankets, rugs, robes, bell8 brushes, carry combs, harness oil, whips, and in fact everythinfr kept in a well stocked business establishment. Prices correct. Thk new Methodist church nt.Epping will be opened for Divine service on Sunday, Deo. 11. r.ev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will preach at 11 a. m, and 6 p. m. Monday, 19th, a tea-meetiug will be held in the church, for particulars see posters, Thos. McNea is ever ready to supply the public promptly with all kinds lumber, dressed or rough, sash, doors, blinds, mould- iDgs, hollow battens, frames, lath, fence pickets c., Ac. Ther's no better aqnipped factory in the county. When a marriage notice is sent to us for publication by a non-subscriber, without the necessary fee for such, the parties interested should be the last to "bowl" should irregular- ities creep into the same or any comments thereon. It only exposes their uncharitable nature. The editor of the Owen Sound Advertiser says, he would notlike to attribute anything crooked to either flier ds Townsend or Faw- cett, but thinks they must be engaged in some other line more profitablethan publish- ing country newspapers, in order to have wood for sale or build a brick office, as these friends have intimated in their respectiye journal's, .J j: â- - The anniversary services of the Markdale Mt BKDAT.K roller rink ia now apea for the season on Tuesday, Thorsday and Saturday eyenirgB. Brass band in attendanoe on Tuesday and Saturday's. J. E. Sprtiule, manager and proprietor.- DiSTBiOT MEETiKa. â€" ^District Lodge, No* 28, I. 0. G. T., win hold a meeting in Markdale on Monday the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. on the evening of same day Jubilee Lodge will give a public entertain^ ment ih their hall, McDougall's block, con- sisting of readings, recitations, dialogues and music, also addresses by the District officers and others. Admission 10 cents. » «â- • Bnslnesa locals. Fbebh candies, Etll kinds, at Mrs. Clement'p. All kinds Fictubb Fbadonq done cheap at Markdale Photo. Gallery. A few choice cattle wanted for Christmas beef. Apply at the Markdale meat market. Go to Flesherton Woollen Mills for your horse-blaokets. Diamond Dyes and dye stults of all kinds at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co, 'Splendid tweeds and f oilcloth at the Flesherton Woollen Mill. When you want a vidise or trunk, call at Mathews' harness establishment. The Weekly Globe to the end of next year for $li Subscribe at this office. We have them, Ailken's combined sawset jointer and gauge. Haskett Bros. Otstees served hot or cold at Mta Clement's, Markdale. I have a few lines of splendid MantlingSt left. Ladies call and see them, S. Hill. OvsTEBS fresh and wholeseme at Mrs Clement's. Men's, Boy's and Youth's Overcoats at Blt!.ugbWing prices," at S. Hill's. CoACONUT and Onions for sale at Mrs. Clement's, Ladie's, Girl's and Children's Cardigan Methodist church will be held on Sunday the ^^^^^j^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ g, bill's. 25th Dec. Christmas Day. Eev. Wesley f ,, „„. • J „„„„,•„„ Wm. Mason, carriace maker, wants twenty- Casson will preach morning and evening. _^____^_ „:„i,„u â„¢L„^ „•„= Ap- o-:-o- I am prepared to do as well â€" and better in some lines â€" by the public, as any Jeweller in Grey Co. Quality of cases, Grade of movements and class of warrant, make above assertion tru4 at least on American Watches, either in HAMPDEN, WALTHAM, ELGIN^ Columbus or Springfield makes. At present 1 have all these in stock, key or stem wind, warrant- ed in full. Neat line Simmons Cbeever full quality roll gold chains, also Drapers fire gilt. 9 15 k Enga gement Rings, Wedding Rings, 18 k. English Sets, 15 k. Large line BROACHES -:- AND -:- BAR-PINS Howard's Cuff and Collar Buttons. Chains and Lockets, 1 tray assort- ed Ecarff pins 50c. to $2.76 Stock of Silverware 11 Craetts, and good variety of all other table adornments at close prices. I can suit all in Clocks, spring or weight, prices low. 4 yrs. in business, I am obliged for the GENEROUS PUBLIC SUPPORT VG buy our Liquors ;;e i',i;ri;!ery and sell it as ^v.' 110 ;i lulteration. â- â- vry a i;;H stock of Baskets ji' Pails, Tubs, Wash- 1; iduds, Ztloy, holders, c':cap. dirt cheat). ^aocer in town that ^- '.oiGe fresh groceries. "â- i.-e p.vA clean every ii its place the town ay cyening is all ;^Bsou';:. i-Qv it is the only '^;= "'i'v can get good fresh •-^ aui-e n^t^ price. W^ishing -•tiauieiit.i oj; the season. ntavrv iiijv h ;te So-,. S. J- this Benson, LFAST -:- House. ScaasTi-"^--'^^-^ hawking and â- \^cA v^ °l ' 'atarrh is permanent- "^^F -^asalBahn. psit!i°2 .^fcli-^Jff.â€" Cleanse the ASt!^.?"^,^'^^gi? Sulphur igitJul medicated soap for •ina-jj" â€" Children are often *!'8 ^^^' "worms are the cause, " Syrap safely expelb 'Jitio^v*^^ *^® ^a-'^orite porga- .4aJ;^aiedicme;they*^ Sabjeant Bbo's have erected a new ice house. Now is the time to renew your subscription for the Standard, We are glad to see Mr. Littlejohns out again after his severe illness. 1,000 cords dry wood wanted by Mabeo in exchange for hardware. W. J. McFakland, shipped one ton Geese to Brandon, Man., last Monday. Mb. Fbank Hutchinson has been re engag- ed as teacher for S. S. No. 13, Euphrasia. Salary 5400. Miss Emma Weight, ia engaged for S. S. No. 3 Euphrasia Holland, Harkaway, Salarf$27o. ScBSCEiPTioNS taken for the "Empire" at this office «1 per year for the weekly or «1.7a for Empire and Standard. 80,000 feet dry hemlock lumber for sale at Wiley's mill, 7th line Euphrasia, Wiley, Kimberely* P. 0. W J. MoFaeland is in Toronto week purchasing Christmas and New Seal's novelties. SoMETHiNunewin the stoning machine line wiU ba before the pubUc in a few months, B. Wallace patentee. "e McNally, carnage maker, is prepared to supply all who require any kind of winter carri^Jheavy or light. Call on him when in town. Fine Stock farm of 200aoreB. near EooUyn for sale cheap and on easy terms. Can be divided. B.C,Bryden. Jeffrey Artiey will seU by ^^'^^^^ p^emiseLear Walter' F^ "*^ Dechiartockimplementse. Se*l»a-. THBKE weAs unta the annual Bohool meet- ing. viz-thehwiWedneBday Printed notices kept on ard office, only 15 oMit^ OwiKotothecpuntyComica OP^"^*^ next session on Monday "^^ bf MondayM aimonn(«*1art we«. p^ W«d4 »d .S*«B^. The annual tea-meeting will be held on the Monday .evening following when Mr. Casson audotner reverend gentleman will deliver addresses. The tea and entertainment pro- mises to be one of the best yet held in this church. Posters and further particulars forthwith. A TAME BALL.â€" A short time ago a free baU was given by a certain Hotel keeper in a small village in Bruce county. Among the numerous invitations sent out was one to each of the resident romisters, Presbyterian, and Methodist The evemng coma and so did the clergy, who opened the ball with prayer, but as very lew "lads" put iq an appearance and fewer "lasses" the party broke up at a permature hour for such a gathering and no doubt all retired to their homes pleased and profited. Tee Markdale Presbyterian S, School An- niversary was held on Wednesday evening last as announced. Owing to the inclemency of the preceding Sabbath, only a few were made aware of the date, and in consequence a smaller number were present than usual. The programme which was one of the best the school has ever offered was well rendered throaghout and highly appreciated by the audience. This anniversvy was marked by good order on the part of the children and by the high moral and God honoi-ing charact- er of the programme. Com. A number of oui readers, who are also subscribers of the Advance, have been en- qniringof uswhat we have ".been doing to merit such a tirade of abuse as was contamed in a certain letter by a TTenbt in the Ad- vance of last weak, they having mislaid their Standard of that week, and were unable to callto mind anything of such a nature. For the benefit of such we insert the item five custcmers for stylish winter ngs ply at once. Gentlemen I keep the celebrated Kixford Axe. A guarantee given with each axe don't fail to see them. S. Hill. EvEBYBODT should get their twilled shee t. ings, colored yarns, and union blankets, at the Flesherton Woollen Factory. The Weekly Mail, and Farm and Fireside to any addiess to the end of 1888 for only $1. Subscribe at this office. Impobtant Notice. â€" ^W. J. Eowe has been fitting up his giist mill lately, andisnowpri^ pared to turn out all work intrusted to him in a satisfactory manner. Goon Faem. â€"Lot 16, 9th con., of Euprasia 100 acres, having 85 acres clear, good house, young orchard, near school, for $2,000. On good terms, apply to A. G. Hunter, Dondalk, P. 0. " Ati those having gram to chop will find it to their advantage to go straight to W. J. Bowe's mill, he will guarantee to give you quicker return and larger returns than you ean obtain elsewhere^ Mabkdale Maekets.â€" Fall wheat 70 to 76 cents spring wheat 70 to 76 barley 50 to 731; peas 56 oats 30 butter 16 to 20; eggs 16; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 8.00; dressed hogs $5.80 to $5.90. up to present, I shall endeavor to retain continued patronage and confidence, by keeping a fine stock, dealing strictly right, doing good work, and fitting Spex by test lenses. W. A. BROWN, "THE PEOPLES JEWEllEB^ MABKDALB. District DoisffB. Honor Soil. in in the year auestion. 0« Wo accidentaly made the Lte read Friday instead of Tue»day, so we produce it exactiy as it a^pe.^. ^:- Mr James B. Ominingham, son of Mr, Wm. j Cnnningham.ofAir«n^».tookuntohun8elf, a!S te Me iP the person of l^Sua^ HSy.dai«nter.rfthelate '^^^^ S«me to*nship«and former^ Aib^ ^toattliaca^««^^-^«-J^, Honor Eoll oi iiolland Centre public school for November 1887. 4 th class. Wray E- Jackson, WiUie J. Spears, Bei-tie Thibadeau; Sr 3rd class. Sarah Stewart, Katie Jackson, Joseph Hamp- ton; Jr. 3rd class. Martha Camahan, Thomas Sp^s, Eliza Lreton St. 2nd class. Thos MoCutcheon, Maggie Erwm, Jennie Campbdl; Jr. and class. Johnnie Armstrong Charles Doyle. Maggie Thibaieau Part 2nd class. Lyttle Spears, Penninah FreebOTi Part 1st class. Maude Camahan, Hay £.S.Moom TBilJowmto Notiee$ efBirtht, Jlarrfage; and DedHu Glenelo Council meets on Saturday 10th iuflt. Mr Johnston, of Flesherton has sold his livery to Mr, W. H. Elder. The party mentioned last week as having left Meaford in a boat have turned up all safe. The Collegiate institute Inspector, after inspecting Owen Sound Institute, pronounc- ed it unsurpassed by any in the Province, George Mitchell of the township o'Oolling- wood has been appointed bailiff of the Fourth, Division Court of Grey, in place of Alexander Mitchell, resigned. ' Shelbume Teachers have all been re, engaged at increased salaries. Seatorth High School will be raised on the 1st of January to the rank of a Collegiate Institute. The Commercial hotel at '^Ooelpb was de_ etroyed by fire early on Saturday morning. Chartes Bake, one of the inioateB, was homed' to death, and several were injured in effectini;. their escape from the burning building. Miss Maria CclUns, of Collingwood, will be presented by the Marine Department with abeantifnl gold kKiket and. chain fcr her T Ifaqr toft piir eyianhij?;! llAHRrAGES. nnrnâ€" nn Monday, Nov; U, ** ' rSfSe bride's lather, bJlS*^-SS£ lit. Andrew Spence Wilson toWUa CaU of JCeafarO. J) heroicresone of two persons iromidrowningitf^ pX««^vfor6ail1iome in ToTpntp, DEATHS '..^â- V riba. C W. BctledgB ^m^/etn.- iha Gepr^aa Bay last Aa)^i dnrinf^ a and- ^] den storm, r^i.-.t 'i-;4'Tsis -iwiiV,' wbi .ju '^i. j .While anafliaiOtttiBlfi oThoiMi^a Sfjaa- ,,j^^{, tnie was n pibgress. ia fk Jars?" store at i,^ Teeawtear last Satniday,tiieflo«n^gtfro away, -^^ iiar j Mlii iilA olv **»• '?*2, Erfv'I iNjjr'r ;i*iwv â- daw J" as the meiieBeer etiM:'"BdPt mtMli|for it* prec^JiKtmg from aixtjto sey^, »»% ,P«r'i) x^.i Sb '£l!ftrfw atl^Ht! «* *«5-" »SC:M,a fijiteii .iM»P«J.?rf4 â- *«* ,j "jt« J*: hi. â- i 1 It I 1 I W i"3 ,*1 -• I! I I' H ^^ ~tiS^£tA